Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 16, 1906, Image 7

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' :4 : .
I rSom thing H ppening E ry. Day
: On August 23 , 24 , 25 , Next 'N eek , a Baseball 'rournt\-
ment in Broken Bow. 'rwo Games Each Day
and a Dance Every. 'rournanumt Night.
- - - - - - - - - -
- . . . - -
' ! , . ( . ' . . J. v. Whitney , of Anselmo ,
. . : : , t. : was a business visitor in the city
. . . "
11. . . , ' onday.
H. M. Browncll , of Wat worth ,
: was visiting in the city Monday
and 'ruesday.
Rev. J. N. Wood , of Mason
\ City , was 1n the citv yesterday
'morning on his wa : ' : to- Bethel
J. M. Fodgc hasjust completed
a barn on his property he rccent-
ly purchased in the southeast
part of the city. He will build a
. ' house latcr tIlls fall and move to
the city.
Twenty-four counties have
alrcady asked for space for their
, County Collective Exhibits in
Agricultural Hall at the l')06
Sate Fair , the first week in
September. This is great.
F. M. Skillman , who , with his'
family , has been visiting in New
Yark for the past six weeks returned -
turned home yesterday morning.
His wife and daughter will remain -
main for some timl1 before re-
W. L. Aldrich , for a number
of years a resident of the eastern
part of the county and who
, recentl.v returned from a trip to
the Pacific coast , has located in
\ , Broken' How with the view of
pur hasing property.
Mrs. M. L. Whitaker and chil-
'dren , of South Omaha , passed
through the city last Friday
morning on their way to Hem-
ingford to jolO Mr. Whitaker ,
who has been there since April
holding a section homestead. .
1 Mrs. H. T. Bruce and son ,
.William , left Tuesdal morning
'V and will sp nd some tUlle in the
. ; mountains in the vicihity of Den-
. ; ' . vcr. At McCook she was joined
b.v a sister , who will be her com-
I panion while absent from home.
I C. E. Clark , formerly of Weis-
sert , who has been in the hotel
business at Cario , where' he was
also marshal of the town , informs -
forms the RUPUnIICAN that he
has leased his hotel , resigned his
office and will move to Broken
Bow in the near future.
James G. Swope , of this city
returned the latter part of last
week from Blain county where
} te , with several others , were in
search of government land. As
a r sult of the trip he now has
papers on ( ,40 acres in sections
22.23 , town 1 , range 22.
A. L. Lazenby , of Merna , was
a city visitor yesterday. He says
the people were highly pleased
eve the large attendance at their. .
Base Ball 'l'ournament last week' '
and the financial success for the
ball team. He gives the Broken
How papers due credit for heJp-
' ing secure the large crowd.
, The Central District Sunday
School Convention will be held in
Broken Bow Saturday evening ,
August 18th , and Sunday after-
' " ' noon and evening'encling August
19th. The Saturday evening
t :
: session will be held in the Baptist
\ ' church. Sunday afternoon ses-
. .j ) sion at the Presbvterian ch urch
I and Sunday e\'cui g at the M.
E. church.
JI R B. ri'ox , a prosperous young
f farmer near llerwyn , was in the
, ' . city Monda ) ' and intormed the
1 HIU'UI I.lCAN that the crops in his
. ; part of the eOllnty are looking
' 1 " tine and coming right along on I
It sch dule time. lIe very much
" regretted to report. however , that
; some of his best friends are located -
. cated in the path of the recent
hail storm and the r grain was
'f-it Ir badly damaged.
II. A.Vatts , who has for some
time occupied a part of the post-
office with a news , book and stationery -
. tionery store , has moved the
goods into his new building adjoining -
joining Uncle SaUl on the . south
j and added largely to the stock ,
I including a complete line of
chool and text books. Ilis ad-
vertisement-on the first page-
should receive your perusal.
' 1'he attention of propertyown-
ers is called to a uew ordinance-
No. 55-published on the last
page of this edition. Some new
sidewalks are badly needed in
. this burg and if the city author-
ities do not allow this ordinance
-like numerous other really good
I' ' provisions on the statute book of
. the city-to be laid aside and
covered with dust and cobwebs-
some greatly needed improvements -
ments will result. It is to be
, hoped the provisions of this ordi-
I nance will be carried out to the
. l' letter-right away.
t.J. . , . , .
' . . . . . .
J. : : . " - k r , - - - , , , ' , , ' . . . - - - . . . - - - - . . , . . - . .
. Miss l lo\'d Tuttle went to IIal-
sey last Saturday to visit friends. :
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Lee departed -
ed Tuesday for Glanhaden , Wis. ,
where they will visit for i\ few
Willis Cadwell left Monday for
Ch1cago on a bUS10ess proposi-
tion.and will be absent from home
a week or ten days.
E. Taylor and E. l . McClure
went to Lincoln Tuesday night
as delegates to the Populist state
ul ine Kingdoms" at Christian
church , Sunday evening. Bri ng
bibles ; we wiII 1Ovestigate. . ,
A. J. Hargett , 1\1 iuister. I
Gordon Pike , an employee in i
the Chief ofiice , left last Saturday -
day for Bellingham , Wash. , on
account of the illness of his
Ross Pickett has moved his
residence to the street south of
its formcr : locatioh and wilt build
a modern cottage on the site.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Norcutt
and AI. Lanphere took advantage -
age of the reduced railroad rates ,
account of the National G. A. H.
encampment , and left for Minneapolis -
apolis last Sunday.
F. O. Brown , who resides nine
miles from Broken Bow and two
miles from Berwyn , was 10 the
city Tuesday and added his testimony -
mony in the crop case to the
effect that prospects were . favorable -
able for a big : Yleld.j
Is it not worth going miles to
see more than 100 Draft Stallions ,
400 head of Fat Pedigreed Cattle
and 1,500 head of the best show
hogs in the west ? If you think
so , do not miss the State Fair at
Lincoln , Sept. 3 to 7. One fare
plus 50 cents.
Swope Bros. . the local ice men ,
inform the HUPUHIICAN that
their supply of ice is getting low
and that their house will be empty -
ty within a couple of weels.
This predicament was caused by
the warm weather we all so much
enjoyed last wInter. Now we all
wish there had been cold snappers -
pers while we basked out doors
in tbe gentle zephyrs. .
"Say , Mr. RUPUBIICAN , change
tbat advertisement of mine , " said
a merchant. "All right ; glad to
do .so provided you get the copy
into the ofiice before Tuesday
noon if it's on the first page ancl
before Wednesday evening if on
the inside pages , " replied the
RUl'UIIT.ICAN man , "because printing -
ing of tht : paper is done early
Thursday and in order to catch
'outgoing mails we haven't time
to set advertisements that day. "
Interest in base ball wilt be at
top-notch in Brolcen Row three
days next week , , a tournament
having been arranged for Thursday -
day , Friday and Satucday , the
23rd , 24th and 25th. Six clubs
will take partl namely : Ansley ,
Callaway , Merna , Oconto , Ha\'en-
na and Uroken Bow , two games
.to be played each day. On Saturday -
urday the Grancl Island aggrcga-
tion will playa nine picked from
the above named clubs. A dance
will be given each night of the
tournament. , Music all the time.
All who desire to engage family -
ily tent. . for use during the county -
ty fair must apyly to A. J. Van
Antwerp , secretary , before Sep.
tember 1st a'nd at the same time
dep.Jsit the rental price of SL.50.
If the tenL is used the Si.50 will
b refunded ; if not used the rcnt-
al price is forfeited by applicant.
It don't cost anything to live in
a big , Iliry tent on the fair
grounds for five clays. If you engage -
gage a tent it is reserved for ) 'ou
and ) 'Olt pay for it if you don't
use It. Better engage one all
use it.
Seven large barns , each containing -
taining ( ,0 stalls , full of the
choicest cattle. ' 1 hirteen swine
barnd , each containing 38 pens
with 110 additional temporary
pens ; four horse barns , each containing -
taining 38 stalls filled with th
very choicest stallions to be found
in the Unit d States , and a large
sheep barn 6xlOO filled with the
best types exhibited. My farmcr
friend , this is what you can see
at the State li'air , at IAncoln ,
Sept. , 3rd to 7th. It will pay
every farmer of this county to
attend , for here you will receive
inspiration to improve your
herds. The improvement of the
individual means the improvement -
ment of Qur community and we
are for the' upbuilding of this
county and the State of Nebraska.
- ' . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , " " . . . , . , _ _ . . . . - . . . ' _ . . , , . , - . . ' ,
- - . - - - - -
.J " , . " , - - . - = _ _ . . . . . , . . . _ _ . . _ _
A number of the mewberii at
the Broken Bow departweut left
l.'uesday to attend the State
Firemen's tournament at li're-
J. R. 'I'eagarfleu occupied the
pulpit of the Christian church at
Alliance last Lord's day and has
gone frolU there to Dcnver for a
ten days' outing.
II. L. Ormsby , agent for the
B. & M. railroad in this city , expects -
pects the arrival of his aged
parents , who reside at Trumbull ,
Nebr. , this evening for a visit of
a week or so.
A. C. White , residing twelve
miles southwest of Broken Bow.
I who is largely interestcd in stock
raising , is now busily engaged in
hauling material froiu this citl
for a new school house in hIS
neigh borhood.
The Teachers 1nstitute. which
closed last Friday , was one of the
most successful ever held in the
county and Supt. Pinckney feels
well pleased wIth the results attained -
tained and which he knows will
accrue as a result thereof.
Over fifty Broken Bow citizens
have petttioned for membership
in the Ak-sar-ben
- - organization
at Omaha and expect to go there
next Monday and be initiated
that night. It is expected that
the r < iilroad company will grant
a reduction in rates for the occa-
sion. It is clesired that all citizens -
zens who feel inclined to join the
organization , place their names
on the pctition , which is in the
hands of 1. A. Reneau , before to.
morrow night. at which time it .
must be forwarded to Omaha. ,
Those patrons of the RnpUBII-
CAN who desire to have the paper -
per a newsy one , can aid very
materially in making it so by
simply informing us of happenings -
ings that may come to their
knowledge , which includes the
arrival of babes , the names of
those from abroad who are visiting -
ing here and of citizens who are
visit ing elsewhere. Also eases
of illness , of marriages , et .
Don't be backward about , it just
because it may be conc rning
your family. You are. the one
who can tell us about It better
than any of your neighbors and
it' to you we look ( or the desired
in forma tinn.
Band Concert Fridl\Y Night.
It has been decided to give
band concerts in the park on l ri-
( fa v nights instead of Saturday
nights as formerly. The change
is made because a number of the
members bf tbe band were unable -
able to participate on account of
business engagements on Saturday -
day nights.
The first of the Friday night
concer.ts will be given -tomorrow ,
begipning- 7:30 : o'clock and
some new music will be renderecl.
Townsml\n Eastham is One of Them.
' 1' . S. Allen , of Lincoln , chairman -
man of the democratic state central -
tral committee. was authorized
bv the committee in New York
Jlaving in charge the reception
to be tendered W. J. Bryan on
his return to this country' from
his tour of the world , to appoint
twenty delegates at large , from
the state of Nebraska , to attend
the reception at Madison Square
Garden , August 30th , and among
the twenty our fellow-citizen , W.
B. Eastham. has been honored
with an appointmtment as dele-
Base Ball Game Tomorrow.
' 1 be Callaway ball club will
play in Broken Bow tomorrow afternoon -
ternoon , beginning at 3:30 : p.m.
The Callaway team has been considerably -
siderably strengthened by the
addition of new players and expect -
pect to malc the Bowitcs go
some-and thcn more. It is said
the visiting club will be accompanied -
panied by a large array of "fans"
and "rooters , " consequen tly the
home yelpers ought to be on
A Social for the Sociable.
Wanted : A jolly , good-look-
ing crowd to attetH a lawn social
to be given by the Epworth
League , at the M. E. parsonoge ,
next Tuesda'y evening , Aug. 21.
Everybody heartily welcome.
Denatured Alcohol In Nebralka.
li'our products of the soil
enter into the lOanufacture of
denatured alcohol , viz : Potatoes ,
sugar beets , corn and corn stalls ,
so Nebraska will become a great
field for denatured alcohol which
will become generally used before
long in place of gasoline , to run
autol11obiJes , motors , engines ;
for heating , cooking and ligh t-
A good yield of potatoes , say
300 bushels to the acre , win produce -
duce 250 gallons.
An acre of corn-50 busbels-
will furnish 130 gallons of absolute -
lute alcohol , or , a bushel of corn
will make two and four-fifths
. .
- . \to. . . : ,4" " J. , 'v' . . . . . . . . " - ' _ _ . .
. - - - - " . . . . . - - . . " " ' - . . . . . . . _ . , " - . . . . . .n.lll. . . . ,
, w " 0"-- . . - . " . . .
, ' 1.
- - & ) IM : ! QIM
M Ma s R E
J. C. Moorc , abslracting. 2tf
This ollice for neat job work.
Let us e your printer. The
good kind of printin enl ) ' .
FOK SAJ.H-rl'he Bangs photograph -
graph galler ) ' , building to be
moved froUt the lot.
V AIUJtTY SAT.It-Don't forget
the date , AugSlst 2211(1 to Septcm-
ber 1st , inc1usiv . H. A. WATTS.
Drs. l arnsworth & Beck-
Furnished rooms to rent. Bath
in connection. Enquire at the
HUl'UBLICAN omce. 44tf
FOR SAIH OR 'l'RAnl-A ( good
sleam , Case threshing machine ,
complete and ready for use.
\Vill trade for stock or sell on
reasonable terms. Inquire at
this omce. ( , tf
GWl' TIll ( nHNIWI'r from II. A.
Watts' extraordinarj' bargain reverse -
verse Variety Department. Useful -
ful Goods at unheard of prices at
the Grand ll-da ' Opening Sale
from August . 22 to September 1 ,
FOR HHN'r-li'arm of
- 320 acres ,
220 in cultivation , rest pasture
and hay land. Fair improve-
ments. ' 1 en miles south-west of
Brolen Bow. All levet land.
10tf Broken Bow , Nebr.
. - -
FOR SArItMy home property
in Broken Bow , house of eight
rooms , quarter block of land witb
barn and other improvements.
Broken Bow , Nebr.
. - .
The nel. ( of section 25-14-25 ;
lying southwest of Call way is
to be sold bv the sheriff next
Monday , Aug tst 20th , 2 p. m. at
Brok n Bow. This is said to be
fine land. Some one will get a
bargain. The sale is eing made
with the consent of the defendants -
ants to the foreclosure.
'l'lte Bargain Variet ) ' Department -
ment in II. A. Watts' new store
wiIi present an Xmas appearance.
Several counters will be loaded
wIth useful lousehold Goods ,
Dishes , Novelties and Dry Goods
Specialties. Come to the Opening -
ing Sale and see the biggest bargains -
gains of the west , August . 22 to
September 1 , inclusive.
Health and accident insurance
on popular monthly payments.
For liberal terms address Conti-
nC'ntal Casualty Co. , 621 Exchange -
change bldg.IDeuverColorado. .
- -
FOR RUNT-The first of Aug. ,
a house with six rooms and barn.
7t.f J. W. WIIITH.
Fou SALIt-Eleven and half
lots , 50x140 feet. Good frame
hou&\ ' . good barn , good well and
100 bearing fruit trees. Enquire
at this office. 17tf
Let us be your printer. 'l'he
good kind of printing only.
For bargains in real estate see
Bowman & Anderson , just west
of the Security State Bank. lOtf
When you want to send money
away , go to the Broken Bow State
Bank and buy a Bank order.
'rhc'l are cheaper and more convenient -
venient than postal orders or
express orders. tf
W ANTED-Men , women , boys
and girls to represent McClure's
Mag-azine Good pay. Address
67 East 23d St. . N. Y. City.3ottf. .
Dr. ' 1' . W. Bas5 , dcntist. Ofiice
O\'er McComas' drug store.
Phone 1 % .
Doctor Leach , Dentist.
We have in st ck all kind of
screen doors and windows , the
best in the city , call and inspect
them. 49tf
DHHKS 14uMIIJtH & COAl . , CO.
- - - -
- - - - - - -
( \'Ot ! SArH-Clean stock of
Gencral Merchandise in live
town of 700 , fody miles west of
' f4incoln. Invoice about $9,500.
'Practicall ) ' no dead stock. Not
for trade. Good established cash
trade and steadily growing ,
prosperous German and American -
can settlement. Address ,
' 1' . J. C.
Nebraska City , Neb.
W AN'I'un-Gentleman or lad ) '
with good reference , to travel by
rail or with a rig. for a firm
of $550,000.00 capital , Salary
* 1,072.00 per ) 'ear and expenses ;
salary paid weekl ) ' and expenses
advanced. Address , with stamp.
Jos. A. Alexander , Broken Bow.
R. B. Mullins , M. D. , D. D.
S. the Dentist. 37tf
_ \ u : . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . .
- - - -
' " .
" . . . . . . . , . . " . . .
- . . " ' " . '
. . . . . . . . . .
- - -
" ' " "r'V - _ = 111. ' 0 . V.Sf
Hotel leneall
\Vill be open as S0011 as the numerous improvements : : -
ni'e . ,
comple.ted. ,
. . t
. , : ' . i
FREE SAMPIJI. ; ROOMS , Etc. , ' , ' / :
J. E. ISZARD Pr D'r. ' : : . j
. . , . . , ,
I . . . " , > ' .
. 1t
. . . "wv. ,
" . . . . f 'I
, : ; . , , ;
New and Second Hand Furniture , .tf !
Flour and Feed Store. . ' "
'tVe wish to notify oar many- customers that we'd
have added to our stock of lIul'dware all kinds of > :
Nails , Staple and. Smooth Wir . ' , ,
'tV c also hnve .1\ason [ City and ICenrney flour , : -
the best th t can be 11tu1 in t.he state. , : , }
'tV e always have plenty of feed and baled hay. ' /1 :
Goods delivered free to any part of the city.
\Ve repair furniture apd frame picturcR. , ;
J. "VV . . SCC > IIJI.-JI. : : ; : ) : : "
. . . . . . \ ' <
' - ' .
L. E. COLE , : 'j
licensed Embalmer j
and Funeral Director : ;
. ,
has just received a large stock of undertaking .
goods. 'l.'his is one of the most complete stocks
of undertaking goods ever brought to Broken ' . .
Baw. 1'hey are located in the Cadwell building
on Fourth avenue.
. :
Pal.ties wishing anything in this
line are l'cq\wsted to call and
illSlwct goods and g t prices. . ,
] 01' first-class work 11l l1nder- '
taking' .01' mnbalming call and
see me or vhone. :
Phone Numbers . : Office , 7 7 ; Uesidence , 322.
- -
. '
Eight miles west of Broken Bow.
\ . . ' , ' . . " . . . " . . . . ' . . . ' ! I- , ' . 'Jf. , . . . : . . . . . . . # . . ! ' ! - w..V " . ! , . ; , . . : : r" .t . . . - , : t : " ' I . . . . . . " . . ' ' . . .L.P. ; : . . . . .L. . . ' . ; . . . i" ' . . ' . . - ' - - ' .
' g 5 ti\ . . ' : .1. . . . . . . . " . . . 1''L " " " " : 1 ; " I. . " . . : . . : . . , ' : 'I' " - . ' . , " ' r' : . ' I' . " " 'f' " . , ' 'I1E" ---I I
: When to bil
desiring figure on a
rii l ; of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . i : .
I\r : : ( f"r :
at.t : II. ,
CLl urner Lb er C o.
f We arry a iull stock < ? f I4umber.
Sash , Doors , Mould1l1gs , etc. fit"
Agents for the Nebraska Central J
dit Building & Loan Asspciation. K 1 : "
! , : ' ; . . . . . . 'l-L'.f . , , . . ! . . . . . ' " ' ' , .f , . , . , . . . . . . . . . - , . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . -.t. . . . . UI.u . . . . .
' ; ' ! ; &F. . : ; . . { ! , h 1i' 'K : : .i . j. . . " . . . : " : . ' O' , . . ' ' ' ; . ' , . . . : " .V- : ! ! , : _ ; _ ' " 'i . , .ft. . . " . .
; ; ILIK'L' \ : : : 'TJ : iL-JL- : : : ne. : : : : ; La ; : ! > ' 'tt. : : n. " "I
- - - - - -
r . .
If you are looking for the Qualitj" of
lumber and Building Malerial
for the , T4east Moncr let us figure on Your bill.
We always , try to pleasc. l
H. T. BRUC'E CO. ' .
! :3onth : Side 14umber Yard , Brolen Bow , Ncb.
. _ . . : .
1.1 7 - - - - .
_ _ _ . - _ _ : - _ . _ - : -v _ I _ _ , -
* * * *
' ' ' -
are dealers in Heal Estate of all kilHh .
WE We will buy or sell. Don't fail to'see .
us before you buy.or sell. We can do
' " you good. CollectIons made and insurance - '
ance written. Ii'arl11s rented and taxes paid. See" . . I
us for farm loans. Come in and see us. ; ,
t !
, . . . , , ' I
. , (
. . , , . . , , , ' . . , . . . ' ' . t . _
\ : " " -'L 'U L.oJ1 .1 It : : lItilili : j . . . ? - ; "