Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 02, 1906, Image 1

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    . 't "
. . . .
. . .
' .W
, -
Every Dog Has Its Day
t -01111 cvcry 1II0n his day to wcar
. , . . . glosscs Thc chonges which comc
' to the cyc as thc result of ad\'anc-
, \ ing > 'ears are hc'ollli thc power of
the uttlh'lduallo rcmelly. M
Thc e'c hithcrto norlllal , will *
need the aiel of lasseR nt less then
ten years after thirly.lh'c.
. The future wclfare of ) 'our c'es
depends upon your first lllsses.
. ' They must bc right , Just right.
, . i ' Eilher too slronJ7 or to weak ,
lIIeans injury at thIs perioel.
I know thc cye and its nceds.
" . . . _ - . . . . J. _ _ _
Twenty-three Years Ago.
'l'here was talk of dividing
Custer and forming a new county
with Arnold as the county scat.
Sma11 grain was reported ready
for the harvester and promised a
good yield. Rain was needed
for hay and corn.
A meeting is to be held this
vening ( Aug. 2 , 1883 , ) to organIze - !
Ize a brass band.
J. S. Kirkpatrick announed
that he would attend the next
meeting of the cOlllmissioners of
lands at J4incoln in the intercst
of persons desiring to rent lands.
Mr. K. , is now a resident of Kansas -
sas City.
There was much rejoicing" on
account of the completion of the
Midclle Loup bridge on section
3CI. town 20. rang < ? 20.
'l'he Sargent correspond nt
said there was a good opening
there for a hotel and liverv " stable
and also physician , as "T"ilere is
no surgeon for forty miles up the
valley , and in such.a fertile and
prolific country a physician
would be a great requisite. "
'I County Sun'eyor Bishop returned -
turned last week from Arnold ,
where he had laid out and plat-
J _
- - - . - . - .
, , : ' ,
Free Lecture
of Linc01n , will deHver
Prof . ' A . A w rdy , a lecture at the Broken
Bow Opera IIouse , on SATURDAY , AUGUST 4th,22.1
/ ' . HOIS .A.n.d : 'Their Diseases
Prof. Hardy has made the hog and his diseases a study for over
twenty years and it will pay you to come out and hear him.
Prof. Hardy has undoubtedly had more experience with bogs
both sick and well , than any other living man. 'l'his lecture will
be illustrated with a fine microscope capable of showing' the bac. .
teria and bacilli of different diseases. The Professor wilt talk on
the following sulijects :
It Dust and Lung 'Vorms , Diptberia , Quinsy , Catarrh , Pneumonia -
. . . . . . . . . . monia , T.yphoid Pneumonia , Putrid Brysipelas , 'l'yphoid Enteritis ,
' > - . . , ' Diseases of the Stomach and Bowels , Constipation , Kidney Worms.
Apoplexy. Intestinal Worms , Paralysis of the Hind Quarters , Palpitation -
tation of the Heart , Scrofulous Diseases , Ihcumatism , Black Tooth ,
Mang-e and Carbuncular Forms of Diseases ,
The Professor will also experiment on a pig and show the foly )
of a Guaranteed Sure Hog Cholera Cure.
This lecture is entirely in the interest of tbe farmer. Husbands -
bands are earnestly requested to bring' thcir wives. Ladies and
gentlemen from Missouri , wishing to he hewn instead of told. at. .
tend this lecture and YOLl will he surprised. Every person who has
htard this lecture pronounces it worth its weight in gold.
Every person present is urged to ask any aud all questions regarding -
garding hogs and their diseases.
lt' The Professor will also show the foIty of inocnlation. What
T' he has to sar on In-breeding is the key-note to successful breeding.
' . There will always be a l.ady in attendance
La'd .1
es , to handle the II11CrOScope.
t. " _ . . - - . . ' _ _ _ .J . " r. . . . .x : ; : ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . '
. , , , ' '
, " ' , ' " " ' - " . " " ; J ; " ; \ = ' '
' '
" I . 'V'I : \1" ; \ ' 1'
" '
' "
' ' '
It's All In 'the ality
fllBf _ - . . . " . . . . JIIII :
Pickling Season is now on. ' 1'0 have excellent -
lent success buy yom' Pure Spices
' and Pure Vinegnr of us.
) ; .
. lOc for 14'pound. . 10c for 31 pound.
r 10e for pound. I toc for j ; ! poum1. I
U\ . . . .
. > tOe for U pound. . . 10c for ) pound. '
. "
10c for y. ( pound. J 10c for )1 ) pound. I
. 10c ( or y. ( pound. I 10c for U pound. I
40c-per gallon. 40c per gallon.
.46Y-These Spices and Vinegars wilt stand the test
of all Pure Food laws.
ted the vi11age which has beet !
given the above namc. The new"
town now consists of the post-
office aud store , and in a short-
time there witt be erected a grist.
mill by l\Ir. Leland , a portion of
the lumber and material being-
on the ground and work has'
commenced. "
Mrs. J. P. Gandy presented the
editior with "a boqctte of Ulost :
beautiful flowers" amI he waS
very protuse with thanks.
'rhe Sargent correspondent
said : "Sargent is only one week
old , yet in ninety days it bids
fair to become one of the towns
in the valfer. ' { 'he people are
intelligent , w'ideawake and pulr
lic spirited , and we judge that a
bright future awaits the Loup
- -
Third Annual Picnic of Old Seulera of
Southwelt CUlter County to be Held
in Callaway Park , Auguat 4th.
The Old Settlers' Association
for the Southwest Quarter of
Custer count ) ' , will hold its third
annual pict1tc in the Callaway
Park. on Haturday , August 4th ,
1906 , at which time the following -
ing program wilt be carried out.
Everybody is cordially invited to
attend this picnic. Bring your
dinners and have a good time :
Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Callaway Orchcstra
Invccatlon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Hcv. J. M. Hunclc
MIIIIII : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .holr
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .llon. James \Vhltehead
Music. Spccch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .llon. Geo.n. Malr
l\hl'llc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Callawa . Orchcstra
. Speech. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110\1. I' . 1\1. Currie
on Town. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .The Pearce nanet I
Stwrt ' .ralks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . Early Settlers
Amusement of Ploneer.'l'he Pearce nail It
"lIow CusterVas Settled" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .rlle LODIr llalred . Poet
MusIc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Callaway.Orchestra
BenelllctloD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rev. J. Duckley
A Damaging Hail Storm.
'rhe hail and wind storm last
'l'hursday afternoon was one of
the mo t severe and damag1t1g
that has ever visited this county.
It is reported to have started In
the northwest part of the county
and. averaging a width of about
eight miles , took a southeast
course , extending far into Buffalo
count } ' .
, Fanl1 rs in the centre of'the
path report total loss and those
on the edges apartial loss , but
the territory covered is a large
area and the tptal loss will be
In Broken Bow the rain fell
in torrents for about an hour ,
accompanied by spme hait , but
not enough to do any datpage to
the crops in this immediate
vici ni tr.
The Old , Old Stpry.
Recollections nearly half a
century old were brought b k
this week when a small mau ,
nearly seventy ytars old , and on
the verge of delerium tremens ,
was given a fifteen day sentence
in Washington. 'fhe man was. .
nonc pt er than a White Hp"se
clerk of Abraham Lincoln who
tool < probably the last official
corresponclcnce of thc martyred
! Prcsident on the ! i'riday of his
assassination. He is the author
1 of a biography of Lincoln and
several stories of reminiscence ,
i but neither his former associ aliens -
lions nor his works were able to
! save him at the bar of justice.
The 190G Corn Crop.
Carr & Co. , Chicago com mis-
'sion merchants , sends the Ihwun-
I.ICA'N some ad vice in regard to
corn , as follows :
Just at this junction it is very
easy to g t wrong in corn. We
say this e a" e it is pure1y a
I weathcr JPf.rl ! < ct , and no one
. needs t.o QC toIrI how quickly the
I map will jhange.
Drought extends from Ohio to
the Colorado line. There is no
i damage to the growing crop as
) 'et. Anothcr week wi1l bring
. . that if general raius do not comc ,
'l'he cash orn situation is very
strong with prices advancing
here and in the hig markets of
the soutwest. Chicago is shipping -
ping out about three hushels for
cvery one received. Should the
drought continue there will be
bu t one side to the market and
that will make money for buyers
vcry fast. At the first sign of
general ralUS holders of corn
should sell quickly. Westerl1
farmers are more generally
practicing direct shipments 01
their grain to the primary mar.
ket , thus saving their home buy ,
er's profits.
Strayed or Stolen.
White pointer bitch , wilt
black face and cars , four year !
old. Liberal reward offered.
tf W. E. T AI-DOT.
. _ . . . - -
- -
A Warm Reception Given to Them In
Broken Bow.
The special advertisiug tr in
of Omaha arrived iu Droken Bow
Saturday evening about 9:18. : It
contained 125 representatives of
the wltolesale houses of Omaha ,
besides a number from Broken
Bow , who had gonc west to mc t
them. . They were met at the
depot by the rcccIHion committee
and band and escorted to the
Burlington Hotel , where supper
was in waitll1g.
'l'wo ban s accompanied the
boosters from Omaba and after
the supper was over the band , in
charge of Captain Huster , rendered -
dered a fine musical concert in
the park.
At the banquet Mayor George
gave t he address of welcome ,
which was responded to by Mayor -
or Dahlman , of Omaha. Toasts
were responded to by a number ,
the elelegation being detained in
the banquet room until too late
to visit their customers. Yet.
they expressed themselves as very
highly pleased with the reception -
tion stating that it was the best
received on their tour. Mayor
Dahlman stated that of 0.11 the
mayors he had met that Mayor
George would be the one he
would choose to fi11 his place in
Oma1la , were he permitted to
select one in bis absence.
The guests distributed to the
crowd ssembled samples of. the
wares their respective houscs had
for sale. Among them was a
large dumber of 5ma11 bells
whi h were utilized in helping
to swell the noise. It was nearly
midnight before they left for
Dlltrict Court Juron.
The fo11owing jurors have been
drawn for the term of the district
court commeucing September 10 ,
1906 :
Algernon-Den Larsen , II. J. Sluith.
Amold-Jolll1 McGuire.
Droken Bow-Cart Btudick , S. C. Miller
H. M. Calc. .
Derwyn-C. W. GelOt wite.
DelightlIca Greer , Robert Gordon.
I . Elk Creek-J. D. Oshounl. .
G rtiehl-J. E. Drndbunl.
.1 Hayes-Den Johnson.
Jilfoil-Arch Parr.
I oup-Peter Durton , C. lIoft1.
, l\Iyrtle-A el Sherbepk.
Sargcnt-Johu Ci\\'ln.
Triumph-Attgnst Q'SchwtI1d.
Victorta-John Plymale , Qe e Chrisman.
Wejlervil1e--R. ! J , Milk , Thomas Wilson.
West Union" , W. H. ford.
Wayne.-C. O. Iim1.
pele a el Elec ; e4t \0 the Re lhl\ "
oqvet\\hm ,
So far as reported the fo11ow. .
ing named clti\\ens \ , \ hi\ve been
elected delegates to the county
onvcntionlto be helq in Brokcn
Bow Saturday of this week.
LITOWN81I1. \ \ \ .
W. J. Rice C.I\\a1celllal\ \ \
\ym. Schaad Ram Watdhllltol\ \
"III \ a I'd lJlII H. S. : qpdlke
n\rat \ COI\llIIltleclllan"W. \ . : t. RIce
\\ROtIIN \ \ 1I0\\ ' .
C. L. G\1tterROII 1 red Bertral\
W. S. Swan . ' -4' . Wrhcl\t ,
ule ! ! lalllllol\l \ CQIraeny"e \ \ \
WA.Geonre \anJ\nlwe'l
O ! C. Ronlet "t l\rl e RyctiOIl
A. CQ10111aq 10. U. Ual1ltl
I foracc 1"lIlIcdy O. II. Conrnel
! tt. J. MUlltlron\ W. J. Wlnlillall'le
W. S. lIo'cu 1t. S. Skinner
ChaR. Penn J.O Brenizer
N. ' 1' . Gadd John ReeK
llllIa Mnnran J. S. Molyneux
I. A. R"l\eau Juhn C. Uowen
I.'rank Smith W. ll. Shackelford
J. G. IIacIJerlc 10. J. ( O llIdtt
Cenlral Committeeman Jute ! ! Uaumonl
U. S. Land Office BUlinell for Qarter
Ending July ht , 1906.
Something of the demand for
hOlllesteads in the Broken Bow
land district may be seen by the
following , which is corroboratet' '
by the official recorels.
No. of entries maQe for. the
month pf Aprill75. Acres lwme-
steaded ! 403(15.0 . May , entries ,
77 , acresl 42,433.09. June
entries , 79 , acres 43,447.09.
Total entries 2 4. Aggreg-atc
numeer of acres. 12\245. \ U.
S ) t"et\1\ng \ \ of the great amount
of laml that is yet aubject to elh
lry in the Broken Bow \and \ di -
tnct is shown in the faot t1\a\
there is ) 'et subject to entry ,
1,244MQ acres' J\tly I , 190CI\
' 1'llls land is locatet ! in the fot.
lowing cO"ntie 1
Cherry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 H , lCiO
C\1ster. . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . SOOO
i Blain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000
Brown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 85.640
I Grant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245,840
I Hooker. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t5,440
, 'l'homas. . . . . . " " . . . " . .144,040
McPherson. . . . . . . . . . . . 09 , t2u
T-iogan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56,400
'l'his docs not include the
homesteads which the special
government agents have recom-
ended I for cancellation. As
many of them were among the
first filiugs they in all probahillty
will include some very desirable
- -
I confess to having a hobby and my hobby is to se11
the best buggy that can be sold for the 1II0ney and to
give you a guarantee that if the buggy is not what I
te11 you it is I witt fix it or refund your 1II0ney.
I have my buggies made after lilY own specifications
aud I know what they arc made of. By buying direct
from the factory I 0.11I able to save 25 per cent over what
lilY competitors pay for theirs and consequentl , ) ' am able
to se11 you a bugg ) ' frum $10 to $20.00 less than they
can possibly do. I have just received '
1IJ.:1I'VVc : : > Car I..oadsJI
the latest eiTect or the factories , 0.11 bright and new.
'rhere has never been shown in Custer county as lIIany
buggies under one roof as I witt show YOli if YOli come
in. I have cvcr.ything , carriages , sllrreys , road wagons ,
spring wagons , driving wagons , carts and buggies of
all descriptions. In fact , I wilt show YOli over 100
different jobs.
jobs.C. . S. MAR TIN I
Sicldes for all kinds of mowers , $1.35 each.
- - - :
II _
- - -
. . '
- : J:1'heV'reUp : -to C > LI. . .
Come here find take your choice from
. . .
four of the best makes in the U llited States , ,
vi.z : T. G. Bent , Webber. Bettendorf and
"Old Hickory. " A car loud just l'eccivedo
See them. .
. . special cash price 011 "Old Hickoi'y"
and Bettendorf wagons carried over from
last year.
c. W _ APPLE.
l'ol\en Bow , - - - Nebraska.
: " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " , " " " " " " " ' " ' ' " " "
- -
- -
- -
- -
: : : We have a brand of cheese that is simply ex- : : : : : :
E cel1ent an"d we want every family in Broken = =
= = Bow to know it. 'l'ry a slice and be convinced. :3 :
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
. . . . . .
- -
- -
- -
= = gives si\l sfaction to everybody who use it. : : :
= = We have it in five grades : Booster. 15c per lb ; : : : : : :
= - = A let Glory , 20c ; Golden Blend , 25c ; Java Blend , : - : : : : :
E 30c ; Mocha and Java , 35c ; : : : :
- -
: : : : ' " R : : : : :
: : : : : l'UONI"\NUMlII . : : : : :
1111illil1il1il1111il1111il1111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 S : .
. , - '
- 1 - ,
. Souvenir
, Postals .
.J UK' ! ' HI.XJI rV ] D , 'A LOT 0 ]
SO e v E llt P 0 S'1' CAUns.
\ .J nst what you want for friends. '
'rvvo li'OH ] 1 VE CgNTS A , ] . .
. i
. - - Bai sc.h'0. .
j _ . . _ HI' : I. . . . . . ' . .