Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 19, 1906, Image 8
, \ , W. . . . { Jr , _ " r < : 4.MV'A' : ' : ' ' " ' j . ; \ Qose Your Paint. Y ourseU / ma sbp 1d , aka such precautions , be car\d safguard any investmcnt 1J. . , , " kC $ . , A hOUSQ owner's expcnse ( Dr paintlp ! : , Is very often larger than it would , be if he personally Jookcd aflcr the material put upon it. There is often a lfTerence o ( three years in the wcarihgLO ; ( two , rlifTerent paints. Cer- talnJy. in this case , timc is money. If you wjIJ. Fe Pure White tead mixed with Pure Lins ed \ ' Oil is used on your house. you will place you r painting bills on a. reasonable basis. Vou can teU tbe pure Jead ( rom the adulterated kind by the brand. The standard brands by , w lch others have been judged ( or ye rs atc RED SEAL AND SOUTHERN Pur. Whlto Load tMade b , tb. Old Dutcb l'rooea ) Bend for a booklet contalnlllC uveral hand- .om. reproduction. of actual houlel , olTer- Inr valuable IU&lcatlons ror a . c l r' . liema In palotlol' our houle. teat for palDI purr - . ' r JI I'IJ , IYca. HATI HAL WD co. - - . . Clark A. , a IOtb 51. , . . .M. . .SI.J ' . . : I. ' , . . _ - , RepubJlcan County Convention. . The Hepublicans of the County ' , ( Custer and State of Nehra ! l < a , 'are hereby callcd to mcct in elcga e cOllvention at the court ouse 1U Broken Bow , on Saturday - day AuguSt 4th , 1906 at 11 o c10ck a. m. , for the pnrpo e of placing in nomination a canll- date for coun y attorney , to select 17 delegates for the state convention , 17 delegates for the coagressional convention of the 6th congressional district , 17 "delcga es for the senatorial convention - ; vention of th 15th senatorial .district and 17 delegates for the 56th representatiue district , said . ] ast three conventions to be hereafter - after called , and Cur the tran- Raction oC such business as may properly come beCore the meeting. \ k Said convention shall be made .1 up of delegates chosen by the , i republicans of the respective j . ' w'nships of the county , appor- boned one delegate for each ten votes or major fractions thereof 'cast for the Hon , C. B. Letton , . 'republican. nominee for judge of "the suprcme court , , Said apportiollment entitles the several townships to the I following representations in said convention. AI.erooo..ll lIayes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 081ey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . n KIUolI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 , Aroold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1.III1I1n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 lIenfDy. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1.0UI ) . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . II Drokco Bow. . . . . . . .JO Myrtlu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b Cliff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sarlfeut , . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 Ca.ter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . b rlull\lh. . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'Ictorla. . . . . . . . . . . . . ( \ Cro. " . . . . . . 7 Vayne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ellm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 N'e t Union. . . . . . . . .ElkCreek. . . . . . . . . . . 5 'Ve . . . . . . . . . . . 'Garfield..5 ' 'VOOlt Rher. . . . . . . .10 Grant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - : ; : : - . T o I a. . . . . . . . . . --1 It is futher recommended that the oaucusei1 be held on July 28th to , select said delegates. It is further recommended that no proxies be allowed in said onvention but that the delegates present be instructed t cast the Inll vote of the delegation. : , It is further recommended that the delegates present at said convention be instructed to vote for or against the endorsemcnt , of the constitutional amendment relating to the creation of a state ' 'board of railway commissioners. ' . . ALPHA'MoRGAN , Chairman. . . . A. J. VANANTWUIU' , Secv. . - - . . - - - - - - - - - - , J _ Precinct Caucuscs. DotIOJ.A1 ! ( HWVH , ' 1'11 , ' I' , . "uhliclIl of Doug-lll'\ Gw\ ' , : low\hip will 1I1C Ct at the unth chuol hOIl' ' ' oil Saturday , Jul ) ' 28lh , at 2 u'clock p , IU" for the purpose of electing' 7 Ill'le g-atcs to thc cOllntfflGonyertlioll , 7 llc1eg ates to the supcn'lsor COli. ven Hon lRt clistrict , to tl01l11 rlil h' I It township ticlwt anrl to tkht'l i and to transact sudl other hit "I- lIess as ) ' prup ry ! C01l1e IIl.fon' I he mcetlng- . II. B. (1r.ovlw ( , Co 111 111 it tec. I.OUI' 'l'OWNS 1111' . ' ) 'he republican lcctr of Loup township are herehy nn\1- lied that a caucus will he lIeld al thc Downcy school house Sa I ur- day July 2Bth , at 8 o'clock p. III. , for the purpose of electing S delegates - gates to the republican counl ) ' convcntion alld for tile trails. action of such other husinl'ss as may properly come before the caucus. J , E. MYItHR , COlli. AHNOJ.I > 'rOWNSIIII' . 'rhe republica n electors of Arnold township are herehy callcd to meet in Arnold Saturday - day , July 28th , at 2 o'clock p. III" for the purpose of electing ! \'c delcgatcs to the . Hepublican County Convention to he : hcld at Brolen Bow , August 4th , 11)0 ( " and to sclect 5 delegates to the Supervisor convcntion , dIstrict No.5 yet to he called aud for the transaction of such ot her busi ness as may come before the caucus. I HA P. MII.T.R. CUUlmi ttccman. CJ.JIIIt 'l'OWNSI II 1' . Notice is herehy givcn that there will be a meeting of thc Republican voters at the l-lick's school house l riday the 27th da ) ' of July , 1IJO ( ) , at 4 p. m. for thc purpose oC electing ( , delcgatcs to attend the county convention to be held at Brokcn Bow , Aug. , 28 , 1906 , and also to nominatc township ofiicers and transact any other business that may come before said meeting. July 11 , 1906. W. J. RICH , C0111111 i t teem an. ' ' . ' ' ' . WHS'l'tRVIJ.LH I'IU\CINC'l' \ Hepublicans of Westerville precinct are herehy callcd to Uleet in Westerville , July 21st , 11)0 ( " at 2 o'clouk p. 111. , for the purpose of electing eleven delegates to attend the county convention to be held in Broken Bow , July 28 , 190 ( " to attend thc superviRors cOl1vention , to select a township committeeman and transact such other business as may be deemed .advisable. C. E. CANNON. Co'111mi t tee111an. ; WEST UNION I'RECINC'l' The Republican elcctors are hereby notified that a caucus will be heIr } at the Walworth scho 1 house on Saturday , July 28th , at 3 o'clock pr 111. , for the purpose I of electing 6 dclegates to Republican - lican county convention and the transaction oC such other business - ness as may come before it. J.C.PRHDMORH , Com. WOOD Ill\'ltll. Notice is bernll } ' I'cn I to the republicans - cans of Wood Rt\'cr lrccinct tbat a caucus will be beld Salunla } ' , JII1y 28tb at 2 p. m. in tbe town ball , Oconto , for the purpose of e1cctin ten dc1cgates to thc county convention and for the truns- action of sucb olher busincss as lIIay propcr1y cOllie before lhc mccting. S. A. ROlliNSON , COlli. IIItRW\'N TOWNSHIP. The repllb1ican c1ectors of Bcrw'l : township arc hercb } ' nolifil'd that r caucus will be he1d al the I1crwyn schoo : , : : . . . - - - . - - - - - - - - - , - . ' " " \II'A \ : ' ' : . ' : ti : ' : ; ' ' : : . " rJ'f.'f. : . . < < r:1' : . : : : .ro'fr : : ' , , : r ; ' , t""f , : Qr : > : ' : i - ! J" tJ tliQlj tJ TJI ! W.tJHi ! : tJr. TJI : .t : iii' : : ; ! iiJ ! , ; 'i : : : ij'ii ! t".1iJr ! ' ' I DIFFERENCE ' OF OPINION I , 'I I MAKES ROSS RACES. I I ! We do not believe we are wrong in saying we are olTering Jfij . , better styles , and better goods at less money than ) 'ou have .M been paymg elsewhere. D J. . > 1 WE ARE IN A RACE 1J ; ( I FOR BUSINESS. , , You will find our stere hea quarters Cor , all lines oC Curni- Ii ture , See our No. 50-55 Kitchen Cabll1ets that give satisMi I faction. Is one that has all the requirements that a good , cabinet s ould possess and is , not burdened with unnecessary - . sary applIances that are enl 111 the way. ; 1 , d We.h.ave . . splendid bargains 111 all our lines and new goods " arrlvlI g every day. . . : "l Come In and see Qur splendid assort men t of Iron Bcds. i ) , Take a look at our 'l'riple-mirror Dresser and Napoleon ftf " , Beds. Get one of onr Perpetual Caepet Sweepers and alJfij ways have clean carpets. rip : : . . Sanitary Couches , the best on the mnrket at Jowcst prices. ' Oh , yesj we have the best Sewing Machine in towu. KONKEL & MULLINS.Ji" Ji" ---fJt : : : . 1 . . 4 ; ! fJt : . ; . ! . fJt : ? fl If.t . . ! : lflt : _ ! ] I i1 .Y. ew JI ! . . : Ii'IA .tlf. . : : ' r Jt vI. . : : ' ; /j 'CA''i ! y.n ; : : rot. . . < , . , . . " , . . . ; . . . . . . . ' . . . . , . .itr''V..IW.iAlv " ' \ . ' J : ' . . . . , M.r. ; , . . . . . ' . . , ' . : , ! I. . ' . ! " > b..1' " ' ' _ " . _ , . . . . . , . , ' , , ' , ' .i.I. ' " , , , . J. , ' . . . . ' l " - < 1 J ) - - . . . hoU Salurday , July 2Rlh at ' 2 o'clock p. j III. fur Ihl ! purpo.c of cll'l.tillnp'cn / dele- . VItIl'9 to the county COlI\'clitlOn ntll1 flJr tlw trnn lIction of snch othcr husinclR ! / , UHI } ' properly COlne "dore thc tlict-tllll' . R. R. \\tI.CII , CUIII. . ' - - - t'US'fIUl 'tOWNnIlJI' . 'fhe rl'puhllcall etcclors of Custer lownshlp arc herehy nutlficII lhat n caucus will he hc1rlnl the Snccess school house , on Rytlo lahle , Slituntll ) ' , the :1Hlh : I day of July , III 3 o'clock p. III , for the purpose of ctcctillg six deleSlIleR { to thc 'rcpuhlican ' connt ) ' convcntlon 111111 for thl ! transaclion of : mch ollll'r husines ! ! liS lIIay propcrty COIIIC heforc lhc CIIUCUS. Jmiltl'lI II.\JtI'ltlH , COlli. 0It 1'1 ' JU.n. The rcpnhliclln clcctorl nf Garliclll lowliRhip IIrc' herehy 1I0tilicd thot a caucus will hc Iwltl S\lllrlla : ) ' , July 28th , nt 2 p. III. III 1I\l' \ SwlsI Vnlley sch'ol house for the pllrpolc of clcctiug livc Ileleglllcs 10 the coulIl } ' con\'entloll 11I111 I for the trnlllaction of such olhcr hllliness lIIay cOllie hcrore the IIIUCUS : , Cr.\'UJt nIUi\tN , COlli. IIIWI'ItN IIOW. 'fhe repuh1icIIII electors of Broken tlow precincl IIrc hcrchy IIoUficel that II pri. lIIary caucus will he hclll in thc COli rl housc , SaturdllY , Jill ) ' 28lh , 1906 , at 2 o'clock p , III , for lhe purpole of clcctillg 30 de1egalc ! ! to the count ) ' cOII\'enlion , tlominatillg II cllndietate for supervisor and olhcr township officers. for till' clcc- t ion ( ) f a township cOllllllitlellllln 11I111 the Itllnsnclion of sllch olhcr husincss 11'1 IIIIIY propcrly cOllie hefon the lIIeeting. Ar.I'II''IIOIH : AN , COlli , 1\I\'nTr.H. The rcpllh1icall voters of l\Iyrlle lOWII- ship will IIIcelal Inight schoo1 housc , at 2 o'clock p. III. for the pllrpose of c1cct- ing 6 dclcgatc : ! to lhc counly convcntion , 6 dclcgalcs to the slIpcrvisors cOllvention , nOlllinliting n towllship tickct mill for the transacting of SlIch other hllshlt'ss liS ilia ) ' propcrly cOllie hefore the prilllary canclI : ! . F. H. DIU.ANO , COlli. Twcnty-thrcc Years Ago. 'l'he following items werc pub. I lished in the 1 ItI'U\IT.JCAN \ 23 i years ago : "Another ncw post o ce in Custer county. ' 1'his time it is located at Somerford , with James Pierce as postmaster. " Although - though twenty three years has passed the samc postmaster , Jas. Pierce is looking after Uncle Sam's interests at Somerford- where he has built up a fine homc and is in easy circumstances , with is children on farms around him. him.HA. HA. W. Gau(1y has the carpcn- ters hard at work on his new residencc , north of the Muddy. It will be 26x2 ( , fcct l wo stories in height. 'l'he loca lion is a very plcesant one. " 'rhe building - ing above mentioned is the one now occupicd by C.V. . 14uce. ' . After selling his land to the 14in- coIn ' 1'own Site compan ) ' Gandy built a large house in the south 'part ' of thc city , whcre his widow now resides. E. Varney , merchant , and daughter , of Westervillc , spent last Sunday in town visiting- . \V. ' [ 'refren's Major Ellison. of Algernon , accompanied by his brother-in- law , Mr. Hiverton , of Pcnnsyl- vania , called on 'l'uesday. The Major reports the hail storm on the 12th did considerable damage - age in his neighborhood. O. K. Granger returned a few days since with his bride from Ohio. 'l'he county official directory twcnty-three years of the following - ing : Wilson Hewitt , county c1erk ; J. S. Bcnjamin , county judgc ; Jesse Gandy , shcrilT ; J. S. Kirkpatrick , county attorncy ; D. M. Amsberry , supt. of schools ; Dr. ' 1' . N. Waterbury , coroner ; county commissioners , 14. W. P. Cole chairman , J as. L. Oxford , Jas. D. Haskell. The namcs of the republican central committee twenty three ycars ago were as follows : Dist. No.1 , S. C. Stucke ) ' ; No.2 , B. L. Brisbane ; No.3 , C. A. Hall ; No.4 , 1-4ewis Wambsgans ; No.5 , Isaac Merchant ; No. ( " J. W. Norton - ton ; No.7 , ' 1' . Woodard ; No.8 , W. Ii' . Slingsby ; No.e ) , D. M. Amsberry ; No. 10 , C. H. JelTordsj No. 11 , Jud Kay ; No. 12 , 1\1. H. Deem ; No. 13 , Alvin Harris ; No. 14 , A. W. Squires ; No. 15 , W. H. l oad ; No. 1h ; J. L. Cobh. Benj. 1-4. Brisbane was chairman of the committce and D. M. Amsherry , secretary. ' 1'hc W. C. ' 1' . U. society hehl its mceting at the rcsidcnce 01 Mrs. John Wasts last Saturday , Mrs. II. F. MIlicI' was elcctec' ' president ; Mrs. J. Benjamin. . vice'prcsident ; Mrs. Gco. 'rrcf , ren , sccretary ; Mrs. J. West. . treasurer ; and Mrs. Hutchinson corresponding secretary. It wm voted to commence act \'e worl in behalf oC a circnlating librar1 and an entertainment will b givcn at the hall Saturday even ing , July 28 , to raise means tl assist in the work. " 'l'his prob ably was the first move to esta\J \ lish the city library which no\ has several hundred volumes , Mr. Bates , who lives Courtee miles north of town while con ing home from West Union 0 the 12th was caught in a ha , . , ' ' ' ' ' ' . ! Lr" 0" , , ' ' ; ' ob'I. < " , \ ' , . . J. L.u - _ . . " . - . - ' - ' ' ' - C1O < ' - - --7'- , , . . . _ _ IIR J - ] _ _ . _ - - TY"I : : : : _ _ O _ I ' f' I I food to work on is food to live on. ' A man works to live. He must liv 'I to work. . . , : He dQCS both better on " " ; I Uneeda Biscuit 1 : ; the soda cracker that contains in the . , nlost properly balanced proportions a I greater amount of nutriment than any ' food made from flour. Uneeda BiscuitIC.C . , IC.C NATIONAL DlSCUIT COMPANY . . , . . _ _ xa MI\- : ' _ - . . . - , , _ . . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ * _ _ _ _ " _ _ . . . . _ . . - - . . . _ - - : ; rain storm. g stone struck him on the right arm hetween the elbow and shouldcr , bruising and causing the blooel to now. lIe thought his arm was brolen , but examination - tion found it was not , yct he wi11 have to carry his arm in a sling for some time. 'l'hc Odello items says Ortcllo is loomingup and crops look splendid. D. F. Weimer , 1\ [ , i Jacquot and Wm. Lohr IUl\'c ar. : rived home from Kcnrncy , l' lch I with a wagOIl loaded with. a Halliday wind mill , which thc ) ' expcct to have rUllning at thcir res ) cctive farms in a fcw wceks. - - - - Obituary. James J. Johnson was born Scptcmber 12 , 1820 , in Jack < ; on county , Ohio. On the morning of June 2 ( " 11)06 , he died , at thc home of his daughter , Mrs. Charlie Chapman , three miles south of Walworth. He was married to l\Iary A. Corbett , of Virginia , 011 January I ) , 1840. I ' 1'0 this union was born ten children. About twenty ) 'ears ago he ! 'came to Custer county and resided - sided on the farm adjoining the : oue where hc dicd. He remained I thcre until age compclled him to give up work since which time he has lived with his children. Thrce we ks previous to his death , he came to his daughter's to spend his remaining days , which were very few. For about ( ,0 years he was an active church worker , which is a record few have. lIe lcavcs all aged wifc and seven children to mourn his loss. NEBRARSKA EPWORTH ASSEMBLY. Very Attractive Program Announced For Approaching Seaaion. l'he tenth annual session of the Ncbraska Epworth assemhly wi11 be held at ] pworth Lake Park , 1-4incoln , Jul ) ' 31 to August I ) , inclusivc. Rates of one fare plus 50 cents are announced from all stations in Ncbraska. The program is exceptionally strong , including among the platform speakers : Booker ' 1' . Washin ton of Georgia Newell Dwight lIi1lis II Ncw York Bishop J. C. Hartzcll " Africa Dr. Wi1liam Spurgcon " gng1and Scnator J. P. Dolliver " Iowa Dr. I.ollis A1bert Banks" Dcnver lIon. John G. Woo1ey II Chicago Dr. George R. Stuart " 'l'ellnessee Dr. Gcorge 1\1. IIl\Inill "Nas1l\'il1e : 'Ilis ! ! 1\ll1rie C. Brehm .1 I11inols 1\1r , A. W. Hawks " Baltimore 'l'he entertall1ing features are varied and attractiv , including : Iartha S. Gic10w , rem1er. Co1umhia Jnbilee Chorus. Hagenow Prize Bllnr ! . I'lIr11\111) ) Ncwhall Company , Bell Ringers 1\I1111\Ia1e Quartctte. Pamihasika lronpe of trainc1 ! Birds mill nogs , Alllcrican Vitagrnph , Moving Pictures. A copy of the handsome 6111- lustratcd Prospectus" may be secured by sending your address on a postal to President 1-4. ' O. . Joncs , 1Jincoln. - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'Edison and Victoi Phonoraphs and Records 1 _ sold 011 eas > ' payments to rc. sponslble persons. 'l'he priccs arc the same every. . . where. Bangs' Studio. . i , - - - - - . - , - . - - . . . . - - - - . - - - . . . . - - I : o : / .r.r..r. .o".r.rJ"J"J".r..o : F. W. HAYES , jeweler and Optician Wcst Side Square , 6 roken Bow , 8 Nebraska. H ) . N I } ! S)9.y' " - - - 01 ( , . e. ) . . MU.CN . { . . Physician Surgeop. 2n,1 , tl1lrwlIY from 'n' " 11\111n HUllity 111'0111 " . . "Iunco. 3rI WOI M. K. chnroh , on MUlti I oJ of "trt' " . W""lIrok..n Bow. Nf'hr'l. . " , J. E. WILSON , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practice In State allli Jo'ederal Conrts. A 11. stract oC titles examlncl1. Heal I state and J\lnnlclpal a srwclalty. Dealer In Real I state , Strict attention Irh'ento all business Omce In J\1e'er Ulock. Pholle ! ; tJ. Broken Bow ROSS G. MOORE , Attorney-at-Law. Ht l oBtlllellJl1losn broker. Ollleo In AI 1Ie Block Drolron Bow. NfJhrll kll. JI. OON B.AD , .0. . . . . . . .Don.l r In. . I'um ! ' . . Wlnl , 1II111 . T'mk . Flttlnrll , GlUlollnl ! Enginol. ! oto. ctc. Broken \low. Nohnekl\ . SIMON CAl\1bRON : , 8 uIcell tf l'I y ) 1' AT LAW. Hoom 8 In,1 , II. Hellity Dlock. Brokun Bow , Nob. 'l'he HHPUllLICAN is especially equipped to print Sa1e : : Bi11s. DR.V. . H. COLE , V eteri narian. Discases of a11 the 1oweanima1s .heal. CIL Office at Lee llros. dnlglstore. 'Phone 203 , llrokcn How , Neb. : Pala.ce BaJ'ber : Shop I or first-c1ass work , ca11 at the Pa1ace HllrherShop. Evcrything up-to-date. LEO DEAN , Proprietor. Registered O. 1. ( , I-logs foOR SALE. CIIAS. T. WRIGHT , Broken Bow , Neh . . . . , .Ilcru Xlu Ucl1l' > , . . . . . . . . , " ' ' < 'I' r''uTt J.lI' . 71703" . , . . J.G.BRENIZER , Hreeuef f . l'ure Rcotch ami ketch 'foPPI'II Shnrt IInrr CaUle. ! 'tIy henlllllmberll4U COWII , Will com . pare III br."nl1111 quallt ) ' wllh all ) ' W''lt II Chlcalfll ! 'tIy eXI'erlellco hall talltrht IIIU thai tl JrlvolrooIIIatllifactiun. bre"llInlf caUle IIInllt ' " - rulHclln thlH . . ' ' 'luUe. I expect tl rulHctllCtli herc the CIIIUH of an'thllli Tal eIIII'he U. S. I IIOW h 'I'.25 blll1. Hullabl , Jor this and next year's HenleI' . ! 'tIy COWl . . .elll'lI from 1400 to 2000OOUU.II. . COOla aOlt 8el ben' . - . . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - . A. AHMOUR , 1.A. Attorney at Law. Broken Bow , Nebr. lIavlulr just ha,1 elll'ht yearR practical exper lence all Donnt ) ' Jlul\re. wllilfiye IIpeclal aUen tlon to the drawhllr alld Irobatlnl ( nf will ! ! allli Ihe al1l11lnllltratlun o ( e tatell of .lccea e,1 Ier- HonH allli millof ! ! . Wrlle or phone lIIe. I may a ye yon I'trlp. ' . - - - - - - - - Lega1 Notices. . - - Ail ud.or\l \ eml'nt unler thll ! hrllliII \ bo cloRrlle,1 ror alleval rill. , vlr : : 11.011 " , 'r ! ! qnare rllr l1r tll'l'rllln. ! llId "III : IJI'r IIlInl\- " tllr each 'IIt. 'II"'I'lt . , . " , . : tl.lI. . . . . .111. . ' . . . . t.11. t . 11111ur ( "I\1'"n It , . . . "O ( t NO'l'ICI . 'I'o J. II. Younll' . O. Duckwortb. ClnclnnaUu ! ! C. Davis and the AUlerlcan I.oan , \ : ' ! 'rust COUlpany. You alld each of ) 'OU arc hereb ) ' notified that on tbe 11th day of AUllust. lU4 , the undersillnell Josel.h Skelton. I"rchased at Irlvato tax lIale frum the 'freasnrer of CUliter coun ! ) ' . Ne- braska. tbo folluwlnlr descrlbe,1 real esttte slluato In CU ler cuunty. Nebraska. to.wlt : I.ot : . ! , block oZ. J. P.'s addition to Bru. ken Uow. Said sale wall lIIal1. . ( or the taxes levlell and aMse sed alralnst sa III lot fur the yearN Is& to 1'JlJ Inclu lve anll lIald Josepb Skelton has paid the taxes ass. . " cl1 allahilit ballilot for the ) 'ear1l190:1 : to 1'IO Inclusive. fo'or tile ) 'ear IMH ! ! the taxes alaluHtllall1 lot was as..esoed to saki J. II.'OUIlIr. . I'or , the years IljO ( ) 10 I'JOO IncIcIMlv. ! the taxes I alCalnst sall1 101 waM a s" "I',1 , to said O. Dnck. \\'orth. anl1 for the years 19W to the prt'"ent tlllle. Jnl ) ' lith , 190tJ.lncluslve the taxc" alralnst sall1lot were assessed tu Rall1 Clnclnnatn. . C. Duckwortb. After the explrallou o ( three monlhs from the "erylce uf this notice the Mahl. Jo..eph Skel- ton will aPIIto the treasurer o ( said Custer Ionnt ) . for a deed to sall1lot. Datel1 thllliith l1ay o ( Ju190b. . JOSUI'U SKHLTON. lly SIMON CAMERON , tllli Alt' ) " . b.6 . - - - - - - - NOTlrl . ' 1'0 the Custer Healty COIIIPan ) ' : You are hereby noUfied .that on'he Uth day o { AUllust. 1901. the nndersllrned. Jo . Skelton. purcbas..d at private tax sale { rom the treasnr. f er of Cusler couoty , "ehraska. the follow lull'I . / l1escrlbed real estate situate lit Cusler county. , Nebraska : to.wll : .z.z,90 { eet of lotili. anl1 J. block 20 , orlirlnal tOWII of IIroWen II 0 1\ ' , all1 sale wall mal1e ( or the taxes levlel1 anl1 aRliessel1 alralnst "ahl lots for the years IS'J5 to 190 Inclusive - clusive alul Raid Jo . Skelton has paid the taxeR assessed all'alnst sall1l < .ts for tbe years. 1'103. 1\.I \ ) ) alu11905. 'I'he taxes alCalnst Raid lots were as essed 10 the CUliter Healt ) ' cOIII ; > any. After lhe expiration of three months from the cOlllpletion o ( the pnbllcatlon of this notice the salll Jus. Skelton will apply to the treasurer of sall1 count ) ' fur a l1eet to sall1lotM. Dated tbls liUtl1ay of Jul ) ' . I'JO . Jus , SKHLTON. By SIMON CAMEHON. Ills Alt'y. b. < } . - - - NO'l'ICg. 'l'oWllllalll S. CurUs : \ You are hcreby notified that Olt Ihe btll da ) ' 1\ of Auuflt. lU4. the undersllrned Jo elh Skel- ton lJUrchasel1 at , private tax sale frolll tbe 'I'reasurer of Custer count ) . . Nebraska. the ( ollowlnll' l1escrlbed real estate situate In Cns. tel' ' counly. Ncbraska , to-wit : I.ot 9 , 1I1ock 2. urllrlnal town o ( Broken How. Sall1 sale waK made lor the taxes le\'lell anl1assessed aalnst salel lot lor the years IH'r to I'J . Inclusive. 'I'he taxcs aralnst ! said lots were ao e sed to WIlliam A. Curtis. After the expiration of thrt.u 1II0nths ( rolll thu cOlllpletlon u ( th. . 11111111. cation of tbl'l notice the said Joselh Skelton will al'llly to the treasurer o ( said count ) . for a deed \0 said lots. Dated tbls 17th l1ay of Jul ) ' , 1906. JOSHI'U SKm.ToN. By SIMON CUlEHON.lIls Alt' ) . . II. < } - - - - - - - NO'flCE Ol ! ' FINAl. SI 'I"fl.lI1 NT. Connt ) . Court. Custer Cunnty. Nebraska. ' 1'0 the 111'11' ' ' ' and next of Kin o ( Je > lse J. Sid. well. deceaoel1. You are hereby noUfied that Sallluel W. . Sidwell of Broken 1I0w execulor o ( lIald estate I has tiled his petition lu sall1 court. a'lkllilt that IInalliettiement may be had of the flald estate ami lIalll executur dlHcharll'ed. 8.1111 matter hall been set for bearlul : ' lur July 2Hth. l1)Ob , at 1U o'clock a. III. . at tbu conut ) ' conrt ruom. In Broken Bow , Nebraska , when all Interewled Iartle. . ilia ) ' appear alld he heal'll. Dated June 2tth. ! 1906. [ SI AL ) A. H. IIUMI'IIRIW. 4.7 Count ) ' Jullte. NOTICE TO CREDI'I'ORS. County Court Custor Cuunty. Nobraska. 'l'he crCllltorR of th. . Estate of Benjamin F 1\101'1'0'1' ' ' . deceased : 'I'ake notice. 'I' hat I will sit at the connt ) ' court 1'00111 ' , In Broken Bow. In Halll count ) ' . 011 the Jilit. day o ( July 1906 , ami uu the 2Htb l1a ) ' I oC Decelllher 1'lO .eacb at 10 o'clock a. 111. , of each da ) ' . to receive amI exallline all clalnu ! alrall'bt sall1 eHtate. wltb a view tu their al1just. r ment anl1 allowance : and that on the IInt Ilatu ahove the petitions oC willow will h. . heard for hOlllesteall. excmlltlulIlI , allowallc anl1 other Statutor ) ' rlllht. . . 'l'hIJ tlllle limit. , ! ! lor the \ > resell tatlon of clallnllalralnst IIall1 estate II ! six mon ths frolll the bth Ilay oC Jnno 1')116. and thu tlllle IImllel1 for paymcnt oC dellt. . 1M ono ) 'car from flalel IlllIe. IlllIe.nate,1 Jnne 30th , 19 ( , . ISUM. ) A. H. IIUMI'IIHI\ ' . 4.7 Count ) ' Jul1.e. . - - - - - - - - - - ' - - - - - NO'rICI' : ' 1'0 l H 1':1I1'l'UHS. : Couuty Court. CUIII..r Coun ! ) ' . N'brallka. 'rho credlturll o ( Iho gtate ! o ( John Jnkor. Jr. deceaRed , 'l'akll notice , 'l'hat I will lilt at the conllt ) ' i court roolll. In IIrokeu 1101In sall1 cLunty. ou / ' the 3111h l1ay of J nI'JOb. . allli on Iho 2 th Ilay ' ) 1 o ( Uccemller 1'.10 ( . . cach at 10 o'clock a. m. . of ' ' 1" each l1ay , to receh'e ami exallline all clalllls \ : > ; al/aleilit "alcl eKlate. wllht : view 10 their adjust. 1II0llt nlltl alluwtllce : ; 0111I1 thaI 011 tbe IIrst date , : thovu thu l'utltlOIl ! ! o ( wllluw will bu heanl ror hOUWlllead , exellll.lluIIK. alluwance allli lither _ Hlntntury rll/htll. 'l'hl ! lime IImlle.1 Cor the presentation o ( ' clallnll alluhlKI "a 111 estalu hi "Ix nmllthll from thu ; t 1I1 tlay of Jnllu lllO ( . , allllllw IIIIIU IImlh'II ror 1'.IYlllellt oC dehtll III line ) 'ear from 1101111 J' dah' , 11,1\1',1 \ Junu 2'th. 190d. IK" LI A. H. UUMI'HHItV . .ConnJlllilte. . J. A. Arlllour. Alt'y Cor l state. Job , \ Try The Republican for ' ( t PRINTING. I , lj