Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 02, 1906, Image 2

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    w , . , , : , . ; ' " _
. . - - - . . ' . . ; + . ' I' . .7. . . . _
I . .
_ . _ -
.he Secol d Event Confidently Ex.
pected to ; ) Br : the Best Ever Held-
Other Mattera of Intrest Here and
There All Over the State.
OMAIIA-Unrlm' the luw. which pro.
vldc ! ! lhlll 1111\11 huU hl wllhln the II'-
rlglltlJn districts mny ho IH\rcelcrl \ { Jilt
illto Hmall farllls of from fort ' t.o UU
ncroH , there If ! u IlI'oSIJect of cOIlllltler-
I\ltlo \ IIl11'oul : unon IIInrmnrH anti Hot.
tl'I'M III lhe NOI'th Platte' vnl1l' ' , In thn
C lrcllle wefllol'll Jlurt of NchrUilw : , I
which hils l'cllultcll 111 n proteHI. hf'luH I'
filed alnlllllt ; Ihp III'OIIOBCII division of
iWllleHte':1I1 : l'IIII'lcB , I
'I'ho 1'01101'1 I.ha t lhe scrrclnl' ' of I he '
. , ' flllpl'lor harl urderml a surve } ' or the I
j' lllllllf ! 1thut leoulU ) ' wllh a vlo10
' : : 11xlll thl' IInll. of nrca of Irrl ! llefl i
' . . . farlllH nt eight } ' al'ros 111111 CnUHl'l1 I ho
fGt'lIIerM lIud HoLllcJI'f Ollt theru to lip-
lle'al tll Henatol' Mlllnr'll 10 lIIe t.lwlt.
IlI'oloHLH IIgalnst any fnwh nctlon thnt
wOllld Invol\'l' all } ' Ilrol't'lling IlIvll1lnl ;
tholr hOllluHtcnt ontrles ot 1 UU : .LCI'C3
Llncolll Stili Lendo III the Race for Lo.
] 'rlllll'allolls lII'e wcll undel' wnr I'm'
malting the sccond Nobra81m corn
cOlltest 1110 gl'untcHl anll heBt of Ilf !
Ithl\l \ c\'el' held. The mcetlng win
cOlltlnuo fOl' fi\'o '
\ dnrn-DccClllhcl' 11 ,
12 , 13 , 14 nud 1 [ ; , 1001i. SOIllO of the
llCst tnlent hi the COl\llll'r \ hus IIlI'cady
l'een ' flccm'cd for the I1\cetln ! ; . 1"l'IInl ,
n. Hoherlsoll of Willdoll , N. Y. , haH
"cell uugugt'tl to III'POIll' ' In hl l1\tli' \
'nled leelul'l' , ' ' 'rho Lund of lhe 1\1ld.
IIlght Sun , " \\'l1l1um IInwlo ) ' SlIIllh
of Peoria , 111. , has been cngll ld fOl'
ono o\"enlng nnd ono of the day S08'
'rIlonH , NeoUatlons ! nro llOndlng wllh
Adnm Bede , the fnt'lIIer.conJt'OSHlllnn
iUlII edlto..hulJ\ol'ist . of I\lInneHotu , nnn
I , with I.lneoln'kI own distinguished elli.
V.CII , William , Jennings BI'yan. 'rhe
fommlUco IH ufter the heHt 1111181c that
the stule con 1'rovlllo. ' 'rhe latlles' Ce.
clilun quarlot of York has heon on.
guged fOt' an evonlng and day Hess 1011
( lnd lho Pel'lt stnte 11000I\1ul 1I1nlo quare
tet hilI ! IICon engaged to he llresont.
dUl'lng the entlro convention , ' 1'he 10'
cntlon of lho 1Ilectlnt hus not yet heen
. decided , 'rho executl\'o cOl\1mltteo ,
cOmll081'd of the state omcora or botlt
ItHHoclatlons , tOIethor wllh the 1111\11.
figel' , will l1echlc UllOn the quostlon of
iocatlon nnd othel' IlIIpOl'tlmt multCJI'H
relntlve to Iho convcntlon , at a bU81.
neBS lIIeotln ! ; which hus belm 'called
to meet t Yorl , .
" , ' ; State Board Flnda Great Inequ\lIty In
: . the Various Counties.
, . . , LINCQIN-'l'ho Stnle Board of
it. l Cluullzntlon Is dnallng In hOl'seH nnd
r : " cnll1o , nnti n numhor or counlles hw" ,
; heen hoostud , 'rlto boosts , hOWOVOl' ,
. , ' ' tentaHvo and ' le
' n 'o mOl'cjy mn } )
' , 'I' . cltnngeti befol' the filml figureH' are
' , . ' uHulc b\ ' the bonrd. ' 1'he counlles In
which live siocle was hlcrenHodlll'o the
ollowlns : 1"1I111101'e , ] 0 1101' cent on
cull1e , from 3il.i [ to $3H ! ; Dunll } ' , cat-
ltc , 10 lieI' ccnt , from $3 10 $3,30 ;
, DouglulI , horses , 20 1101' cOllI , from
. : . $13.tiG to $ IG,27 ; mules , 20 1101' cent ,
: from $ Hi to $18.18 ; Douol , catlle , 10
lIeI' cellt , from 52.98 to $3,27 ; Cumin ! ; ,
horsoH , 10 IICI' cent , from $13H ! to
. , 1j,33 ; Colfux , horses , 25 1101' cent ,
. >
: from $1110 $14.7G ; mulcH , GO 1101' cent ,
, . 1'l'om $0.98 10 $11,7 [ ; ; Cho'enllc , cnttlu ,
; , ' , :10 : 1101' cOllt , from , $3Oli to $3ri : : :
! . Chorr } ' , hOl'Hes , 20 1101' cent , from $ G,21 !
' to $7.5Ei ; BttI't , hOl'SOS , 10 pOI' cent ,
' 4't'Om $14.2U to $ l ,71 : Blaine , cattle ,
> . 20 1101' cUllt , from 2G2 10 $3,1-1 ; All'
. ; , tololle , eattlo , 101mI' cent , from $3.10
i ! o..t to $3,1L : mules , 20 1101' cent , fl'om
f , , " 10.73 10 $12,87.
; ; .
Call for Stte Veterinarian.
Dr. C. A. .McKlm. stulo votorlnnr.
fan , has received a lotlm' from Shorll !
C. . Unit of Holt countr , urglns him
, o como at once 10 O'Nelll to exumlno
1 > 01110 hm'sl'H which are ulldcr ( ItlI1I'Uni i .
tl 1o , , iUIllosel1 to 1..10 aff1lctCtI wilh.
{ i glnnlcrs. ! Shot'll ! Hull ( leclnres that
the Carmm' who owns the horses is
if losing his grahl because he cannot
, IlnlS along the 1IUbllc road to a Imt't
. ' ; of hili farm , lwo miles away. Ho doea
& 1I0t. want to It III his horscs ullless the ) '
\ '
. , ! I t\l'O 1HI1'el : ' afflicted wllh the glalldors' ,
; ; ; , . alld ho does not Want to hrlng now
. t oaC6 eli lho 1 > lace If tlW } ' are lIms nf.
, " Uleled.
' ' . .
: , To Have Model School.
1'/ lCli1ARNPJY - A nodOlmrlme : ,
' ; ; . which , us ( IU' as Is Imown , Ims no01'
' 1Jeell tried in NolJt'uslm , will be u fea.
turo at lho Buffalo county teuchors'
Inslltulo which w111 bo held at the
State Normal school the weole heglI' !
ulng Augllst G. 'rhls Is a "model COUll.
tJ' " school , " with genulno couutr '
chlldrell in attendllUco und to bo
. tuught h ) ' Miss Caltlwoll , ono or the
tcachers ot the Slale Normnl school.
, Constltutl Jal Amendment Notices.
Socrotar ' 'ot S ate Oalualm Jms pre.
Ilnr d the copy ot tbo cOl\stltutlonal \
nilitmdmellt to lJo BubmlHetl at the fnll
el cUQn und he noUccs will be son\
tq lho , nOWBll\l1crs bou Auuat ! 1 , The
JlQtlce will run for Hoven woele\1 \ nnd
will be pubUsbod In ono IIn1let. In euch
oCo\lnty \ ot thb atuto. It will cost 4\ \ )
for euch pUller , or n totnl ot $4,110.
'rho amolHlmont to ho voted on this
fa.IJ vrovldelJ for tlto clecUon of a rnll-
way commltmloll consisting of three
membora ,
. , ,
0" ' _ _ _ _ . . , tl , _ .
, " " " "
k r. ! ; . " , " \ k * " * ' " , .il ! . .
- -
. " .
The I'ltll'hur ) ' ChI ! Inuqua. wl\l \ com.
mencl ) Au ustl0 nllli InHl tell 111t'H ,
MethcullstH of SUJlerlOl' wlll eXIend
nbout $ GOO III relllLII'lng lhelr churc : ! ;
1In1l In the vicinity of Cnlllhrh.1JIJ
done It ; oed tleul or dnmnge 10 m'ulHI.
'I'he ol hlh nnlltlnl 1\llsembly of thll
. \ubul'll ehalnuqlllL wl\I \ Ollell AUJ.ust
11 ,
So fitI' ' hnlt '
IlR UlI'cohlng llrogl'essed
In Yorle cOllnly the 'Ichl is bU'ontl Ult'
SWOIIIHh J.ulh'fltns Itl Orecey ; have
cOll1l1wncoll the CI'ecllon of It IInu tWO'
HlOl' ) ' 1llll'Honngo ,
01111 1'ellowA or Norlh Plnlte al'o
' fCJI' hills fOl' construction
noadvcrtlHlllg -
tion o ! tholl' now hlllldlng ,
'rho 1I0W fnl'lI1el'u' olevnlor jusl com.
Illotell at Wllaonvllll' , OIHOOII ) Its dool's .
nnll WnH rocelvlng gralll la t wcelc. i
'rho HOVOI'ACtl FOIII' Catlin cmIHln ' I
of Lincoln hits fIIell nrllcloil of IlIcOl' .
Ilomllon with the scerotal'r of stnlo.
'fhe cnllllni Hloelt umollnts to $100 ; .
Leo Uuff. IIInnnlCI' of the Nohl'aslm
'folephono company III Orand lslallli
aUll cllslrlct , has lleon promolod to
the IHJsltlon of mnllnger of the t..illcoln
0111 co ,
EII'oy'oh510r. . a IlI'omlllonl fnrmol'
two mllell lIorth of Beatrlc' : ! , received
n. SUII Htl'lllw while III the hny fielll ,
1-10 fell fl'OIl1 the machlno ho was ridIng -
Ing allli t1w lellm rail awn ) ' ,
Bonds of IIal'l'lRon , III Sioux county ,
IImOlIllLlng to $300 [ ; , have heon rect'lv.
( HI for l' glatmllcJII h } ' Bond Clerk C.
1' . l.awrence , 'rhoy run twelll } ' 'ears
nllll CCltl' G per COllt IlItel'eHt.
'l'wII bal'lIH helollgluJ ; to n , l , Kl'lllio
of Elm Crol'l , were totally destroyetl
hy tim , 'fho huIllllngs were sltuatClI
ou the onlsldrts 111111 Il waH Imposslhlo
to'elloh thom wllh clly wator.
Dcllo\'lng IIl1lllhel'o I11lght be rowIy-
ISI11 tllII'lug the cltrulval , 1\ltlj'OI' Sov-
el'olgn of 1'01'1 , has Issued a 1I0Uce that
he w1\l \ al'l'ost the llrsl IICl'son throwing -
ing confolLl or rstlug ruhber bnllH eruct
uct Inl ; rowdy.
E , Ratnour , of \ VeeplngVater W3.3
renppoilltell b } ' lho stale hoard of
health : IS Il member of the Hlato bon I'll
or emhahners 'fhe Stnte I"unoral DI.
r clors' assoclutlon l'ccommomlod Mr.
Hatuour ( or thlll post. .
Whllo movlug a steam thresher to
another locllllty , the machillo which
hOlongs to Rlchnrd Hawley of Lafayette -
ette precltlct , NoulILha cOUllt ) ' , hrolm
throllgh a brhlgo nnd WitS hadly
wreclced , hut no ono sorlously burt.
'rho hody of N , S , Ayrcs , the j'O\lIIg
man who commlttCHl suicide at Albion ,
WU3 taltOn to Shonnndoab , In" ror
burlnl. Coroner Smith , acter Investigating -
gating the malloI' , conchtded , an tn-
qucst was tllllleCOSp.ltr } ' , ItS there was
no queslton b.ul. Ayres cnmo to hIS
lioath by hili OWII hllnd ,
Slate Superintendent l\lcUrlon has
ruled that County Superlutondent Yo.
del' o [ DouglllH county l11ust statHl his
chances al the llolls this fall 1\11' .
Yoder was allpolntml count } . superlll'
tondent for \lnexpl'ed ! lo 'm or una
month , Docomhm' , ] 901i , and wus reappointed -
appointed for 11 full term the following'
' 1'ho lIlUe daughter of Peler 1\Iooney
who Uves neal' Burchard , unlmowlngl -
vlolaled the lloslal laws h } ' sOIHllng a
written rommunlcntlon thmugh the
mnl\ \ enclosed with fOlll'lh.class mitt-
tcr , 'rho llllclmges fell Into the hnnds
of Inspoclor S1. Clair anll ho called
\lIIOIt 1\11' . l\oono ' for the t1no of $10 ,
which WIlH IH.ld 1)\0 11ptl } ' .
'rho Nebraslm Nntlonal Guurd11 \
hnvo the sel'vlceA of Captain \Vorllzol'
of the regulllr arm } ' during the IIrm } '
mlUl"uvors at l ort Hlluy. At the rc-
'lucst of Genoml Culvcr he has lelH\ ,
assigned to dut } ' with the guard. Cap.
taluVorllzCI' Is comma11llant or tlnl.
ver llr cllllots , Imt IH at lolsure during
the Sltnll11C1' seasou , Ho hull n reat
clenl of active servlco In the Phlllll-
Illnes ,
GOOl'go n'oOlls , n fnrmor living
ono mile Routh of \ \ 'oeplng'Valer , 111111 I
his right leg bl'Olcn In two Illnces , lie
nUll ono of the hors wore cun' 'lng the
horses In the slahlo , when the 1100'so
which the bo ) ' waH curr'lng nlllped at
the olhel' al1l1 II. Itlcl\Cd lit It , strlltlnl ; '
Mr'oolls wllh hoth feet , 1 > reailnl ;
Iho right log In two 1IlaceB , hctwl'en
the 1m co nnll anlelo , aUlI bl'uslng UlO
left Icg bnlll } ' .
An tlnu8ual Inchlent nl Humholdt
was thc swenrln In of n , I , Watzlw
11.0 ; ma'or of Humboldt , OVCI' three
months nfter ho wns olcctell to the
1I0sltlon , The mnrOl'.elect was callell
br the wholesale house ho rOIH'ef enta
to go Ul ) Into ! \lontana anll ether
northwestern IJtates just nfter clec.
tlon and llOforo the tlmo CIUllO for the
new cOl\lwlhllon to tal\C thclr lIiacos ,
nenco the dela ' o [ his Inlluetlon IntO'
SeCl'otar } ' of Slate Galusha received
a 1 > ox full of Illplomns ntH1 mcl1als
awardcd ngrlcullul'Itl anll dalr ' '
on ) 111'0'
dncts f'Om Nebl'l1s1cn , Some o [ tbo
awards were on stnto uxhlhllll , nnd
I\omo were for ImllvltlulIl e'lhlhlts , but
as no nallles accomllllniell the con.
slgnmont the socrolnr } ' of slate tUl'netl
thorn ever to Secrotarr . It. 1\1ellol'
or the Slate Bonrd of Agrlcullure to
awult furlbcl' htformatlon. The Ilwurds
were made at the Sl. Louis ' ' ' 'orld'H
Adolph Harlwlg In driving : lcros ! )
the Durllngtoll tmcle southeast or Bow.
ard wall Rtrucl , by a train. UotIt
horses were ldlled aUlI 1\11' . HartwIg
waS 8erlous1) ' though not falally In-
County A.ttorno } Ra.wls filed a com.
plaint chnrJlng Adolllh GelsO" nnd P ,
I ! ' . Oooa , two Plnttsmouth saloonkeoll-
ors , with ha.vlng violated the Slocumb
Illw hy Belling liquor on Sunday. The
defendants Ilicadod gulltr to two
countll and each was fined the sum or
' 2 O and costs , 11.8 U10 law llrovldes n
penalty ot UCO on each ' ount.
. . - . _ . . . _ - - - . . . . . . . - ' . .
" ' " . ' " .
t o I
t , "
' " - - " .
, \ ,
. '
. I
/'JI'lf'f / ' ' ' ! ' f ; Jf ,
\ \ ! ) J1,1 Ii rrI&Mm [ ; & lift/I/ / / , '
- - - -
Text of Resolution Adopted by Dele.
gates-Kino Edward to Receive -
ceive Visitors.
London-'rhe conference or the
Intol'lHlrllnmentary nnlon , after a
llrolonged dohale Wedncsdn ) ' , ndo1l1ed
the following re80lntIon :
"The IntOl'pnrllamentary union , now
aSfemhled ! In London , eXllresses the
vlow that the second Huguo conference -
ence should :
"I. B } ' trenl } ' define contrnbnnd or
war ns being restrlctod to arms , munitions -
nitions of wnr and eXIlIosi\'es. .
" 2. Heassort and confirm the principle -
ciplo that neither a shill carl''lng contraband -
traband of Will' nor other goods
aboard such ship not being contraband -
band of war mu ) ' 1 > 0 dostro'ed.
" 3. Amrm thnt even hotween belllg-
crenls prlvlIlo prollOl't ) ' should bo as
Immune at sea as It Is on land. "
1'ho confOl'ence nlso '
'adopted a resolution -
elution In fnvor of the ( lIscu8slon lJy
' 1'ho Hague conference or menns to
cut down the "Intolemble OXIondlttll'o )
on urmaments , " Another resolution
provides that such nntIonal group
shnll l\ppl } ' to Its own government to
gmnt fundH to aid future concrencos
of the IntCl'parllamentar ) ' unl 'n ,
'I'ho decision as to the time and
place of the next conference wns let
In the hnnds of the International coun.
cll , It Is eXIICcted that It wlII ho
hold In Berlin In 1008 , 'rhe conference -
enco then concluded Its sesHlons ,
. 'I'ho delegates were entertnlncd fit
Itmchon at the house of ] OI'dll , A dep.
ulatlon of lite vlsltol's w1\l \ bo received -
ceived b ) ' King Ed ward at Ducking.
ham lIalaco 'l'htll'sda ) ' ,
- -
Troy Relatives to Contest Will , Alleg.
ing Undue Influence.
Now Yorle , .Iul ) ' 2G-E\"or ' dolln.r of
Russell Snge's great fOl'tuno Is left to
1\1rs , Sago h ) ' a will mnde In 1001 ex.
cellt an Inslsnlficant hequesl limde to
] 'h's , Fannlo Chnllln , of Oneida , X , y"
nn only sister , who tIled two 'em's
ago ,
'rho will undonl > ledl ' wllho \ con.
tested h ) ' the ' 1'1'0) ' relatlv08 of11'8 : ,
Sage , who wllchnrgo \ that the 1l01 !
wll\ \ was mnde after a mental hreal , .
down on the IlIu't of 1\lr , Sago , und
that I\h's , Sage exerted undul' Infiu-
enco o VOl' him In the dlstrllltltlon of
his wealth ,
Xol CHW dollar of the fortune Is left
to clmrlly , 'rhe enl ) ' contrlhutlon lr ,
Sago OVOI' 1llado during his lifetime
for lhls 1IIII'IIOse was when , aUcr a
) 'cur's sollcltntlon b } ' 1\lrs , s.nge , he
contrlbutod $50,000 to build a wing
of UtO Presb 'terlan hospital , of which !
Mrs , Sago was vi '
a co III'esldl'nt. :
'I'ho forluno or11' : , Snge , which was
pOIttlarlr holll'\'ed tl ) he $100,000,000 ,
nnd oven thou ht to ho grentOl' hy Uw
best Informed finnncial men of Wall
street , amounts to enl ' about $ t O-
Bolt Destroys Life of Sleepinc Girls
and Burns Mother.
St. Paul , 1\lhl11--\l'WS hus 1 > l'l'n rl ! '
: : : olved hero of the bUl'l1lng 10 death
: > f three chlhlrcn-Berthn , u'd ! five
relll's : I\lInnlo , agell three 'l'a 1'8 , and
\Jesale \ , n etl ono 'enr-daughtl'I's of
Ir. and lrs , Daniel SartI\'ol , In a
shack on the road he tween Scanlon
'lnd Carlton , ] , lInn" nbout 30 mIll's
fl'ol\1' DUltllh , Irs , Snrtlvel was so
had\ \ ) ' burned that her recovCl' } ' Is
Porto Rico Anniversary ,
San Juan , ) orto Hlco-The eighth
nnnlve1'sll1' ) ' o [ the landing of United
13lales troops was observed Wodnes.
jny throughout Porto Hlco In a
IU1'gor scale than horetofore. 'rhoro
was n slle lal demonstration at Ponce.
Asks Officer to Explain.
Washlngton.-1'he na V } ' dopnrt-
atent has called upon Lieut. H. Dunn
for un eXlllanation of a newspaper
Ilaragrallh ltthllshed concot'lling his
: : onduct whIle temporat'lly In command
of toke receiving shll ) lndollendence.
" ' ! - , . . ' : . . . . . - - " . . . . . . - - - - . - " - - -
- -
Appeal Made to Toilers by American
\Vashlngton-Tho executl\'o coun ,
cll of the Amcrlcan Fedm'atlon of La.
bor Sunduy made good Its ftocllll'a-
tlon of soveml monthH ngo to enter
the fioldof politics In the interest of
tmde union movement and to exhort
all memborH and frlonds of organized
luIJor to wOI'k fOI' the election to po.
IItical omce of mcn Imown to bo favorable -
vorablo to lubor'H cnuse.
' 1'ho proposed camImlgn is based
UPO l the ullegntJim that little utton.
tlon hns been Imld to the enactment
of Inws pro pared by organized labor
n\\l1 lIresonted to congress , "for the
relief of those wrongs and the attain.
mont of thos rights lo which labor
and the common pcople are justl } ' on.
titled and which are essentlnlly neces.
sary for their wolfnro. "
The council Issues a word of cau.
tion that the movement mu t not de.
generate Into a scramble for omce ,
but "It should be ! \ dotermlned effort ,
free , ahsolutely , from Imrtlsanshlp of
every nnmo and churacter to secure
the loglslntlon wo deem necessary and
essential to the welfare nnd happlnoss
of all our people , "
It Is eXIrossly stated that "whoro a
congressman or state leglslat r has
proven himself a true friend to the
rights of labOl' , he should bo support'
ed and nd candidate nominated
against him. "
- -
Federal Prosecution Will Be for Mis' :
demeilnor Instead of Felony.
Qlevelund , O-Flnos Instead of 1m ,
11'lsonment will be the punishment
asl\Cd b ) ' the United States govern'
ment for those found guilty of law.
hrellllng In connection with the 011
Industr } . .
It waH loal'llcd on excellent authorIty -
Ity that the proceedings soon to be
Instituted In Chicago In connection
with the federal Inquh' ' will class the
offenses as misdemeanors Instead'
felonies , Fine and Imllrlsonment , o (
both. attend convIction on the Intter
chnrge , while a fine alone Is the Il\In'
Ishment for the formCl' .
'rhls decision , It Is learned on the
same authority , will do awar with
any grand jUl'y Inqulr ' in Chicago ,
Inslead , the district attorney of north ,
01'1I IlllnolH , If lIresent Illans are ad.
hered 10 , will slmvly "mo Informa.
tlon. " in legal parlance , agnlnst the
accused men 01' concerns , 'rho } ' will
then he haled into court as In an or.
dlnary civil cnse , nnd If the trial re ,
slllts In their convietlon the } ' vlll be
Hned within the limits IH'esCl'ihod by
the statutes or lIle Unltod Stales gov-
Lack of Jurisdiction and Error In In.
structlons to Jury Alleged.
St. LouIH-'l'l'IInscrlpts and bills of
OXCellIons WOl'O filed 'l'uesday in the
1nltod States circuit court or ullpeals' .
1 > ' Armour Paclelng compan } ' , Swift
& Co" lo\'l'Js & Co" and the Cudnhj'
Pneklng comlmny , which were con'
vietell In the United Slates district
court ut Kansas City on charges of
arCl"lllIng rehates ,
Ono of the olalms sot forlh in th
bills of excelllIons Is that the court
at Kansas City hud no jl\l'lsdlctlon , ne
the Indictments Called 10 show thnt
the alleged offense was committed
within Its dlst.rlct.
Falltu'o to charge the ' "
JI\I'Y "that If
the conslgnmont is a through expert
shlpmont to foreign port , then the
vOl'dlct should ho fa I' the dofendnnt , "
Is also ulloged in the bill of oxcell'
Deserts Wagon and $200,000.
Pllts1 > llI'g , Pa-An exvress com ,
lt1n ) ' put UII a long hunt tor a wagon
containing $200,000 In cash , which
was deserted at night by Its driver ,
who mistook a pollcaman for a hold.
up man. It was found In the street.
Land Sinks Into Lake.
Shobo1lIn , Wls-Thlrty.soven aeros
o ( cultivated land on the border or
Long luke In Fond du Lac county aunk
, mllllenl } ' and Is covered with deep wa-
te1' . 'I'ho slnlmgo is supposed to bo
duo to a aUght earU1QlIIlke shoeli
: - - - - - . . ' - - , . . . , . . . . - - - , - -
, . " . . , - .tj
- - - - - - - - -
Engine Jumps Track While Going
Around Curve at Frightful
Speed ,
S11olmne , Wash-At leust nine per.
' > OUi ; arc 1 > olloved to have per.
tshed und a Hcore of others Injured
'n lhe wreck of Great Northern pas.
sengor trnln No.3 , westbound , near
Camden , \Vnsh" whcn the locomotlvo ,
mall , bnggage and smelting cars left
the rails on emCl'glng from a tunnel
: md plungIng ever the 70.foot omhanle.
ment Into lho waterH or Diamond lako.
At ton o'clocle 'fuesda ' only two
1lOdlos , these of George 11 , Curtis und
r. .T. Dolhow , IlIIssongors , hoth of
3polmne , hnd buon rccovored , The
2nglne Is believed to ue auout GO or
10 foot under watm' nnd the uodles
of Engineer I\lllllson and Firolllun Dell
'mu } ' not ho reco\'ered for tlaj's , It
was thought the mall and bnggngo
cat's , with the bodies of ] 'lnll ClerIc
Donner and Baggag-CJlnnn Strlcleland ,
wonld he recovorcd befOl'e night. The
Injured are rOllorled to ue IH'ogl'esshlg
favornhly , No Inl/uost / hus j'el been
ordered by the coroner of Slovons
.county ,
The wrecle Irobnbl } ' wns cnused by
excesslvo Hpeed on a down grade at
a CIII'VO , 'rho theory Is advanced that
the englno mnj' have got beyond the
'enslneer's control ,
Immodlatel } ' after the smoker
slruck the walor there wns a blinding
flash , which spread over the part ot
the car not submerged , und a fire
followed , ' 1'110 Imllact was so terrlblo
that sovernl cars on the rear of the
truln were wl'enched and twisted , and
enl ) ' the fact that the couplings did
not break on the dining , t urlst and
sleoplng cars [ \\'OI'led greatcr loss of
'Constabulary Routs Enemy In Clash
on Island of Leyte.
. 'Vashlngton.-Tho following ac.
c unt f the fatal collision between
the Philippine constabulary and
the Pulajanes In Loyte wns received
at the war department from Genl
Wood at 1\1anlla , dated Wednesday :
"Sudden outbreale of Pulajnnes oc'
curred island of Leyte , 'rwo con ,
stabulal' } ' detnclunenls defeated ; lose
12 in ono case , 15 other , wllh arms ,
One conslabulnr ' 1I0uienant lellied.
On application governor general for
use troops , under IH'esldent's order.
.July 3 , have dlrcctell Brig , Gen , Jesse
M. Leo , commnndlng department of
the Vlsayas , rush enough troops tG
scene of trouble to smother outbrealt
"Telegram from deurtment ! of th
Vlsayas this morning reports en'
g gen ent between a detachmeltt 01
the 'rwenty.foUl'th regiment , United
Stnles infantl'y , and 360 Pulajanes ,
Enemj"s loss , 150 ; our loss , ono con'
stabulary sergeant wounded , NQ oc'
caslon fOl' anxiety , "
1\1anlla-Advlces recolved here
from the Island of Loyte sn - thai
a largo band of Pulajanes 'ruesday
attacked u column of constabular
'and regulars commanded by Capt.
George II , l\Icl\luster , or the Twenty ,
fourth infantry. The engagement ,
which took place near Danoun , r
sulted in the Pulajanes being 1'0.
pulsed wllh the loss of 50 men Idlled
and 60 wounded , 'rho trolls and con'
'stabular ' } ' sulered no losses , 'rhE.
Pulajunes fled wllh the column In pur'
suit of them ,
Later estlmntes Illnce the number
of the Pulnjanes dead and wounded
at 150 , The fight took plnco in
thick undorwood , and lasted 30 min.
utes. The Pulnjanes , who are said ta
have numbered 500 mon armed willi
guns and 1 > 0108 , charged the Amor ,
ican column three tlmos. 'rho lattm'
was composed ot 50 consta1 > ularj
, commundod by Capt. Novllle and 2e
colored soldiers of the Twonty.fourlll
'lnfanlr ' } ' , commamled 1 > y Capt , Me
Masler. Since the fighting 'rusda ;
the column has not struck the Pul ,
ajanes ugain ,
Supreme Court Decides for State In
Suit to Collect Taxes.
Lansing , I\lIch.-1'ho slate galnoQ
an hnllOt'tant point in Its lust of
'tho gront rallwny cnsos by a docl
slon of lhe sureme ! court l\Ionda
aflornoon , In the cnso of the state
'agnlnst the I\Ilchigan Central railroad
'to collect $4,000,000 In bnck taxcs
, clalmod to bo 'duo the state under atl
original charter of the COl'l10ration and
covering the ) 'ears from 1856 to 1S\)3 \
Suit was brought before JUdge
'Wiest , In Ingham coullty circuit court ,
to collect on the g'Ound that the com
llUlI } ' had mndo n fraudulent report aE
to the amount of } ! ropert } ' It had , sub ,
ject to taxntlon.
The compallY filed a demurrer , aI ,
] eglng that the state was barred by
the statulo of lImllulions , The court
below overruled the donmrror nnd the
compnny uppoaled.
'rho SUllremo court sustalnod JUdg
Wife Slays Husband.
Chorokeo.-Jolm Dauron , aged 60
) "enrs , a woll.known farmer , was shot
and killed 'l'uesday by his wife , who
is 45 ) 'ears old. Dauron nnd his wife.
have had man } ' quarrels of late and
re ontly they seamted. !
Ousted Chief Refuses to Quit.
Eust St. Louls.-Chlet of Police
George O. Purdy , ofilclnlly ousted by
'tho city councll , still Is in powor. Ho
'declarod ' Tuesdny he will not quit un.
til Mnyor Coole , who nppolnted him , .
'tells him to do so.
. : _ - - - - - M.- : : : : : : .
. (
MR , w. J , N VISl s HIS
- 1
InterparllamentilrY Union Dlsuucd-
His Majesty Shows Himself Thor.
ougly In Accord with the Purposes
of the OrgLlnlz tlon.
LONDON - W11\Iam \ .T. DI''un , who
\'inf ! Introduced b ) ' Amhassador Reid ,
; . . .as received In lll'h'atc nudlence by
{ { lUg Edward at Uucllngham llUlnco
rhursday. ' 1'he visit was pnld at the
Ing's specIal request , hi ! ! mojosty ha\-
Innollled / / fill' Held that he desired 'I '
l ( ' meel Mr. Ur\'an. . ' 1'he IntCl'vlew - - . ;
VI'UH quite Informnl and wa : ;
7arlwd h } ' the plenslng ( 'ordlnllly
which the Itng ! Is nccustollled to sllow
Amerlcnns In whom ho Is Intel'ested. 'J
Only the Idng , Mr. ReId nnd Mr , DI' 'un
; vel'o present. 'l'he conversation largel } ' 1
tUl'ned on the subject of peace nnd the
onfOl'ence of Intor\arllumentnl'Y \ un.
'on , wlh ! lhe obNcl ! ! of which the 1lng . .
" I
showed hmsolf thoroughly In nccord. ; '
Subsequently the Itng ! receh'cII some : .
eight } ' memhors or the Intel'arllnmen. ! r
ary uulon In the Ihrono room , eon-
grcssman Hlchal'd Um'lhohll of 1\1 Is , j
30ur ) . 'I' , I , Uurton of Ohio , and Hocle- '
wood Holtl' of Mnssnchusctts , repre. '
sentlng' the Amel'tean grou\ \ ! , lr.
l1r'an aeCOIIIan ! } ' his three com pat.
I'ots ! at this 11l1lctlon , which was some.
' \'hnt in the natllre of It le\'ee , King
I wurd , who wore plain clothes , stood
In front of the throne while the visit-
: > rs lIled } last , As each } lerson was in.
ttoducel ( the 1lng shoole hnnds with
him , mnllng occnslonnl 1 > 1'101'remarlp'
to the most Ilmmlnont membm's of UtO
parly ,
At the fOl'Jnol silting of the inlorllar- . .
I ! 11 1enta 1' ) ' union l\lr , Ul'yan moved tI
lote of thnnks to King E wnl'd , Premo
. ,
ler Camlbell-Uannerman , the govorn.
ncl\t , the house of commons , the house
cf lords , the mem1 > ers of the llrltlsh
,10Ull of the union , and Lord Wear-
dale for their generous hospltalltj' , con-
stnnt attention and courtesies , It waf !
enthuslaslIcal ) ' carried.
' 1'he mom hers of the union went to
the Cryslal palace In the afternoon In
.antomoblles , over 100 of whlcn wert !
required to accommodate the pnrt
III the cvenlng the members were
lIesls at a dinner at the Urystnl pal.
pco , Among the Amertcans present
were \V , J. Ur'ynn and Helresent\tI\'e
Uurton of Ohio , ' 1'he latter repIled to
the toast to the vlsllors.
Genior Se ator from Iowa in a Dan ,
erou ! > Condition. ,
DUUUQUE , la.-Senator Al1Ison is
sprlousl ' III at his homl' ! nel'c. He Is
suffering fl'om Urlght's disease , Hi
c01HlItion Is much mOl'e sorlons than , :
waS announced \Vashlngton 01' given
. . . .
out here ,
Relatlves and close friends fire en- '
ctf'J\vorlng to Jeep the Imowledg' ) of
his erlllcnl condition from the ImbUe ,
but It was learned hero Thursdar that
he Js much wenlened , thnt he ] 1ns lost
a grent deal of weight nnd that It I ! >
f ured ho will never be able to relm'n
to "Tashlnston ,
Informal Fines are lIelJal. l \
" 'ASH1NG'l'UN - Actin" Secretm'v
of 'Val' Oliver hns ttpproved an opln. ,
Ion b } ' the acting jUdge advocate of the ; ,
nrmy to lhe elect that there Is no Ie. "
gal authority fOl' a practlco established f
br the commander of n nrtlllor } ' bat-
ll'ry at Fort h'or , Va" of 'gh'ing on ,
I.foted mon of his command , who hnd >
committed certain mllltar } ' offenses , t
the option or contributing money to '
tile : . battery 1utul or helng tried b
cturt.martlal , '
Ro = kefeller Will Appear ,
FINDI..A Y , O-Attorne ' , James 0 , I
1'I'OUII of BowIln Green , on behalf of
J uhn D , HoclOfellel' ; : . fonnally waived I
service of the warrnntand 'entered hie , \
allpearance In court a1\(1 at the same \
time gl1.vo bond In the sum of $ IOOG
for Mr. nocltefellOl"s appourunco 'rues'
dn ' , September , 'rho bond is slgnel [
tor .John D , Rocltefeller , b ) ' James 0
Srotlp , his attorney and George p , '
Jones of 1.'lndlaj' . ,
- - - - - - - -
Express Clerk in Good Luck. I
NEW YOHK-ll wns leamed toda } '
thnt J. B , Bache & Co" bnnlors ; : , had
r urchnsed the $6 , UUOOU or l'anllma
canal bonds which were reeentir ' 1llot.
tCII by the ' 1'reasury dellll'tment to 111
amuel H'el'ly , nn express company' : :
cOrle of thIs city. .
Bacho & Uo" huve in turn dIRll.l cd
: II' the bonds to l"lsle & Hoblnson , who *
" 'cra the successful bidders for th
gJ'al.or pOI't1on of the Isslle. 'n
- - - - - - -
Nebraskan Instantly Killed. I \
SAN DIEGO , Cnl.-C , W. Warner , .
! Jom Friend , Noh. , fell from a } lalnter'f !
scaffolding ut Snnta Anti , UaI. , llIid
wns Instantl } ' Itllled , Warner wa
[ , alntlng the roof ot the house ,
- - - - - - - -
BLInk Teller Badly Wanted.
ST. LOUIS-InOormation was 1'0'
l"lved Wednesdnr night that Charle&
! I. E\'erlr , teller of the St , Louis Un ,
( on 'l'rust comllan- , who has been
tLIsslng for a week 031\11 Is charged
; vlth having defaulted wllh $6UUU , wal :
scen at the Brown l'alaco hole : In
iJl'nvcr , and Instructions were telc ,
rraphod to the Denver' police to nt"
'est him on sight. At the request of
C. Stewart , connsel for the bank
\It informntlon was Issued against \
"erlr charging him with the embez- 4
dument ot ' 6,000.
- 'jj