, pHERITAGE . HERITAGE OF CIVIL WAR. , . . . . . , r Thousands of Soldlero Contracted Chl'OniC Kidney Trouble While in the Service. . The experIence of Capt. John L. Ely , Of Co. E , 17th Ohio , now living at 600 East Second street , Newton , Kansas , w111 Interest the thousands - sands of veterans who came bacle from the Civil War sufter- Ing tortures with kidney - ney complaint. Capt. Elysays : "I contracted Itldney trouble durIng - Ing the Civil War , , " , and the occasional ' t. . , , - , attaclts finally developed - veloped into a chronic case. At one time I had to use a crutch and cano . ' to get about. 1\Iy back was lame and wealt , aUlI besides the aching , there was a dlstresslnt retention of the . " kidney secretions. I was In a bad way when I began using Doan's Kidney - ney PJ1ls In 1901 , but the remedy \ cured me , and I have been well ever , since. " , Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box , Foster-l\lJ1burn Co. . Buffalo , N. Y. " - Intoxicants In Vegetables. 'Vegetables not only contain stimulants - lants but are capable of producing an Intoxicating influence on those who depend on them exclusively for food , 'according to an investigator. He cites case in which some young people of his acquaintance suftered from partial - tial Intoxication as the result of purely vegetable meal. SORES ON HANDS. Suffered for a Long Time Without Relief-Doctor Was Afraid to Touch Them-Cured by Cutlcura. "For a long time I suffered with' sores on the hands which were itch- 'ne' ' , painful and disagreeable. I had , . three doctbrs , and derived no benefit from any of them. One doctor said ho was afraid to touch my hands , so ) 'ou must Imow how bad they were ; another said I nov'er could bo cured ; and the third said the sores were caused by the dipping of my hands In' the water In the dye-houso where I work. I saw In the papers about the won erful cures of the Cutlcura Remedies and procured some of the Cutlcura Soap and Cutlcura Ointment. In three days after the application of the Cutlcura Ointment my hands began to peel and were better. The soreness disappeared , and they are now smooth and clean , and I am still working in the dyehouse.Irs. ! . A. E. Maurer , 2340 State St. , Chicago , Ill. , JUly 1 , 1905. " Tigers Tap Rubber Tree. . Ncar Perak in the Malay peninsula is a prosperous rubber factory run by a long-headed Scotchman. In order to obtain the sap from which the rubber is made it Is necessary to puncture the bark of the trees. Laborers are scarce In that district , but there ate . . . . an abundance of tigers. There were not enough men to "tap" the trees , but the Scotch , proprlotor hit on a brll- lIant idea. Ho knew that. tigers are fond of valerian , so ho gave orders that all the trees should bo rubbed with this stutT. The tigers came Jp and caressingly scratched the bluk in the most approved herringbone far-h. lon , after which all that the coolies had to do was to walk around once a " day and collect the rubber. Convenient English. "We become accustomed to a " ( phrase , ' . ' observed an educator at a teachers' convention , "but when we Introduce a new one along exactly the Bame lines , it startles the hearor. "A number of ladles were seated In hotel parlor , and ono of them , commenting - menting on a woman who was standIng - Ing , In the hallway , said : " 'Mrs. Loraine scums unusually happy - py , this morning. ' " 'Yes , ' answered a companion , knowingly , 'the ladles of Newark gave a tea in her honor ) 'csterday. But doesn't her husband look gloomy and dejected ? ' , " 'That Is true. ' admitted the first spe ter. 'I presume the gentlemen of Newark gave a beer in his honor last ' ' ' night. A WINNING START. A Perfectly Digested Breakfast Makes 'I . Nerve Force for thc Day. " - j , Everything goes wrong if the break. " fast lies In ) 'our stomach 111(0 a mud pie. What you eat does harm if you can't dlgost It-It turns to polson. A bright lady teacher found this to be true , even of an ordinary IIgh t breakfast of eggs and toast. She 's 18 : "Two ) 'ears ago I cmtractcd : a very anno'lng form of Indigestion. 1\Iy stomach was in such a condition that a slmplo breakfast of fruit , toast and egg gave me great distress. "I was slow to bellove that trouble could como from such a slmplo diet but finally had to give It up , and found a great change upon a cup of hot Postum and Grape.Nuts with cream , for my morning meal. For more than n year I have held to Uris course and have not suffered except when Injudiciously varying my diet. "I have been a teacher for several ) 'ears and find that my easll ) ' digested brealtfast means a saving of nervous force for the entire day. 1\Iy gain of ten pounds in weight also causes mete to want to testify to the value of Grape.Nuts. "Grape-Nuts holds first rank at our table. " Name given by Postum Co. , DattIe Creel. , Mich. "Thero's a reason. " neall the lIttle boolt , "Tho Road to Wellville , " In Dks. WHEr YOU'RE CANNING BERRIES Proportions to Use-The CookIng and Filling of the Bottles. Allow three pints of fruit for the OIling of one quart. jar. Look ever ho borrles carefully , and if any 1m. perfect ones appear , do not Jlesltnto to throw them to one side. Into your \orcolaln \ Itottle put one cupful of white sugar and just enough water to start the berries cooltlng , and as soon as the sugar Is molted , add your berrleR. Cover , and watch carefully , ! lnd as 11000n as the ) ' reach the boiling point remove the Itettll\ from the fire , filling the jar to within one.elghth of ! ill inch of the toll , fillln this SIHlCO with berries dipI1ed from the julco , Wipe all julco fl'om the top of the can , adjust the rubboI' (1t ( Is well to put ho rubber 011 before fllllng ) and screw on the lid as tight as possible. Invert the can and let 1'0maln thus for a few minutes ; examine , and if any should be found leaking around the lid , talto n small hammer or Imlfe-handle and pound al1 around the edge of the lld , especially pounding down where the leak appears , taltlng pains to have the striking done on the lid and rubber alone. Repeat this. until no leak ap- peal'S , then let the jars stand. inverted , until perfectlr cool , advises a writer In the homo department of The Com. manor. If the jar continues to leak , open , empty the contents , reheat , and try another lid ; or it may be the rub. ber that is at fault , but generally , the lid Is 1ll.11ttlng. Wrap the cans In thlcle paper when putting them away , as the light affects the color of some $ rults , and spoils the fiavor of others. Ono of the very best helps in can nlng time Is a steam cooker ; or an I . old.fashloned steamer Is just as good. The jars may bo filled with the un. cooked fruit , the top lJUt on loosely and , steamed until hot through , filling part of the jars with the contents of ethers , as the berries settle dO'Yn when heated. The same care must bE taken to have the fruit "boiling hot" In the jar as when canning by cook. ing it in a lettIe. : It keeps Its "loolts" much bett r when canned by steam and does not so much as lese Its shape. 'When coolte"d thus , no wllter Is added to the fruit when the jar I ! : filled-the fruit , aided by the str" m will maIm Its OWI1 julco. The water under the steamer or In the cooke ! must bo boiling briskly whell the jar : ; are set In , and It must not be allowed , to cease from boiling while the jar .are Inside. It is the steam whlcb coolts , and . there must be plenty of It. ABOUT GLASS IN THE BATHROOM Glass Appointments Are Not Neces. sarlly ExpensIve and Arc Ideal. Many a bathroom is fitted out with glass appointments-shelves and racks ( the long bars held In place by trim. mlngs of nickel ) , soap Cups and the "little fixings , " all of ' glass. Even the wooden window sills 'in an occasional bathroom are removed and a heavy glass shelf substituted , says the Chi. cage Qhroniclo. Fortunately , glass of the quality used for such purposes is not necos. sarily expensive , although , as In evorythlng else , the question or how much It shall cost really depends upon the individual burer. DowIs and cooItlng spoons of glass- heavy , but almost unbreakable with ordinary handling-are so satlsfactor ) ' , by virtue of thfilr ! cleanliness , that the woman who tries olther or both instantly - stantly becomes a convert to their use. Perhaps the most unusual glass.mado piece of all is a rolllng.pln , hollow , and so made that it can be opened and the hollow filled with cracled ice , when working with pastry , which must be kept well chilled , even during the roll. ing process. Great slabs of glass make the best sort of plo and bread boards. To Clean Matting. To clean matting It should be first swept thoroughly with a stitT broom , following the grain of the straw , then swept across the grain with a sort broom that has heen dipped in warm water in which a ri ndful of salt l1as been dissolved. Nothing brightens colored matting so much as the salt and , moreover , it goes far to prevent ' It fading. The IIght.colored matting 'should be washed in , vator in which borax.has been dissolved. If any greasE spots are noticed before the matting Is cleansed cover them with a mixture of prepared challt wet with turpentine , which , after helng allowed to romaln on for two days , should bo removed with a stiff brush. In the event oC tllE grease having sunk In about one.elghth of washing soda added to the mixture , vill be olTectual. Sweet milk Is said to keep the matting in a good state 01 preservation and it is only necessary to use the application about once a year. To Shrink Linen. For shrinltlng linen the following in. st.uctlons ; have been found to bo very saUsfactorr : First , after a bathtub has been carefully dusted fill It about quar. tor full with clear cold water. It should bo first flltered if it is at all dark or cloudy.Then , leaving the linen in Its folds , wrap it in a clean towel and allow it to remain In the water over night. When taken out in the morning do not wring the water from It , but leaving It atlll folded hang it up dripping. It will talco sarno time to dr ) ' , but the material will be there oughl ) ' shrunltcn and will not need to bo pressed. , So Rugs Won't Curt. Strips of stilT buckram sewed alonr ; the edges of rugs will prevent them . curling up , To Keep Away Rust. A good blacking will protect the heating ato\'os ( rom aummer damlr ness , which so quickly generates rust , - = ---L _ --0.- . ; . : - . All creamerlcIIllIe butter C'Cllor. Win- J10t 110 ns tilt' ) do-u o' JUNE TIN l' nUT'l'.ER C01.0It. Lots of people would be glad to get rId of their experience for less than 'tho ) paid for It. Lcris'Single Dinlter cigar-richest , most Fatif ! 'in smok on the mnrket. Your dealer or Lewis' FactoI ) ' , 1)corin , Ill. Honduras has large tracts oC pine lands , which will ere long lead to the building of railroads. The Unl\'erslty ot Notre Dame , It np- I'ears , hns some features that can not bo duplicated In any other /lchoo1. It 1 : : cnc of the old , well-established collees , with setUed tradItions rMehhl1 ; bacl { sixty-four years , with n distinguished staff or 1'1'0- fessors and excellent library and laborn- tory equlpmont. Its dIscipline Is of the paternal Idlillstron'Ithout boln op- presslvo : nml ns It mbraees In Its RCOlle the grammnl' school' . high school nnd eol- lego worlt , Its nppeal Is as broad as It Is potent. Perhnps the most romnrlmblo feRture of the famouR Il1lllana Unl\'orsll ' , howe\'er. Is the fnct thltlt hns nrrl\'el ! at Its present mnrvelous 110\'elopment absolutely - lutely without en owmont. , An IInnOIlI1CO- ment oC the courses pro\lded at Notre Dame appears en another puge. SInai , the "Turquols Land. " Sinai wns known as the "turquols land" In very ancient times , and Dr. FlInders Petrie believes that it was the first mining center in the world. In his recent book on the subject Dr. Petrie tells of the various expedltlgns sent to Sinai by the Egyptian govern. mont. At the head of the party was the "commander , " or "bearer of the leal of the god , " the Pharaoh. The omcial start consisted of "masters of the house of metals , " or apsayers , scribes and secretaries , to make In. ventories of the output of the mines. BIG NEW SHOE BUILDING , It Is Dedicated by the W L. Douglas Co. at Brockton. The dedication a short time ago of the new administration and jobbing hOU80 building erected by the W. L. Douglas Shoe Co. as a part of its mammoth - moth manufacturing plant at 1\Iontello was mal'ltcd by the thoroughness and attention to detail characterIstic of the firm , in all its undertnltlngs. The dedicator ) ' program included open house from 11 a. m. to S p. m. 'With ' concert by the : Muce Gay orches. tra and the presence or a Dos ton caterer to attend to the wishes of all. The building itself afforded n feast for the eye , especially the omces , which are marvels in many ways. Fifteen thousand invitations were sent out , including over 11,000 to the retail - tail dealers In the United States who handle the W. 'L. Douglas Co. shoes , the others going to shoe manufacturers - ers and all allied Industries in Drocle- ton and vicinity. 1\11' . Douglas wlll be glad to have anybody who is Interested - ed call and Inspect the new plant , and says "the latch string Is alwa's out. " All departments of the plant were open for Inspection , the three factories as well as the new building , nnd vis. itors were recel..ed and escorted through the Industrial maze by ex- Gov. Douglas , assisted by the heads of the . . . .arious departments. Under the present syst m all shoes o.re manufactured to order , and customers - tomers sometimes lose sales waiting for shoes to arrive. With the new jobbing house they will be enabled to have their hurry orders shipped the same day they nre received. The new building is 260 feet long and 60 feet wide and two stories in height. The jobbing department wlll pccupy the entire lower fioor , whllo the ffices wlll occupy the second fioor. The jobbing department wlll carry a complete stock of men's , boys' , youths' , misses' nnd children's shoes , slippers , rubbers and findings equal to nny jobbing - bing house in the country , Duyers are especially Invited to come here to trade , and every effort possible wlll bo made to suit their convenience. Thera wlll be n finely appointed sample room on the second floor , with an office In wlllch both telephone and telegraph wlll be installed , with operators , both 'Western Union nnd Postal Telegraph wlrell to bo used. There wlll also bo arrangements for the receipt and des. patch of mall. ANYTHING FOR FILTHY LUCRE Writer's Cynlc'al Justification of Mean Piece of Work. A certain gifted writer of whom It was once said that he wouldn't recog. nlzo his wife if he met her on the street wrote charming love story not so long ago , and it was printed in a popular 'magazine. His friends and all those of the circle In which the author moved recognized the story as an exact and recent transcript trom the life of the wrltor , involving a very beautiful young woman , also well known in the same set. One man , coming across the author , took him to taslt for It. "What In the world did you write up that atralr with Miss Dlank for ? " ho demanded. The author looked at him unmoved ; and with the same exqulslto calm and clearness that characterized his work , replied : "I needed the money. " . . _ ; ' . J ' J . ' , . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ , . . . - - - : ; - . - : : : ; ; : : : ' -.11. . . . . . . _ , - . , - ' . , .1 - J What is Caste ria. " < ) C ASTORIA. is 0. harmlcss substitute for Ollstor Oil , PlI1'egorio , Drops a f Soothing SyruPSI It is pleasant , It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor ' . : other Narootic substanoe. Its age is its guarantee , It destroys Worms and allays ' Feverishness. It cures DialTh a. and Wind Colio , It relieves Teething Troubles , all'es Constipation and Platt enoy. It assimilates the Food , regulates the Stomaoh : : . . , i and : Bowels , giving healthy and natural aleep. The ohildren's Panacea.-The " 1 Mother's Friend , ' . The Kind You Have Always Bought , and. whioh has been in use for over , i 30 years , has borne the signature of Chas. H. Fletoher , and has been made under < his personal supervision sinoe its infanoy , Allow no one to deoeive you in this. .All Counterfeits , Imitations and U Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with , r and endanger the health of Infants and ChildrenExperienoe against Experiment. : ' letters from Prominent Physicians " J addressed to Chas. II. Fletcher 1 Dr. F. Gerald Dlattner , of Duftalo , N. Y. , Dayo : "Your Castoria. Is coo 1 for children nnd 1 frequently. prescribe it , nlwayo obtnlnlnc the deolred results. " Dr. Gustave : A. Eisengrncbor , of Bt. Paul , Minn. , says : "I 11nvo use ! ! i your Castoria. repeatedly In my practlco with good results , and can rccom. ' ' 1 mend It ns an excellent , mild nnd harmless remedy tor children. " ' i" 1 Dr. E. J. Dennis , of St. Louis , Mo. , says : "I have used and prescribed ' ! your CastorJn In my sanitarium and outside practlco tor numbtlr of yenrs i and find It to be nn excellent remedy tor children. " , Dr. S. A. Duchnnan , of Philadelphia , Pa. , Bayn : "I hnvo used your Cn&- , . torla. In the cnse of my own baby nnd find It pleasant to take , nnd hl1vo . obtnined excellent results trom its use. " ; j Dr. J. E. Simpoon , of Chicago , Ill. , nays : "I have used your Castorla. In " 'I cases of colle in children nnd have found it the best medlcino of its ldnd , slionChccrrulI' on the marItet. " _ ; ncss PromotcsDig illulReS ! ContaIns ncllhcr r ' Dr. R. E. Esltlldson , of Omaha. , Nob. , says : "I find your Castorla to bo n j OpiumMorphine norNincl'al. standard family rome y. It is the bC3 thing tor. Infants nnd children 11 'j NOT 'NARCOTIC. 1'1 ' bave ever known nnd I recommend it. . . . Dr. L. R. Robinson , of Kansas City , Ira" anys : "Your Cnslorla. certainly " " . II , has merIt. Is not its age , its continued use by mothers through nIl thesa . oI'dJJr. fMlELPJ1TI . Il I' ' years , nnd the many attempts to imitate ft , sufficIent recommecdntIon1 . : ; - ' /II II ' , ! lJ ' UI. Std- II I' hat can n physician add ? Leave It to the mothers. " , , JI'lXJ'mna . I B { .JJISallr- ' . Edwin F. Pardee , of New Yorle City , says : "For Dovernl years 1 h ave 1r : , : recommended : rour Castoria. nnd ohall nlwnys continuo to do so , ns It : haa I ; 1 / , ( ( ) . JWaI- SnvarJably produced beneficial rcsults. " : " Ji U9f - . Dr. N. D. Sizer , of Drooltlyn , N. Y. , says : "I object to what are en 11 eU. ) ; I ) t .nrr : patent medicines , where malter nlono knowo whllt ingredients are put In. , 1 Apc ctt Remedy forConsUpll- \1 \ them , but I know. the formula. of your Castorla and ndvise its use. " lIonSourStoffilCh.Dillrrloca } : I t ; I CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS WormsConvuISlOnSFc\TrIsh- i:11 ncss ndLos.OF . SLEEB Bearl the Signature of - : ' FacS miIo signalure Dr I . 4 a. - ) NE"T YORI _ I , , . . ' -A. ) . , , - The Kind You Have Always Bought ' In Use For Over 30 Years. . . . . THK ocnTAUR OO"PA"Y. : ry .UIIIIAY .Tllcn. "cw YOIIII GITr. - - : I , . . - - ' ; ' , . . . . . . . . - - Drawrng the Llnc. We have followed thq plow , wielded the hoc , served time 011 the public ro&ds under an austere overseer , swept the backyard , worked the garden - den , churned the butter , washed the dishes , nursed the baby and performed other various and sundry disagreeable tasks In our times without a murmur , but when it comes to cleaning streets under three lady bosses-excuse UB , please. Three women to boss you. Great Caesar's ghost ! Just the thoughts of such a catastrophe Is enough to give a man the "buck.ague. " -Minden ( La. ) Signal. To Wash Vclveteen. Yclveteen may be washed by shaking it nllOut in warm Ivory : : ; oap suds ; then rinbe thoroughl } ' an let it ilrip dr ) ' . On no account I ! ( ueezc or "Ting it. Dc care. ful to hang It btraight on the line. for otherwise it will he crool.ed when dlJ' . m..l ANOH. R. l'.t H.KElt. Amuscments of Royalty. The amusements of Queen Wllhel. mlna of Holland are skating and rid. lng , but as a child her hobby was the keoplng of poultry. Lewis' Single Binder strai ht tic cigar :8 : good quality nIl the timc. Your dealer or Lcwis' Factor. } ' , Pee i1Ill. . As a rule , a divorced woman ncts aD thouGh she had been born that way. ] llr . " , VlnaJow'1 Roothlnl : 5yrup. For children leelblnlt. sottcn. 1110 IUI1II. rcduce , ID- . lammnllon.IIII.1 pain. cura" wllld collo. llootllo. The follow with money to burn may JIve to ralte the ashes. EnUCATION.4L. : p . . . . . . . ' - ' - - - - - - " " ' - " - " " The Greaiest Boarding College In the World University of Notre Dame NOTRE DAME , INDIANA II'I ara"ltl tu.I 1(1",111 Our studml , , tudy and our stu.lmthhavI th""sth. " 18 BuUdin , . 75 Profenora 800 Students COline. In Anolent and MOdern lAnlualr. , En ! ! ' . IlIb , Ulato'X.an,1 . . . J'harmacy. ( ; 1"11 , YJeclrlcal , . .nd } Iecban / cal Enltl. nee,1nlr , A rchlleclue , La" , SborlhandlJook.keup. 1IIIe , TTI""wrltlng , SPECIAL I1KPAnnlENT ron DaYS UIWlm TlIIltTElN TERMSI Board. Tuilion. Ind LlundrJ' . ' 400. Send leo ceoll 10 Ihe Reelslr.r for CI.llo&ue . U. S. NAVY eollus tor tOllr yt'nrs J'O'H ) ! ; mon ot good ebaratur and SOUII < I . .hrslcal . condltloll be. tween tbo nlles at 1111",12. ; 118 uPllrontlco SCIlo- l11enOPPOftUlllllcl tor UdYUI1CClDtHltPI1J' 1111 to I1U a ulonlb. Rleelrlelal1l. machlnlus. blaokllUllbS. coppersmltbs. yeomcn ( clorkl ) . carpenters , sblpllurrl. II rCIII 011. IIIUllclaDI\ eookl.IHO. . belwccn 21 and L6 yonrs. elilistcI \ In Ipeolal ratlngl wllh sultublu IaybOlipllal Ililpronlice. IS [ 023 YClirs. Itellrcmcllt 011 Ibree.tourahl pay n",1 nllowlIol1cCS Iller 1.0 J'uara lonleo. Appllcunllillust be Amorlcan olliioni. " 'Irst olOlhlDIt oulllt tree 10 recruill. Upon tranl allowul1co. conlS per mlllllO dllehUte . lI.mus tuur IUllnlbl' P31 and Inoroa.se In P3Y IIpon ro-ellllsuDclil wllblll toul' mOllths ot IIllcb"rlu. : omcc. Ilt Jlncoln nnd Ue..tlnll' , Nebralku. Abu , I1l1rll1l1Wll1ler. . nl nee Mllineo unit Hlol.lr Oily. low" , " 'dl1rt. " NAVY RECRUITINO STATIONP.O.llld.OMAU.\ . . - . . - - ' . . - . . Th is Is What - Catches Me ! - . . 16oz-0no-Thlrd : Mora Starch. t A 300-Page Cook Book Free Wo are Ihe publl.hou of IhA 01ltl'Itbealthjolirnai In the world. 0000 IlEAI.TJI. It I. u larlCe. monlblJ' , "alCnIIDo for tbe bomo. ably edltod nlilt bsndsomoly prlnled unit IlIlIalrRted. H telll how Ia live . lO bD perteclly "oll-bow sick 'OOI'lo mllJ' ' flet . . "II-bow well pl'ot"e ma _ 81n111'e ( I. l'bo rOlular prlco II ON VOJIAIL A t19AIt. Wo wllnlJ'ou to renlt a. tew cuplos. 8011'0 mnte Ibl. speclul ollor : Hellrlnl f , ( ) ccnts ( stamps It J'ou ' proter ) wllh Ihll udvertlsemont. ulld In uddltlon Ia GOOD HEAL TM for Six Months , wo . . . .111 Bond J'01l FIUl a copy ot Mrs , M , re , Kcllolllli" lie" : o"UIIcook " bouk. "lIonllllr..1 tuukf'rJ" : " ' 1'1111 uaer 'Will 1I0t appear UK"III Good Health Publl.hlna Co. . Bailie Creek , Mich. . - - - - - - - - Remington Typewriters Sold [ wltl1 or wltbout I1Il11nl : and Tabulatlnl : Atlacnment ) , Exchanlled , Hellted , nnlt He- palrell. Paragon 'l'Yp'owrltor IUbbons tor nil 1 > ( aolllnl'lI. 1lnun ] ' pcrs. Carhon Paren. and Mlsccllaneous TypewrIter ! ; upplles nnd . ' . l.'urnlture. . Remington Typewriter Company , . .51FARNAM GT. , OMAHA. NEB. ' e.llett 10 work with ! IDe ! DEfiANCe' STARCH Illfcbu Clutbr.a 1111. " , . - - - - You CANNOT CURE _ a1llnflamed , ulcerated and catarrhal can- - - dltlons of the mucous membrane such as nasnlcntnrrh , utcrinecntarrh caused by feminine Uls , sore throat , sere mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. ' But you surely can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease germschecks dischargcs ) stops ptin , and heals thu Inflammation and soreness. Pax tine represents the most successful local treatment for fcn-nine : Ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. So cents at ruggists. I Send for Free Trial Box . f 'tHE R. PAXTON co. . Boston. Mu. . , WANTIID-JiuttorEIf : Veal , POULTRY Oalu. IIIdo. - .to. w".i. tor i t.ar..n < ll'rlCt'L t.t.lino. IIUIIT. l'UllvlSOIU.IIAN.b , . , I " ' 'eut , OOlllllber. peraere. WINTER OnllOIlUO auc1 lumlliea vnli : hluH..d ' . . n If. " . Lac. . . . . . If. . . - , W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. 33 , 11106. I t ! , I - . . , . . . . . _ , - _ " " " > # . . _ . . . : _ .twlli ' ' " : . . : " , . , # . , . : " . .IrIJ , J. _ , . .