Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 26, 1906, Image 2

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Indinn Edul\ction COllnts.
' 1'ho Indian achool nt Chllocco I1ns
just g1uluated the largest class In ! tit
history , and some of its grntllltes ( ! Ilnd
many of its ether clnsses w111 help the
tmgar beet raisers in the , 'Iclnlly of
Rocley Ford , Col. , during the vacation ;
Over l O of tllO : roung Indlun5 uro now
engaged In this worlc In that distrIct ,
and will remn'n there until the CI'O/l / Is
nil gathered. 'fhoy will ho buck In the
school In the fall , reaqy to resume their
studls. !
At Chllocco and many of the other
government schools the ) 'oung Indians
got the right sort of education to fit
thorn for their now 1'010 In life. 'fho
education Is equally divided between
the booltB and the worleshol18. 'fho
beys and girls are taught all that Is
imparted In the ordlnlll'y grammar
schools of the country , and' 11. II ttl 0
more , In some cases. In addition the
boys are taught to malO und rell\lr :
llUrn'ss , to shoo horse8 , to bulld
llOuses , to do farm worle of vurlous
Earts' to ralso and cure for call1o , nml
sarno at the rest at the things that :
need to bo done In the average community -
munity In the west ( ) I' cast. 'fho girls
t are Instructed , by actual l1ractlce , In
. cool , lng , ballng , laundorlng , nursing ,
1S0wing a11l ) other worlc sultablo to
their Bex.
This Is tllO education that counts ,
says the St , wuls Globe-Domocrat.
The Chllocco school was In practical
operation at tllO St. wuls world's fall' ,
nnd waE. ono of Its most attractlvo features -
tures , It was vlsltod by hundreds of
'thousands of people during the seven
months of the fall' . Admlrlltlon for Its
system nnd for the Intelllgonco and
. .
scad behavior of Its pupils was expressed -
pressed on every hand. Suporlntendent
S. 1\1. McCowan , ilio heall of the school ,
was hero with It , and won .gh pralso
for the thoroughness and pracUcal
chnracter of the worlc of his pupils.
The United States government made
many mlsU\.kcg In Its dealings with the
Indl > lns In the old days , but for the
pnst quartoI' of a. century It has been
on the right tracle. Chl1occo , Carlisle ,
Haskell and the rest of the great government -
ernment schools are llolng a. good work
in tr:1.Inlng the young Indians of boUI
Bexes to help to intelIlgently bear so
clety's burdens.
Chinese Students' Unitorms.
The establishment of government
schools In China , and the equlpmont
of stullents In uniforms Is furnishing
a marleet f r military clothing. According -
cording to the British consul at Wu-
" '
" chow 60 of these schools have been
, opened In thllt prefectorato alono. The
1 unltorm can slats of a coat and trousers
or foreign cut , with bras buttons P''Jd
i .pealc CllpS , and shoes of foreign It-
f tern. The material used Is either
t serge , union cloth or cotton tweed for
winter uniforms , and for summer
' . wear any light cotton 'cloth. In the
\ strictly military Hchools lehakl Is
worn. All the uniforms seen nppear
to be of Dritlsh cloth , but there Is 1\
rule , which Is ovldently Ignored , that
only natlvo material bo usod. Caps ,
buttons Ilnd braid all como from JaI -
I pan. The shoes are said to bo of
lIongkong manufacture , but a. very Inferior -
ferior Idnd Is made locally of natlvo
leather. The cost of a uniform of cotton -
ton tweed , the cheapest , Is only $3.60
Mexican ( $1.80 American currency )
made to order ; a set of buttons , l1vo
, \ 1n a set , cost3 20 cents , and cap from
40 cent to $2.20 ; shoes from $1.10 to
$2,20. Quality In every cnse Is extremely -
tremoly poor. This unICorm , the con-
} Bul odds , Is becoming fashlonablo
, I nmong the ) 'ounger male generation In
that part of China , and ever ) ' child
whoso parents can atTord the expense
.ia now declccd out IlS a mlnlaturq atu-
, -dent.
t'I , I ! "Mary , l\1ary , qulto contrary , "
\ be an Algerian , perhaps her garden
; , grows with Ilver bella Rnd coelde
shells Ilnd spong s all In 11 row. The
cultivation of vegetable sponges is
! making progress In Algeria , About
i ten species of the plant nro known
: l : Ilnd they 111'0 cultivated In Asia. . nnd
Africa , being extenslN In the regions
of Algiers Ilnd Oran. Prior to maturity -
" turity the fruit Is edible ; when the
stage of ripeness , however , hns been
passed the pulp btcomcs separated
from tbo fibrous matter which then
S' forms the spongy mllss entitled the
i ; vegetable sponge. Fine spechnens
" when bleached In a. weale limo bath
l' nro Bold Ilt about a. nreleel apiece.
Paris Is at present the chief market
for most of the vegetable sponges
I' ' .
grown In Algiers. They Ilrt ) sultablo
not only for toilet and bathroom , but
.also for domestic ImrpOBes.
. ThIs selling of Bong birds for hats
ia a I11mul business. ' 1'hero ought to
bo no necessity for going to law to
stop It , and there would not bo , If
nil women were IlS ten tier and mercl-
, : rul ns they lIItO to bo thought. A dead
bird In a. hat docs not advertise plens.
'nut qualities.
It must net bo SUllposed thllt thl )
manufacturers of blacle pepper are
confined to the use of lampblack and
taptoca. 1'hey can malto nn excellent
ATUcl0111 of around cocoalJut sholla.
- -
Dr. G rgo F , Dutter Tells Bow to
Ent nud lIow to As-
shnlln te.
Dr. George F. Butler , medical sU/ler. /
! ntendent oC the AlmlL SllrIngs Snnl.
tnrium , Alma , 1\Ilch" III the October
DUluber of "How to Llvo , " gives soma
Intorestlu ( ; us weU as senslblo rules
or acquiring aud lecollln , ; houlth. 110
says : "Without we cut und drlnle , wo
' 1101 The provocutlve to do 1I0th rests
\Tlth the nllilellle , which , In process
! time , becomes a , ery uucertaln
guillo ; for the plliato will orten Induce
tleslre 1U1Il relish for that which Is I
most mlschlovouft nnd Indigestible. !
l'ho olll sayIng of 'cut whut you 111m'
Is now shunned 11) ' eVOl'ybody of 20
years' experleuce. Still. without appe.
tlte , It is a very dl/llcult / nrralr to sub ,
. 31st-for the Illeasuro dOllends chiefly
upon the relish. ' 1'ho relish may he.
come , ns haB lIeOlI stated , \'llIated
Ine , but It Is qulto pO slhlo to malw
the stomach , by a lItt10 forbearance
: md practice , as enamored oC whut Is
wholesome nnd nutritious , us of that
which Is hurtful and not cOllcoctlblo. "
Again ho ! ! a's : " ' 1'ho dellcato
9hould feed carefully , not abundnntly ;
It Is not quanUf ' which nourishes ,
) Jut only that which assimilates. "
"Do careful of ) 'our tllgestlon" Is
the Iccynoto oC the doctor's argument.
lIe sa 's : "Health In mun , as in other
Dnlmals , depends upon the prolJor pOl"
formanco of all functions. These
functions may bo shortly said to boo
three : (1) ( ) tlssuo change ; ( ' 1) ) re.
moval of waste ; (3) ( ) supply of now
material. For the activit ) . oC man ,
1IIw the heat of the flro by which
ho cools his food , Is malntalnell by
ombustlon : and just as the 111'0 maybe
bo prevented from burning hrlghtly
by Improper dlsl10sltlon of the fuel ,
or Imperfect supply of all' , and as It
will certainly go out if fresh fuel Is
not suppllell , and may bo ehol < cd by
Its own ashes , so man's aetlvlty maybe
bo lessenell by Imperfect tissue change
and may bo put an enll to by an in-
sufficleut sUI1PI ) ' of new material and
Imperfect remoml of waste products.
"Wo should see to It that free ellm.
Inatlon Is maintained , for the ashes
must bo leept out of the system in order -
der to have good health. The sldn ,
kidneys and bowels must do their
ellmlnatlvo worlc proporly. If the
bowels occasionally become torpid , try
to regulate them with exerclso and
proper food , such as fruits , green
vegetables , , mlads. cereals. corn , whole I
'Wheat or graham breatl , fisll , poultry.
light soups , etc. Plenty of water Is
nlso valuable , and a glass fun of colder
or hot water the first thing upon rls-
tng In the morning will aid much In
overcoming constipation. Regular
habit , cold baths , and massage are
very efficacious. In case the cnnstl-
patlon does not yield to these hygl-
enle measures , some slmplo , harmless
laxatlvo may bo required. such ns Call ,
fornla Syrup of Figs-a nonlrrltating
preparation of senna In fig syrup.
Laxatlvo mineral waters are beneficial -
ficial In some cases , but not to bo em.
'ployoll continually.
"Abovo nil bo an optimist , Jwep tM
beart young. Cultlvato Idndness ,
cheerfulness and love , and do not for.
set that 'wo shall } mss through this
world but once. ' Any good thing ,
thorefore. that wo do , or any Idncl ,
ness that wo show to nny human be ,
lng , let us do It now. Let us not defer
It or neglect ft , for wo slmll not pass
this way ngaln. "
Llttl Joo-Say. mamma , Is sister
gain' to bo 11. Indian ? Mamma-Why tlo
you asle that , dear ? Llttlo Joe-'Causo
sbo's upstairs pain tin' her face.
Some women wouldn't bo satisfied In
Heaven without burglar-proof vaults
in which to locle up tholr halos.
Ho never sa 's anythIng who never
hns an.thln : ; to unsay.
Smokers appreciatc the quality value of
Lewis Singlc Bin cl' ci ar. Y ur dealer
or I.ewis' Factor ) ' , Peoria , Ill.
Man's Inhuman It ) . to man Is OrtCl
the result of Indigestion.
The 10VO that lifts lightens Its own
load ,
It mItes maI'o man n vindication to
restore virtue.
The lllghct : ; er\'lco Is that which
mise' ! others.
A muo help l.i worth a. lot of tane
about happIness.
Now paths are the be2t penance for
old w.l11derlng .
In many a burden Is hldtlen the
blessing or strength.
Poverty cannot bo cured by making
chllrlly a pastime.
l\Ieelmess Is the secret of the maIn-
tenunce of mastery.
No man e\'er succeeded In preaching
truth by IlcUng a l1e.
You do not have to eml1ty your
head to 1111 your heart.
The only wa ' to Icep 1.lndness is
to keep It In circulation.
PeoIlo whe are self-satisfied are not
always of a contented mind.
You cannot reach the Divine by
climbing up on 'our lllgnity.
Some men seem to thlnle that repenting -
penting of borrowing pays the debt.
They who do their own worlc7ell
do not need to B11ct\1c 111 of another's
The power of the preacher Is II' .
inverse ratio to Ills professionalism
If ) 'OU 111'0 plclelng all 'our pleasures -
ures ttey ! only may make heaven seel11
sour.Many n man thlnls that ho is righting -
ing his wrongs when ho only Is re-
, "engine them.
Men who are too tired to thlnlc are
always ready to bellovo that Intelll.
& : : ence Is 11 sln.-Chlcago ' 1'rlbune.
A woman suspects that the butcher
Is trying to cheat her If his nccount ox'
actly halances with the 0110 she 11m' '
Elim , the Place
of Refresl\ing
FUURTlI-ln Cloud and Pillar ScriM
DJ' tI'l ! "lIlghway aatl DJ'wa , " Preacher
B < : rlpturo Authorlt ) . : Exodus ] :27. :
_ llit : ! .
' 1' DID not seem to
the wenry , tired ,
thirsty peo)1lo ) thn t
they could go a
stell farther. 'fho
joul'lle ) ' from : \In-
ruh had ueen try-
IlIg UI1I1 hurd , IInd
with no sign of
shade or water ,
tile )1oe)1lo ) ) wondered -
dered where they
coulll cum II. On
every hand the
, _ _ . ' - _ _ _ h ' -
I . . . , . UOl , unrren Hanus
Btretchl'd away before them 311ve uwu '
In the distance there I'OSO 1\ jagged
Uno of rock , which IlJolwd even mal'O
forbidding thun the le\'el wastes , for
It seemed to bar their 111.Ssngo . nnd
9hut them In to the desolation about
'fho recent blessing nt 1\Iarah , where
God had healed the bitter waters and
'l.tlsllcd their thirst , was too fresh
In m ltl for them to murmur or question -
tion the way In which the Cloull was
lending thom. butnoverthelesH there wns
thllt Impatlont fretfulness which arises
from 11hyslcal discomfort unll the un-
cortalnty of what lIes uhead. ' 1'hus It
was that questlonlngs began to rise
in th'3lr henrts.
Why could tlley not encamp right
where they were ? What need of journeying -
neying fartho - when as fas as the eye
could see therl' were no cheering signs
of shade or water ? Why wns the
Cloud leading on and on ? Had
God forgotten them ? Was he unmindful -
ful of their weariness ?
Such were the thoughts and questions -
tions which troubled them more anti
mal'O as the afternoon wore awa ) ' and
the sun neared the horizon , and eyes
which all day long had been unmindful -
ful of the Cloud now were lifted In
eager , Impatient watchfulness , When
would It ceMe Its motion 'f They would
bo grateful for the prlvllego of resting
there In the very heart of the desert
waste , they tllought.
But still the Cloud led on , and gave
no sign of resting , and farther anti
fartllir In tllO rear lagged the reluctant -
ant pcople , unUl at last Moses and
Anron and but part of the people were
found In close company with the
Cloud. To these there was something
cheering In the prellence of the Cloud ,
a sort of fellowship which brought
contentment and confidence In the ; way
that la ) ' before them , But to the rest
following afar off there came no such
reassurance , and It was not hard for
doubts and quostlonlngs to find lodgment -
ment In their hearts , as Is alwa's the
cnso when the soul journeys far from
Its Lord and reluctantly treads the
patllWCtY marlced out.
Away In the rear was one group of
travol6rs that seemed especially tlown-
cast t nd troubled , and among whom
the ' 1Issenslo11 seemed sharpest ,
"W uld that I were with Jahzlel. "
exclaimed one.
"Yea , and who ImowB but that o\'en
now he may bo resting under these
fall' palm trees wo saw In the dls-
1.\nce , " responded another , and at
the thought he sighed wearily , forte
to the soul that doubts there comes the
llhlHon ! that tile place far awu ) ' from
God's sldo Is the place most to be de-
Since Jahzlel's departure from their
midst at l\Iarah , when ho had dlscov-
ored t tat the waters were unfit to
drink , they had not ceased to follow
him In restless longing , picturing to
tholr hearts that his lot WIIS frcer and
bott\3r than tholl's. And now with the
w nrlness of the journey heav ' upon
them they turned theIr thoughts In re-
newell yearning back to him and
wished that they had followed ilielr
first hnlHllses and gene with him.
"Wo could have fared little Worse
had wo gone with him , " brolee In th , '
first spealter again , Ilnd at least we
shoul.1 have been able to have paused
In tl10 journey whoTl weary. "
"UUt wo should not forget what our
God did for us Ilt Maran , " spoleo up
n thlrtl , tlmldl ) ' , ns though feu ring he
might atTend In reminding his brethren -
ren o the blessing they had received
at God's h:1nds , "Surely , If Jahzlel
found not the sprlpgs of water for
which ho went In search , he mIght better -
ter have remalne(1 ( and dronlc of the
heale.1 waters of Marnh. "
"True , and ! \Iarah even wJth Its bIt.
tel' wllter WIlS to bo preferred to this
barren way. What 1I0s before us bu
the p:1l'chlng sands of the desert ? " nnd
118 the last Ej1ealeor uttered the wor s
bo raised hl'J o'es and pointed In the
direction before thorn.
" 'Vh ) ' , " bo exclaimed , as ho looleed
and suddenly reallzod that whllo they
had l:1ggo11 : behind the Cloud had quite
pussod out of their sight be 'ond the
lIne or ruggoll rocks In the distance.
"Why , where Is the Cloud ? On anI ]
on It goes aR though tllore were n < J
wenry limbs Beelelng to follow it. Ah ,
well " 'ho added half " '
, , cheerfully , "no'I
nt lel\3t wo shall bo able to go leisure.
ly anl como up with It as wo ma )
wish. "
Thus IIndll1& n certain comfort in lIl (
freel\rnl1 of their own wilfulness , the )
proccellod slowl ) ' upon their wa ) '
keeping Illong the route followed b
the Cloud by watching the strogglln
line of PooIlo far In tholr lead. 'l'hm
It was that they journo'ed until II !
the o\'lInlng shadows began to deeper
and the Clotul WI18 stili Invlslblo , tlu
people in 110I'\'OU. . . haste qulckencl
I thl'lr laf ; IIIJ ; footsteps , but wh"n the , .
; hnd Ilrot''lC'cl ! to n rwhlt wllC.'ro they
were alJlo to see In the dI8t.111co the
glow of the P1Inr ! of lIrfl which r8fted !
over the el1tllp. they nguln let their
Cootstepn lag.
" 1'\)1' why neerl wo hurryT What
will H profit us to COIltO Illllcitly to the
catlllJ 1" tltey reasonell among tltem-
'l'hU5 they lingered wlllflllly behind ,
not scelllg Lecauso of the durlmess
thntl:1 the place where the Cloud non
re8t.1II there were 11Ulm trees , wJtll
their IItver failing springs of water.
An1 ; whllo they tanled there ovor.
twk thU11 11. hnggard , wear ) ' grail II of
men , nnd ns they stngercd ! Into their
midst C0l110 ono ! 'alsed the cry :
"It Is Jnhzlell It Is Jahzlel ! "
Exdtedl ' the people gathered about
the nt'wcomors , who struggled with
IlIIrched , swollen tongues to utter the
one " ' 01'11 : "Waterl"
And when Uley hall given them of
their f:1mt : f.lIllJ1l ) ' ntHI tbey could
speak cOheronlly , Jahzlcl loolccrl
arounl1 nnd a51cel1 , engerly :
" \\'hl'ro Is the Cloud ? Have YO\1/
too , ( cpartod from Its leading ? Ah ,
that I In my fell ' had not sought my
own way. "
"Sec. there Is the Cloud. " respond.
ed on . cncoul'aglngly. pointing to the
glowing PJ1luIn the distance.
"Then let us get thither as qulclel )
! 1. . ' ! 110sslble , " Jahzlel urgell , appealingly -
ly , sllJrtlng forward as ho spolw.
"What shall It proHt us If wo do ? "
was the Impatient reply of the others.
"Is It not all nbout us desert ? What
shall wo IInd there that we ,1Iave nol
here ? "
"We shall fin1 ! the pi'esence of the
Lord , at least. And how dreadful are
the se.l tudes of the desert apart from
him , " nnd Jahzlel shuddered as he recalled -
called the awful experiences of the
past few da's.
"Then dldst thou not find the place
for which Ihou dldst go In search ? "
Jahzlel shook his head. sndly.
"And the Lord healed the waters at
1\Iarah , so that we drank and were re-
froshud , " said ono to him.
'fhe distress of Jahzlel's ftce deepened -
ened 11 L these words ,
"An : ] I did not drlnle of the waters
there as I passecl , not lenowlng that
Ule blessing of the VJrd rl'8tol1 upon
them , Ah , well , It but serves mo
justJ ' . But let us hasten now that
wo may get close to the Cloud of God's
presence. "
'rhtm urging. he eagerl ) ' pressed forward -
ward , while the others fo11owed. As
the ) ' ( 'rew near to the camp the sound
of laughter and singing burst upon
their ears , as though the people were
malting morry. And what were those
great dark objects looming up against
the sky ? Surely they 1001Od like palm
trees. But It could not be , for there
had been no such thing "Islblo upon
the horizon before the sun had set ,
But es , for there near where the
light from the Cloutl foU In subdued
glow hero ( QuId be seen the spreadIng -
Ing tops of the palms and beneath
upon the sott sward the people re-
c11nel1 contentedly.
The stragblers 1001.ed at each other
wIth troubl'ed. perplexed looles. Wl1at
did It mean ? Whlle they had tloubt-
cd GoII and hnd Ingged behind he had
letl to this beautiful spot , and whllo
they had b en enduring the dIscomforts -
forts or the desert and drlnltlng or
the brackish water from their sleln
botl1e. behold before them had been
the cool fountains and the soft ver-
tluro of moss and grass on which to
"See ! " exclahned Jahzlel , "said I not
unto theo that you should Iteep near
the Cloud ? Surely , the wrd Imew
whUller to leatl his people , " and as
l1e salcl this ho qulclccned his pace as
much 11. : ' > his wealened condition would
admit , whlle the others with hIm
sho1lt. ' d for joy as the bcautlful spot
unfolded before theIr e'es.
"Who would l1avo thougl1t that such
place was to be found In this bar.
ren wlhlcl'ness ? " exclahned one.
"See what abundance of water there
Is , " f.houted another , "Verll ) ' , the
palm trees lire almost more than wo
can count. We have not seen so many
since leaving Eg'pl. "
With glad shouts of rejotclng tllo
wear ' , thirsty travelers rushed 1'01' .
ward t1nd were soon seated with the
others upon the soft , cool ground
drlnlin of the l'eCreshlng waters and
) lartal\lllg of the fresh fruit from the
pal me ; ; which spread their ample
bran het fa I' ovcr theIr heads.
And as the realization of the do-
ltghts of the place swept over them the
memory of lI.elr murmurlngs nnd unbelief -
belief crowded In upon them.
"Ah. If we had Imown what God had
In starn Cor us wo would not have
grown so discouraged In the way , "
they ( 'xclalmed.
"Yea. " rejoined : \Ioses , who chanced
to Le neal' and overheartl the remark
"but will "e not understand that the
i Lord lnows whither lIe would lead
you , rmd whJ.t yo have need ofV h ) '
then , cmllel 'C : : not trust him when the
i wny was hard ? But rejoice now In
I this , thy 1J"Csent blessing , for It is
the Lord who hath given It to theo for
I th ' refreshing and that ) 'e ma ' Imow
that his cara Is over theo for thy
I gootl at all times. "
Some Good Advice.
II I I Good lileep , wise eating , a. . well-
nourished bed ) ' , will do a. . great deal
: to overcome n desire tor drlnle. It
) 'our mind Is given to foolish amuse.
, ments , dissipation , gnmbllng-remem-
bel' that before 'ou can tnlco away
that Interest ) 'eu must replace It with
some other.-Chlcago American.
Routed the Wolf.
The wolf was at the door. "ne : mre
you \\1\ " ) 'our feet beloro you ( ' 011113
I. , " Clmlhanded u peremptol'0 I elt.
Hastllr mclehl ! ; hIs tall between hili
legs , the anm turne:1 : and flud.--
Harl ) WS Ulmr. :
- - -
Vltnltty Snppcd by Yenrs of Suffering
with Kidney Trouble.
Capt. J. W. IJogun , former postmaster -
ter of Inllinnola , now living at Auslln ,
Texas- writes : "I
Was uffilcted for
'e\l'S with pains
across the loins
and In the hll1s
\ and shouldcrs. I
t. had headache also
an cI neuralgia.
J , My right eye.
from Imln , was of
lIttle use to me
for 'ears. 'fhe
onstant 1I0w or urlno Iccp-t m ) ' s'stem
: lepleted. causing nen'OUB chills nnd
night Hweats. Arter ' '
tl''ing Beven tllC-
{ l'rent climates and using ull 1lnds of
Ultdiclnes ! , I had the good fortune to
bear of Doan'H I lllney Pills. This
reUledy has cured me. I am as well today -
day as I was twenty 'ears ago , nnd my
e.reslght Is perfcct. "
Sold b ' nil dealers. GO cents a box.
Fostor-1\III1JUl'lI Co" lluffalo , N. Y.
- - - -
The parson was tallln to little EI-
mer about his haIJltB , nnd aslwd him
what lime ho was usually callell for
brealtfasl. "They don't 1111\0 to can
me , " anawerQl ( Elmer. "I'm alwa 's
J ohnll-oll-the-spot. "
1.ew s' Sin lc limlcr ! - the famoll8
! 'tmight. fie ( 'Igar , alwnys bc't IJllalilr.
YOUI' calcl' 01' Lcwis' l ctorJ'J Peol' a , 1lI.
- - - - -
The Ull-to-date' girl docs all her
blushing for the mlstalws of her
: lIrA.VlnllrOW'S RllnthlnJ' : : ; yrnp.
I.'or chthlrcu lcnthllllC , orlcn the ICUnl , rcduce In-
tlllDlUotlolllllht'SllIlln. ur" wlnLl collu. c Illlotilc.
Even a. stingy person Is nl\\'ays wm-
Ing to give atlvlco.
No ono Is so llrosperous that ho can
affortl to malign other people.
A desire to get even lias orten been
the ke'note of a man's success.
Value of property 13 entirely a mat.
tel' of whether somebody wants It.
There are smaller tllvldends In the
practlco of hate than In any other oc ,
It Is hard to persuatlo n community
that you are any better than ) 'eur
neighbor ! .
A man does not reall ) ' get eltl until -
til he begins to feel secret pride In
hb Infirmities.
Every person Imagines that his Is
a special cao ! : among the Ills tliat affect -
fect manldnd In genera1.-Unclo Dlcl , .
n Madison Journal.
Attmctlve Colomdo Eooklet.
Ono of the most attractive of the
summer vacation boaltlels that 1Iave
been Issued Is "A Colorado Summer , "
put out by the passenger dellUrtment
Df the Santa Fo railroad. The picturesque -
turesque mountain scenery and the descriptions -
scriptions of It which the boollet givG :
ImJress ) the render with a new Idea
Df the grnntleur of the mountain crags
of Colorado , and will start one clay-
dreaming Qf the time when he can
\'Iew for himself the magnlficcnce
which the booltlet describes. Arter
reading the booldet one must certainl ) '
be convinced that Colorado oCfers both
pleasure and health for every summer
tourist. "A Colorado Summer" may be
securell from MrV. . J , Dlael , . Pass ,
Traffic Manager , Santa Fe Hallway ,
Chicago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ho who woull1 : ; :1ther honey must
bear the sting of bees.-From the
Dutch ,
When you mal\C de jail too nice ) 'OU
better strenldn de hogpen.-Amerlcan
A sllnslble housekeeper begins to
sweep her stairs from the top-From
the Oerman.
An honest man docs not male him.
self a dog for the sake of a bone-
From the Danish.
It Is good to be a priest at Easter ,
chlltl In Lent , peasant at Christmas ,
and fool In harvest tlme-From thE
. - - " - - . . - -
Dcpravad Blood Causas Pimples and
Bolls-Dr. Williams' PInk Pills
Make New ! 3lood and
Cure Follows.
. . I abused my stomach , tn . blood got
out of orlle1' fiIlll then III\ " face bl'Olco out
with pimlJles 1\11I1 boils , , i su 's T. E. Robertson -
ortson , of 1D7 Addhun street , Wushing-
ton , Pu. "This wus ever two yeurs ago.
My stomach wus in Inu1 shape. After
entillg I wou1l1 1111\0 to rest uwhilo or I
woult1 suITer the llIost severe pains in
my stomach. 011 m'ihill I would often
bo so dizzy that I cOllhllumy ] ] statllI up.
'rho s1ightCht exertioll would stu\'t llIy
back uchill so thut 1 orton hUll to sit
down a1ll1 ret : awhile. At t lIIl'S I ex- .
pe1' onccl1 n J > : Iiu ll'o1\11l1 the heurt which I
nlnrlllol1 rue hilt whil'h I
811111)01 > 0 cume i
f1'PllllllY fitolllwh , I1'0u1l10.
. "I begall to lJ'tnlc out 011 the fnce with
pilllples 1\1:11 : lUII'1' with lJOils whidl COli-
1iue1mo to tllu hOlwo It week 01' IIIUI'O ut
n lilllo. 0110 duy I saw DI' . W 111ituns'
Pink Pillli fur 1'1I1 , '
1'1'0(110 ( fulyerthc : inn
palllphlet which wus Itnut the door I\UlI
I thollght I wUIII.1 . givu tlwlII IL trial. I
took flu\'C'1'II1 hexes of the pills bnfo\'o nU
the pIJIIIIles ulIII hoils ll'ft 11Il' , hilt I1111
llO\\ ' 11\f1 to IiIIY 1 hut my bloocl Is goud.
I do lIot Imvo allY orlllltlollll tllIll I 110
lUllgc1' hu0 the hellll III III stomach
troll hlo : > I lu\\'u dC'I'I'I'i1Jl" ] , I alll "CI'y
Hl'utoflll forwlmt Wi1li1l1ll1i'Piulc Pills
luwo ciUllO for 1110 ulld I hlwo l'C:01l1- :
mOlulel1 thl'lll UlIII nl\\'u's will al\'iso !
these who uro fllltTcring from bad bleeder
or htollllleh trouhlu to tr. } ' thulII. "
If ' 1)1l'Ullt gIHJlI heulth ) ' 011 must Im\'o
guml hlol ) ! ] , 13111111101111 is the root of most
COlllillun IlIllIhltI ; ! lil" , 1I111\'lIIlu , 1'11I'\1l11n-
tllml , heluticlI , llU\tl'lll ia. St. Vitlll ; ' illlII ce ,
IIlJn'OI1HlIl'hS , IJlltigolit101l , dobilitv , pur-
tllIl } Jnml\"sl : > 1I11111ocOIIIlIOI'IItnxiil ,
1)1' . Wliliulllf '
; Pillle Pills 111'0 Hohl hy
nIl dll1gghtsOl'liUllt : , po tpn ll , oll1'e'l'ipt
of 1)'lce. ' ; , ( , \ ' box , hlx LJX'H for , O ,
by the DI' . \ \ I hUIIHJ l\1cct c. 01llJ < lU-
Schcnccltltl ' , ! { , Y. I
- ' - - - - ' - -
; - . . . -
- - / \
Lnundrj' roorlc nl homo woulet bo
much more satisfactory IC the rlghtf
Starch were used. In orcll'r to gel thoi
(1l'lrell ( stiffness , It Is usually neceh ! '
snry to use so much starch that
beauty nnll IInencss of the fnbric Is
hldl1en behind a paslo of , 'nrylngl
thlclmess. which not only destro ) ' ! } the
nppeorance , hut nlso affe tB tltoVeal' -
ing qunllty of the goods. This trouble
can he entirely overcome by usIng Defiance - !
fiance Starch , oS It can 110 applloll !
much more thlnl ) ' because oC Its great-
er strength than other makes. t
- - - - -
New Fruit of Vnluc.
A new fruit that seellls lIJeely to
prove of cOllslcleruIJlo vnluo has been
developel1 by the culUvatlon of the
very Camlllnr "lIln 'pop , " a plnnt which r
Is very fumlllar In the southern states ,
qulto orrJalllenta1 , easily grown f'Om !
Geeds nnd affords a hanllsomo cover for
l11'bors und verandas. It is Imown to , .
botunlsts as llUsslfiorn Incarnata. 'l'he
fruIt In ItH Illlproved form Is somewhat r
hlgger than u hen's egg and decldcllly
palatable. It loolw 111.0 a ; 'Iay apple.
Brltish Colon1ctl Order.
The order of St. 1\lIchael nUll St.
George , tllC ! chapel of which wan lledl- :
cated In St. Paul's cathedral , London ,
tJie other da ' . Is the order conferl'cll on , . r. . : !
llrltish colonists , distinGuished or oth-
OI'wlse. 'rho lowest rank in the order !
carries the letters C. 1\1. G. after the
owner's unmo. Flippant 'Londoners
trmslnte this "Colonial Matlo Gentle-
ulen. " I
Sunday School Tencher-I hope non a
of you ho's w1l1 cver be found among
the goats. 'l'ommy Tucl\Cr-lIow can
wo hel11 It , 1\1lss SmathersVo're ldds ,
ain't we ?
Some men only open their mouths to
emit 11. kick.
Ij j I
. , , , _ . . .
- - - - - - - - - - -
EI > t''AT70XAL. -J
- = ; ; . Frld'l . .
r JotJ'e' Dame
' . . . , , . . . , , . si'ft'lIls
11' rll..rr.ft't' fwo 10/s : Ou : ' '
I . , , , , , " .
sllfdy .II" ! 0" " ffeJlfs "el /tw/st/us
I IS ! i5 ProfcssorG 800 StudcJ !
I ' 0111 > < 1 < III " . . . .i.llt Rllf ( 1"'lel" Lu'lunlr ' < , : " : '
. . , , , , . . . . . . . , .
I JI.II. III-Im ' .I Jp""I1Ilr..I..IPfIIl.1I . \ JII.n" " " ,
1'1"tI' " . " " I lvI ! , JI "lrlc"l. "lid 1i.t'huirlr"l 1-:11I,1. : , I
. . . , , , , . , . . . , ,
" "ef I' ' . , \I'hl ' .llle. 611 ( " tllu".I,1Juok.ecp- :
I 1'jJI.CwUWIl. (
( ; "lx'I'\r " ; ; ffilIIWi ! Hgn nOYS
: : t ? .
TJRIS : C3rd , Tuilinn. end Lcundr'$400. . t
Se3d len cent' 10 Ibe IefiSlr3r : lor C3131011:0
( . . . . . . . , . - . . . . . . , , - - - : .
. .
- - - -
I EC0IJ10 lY Wins .
Demand from your froceryman
Ten Cakes of yeast for Five Cents ,
do not cantinue to make the rich , .
richer by using a brand that is no 1
bctter and puts anly seven cakes in
a five-cent package.
Is it nat saund judgment lo require
your grocer to furnish you the Ten
Cake packarre of
I On Timlm 1 J
I Yeast
for Five Cent ? The three extra
cakes are as aood to yau as to the
Yeast Trust.
- - -
: rM mmThlff m lIIMm
$20 :
, From St , Louis and Kansas City to al1
I points Southwest via M. K. & T. R'y.
I Augut : 7th : 21t. Tickcts good 30 days
returmng with stopovcrs in both directions-
To Dallas , Ft.Vorlh , Waco ,
HOllston , Galveston , San Antonio -
tonio , Corpus Chrisli. Browns- J
ville , Laredo. and intcrmediate
points. . , . $20
To EI Paso and intermediate
points. . . . $26.50 .
To Kansas , Ind :1n : T crritory , Oklahoma -
homa , and Northern Texas
pain Is , one fare plus $2.00.
but no rate highcr than. $20. ,
Correspondingly low rales from all poinls .
From Chicago , 2SOO ; St , Paul. $27.5'oi
Omaha aul ! Council13luffs , $22.50. '
Write fcr full I > uniculurs
G nern,1 Pas.'cngl'r Agcnt1. : . 1T. . R'y
Wmnwrlght I3uillling St. LOllis 1\10'
' '
O. A , Mc : ; V'lvI" II o"om 11"6C , lenllEllS CIs' " . . ! In' , .
- i-
11 1 lif i9 jrr 1f _ -
' - . , . , . . . . . ' . " \