Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 23, 1906, Image 2

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    . J " ' ' \ . ' " . . . . . . _ , _ ,
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, . 11I. ,
' . . , . , .
l. . " . " , . - : " . . . " ' * - ( . . . - . . -.N
" ' -
Notable Incrense In Some Lines of In.
dustry-What Is Shwn by Figures
of the Nebraka state Doard of
. , : Equalization.
. . -
Assessorc' FIgures Compared.
1,1 NCOLN'ollowlng are Rome
I COIIIIH1I'Ioon > > or the returns 1I1lIle h '
IISSefJROrfi I/lst / rcal' antI thlH year , as
cOlllllllell lIy the Rtato bOIl\(1 of equall.
: mtlon. Notlceablo Incl'eases are lIIuclo
In the lJOultry valnatlon unll In the
Ilroporty of telegraph anll telephone
cOlllllllnhm , In the lIIattor of the low
vultw of ulfl\Iru It Is Hulll the crop on
hand uhout AII'11 ! 1 III fHnul1und there ,
fore the assesslllent Is S III all :
1110 [ ; . 1110G.
lmllro\'CIIICIIIII lenll-
111 : Inn'I. . . , . " . . . $1OGG..12 $1,027,87
} lIlcroRt In IIlnlo
1011111'1 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 774,048 GR2,207
I , } "rnnchilloll . . . . . . . \ . 110,87G , 131,308 !
HloclR III nny COIII- '
IInll ) ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 3111,716 212,320
Htocl(1I In IIntiollnl .
l)1\nltll . . . . . . . . . . . 2,276 , 18 2,27G,80G
HloclR In IIln 10
hanlell . . . . . . . . . . . 1,378,832 1,802,11111
FrollCr ! ) ' or 111HII 1'-
ont'l ! nllel Huroty
\ comllnnloll . . , . . . . ,3GG,398 408.702
Fro'erlY ! ' oC Crall-
chhH1I corpllrn-
j tlolI ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . S,07GI G3 3,3.11,977
I Frollrty oC1lpo \
IInell . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 , iiOO 2G,8811
FrolIOI'ly or oxprollH ,
1l'lollhonc. ll1lo-
IrOllh : , compnnlclI. . 7G8,3H D811,107
Copllnl In\'olllc hy
plomlor mcn . . . . 182r. 1 2 207,1 G4
Coopoml'c mnll'rlnl. 2 , trifi 2112 :
I Nur or ' Rlocle . . . . . GS3. ! ] ] . , ! 911
Hlnu hlorcel onlmnlR 41,712 72JG3 !
Drlcle , IItono , lIu1l11-
Inl : : tn/ltortnl / . . . . . 183,702 ! lii,1I22
: Iumhcr , 101:11 : , WOOl ] , 10119 123,801
1'oullr ' . . . . . . . . . . . . 299,8111 3fi,7'2 ! !
f 1.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3G,4.11 32,12J !
' Coal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ll,1i33 31,182
I' Jlmo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,73:1 G,128
lIe ' nllll aICnlCo. . . 183,13ti 181,478
I ' 1'ho comlll1l1tull ! uf the reports or
! the cOllnty ussessors mude by the
state lahor hureau shows a sumelency
I of mlscellancouR crops , Incltullng
I speltz , millet , hungarian , sorghum
r.ano and SIl l1r beets. 'fhls laUm' crOll
I Is consldorahly loss than In former
years , there helng only 11,378 acres
planted. Speltz Is said to ho 1com. .
. In crol' , this 'eal' the acreage being
G4 , 38 I\cres. At the state farm a
numhor of llogs have heen fed on
BPOlt1. and nothlnc else und the result
113 vor ) ' gratlf'lng.
More Money In Nebraska.
LINCOLN.-lnvestlgatlon of the .
worl < of the state board of oquallzu. I
tlon shown the people of Nehraslcn
have more mone ' on lll\nd than laRt
yoar' ; have moro money loaned and
Becured by mortgages , and maI'o notes
not secured. Money In corporations
1ms u1so Increased nnd BO have book
. accounts. The following table IIllOwlI
n comparison of some.or these ltemB :
1110r. . 11106.
Annultlos . . . . . . . . . $ 10ROII $ 10.1110
DOl\els . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112,8G2 101j [ 4
Noles lIoCUl'CI1 hy
morlgngcs , . . ' . . . ' . 4,723,112 r..01i4,81 : :
Other notes . . . . . . . 1,11211,6:16 : 2,224,324
Hoole nccounts ; . . . ,761.934 820:181 :
, 1 > 101\1. ' ) ' lonlloll . . . . . 12 ,708 118,010
Jullitmonts . . . . . _ . . . . , 21,790 18.894
Money In\'ostcil In
tax IInlcR . . . . . . . . ,31iJ38 ! 42,333
Money pall1 In bull - . . .
, Ing oml loon us-
/loctntlons . . . . . . . l1G,013 ! 132,243
Blockll In corpora-
tlOIIS . . . . . . . . . . . . 144,4711 : ! 41.1fi7
I : M I\jY on honl1. . . . . 3GG6,48G 4,486,8J ! [ ;
Exhibits for Fair.
, ' .Rcports coming Into the office of
. Secretary Mellor or the state board
Indlcato the agrlcultura1 oxhlblt this
f l1 will bo the best In the history or
: the tall' . 'Corn , llOtatoes , grain , pump.
lclns , and other farm llroducts are said
to be of bottoI'1ual1t : ' than ovel' be.
fore In the hlstor ) ' or the state.
f Land Fever Rageo at Rulo.
I' H.ULO.-Sovent ) . POOllio left this
count ) ' last weel , ae01dng Investments
r.d . . and homes In D\IOta. western Nehras-
1m and Kansas und othel' Illnees.
. Many of thom nl'e weallh ' and have
nl1 the comforts or lIfo hore. Such u
" fooling of unrest IUlll moving spirit
, - has novoI' hofore uttaclell the l1eoplo
I.j j of thlR county. 'I'ho hleh 1)\'lco \ of Il\l1d
Ims much to 110 with the mattOl' , how.
ever. Many 1Iu vc IUlItht chcnll lund
IFf and made Investments , whllo the land
. t that 11M been sold here ha6 I100n fol'
enlarging fanns.
Adjuded ! Dipsomaniac.
ORD.-Dell Chalman hus been sent
, to the dlIomanlac ItIStitUto of the
, hosplta1 for the Insane at Lincoln. A
I , hard flght was llUt11) before the In.
Bntllh' boanl tor da ' al\l halt
a ) \ ( a te
show that Chalman was not a f1t cnn
dldnto. 'rho evll1enco of hIs wIfe , chll
dreit , noichbors aJlll haslets of OIl1lt
" . . bottles overbalanced the tesUmon ' 01
, . ; < the saloOlI me 1 who salll the ) ' had 1101
I Boltl Chapman enough lIqllot. to makl
n drun1mrd of him and ho wns sent Ull '
, A Good Openlno for Young Men.
: , W.\NT D : Students to leam ell
. \ tlatry. Ono thousl\1\(1 to elghteon h\111
dred a veal' Ui Boon as' comlJOhmt
Cnnnot BUllply tl10 demand. Ii'ol' 111\1
, : tlculal's address DI' , CI 'do Davis , Lit :
coIn , Neb.
, , S1eclal ! Fair Trains.
The \1suul ono faro rate , plus
; . ; cents for a tlclet or admlslon to th
etato fall' , has been oltered by all ral' '
roads and ever ' lIne ontorlng L\neol \ !
Is prepuring to hnndlo a 1m'ge crOWl' '
" The recoIUon to ho given to W. . '
. Ul' 'an w1l1 ho Wednesday , SOllte\1111c
6 , ono of the be'3t days or the , fal :
ThIs wl11 add grcatly to the cI'owd (
vfsltors In 141ncoln during fult. wee !
'I'bo fall' wl11 bo held Septomher :1 : to '
i ' Railroad tlclwts wl11 bo sohl Soptell
; 1101' 3 to 8 , Incluslvo. Hot rn In 1111
Lled to September 8.
. . . . . , . . ! J' ' : " ' ' ' " . . " , . . " . _ , . , - :
. , '
ort ' 1'aylor , llrtlNltor frolll Lln.
coIn , was Idlled hy lightning at Craw.
The delllocrata of Bmwn county
have nomInated 1\1lss } oJ , Mao Davl-
Bon for cOl1nty attorno " ,
Heavy rallis , high wInds and hall
recently done n Hood deal of damage
to cl'ollS In Sioux count ) . .
' ' . .
1'ho Nyo.Schnolder.Fowler comlll\n ) '
of l"relllont Is hUlldlng a 1,200 hUfhbl !
Illldltlon to Itll elomtor , mul < lng It ono
of the IUI'est ! on that hranch.
CongresBlIIun G. 'V. Nonls wus re.
nomlnuted lIy ucclamutlon fOI' n third
te1'1u b ) ' the ropubllcans of the Plfth
dilltrlct , Ilsllem led In convontleJll In
1Col\ : '
O\'el' 200 cnttlc stulla are nlready 1'0'
sen'cd ut the coming sluto fnl1' to ho
hol(1 ( at Lincoln the first wcel , In Sep.
tember ulld v'ry few slall are nnoc-
CUIlo(1 , ( In the horse harll ! ! .
A horse und hugg ' wore stolcn from
.T. n. l\IcCnshlnnd west of Geneva.
Stells were talen at OIlCO to catclL
the thlof und reco\'or the llrollerly , a
IIhol'Ul rowl\rd helng orferecl.
! \funy \ farmers In Guge county hnve
commenced plowing and wl11 soon hOe
gin puttln ! In the wltlter wheat crOll.
'rho Irounll Is In excellent condition
and a lurgel' ncreage thnn usual , . .111
be lIown this fall.
11enry Bahr , teacher nt the Hano\'or
school honse , northeast of Beatrice ,
WIlA plcasllntl . surprIsed by the 111\ .
tronll of the school. who presented him
with $7G In sliver to show theIr apllro-
clntlon COl' his faithful lIel'lco at ! a
On account of the low rutes , to he
restored August ] 0 , shIppIng graIn Ol1t
of Omnl1l1 grew to enormous proJlor.
tlons. Hl\lh'Ouls ! I1glll'o durIng the
I1rst weole In August ther hanllled out
of Omahn nbout 700 cnrs of wheat and
300 cllrs of corn.
Dr. McElweo or Che 'ennc , Wyo. ,
who el\IIIO to Nollrl\slm Clt ) ' last week
ancl going to the rlvor , either foil 01'
jumped In , nnd wus plclwcl up 11\'e
miles below thel'c In a drownln con.
dltlon , wali ta1\On to Pacific Junction
hy his hr'othOl'.ln.luw.
Word was recolved In ileatl'lce an.
nouncln ! ; the denUI of Hornco Scud-
der , at ono tlmo Ilrl\'nte secretary to
the Into Senlltor Puddock I\nd formerly -
ly secretnry of the Padc1ocl < Hotel
comlll\ny of that city , which occurred
In DenvOI' of tYJlhold fevor.
A mnn givIng hIs IIUl1l0 us F. 'V.
Wilson and roglBterlng from Craw-
fordsvllle , Ind. , nftct' staying at the
\Vut on hotel In Nehraslm Clt ) ' , Induced -
duced Landlord C.1. . Derl' to cnsh a
draft foi , 85 all r\ow YOl'I < . ' 1'he dmfl :
tlll'ns out' to bo fl'uuclulen't.
Sunday aftol'lloon uhout 1 o'clocl , at
Lon Pine 7.01'11 BOil nett nttemllted to'
catoh an outgoing fust stoe1 , train , but
got a 11001' hold and. Reelng that ho
could not succeed In gottlng on , he iet
10' , JO and fell , gottlng a part of his
Ilrm snll\Khed , under the car whee1s.
A. Walls , a young man who hns re-
shIed In the communlt ) ' fOI' moro than
twenty yenrs , In a fit of jealous rage
shot 1\Iagglo Bylstra , a dining room
111'1 In the Contra1 hotel at Gordon.
with evldont Intent to 1,111. The bullet
entered the loft hreast , strlIting a rib
and glancln , Inf1lctlng tI se\'ere but
not dangerous wound.
'rho estate or the 'Lloyd ' Irls of Otoo
count ' , ono of whom was Idllec1 b ) . the
other , who died In the ns 'lum ten
cla 's nftel'\vul'lls , Is helng settled up
alld wl11 go to distant relntlves , The
estate Is va1ued at something 11Iw $20-
000. 'rho property wns left them hy
their mother and IrnnclfatllOl' and they
lived on the fnrm for over twenty
) 'ears.
Rlchaldson county , accordln to the
statement of Count ' Supel'lntendont
OIlVOl' , Is short fIfty teachct's and this
result Ims been brought ahout by the
enactment by the Inst session f the !
leglslaturo of house 1'011 No. 48 b ' 1\11' .
'Varnor. 'rllCro Iq un a1mn : mco or
tCl\chers In the conntr such as { hey
l1\'e , hut they have 1I0t heon able to
CJualify nndm' this law.
Au o\'en 100 dlvOl'ces were granted
hy the three equity jUdges of the dls.
h'lct COl11't of Douglas count . during
the ! lIn.v term. according to figures
complIed In the dlstrlot CIOI'k'lI office.
'I'ho ! IOrIOll co\'ered h ) ' the I1gl11'eR In.
cludes a IJnl'l of l\la ' , .TUI1 nnd Jul ) . ,
10RR than thl'oo monthJ ; . 'l'hll ; menns
that mOl'o than ono dl\'orco t\ dar was
grunte(1. ( 'rhls Is sahl to ho about. . the
avomgo of OUII' torll1R. '
' [ 'hOl'o Is great oxcltement In Repub ,
IIcnn Cltr , Alma and Ol'leans 0\131' the
ouUool < fOl' u now 1'I111road In Harlan
I countr. For u numbOl' of rears I the
Hock hilanl1 lias lon sought n shorter
route from Chlcngo via Omnhl1 and
1lncoln to Den\'ol' . It Is now malting
the Ilrellll1lnar ' ' ' for U
sl\l'Yo s route
and 't1 0 slU'VeyOl's Itnvo ah'e1 ! ' snr.
\'erell the eastol'l1 portion , from neal'
Llncohl to the He\lhllcan ,
WlIlIo ul Cllmll three mlles south.
west of Bloonilleltl , where a'numher of
. III'On1111011t fululllos of thnt < city Ill'e
IIllenlIng : ( the summel' camlling. 1\11'9.
G'Ol'ge Bnllantlne , 0110 of the Il rt ' .
, - Was stmcl , br lightning and rendered
I' unconscious. She regaIned conscious.
, . ness In about nn hour 1\1111 with the
' . oxcolltlon of a severe nervous uUac1 ,
I. It I" thought the shock left no ball re-
Fncllltle fol'
fire extinguishing are
o under Illsoussion Suthol'lnnd , and
o ! 1 meetln ! ; of the citizens Is to bo held
I. Cot' thQ JIUI'JIOSO. or. ascertnlnlng 11
S0ll10 dofinlte IIction In the matter
clumot bo talen.
Through the elTortq o.f the Humam
soclet ) . . IVOl' ' 1\1. Hult of South Omahc
was bound over to the district coul'l
In t1o } sum of $ , O O on the chal'/ / ; (
of dobauchhlf ; hili 10' 'el\r'o1cl daughter
who 16 blind. ' 1'\11'00 \ cOlnplalnts In
\01\'lnl ; l'olatlons with IInother tllllg\1 \
tOI' 111vo been med anlnst : him II
8nrt1Y countr.
, I
. . 'L . _ . . . . . . . . . - ' . . , , ' , .
' . - . :
' .
. ' .
. . .
c. "
, f"
' , I
, ,
( /
' / ? ; : ' ' ; . ' > 77,7 hEf" > '
Buenos Arres.-At the officla1 ban.
quot at the govel'nment hou30 by Pres.
Idont Alcortn In honor of Socrotnry
Hoot , to whIch enl ) ' the dlplomatlc
corp8 and high fficers of stute were
In vitod , the socrotllry mnde what wns
considered the 1I10st Important speech
ho has dellvered whllo on his tour.
Hlslng to tender the secretary an
omcln 1 welcome , and proposing the
health of Mr. Hoot. the presldont
tmced the slmlllll'ity In the constltu.
tlons , progress , und success In overcoming -
coming obstl\cles , of North and South
America. Ho dwelt eSlleclaUy on the
mutual ndvantl\ges of. closer frlond.
ship between the races.
I Mr. Hoot , In replying to the official
welcome , thnn1md the president In bo-
haU or President Hoose\'elt and the
' ' 'millions of citizens In the United
States. " Then ho said :
"We Inherit the right to bo IntAr-
ested In the Argentine Ropubllc , and i
to bo proud of the Argentine people.
Stands for Monroe Doctrine.
"From the time when Benjamin
Rush was I1ghtlng , from the day when
James Monroe threw down thegnunt - ,
let or a weak republic , wo were then ;
In defense or Its Indepelllience and
rights , and from that day to this the
Interest and the frIendshIp of the peo.
plo of the United States for the Argentine -
tine Hel\lbllc ha\'o never changed.
\Vo rojolco In your prosperity. Wo
are proud of J.'our achievements. 'Ve
fool that 'ou are justifYing our faith
In free goyornment and self.govern-
ment ; that you are maintaining our
great thosls which demands the pOSe
session , the enjoyment nnd the control
of the earth to the people who Inhnblt
It. So how can the PCOllio of the
UnltCll States ho1l1 feeling a friend.
ship IIl1ll s 'ml1llthy for the people of
Argontlna ?
"I deemed It a duty to como In re-
SllOnso to 'our Idnd Invltntlon to say
this and to sar that there Is not a
cloud In the sly of good understand.
Ing. 'fhere are no pollt leal CluestionH
at Issue between Argontlna and the
United Statos. ThCl'e hi no thought
of grlovance by one agn'lnst the other.
There are no old S\'lulges 01' scores to
Each Nation to Study Other.
" 'Vo cl\n rojolco 'In each other's
prospel'lty. Wo can assist In each Otil'
Dombs and Revolvers Cause Terror to
Russian Officials.
St. PetorsbUl'g.-Acting apparently
with a dollnlto Illnn , nnd I\t signal ,
the tOl'l'orlsts and rovolutlonlsts 'Ved.
nesday Inaugurnted a camlva1 of murderous -
dorous attacl < s wllh bombs nnd re.
vol vel's on the llOlIco allli troops In
various cltles In Poland , echoes of
which nl'o hoard from Sa\lam ) , Ufa ,
Yalta , Kiev and OVOIfa I' away Chlta ,
where Acting Chlof of Pollco Cor-
Illnchenlw WI\S slnlla1most on his
OWIdoor5toll , 'rho revolutionist cam.
Imlgn Uumed out with eSlloelal vlru ,
lonco at " 'arsaw whOl'o
, ovel' a score
were slain In the streets and many
more wore wOIll\l1ed.
Three Badly Hurt In Wreck.
Chah'l'ln Falls , O.- sllcclal cnr on
, the Cleveland & Eastern electric road ,
carr 'lng 55 lII11150nlOI'II , c01llded with
a milk car whllo rUl1nln at high
slIced 1\1\1' here " 'odllesda ' , l'esultillS
In the Injur ' of three Ilel'sons.
Forest Fires In Minnesota.
Ulwl\blk , l1nn-Sovornl largo for.
est fires IU'O bU1'l1lng fiercol ' west.
. south of this 11111 co. Hundreds ot
. acres of secol1l1 growth and thlckot
I hu'o bO,111'ned \ \ OVOI' und otJ11 the
flamca sweell on unrcsll1t'd.
er's development. 'Ve can be proud
of each other's successes without
hlndrnnco 01' drawbnck and for the de.
velopmont of thIs sentiment In both
countrIes , nothing is needed but more
knowledge ; that wo shan 1m 0 \ . . cach
other better and that not onlr the
most educated and thoughtful readers
of our countrIes shan become familiaI'
with the hIstory of the other , but that
the entlt'o hody of the people shall
know what are the relatlons an what
are the feelings of the other country.
"I should bo glad that the people of
the Argentine Republic , not morel -
you , Mr. PresIdent ; not merely my
friend. the minister of foreIgn rela.
tlons , not merely the gentlemen con.
nected with the overnment. but the
people of Argentlnu , mIght know the
feollng with which the people of the
United States are their friends , as I
Imow the people of the Argentine RepUblic -
pUblic are frIends of the United States.
Favors Alliance with Sisters.
"I have come to South America with
no moro specific object than I have
stated. Our traditional policy In the
United States of America Is to make
no u1llances. It was Indicated by
Washington. It has been adhered to
by his successors ever since. Uut ,
Mr. PresIdent , the a1llanco that comes
from unwritten and unsealed Instru.
monts. as that from the convention
signed and ratified with all formall.
ties , Is of vital consoquenco.
" 'Vo mnke no a1llances , but wo
make an a1llance with all our sIsters
In sentltnent nnd feelIng In the pur.
suIt of lIberty and justice , In mutual
helpfulness , and In that spirit I beg
to return to you , sir , and to your government -
ernment and the people of thIs splen. i
dId and wonderful country m ) ' sincere
thanls for the welcome you have
given me and my country , In my per-
son. "
Mr. Root's speech was received with
voclforous allplauso and the greatest
possible satisfaction.
Forest Fires In MInnesota.
Blwablk , 1'I1nn. , - Several ! lugo
fot'ellt ill'os are burning fiercely
west.south of thIs Illace. Hundreds
of acres of second gl'owth nnd thicket
hnvo been burncd o\'er an still lho
Uames sweep on unreslsted , Much
damn o has already been done IIsldo
1rom the hurnlng of wood. l'Iany sot-
tiers have been forced to ahandou
thell' homes and have lost most of
their proporty. Wfl anhnnls are In.
vadhll ; the limits of the vlllages. Unless -
loss mln falls with In 2,1 hours valu.
able tracts of plno wfl bo destroye .
Man Who Took Noted Trials and
Speeches Dead at Washington.
'Vl\shlnston.-Francls H. SmIth ,
ono of the first omclal reporters of
congressional dohntes , died Tuesda ) '
Ilt 'Vl\shlngton , Conn" where ho wus
born March 11 , 1829. 1"01' many ) 'ears
ho had been a IlI'omltlent banker
hero. Dnnlol WehstOl' was one of the
I1rst lI1en 1\11' . SmIth roporte In con.
rCIS , and IntoI' 1\11' . , Smith rOllorted
for the AssocIated Press the court.
martial of the Lincoln consplrator8
nnd the sUbsequent trla1 of John II.
Surratt. Another fnmous trial he
covol'etI was that of Gen. Daniel
Sickles for the 1"'l\1ng " \ of District At.
torno ' Kor.
Two Killed by Boller Blast.
.Threo Hlyers , Mich.-Tho boiler of
a mlllt dlstlllory on the farm or WIl.
IIam Mohnor , three miles rrom this
city , . exp10dedVednesdlr. . Instullt1 .
klllln I1' . Mohnoy and his son Ho ) ' ,
IIUlI wolltllllng two of Ho " 11 children.
CI'1rk's Astlessment Raised.
Dutte , : 'tIont.-Tho honrd oC cquall.
zatlon nsst'sfled : W. A. Clnrk $1,000.-
000 on hla San 1'0(11'0 rall1'oad stock ,
$2.HOOIl0 011 hIs Unlled Vel'do mIne ,
and ra'1sed his bnnle IHlscssment $649-
000 , IIn Increase of nearly $4.000,000 ,
. . - ,
- -
New Road tl ) De Equipped with Electric -
tric Locomotives-ProJect Will
Cost About $150,000,000.
PIUs burg , Pa.-PllllOrs of con oU.
dation of three l'I1l1roads In dlf.
feront pnrts of Pennsylvania wllbo \
filed at HarrIsburg thIs week , and wl\1 \
constltuto the formal announcement
of a 11rojoct of promInent forolgn
banlccrs , associated wIth Joseph Ram.
sey , Jr. , former Jlresldent of the WII.-
hash railroad , to bulld a low.grado
doublo.truel , rallron fl'om Now Yorl ,
to Chlcngo by war of PIUsburg , whIch
will cost about $160,000,000.
Complete surveys have been mndo ,
and It 113 expected that work prelim.
Inan' to nctual grading and construction -
tion next sprIng wll\ \ begin this tall.
, It Is eXIected that the road will 1'0'
quire three years to construot. It Is
contemplated to olerato with electrlo
.Iocomotlves . from the beginning.
It will ho known as the New York ,
Pittsburg and Chicago All' Llno , and
will be 6G miles shorter from PItts.
burg to Now YOlo ) , than Is the Pennsylvania -
vania , and 108 miles shorter than the
shortest IIno between Now York and
The now airline wl\1 \ traverse the
Important bitumInous conI fields of
central Pennsylvania , now controlled
b ' the PennsYlvania railroad , and also
wllI \ 111erce the anthracite region
throughout Its length. It not only
wl1bo \ the shortest lIne through Penn ,
sylvnnla , but It wl\1 \ CI'OSS t e summit
of the Allegheny mountaIns 400 feet
lo' r than does the Ponnsylvanla ,
and wl\1 \ hnvo I nsy cur'tes and remark ,
ably low grudes fol' a mountain lIno.
Mr. Ramsey conflrms theBo state
ments In a telegoom trom New York
The cost of the lIne between Pitts.
burg and New York , ] ,11' . Ram8ey says.
Is estfmated to bo bet ween $75,000,000
and $100,000,000 , all of which has been
pledged , the bulk of It by foreign cap ,
Cordial Meeting of Monarchs at Kron.
Kronberg , Hess\.Nassau , Prussl ! ;
-King Idwurd ! arrived hero on a
special train from FranlcCort al
8:45 : We nesdny. Emperor William
and PrInce and PrIncess FrederIck
Charles of HesseNassnu met him at
the station.
The emperor assIsted the Iclng It
allghtfng , and they Itlssed each ether
on both checks. 'I'ho meeting was
very cordial. The Idng wore a black
Prince Albert coat and a silk hat
'The emperor had on the uniform 01
the Posen Jaeger regiment , with II
'steel ' helmot.
I KIng Edward was nccompanled b )
Sir Charles Hardlnge , permanent un ,
IdeI' secretary of the foreign omco ;
'Mnj. ' Gen. Sir Stanley Clarke , chief
equerrJ. ' , and ] , Iaj. Frederlcl , E. G.
Ponsonby , equerry to his majesty. Sir
Frank Lascalles , British ambassador
to Germany , and the BrItish consul
general , Francis Oppenheimer , joined
the royal party at Frankfort.
After Introductions had been. ex.
changed the party and their tollowlng
proceeded to Frlederlchshof In automobiles -
mobiles ,
Two Grand Army Men Drop In Ranks
and Third Is Killed.
Minneapolis , Minn.-For the fortieth
tIme slnco Its work In war was fin.
Ishod and Its glory won , the Grand
Army ot. the Ropubllc was In lIne
'Vednesday. There had been man ,
parades more orgeous , many spec ,
tacles moro dazzling and bowllderlng ,
but novoI' was there In this country
one moro appoallng and Impres8lv
than that which passed through the
streets of MInneapolis during thli
Col. Charles T. Keotlng , or Now Or
lonns , was overcome by the heat and
exhaustIon and died an hour after
reaching the hospital.
Thomas A. Martin dropped whllo
marching In the parade and died on
his way to the emergency hospital.
George A. Penny , or Logun , Ia : . was
8erlously Injured by au automobllo ,
which ran him down.
Each Plunges Into Undercurrent In
Effort to Rescue Others.
Davenport , 'Vllsh. - Five persons
prominent In social Ufo of Daven.
port , who' had been enjoyIng alt
outing on the banks or the SpoJmne
river about 12 mlles northeast of horo.
WOI'O drowned Sunday.
The dead : 1\1lss Wlnnlo Jones , AI
I. . . Borgott. 1\1rs. A. L. Gorgott , Roy
Howard , A. L. Inllan.
Four of the tIrownod horolcnlly snc : '
rillced their IIvos In an attempt to
save othors. Ono nftor another they
Illunged Irlto the rlvor , only to b6
solzed by the rlvor and drawn down
elthor by the whirlpool or the under
Paper Mills Burned.
YIlsllnntf , Mich. - The SUllerlor
mills of the Ypsilanti Paper comllany ,
located a short dlstanco outside 01
the cl1) ' limits , were practically do ,
stroyed by fire earl ) ' Wednosday. The
loss Is about $100,000.
Lightning Kills Iowa Banker.
Dos Moines , la-I3. A. Lamason , n
wca1thy bankol' , cashier Dr the Dank
of Ankenoy , was strucl , br lightninG
anel Instantly kl\1ed \ Wednesday morn ,
Ing. 110 was In the bnl'n when the
, bolt struck him.
. - . _ , , . , . : ' - : : ' " : . . ' : : . . . . " . . . . : . : : . . . .
- < ( i
OF TH E G. A. R. \
Other Candidate Retire and Choice Is !
Made by Acclamatlon-A Nebraska '
Man nt Head of the MedIcal Depart-
- \
Commandor.In.chlet . . . , . , . . . . . , . . Ij
. . . . . . R. E. DROWN , Zan'Esvl1\o ' \ , O. J
. . . . ior Vlco Commander . . . . . . . . , .
Wl\1. H. AHl\ISTHONG , Indianapolis
Junior Vice Commander . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . .E. B. FENTON , etrolt
OHAPLAIN.IN.CHlEP . . . . . . . . . . . .
Surgeon General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . W. H. JOHNSON , Lincoln , Nob.
MINNEAPOLIS-Tho nbove omears
, ' ,
were elected at the annun1 meetln of
the Grand Arm ) ' of the Republic. All I
otllol' omcers 11.1'0 staff appointments
and wll1 be announced later by the !
new commander. In. chid. ' .
The strongest opponents of Mr.
Drown for the honor ot bolng com. _
mander-In.chlef were C. G. Burton ot ! '
Ussourl and Captain P .H. Coney of r r
) ( ansnB. Both withdrew when It was
. n that the election of Mr. Brown'
W f : ! n oertalnty.
Several candIdates were nomlna
for senlot. and junior vi co commandcrtJ ,
but later all wIthdrew In favor of Armstrong -
strong and Fenton , and both were
chosen unanimously.
Archbishop Ireland had no rivals fot'
the posltlon or chaplaln.ln.6hlof.
Artor the electlon the place of h.Qld-
Ing the next encampment wns taken
Up. but an adjournment was tal\On before -
fore a yote was reached. The voUng
wll1 bo resumed tomorrow.
The now command lr-ln.chlof of the
Grand Army , n. B. Brown , was born
In 1845 , and has nlways lived In Ohio.
He enlisted In the Fifteenth Ohio Infantry -
fantry at the age of IG and served in ,
the FourtEenth army corps In the I
Army of the CumbEl'land untH ho was
mustered out In 1864. He then reenlisted -
listed and served until the end of the
war. He was a 11rlvate for three years
and thEn became a non.commlssloned :
officer. He has long been active In
the work of the Grand Army. Mr.
Brown Is now editor of the Zanesv1llo
The total memhershl. : > of the Grand
Arm ) ' Is declared In th. report of Ad. .
jutant General Twedale to bo 235,823 ,
un Increase of 3,368 during the last six
months. 'I'he losses b ' death for the \
j' . .
: ronr ended December 31. 1905 , W' r '
9,205 , or 3,90 per cent of the total mom-
bershlp. In the preceding rear the
losses by deaUl reached exactly the
same percentage.
The suggestion Is made that the or.
ptlnlzaUon be IncorJOrated with a pro-
\'Islon requiring the annual rODorts ot
th organIzation to bo submlttod by.
The receIpts from the per capita tax
Imposed on members are declared to
be Insumclent for the proper conduct
of the affairs of the Gand Army. The
suggestion Is made that the tax be In.
creased from 3 cents to 5 cents per
annum , which will Increase the revenue -
enue of the orgnnlzatlon about $3,500
Will Sail for America on 19th of Aug. .
1\IADRID-Wf1l1am J. Brran : Is on
the homo stretch of hIs SToat world
tour. Mr. Bryan and his party rrlvod
here at Thursday and were recolved 'l
and heartll ' greeted by Vice Consul
'Mnddln Summers In the absence ot
Ambassador W1Iliam 1\1. Colller. They
remained In the city seven hours.
The party's brIef stay was occuplod
In seolng a few of the prIncipal points
of Interest. Mr. Summers , expressed
reSTet that the \'Islt was to bo cut so
short , but In order to mal\O up tor lost
tlmo ho was told It was Imperatlve
that the 'part ) . leave on schedule time.
At 7 o'clock at night Mr. Bryan and
his frl.en s left for Codoba , whence
they wUl Droceed to Grenada and GIbraltar -
braltar , arr1vln at the latter point
l < 'riday night and saf11ng thence for
Now Yorl , on Saturday.
Docs Not Get the $25,000.
WASHINGTON - 1\11'8. Ida May
Morse , a S1. LouIs actress , who came
here for the allo ed lJUrpose of gottlng
President Roosevelt to surrender to
her the $25,000 voted to him by con-
& ress for traveling lJUrposes , woo
given In the custody of relath'.es , who
promised to care for her In St. Louis.
Santo Domingo at It Again.
WASHINGTON-Santo Domingo Is
agaIn In a ferment , and according to
dIspatches received by tlto state d&
partmont , morc rovolutlonnr ' troubl08
are oXllocted there at any time. Un. , ' * 'i
rest about Manto Chnstl and other . .
northor ports of UIO Island portend fur.
! thoI' mo\'ements agnlnst the govern.
i , meut , and Commaudor Sutherland of
the Amorlcan fieet , guarding the Island
ngalnst rovolutlonary expeditions , has
been warned to be on the lookout for
parties oXllecled to cr06S to the Island.
Second Grand Jury Meets.
CHICAGO - The SlJCclul 11edeml
grund jury , which Is to continue the In ,
vestlgatlon of the charge that th6
Stuu ard 011
company rocolved
rebates -
bates frol11 tilO Lnlw Shore & I1chlgan
Southern rnllr aeJ and other transpor.
tatlon lines , was Itnpanele . 'I'ho pur
I pose of the second spoclal rnnd jury's
; InvestiKatlon of the case Is to cover
rebates wleged to have boon recelvod
b ' the Standard 011 eOlllpnny since
March ,3 , 1905 , when the eastern dlvl.
slon of the northern distrIct of Illinois
for the federal judicIal' "
) was created.
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