Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 16, 1906, Image 9

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lion. W. II. Kelbaugh.
II Cold at All ) ' T ne of tIe Yrar. Es-
t'dally z Ilot IVt'atller , is Vety : De-
ress'nlf to tile System. Pe-'u-na , 's
alZ Unequaled Tont'c For SUel , Casts.
RtadWhat People Sa ) ' A out II.
- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . -
t . t
lIon. w..n. Kelbaugh , Ex-Member
t W. Va. T..e isll1.tl1re. 20.1 uth street , t
. Ell Washington , D.O. , writes :
" ) ' 011 can use my nnmeand word t
at all times for Peruna as n med/-
c/ne Iwd tonic unequaled. 1 Il ve
I tried It for 11 stubborn cold and
badly run down system. 1 tried all
sorts of other medIcInes and paid ,
se 'eral expensive doctor bills.
Per una cured me , strengthened me
! more than c 'cr , and slH'cd mc i
money. " t
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Mrs. Clam Littcrst , ScafIch1 , Ind"
says : "r..ast full I toole a severe cold. I
toole Pel'unn , bcgan to improve nndl ( ( pt
on so until I was able to do mv wprlc. "
New York's Diamond Cross.
Now York city has the largest dla. ,
t mend cross In the world , though It I
. Is not recognIzed as such. Its maIn
/ line runs along Malden lane , with Ita
! foot resting on Broadway and Its
arms extending north and sOl1th along
Nassau street. Here there re 480
men In the diamond business and
there 11.1'0 moro of the gems there
than In the same space In any other
In the comic opera of life the chorus
girls are cools.
It.-- . . . , One good thing about rainbow gold
Is that we can't squander It on bar-
. gains. .
'Mnny a fond young writer's hopes
come ho e coffined In long white cn-
The only jewels that man should not
-be nshamed to wear are the beads of
honest tell.
Go abroad and Godspeed you , my
frIends. But target the sights you sea
beCore : rou see mo again.
A modern financIer Is a youth of today -
day who can marry and make his fa-
ther-In-Iaw tnlte care oftthem both.
" Consider the ways of the popular
) chaperon. She hath ears that hear
not nnd eyes that obsolutely refuse to
behold anything.
Only one woman in 100 insures her
Ellen Terry Is pas310nately fond of
Sarah Bcrnhardt has n. huge bed 15
feet long.
Patti sleeps wllh a silk scarf about
her neele.
Brides In Australia are pelled with
rose Il1rLv s.
In stnture Eskimo women thp
shortcnt on earth.
No photographs are ever taleen of
women In China.
A woman's braIn decllncs In weight
fter the age of 30.
In Africa wives are sold for two
pacleet' ! of hairpins.
New York has 27,000 women who
support their husbands. .
Drunlenness is rare , smoking com-
man omong JapanesA women.
.j . , To Change from Coffee to Postum.
\ -
"Postum J1as done a world of good
for me , " writes an Ills. man.
"I've had Indigestion nearly all my
life but never dreamed coffee was the
cause of my trouble until last Spring
I got so bad I was In misery all the
" . ' \ . coffee
drlnleer for 30 years , It
Irritated my stomach and nerves , : ret
I wns just crazy for It. After drlnlting
, It with my meals , I would leave the
table , go out and lose my meal and
the cortce too. '
Then I'd be as hurtgl'Y
as ever.
"A trlend advIsed me to quIt corre
and use Postum-sald It
cured hln. . .
Sluce t Jelng his advice I retain mv
too ard set all the good out of ft , ani. ,
do t have those awful
, hungry spells.
I changel1 from corree to Postum
Wlt110Ut any trouble whatever. felt
better from the first day I drank It.
I am well now and give the credIt to
Postum. " Name given by Postum
Co" Battle Creele , Mich. Read the little -
tle book , "The Road to Wellvllle , " Jo
pkgs. "There's a reason , " .
f <
. - - ' - - : . . . - - -
. _ . . . . . . . - - - - - - . - - - . - - - . . ' - - . . . . . . .
. ' : .f"i ; : : -
. _
The construr.tllJll depArtocmt of the
Superior & Western rallrDl I had de.
clded to slnl , n spur deep Into the
body of the woods nmi counect Ar.
cher with Turtle Junction , Dunham ,
tI10 gray old tlmbor fox that had
charge or that bureau , sent for the
representatives of the Ba ger
bel' compan ) ' . nnd of Findlay &
Brother. Cnrdlfl' nnd Findlay , the rep ,
resentntlves , came the next morning to
unham's office.
I "Now , boys , " ho said as the rivals
alowered at each other through the
, smolee fog , "seeing th(1.t wo are nil
hero together wo might as we1rOp \
sentiment. and hn"o a little medlclno
talle. ThQ S. & W. wants those tics. ,
at bedroclc price , and It wants them
'as soon as man can deliver them.
WllIi.t are your figures , Cardlff7"
"Thirty thousand dollars , " . Eald
Cardiff , as ho thle"ed II. qulcl , glance
at his rival from across the Manlto.
"AI1d ) 'ours , .10hn7"
"TwIJnty-fIve thousand. "
" ' . thou'
"Then I'll call It twenty.five
sand , too , " responded Cnrdlfl' , prompt.
ly. Externally Dunham remained
cool , but Internally he was aglow
, with n warm , glnd smllo.
"Well , I guess the prlco Is near
enough rIght , bors , If we can anI )
get together on the question of de.
lIvery. Of course , It Is understood
that time Is the essence of this con.
tract. When can ) 'ou deliver those
ties In our yards at Archer , Mr. Car.
, dlff7"
The blaclc brows of the Badger representative -
sentative contracted as he gazed decp
into the silent woods. "Uetween April
1st and 10th , . depending on how f eon the
breale-up c Hnes. " li'lndlay sat 1001lng
at them In grim silence , and Dunhnm ,
after gIvIng him plenty of time In
'wHich to malee a bid , husleed n dry
cough from his voIce and went. on
, thoughtfully :
"Pretty late , but I don't suppose I
ask ' to dell ' them b ' '
can ) 'ou vel' ) all'shlp
at those figures. Our minds have met
as to the price , and , of course , which
one of you gets the contract" nmi ; : .
difference to me. But Inasmuch as Mr.
Cardiff spoleo first and Mr. Findlay can't
better the bid I suppose I might as well
, let Cardlfl'- "
"Hold on , " brolee In Flnellay as hlB
jaw suddenly thrust Itself out. "If I give
you a $50,000 bond that I will deUver
those ties at Archer , March 1st , 30 days
before 1\11' . Cflrdlff's date , do I get that
, contract7"
Dunham glanced at Carellll' , and CardIff -
dIff , staring stupidly at his rival , sallj
nothing at all. So , presently , Dunham
answered "yes , " and at that word Findlay -
lay arose. .
So , with that the Incident ended , anl1
John Findlay strode awa ) ' , as many an : '
other victor hns done , his heart thumpIng -
Ing triumphantly amI nls brain sick
with fear. .
Long and bitter had been the fight
that he. and his half Invnlid brother Joe
hnd waged in those cold north woods ,
and to lose out now s1 > ellel1 ruin just
as their st r of hope was rising brightly
above the horizon. I
"Of course , there Is only one way to
carry out that contract , Joe , " said John ,
"and that is to build an Ice road from
Camp 3 to Archer. When I fixed the
! tate with Dunhnm I thought you and I
could figure out a route through this
swamp and ridge country , but It seems
that we'can't maleo good. And there Is
only one man I lenow who can and ho Is
James Livingston Flhit , 'White Horse , '
we used to call him-and , of course , as
our luck would have It , he is way up
In Alnslca countr ) ' somewhere. But J'm I
going after him. I'll be bacle before
the first of December and I'll bring him
with me , al1ve If possible , but anyway
I'll bl'lng him. I'd rather have 1"lInt
dead thnn any other man In the pin-
eries alive. "
So that nllht John Findlay pacled
his grip and departed for the while
land. It was way out Semi now way
that Findlay found his man.
White Horse built the road In a little -
tle less th1m three weeles , but he only
slept on an average of four hours a
night whllo he did It. As for the men
who worked under him during that
frenzied period , they cursed him wltI-
out Intermission while the worle was
, going ; on , and are stili braggIng about
having had hand and foot In It.
or course It seems Incredible , but It
Is astonishing how much 70 hard-drlvcn
, men and 20 good teams can do In three
weeks when they worl. 18 hours a day.
The road was finished on the 24th or
December , and It was a good thing to
, " , , ok at.
hrlstmas morning came clear and
bitterly cold. Heavy feet crunched the
brittle snow without the coole shop or
' 1amp 3 , and at the 11'rst sound White
Horse thrust a heavy , automatic pistol
Into his pocket and then leaned in-
'dolently against the logs with his
hnnds burled deeply In his poclcct.
The next Instant the door was burst
open nnd In lurched a body of woos-
men who , crowding Into the corners or
the cabin , left the center ot the 11001'
empty , while Lebenu , who led them ,
steIJped forward and spole :
"Bnh , you mnn tram Chill Cnt. Lllee
a dog ) 'ou worle us In ze cold to mnleo .
ze cursed Ice rend Like a loup garou
you drive us answln \ your cant-haole
when zo moon shine. Come , you , every
man , follow along with me , Joe Lebeau ,
and I will show ) ' 011 joy. Wt > will drlnle ,
we will dnnce , we will mal\C rll.llcule.
Come with Joe Lebeau. " I
Out Into the open all' he rwaggerM ,
his band behind him , and White Horse
heard them go roaring down the Ice
road with nearly the whole cnmp en
train. And as the Inst yell died away !
the forehend of the wnllelng bas' !
wl'lnleled like a pool Into which fl. IJebblo
Is tossed and tense lines lound ) his lips .
closely t01other. For he well know tlmt .
_ . . : : . . _ l' " " ' _
once lalrl ) ' started on n big druntc his
crew would scatter tram the See to Sturgeon -
geon bay , and 0\01' ) ' day's tlmo Wn9
prIceless to him now wltlt the ( lrlvlns
work that lay before him. ' .1'110 crisis
had come , ntul White Horse , arIsing ,
walleed to the wIndow nnd stood mood.
lIy starIng Into the silent w'oodS.
WithIn the log saloon six miles down
the road the nolso of the revelry arose
, In ever increa lng vo1\1I11e.
'rho 11001' oC the shaele Buddonly
opened and thu tnll form at White
Horse towered before them. Calmly.
but with each word forcefullns n. bullet -
let , White 1101'80 RpOIC. \
"ThIs thing Is goIng to stop. I"'e got
to ha"e ) 'ou In the woods to-1I10rrow and
) ' 011 must get ll11cl , to camp whllo ) 'OU
are able to walk. 1'\0 been a patient
mnn to-dny , but I'\'e reached my limit :
Now qlcan out of here before I clean
you. ' . ' . ' '
Sullenly they turned \lpoI ) him ,
shifting on their feet and glancIng at
each other uneasily. And , soelng
their doggedneES , an ominous glitter
suddenlame into the gray orbs of
the boss , and roughly he shouldered
his way to the back of the shacle and
drew n. small cylinder [ rom his
"Dynamite cartridge with a two-min-
ute tall , " he said as ho/ sat It uIJon the
wood box and held a lIamlng match
above it. "You want to dance und lIght
some more do 'ou.Vell , unless you
hike out of here 'ou'll all bo doing a
quick-step to-night for the dovil. "
No man lenew just how far White
Horse would go In the enforcement of
an order , ' and now no no waited to see.
Struggling , cursing , roaring they fought
their wa ' out of the door and went
swarming down the tracIe , whllo the
boss , extinguishing the tuse , stepled
out on to the trampled sriow and throw
his cartridge deep Into the woods. Far
down the tracle the runawnys were staggering -
gering Into the distance , wrangling anll
hoWlfng Insanely.
The afternoon sun sanle until It
seemed to rest on the tops or the western -
ern forest lIlee n broad gold piece poised
delicately. And the walIclng boss , aris-
g 1rom a log beside his cutler where
he bud sat for an hour following the
rout , climbed up to the seat. Back along
the rough woods trail he went until the
glooming Ice road lay before hIm , then
turned upon It.
As his half-galloping ponies swung
around a bend of the forest road , they
suddenly arose upon their hInd legs
with wild pawlngs at the air. Less than
a dozen yards In front of them and I ) ' .
Ing tlut upon his bacl , on the Ice , was
the first of the fallen that White Horse
hnd feared would litter the homeward
The legs of the lumber-jncle Jtlcleed
spasmodically and White Horse , shortening -
ening his reins , leaped to the Ice. "lan't
leave you here to freeze up solllt , " he
grunted as he dumped the limp form
headlong Into the sleigh box behind.
"But I'll malee you pay for this rIde to-
morrow. "
At the next turn or the road the
.1Irst oath thnt hacI escaped his lips
that da ) ' burst from him explosively. .
Fairly In front of him , loclccd In each
other's arms as they had gene to
sleep fighting , were Jlmmp Hard Boots
uncI Ole Sawlog. Along the next hundred -
dred ) 'ards four moro mon were strewn
like slclrmlshers fallen in battle.
One by one the wallelng 1I0ss labori-
ouslr raised them and plIed them upon
each other In the box , wedglhg the Inst
man firml ) ' between the dashboard and
the scat.
The moon sailed high IInd the blaclc
shadows or the forest lay heavily upon
the clearings. White Horse , hurrying
hack from Camp 2 , where he had been
summoned to quell nn luclplent riot ,
drew a deep breath as he throw open
the door of the cool , shop.
"They I1re sleeping all right now.
They'll be In fall' shllle to breal , their
bncks again tomorrowlnd most Wee-
I ) ' they won't lIcle up another drop or
firewater until after the drive In the
spring. Poor devils ! Them Isn't much
pleasure In this world for them-not
much-not much. "
And this Is how White Horse delivered -
ered an Imposslblo contract for Flndlny
Urothers on tlmo to the dot , with scarce i
an hour to spare betwcen success aud
a $50,000 loss.
( Cofl'rlcht , ] 900. by J'caeph D. Dowl. . . )
Dil\r Gl1'ls.
Eva-You were Illaylng whist with
Jacle7 Were you playIng Cor monoy1
Edna-No , for kisses ,
I "Ab , llow I admire n cheerfullosorl"
'fiH . . --J ; . d..u
P- " " - - - - - - . Ull .6.1 : :
. - - . _ . _ . . . . . . . _ . _ - Ft
' .
. < > -
\r-I . . " ,
1 _ _ '
_ _ _ _ , _ . . , - . ,
Uo ' . . . . _ _ a , ,
" -
, ,
C )
o G.
as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play-when In health-and
. how conducive to health the games in which they indulge , the outdoor life they
enjoy , the cleanly , regular habits they should be taught to form and the whblesonl'e
diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved ,
not by constant medication , but by c eful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious -
ous or objectionable nature , and If at any time a remedial agent is required , to assist
nature , only those of known excellence should be used ; remedies which are pure
and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect , like the pleasant laxative remedy ,
Syrup of Figs , manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co , Syrup of Figs has
come into general favor in many mil1lons of well informed f mllies , whose estimate
of its quality and excellence is based
upon personal knowledge and use ,
Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally , because
they know it is wholesome , simple and gentle in its action.Vc inform all reputable -
ble physicians as to the me lclnal principles of Syrup o Figs , obtained , by an
original method , from certain plants known to them to act most beneficially and
presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian blue figs are . '
used to promote the pleasant taste ; therefore It is not a secret remedy and hence
we are free to refer to all well Informed physicians , who do not approve of patent
medicines and never favor Indiscriminate self-medication. . .
,0 o Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup-of Figs : 0' " . '
always has the full name of the Company- California Fig Syrup Co.- plainly
printed on the front of every package and that it Is for sale in bottles of one size
only. If any dealer oHers any other than the regular Fifty cent size , or having
printed thereon the name of any other company , do not accept It. If you fall to get.
the genuine yo wil1 not get its beneficial effects. Every family should always lJave
a bottle on hand , as It is ' equally beneficial for the parents and the , children ,
whenever a laxative remedy' is required. 1:1 : :
' .
- mDG I"--- 000 . : iI ,
60 Bus. Winter Wh :1t Per Acre
Tho.t' the " ' 0"1 oC "lrcr' . ned 1'1'0' . lIyllrld Winter
1 : : : AI ? WI , \ I\\ : \ \ I 't : liT } : : l\ \ \ eol. t I" , .
Tlmoth. , li'l\ " " " I1l1lh. . Tree. . I'te. lor r.\'lalltllll ( '
UA.LZIUt IUU.1U CO. . lI.x Cro. . " , 'V It.
JlEl.r JoS 7',1. 7'B.
OKLAHOMA ] q ! n ' ! ! . 1 9ant .
bontcseckers nnd Investors. 8cnd tor prlco list nnd I
maps. A , J. W ALUOCIC' & Co. , OklnhOntll City. Okln.
. . , .
' " ' - - -
THE DAISY FLY KILLER d , , trn.nll thenlcs 1\,1
1\ Blrordacomlnrt tOI'.er , .
bomIn .Ieoplugroom nllII.laol' . wl..r4
11I0" are tlollble.
: " , - ""t ,
r : , " " . . wllllloHollnrlu.
. , \U"i' j 1ro nnrtblnl : ( .
'fry t I lem IIlIce ,
} \Tllllleycr I. .
wllhollt them.C
lIot 1''I't III' 11.,1.
N" . oellt 1rrl",1 < 1
Cor 2 . . . lIarult !
11 < ' 011' ' ' . 140
. . . . . . , UrooLIJo , . X.
. .
- - - - - - -
W. N. 'U. , OMAHA , NO. 32 , 1906.
- " . , . , .
' " 'n ' "
. 111
Shirt Bosoms , Collars
and Cuffs
o never crack nor bc-
_ coma brittle. They
last twica as long as
those laundcrcd with other
starches and sive the wearer -
er much beltersatisfaction.
If you want your husband ,
brothcr or son to look
dres. > y , to feel comfortable
an:1 to be thoroughly happy
STARCII in the
laundry. It is sold by all
good grocers at IOC a pack-
age-t ounces. Inferior
starches sell at thu sarna
price per package but con-
, lain only 12 ounces. Note
tha difference. Ask your
Insist on getting it and you will never
usa any other brand.
Defiance Starch OompanY9 Omaha , Neb.
It is best for all who are troubled with disorders of digestion to
adopt a simple , nutritious diet , ignoring those foods which induce
irritable conditions , and strictly adhering to the policy of moderation.
can be regularly eaten by persons with the most dyspeptic and
.rebellious stomachs. It is made from the whole grain of the
, wheat containing no indigestible matterj-regulatcs the bowels.
Palatnblo-Nutrltlous-Ensy of Dlgo tlon and Ready to Ent
Can b. lerved hot. Put In a hot oven for a few mlnulos ; or cook In boiling milk 10 a mush.
IDe I package. For Sale by J'lzn ture I'1i ) - 88
Aa Jnftch uou..bJlluent Grocers 011 ; : ; ( J'l % . , . , _ ,
aa a loavell oC bread. 8 . . . 'A ' . . . . , . .
Dr. Price , the ramoul rood expert , the creator or Dr. Price's Cream Daklnu Powder , DellclOUI
IPlavqr1nc , Extractl , Ice Cream Bug r and JellT Dellertl , h. . never been compelled ,
notwlthltandlnc Itrenuoul Food lawl to chance any or hll products. Thcoy have atwlIYI
med to thel requ.o ! e.llt _ T ll ia au ablolute cuarautee or their quaUty aDd purity.
. . .L. _ . . . . . . _ , . . . . _ _ _ ? . : . . . . . . . . . , . , 't. . . " . ' ! . : ' . . .j , . _ ' . . ; \ : . , _ < , , , J" ,
. ' .
n '
; .
' , I
" 10\ ,
Ibs. "
Physicians , Pharmacistsand , .
Nurses endorse Cuticura' ' . " \ :
Soap because of its delicate , ' . ' ' " ' ' ' '
medicinal , emollient , sanative - ; ' . ; ,
. .
tive , and antiseptic proper-I :
ties derived from Cuticura , , : ' . ! I
th great Skin Cure , uni ed 41' '
with the purest of cleansmg ' I
ingredients and most' re- ' l
. .
freshing of flower odors. . ! . I
For preserving , purifying ; . ? Ji
and the skin " J
beautifying , as "
well as for all the purposes ' : '
of the toilet and bath , Cuti- . . . .j
cum Soap is priceless. Absolutely - ' ; '
lutely pure. and may be { 1
used from the hour of birth. ' BoI4Ihroughnut'lh. roc. , 1,1.01. . roc. world. ( I" lorn. Cullcura 01 fnIP\ \ II. :5c. COI.4 . Olnl- . ; ' , . '
1'11I. , : " . . per .IaI 01 00) , m'T b. bad 01 all dul1glo't. '
I'olter . . Urug" Ch.m. Cop" " 01. J'top. . . nntlon.Ma" . . I' ' :
. . . ) I.U.d } ' " ' ' "AU About lb. bklDl calp.4 JI.1I , ' . .
. ' . ' , t , } ( ; , , '
The oxtraort11nary' popularity of fine' , \ " .J : }
white goads this summer malees th
choice of Starch u mattel' ot gre3t Im-
portance. Defiance Slarch ; being free . ' , . . '
from all injurious chemicals , Is. the . .
only one which Is safe to use on fin ! ) "i
fabrics. Its grent strength as a stlf ! . t : : i
ener maltes haIr the \\sual quantity at ' '
Starch necessary , with the romlt : or : \l
perCect finish , equal to that when the
gOOd re new.
, .
dlhsolclfely CJellit le Alcw,1YS , ' : ?
[ t1emindton . : .
: : J ' &
Standard Typewriter :
1619 FARNAM ST. . Or/iAHA , Ntll. . , .
'I : ,
. . - 1 ( .
DEFIANCE STARGH-ooul' : : ' : . a
. . ,
-other .taroh M enl , . 1:1 : ouncelama Prlco . . all. . , > ' . , :
. "
- - - - - - -
It W TbDmpsDn's Eye Watu
, , . . . I .a
aa. . ; : . JJI " , . . . . . . . . : : "