Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 16, 1906, Image 2

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' ' 'Tho Durl.l : or Sir John J'lIoore. "
! A writer in the CrlUc hns discovered
wIry the nuthor ot that old.time fa.
vorlte of the school renders , "The
Durlal ot Sir John Moore , " never suc.
ceeded In writing nn ) ' other IIotm1
wlllch wns conshleretl worth printing.
It nppenrs thnt "Tho Burlnl ot Sir
'John 1\1ooro" Is nothing but n. trnnsln.
tlon Crom the lo'rench ot n oent h ) '
Lnlly-Tollendnl , nn offic r o [ the
Ii'rench nrm ) ' , who wrote the } loem
nCler the denth of n fellow sollter ! ,
Hero nrc two stnnzas Crom the French
poem :
. . . nl In
NI 10 flon do tnmhour ,
mnreho fUllehre.
NI 10 fou deR Rohlllis no n1l1rllun
Ron depnrt-
, Mnl8 1111 brave , n In hnto , 11. travors len
MOI'n03 . . nOU8 portllnloll 10 en.
, lLwro IlI1 rompnrt !
Do mlnult e'clllit l'houre , ot Rolllniro el
Ln luno II. polno oITrnlt un lohl1o rn'on :
I I a. Inntol'lIo lulslllt 1I01l11J101110nt dnlll1
I'omhl'o ,
Qunllll do In hnlonllolto on erousn Iq
The openlnr stanzas or "The Durlnl
of Sir John Mooro" nro ns [ ollows :
Not 11. drum was hearl ] , not 0. fllnoral note ,
As hl8 corpse to the rampart wo hurt
rled :
Not a. soldier I1lsehnrJotl hl8 farewell
0'01' the Jrnvo whel'o our here w (
'Wo burletl hll11 dnrlcly at , ] end or nlJht ,
The sods with 0111' hnyonels tUl'nln :
Dy the struggling moonbelll11s' misty Jlght
And the Illntel'll I1lrnly hUl'lllng.
This shnllnrlty .runs through the ,
entlro Iloem , nnd lenvcs no room Cor
doubt thl1t Rev , Chnrles WoICo simply -
ply npproprll1ted to his own use the
worle of the French poet , put , n. new
tlUo on It , nnd thus Instead ot dytng
unlmown beyond the boundartes ot his
IIttlo pnrlsh mndo his name fnmlllnr
to 1111 Engllsh.spenldng people. It wns
n mnster stl'olO on the llIlrt of Rev.
Charles. The Critic's Investigator ap.
pears to have been uuablo to Jlscover
where LallTollendal stele the Iloem.
The Walter's Napkin.
The wnltor without his napldn ? Impossible -
possible , declnres llonlCace. Ono
might ns well Imaglno the tnblo without -
out a tahlecloth. 'fho walter hns car.
rled a nlpldn ! over slnco ho donned
blacle and white , nnd therefore It Is
unseeml ) ' , barbaric to think ot his at > -
pnrlng at tnblo without the fiutterlng i
and oJsequlous ! linen. Wo have seen. .
him and his nnpltln. First ho drl1wsI I
out the chnlr nnd filcls nway nn In.
truslvo crumb. Next ho polishes n
plato nnd then turtlvel ) ' wipes his
brow. A Spoon Is a IIttlo grens-
walter daubs It with his nnpldn. A
glnss Is finger.mnrlcod-rubhed with
the napldn. A bottle Is dusty-tho
napleln. There may be other 1111pltlns ,
but the walter Is not nn nesthete. Were
110 an aesthete ho would 110t ho n. wnlt-
cr. Ho docs not remember to change
his napkin. no uses It Indlscrlmhmte.
Iy. The only cure Is to tnl\O It nwa ) '
from him , nnd lcep things clenn ns n
matter of course. The specie ot dust
which the walter removes with such
grnvo and elO'gant circumspection has
no business to bo where ho finds It.
It would bo 1\ pity Inlleed , to denude
111m of his Insignia of office , says the
Chicago Post , but the ertorts of Prof.
Kron , the Derl1n physician , who would
drlvo this "doplorably t1nhnlenlc Illece
of linen from all civilized countries , "
are promptell h ) ' the most sel1slblo motives -
tives , and should bo seconded by evol' '
restaurant proprietor who does not
consider his duties fullllied wheli he
floats a geranium leat In a fiugor bowl.
Forests FI 1Hng Fnst.
Finally t110 lumhormen cnn see the
beghmlng of the end. The ) ' have beeu
lovellng the forests nnd converting
them Into monoy. Now the ) ' have ar.
1.'lvell at the 110Int where the ) ' can con.
celvo that soon ther"o will bo no mOrE
g : : mt prlmevnl forests to cut down ,
The lumbermen have heen doing a lit.
tIe figuring" They hnvo estimated thnt
there Is l,47GOOOOOtl,000 feet of lumb01
\ standing In the Unltell States. TIH
:1 : qunntlty which Is cut evel'y ) 'eal
amounts to 45,000,000,000 feet. It II
II. deduction easily malic that It wll
requlro O1 y 33 years to consume tlu
present supply. The hl1nbermen art
l > eglnnlng to clnmor for governmen
aS31stanco to save their business. The
request that the oxportntlon ot log :
shall bo prohlbltell anll that nU tl'el
plantations shall bo oxomllt from tax
atlon. It Is clear that some RUC ]
t measures must soon ho tal\On , Bays th
Cleveland Lealler. Dut It Is doubtfu :
how ver , thnt these recommended 1 > .
the lumbermen will In themsolve
provo to bo effectual. , Alldltlonal an
stronger protectlvo laws will probab1
be found necessary.
It tnles an eyolasl wecls t
reach n length of halt nn Inch , a\1l
then Its lIfo Is trom 100 to 150 daYf
Dy means at a camera the wlnle 0
an eyelid has been measured , anll I
I was tounll thnt : W whlltl ! .can ho mall
: In tour seconds. Wo should ! lko t
I \ nsle whether It was a soda fountnl
I wink that was mcasured ?
J (
' " 1 I
J I They are calling tor artisans an
, laborers In San Frnnelsco , alHI ) 'et I
. ; I Is said that 70,000 lleolllo are In dr.nge
l r ot freezing there next winter ,
: . n .
.f I .
- - -
. , , - ' - 1 '
I ; . : _
' J
The K'ing's Orders.
Dut They \Veru Not Executed Decauso
the Prince Held Ills Nerve Un.
tIl Crisis Wna PUEscd.
A fJtor ' 11:1 : told of ono ot the ; \1001'-
tsh prInces of Ol'anlldll , which Is well
worth noting , showlnl ; IlS It docs , the
grcat \ IIllIe of coolness and self.conlrol
III lr'lng circumstances.
WhunllIhonllnell ' the Sixth uSllrtled
\he throne or Oranlldll , he set asldu his
! lrler hl'Othm' Yousuf , the rightful hell'
10 the throne , so thllt the Iclngdom
might he secure to his OWI1 chlldrcn.
110 clluscd Prince Yousuf to he huprls.
tlnctl hi the castle of Shlllohanya ,
where ho remaluetl for the tell years
: It his bl'Other's relgulah0111mell ; 111'
tenlllng , when ho Celt his hellllh fnll-
lng , to hnvo his hl"Other Ilssl\.sslnated.
'rho unt'orlunllto prince , though
! Jravu anll courageous to the Inst do.
STec , was forced to suhmlt to his
brothel"s nrhltrnry will , Imowlng that
rebellion would bo In vain. 110 wns
t1. mall of commnudlng presence , cour-
eous to all nhout him , IInll of so win.
nlng and grnclous Il 1I\anncr \ that ho
gnlnell the love anll fealty ot his en Uro
household , IIn ) ' ono ot whol11 would
glndl ) ' huvo rlslOlI lIfo In his cause.
This WIIS especlnlly true of the nlcaydo
of Shaloblln 'Il , who was his do\'oted
Prince Yousuf I\Ssed ) [ the weary lIays
of his captivity the hest ho COulll , his
fllvorlto recreations helng the game
' 1 ( chess , of which ho wns a passlonato
' - " ' - -
lover ; anll the Ilerusal or the oxcltlng
lterutnre of the day.
In the enrly part ot the Ilfteenth century -
tury , Imlght errantry was rife. The
) 'ounS' 81111nl8h no hIes vied with eaeh
ether In pl'O\'lng their pl'Owess In
arms , Incited by the reading of such
wonderCul romnnces ns "All ventures ot
Ama lls III Gaul , " a l > ook that turned
the healls of hnlt the Spanish youth ,
a I'po that Cervuntes hus IUl1nortal.
Ized In .Don Quixote.
'l'ho flUJClnaUon o [ chess , however ,
rlvnled these or the tournament wIth
the Iwlghh ! ot Sllaln , IInd many an
hour WIIS hegulled over the gllmo by
Prll1co Yousuf nnll the tnlthCul aI-
cuylle. ' 1'hey were scatctl thus , ono
day , Lotll Intent UIIOI1 the gnmo , You.
sur for the tlmo completely forgottlng
the 11.,01'11 thllt WIIS always hnnglng
over htheall. / .
110 wns lOlling slowly but Rurely , his
advermry'a : Imlght and casUo wore
stcrulll ) ' hellrlng down upon his lclngl
when : pllge luwtlly entered the room
aull Inlol'med the Illcaydo that a messenger -
senger was without , lies Iring to see him
Ulon IIn urgent matter of stllte. . . . . .
" ' 1'ell him to wnlt until our game of
chesll : Is IInlshed , " snltl the prlncc.
llut the pllge mudo an Imploring gesture -
ture to the alcnyllo , which brought the
latter Instnntly to his feet , Ilnd ho I
hllstcnell out to meet the 1I\es8etlger. \
who silently anll gravely hllnded him
a scaled nolo Crom the Icing. IInsUly
tenrlng It ellen , the alcayllo glnnced
ever the contents , his check blanching
a.ho did so. With tottering steps ho
reentol'ed the 1'00111 , and the prince ,
shocltcd at his pallor , explalmed :
" 1\1y friend , whnt Is thy trouble ?
Thou ! ool\Cst as though thou hnst just
received thy death wnrrnnt ! Oh , " ho
ml Ilell , joltlngly , "perchanco the Itlng ,
my most loving brothcr , demands my
hcnd ! Speul { ! Is It so ? "
Ii'ol' answer the ulca'do handed him
the Ictter , but his hand trembled so
that the } lapel' lIuttered to the floor.
Yousuf , stooping , ccmlly plclccd It up ,
and read at n glnnco the following
words :
"My servnnt , when thou rocolvest ,
this letter thou shalt Immediately tal\O
the lIfo of my brother Yousuf and I
send me his head by my trusty mes.
sengJ. : ' . "
' 1'he eyes of tl10 bravo prlnco never
quailed , nor did his volco falter as ho
said quietly to the page : '
"llId the 1lng's messenger walt until
our game Is endcd ; It will 110 but n.
Cew moments now , for 1 am loslnf :
rallidly ; fate Is against me on every
side. "
They reseated themselves at the
board , but the alcuyde playell Wlldly ,
It wns an easy matter for the pr111c9
to regliin his lost advuntage , and ho
wns Just giving checlnunto when In the
distance was heard the clatter of
horses' hoofs. Nearer and nearer they
came , and soon two caualleros from
Granada , armed cnp-a-ple , covered
with dURt , and In the maddest haste ,
cnmo : .shlng Into the courl'ard nt full
" ' 1'he 1lng Is dead ! Long IIvo the
Itlng ! Long Ilve our good king You.
8U f ! "
' 1'he lesson for chlldren to learn tram
this slory Is of course ouvious. Novel'
glvo up hope In the tace of mlsfortuno.
-Chlcllgo Dally News.
The Magic Bottle.
How You Cnn Make It Appenr Thnt
You AI'e Pouring Through the
Dottom of the DotUe.
Here Is a trlcle thnt will Ilrove a
IJUzzlo to these who 111'0 not pretty
\'ell up In physics.
Tnlo' nn ordluary Illnner plate ,
says the Chlcngo Inter Oeenn , nnd
fill It with wntor , then n 8111nll empty
bottle , and nssuro the spectntors that
you are wlznrd enough to pour wnter
through the solld bottom ot the lat-
Pass the bottle urounll , thnt nil mny
' It ' . and dr ' thO'n
'seo perrecU ) emllt ) , ,
hnvlng thrust a sUcle Into It and held
I It to the I1re until It It Is very 11Ot-
. 100 hot to holU In the bare hands-
! 'taml It , mouth dowwunl , In the plate
of wnter. At the snme Umo Ilour a
tnblespoonful of water on the upturncd
! bottom , as If ) 'ou wel'o heglnnlng to
1111 It In that wu ' .
Each tlmo 'ou do this the lJOttlo
I A Clever Trick.
. . Requires Careful : Bnlmcing : and You
Mny Fool Your Doy F1'1ends
with It.
The nccompnn'lng plcturo shows
this 1Itt10 fellt lIettor thnn nny words
could 110. Place a chllir on the 110or
front downwarll , In such II way thnt
the legs 111'0 horizontal amI the bael\ '
Is uppermost.
Get ono of ) 'our ! loy friends to Imool
on the lower back bar or the cnull'
and talco lip with his lips a Illoco ot
cand ) ' Illacoll on the bncl { of the tope
o bar. The plcturo IIhows ) ' 011 his posl.
tlon , just us ho Is abol1t to mal\O the
i }
attempt ,
I. It Is not unl1lwl ) ' that the boy w11l
thlnle ) 'ou have sot 11. trail tor him ;
t that ) 'ou want to glvo him a "hendor"
e on to the Uoor , but you can overcome
a his reluctance by first dohlg the thIng
n yoursolf.
All that Is n cessl1r ) ' Is for you to
keep the center ot gravity baele of the
chair seut , and this ) 'OU cnn do by
II crouohlng yery cnretully , Porhnps , '
It suggests the Cincinnati Conllnerclal
r TrlbunQ , It ml9ht bo as well tor ) 'ou
to practice for a whllo In private , and
. _ _ _ _ _ . J _ _ _ _ _
. . ' - - . -
'l'lll WA'I'l'm mSING IN TIlE DOT-
'l'I.I .
will bo seen to retain moro water , and
ns 11. corresponding nmount w11l have
dlsappearcd trom the l11atetlll from
which you are dipping It , It will ensl.
1) ' appenr as though the water had
IJ ssed through the bottom of the bot.
) 'ou might also find an ad'antago h
haVing 1\ pillow or some other sot
thing just In frOl\t \ oC the chair , so tha
It you como down you will como dOWl
Foolish Idea.
SOlDO peoI > ) e SUl1)1Os0 ) they can rohlrl
to nnture In'an auto111ohlll\ .
. . = . - , ' . - - - . _ . " ' . . ' - < -
. .
The Obsolete Man
" nnd good fuclt ! " .
It there WaR n covert Irony In the
Wnr'den's words It waa not premedl.
tnted , nnd nelthor ho nor his lInrtln
guest pnrcclved It , The conditions hi
whloh they stood wore not favorable
for the percelltlon at fine sha\les. \ And
the hnnd.clasll was heart ) ' , It ex.
Jlreooed the Warden'S' sense of loss.
For ehht years ho had known and
liked thla man , nnd now ho wns going
! awa ) ' ,
" Idenls , In the common del1nltlon ,
the Wnrden hnd not , but In tho.otl1l.
ca1 cede of prison keepers he lenew
"whnt WIlS rlsht , " and this mnn had
npllroxhnated ver ' nem' to It. His re.
signed nnd tractnble spirit In conIIne-
ment 'hnd bespoken the Ilosltion hd
pnco had held.
Before their hnnds parted the Wnr.
den hnd considered this , and more.
Ue recalled the noise of exposure , the
falsll1cntlon of the hooks , flight , ar-
rest-then the plea of guilt ) . , nnd the
sontence-slnco reduced by seed be-
havior. He remembered , too , thaC
there hnd been 1I0lltlcnl elements In
the cnso and much tnlk nbout scapegoats -
goats suffering Cor other men's sins. '
Hut that wa. all so long ago and tnesC'
ther men , slnnors and saints , were.
dead Rnd gone to rewatds or rCkon : ,
'fhe 11tUo wIclcct In the monstrous
studded doors of the lIrlson cloped
allentl ) ' and the man stood In the
world again. It wns enrly morning In
summer , Rnd the sun wns snllIng listlessly -
lessly over Crom the east , wllh only a
promise of the olHilent splendor of his
mlddny wntenlng. }
Originally the } 1nltentlary had ,
been on the outslclrts of the town , but
now It was envIroned by rows of
small dwelllng.houses and chenp
stores. Once It had worn a tlttlngly
penal all' oC sequestration ; now the
sombre dtgnlt ) . of its great gray walls
was flouted by the tawdry' brick o [
these Interloping neighbors. Yet It
loomed so far nbove them that Its
granite spaces seemed informed with
n sardonic ridicule which relieved the
Incongrull ) ' .
There came to the free man a
vague recognition that during the sl.
lent expanse of time which had wid. ;
ened-wldened-on the other side of
thesc walls the world here , only a
step fro11\ them , hnd been ceaselessly
whirling awa ) ' , with all its wonted
clamors and contentions , heedless as'
ever of the individual atom. It was a
shock to renUzo thnt only wthln
there , In thnt stili Bnd sepnrate w01'ld ,
, had there been no change.
Presentl ) . he found hl111self walking.
Ho did not realize this until the lire.
mptor ) ' clang of a gong sounded In
his ears and ho started back In sud.
den panic. When the car had whIzzed
by he was \'Islbly quaking , but In a
moment he was going on again.
Alt110Ugh without purpose In his.
route , this overpowering tear o [ the
electric cars dela'ed his progress so
that the morning was well advanced
when he stood at a corner In the
heart of the business section and
watched the crowds press past him.
He shrank In the halt shelter of a
11OSt , wllh the surreptitious all' ofno
who has no right to be seen. Indeed ,
he'aguel ' telt himself alien nnd irrelevant -
relevant , and bls forefinger went [ al.
torlngly to hll5 IIp with a moUon be.
como habitual.
Ot all these legions rushing by him'
none so much as glanced In hIs dlrec.
tlon , and he wondered why they did
not seem to know that ho was n lately
released felon. He might have found
the reason when he toll to studying
their faces. The habit at observation
had once been keen In him , as ! t is In
mnn ' .men who constantly handle
large sums of money , and oven now
' it . Is not quite gone.
He saw that .only the ehlldron woro'
absolutely placid countennnces. All
others carried a look of preoccupntlon ,
orten exhibiting writhing Ups and
tlashing e 'es or muttering their
thoughts In half.audlblo sontences.
Once a woman , qulto alone , passed
nenr him , and he heard her exclaim
to heraelf , "Oh , my ! oh , my ! " It
might have meant only n forgotten
pocketbook or a tight shoe , but the
tone had a tragic I'ing. AgaIn , n man
tallclng , 'Igorousl ) ' to hlmseJr swept
b ) ' , Crowning ,
None looked toward him ; all werd
Ignorant at his existence , and n grent
loneliness rose within him.
SUddenly an hnpulso to escape
seized him. 110 felt bound , sUlled-
as though-ns though he were In
11\'lson. He tU1'1led nnd fled-flrst with
a rapid stride Into a side street , nrter.
ward breaking Into a run wben he was
nwn ' from the crowds.
'rho Impulse became uncontrollnble.
On , on , he sped , throwln startled
looks over his shoulder. Once he fnn.
cled that n crowd wns rushIng attCl'
him with n grcnt hue and cry , but 1lJ
ono follOwed. . At Inst , IJlntlng nnd
breathless , he drew up In trent o [ his
goal. In a subconscious way he had
all the tlmo lenown whither ho wae
making his mad flight to escape cnp ,
For n moment 110 leaned weal !
against the little door. Then , wlUJ
nnother look over his shollider , b (
brollght all his strength together nnd
' 1lollnded tercoly : ul10n It.
The Warden himself npllearell and
lCard the gasp :
"I've C01110 back-home ! "
Dllt the Ward on shook bls head
sadly and snld :
"I I1tl.Yc no power to take ) 'ou In
There Is no plnco tor ) ' 011 here now , '
And ho closed the door.-51 LouiE
Re lubllc.
, . . . , " - - -
Mouth and Eyes Covered with Crusts
-Hands Pinned Down-Mlracu.
lous Cure by Cutlcura.
"When my lltllo boy wns six months
ohl , he had eczemn , 'fhe sores cxtend.
I cd so qulcltly over the whole body
thl\t wo nt once called In the doctor ,
We then went to another doctor ,
but ho could not help him , and in our
doapalr wo went to n third one. Matters -
ters became so bad that he hud regular -
lar holes in his cheeks , large enough
to put n finger Into. 'l'he Coed had to
bo given with n Sp0011 , for his mouth
wns covered with crusts as thick as
n finger , nnd whenever he opened the
mouth they began to bleed nnd sup.
purate , ait did also his eyes. Hands ,
arms , chest and back , In short the
whole body was covered over nnd
over , We had no rest by dny or nl > tht.
Whenever he was'lald In his bed , we
llad to pin his hands down ; otherwlso
he would scratch his face nnd malw
an open sore. I think his face must
have Itched moet fearfullY.
"We 11nnll ) ' thought nothing could
help , ' and I had made up my mind to
send my wlCo with the child to Eu.
rope , hoping that the sea all' might
cure him , otherwlso ho was to bo put
under good me1'llcal care there. Dut ,
Lord bo blessetJ , matters cnme differ.
ently , and we soon saw a mlrncle. A
friend of ours spolw about CutJcura.
'We made a trial with Cutlcura Sonp ,
Ointment and Resolvent , and within
ten days or two weeles we noticed a
decided Improvement. Just as qulcldy
ns the slcleness had nppeared It also
begnn to disappear , and within ten
weoles the chlld was absolutely well ,
and his sldn was smooth and whlto
as never before. F. Hohrath , Presl.
dent of the C. L. Hohrath Company ,
Manufacturers of S11Ie Ribbons , 4 to 20
Rlnle Alley , South Dethlehem , Pa. ,
June 5 , 1905. "
The blacle sheep In every famlly was
once the most petted lamb.
Did you over notice that the slzo of
trouble depends on whether It Is cbm-
Ing or going ?
Beware pf the man who'moasls at
his good deeds ; ho probably only
awaits a fav'orablo opportunity to do
a mean one.
.Laundry work at home would be
muc" more satisfactory If the right
Starch were used. In order to get the
desired stiffness , It Is usually necessary -
sary to use so much starch that the
beauty and fineness of the fnbrlc Is
hidden behind a paste of var'lng
thlclcness , which not only destroys the
appearance , but also affects the wenr-
Ing qua1lty of the goods. This trouble
can bo entirely overcome by using Defiance -
fiance Starch , as It can be applied
much more thinly because of Us greater -
or strength than malrcs.
China to Own Postofficcs.
After the return of the Chinese mls.
sian which Is now mnltlng n tour of
Europe and America for the pIII'poses
of study , the Chinese government In.
tends to assume cOl1trol of the entire
post\l s 'stem and at the same time
to abolish all the postoffices In China
now maintained by foreign powers.
In a Pinch , Use ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE.
A powder. It cures painful , smartIng -
Ing , nervous feet and Ingrowing nalls.
It's the greatest comfort discovery of
the age. Maws ! new shoes eas ) ' . A
certain cure for sweating teet. Sold
by all druggists , 25c. Trial paclmge ,
FR E. Address A , S. Olmsted , Lo
Rot , N. Y.
There Is no one nny prouder than the
girl who has a pretty white necle.
Wo have noticed that n baldheaded
man has always plent ) ' of hall' brushes.
Love may make the world gb 'round ,
but It takes jcalousy to malte It move
When a man eats a peach In the
darte , Is the jolee on him or on the
worm ?
One ot the temarlmblo features at
chlldhood Is the Idnd at singing thrt
will l)1\t It to sleep.
When a woman announces thnt she
puts up cherries with the plts In , the
women who talte Ollt the pits think to
themselves : "How shlttless ! "
What has bccome of the old-Cash-
lonod person , who snld , when attClu -
Il1g a funeral : 'IJ preter to rememb'Jr
him as ho 1001.011 In llC < J , and don't
cao to view the remaln-Atchlson : :
( Knn. ) Globe.
" " " " " " ' - - - .
, . - . - . . . . ; . . -
- , _ ; : . - - - , . -
_ 4
PUTN A l 1"AIj J.l.SS ; DYES do nol
fltnln the hnndor ! spot the } cettle , cxccp'
gl'Cen uudlll1rl'le ' ,
When the average man dies the los3
Is gcnerally cove ed by Insurnnco.
JIIr , 'Vlllllow' " Roothln ! : Ryrnp ,
For children teelbloi : . 80rteM Ibo ! torol , reduces In.
I t\ammaUou \ , allaYI pain , curu wlDd collo. c a bottio.
" . .1th lter-
A womnn Is never satisfied " ,
self until she has outdone ber neigh.
bar In some respect.
You nl\\'n 's et fu1l , 'nlue in f.lwil' , .
Single Binllcr trnight fie cigar. Your
dcnlcr or Lewis' Fnctor ' , IJeoria , 116
In the course ot conversntlon ant'I
must change the s01ld gold of one'a
thou1hls Into countless pieces ot such
small coin thnt ono InvarIably ap.
penrs poor.-Carmen Sylva.
A Prominent CincInnati Womo.n Telle
How Lydlo. E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound Completely Oured Bor.
The gorent good Lydin. E..Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound is domg Illllong . " , . , . , . - . . . ,
the women of Americo. is attracting
the attention of pmny of our leading .f. "
scientists , and thinldng people geneI"
ally. ! i ' \ I
The following letter is only one of
many thousands whieh 11.1'0 on file in
the Pinlcham office , and rro to pro\'e ,
beyoncl question that Lydia. E. Pinlc ;
ham's Vegda l Co'mpouhc1 mitst 'bo In.
remedy of great merit , otherwise it
could not produce such marvelous
results among sicle and ailing womcn.
Dear Mrs. Plukbnm-
"About IJino months ago I was 11. great SUC.
ferer with female trouble , whieh caused mo
severe pain , extreme De1"\'ousncss aUtl frequent -
quent liellliachcs , from which the doctor
fallcd to 1'ello\"o me. I tried Lydl:1 E. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound , oml within n
short time felt better , and nCt-cI' tnldng Ih'o
bottles of it ! wns entirely cured. I therefore
hcartHy recommend 'our Compound as 1\
spl ldlil ftJIllalotoJlle. Itmukes the monthly \
periods regular I1nd without lJain ; and what
0. blessing it Is to ! lnd sneh a remedy uCwr so
many doctors Call to help 'ou. I am plrnRCtl
to recommClul it to all sUl1ol'ing womcn.-
lII1'S. Sam W flson , 31 Eust.ld : : : $ trect , Cincinnati -
nati , Ohio.
I you have supprcsscd or painful
perIOds , \\"calmuss of the stomach , .
mdigestion , bloating , pelvie catarrh , . . .
nervous proRtration , dizzincss , fain t-
ness , "don't-cure It and"
lort.aloue It feeling , 'excitability , back-
aehe or the blues , these nre sure in i- -
cations of fenmle , , 'culeness , or somo' '
dcrangoement of the organs. In such ,
cascs there is one tried an true remedy _ / ,
-L 'dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- r "
enable you to make good meat. out of \
. 'hurry" meal. . ;
Libby' , Food Products are ready to . .
.erve when you get them , yet arc cooled : : ' J
a. carerully and a. well at you could do 'f .
it in your own Iitchen. : : .
Ox Tongue , Dried Beef , Boned Cl ck. !
en , Deviled Ham , Veal Loaf-thes are
but a few of the me.ny kinds your dealer
keeps. '
Try for luncheon or supplt' tomorrow. I
lome .liced Cl clten Loaf.
ooIJet , "How to Make Good . . . . . . .
ThiD8' to Eat. " free if ) 'OU write
. . .
Libby , lcNelll & Libby , Chicago.
- 1"Jii' .
i' ' , .
Are You Just As Wen I
As You 'II ish to De 1
n\'ery , subscribcr to Good Jlealh Is privlleled
' 0 buhlllit (1 leslions on healh tOl1 CS to Ihe cditors.
fhe 1II0bt Inlcrestiul : of these qucbtions are an.
b\Vercd in Ihe Question Box. a monthb'deparlDJcnl
of Ihe lIIaazine. Olhers are answered by Icuer
without CObt.
This is but one of many inlerestin ! : features or"
I Good lIeallh.lhe ol < 1est heallh journal In the world
bl ! : . handsomely lIIustrate,1 monlhly . maazlne.
A Iluarter and this a < 1. with ) .our na11le in the ,
fJace below will brin ! : ) ' 011 this handsome heallh
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Name J I
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