Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 16, 1906, Image 8

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    . . . _ _ . . . .
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' . -
Nebraska Senator Aaked to Accom.
p \1\Y rru' ' ol'ltla' ' Pnrty to Panama
In November-Other Newsy Notes
Tht-oughout the State.
' , / , ' -
" " , ' ' \
'Sol ntot' osdJ1h H.llIInrll hlln re.
olWcl ntInvllntlon from Prosillent
Jol/sovelt / to nCCIJIIIJnIl ) ' the Ilrealdell.
ilnl llarh' to 1'II11111nll 1I0xt Novolllhor ,
An hel'etoforo ulIIHlnnccll , It Is the
hlt'ntloll of the Ilrcsltlcllt nllil secre.
: tu\'r or WUI' to 111111(0 n IlerRollul ill.
6H.'clIolI ] COIIIIIUoHj 011 the cIllal
SOIlO ( , 111 01'1101' holteI' to 1I0tormille
IIIIIU vHul ] lOllIts rel/llectlng engilleor-
illg Ilrohlolllll , 111111 nlso to have II het. '
h.r UlIII'rsllllllInt ! ; of the 1II'cUcnl !
llclo 01 cHllnl hllII 111 nA' . Whllo SOim.
tOl' 1\llIIul'lI \ hns vlsllull the cnllal 7.0I1C , ,
Sccrctur ) ' 'run. nllil Presldellt Hooso- i
volt have thought Ihat It would he
"Ivcll to iI/lYe the sOlllltor uccompnllY
! them on tll'lr IlI'OHIJecUVO to III' . 'rho
111tlltlon Is exlelldoll through the see-
I''lllr ) ' , who 111 1I0W Bojourllll , ! ; III Cnll.
ndn. Ills .Ietler Is liB follows :
"Wn ! ' DOIIOl'tmont , WIIAhlngtoll.-
Iloll. .J. I I. MIII/u'cl / , U , S. Seillllor ,
Olllnhn , ( ) lJrnHIU-J\l ) ' DCllr SOllator :
'j'1J0 Presldcnt dlt'ecls me to sa ) ' Ihat .
JIC OXIlColH to visit PnllU1l11l allil Ilcr.
Eollt1l1) ' exnmlno the work IwlllA' done '
011 the cunul In the month or NonHII.
tJel' . I shall accomllllny him. 'rho '
Frosldent thlnles It woulll ho npllro-
Jlrlalo for you , as clmlt'man of the
I Helmlo commllto which hns Invostl. .
/ gated the afCalrs of the Panama canal ,
to ho ono of the Itarly or ohservntlon
which , however , ho finds is ahsolutel ) '
' . " , - . " " M ' . . ' '
. . . . "
, : \ . _ , ' . . . . . / . , . . . ' . , ; . ' ; " ' . " . , . . ' : > - ' :
, . , , . . ' - "qlf" "
eI . .
. . MiIk4 " . . , ! . " ; , ; , " ; . , - : , . . . . ' . r
" - , . , , 4 .v < ' > ' ' ' . . . ' : J. . ! I1i2
-.w.7 . ! : : : , . . . . .
. , ' . , '
'l'ho noW' $80,000 conrt house of Keal'l1ey county , Nehr. , the COl'l1er stone
or which was laid h ' the Grund Lodge of Nehrnslca , A , P. & A. l\1. . at Minden ,
II Nehr. , Jul ) ' 17 , There was a large atlCllllance , Governol. Mlcltey , Bon , B. L.
, AllulllS , ex-Congressman Hltchcocle , 1\Iosos S'denhllm nnd othel' dlstlngulshod
Noltraslmns helng llrcsent.
necessary to maleo as limited ns pOSe
sl1Jlc. I wI'lIo to ollqulro whether
YO\lr on agements wl11 IJermlt ) 'ou to
110 ono of the IJ/ut / ) ' . Very sillcerel ) '
'ours , Wm , H. 'l'aft , Polnto au Pic ,
'rovlnco or Quehec , Canuda , Juh' : W ,
lJOG ! , '
Sohator l\lIIr\l'l1 statcd In an Inter.
, 'Iow thut , ho hall not yet alsnlllcLl hlo
uceoptanco or the Invitation , hilt
w01I11I ondeuvor to reach' decIsion
in the mutter within It Bhort time.
'I'ho Invitation of the 111'e8111cnt In
UI1. . ease recallH Iho stren lOus dayB
of last wlntor Incillont to the contest
ill the Inuto over the question o [
typo bf canal. When SonutOl'111 ; ,
lnrd's commit toe hegall its Investlga ,
tlon of the subjeot It Is woU Imown
thut a largo. majOl'lIy of the sOllators
wore t'avomhlo to a soulovel t'IJO 01
canal. After months of llalnstalelng
Inlllllr ) ' and study the commillee
. : voted on the Imhject of t10 of canal ,
nl\ll the nl'st vote was a tlo : nve tu
fivo. Senlltor Cal'lnacle. who hl\ll lIot
uUoniled more than ono session of the
l'onilnlttcc. wus ahsent CI\\Ulllligllill
I 1n hl6 own stnto. 'l'ho question uros (
whether his vote COllill ho counted h :
1110 ahsollce , 1 lnall ' ho wns sum
moncd to a meeting of the cou1lllttoo
wherI1J0I1 II vote was talwl1 011 tYIJ (
of canal , which l'cRulted III tlld' adop
tlon'of the sea.levol t'IJO h ) ' a vote 0
six 'to five , FI'om that. tlmo on Sena
tor 'l\lIl1nl'd nddressell himself to thl
tuslf of cOl1vcI'tlng the n'lombors of the
cOl1nto 10 bollovo III the superlorlt
of the locle t'lJe , which was IHlvoClltOt
In Senator MiliaI'd's minority rel10r
unll In his sl1eech on the Hoer of till
nnte. i\lal1) ' cOIIoronce6 wHh See
, rotnry 'faft anll the Preshlont wel'l
heltl. anI ! Senator l\Ullard Inborel
with many of the 'senators In his el
forfs to convlnco thom , that the h\l I III
inA' of n sOlllevel call111 'would ' ho
_ Hupomlous blul\ller , The finnl vet
of the sellato on the subject pro\'e
to bo a slgllal victory Cor l\U11ar ,
Potato Crop Aacured.
GORDON-Tho Cunuers of Shcrlda
count ) ' are busy hnrvestln ! ; thb Ian
C t tm1(1 fillest crop of 1111 lilillls"o
'nlUa\1 \ grain 0'10 rgrown In the count )
'SPI'UI ! ; wheat Is estlmll.tel1 t from 2
1 11f\ high as 40 IHlshols or .I\CrI
no el1t good rl1ll1s llrnctl a\lr \ In , ur
, n hlg crop of " 8P\lI1S" aull corn I
lool < lng ullusually fine , 'rho furm01
of 611'erldal1 county have l'Quch' jto , IJ
thanltful Cot' thlR yearU . ! " rlll\hl
110 COlmty In the stat hns' b tt1
' ( 'I'OIJS , EII.stern land aeeleers 11.1'0 hi
.comhn : numerous.
I ,
I , ' , '
, . , " , . , , , , , c' : : : . = z-- " ' . " ' ' , - 0
. , . T =
- - . .
' 1' . 1\1. \ Weirich of Omahll wns Ilrown.
ed 111 I.nlco Mnullw/\ / last ' \'oclt.
, lohu Hall IJrolco jail at Dalwta City.
110 WIIS flouloncell fill' thorl ,
C. V , SIort ? Is In jnll lit IJoatrlco
nWl1ll1nJ ; It'lnl 011 ( : hlll'o ! of I'Ohhery.
, 'rho ( unol'l1l of m. C. Smith , who
dl11 lu Pl1nllmll , toole IIlaco nt Colum.
Fl'lInle OttO'H winter wheat lit Bloom.
Ol'1d ruus twonty.olght hURhels to the
'l'hl ! Blxth nU11l1l\1 ResHlon of the
David City Clmlltl1UIUIl ! WIlf ! Il gre/Ill /
Omaha & Nchr.lRlcn Coutl'al Inter-
urhan I'nllwa ) ' IlI'omoters nre ut worle
In Po lie eoullty ,
LowlR J.esul'o of Pnllllllon hils hoen
plnccll 111 chnrgo of the eslnto of Johu
Quillue , dccllIl'clI IncOmlJetcnt.
'J'wo ho ) ' " named Routh11111 / Quack-
nnhul1h dlsl1l1peurell from thelt' honw3
In neatl'lco nncl nt lust rOllol'tll hllll not
heoll 1I111I1'ehollde/l. /
CIlITlo \lc1\ltuTny ; \ hl1H 11101a \ c1\lm
fOl' $21iOOO ug-almt the city of Nortl :
Plntlo for InJurlos received In a fnll
ttllOn u dofectlvo sldcwnlle Allril 2:1. :
'rho III'flt mOlle ' under the Inhel'l.
tanco tax Inw wns recelvell hy Couuty
' 1'rO:1SIll'OI' l\lorison of SarII ) ' coullty.
It ' \/16 / f'OlII ! the .1olm Huhn ostate.
The nmount wall triI ,
DI' . B. 1 , ' , Bulle ) ' has been nllPolnted
hy GovcrnOl' l\Uclw ) ' us 11 flucceRRor to
UI' ; W. 1" , .Johnson of Pawnee Cft ) . as
n memhl'l' of the state Ilollltelltlary
medical hO/Jrll. / Ills tel'ln of office will
'heglu Allgust 1.
grnost , the 10.yoar-ol(1 ( son of .Tamos
'l\lntlhowB at nlnghaul. suslalnoll a
: erI01IH Injury. While dl'lvlng n gentle
lenm ho I1rollllell one of the III1CS , anft
when ho ] llclccd it 1111 frolll the gl'Ound
ono of the hOl'sl.8 Idckcll him In the
fncc , lho Imprint of the hoer BIII'l'Onncl.
Ing the e 'o.
.1. W. Dallged / abont0 \ ) 'CUI'S , was
lellll(1 ( allllost ItJ tnntl ' while worlclng
mi un elovlltor ut Swift's In Sonth Dnl ) ' was at worle on the top
or' the elevator , wl\en he hecamo
eallght In somc manncr and his hod ) '
cl'\lshcII. \ 110 wits tal\Cn to the cllY
hospital allll 'Illed 'f\ few mlnntes later ,
' 1'ho 1\1. \ & ; \1. l\lnlng comllall ' of
Omaha hrw IIIcd artlclos of Ineol'llora- '
ton ! with the socrelary of state , 'rho
omcers of the COmlHH1) ' arc A. II ,
MOI'chanl , IIl'oslllollt ; C. P. Hedlngtoll ,
\'Ico lI 'oshlent.V ; , p , 1\orllh ' , Sccre-
tnl' ) ' and treaSlll'Ol' , 'I'ho capital stock
a1110unts to $1iOOO. cach slum ) Imlng
a liar vulue of $1.
'rho first threshing mnchlnc accl-
Ileut In SownI'd ' '
connt ) occlll'red last
wool < . Will Schleclet ) ' , whllo helping
with the threshing mdchlne , In some
1111lnnOl' feB Into the Ho
I canght hold of the IJoard with his left
hallil amI his Ilosltlmi helng notlcoll
I hy the men the machine was shIIIIL 1.
It wall found that his uI'm was hadly
I ( , rllshel1 nnd cuI.
PIIII1 ! ! for sccnrlng fllnds fa I' the
! Corn ut'owers' cOII\'ontion wel'o con.
L slllel'ell at a meeting of Lincoln bus I.
Iless men. The commit tee In chnro !
, oC the cOllventlon which will ho held
) about the middle of DecemhOl' need
$1,000 for OXllen e8. Ahout $750 has
heen cOlltl'ihull1 so far IW III slnoss
. monltl m'dol' to secure the great meel.
Ing fm' 1..I11coln. ,
Edgar Stevens , who lives a couple
of miles southeast of 'I'ahle Rocle neal
BI'II1go No , 113 on the' Burllnglon line
to l'llnsa'1 Clt ) ' , found a rilled Unltel ;
[ ) Statt's malll1ouch , which hall been sill
: . OIJen nnd ro he.of . Its contQnls , hl
mall saclt hall. heen I p1ls81nl ; slnc (
.Tnno 22 anll , vaM a li uch whfeh 'iln' ' :
heen left nt 'fablo Hocle from train No
41 fl'Ol1I the aouth , whlcli passca at 1
II , 111. , to tl'llnsfm' to. traln , Np. 1:1 :
which comes fl'ol1l the sl mo lJroctiOi !
ut 2 : 20 1111. . , but JlaDses WC3t on tilt
Denver lIno. , : 1 ( .
The Burllnston nuthorltlcs have de
n chu'cd Aihltuul : : to hc II. I1lvlslpf110ln
UIJOn the IIno , 111111 Ashlullll IIlvlslO1
time tabe ! No.1 llIls hoen Issuod. ' 1'1111
Is the first tlmo table covorln I'cgulll
servlco between Ashlund and Slou :
) . Clt ) ' nlld the < ; > I'tI ! . , . ,
On the perry Wnlltor fnrm In Cns
count ) ' Frank .Jean and W , ' 1' . Smll
's threshed 12COO hushels of oats b
II ) , r wehht In fOUl' hours , 01' n ! , an av rag
) ' of I\ve \ hush lsJbr mlnuto. 'rho oat
\ ' \l.I'O turnln out from 30 to 40 bushel
I ) . Jler acro. 'rho wheat Is also a Inrg
. ) ' 10111.
. .
" " "
- - -
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. , - . . -
1' : . . . . .
' - -
: I _ _ = =
. .
' - - = -
. . , . .
' " " = = = =
- -
! j
- - - -
. .
OVER $4,000,000 , IN HANDS OF
Chlcugo-Tho l\IIlwauleeo Avenno' '
State hnnk closel1 Us doors Monday
after an oxamlnatlon by State Examiner -
iner C. C. Joncs , allli a cloud of scan.
dallnd / a IJnnic among l1ersons with
small savings on the Northwest sldo
followed , 11eur ) ' W. lIering , cushier ,
Is missing , und n. warrant charging
emhozzlemont has been sworn ont
against him. At the same time , Examiner -
iner Jones In a formal statemcnt has
eclal'ed thut the whereubouts of three
omclnls of the bunk are unlmown to
Satm'da ) ' gxamlnel' .Tones , acting on
Attol'fioy Stonsland's "tip : ' lscovcrcd
the dnngerous condition or the bank.
110 gave notlcl } to the olshlor and oth. I
or ofllclals , who could ho renched , that
ho woulll maIm n. . finnl examination aC
the books Ionda ) ' . But Monday mornIng -
Ing Cashier lIel"lllg WIIS absent , and
the bank was at once closed. . . . . _
'l'ho bnnk carricd dOIJo lts of.Over' :
$4,000,000 , largel ) . the savings of work.
Ing people , Its capital stoclt was
The llanlc was starte son ) after
nine a. m. , when , at the usual hour fol'
ollenlng , the doors of the bank contained -
tained the following notice , , written In
re Ink :
' ' l\tI1waukeo Avenue state bank
, as organized SOIJtembol' 15 , 18J1 ! ' It
s cceClled the lIanldllg firm of PaulO.
Stensland & Co. . .an was launched
with a paldup CalJital of $21iOOOO ,
'rho board of directors is cOlUposed
as follows : Blof Johnson. Marills
Kh'ltcby , 1\1. A. Lallu ) ' , Theol1oro Stens- I
lanl1 , .Joseph Lister , PaulO , Slensll\l1l1l
nnd Fl'I1nle B. Crane
PaulO. SlenslllIHl Is I1rosldent , 'rhe. I
01101'0 Stcnslancl , Yico IJreshlcnt ; '
Henry W , lIming , cashier , unt ! UlrIch
Daniels , assistant cashier.
W Jrrant Isued : for Stcmland : ,
Chletgo. - Mure amalng : t'ov-
elations III the l\U1waukee A " nue
State hanlt craBh came to light Tues ,
lIay. almu1tanoousl ) ' with ) Jreparatlona
Cor the al'rcst of PaulO. Slensialld , thq
president , It was learned that croolt-
< Ill hunklng methods and IJeeulations
date bac1t prlor'to 1901 , at which time
It nJW develops thet'o was n. . short.
ago of moro than $ 1iOOOO , l rom that
time on defalcations gl'ew In slzo al1d
numller untl1 the amo\1nt or 1I10no ) '
now Imld to have heon stolcn will
reuch 11101'0 thl1n $1..000,000.
John C. Fetzor '
was al11Jolnted 1'0'
colvor 'of the Ileful1ct 'ban Ie. ; \11' . Fetz-
or's bond aK receiveI' was Ilxed ut
$1,000,000. This action was takon-1Ir
Judre IJrentnno on the Inltlatlnl" or
twn women df'll03tors ! holding clulms
ugalnst the Instllulitm aggrogntln : ;
I'ss than $300 , ' 1'he ) ' Ilotitioned the
court to safeguard theIr claims and
these of othOl' dellOsltor .
Warrant Issued for Stentland.
Assistant Chief of Pollco Srhueltlpl' .
InsllectOl' Shlpll ) ' a'l1d Bailie Examhler
Jones 3ccurod a warrant fOl' the 111' .
rest of PaulO. Stonslal1l1 fmlll Jus-
tl o Sovol'on at 11 a , 111. 'l'ho iustlco
ut first l'ofuse(1 ( t { ) sign the warrnut for
tlio ronson that ho'ns II lloosltor ) ! In
the hanl. . LatOl' ho aI'c'ed : to sign
It on the condition thal the case
, sUouldnot bo tried 11) ' hlti1. 'I'ho clmro !
I Is violntlOI1 qf 6tnto banldl1 laws ,
The SIJecl\II.'ulmrgo : 113 , rccolving 1I0-
posits although Imowlng that the bank
Fatal Exploclon In a Mine.
St. ClaJrvlllol 0.-\\:11Iam : Rice ,
Jolm WrlBht nnd Isaac Francis , ml ,
I' nors , were fatally injl1l'ed Tuesdtl ) ' b '
an oXllloslon 1n the Berr ) ' mines at
PI po CI'o le. Accumulutlons uf gas
were Ignltoll b ) ' the 1IIInol:6' : lamlJH.
, . ,
Duke'ln Auto Colilcion.
nrecon , Wnles.-1'ho 11uko of Cn ,
naught IInd 1II01llbers of his staff while
riding In an 1\utomohllo from Ion'
lUouth to R1111 'udo : , 'I'uosday had anal"
row escapo. 'rho car collll1ed with an ,
nthOl' unl ! both were wroeked ,
_ . , I
" -
- - " " " = "
was insolvent. Thl6 under the state
hanking act constitutes emhozzlemont.
The warrant says : "PaulO , Stonslanll.
lIelng the prosldont of the l\fIlwnukeo
Avenue Stuto hank , said hank holng a
regularly incorporated statc hank and
doing business under the laws of the
stato'of Illinois , wHlfuJl ) . , knowingly ,
fraudulently and with malice aforethought -
thought received certain deposUs after
the banle was insolvent of which fact
ho hnd lcnowlellge. "
Whl10 crowds again besieged the
hank Iloors Tuesday , only to find them
still closed , Bank Examiner Jones re.
sUll1e the InvesL gation of the rec.
ords of the hank to uncover the Ilctalls
of years of allege Irregularities that
have startled the bllnklng world of
Chicago. Directors of the bank , do.
claring themselves deceived , are do-
mnndlng that President Stensland
show himself. With the statement
from the bnnle examiner that Pres I ,
dent Stensland had guilty knowledge
of his bank's looting has come their
first gllmpso 'of his dupllclt ' ,
Evldel1ce of 'Great Irregularities.
It Is known there have bee:1 many
irregulnrltlca , the disclosure of which
wUl tell the history of the plllndet'ing
of the savings dellosltor ) ' of the poor
on the northwest side. There have
heen embezzle monts , Money has been
loaned on wrthless securlt ' , Bundles -
dles of worth loss commorcinl palJer In-
cumboI' the low , dark vaulls of' the
hank , Evidence confirmatory of the
fact that $700,000 in forged notcs have
been uncovered , is coming to light.
Details of how President Stensland
himself brought the expose of the
ruin of his hank ere becoming llUb ,
IIc. In u letter to his son Theodore ,
vice president of the bank , sent from
St. Paul , [ \nn. \ , the elder Stensland
ald "things nro wrong at the hank ,
I and ought to be righted. " This hrought
the clearing house rssociatlon Into
the bank and In five minutes unearthed
the tremendou6 scan u ) .
Guilt of Fugitive Proven.
Chicago. - Conclusive evidence
has been unearthed hy Slale BanI.
Examh1Cl' C. C. Jones that Pl1ul
0 , Stensland , the fugitlvo Ilresident
of the l\1I1wlnwe : A VOIlUO State honk ,
has heen guilty of hlghl ' crlmlual
ncts in conducting the business of the
Institution of which he Is the hearl ,
This was officially anonuncerl b ) ' 1\1' \ ,
.Jonos Wednesday. At the santi } tlmo
cUlpability for the crimes which have
brought the far-rl'nchlng dlsasler on
the northwest sldo Is nalTowlng moro
n1I1 maI'o to StOlwland. Henr ) ' W ,
Hering , the missing cashier , who was
declared to be on emhezzlor of largo
sums ( If moncy , Is bolng in a measUl'o
, oxonll'I\terl becaune of the lack of dl.
rect IIroof lI alnst him. 1\11' , .Ionos
contlrms stntoments that the frauds
amounted to ever lOOOOOO ,
Rains Cause D 1mage ill Texas ,
FOl.t WOI'th , Tex. - According
to 1111\'lces received here , west con.
tral Texas han hocn vlsltell by tonen.
tlal rains , con ldol'l\hlo dam ago dmlC
to growing crops and mil road tmlllc
hadly crllJllled. HO\\'O\'OI' , no casual ,
ties , so far ns Imown , have occm'rod ,
aud IIrst rOI)01.ts ) sent out , It Is be.
1I0vcd , were greatl ' exag o1'ated.
Peace Cruiser Comino Home.
Wllshluvton.-1'ho ; crulsol'Iarble' :
head , which was used In the IJence no ,
gotlatlons hetween Guntemalll nnd
Salvnllor , 18 now sailing northward ,
her destlnaUon helng the navr 'al'd
nt Bromerton , Puget soun , whel'o
she Is to ho rell/llrod. /
Snd Body to Native Land.
1\1emllhls , Tonn.-The bed ) ' of th
native singer , Juan F , Edwards. of
the Ro'ul HawaIIan band , who dl'Ol-
lied doud of hent't disease 'l'uesday.
Whllo readh1 ! ; nt the hotel , wHl be
shillpod to 1101 , olulu for lIm'lal.
. . -
Death Hero's Reward.
Williams Bn ) ' , Wis.-Prof. lIonr ) '
I D , Smith. gonerul secretal' ' of Bololt
college , died Wedllesda ) ' as a I'esult
{ } f his elTorls to save the life of Miss
Huth l\Incumbel' , who wus drownC'll
nom' Lake Geneva 'l'ucsda ) ' ,
- -
. ' , . .
. . ' " ' , . . . . , . " . r
' 1-cxt of Platform Adopted-Conven. .
tlon Adopto Resolution In Favor
of Bryan.
Waterloo , Ja.-The Domocratlc Btnto
convention Tuesday nominated n fun ticket , headed by Claude R. PDr.
tel' , IJf Appnnooso county , for governor -
nor , adopted u platform and adjourned
sino die ,
The platform favors a tariff for rov.
enue only , the election of United
Stutes senlltors by direct vote of tbo
people and domand6 the enactment
of such leglalatlon as wlll effectually
destroy all trusts ,
The platform expresses s'mpathy i .
with the purposes of naU nal labor.
organizations 118 set forth in recent. . .
addresses hy Samuel Gompers , John.
l\Utcholl and others call1ng on labor
to a6sert Is Ilolltical rights at the :
ballot tJox. '
A resolution was ri opted pledging
to WllIlam Jennings Bryan the sup.
port of Iowa DemoCl'nts for the prosl.
dency of 1908 ,
. The tlcltct nominated follows :
Governor-CllI.udo R. Porter , Appa. .
noosl } Cunty ) ,
Lieutenant Governor-John D. Den.
ison , Jr. , Duhuque county.
Secretary of Stato-J. S. McLuen.
Guthrlo county , I
Auditor-C. E , Monroe , Mahaska
county ,
Treasurer-I. . F. Danforth , Calhoun ! .
Attorney Gcneral-Fred A. Town.
send , l\1onro ) count ) . ,
Superintendent of Public Instruction
-'V , S , Wl1son , L'on county ,
Ju ges Supreme Court-L. 1\1. Fish.
er , of Scott , and E , M. Carr , of Dela.
ware county ,
Clerk Supreme Court-To W. Kee.
nan , Page county ,
Reporter Supreme Court-H , M.
Iarker , Muscatlno county ,
UaUroad Com nlssloners - W , L ,
Carpenter , Polk , county , and E , K.
StoH , Henry county.
Indications are He Has Carried illinois
, Primaries by 40,000 Plurality.
Springfield , IIl.-Addltional returns
on the ndvisory vote for United -
ed States senator confirm the earlier
; reports and indlcato Senator Cullom's
plurality in the state may he can.
: sorvatlvely estimated at 40.000 , Sen.
ntor Cullom's plurality in Cook coun-
Ity is 16,477. The returns show that ho
Inot only will 1m\0 a pluraHty of the
popular vote In the state , but that he
has carried 41 out of 51 senatorial dls ,
trlcts. Some of the districts which on
the face of the returns have been , car.
ried by Yntes are his by small plurall.
tics and may ho thrown into the Cui.
iom column by the ofllclal canvass.
Moreover. Senator Cullom appears
to have' complete control of the state
conventlon. Cor the purpose of sena.
torial Instructions , Yates has lost
the popular \'ote In the state at large , I
ho hils lost four-tlfths of the senatorial
districts an ho has no chance to secure -
cure instructions In the state convene
tlon ,
Enraged Man Chased Wife with Ax
In Attempt to Complete Tragedy.
Menominee. Wis.-William Esler ,
of Downsvllle. Idlled his seven.year-
ol daughter 'l'uesdllY night by strikIng -
Ing her over the head with u gallon
Ho says ho kl1led the child because
the mother did not want it.
Before kllling the child Eslor
chased his wife with an x.
The couple ha not lived together I .
for six months , and Esler had Sught )
to have his wife- return home to lIve
with him again. .
The quarrel started on the wlfo's
return ,
Municipal Buildings at Abuyon , Leyte ,
Destroyed by Rald'ers.
Manlla.-One hundred and fifty PuI ,
ujnnes plorced the mllltary cordon , '
bUl'lle the municipal hull dings , lellled
the ex-president of the town , two
former members of the consJabulary
and three plIcemen ) nt Ahuyon , Island
of Leyte , O miles from the scene of
the recent fight. 0110 hundred sol.
lHors und constnbulary are In lJUrsult
of the ral ers ,
Must Supply Correct List.
New York. - : . . . The international
IJollc ' holders' commltteo Wednesday -
day won a victory from the Mu.
tual I.lfo Insurance COmlJ1l11) . when
it obtained an order from JlIstico
Glogorlch comllolIIng the company
to provld the commltte with a correct -
rect list of its policy hol ers , An.
ether lint must bo tiled with the in.
suranco department at Albany.
Newspaper Man Dead.
Albnny , N. Y-Thomns NQwcomb ,
Cor over 20 ) 'ears appointment clerle
In the ollIce of the govel'llor , led
\Vednesday , In early lIfo he was
prominent In 110WS111\per circles In
San Frnl1clsco.
Morphine for Former Liquor Agent.
St. Louts.-After writing a nota
stating that ho took , his lIfo rather
tl1an ngalu earn his living by selllng
liquor , El'Ilest Steinhardt , 57 years of
age , committed 8ulcilio by drinking
- _ _
- - J _
; : ; : ; ; : ; : ; ; . . . . . . . , - - - . - - - - - : - : = - - - _ . -
. . . . .
. - '
He Is Held Wlth = ut Ball Pending Further -
ther Investlgatlon-A Dividend.of . '
at Least 25 Per Cent Will Be PaId
In , a Short Time.
CHICAGO. - Henry W , Hering ,
casbler of the 1\l1lwaul.eo \ A ve.l1ue
State banle. which closed Its doors
three days ago , was arrested Thurs.
day nnd wlll bo refused his release on ,
"all until his connectlo11 with the dls-
appenrance of nearh. $1,000,000 of the
l.II1n1c's funds is cleared up. PaulO.
Stensland , preBl ent of the defunct In.
ntltuUoll , is sUll a fugitive , nnd al.
though nearly 100 detectives are
searching for the mlslng president his
wherenhouts Is as much or a m 'stery
us oyer.
Hering' wan arrested two hours after
lho tlmo he had provlously IInnounced
hl' would glvo himself up , He was
laleen at once to the office of Chief ot 1
Police Collins an lJUt through a thOI' . r
ough examination as to his lmowl.
edge or ! 'resl ent Stonsland's mls.
management of the Institution. Her.
In decll\red ho did not lenow where
Prosldent Stensland was an had had.
no communication with him for over
a week , 'rho cnshler strenuously e.
nled the charge thnt ho ( himself ) was
pnrtly resl1onslhlo for the fllluro ! of
lho tJanle , Hering maintnlns that if
ho is guilty of brealclng the tJanldng
laws of mlnols President Stensland Is
rosponslble , as Herln In his examlna.
tlo ; ' eclared he 110ver benefited a single -
gle dollar by PI'esldent Stensland' ,
peculiar system of hanlclng.
Pank Exnmlner .Tonos and Assistant -
ant Stnte's Attorney Glenson wore
present during the examination of
Hering. Neither the . nor the police
officials were satlsfic with tbe ex.
planation given hy Hering of his connection -
nection with the collapse of the banle
and It was accordingly decl ed to re.
fuse hall to Herin. ! ; until the matter
has heen further investigated ,
Rocelver Setzer relorted to the superior -
perior comt that a dlvlden of at least
25 per cent would prohably he e.
clared to depositors in the hank with.
in the next two weeles , This Is said
w111 be followed hy a seconll lvl end ,
although the receiveI' was not 1n a
position to st to how much of their
savings the 22,000 depositors would
recover from the defunct institution ,
At a meeting of the hoard of directors -
tors of the bank a rcsolution was
adopted apIJolntlng a commltteo to de.
vise ways and means 1'01' apprehending -
ing President Stenslnn and In
stralgh tenlng out the affairs of the
banle. 'I'he directors declare that there
will bo found a sufl1clent revenue from
the pl'Operty , nssets , etc. , to 1m ) ' all the
deponltors in full ,
Harriman WinG the Fight ,
NEW YORK-At the annual meeting -
ing of the stocleholders of 'VellsFar-
go & Co , in this city , the ticlet of
thirteen directors headed by E. H.
HarrIman and composed of members
of the present board , was elected over
a tlclet named by counsel for \Valter
C , Stolces. who has been lending an
opposition movement against the
stocldlOlders. The finnl vote for the ,
Harriman ticket was 47,568 to 26,216
for the Stol > es ropresentntive.
. {
Immense Lumber Yards of the C. N.
Dietz Comany ! Consumed.
01\lAHA-One of the most spectac.
Ular fires which has visited Omaha
for mnny a dny consumef the C. N.
Dietz lumber yards at an earl ' hour
Friday morning , entailing a loss 'estl.
mated at $175,000. 1\11' . Dietz says the
loss is fullr" covered b ' insuranco. '
Hundred Thousand Ounces a Week
Needed for SubsIdiary Coinage ,
W ASIIING'I'ON-For the lIrst time
In thirteen 'ears the governmmit nn.
nounce 'rhursda ' its IJl1l'lJOSO to pur.
chase silver for subsidiary colnago
lJUrposes. Tenllers are Invitc at the
office of the director of the mint in
this city \Vednesda . , August 15 , up
to 1 o'cloclt D. m" and every \Vednes.
day thereafter until further notice.
'fheso tenders nre to be for delivery
ut the Phlla elJhla , New Orlenns or I
Denver mints.
Kansas City Gets Cheao Gas ,
KA SAS CITY-Knnsas Cit ' won
Its long fight for cheap gas when
1\Iayor Beardsloy promised to sign the
so.called Fremlng-Wllson natural gns
ordlnnnce , granting a franchise to a
syn lcnto of Chicago CalJitalists an
posed by the city council. The fran.
chlso Is to run for thlrh' 'ears and it
provides thnt ns long as the supply of
nnturlll gas Is reasonabl ' Itccesslhle it
Is to ho fnrnlshed at 25 cents per 1,000
cuhlc feet for domestic consumption
and at 10 cents for manufacturing pur.
poses , .
Son Kills at Father's Order.
FREDERICK , Md.-At the comman
of his father. Fre Dehold , 17 : roara
old , son of John DelJOld , shot and
Iilled George Smith , son of their
nelghhor , Edward 0 , Smith , nenr hel'O
recently , Thel'e had been bad feeling
between the two families nnll yesterday -
day they quarreled over blaclebonles
the Smiths ha IJlcke on Dehol 's
lanll , "Shoot him , " snl Dehol to his
son , pointing at the ) 'ounger Smith.
The bo ) ' fired a lend from a shotgun , ,
which struck Smith 0\01' the heart ,
kllllng him Instantly.
- -