Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 09, 1906, Image 5
, ' . . . , . , . . , ' ' . . , < ! \ ' ; . ( , l"o : . , . , - : ' < : ' J : J { - , - > ! ' .T _ , \ , ' , ' , . ; ; . . ! I , . . . . J SOMETHING DOING IN THIS VICINITY . An Epitome of Personal Affairs and Looal Events During th Past Week. Grant Turnball of Dunning was a city visitor yesterday. W. S. Turnball of Dunning was in the citv Saturday looking after land interests. Attornev Hamilton , of Mullen , was trans cting business before the U. S. lanll office of this city , Tuesday. Miss .Abbie Langson left last Saturday for Mil waukee where . she will visit with her grandparents - parents until next spring. Mrs. J. C. Honey , of Halsey , wbo has been visiting the family of L. L. Sbaf\ \ " ) left for home yesterday. BORN-To Mr. and Mrs. J. B. i I Hoagland on Saturtlay , August 4 , a ten.pound boy. All parties If j , doing well. . Miss Laura Ram'tbel , of Grand , Island , who has been a guest of , tbe fa i1y of Willis Cadwell tbe past SIX weeks , returned home , : ' last Friday. Well , yes , thank you , Mr. Weather Man , us f2.rmers have had plenty ev.ough of rain recently - cently and you can put in tbe cork-for lht : present. J. M. Kimberling , who has been visiting at Des Moines , la. , for the past two weeks , returned bome ye terday. He report , . ' baving'l a pleasant trip. I Miss PerleY , Jewett , who has been attend lUg the Nebraska State Normal school , at Kearney , returned home last Thursday greatly to the gratification of a best of friends. Cbas. Pinckney , son of Supt. Pinckney who has been at Lincoln since the close of the University tben came home Monday nigbt to spend the remainner of his vacation. Attorney Cameron returned last Friday from a week spent witb his brother on the farm where he engaged in muscular labor- hauling wood , etc.-and he liked it so well he intended going. . , again and assist in putting up i , hay. ' Manager Bray and his baseball " 'M Saturday night after playing . J ' " . three days at the Merna tournament - ' " , ment and they were glad tbe next day was Sunday which they all o served in accord with scripture -and rested J. H. H. Cross , of Ansley , was a R PUnI.ICAN office caller last Tbursday and stated tbat tbe it ms culled from the files of this daper of 23 years ago interested . , him c nsiderably amI revived in : ' his memory many tblngs long since forgotten. . , . . t M r. and Mrs.I nnts 8cott , who reside in the Anselmo district , were in tbe city one day last week and called to renew allegiance - ance to thislgreat familv journal. 'I'hey are subscribers to quite a . . ' number of papers and mag1. nes , I but tbe REPUnI.ICAN is almost a I household necessity. . Tbe Broken Bow stores have t. the catalogue houses out done by long odds th se days. The ' . ' prudcl1t buyer doesn't let his . ' monev get a way through the mails never to return-for some- th1ng he basn't scen whcn there are greater bargains in his home town. Lewis Price was arraigned I" bcfore Judge Shinn Monday on a charge of usin his fist to toy with the features of Clyde Pig- _ 1 _ _ . ' man and assessed $6 and costs , regardless of the fact. that claret did not flow from Pigman's snuff tanle and further , that it was just a friendly tussle-when they started. J. A. O. 'I'homas , proprietor of the Broken Bow Steam Laundry , visited his mother at AUiance last Sunday , reaching home that night-after the storm -just in time to remove his horse and colt from the barn in which water was four feet deep within 15 minutes after tbey were taken out. 'fhe colt would have perished but for tbe timely arrival of Mr. Thomas. "I'he heaviest rain fall in Broken Bow tbis season occurred last Monday morning from 1 to 2 o'clock. Hain fell at intervals all night , beginning at about S o'clock Sunday evening , 2 1-5 inches being the precipitation during the night. The sewers \ of the Muddy , under the streets , g i } were too small to carry the water ! l . with tbe result that water was- at one time-about 3 feet deep over the road way. ' \I ' ; : . t . ! ; I" _ , ' I , r" ; ' . ' " : " . . , r'.1 . . . tl. .JJ . . \ ' _ _ _ _ . , Wallace S. Shaw , of Boston , who has been a guest of l red Maulick , left for home yesterday. Frank Parleer of Dunning , was transactinEf business at the U. S. land office In the city yesterday. Russell Smith left yesterday for Crawford , Neb. , for n outing of several weets with his brother , Harry. Geo. Papineau and wife , who have been visiting at Philander , Wisconsin , and other points for the past month or more , returned home the first of the week. They report having enjoyed a splendid visi t. O. J IAife saw Dr. Talbot's advertisement for a lost dog in the R PUnI.ICAN and informerl tbe doctor of the whereabout of the said canine. He received possession thereof and is again feeling joyful. ' The work at the 'reacher's institute seems to be proving quite interesting , as well as valuable , to all in attandance. Sup't Pickney is well J > leas d with botb the interest manifested and the attendance. Several sheet iron barrels , nicely painted and placed in the park as receptacles for waste paper. Wouldn't that be the proper thing ? If the city is too poor-or negol igent-let's organize a civic league , or pass the lla t. CQmpany M , witb 35 men. left last Friday morning for Fort Riley , Kansas , where regular army maneqvres are in progress this week , our boys taking note of how 'tis done so tbey will be capable as well a ! ) brave when the ) ' go to war. They are ex. pected home next Tuesday. J. C. Barton , who has a claim twelve. miles west of Anselmo , is 111 the citv and informed tbo H. PUnI.ICANthat - prairie cbicket hunters are already abroad in the land in goodly numbers and that those who are law-abiding- wait for tbe open season will find poor picking in that part of Custer county. He saw a party of five , not.residentsof the county , out hunting and from the number of sbots fired they must have kiJ1ed fifty chickens. in as many minutes. A. J. VanAntwerp , secretary of tbe fair association after "surveying" the \1ituation says that indications now point to the most successful fair in September ever beld b.y the association. Interest in it ectllS to be gr.owing day by day , as he IS receiving hundr d , of inquiries and applica. tions for premium lists and entry blanks. 1i'rom the number of letters received from Custcr county farmers be deducts the opinion tbat there will be an unusually - usually large di : play of stock and farm products , and an atten. dance far in cxcess of any previous - vious year , provided the weather is not inclement. Underta r Cole had quite a thrilling exp rience getting over to the North side at about 2 o'clock Monday morning after the storm. Water , between 2 and 3 feet deep , was running over the sidewalk near the depot and rubber boots were too short at tbe upper end to prevent gdting wet , so he cmploy d a liveryman and team and made the trip. The water was so deep the horses had to swim and both be and the li\Teryman stood on the seat , expecting every moment to be tipped over in a terriblv swift current. He says if 11c wasn't bald beaded be would have lost his hat for he could feel what little fuz there is on his head sticking straight up. Last week a pocketbook found item was pnblisbed in tbe Ru- PUBLICAN and tbere were three calls by persons who had lost purses within two weeks and none of them had advertised their loss , although one purse contained - tained over $20.00. Some people don't seem to understand that it is not the duty of a finder , but the loser , to ad vertise , if the purse does not contain the owner' name-as every pu.rse should. The finder of any article of value usually watches the local papers for such items and , if they arc. ; honest , restores the article to its owner. The question of what is a suitable reward has often beet ] discussed , as there is no law , i further than an unwritten one in England which has become thl : : one in vogue in this country , . which is ten per cent of the valul : : I of the article found-the losel always alvertising the loss. - - Arland 'Visner of Dunning , was in the city yesterday as witness - ness in a land contest. Mrs. J. R. Tcagarden and son leave today for a visit oC two weeks at Sutton , Neb. Miss Alice Neumann , of Lamar , Mo. , is visiting at the home of' ' her sister , Mrs. 'Vatter Harris. Phas. Davy of Oconto was among the welcome caUnrs at the Rm'UlJIlCAN ofiice Saturday. Miss Anna Pununell of Wauni- ta , was in the city yesterday amI ordered the Rltl'unI.ICAN sent to her address. JO ! ias Wells of Dunning , and [ 4oral Wells were in the city yesterday - terday on land busincss with n.e U. S. land office. Mrs. H. 'r. Bruce was pleasantly - ly surprised one day last week when her sister , Mrs. Ella Nowles , of Kansas City , arrived to visit with her until the t rst of next week. Charles . Pool leaves Saturday - day for Lexington , Nebr. , where he has accepted a situation in a drug store and will remain permanently - manently - uuless he becomes ang-ry at the proprietor and "fires" him. Letters have been received from some of the militia company members , now in camp at Fort Riley , Kansas , and from the tonl : of them it is believed tbey are being put through a course of tactics they did not have up their sleeves. 'rhe famous Oconto base- ballists are in the city ready for a bout witlt the Broken Bow contingent this afternoon at 3 o'clock. Xanders and Gadd will constitute the battery for tlla home team. Benjamin Parker of Dunning , county superintendent of Blaine county , was in the city } esteaday making proof on a section homestead - stead he took under the Kinkaid law. He is an old soldier and was credited with his time of service in the army. A party of Broken Bow young ladies. composed of Misses Lelah and Essie Holcomb , Katie Moore , Zee Bishop and Katie Ellerswick , left Tuesday for Denver and will spend a couple of weeks in that vicinity seeing the sights , which will include a triP.up Pike's Peak. The new fence around the park will be' completed before tbe evening shadows fall tomorrow and Broken Bow's "beauty spot" will be greatly improved thereby. Now , then , gentlemen , tbose cement or brick cross. walks to the park , please keep in mind. All hope they will quickly follow the finishing of the fence. The Dramatic Stock company , of this city are now actively engaged rehearsing "Uncle Sam's Consul , " under the direction of H. B. Iszard. The drama was written by Mr. Iszard , especially for production by tbis company : , and it will be presented betw e'n the 1st and 15th of September. About ten days ago Miss Fyrne Tooley , of Anselmo , came to Broken Bow , suffering with great pain in one of her feet. Dr. Mul. lin deem d an operation necessary - sary and SUCCE'ssfully performed it , finding a decayed bone , which was removed. Miss 'rooley im. proved rapidly and returned uome Tuesday. Prof. J. G. W. Lewis , our former county superintendent of schools. has acceptedlthe cbair of histor ) ' in tbe Grand Island college and will go there the t rst of next month to assume th duties thereof. Prof. Lewis is an able instructor and will undoubtedly - doubtedly meet with success in his new field of labor. . Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Walkcr reached home last Thursdav from a five days' visit to the Broken Bow company's gold mine , in which he is interested , near Hill City , South Dalcota. 'L'hey arc U10rt than ever satisfied that it will prove \'aluable iU\Testment. Dave Meyers , Anthon ) ' Ellis and Will Soper went up with them but returned a fcw days earlier , The full number of share holders nece sar } ' to organize has been s'curcll and an organizutiol1 charter applied for. Prof. C. M. Taylor , superintendent - tendent of the schools at Gencva , who has conducted the teachers institute , which closes tomorrow , in this city , was a caller 'ruesday and expressed himsclf of the opinion tha Custer was a grand. good county and that he was greatly impressed with Broket1 I Bow and believed it had Iood prospects of beoming : one of thl : : best commercial centers in the , state , basing his opmion upon the widcawake and enthusiastic attitude of both busincss men and citizens toward their town. , . - ' " " " = - - - - . . . . r . " ' ! ! ' : \ ' "hn , r ' ' ' ' ' ' 4. . _ . I . It IS understood that the Ar- ington Comedy Co. , will occupy the opera house eluring fair week. John J. Mandville of Dunning , was in this city yesterday as a witness in a final proof of Ben- jaminc Park. I Miss Francis Lan on , who has been studying' music under the direction of Emil Leibling , in Chicago , the past year , returned - turned to Broken Bow last week and will remain here with her mother , Mrs. Lizzie Langson. The Democratic Congressional convention for the Mh district will meet in Broken Bow on Thursday , August 23rd at ten o'clock a. m. As there are one hundred and seventy delegates to this conveflt1on , a large number - ber of visitors will be in the city at that time. Quite a number of Custer county - ty people wi11leave Saturday for Minneapolis , the occasion being the National G. A. R. encampment - ment , to which the railroads grant a greatly reduced ticket rate , the fare from Broken Bow and return being only $11.90. Among those who intend to go are : Mr. and Mrs. J. O. 'I'aylor , Mr. and Mrs. l obert Skinner , Mr. and Mrs. E. Skinncr , Mrs. Jerome Tavlor ' , Mrs. Elisha'I'aylor , Mrs. C. 'K. Bassett , Messrs. II. W. George , John Reesc , James Led. wich , Wm. Osborne , G. 'V. Derris - ris and Ole Johnson. - - - ' - . . m m i BUSINESS POINTERS. l M Z RRR . : r. c. Moore , abstracting. 2tJ This ollice for neat job work. Let us be your printer. The good kind of printing only. Drs. li'arnsworth & Beck- Dentists. FOR OR TRADJt-A good steam , Case threshing machine , complete and ready for use. Will trade for stock or sell on reasonable terms. Inquire at tbis office. Cltf FouND-A purse containing a sum of money and a physician's prescription. Owner can have it hy calhng at this office , paying for advertising and correctly de- srribing purse and amount. FOR RnNT-'I'he first of Aug. , a house with six rooms and barn. 7tf J. W. WIIITn. FOR SAI.n-Eleven and half lots , 50x140 feet. Good frame house , good barn , good well and 100 bearing fruit trees. Enquire at this office. 17tf Let us be your printer. The good kind of printing only. Whcn you want to send money away , go to the roken Bow State Bank and buy a Bank order. They a re cheaper and more con- venien l than postal orders or , expres orders. tf - - - W ANTED-Men , women , boys and girls to represent McClure's Maga1. ne Good pay. Address 7 East 23d St. , N. Y. City. Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist. Office over McComas' drug store. Phone 196. Doctor Leach , Dentist. We have in stock all kind of screen doors and windows , the , best in tbe citv - , call and inspect them. 4'Jtf ' DIItRKS LUMBJtH & COAl. CO. [ i'OJ { " SAI.n-Clean stock of General Merchandise in live town of 700 , forty miles west of Lincoln. Invoice about 59,500. Practically no dead stock. Not for trade. Good established cash trade and steadily growing , prosperous German and Amcri. can settlement , Address , ' 1' . J. C. Nebraska City , Neb. W ANT D-Gentleman or huly with good reference , to travel by rail or with a rig , for a firm of $550,000.00 capital. Salary + 1,072.00 p r year and expensesj salary paid weekly anc1 expenses advanced. Arlc1ress , with stamp. Jos. A. Alexander , Broken Bow. R. D. Mullins , M. D. , D. D. S. the Dentist. 37tf lu District CoUrt , CUMt r Couut ) ' . Nebraska. 111 the matter of the apI'licatlun of John Hlllkley. admlliistratur of th stat" of Sarah I , . IIll1kle ) ' . < I ceallel. for leatu lIell real . eluate. Notice IN hereby Illven tllat. lu Jlursuauce of au or < l r of thl ! 11011. Uruuo O. lIoKtetler. Judlle of tile DINtrlct Court of CUllt r County. Nebrall' ka. lIIa < l" on th Ih < lay of JUlY/ 11O ! . for th" lIal" of the r al estate her lna / ter descrIbed. there will be sohl at public venltue to the hlirh. t hlchler fur ca h at the front door of the Court Uouse IlIlhos clt ) ' or . . Drokoll Uow. III lIal < l coullty. 011 tbe 25th < lay of . .UIlUllt. 1900. at the bour ur two o'clock p. III. . the foUowlnll' Ite. licrlbed real eMtatol I.otll thr e. ten and elevell In block fourteen III the tow 11 of UerwYII. ( Julter coullty. Nellrallk" . S..I < llIale will r lIIa' ' " ollUli for one lIour. Uated Ihlli : JIMt 'lay of July. 19 . . . JOliN U'NKLK\ ' . I . . "mluilitrator of tb" est at I ! of Sarab I. . Ulukl"y , Deceased. J. . . . . . .A.luoiOUH. . . .tt.y. ISo I 3 , ! : , : - , . . ' . . - - . . . , . , , - , ' -t Hotel Reneau . . . , ON NORTH SIDE , BROKEN BOW , \Vill be open as soon as the numerous improvementa flre completed. BO'f AND COLD BATHS , FREE SAMIIJE IlOOMS , tc. . . J. E. ISZARD , Prop'r. . . . New and Second Hand Furniture , Flour and Feed Store , " \Ve wish to notify 0111' many customers that we have added to our stock of lIardware all kinds of Nails , Staple and Smooth Wire. 'N e also have 1\lason Oity and lCearlley flonr t.he best that can be had in the state. 'N e always have plenty of feed and baled hay. Goods delivered free to any purt of the city. \Ve repair furniture and frame pictures. ' . J. 'VV. . SCcrr. . L. E. COLE , licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director has just received a large stock of undertaking goods. 'rids is one of the most complete stocks of undertaking goods ever brought to Broken Bow. 'rhey ure located in the Cadwell building on lfourth avenue. Parties wishing anything in this li ne ure req nested to caB and. . . inspect goods and get prices. For first-class work in undertaking - taking or embalming call and see me or phone. Phone Numbers : Officp , 7 7 ; Uesidence , 3.22. . , . . \ . , CUSTER CANYON HERD _ OF ; DUROC JERSEYS Eight miles west of Brokcn Bow. RESSE & MOOREHOUSE UROKlm now. , NI U1 { . . ' , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . . . . . . , . , . . , , . . . . , . . . . . " ' , " ' " . . , . ' . ,1 ! . " " ' , iJl'-I't : " ' Qf''ilItI''i ' ' V- 1 ' : rrli' . - . : : ' . . , .etiit.'l..i : : 'ti f61fJ B . . ! . . ; . . ) ' ' . . . . /ItI''i , . . . . . . .t.ii. .f."i . . . ! , . : . . _ j . . . UJ. Lti 1. : : ; .Wou ; : ; " " : : ; L. :1i&j : : : 'lh : : ; .IM > i : ; : 'mi.IJI. : ; 71 ' j When desiring to figure on a bill " , : : f : : . of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . I. , , , . r r : : r71 ! C L 1 L C m : . . urner urn b er . o. , ! We carry a full stock of Lumber. fJ. ' Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc. 1 r Agents for the Nebraska Central . fit ! Building & Loan Association. : . . . , . . . , . . e' Ij ; . t : 'k-'r:1 : ' itQ . " ! . 'fri . : : : ! , , : : ' : qaJf..lflt : : < : : ' : " ' : f ! : ' : : . : SI/\ : / : ! ; w.iJ76i : i't'j " ' : JC S'.JjtJf.fIi : : ! : rrirJ a.i.'IJi : : : ; { jiy m.tJ'fiJ llkm : ; Lii ! .4ICJJ Cl ; . . - . - - - . " - - - - - - - r If you are looking for the Quality of Lumber and Building Malerial for the Least MOI1CV let us figure on yonr bill. We always try to pleasc. H. T. BRUCE CO outh Side 1-4umher Yard , Bl"Ol < cl1 Bow , Neb. . . - - . . , . . tw - fl"- ' . . . . . , , . . - - - - - - . - - - , - " - - - - . - Ci * " c : : . , * ; c : : , " , ; .cc.c : : : : et ; : : , , , , ; : "t - , . , t : : .t : : , ' < t : < C ; : , tC.c ; : : : : , Ci : : t'ct : : : : , - c : : < - c.c : - : : : ' 51 - ! BOWMAN & ANDERSON. . . . are dealers Inea ) 1 E state of all k1t1h . WI We will buy or sell. pon't fail to see tjJ us before you buy or sell. We can do ) ' 011 good. Collections made and insl1r- ance written. Farms rented and taxes paM. See 1 us for farm loans. Come in and see us. , ' ' ; . . BOWMAN & ANDERSON. t \