Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 16, 1906, Image 6

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    - - - - - - -
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, u tDr ounty ncpublioan ,
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- - - - - - -
" . M. AMSBHI1I1V , - - Publl9\1I'Jr \
CHAS.I < , BASSETT , - R oolnln
. . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
t bler'd , , ' .It"I" " ' lnrnl fla' ' II' kllll BnlY. Unit. .
n fCllnu , . \ \-.1\ " tilt 1'.n llll , IIIIIIII'1It1i
HI. . n . . 11..11. .
. . . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
' "V l tfl'IH(1 , UA'J'ICH ,
"IJC 11'11 IJ , IJ , lit f 11111" ' " , ' 7 00. IInll.II 1t fJI.-
' " " . 11111 , ) $11" 'lUnth" rlllullIlI , per
11,1\1 , II , ' " MI , " ' , . II'M' ' ' 'IIl ltHr 1'.1111111IIII
tII ! I " lueh I"'t ' 111"11111
UM J"1I on Clr 1 l'l"u ' 1111 1' I'ur ' 111011 , per
Lt'c"lad'ertl luv" 1'11 I" " III1A ( , Rt.h l'Ior.
lion.Nollet ! of church talr . "uelnhll : , IIndlulerllll" .
men II whore munu , Ie onntI < I'I. ollu.IInlt rlll..8.
800101 , 'loll CUI IInl rt'"lllllllnlIIII'halt rnlce.
\ \VeddlngliUllr \ frot" halt Iltke for 1Iuhll nllll (
1/a / t of I1roeou " ,
Doatb tlolloo frt-e , IInlt 1r1C" , tor 11111111,111111 (
, obituary 11011008 , RnI Clltd , uf Ihallk .
LoR"I nollCl1" at 1"1' " pr.loh'd h1 1'lIIuteot
" 'eh"'III" .
- -
'J'hursday , Aug. 1 ( " 11)0 ( ,
. _ or _
Another dcadly wcapon has
( 1acu c1i1covered ! , following closc-
' ly 011 th acll\iliol1 \ of the hat pin
't to till' list , al1l1 it is no morc nor
: les. ; thal1 ln umhrella-just a
, ur stolelJ , it mattcr IIOt. 'l'hc
\ , "l cr day in Minneapolis two
i I men el1l'a ( 'd in : tn altercation.
" One of t bcm carried an umhrella
! which he polielil1w \ the Cj'c of
: j1is llltag-ollist with such vig-or
1 \ . . '
. i' ' \ , tt Il I'enctrlltc ' ( 1 I. I ) ru , : II ,
'J I whercllpnl1 he fell IIl1c nsclOUS
. and dicd shortl\ thereafter in
! J
i 1 great aJOIl ) ' .
J _ _ _ _
Ma husilless is look-
; . 'y a I.nau -
; , lilt ! WIth some : Inxletr to ncxt
I : 'lltUflh y , w len the sixty days
: "Howed thc fire insurallce com-
i panics to decide what they will
/ do in regard to the San Francis-
t \:0 losses , will expirc. The com-
" , panics that will win in the long
J'LtIl , are those that comc up manfully -
fully and scttle. 'l'hc ones that
take advantage of every technicality -
cality to escape payments of
\ . claims are to b 'sllUnned. 'rhere
are enough companies in the
country that will adopt thc hon-
, .st course.
: ( rhe annual report of tbe dcp-
' ! 1\ly commissioner of lahor on the
'I ucrcage in Nebraslm has been
made and shows a total incrcasc
I' I of 308,887 acres. 'l'he corn acrc-
I agc this year is 6,840,905 , an in-
/j _ rease of 368,418 acrcs ovcr last
, , "car. 'l'hc largest acrcage is in
I Tancastcr county , while Custer
! county is sccond with 232,427
acrcs. 'l'he acreage of spring
wheat is 56,067 acres less than
I ) ast Ycar.
, . '
" I 'j'herc is many a man who fccls
i that he is indispensable in the
t p 2ition which he may occupy ,
but should he stcp out of it he
l I would he surprised to see the
worldmovc along just the same
-perhaps hettcr than it did be-
. f orc.
'rhc latter part of the season
in the hase hall field secms to
de\'elop a great deal of trouhle
for the umpires-all over the
M. T. Thompson for Attorney General
Hon. W. ' 1' . Thompson , the
prescnt deput ; > attorney general
bears tbe dishnction of hcing the
only candidate thus far an ,
nounccd for the ofilce of attorne )
gencral to succeed Norris Brown ,
Mr. Tbompson 1S a resident 01
Central City , Merrick county. .
He represented his county in UH
state legislature heforc hc r wa !
I appointed to thc position of dcp
lIty attorney. As a mcmher 01
] . . , I th special revenue committee 01
thc scssion of 1903 , Mr. Tholnp
son ssisted in drafting the exccl ,
Jcnt rCllcnue law tbat is now I
operation. Mr. Thompson ha !
takcn a { ) rominent part in th (
corporahon and trust suits no\ '
. " - - pending , which will special1 }
V J qualif.y him to carry then
through should he be elected a !
Mr. Brown's successor.
'r--- - -
Tract of 160 Acres May be Isolated.
. 'I'he law providing for the pur
chase of 80 acres of govermnen
land after it had. heen entircl1
tmrrounded by cntcred or deedei
land , was amcndcd hy an act 0
. Congress June 27 , 1906 , so as 11
admit of tbe purchase of 1,1
acres of land tbat is isolated , till
t11ree years requircmeqt heing re
pealed Thc following is till
amendment :
"It shall he lawful for the com
missioner of the Gcner lland of
f'ce to order into marlcct and sel
at public auction at the 14and of
flce of the district in which till
I land is situated , for not less thai
$1.25 an acre , , any isolatcd or dis
cou ti t'.ted tract or parcel of pu h
lic t.lumain not exceeding on (
I qU rt'fr scction whicb in hi !
jlHh mentr it would be proper t (
ext l'-C ; for salc after at leas
tb'l v days notice by the laud of
ficers of the district in whicl
such land may be situated : Pro
, : vided , That this act shall not de ,
. . feat any vestrd right which ha !
, ' already attach d upon any pend.
j , ing entry or location. "
\ . _ . . . . . !
, -
. - . . .
. . . , - -
- - - - - - -
Twenty-three YeDrs o.
, , \ 'Itoclc ' havl'
/ joint rOlllpn }
1111'111\1' ' III I.lIi\r1 \ a town ahoul His
IIIlll'\ 1IIIIIw Wc'\t ! ' Onion :11111
hllve altcallI.'OIllUII'UCl'c1 huilel-
illg' . OVI'I" $100.IIf ( } ) hns hu'n
lIb erilll'cl. 'I'hl' ) ' illtPlleI to pllt
a hric1g-e n'ro ! ; th ( ' J\1icltlJe l.olIl'i
thc' town has heell I/IIII/eel / / Sar
gl'nl. "
" 'l'uesday evcnillg the lit tll'
son of J. p , Gauely , while playing -
ing- with a cOIIIIHlIl OI1 , I'ell into
the Hcale pit - - which wa Ol11 at
lhe timc-hrealc ng' hi left collar
honc fil\l \ ( J otherwisc hrtl Hin
him. "
"I"iguring and scheming' i'i
still going Oil fef' creating nil
olher county out of a porlio 1 of
Custer connty. Onc schemc IH to
malic Arnold , on the Bouth
LOll ! ' . the county eat , and another -
other schcmc is to malcc Sargenl ,
a new lown in the uol'lhern IH1.rt
of Custcr Co. , the county seat. "
'l'he total tax .levy of the
county was shown hy figures to
have ecn $1'.JS')8,81. 'l'hat's
some eliffercnt from now.
"GIUlS. Pelln rcturned from his
westcrn trip last wcck. He has
lOOO hcad of l\1erino sheep with
lamhs--on the drive-which will
arrive in thc course of three
wcalcs. He shearcd after pur-
chagillg and the clip averagcd
fi ve pounds. "
"Scveral scctions of laud , he-
longing to the railroad com pan ) ' ,
in th southwest part of Olis
county. were recently sold for $3
per acre.I
As shown hj' the Hm'U1I1.IcAN
files , tlere was hut one physician
Ilnd gurgeon in Broken Bow
twenty-three years ago. ' Ilis
name was W. Uull. 'l'herc wcre
thrce attorncys , namcly : J. S.
Kirkpatrick , Geo. W. 'l're.fren
au d . A. IIo1com h.
Populiat Convention.
'l'hc populiSt county convention -
tion met at the courl house last
Salurday and was called to order
by C. \ \ ' . Beal.
Pray r was offered hr ReII. .
ID , Meycrs.
J. B. Oshorne was eleclel ( tcm-
porary chairman and James
Leonard , sccretary. He appointed -
ed John Murry as'assistant. .
Speeches wcre made by C. W.
Real and II. M. Sullivan , the latter -
ter taking occasion to "rip up
the hack" one Edward Rosewater ,
of Omaha.
'l'he committee on crcdentials
reported 19 ont of 25 precincts
The following resolutiQns were
unanimously adopted :
'fhe peOIJles Indepement ] party of
Custer County assembled , in delegate
convention views with satisfaetion the
progress being made by all parties
I along reform lines and declares that
I every position tllken by the party on
all IHlblic questions has been vindicated -
ed by time and experience , including
the qlHUltiiivo theory of money or the
principle of sUIply and demand as applied -
plied to money , the government ownership -
ship of natural monopolies as a rem-
ec1y fOl' trusts , the election of United
States senators by the direet'oto of
the pcople , a graduatml illcome tax.
all inheritance tax and the principle of
. direct legislation , Wo rejoice in the
effort lQin ) made by the better ele'
. ment inull parties to'assert themselves
and to drive scandal , graft and corruption -
. ption from all tlm departments of government -
ornmont 11I111 gladly extolll ] It weluomo
hand of fellomhil ; ) to all who desire
. that the gO\'OI'lImenL he hrought back
to the people and administered in their
- hohalf. free from the cl1\'se \ of corrupt
We take pri o in the fact that while
in chm'ro of the state gOVIJI'Ilmont , W ( ;
paid off nearly a million dollars 01
debt , including honds and warrants ,
h\8illo pi1ying UHrllllllinr nXIHUHWS 01
the state govel'llment and with mucl1
lower tax levies than those made since
the state go\'ernment was turned over
to successors. _
It should 1I0t he forgotten that
while we had control of the county
government , wo paid a deht of $ ' 101
000 , in ten YOIUS , paid the running expenses -
penses of the cOllnty allll reduced thE
levy for ccullty purposes 50 per cent ,
We demand that the maximuH1
freight I'/lto / law onactec1 by 11 pomlist (
. legislature and which would reduce
e freight rates 33 per cent , shall be en' '
We domlUlI ] that the grain trust 0 :
the state shall ho llrosecutcd for vie ,
luting the law against conspiracy it
restruint of hade.
We demand the aholition of the frol
past system and the enactment of 11
- law re ucing passenger rates to tWI
- cents pel' mile.
'Ve demand that the power of tax
ation he kept as close to the people IH
possible nnd that the cororation ( ) shal
bear a just proportion of the burden 0
stat { ! and county government IlJld tlll\
I 110 discrimination 8hal1 bo made he
- t\veen \ individuals nnd corporations il
- the collection of tn xes.
The convention then proccede (
0 , to the nomination of a county at ,
torney with the following result
. . ' . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . , . . _ . , . . . . . . . . . . .
- . .G.-- ' . . - " . . - _ - . . . . . . . . - .t..I. - . . . ( . . . - , . - . . . . - . - _ .
- - -
--I ; It Y l r !
OWllHair ? I
_ _ I . . . . . . . . . . . .ALI _ ' _ _ _ .
Dq you pin yotlr hnt to your
own huir ? Can't o it ? I
Haven't enough hair ? It must
he yotl do not kllow Aycl"s
Halt'V/fol' / ! ! Here's an intra- "
duct/on / ! Mny the acqun/nt- /
nnce result in n hcavy ro\Vlh
ofrichthickglossyhnil' ! And
we know you'll ncvcdH' : I rty. :
" 'think tIAt , AYI'r' IIl\lr Vhnr" Ih" , " " .1 I
" " , "II1rflll h"lr ru\V"r II lit I w" , pv'r 11111,1. . I . '
" "VII n.,1 II for 01111111 1111111 "n" , I' allltlilio
IlIlIy 81\V IIIBII Bill J'f'l\ty ! 1,1I\'Ptl , "lilt II. I
rh"llIlIy r"p" II It II f'I III II n. " " , " " , , \hll'/I'I'- \ ' '
I roll"nMIHII : V. IIllIIc're , Wllvl.IIII. lIch ,
I _ T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' bv .T. C , Ayrr 00 , . Tnwnll. U. . . . .
I ) ,1.0 IIIAnUraclufOr or
II e rs CIIEr.RI'r.CTOIW. . .
t "
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
A. P. Jo11nsoll , 127 ; C. W. Beal , I
7 ; Frank Kellv , 1. Johnson was
declared the hoice of thc convention -
vention and , uIJon caBs , responded -
ed with a Hpecch.
'rite delegates lo the slate con-
I vcntion were instructed for Hon.
G. W. Bcrgc for governor.
Delegates were then clcctcd to
the stat , c ng-rcssional , sen-
alorial and legislativc conven-
And the convention adjourncd
fecling that oncc again the
Union-with a big Uo.-hacl becn
- - - - - - - -
Lnml Office Items.
Special Go\'crnmcnt T-Iand
Agent Nixon spenl se\'eral days
in the citj' last week , looking up
the land office records.
Samucl A. Sample , of lilhurn ,
was in thc citj' j'c3terdaj' to filc
on ( J'JO acres of Uncle Sam's
domai n.
Special Government Land
Agent Chamhers was looking up
data in the U. S. land oOice of
this ci ty l.'uesday. He has
reccntlj' had the O'Neil district
added to his terri torjT.
Roj' E. Jacohs , of Upland , was
transacting husiness hefore the
U. S. land office Tuesday. He
filed on a section homestcad
north of Brewster.
Joseph E. Winnc , of Ansley ,
was i the city Monday to filc ou
a section homestead.
.B' . M. Sharp , of Dunaing , was
transacting husiness before the
U. S. land office of this city
Carl F. Somerson , of Minden ,
was in the city Tueseay. While
here he filed on a section homestead -
stead , in Blain county.
aptiat Church
Serviccs in the Baptist church
ncxt Sunday morning at 11 a. m.
Conducted hy ev. Lcvack.
Young peoples meeting at 7 p.
m. A hearty invitation is ex-
tcnded to thcse services.
Rcsidenccs for Sale or Tradc.
One 8-rooms and one five rooms.
Will sell or trade. Terms to
suit purchaser.
10-tf J. B. BmmIcK.
- = "
- ,
if-- ; : - : : : : .
= : . ' :
, , - . .
, t71',1. , - ; : : : , :
Ceiling and Siding
can he purchased at close figures.
We have just received a car
, ] oal ] of Inmher of fine grain and
cXtcllent : quality. We consider
, it aH linc a lot of 14UMllI H as
evcl' came inlo lhe yard' and
I huildcrs who are 1001nng forsome-
, thing- good for a nice . joh should
secure somc of this. 'l'hev will
nevci' lind anything better or
! .
. ,
( ) jerks lumber and Coal Co ,
. . -
Prison. and Prayer.
_ 'l'hc a ho\'e
tthe' ! title
I of a h 0 0 k
I written b \ '
, 'i ' gli : Iheth E.
\V 11 eat 0 n ,
prison cvan-
gcli1t ! , and
JlU hli . , hefl hy
Hev. Cltai. !
M. K c II ) ' ,
manag-er 0 f
'l'a her [ lomc ,
'l'abor , Iowa
MrR. Wheaton , who ig gencr-
ally 1000wn as Mothcr Wheaton ,
is a prison evangelist. For ncar-
ly twcnty.two years she has heen
engaged in this work and in thc
mcan timc hag visited. and held
meetings in nearly cvcry state
prison in lhe United Stateg and
111 the prisons in Canada and
Mexico. She has also extended
her visitg to England and Scotland -
land , where she spent some time
in 1SI)0.
'I'he puhlisher of her book says :
I "TIer. constant travel throughout
the Unitcd Statcs and into Mexico -
ice , Canada , England and
"Scotland has hrought her in contact -
tact with the masses in thc various -
ious condilions of life , and g1ven
her opportunities possessed hy
fcw , if all ) ' , upon a like mission.
She has hecn as , faithful to those
in positions of trust and honor as
to the lowly. Shc has rarely
tra'clcd upon a rail way train ,
evcn a short distance , or on a
street car , without g-iving passengers -
engers and crew their due portion
of thl' "old , old story" of the
Gospel of love , either in word or
'l'he author relates her personal -
al experiences ill o\'ercoming difficult -
ficult ics and opposi lions and
elTorts to reach individual cases
as wcll as places.
'l'he sad story of many prison
bound alld unloved one is told by
themseh'es in a way that will
awaken an interest and sympathy
in the hardest hearts. it is a
hook well worth reading and as
the profits of the author and puh-
Iisher all go to missionary and
hcne"olen t work all well disposed
people 1m'e an opportunity to
hclp along a good cause by purchasing -
chasing this hook and at the
same timc receivc the value of
their money in reading it.
The hook is diyided into 26
chapters and has an appendix
containing a prison directory , an
addrcss hy a prison warden on
the personnel of prison managc-
mcnt and othcr very valuable
matter. One chapter ib ! givcn to ,
extracts from prcss reports of thc
work , which shows the work as
viewcd hy others. Another
Chapter is devoted to street and
open air work ; another to prcach-
ing on rail way trains.
'rhe book is frcsh from the
prcss and is not only dcstined but
worthy of a large c1rculation. It
ha 636 pages well printed , am }
about 40 cuts of prisonsctc , The
publisher , Chds , M. Kelley , of
'l'abor , Iowa , has the following
to say in refercnce lo the work
and its price :
"A special reduction will he
made to all who order three or
more books at a time. Extra inducements -
ducements olTered to agents or in
large numhers. One agcnt took
orders to the amount of $12.50
the first half dav he worked.
Anolher worked three parts of
days and took sixty orders. Both
were inexperienced cal1\'asscrs.
Al1 prolits to author and manager -
ager used in missionary or other
Christian and benevolent work.
'I'his large volumn of rare
merit is sold nt an extremely low
price for such a work. It is well
and suhstantial1y hound at tbe
10110wing prices :
li'ine cloth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.25
IIalf lcather , . , , . . . . . . , , . . , 1.75
1"u1l leathcr. . . , . . . . . . ' . . . 2.5U
Address , the Manager and Puh-
lisher CIIAS. M. KI LT\ ' ,
Tahor , Iowa.
- - -
GW1' 'ruIt nnNIWI'l' ! Useful and
necesssary goods at unheard of
prices can be hought at
II. A. W A'1'1'S' .
- - -
- -
' 1'he ] It1'1JIITICAN if especially
equipped lo print
Sa1e : Bi11s.
- - -
; BROKfN . . BOW , AUGUST _ . 23. 24 , 25
1 - - - - - - " -
' - - -
- - - - - - - - -
; Crand . Ball Each Nieht :
_ .i L" " " " " ' _ . . . , " " - , . , . , , ' . , . " " - & " - _ ; . .u. ' . : - _ , . . . . .
. . . '
. - -
} .
- " -
.tl . ff01'I)0'y < < { J9cQ.l ! r
A'r 1.AW.
IInnmp 8 and II , lIelth " 'orll ' , IJrnloob 01' ' ' ' Neb ,
_ _ . , - - ; . . _ _ wo- . w - - - . - . . . . .
, .
, -
D'tB. no" , w. II : TALJ ! ) T. /
0.00 OTer a.oberle' . Oru. : ltu' "
Ihoken'Uow. 0 H"nr lh. "
' -
. "
' - - - - - - -
p i ( ' ; ;
Custer College t
I Broken Bow , Neb.t
i' ,
& \I \ Normal , Ad vanccd N rmal , Academic ,
English , Business , Shorthand { lnd , rypewriting , , '
: \fusic and Elocution. it. . '
Wc heHeve in making our chool s.rong by haviag
only the besf professional and experlcnced teachers. 1
l Our plan is to havc small classes and give Personal '
'il1 ( TIclp and Instruction to every student. No one will be IW
held hack by those lcss advanced. If lour early educa- I J.
'ra1J tion has heen neglecte comc , we w111 give you just mt I. .
. -
, what want.
you '
Write us for terms and parHculars. . I ;
' ' . \
LOREN CORNE'-T , pres. J
' , Phone No. 189. Broken Bow , Nebraska. ' \
011 mr 1
t fft
Ansley Commercial and S ort-hand
c < > : JJGc.E : : : : ; . ' _ I , -
The First Term-Three months-starts , 6. ZI I I
- - Seplember 3 I I
Those who enroll kefore August I , receive ro per cent dkcoUtll.
Transportation dednctedwithin one hundred miles. 'fItJI
The First Grade Certificate Sludies langht free wilh the Commercial T
or Short-ham1 Course.
Your choice of Courses or Sludies , $12 per term.
rypewriting $3 per tenn extra ; alone. 1 5.
Office in Northeasl corner , first floor of Opera , See or writa J
J. H. A YWOOD , Ansley , Neb. ' , \
. . .
Successor to
f and GEO. WILLING ,
Embalmer and Funeral D rector ,
> ,
Business phone , 301. R.esidence phone , 334 B. .1
. ( .
. , I
Before You Build , Consult. ! 1
Gree > . :1:3 : a pin..e : a-u. . , I'v I
. .1)
Contractor and Builter. Estimates
Furnished frcc with plans and specific tions. . !
j -----------1 - Jf
_ . _ _ _ . . _ -J/ f /
, 1'1
- I [ }
srl' { PLE AND F NCY
. (
. . , . .
. .
Have just received a fresh supply of { c fahon
I R. T. Walker Grocery Co. , J
East Sidc of Public Square , I
. 1. .
! I" I
. . . .h. . . . . ' _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . - . . . . _ _ . . . - _ . . . . . . - - - , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . - - - - - - - - . - - . _ _ _ _ , _ ' \ . . ' . ; \ .I' f L. ! ' : . . .J. .