1 , . " ' I' ' < I " " , : " ' I' ' ; . j' [ { . , ' " 1' . 1 . . " . , I- NEBRASKA NOTES - - - MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS IN THE CO'J.MONWEAL TH. THE WORK OF THE LAND OFFICE Deputy CC'ftIjJskm Shiveley Gives Som St"tistl S of Interest to the P\lb" " Qthel" Matt rJ Ht'ra and Ther Nt th.e Antelope State. , - - . . Work of Land Commissioner. 'I"lt ) ' I.and COlUtllh HIOIll'r Shl\'e , Il'l Im CtUllett't ! cOlIIl'lIIn ; table of st1\tIUC 8hO\Yhl the wurl { the olt1co has lIonl' sltlCl' .Tnnu rr I , ID01i , In thl' IIIl\tt r of sl'1IIng nntl nllllrnlsing Nchool Innlls , UII tu .Tul ) ' 1 allllIcn. tlons Wl'fl' 1111.11 to purchase SeSGs. . ! : ! Icrl'g. Aft of this lantl was re\'lowcII tl ) ' the Innll cOlllllllssloner , 01' hIs lIcJI' "tr , CXCl'lt In 1row cases whel'o 1IH'lIIhors of the ho\nl : Imow the Il\Iul mul IJassol1 ullon the nllJlralscnwn t 11I1\110 hr Iho local authorities. ' } 'ho total Inrreaso In the aJlllratHcrnent 0\1.1' the 11gurt's of the local 1\1111I'als. rs allHlnntell to $ : lOfi.22:1.l1. : ! Durlllg the eighteen lIIonths fiG , . \ 21I.IG [ nCI'efl w'ro Rolt\ \ ' the 1\IIIII'aisell , 'nlllo nl-l 11xell hr the locnl I\PJlralwrs fl 1)Jlllg $714IUi.07. : The Hamo lands sohl for $8D3i01i.U : , nil Increase i1 \ ml1ounUn to $17JfiiO.2.t. ! Of the 11.110\0 . bnt 11,317 acres wore sold nt II.'lIlno 1laootl thercol1 h ) ' HlIllrnlscrs ; the Ii other Innds at from 10 to 18 per cent ! hlghcr than the IIllpralscd'alllc. . i These lands were sotd at prices ran - ! ! II from $7 Ilcr acre-tho minimum : . 111'Ice IU.I fixed h ) ' the couslitutlOI1 of the stnte-to $ G5 ) lor ncre. . Addltlol1nl aJlPllc Uol1s co\'erll1 11- 1 873.23 acres have heell l\Ilproved h ) ' , the honrd , hut snlo cortillcatm ! ha\'e not yet heen Issuel\ \ ' These Inlllls were valued h ) ' 1I.1)llrlllsors at $18GO ! ) t.7G 3ml nPlII'oved for sale at all Increase of $41DG8.4G , 01' $23.I , 7a.22. Applications fOl' 1J,74G.0 : I acres hl1vo 11eel1 rejected hy the hoard 011 account of 10w nPPl'l1lsoment. the same lwlng allprnlsed at' $14j"tiO.2D [ nnil valucd 1J ) ' the laml' department at $22G,15j.fiO [ , a dlfferenco of $80G8 .21 , nUll as yet lul.Vo not heen renl11lralsed by free- holclers. Last of Rotation Ballot. Lleutenal1t Go\'ernor McGilton hq : ; this to sa ) ' ahout the rotation ballot used In the last election In Omaha. . : : " 'l'ho Iloxt legislature will , of course , ntl1end the Inw so as to prevent an. other Ruch hallot { H ! Wl ! ! used at the recent election. I have l\lwer 1001wd j into the Inw very closel ) ' , bnt I sup , pose under Its Il1'Ovll > lol1s It wn.c ; 1l0C- cRRary for the COIII.t to hold the names of t110 candidates for delegates to the stlltO ( 'onvenllon shouhl 11e rotnted , In my olllnbll the law shoulll lie amended GO candidates wOllltl have to Imr a cer- tnln 11l1ng feo. 'l'hls. woultl llre\'ent man ) ' persons from till1l who do , Uo , not ecaus the ) ' 111ve n. chance to. lie elccted or nomInated , hut merely to get their names In the lJallers or for . . , thcr reaflons , I have nat 100lwd into the fee matter , olther , to an ) ' extent , ' ) lit I IJhould think It could ho do no Ie , Sanr , " Big Damage Suit Dismissed. NEDHASKA ClTY-Attol'lle's reJl resenting C , D , nutter11ehl of Ham 4mrg , In. , and M. E , Catroll or this cltJ nlTlvet1 at 11. settlement , wllich result " cd In tllO dlsmlssa1 of the $30,000 dam ' I ngo suit hrought hy nuUer11ehl In thl district court of this count ) " agalns Call'pn , alleging the alienation of thl nffecUona of Butter1101l1's wlfo b ) " Cat rOil , Other suits botwcen the llllrtle grew out of the 11I1IIg of tllo dama ! ; ault and the settlement If ! coml11et and c1ears the d cltctfl of a.1I . tile hert toforo pondlng UtlgaUon. ' } 'he seUII mont. was nrrnnrcd In BamhUl'g at conferencO of 'Llie ll 1.rtles Intel'estel The tel'ms of the scttlement ha\'o 11 ( been made IHlbllc. Improvements nt Elm Creek. ELM CREEK-Elm Creek Is no on the wuy of coming to the frm ranlc of bolng ono of the host Utt cities out In the state slnco the 111 of Sunday mornIng , , July 1 , which wi -eel out almost. . half the buslnesH housl of the city. Six lIew brick hulhlhll 0.1'0 now In progreo1 ; and will be l'eal for 11II81nos : : : soon , four or them beh ono stor ' and the olhel' two two at rles , Thesa s : : hulldlngs will nlmo , flll UD th vaca:1c ) " all Front strceL Officer's t3Iows Fatal. ALI4IANCE-'l'ho marsllal of nl'ld 1)01't nttomltClI to arrest ri. roung m : b ) ' the lIame of Jncl { Anderson III t : ' ; 'ear of 11. aa.loon . unll an n.\lercaU \ o.roso , when the omcor administer 13o\'ol'a1 lIel\\ ' ) ' blows on the head I f , . . the lflsonel. . The 'oung man , as > t < . , 'os\l1t \ of the blow:3 , rIled , and the ml } ; " sllal hau been hold to answer fOI' I ' ; doings , , } . Dr. Greene ResIgns. I..INCOLN.-Dr , James L , Greene , . I perlntondent of the 1..lncoln Illsano a " Jum , renlgned to tal\O the position , tJr . . . . . suporlntendent oC the Eastern Illln \ \ 110BIlta1 for the Insane at Knnlml ( f " "J"ho roslgna.tlon . tal\Cs effect. July , ' " . ( ' " \ Big Wheat Vleld. ' " 'The biggest whent ) 'Ield ) 'et reJlc . ' -ed was raised In Sallno count ' , III Wilbur Charles S'ltCs who has \ , ) , j throshell , re } ortell his wheat l'alsod tHtoon ncres lac1toll just fonrt4 ij 110l tds of running fort.threo busb 'to the ncro , Ir J' Will Camp at Weeping Water. ) . , ' ' ' ' WEEPING WAT R-'l'he 'l'hlrtl f' rcgfmcnt , United Etates Infnnl , al1oljt six hUl1llred strong , wl11 Cl\ " ! llC ( over night on July 17 , on t1 " "Wa ) , ' ( rom I"ort Croolc to 1"ort. Hllo ) ( I ! _ . . . . . . . _ . . -l . . . .t---- , . . . . . - - - - = : . : - : . : : . - ! . . ' . . . . . . OVER THE STATE. N'w whon.t Is bring about GG cents 1ll'I' bushel , ' 1'ho Y. 1\1. C. A. hulldlng a.t . noatrlco Is lIel1rhll completion , ' } 'he IHimmer school lit Peru hIlS an IIttcllllnnco oC eight hllllllroli. 'I'hel'o Wl'l'O fOil rteen deathfl and fonr bll.ths In Colnmhus In .Tllno , Where wheal hll ! ! IICell threshed the 'Il'111 I ! ! gcncrall ' bolter thall wa.s an. tlclpn tel ! , A IIttlo Ron of Mllto SIIIII\'an of Utica lU1I1 hlH rl ht hiulIl nearly Ahot to Illec ( ' ! ! hy 11. lare , cannoll craclwr. It rel\ull'ed \ Uneoll HUtches to close the W\lUIIII , 'rho farm resldenco or Ilobm-t Srhram , two miles nouthwost of I'll' plllioll , burned t\l the ground , \Vltil all Ito cOlltents. With nearly all the hot , sweiterlll days of IIlImlller ) 'et before thelll , the citizens of lInl'tlnglon 111'0 conCl'ontell Wltll an Ice fnmlne. WalloI' Cash \lr l'remont , colored , tried to cOlllmlt Iulcille : ! hy taldng 1101. gon. Ilo hall lIeen Ih'lnltlllg h ellII ) ' ! llnco the FOIII'th utili hull SOIllO IIttlo tr\luhlo wllh hlH wlfo. .Tohn Schmolwr ha ! ! just comJlleted tallng' the school census atlll reportB thnt In COIUlllblls there 11.1'0 i5ri muloR nnd 7i7 fOlllnles hetween the ages of 5 alld 21 , It totnl of 1,532. , Jesse 11111 unll George I.'ulloa oC no- atrlce were each sentenced to the cOllnt ) ' jail for sixty da's for throw. ' ' In the fucos of Ing ca'eune IlepIOI' ) 'ollng wOlllen pnHslllg along the street. . ' 1'he Dostmnflter of Kral'ller I'ecelv. ell omclal notification or the passage of the bill llrovllilng for 11. postolllce hull ding In Kearney , His already e\'l. Ilent that there will bo a stl'Ong rl\'alry for the site , Dr , 'V , E , J\lcCmy , It vetel'lnl1rr sur. gcon , who has hoen locnted In 'Vest Point the lnflt ! yellr , ha ! ! heen uPlIolnt. ell nn InsllectOl' In the hureau of ant : ' mal Industry and has gene to Chicago to assnme the dulles of the posillon , 'rho list of onll'les for the circuIt race meeting to held In neatrlce the wl'ek of , Jul ) ' 22 Is out aud comllrlses some or the best hOI'ses In the wesL There 1\1'0 twenty-nine entries In the 2 : O pace , eleven In the 2 : 22 trot , . twenty In the 2 : 16 } ) ace , eight In the 2:17 : trot , so\'en In the 'ear-old trot , twentY-four III the 2 : 22 lJace. t 'l'hero Is a substantial gain In per- sonnl property In l"rontlCl' " county as shown hy the abstrnct of the county , n.ssessor's returns , In 1D05 the as. sessed11.1110 . of personal lll'opel't ) ' Inl l'rontler conntr wau $5D8,200 , In lDOG It Is $ GD5ODO , n. gain or $9G,710 assess. ell \'alue , In1llro\'ements on real es. tate acltl to Its assesseel value $21,77D.\ \ ' 1'he mortgage record of Plat to coun. t ) ' for , June shows farlll mortgages. were flied amounting to $52,181 , 1'0" leused $38,833 ; town mortgages flied $18,825 , releusoel $ H,178 ; chattel mortgages - gages flied $2.ID ] 8 , rcleasod $13,6i3 , , malting t1le Increased in ebtednoss amount to $2D,2'1O. Unablo'to close his mo th after a rawn , , Jacoh l\lononennr , a fa.rmer . I residing 11. few miles south of PIa.Lts- I mouth , went to town and Dr , E. 'V. , Cook soon hall his juws at. worli : again. While \\-alldng down the street his jaws again hecame set. and ho rotul'll' cd to the Ilh'slclan. . o IIcenso has yet heen Issued h ) ' . the hlBIII'uIlce Ile.lmrtment to the " 'cst- tH'Il Lifo and Indemnlt ) . COmIIl\U ) ' of - Chicago to 110 hnslness In Nebraslm , - J1eclal Exnmlner Wiggins , who went to Chicago to Iu\'estlgate the COmlll\IlY , having recommended tae lIr.enso to bo llOltl In abernnco for the IIresent. , l"armers In the vlclnll ) ' of Pawnee Cllr are jnst heglnnlng to thresh their wheat , which Is malting a fine ) 'Ielll and of SUIerlor quality. 'rhus far three fie1l1s hn.\'e heen cleaned \III Charles Barnott.'s 11eld ) 'Ielded fortr , ConI' bushels lieI' acre , FranlAuder : son's thlrt ) ' hushels anll Titus Da\'ls thlrt ' bnshels , A numhor of the members of thl GI'and Islnnd 111'0 delI1rtment. met al1l decided to hold 11 carnlml In tlu w st\'lOts of the city 1I111'lng the week 0 It August G-ll , The lH'oceeds will go te Ie the mone's l'Itsed : for the enterlaln ro menl of the next. . annual con\'entlO1 II' of the Nehrnslm State Volunteer Fire [ ) s men's association , to be held there II ; s waIlunrr , ly 1\11' . McSweeney of Kansas Clt Ig who Is 10 estahllsh a lJacllng 1I1ant I o. Beatrice , In comlJanr wllh a commll st tee from the Commercial club vlslte se\'eral } lrOll0sed sltcs along the DIu I'I\'er hottom , As the neceAsary hond ha.ve . been raised , 1\11' , McSweoney a :0. : snrell the Commm'cial clnh that wor rln wtll he startcl ! on the IIlant within te he days after the slle Is agreed ullon. on "T , B , Br'son , livIng Ileal' Adam ed on ' 1'hursduy uftel'llGon stlrtell tIi of hnr\'ester cutting his wheat. As fal a a8 It was cut It WIl5 hauled to tI 1\1" threRhlng machine , which was I'unnl ! ' lis In the same 11eld , and was thel threshl'd , 'rho wheat was next hault two miles to Allams , where It was 1'1 through the elomtol' , some of It beh Slgrounll Into 1l0U\ ' , The 1I0ur was tlu B- taken to 1\1' . nrrson's resillenco ( of the farm a1ll1 thel'o made Into blscul ols which were sel'\'ed on the ta.ble f ee , the threshing CI'OW for the G o'clol 16. SUIIIer. Wl11lo Warner , olght ) 'ears old. ' \ \ ' shot as ho was walltlng along t Il't- street In Geneva. As ho passed : [ ) ar OIOn spa co 60mo ono baclc of a. hul list Ing fired , the ball III\s31ng Into t on little follow's mouth and 100lging son [ ) en where 111 the nec1110 wl1reco \ \ ' , eis Adolph Shad a , former ! ) ' a. . 00111110 tor on " 'est Point pallers , Is Ul arrest at. McCoolc , churged with pll eth Ing railroad ties on the Burllngt lr ) ' , tracls with Intent. to wI'ccl { , I' . lI'a mil Ho has IJCen bound ever to thdlatr leiI' cpurt , Ho Is cOllsldel'cd sllghtl ) . I r. mentetl. . , _ . - . - . . - - - - - - - - - . , . . I ' . . . . . BIG GAME. , f , . , ' , . I ' " rr I . . . . . . . . . - = - - - . = . . : : : vI.f- - - ' - - rw. : . S- : J : ; ; " " " - : otln " ' " .C1 . , r"Dt. . -GIOSO"s f : TO SHIFT SCENE Of FIGHT 01\ ] OIL TRUST PROSECUTION OF STANDARD COMPANY AT CLEVELAND DROPPED-TO DE CONTINUED - UED AT CHICAGO. Cleveland , 0.-1'110 . federal grand jur ) ' . which has been In session \1ero \ In\'estlgatlng nlleged violations of the Interstate commerce laws and anti-railroad rebate laws , ad. journed Tuesllay afternoon without hrlnglng any Indictments. 'rho In- \'estlgatlon was directed Ilartlcularl ) ' concQrnlng the Standard 011 C01l11111n ) ' I and the Lalw Shore Railroad COlli' pany , and was the result of testimony of witnesses before the Inters4'to commerce commission hero recently In which cvldence of alleged rebutlng by the Lalw Shore in favor or the I Standard 011 company had' been gl\'en. The failure to retu1'l1 Indictments - I ments , II Is officially stated , was due I to the fuct that. tl10 tnvestlgatlon , He- \'eIOIed the fact. . that the court. here was without jurisdiction of the aI- legetl offenses upon which tesUn ony \vns \ gl\'cn and that all of the vt- denco secured hero Is to be tr ns- ferred to the federal omclals at Chi , cage , where the cases are to bo prosecuted - ecuted , l"ollowlng the dlschargo of the granll jUl' ) " . which made no re- 1I0rt , District Attorney Sul\l\'an \ ga.vo . out the following statement : Mr , Sullivan's Statement , "On 1\1onda ) ' Att01'l1ey Oenera\ \ 1\Ioody allli myself met In the Unit' < Jd States attorney's office In New Yorle city and reviewed the e\'lIlenco bronght hefore the present grand jUl'Y relatlvo to alleged violations of the federal law by the Standard on comllany , In connection with the transportation and storage of Its products by the Lale Shore & : \I1ch. Igan Southern Railway company. We came to the conclusion that the aforesaid - said testlmon ) ' tlxed the legal jurls- . diction for Indictment and prosecu- , tlon elsewhere than In the jurlsdlc. , tlon of the northern district oC Ohio , and Special Connsel Oliver g , Pagln conllrms our joint oJllnlon In this reo spect. This confined the Inquiry before - fore the Iresent granl1 jur ) ' to an In. vestlgatlon of all alleged violations of law , as they might bo the subject of prosecution In other jurisdictions. Prosecution at Chicago. "E'llIence'alunble to the go\'ern- t1 ment In any IIl'osecution which may TO PROBE GRAIN BUSINESS nailroads Asked to Forwnl'd Informn- Hon Regarding Elevators to Interstate - terstate CommlF.slon , Washlngton.-An In\'estlgatlon Is to bo made b ) ' the Interstnte commerce commission , hy nuthorlt ) . oC the tinitOll s , States scnate , of the elo\'l\tOl' , grain to bu'lng and forwarding business of the st countr ) ' to dotor1l11no to whut extent 111 apeclal fn\'ors ha\'e been grantoel te 1 ( ; them b ) ' railroad c01l11l'mles ; the Inllu- rC ! once which the alleged monopollzlnp ) (1 of this 11ranch of huslness has hud UllOli 111 the mlll'l\Ct ; the InjUl' ) ' II has WOI'I\OI' ' Ig to grn1n 111'odueers ; the extent tc [ ) n which rallroals ! , thclr officers , dlrac. ) II tors , stoclholders and emlllo'es owr ts 01' control the gmln hu'hlg and gralt or forwarding companies ; nnd the mnn cl { nor In which tUch ! holdings , If uny were secured. las Typh01d Epidemic. Ipswlch , S , D-OVCl' 100 cases 0 t'llholl ! fever ha\'o alrencly been re ported In this scctlon as the result 0 I Ie le , Irlnl\lng ! 10monndo which was ser\'el at colobl'lltlon at 1\'al'te. ; The wato cr. was tllltcn from an 0111 we1l. isl. IeI' Cnstl'o Clears Prisons , Washlngton.-Ad\'lccs rl'cel\'ed 11 on : ho Venoz\l ( ll1n legation here confil'l In , the 'rellort that Gon. Castro In C01l1 Ic , memoratlon of his rcsumptlon of th del Ilresldel\cy \ , has " : Inloned al1 offender sentenced b ' the state COUl't . ho commenced elsewhere has been adduced before the grand jUl' ) ' , und will probahly at on co he pnt Inte force and effect In the proper juris. diction , probahly Chicago , by the at , torney general. "Tho attorney general has directed that HIC summing up of the ovldence tnlen before the present grand jury , the preparation of the case and the conduct of the trlnl in Chicago be as. sumed by myself , with the hOlp of a SlJeclally appomted assistant attor- ne ) " general and the United States at- tOl'l1ey In Ch C'lgo. : Court Lacks Jurisdiction. " 'It appearing under this statement that. unller the facts as the ) ' now uppellr. there Is no lawful jurisdlc. tlon In this particular judicial dls- trlct. the granll jury did not \'oto upon - on the question of Indictments at all ; hnt the sitting oC that body at the present time was ver ' important In not on1y developing where the prose. Clition of the alleged offenses should bo had" hut. also hrought out impor. tant testlmon ) ' that can bo effectively used all along the line. according to the programmo adopted by the attorney - ney general in his earnest and vigorous - ous campaign IIgnlnst corporate and Individual violators of the 'ElIdns law 'and 'the act to regulate com. merce among the states , ' ' ' I Chicago Gets C\ses. Chicago , - District Attorney Mor- risen hns recel\'ed a transcrIpt. of the e\'ldenco taken before the Cleveland - land grand jur ) ' In the Standard 011 inq1l1ry and he Is going over It with Oliver E , Pagln , special IIttol'11ey del. egatod by Attorney Goneml 1\1oody to have super\'lslon of the prosecution of the Stanllard 011 company , 1\Iessrs , 1\1orrlson and Pagln retul'l1ed from Clo\'elanll Wellnesday , A special grand jury will bo called to hear the all trust cases In ten da's. 'l'h ! } prosecution will he directed ngalnst the Standnrd 011 company only , and not against the Lake Shor road , as In. Clevelanll , at the hegln. nlng of the session there , Should the railroad comlHU1Y be Indicted the om clllis are safe , owing to the immunll ) ' haths they have recel\'ed. 'rho grand jury must constder the rohates paid the Standard Oil com. pnny hr the Alton road on huslnes. between Whiting , Ind. . and East. St I Lous. These rehates were uncovered by the Garfield report. ARMISTICE IS IN EFFECT. Guatemna ] Minister Denies Report That IIIs Country Violated Prov- sionG for Temporary Peace , Washlngton.-The Guatemalan minI - I IstOl' , : \ 11'lunoz : , Is much anno'ed by reJlol'ts h'olll Salvadol'elln Ilolnts that Guatemala continued fighting after U hnd agreed to cease hostilities , "Such . stOl'les UI'O absolutel ) ' without founda , tlon , " ho slIld. "There was no ag-ree. : ment to cease fighting until the a 1'111 Is , L I tlce went tnto effect Wednesda ) ' morn. I lng , ni\l ( the en mtes Ilut It In a false I light , Negotiations fol' ail I\rmlstlcc - have heen confused with the actual 1 agreement to stOJl war , and In justlco I to my go\'ernment I hope It will be - gonemlly understqod that any fight. . Ing done IH'O\'lous to 'Vodnesdar wa not \'Ioilltion of an ) ' peace compact. " Eilts Select Meeting Place. Don \'el' , CoI'hliadelJlhla \ was ehoen ! b ) ' the grand lodge of the no no\'olent. Pl'Otectivo Order of Ellu as the con\'entlon ' clt ) for next ) 'eal' Phlladolphla recel'ed)5 \ [ ) \'otes , Baltl mol'o 2Gi : , St , JosoJlh was withdrawn. - ICing Not to Visit Canada. It Ottawa , Ont.-Klng ldward ; wll n not \'Islt Cannda. A 11Isl1l ! ch frolll hl Imnjest ' thl'Ouh ! 1.01'11 I lgln , secl'O e tary of state fOl' the colonlos , to till 'S ro''orllor-genernl , SO'S the Itlng I Jlh'slcally una blo to malte the trip , : - . . - . ' : " ' - / II"AMV'.V - - : , ; ; ; " SAYS ICE TRUST EXISTS . - - - - - - MOVE MADE AGAINST ALLEGED ST. LOUIS COMnINE , Hoovy Fine and RevocaUonot'Chal.ter I Is Dcmanded by Ch'cult Attorney - i torney Snger. St. LouIR.-Aftm' tin Investigation of three weels , CII'cult Atton oy Sager 1'ues ay flIell Bults In the clr , cult court against the Polar Wave Ice and I'uel ; comllt\ny n11l1 the Mol'- chants' 1co and Coal cOlllllany on the allegation that these companies were In nn alleged combination to restrain trade and to 11x and IIl1\tntaln the prlco of Ice , The suit as1ts that judgment for $ i1,400 he assessed against each com- pan ) ' as fines for the 714 days that the alleged aGreement hns heen In effect , and It further aslts that the charters under which they have been doing huslness ho declarell null and void. The charges are hased on sections 85G5 , 85GG and 85G8 oC the Rovlsed Stl\tutes of the state of Missouri , The sections upon which the prose' cutlons are hased provide that any ns- soclatlon of Indl\'lthmls or company which shall combine to re ulate or fix the prlco of nny artlclo shall bo lIeemell guilty of conspiracy to do- fmud and may he 11ned from $1i to $100 for e\'ery Ilay such association continues to do so , 'I'ho petition states that. the Polar \Va\'o comJlany was organized Febru. lU'y 13 , 1D03 , and the Merchants' on February ] , 18D7. Investigation Into the Ice situation In St. Louis was practlcallr begun carl ) ' In the spring , soon after an 1n. Cl'ease In the IH'lco of Ice to house. holllers was anonunced of from 30 cents u Inmdl'ed pounds to 40 cents , un arllltrary ralso of 33 pol' cent , Circuit Attorney Sager sent. as , slstants to Toledo , 0. , to watch the progress of the legal contest. between the authorities there against an al. leged combination of Ice dealers. Thl'eo weeles ago Circuit Attorney Sager , his assistant , George N , Flck. elssen and the gmnd jury began an Investigation of witnesses and the filIng - Ing of the suits resulted. The petition alleges that the Polar Wllve ' and 1\Ier- chants' companies "on 01' about the first day of August , 1904 , entered Into 'an un1awful agreement , combination , and understanding with each other and with other persons , firms and cor. poratlons whoso names at this time are to the Informant unlmown , to jointly 11x the prlcos to he charged b ) ' each of them for Ice at wholesale and retail In St. Louis and to join'll ' ) ' main. taln the prices for Ice at wholesale and retail In violation of the laws of the state of illissourl , " FilTHY KilLING PLANT FOUND - - - One Slaughter House in Kl11sns So Vilc It Can Only De Clcnnaed by Being' Durned. ' Topelm , Kan-A meat slaughtering house near Wellington , Inspectell by order of the state board ot health , has been found to lie in such filthy condition that Dr. J. S. CrumlJlne , 'secretarr of the hoard , hns sent notices - tices to the county commissioners 01 every county In the state , directing them to examlno the slaugh tor 'houses ' In their districts ! lnd if Dot : found to he In a sanltl\ry condition , to : allow five days for cleaning up , as per. Imltted by law , If tbe order Is not with In the tlmo specified arrest and prosecution may follow , . "It's Impossible for me to describe .the actual conditions as 1 found , them , " said Dr , Crumblne. "No person - son who hasn't seen the place can conceive the fIlthiness of It , It was so had that I cannot see how the place can be clenned In five days , or 50 days. H's my opinion that. the hurnlng of the house wHI bo the only means of emdlcattng the disease germs , There may bo other slaugh. tel' houses In almost as bad 11. condl. tton , none can be as bad , and 1 hope b ) " sending notices to all county coin. missioners there may be a genora1 cleaning up , " DOI\Ul of Diamond King. London-Alfred nelt , the well- Imown South African financier , dlcd 1\onday , Ho had been In bad health for some time. 1\11' . nelt was born In 1853 In Hamhurg. 1\11' . nolt , who Is said to ha\'o been the richest man In Lon- lion , and who controlled the output ot gold In South Africa , was at one time alleged to bo forming a "gold trust , " In which the names of prominent. American - can 11nanclors were mentioned. Ho gave large sums of money to the Red Cross and other Instltuttons , and recently - cently gave $500,000 to found a university - versity at Hamburg , H. H , Rogers Loses Suit. noston-A decision favorahle to the plalnttff was handed down Wednesday In the United States circuit court In the case of George " ' . POPIJer , re. cel\'er of the Day State Gas compan ' , , of Decatur , against Benl'Y H , Rogers , of Now Yorlt , In the suit to recover $3,000,000 nllegOlI to bo due the gas com pan ) " In connection with the sa1e I of the Doston cOl1lpanles. Death of Gen. Gwyn. Phlladelphla.-Word was received In : . this city WOllnesday of the death In , YonlOI's , N. Y. , of Dro\'ot Maj. Gen , .James Gwyn. Ho was 78 years of ngo , Gon. Gwyn ser\'ed wnh distinction In the Will' ot the rebellion. Formel' nalll'oad President Dead , I Cedar Rnllld ! ! , In-C. J. Ivos , who was presillent of the nurllnston , Cedar Rapids & NOI'thern mllroall bofol' ( its nbsorJltlon by tllo Roclc Island , died \\'ellnesday at Woodstocl" Vt. He wes 75 ) 'e\rs : old. _ JIL . .4 EIGHT HOUR LAW i - ACTION OF GREAT IMPORTANCE TO LABOR CIRCLES , - ENACTMENT BE MUST ENFORCED President Directs that Government Officers See to It-Contractors Vlo. latlng the Law Are to Be subjects ref r of Punishment. ' WASHING'1'ON - Action of the greatest Importance to labor circles Is . contemplatell In 11. direction given by the president to omcers In charge of pUblic works , at the InstalHe of Sec. l'eUlry Tnft , 'I'hls Is to employ the ' ' officesI' to direct . go\'ernment's own I nnd punish violations of the law of 1D02 , pro\'ldlng , cxceIt that In case of l an emergcnc ) ' , worlt on government. ' buildings , shillS and othCl' pl'Operties shall bo limited to eight hours each da ) ' for each worlman. An effort WIIS madc by the forces or organlzell labor lIurlng the last. SOld- slon or congress to secure legislation < to this end , but so effecttve was the ' , I' OPllosltion of the grea.t . contmctlng f' 111'ms that adjournment was had with- out. nny action on the ! Jendlng bill , though the house commltteo on labor consumell many hours In lIstcnlng to powerful arguments on either side of the questton. Heretofore It has been the practlco of executtvo officers , when complaint was made hy lahor unlol1s that the eight-hour law was being \'Iolated by contractors engagell lu l1ublle enter- , prlses , to reply that It was not theIr business ; that the law was binding on the contractors ; and that if the labor unions felt aggrieved and Imew \ of violations of tbe.la.w . the ) ' should proceed themsel\'es legally against the offenders. The lahor unions asserted - serted that It was almost ImJlosslblo for them to secure the neces3ary evl. dence , 'rho effect of the order on the cost of government worl { Is eXl1ected to be \'ery great. It Is known that It has been a.lmost . the rule for government contractors to worlc their men ten and twelve and even more hours a day ; If they cannot do this they assert that they must Increase by 20 or 25 per cent the amount of their hlds , so that congress must. either Increase by IIko percentage the appropriations for IJub- lie worls 01' must correspmdlngly : : reduce - duce the amount of wOI'I. uthorlzod , CHECK PUT ON THE GAMBLERS. Mayor of Shohonl Takes a H3nd in the Gtm : : . SHOSHONI , Wyo.-Anotncr determined - mined . stet . ) In the direction oC hw and order In this temprarl1 ; ' bus ] town \\lS tale11 when illa 'or Qulllal Issued an order closing all the gamlJlln ; hOllses In the \II \ ace , The mayor has the bacl\lng of a large law-abldln ; ele. ment of the ! lel'lnanent population , For several days th gamhlOl's ha\"e been rUllnlng thtngs with a high hand , and several or the homeseelwrs , who are finding time hanging heavily on , their hands , have been caught by SUl'C-- . thing games. Finding they were not interfercd with , the gamblers have grown bolder , bl t the action of the mayor has put a stop to their prac , tlces , , Pastor Killed Abroad. BELOIT , Wls.-A cahlo dIspatch from Prof. T. L. 'Vrlght. announced that Rev , B. Royal Chene ) " , pastor of the Second Presbyterian church at Beloit. was Idlled In an elevator acel- J dent at Florence , Ital ) ' . Rev. Cheney 1 was spending the slimmer In Europe , Senator's Daughter to Wed. CHEYENNE , W'o-Announcement is made of the approaclilng wedding f 1\1lss Laura Clark , eldest daughter of United Statei ' Senator C. D , Clarle , to Charles Pixley lll'th , a wholesale gro- eel' of Sail LaCity. ] ! . 'fhe wedding' { will tal\ ( ! place at ] J\'anston , W'o. , on August G. Foreign Trade is Growing. WASHINGTON - A statement IS' sued Thursdar hy the Department of Commerce and Lahor sa's the foreign commerce of the United States In the fiscal yea.r . just ended aggl'egated $2" 970,000,000 , If Ute trade with Porto Rico and Hawaii which was Included In our foreign commerce 111'101' to their I annoxatlon , were addecl , the total would materlall ) ' exceed $3,000,000- 000 , Both Imports and exports exceed - ceed these of any earlier ) 'ear , The to. tal Imports were $1,22G.000OOO and , exports $1,7014,000,000. 1 " Plans for Big Dry Dock , WASHINGTON-Plans for the Ian : . cst allli bcst dry doclc In the world are being preparetl In the bureau of ) 'ards nnd docls at the avy DeJlartment. . The'last naval appropriation nct con. talned a IIro..lslon for a docl. to cost. . $1,250,000 , to ho constructed at the nremerton na\ ' ) ' yard , Puget Sound , Washington. ' } 'hls amount. Is Inrger than e\'er heretofore allproprlated fern n doc } " and the now docl , will ho able to tnl\O the ll\rgest battleship either In comse of construction 01' In contompla. tlon. Report from Guatemala. 1 GUATEMALA CITY , Guatemaln- The armlstlc arranged between the armies of Guatemnla and Sal\'ador and the Intter's allr , Hondu1't\s , as a resu1t of the humane a11l1 highly appreciated - preciated Intor\'entlon of Presidents I Rooso\'olt and Dlaz , went Into effect at 4 o'clocl { Thursllay morning , The " I elllgerents ha\'o appointed commls. j I sloners who will go on hoard the crul. ser l\larbleheat1 and draw Ill } alHI sign n treaty of pence on the high seas.