Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 19, 1906, Image 7

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, I
Mr. Chas. L. Sauer , Grand Scribe ,
Grand Encampment 1. O. O. P. of
'l'e:1ms : , and Assistant City Auditor ,
writcs from the City lIal1 , lIn Antonio ,
rex. :
"Nearly two years ago I accepted a
position as secretary and treasurer
with one of the leading- dry goods
establishments of Galvcston , ' 1\ox.
" The tmddel1 change from a high and
dr.v altitude to sea level proved too
much lor me and I became a1llieted
with catarrh and cold in the head , and
genel'lll debility to SUCll an extent as to
almost incapacitate me lor attending
to ; ny duties.
" /was Induced to tr.y PCrlJtla , nnd
nfter tnklng se'cral bottles III small
doses J nm pleased to say tfwt / was
cntlrel ) ' restored to my normal cOlIClI-
tlonnnd ! Jave c'cr since rccommended
, 'Je use of Perllllll to my friends. "
Most of us have trouble to lend.
L < > ve w111 find a way , even a way
Fortune doesn't always smtle on the
funny man.
Success Is doing a thing before some
r one ell'e does It.
Marrlago Is the gateway from romance -
" mance to reallt : } . .
Fortune never ] mocks at some doors
because It can't get b : } ' the janitor.
It dOEsn't pay to go entire ] : } ' on th ,
theol' ' that contrarle
: } things go by
The woman who dresses better than
her friends w111 never bo popular with
'l'hosa who have greatness thrust
upon them seldom know what to do
. , . . \ with It.
' : 'I'he fool and his money are what
] , eep the rest of us from starving to
" Hlche ! : : have wings , but they are not
the 1lnd of wings that are fashionable
In heaven.
L < > ts of wlvos never understand why
their husbands should need any spendIng -
Ing money.
. Some men are so fond of sympathy
that they actually glory In being the
under dog.
If 0. man would on ] : } ' pa : } ' his debtl !
as promptly as his grudges his credit
would be better.
When a glr ] begins to ask a fellow
} . about his life Insurance , the rest
ought tc. bn easy.
Sacrifice Made by Judge.
Justice Homes ] , of the supreme
. court , In order that he ma : } ' preserve
his mind free from distractions of Information -
formation and misinformation that
. . . would Impair his efficlenc : } ' and wis-
dam as It jurist , does not allow hlm-
selt to read the newspapers.
Now Gels Along Without It.
A ph'slctan : sa's : : "Until last fan
" I used to eat meat for my breafast ]
and suffered with
f" Indigestion until
. . . the . cat had lJassed from the starn-
. , . . ach.
"Last fall I began the use of Grape-
Nuts for brealtfast allli very soon
found I could do without meat , for
my body got all the nourishment
necessary from the Grape-Nuts , and
slnco then I 'havo ' not had any Indi.
gestlon and am feeling bettel' and
have Increased In weight.
"Since finding the benefit I derivell
from Grape-Nuts I have prescribed
r. the food for all of m : } ' patients sufferIng -
. , ' Ing from indigestion 01' over-feeding
and also for those recovering from
disease where I want a food easy to
tate ] tmd certain to digest and which
w1ll not overt x the stomach ,
"I always find the results I looe ]
for when I prescribe Grape-Nuts. For
ethlca ] reasons please omit my name , "
Name given hy mall b : } ' Postum Co. ,
Datte ] Creek , l\I1cl. ]
O' Th reason for the wonderful
amount of nutriment , and the easy digestion -
gestion of Grape-Nuts Is not hard to
tR\ In the first pace ] , the starch : } ' part
. -J \ " of the wheat and harey ] goes through
various processes of cooking , to per.
fectly change the starch Into Dextrose
or Post Sugar , In which state it Is
ready to bo easily absorbed hy the
blood. The parts In the wheat and
barle : } ' which Nature can mate use
of for rebuilding brain and nerve centers -
ters are retained in this remartnhle ]
food , and thus the human body Is
supplied with the ] lowerful strength
producers so easily noticed nfter ono
'T' has eaten Grape-Nuts el\ch day for a
\Veole or 10 da's. : "Thero's a reason. "
Get the lIttle boolt , "The Road to
Wenvllle. " In pkgs.
. .
( Copyright , by Joseph D. Dowlcs. )
There was absolutely no reason why
we shoullI move ; wo Were living In an house In an excellent neigh.
borhood , Dut Alice , my wife , thought
differently , amI as she was bent upon
malting a change , I consented on con-
( lition that she should do her own
house-lllIltlng. ]
"Oh , James ! " she cried , as she met
me ono e\'enlng with a I1ve.year ] ease
in her hllnd. "I've found such a charmIng - '
Ing little home , an(1 ( in such a dellght-
fu ] ] ocatlon ; It's so cultured and re.
fined , you know. I am so glad on
Henry Jr.'s IIccount , for : } 'Oll know that
Henry Jr. Is gottlng on. "
The : } 'outh referred to had not turned
14 months.
"I leased the hOuse from n l\ ! ] ! ; ! ! . ,
Smrrow-such ] a sUlerlor womln : ! "
continued my wife ; "so milch nice : " ,
don't YOll think , than rentln ! ! : m
these horrid ngents Who w111 neve : , 110
II. thing for 'one wllhuut malng ] a fUS3
about It. 1\1lss Sparrow su's : she
couldn't think of giving us so charming -
ing a little home , but her sister Amy
Is to be married next month , poor girl !
and she , 1\IIss Sparrow , or course ,
doesn't care to live alone. "
I offered no oIJjections , but sllggested
that she should write to her Uncle
Henry , for whom Henry Jr. was
named , anll request him to ] lostpone
his visit until we were thoroughly settled -
tled In our new home. She Indlgnant-
] y refused , saying that her uncle had
grown very Irritabe ] and suspicious of
late , and ho might thin ] , we didn't
want him , and that she wasn't going
to have Henry Jr.'s prospects ruined
by any such Insane notions. My wlfe's
uncle , an asthmatic , wealthy old bachelor -
elor , was strongly prejudiced against
mo , because his niece had married me
when he had hoped she would nurse
him In his declining : } 'ears.
The night of the first of the follo-
Ing month found us In our new home ,
and excepting that a shower of prisms
foil from the parlor chandelier when I
lighted the gas , the evening had , so
far , passed off without Incident.
My wife's unco arrived In the worst
of humors ; his train , bolng three hOllrs
late , didn't pull In until almost mid-
night. Ho drew back from me suspiciously -
ciously when I offered to tale his
valise. and glared at me savagel : } ' over
his glasses , thoroughly convinced , no
doubt , that to a conspiracy on my part
was due the accident to his train.
1\Iy w1e , not a little hurt when her
effusive greeting met with a rebulY ,
said she was sorry little Henry had
gone to bcd , for she would so lIIe to
have her unco Henry see his little
namesae.Vhereupon ] he somewhat
gruUly Inquired whether Henry Jr. had
any Intention of absconding before
Crestfallen , and worn out after a
hard day's worl , we went to ted , but I
had hardly closed m : } ' eyes when 1 felt
myself sudden ] : } ' aroused.
"James , " whispered my w1e , In
trembling tones , "what Is that noise ? "
"Only water running next door , " I
replied drowsll : } ' , and turned over to
sloop aealn.
"Water next doorVhy ! , James , It's
In this very room. Listen ! "
I got up and palny ] ] heard the
sound , but couldn't locate It.
Hoping to find the source of the
noise , I ran a lighted wax taper along
the side of the wall ; when I reached a
point about three feet from the window -
dow I found It as a volume of flame
belched torth almost to the ollposlte
side of the room. I seized a pillow ,
and called to my wife for a cork.
" 'fake It away for the love or
heaven ! " I yelled , as she handed 11Ie
a cork , hOdlng ] In her other han l 11
'otte. ! " ! l's gasoline ! "
9hi ) gave piercing shrlo ] " IInJ
! ' : : -Y he IJOttlo and cork out Into the
; : 1I. Artcr knocking over several
things In the medicine chest she gave
me a rubber stoPIlCr. I drove It
Into the aperture of a us } llpo
from whlclr the hractet ] had been
purloined by the Sparrows , and which
they had plugged with wax. The pll-
low , In the meantime had caught lire ,
and while I was trying to smother It
my w1e fcreamed again , and this
awoke Henry Jr. , who joined In the
melee ; this brought down my wlfo's
uncc , whom we didn't see until I
lighted the gas , although ho haJ announced -
nounced hlmsolf by a sneezo.
Finally I got things quieted. I
didn't notice until the next morning
how badly I had been burned. It was
after dawn when I was awakened.
"James ! get up , quick ! " callel ! my
wife. "The room Is filled with smole-
the house 12 on fire ! "
Amost ] suffocated , I jumped out of
bed , threw open windows , IInd grolled
my wa : } ' to the ] , ltchen stairs.
"Ph'llIS : ! " I yelled at the top or
my volco ; "Is there a tire down there ? "
"No , sah , " yelle4 back the cook ;
"dar ain't no flah ; I wish dar war ,
but Il's all smow. Drat de 010 stobe !
It won't draw. An' Mars Jeems , dar's
a man henh w'lIe 'go , un' ho done turn
dl ! watah off In do aile : } ' , ] mBe ho say
do watah rlnt ain't. paid , an' how I's
tel' glt breakfus wlfom no flah an' no
watah , de good Lord , lIe ani : } ' Imow. "
We hurriedly dressed , whllo Henry
Jr. , having awakened , entered Into the
spirit or the affair , and seemed to enjoy -
joy It , for ho persisted Inlckln ] ! ; his
heels up Into the all' and throwing off
his covering. Wo tied him fast In
hlg cradle , and then ran down to the
kitchen , where we found 1 > 11)1118 In
, , - - ' - - - . - - - - -
"It are only Ile smoc , l\tl s Alice , . '
explained the cooe , I1rawlng her sleeve
ucross her e'es , while my wife , the
plcturo , f mlsor ) ' , was genulney ] cry-
"There are draughts all over this
hOllse , " she said , shh'erlng as she I1re\\ "
her shay'1 arollnd her.
"Dar ahl't no draughts In dls heah ,
ole stobe , Miss Allco , 'deed dar ain't , "
said Ph'llIs : , funning the grate with
her apron.
, "ever mind the grate , Phyllis/ ,
sl\lu m : } ' ' , viCe , "bllt ml\\O a tire at once
In thp 11111'101' . 'rhe IIttio ] 1l'eclous U1-
stalr will tnlte his dcath or colli. "
And shl1 wcnt UI to Henry Jr. , ] eav-
Ing me gazing dejectedly through 1\
broCn ] window out on the raln-soaod ] ,
nsh.covered landscallO of the Sparrows'
lmc ] , ) 'an ] .
I was brought bacle to mrselt br mr
wife calling mo to como. U1 and un-
rope Hcnry Jr. , who was stronuousy ]
oIJjecting to his bondnge. Just as 1
hall freed hllll , there came from below
an n\\11I1 crash.
"llreHH mah SOli ] : " walled I'h'llIs :
from the ] 1al'lol' , "It de whoo ] front
winder or do parIah stobo nln't 1I0no
fall ollt : '
I m.n 1I0wn again , followed by my
'Ic with Henry In her arllls.
" ' -hls Is the last straw , " I mutterell ,
10ollng on our now IHlr10r carpet ,
rllined fore\'er.
"Whereare : } 'ou going , James ? "
snld m : } ' wife , as I was getting Into
my rain coat.
"I'm going , my dear , " I re1l1ed ] , "to
call , as early as it Is , U1on that Sparrow -
row of YOllrs , and twist Its nocle : '
"I beg or : } 'ou-I I1nploro you not to
go , James. 1\1lss Sparrow will attend
to e\'erythlng , I am sure ; besides , poor :
: \Uss Amy Is going to bo married only
next month , anll- "
llefore she had tlmo to I1nlsh her
uncle entered and startled us with a.
double sneezo.
"Oh , Uncle Henry ! " cried my wife ,
In great distress , "I know you would
take cold last night. You must let
me get you something. I'm sure you
must feel very bad ; I wlll- "
"You may mate yourself easy on that :
Ilolnt , madam , " he brolte In. "Dllt before - , .
fore I len..e this house or conspIrators I
want to ad..lse you to place that child
In an n.synm ] where ho will bo prop-
ery ] carell for ; while you , madam ,
should be confined In some sanitarium
And as for YOII , sir , " ho shouted , shal , .
Ing his umbrella In my face , "tako the
gold cure-the pedge ] would o yo ! .
no good , : } 'ou'd only brea ] , It. 'I'alto the
gold rure ! the gold cure ! the gold
cure ! " lIe slammed the front dool
after him , and shuflled down the street
While conning these things , Phylll !
came In with her scuttle for a last
load. Sha told us she had found an all
stove with enough all In It to cook
brlafast. ] She hesitated as she added
that she had borrowed some water
from our neighbor next door , wl10 remarked -
marked that we had begun the borrowIng -
Ing plan rather ear ] : } ' for so short nn
aCful1lntar. e.Ye cOlllmended our
cool's enterprise and told her to do
the best : : ohe could. And for the next
ten minutes we heard her In terms
iorclble , If not ] lollte , ] 1Il : } ' her reo
' -'peets - to the stove.
llrealtfast WIIS not a sucres : : ! . The
coffee was cold , and the chols ] wore garnished -
nished with coal oil , the lIa\'ol' at
which lingered with me for hours.
Dlrectl : } . after IJreakfast I called on
the Sparrows , who , while making my
compalnts ] , did nothing bllt HuttoI' an
chlr1 ] , The elder bird said she cOllldn't
alToI'd to spend a cent at that tlmo on
I notillcll her thnt we would varate
the house within three days.
She Huttered and chirped excltedl ,
as the : } ' followed 11I0 to the door , and
I thought I heard the betrothed Spar.
row say something- about damages ,
though It may have been nothln ! ; more
than an InolTenslve twitter.
After call1n ! ; all m : } ' old agent. t
turned my stelS toward our "now
home , " where I met the stove mar
who was , for the moment , lea\lng. lh'
told mo that he ha ! ! IIxed the par
lor stove , but could do nothing with
the kitchen range ; that during the
summer monthH the sI1Ilrrows muse
ha\'o built their nests In the chimney
I told him that I hadn't the slight
est doubt about It.
I\ly wlfo was anxiously awaiting my
return. I told her or m : } ' hlHhly satls.
factory . . . .Ialt to aliI' 0111 lalll11ord.
"PoortIS : Amy ! " moaned my wife.
"Alii ] , oh ! : } 'Oll ] 1001' . dlslnhorlle ! ! , lie.
frauded little darling , " she nddud ,
burying hel face In He1l' ) ' .Jr.'s necl\ .
On the e\'onlng of the third da ) ' fo ]
lowing we were hac ] , In our old home.
Last ; 'ttar there Were 31,211OOO ! ot
matches Hold in F1'II II ce , bringing Into
that natloa's treusllr ) ' $5,21Gt' O , thll
being a state monololy ] ,
- - . .
. . , . .
, < " . '
, " " _ _ . : A , ,
, . '
. .
. . ' f\ . v.
" iI" " \ : ' : ' : , . \ ) . , i : /.r I I. . . . . . . " ; : ,
11ftr/ ; / ; ' HE L AXATIVE OF ,
r : ; ! A Vi . " :
. Lt . \ , " , , , , . . . . . . , . . . , " " TN Qur ! II
t. , " " !
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. " : .
. '
' . ( .r- . . ' ' '
i \ r.Jt . , " ' . ' : r' The1'o 111'0 two clnsses of l'emeilles : th080 of known qunl-
, , ' ' \ ' ' ' lIencflch\1 in effect , nctlng'
. / . . it IIml w11lel1 II 1'0 Ilc1'l11l\ncntly
. ii ; ' . . . , . gentlr , in )1 ) 1'l11on ' with 11l\ture , when 111\tU1'O 11cetls nsslst-
" " ' . ! "
: : " . . . . , N''J. \ ' . G . _ , j : " nnce : 111111 IInothc1' clnss , C0lll1lOSCIl of 11l'CIII\1'ntlon9 of
" N' \ . 4 : 'I ' un1mo\\'n , uncc1'tnln mul inferior chll1'lIctl'l' , ncting t11111O-
. . . . ; . d\ " ' . / " : : ' ; . ? r.l\rll \ ' , Imt. illJu1'iouslr , US It l'C8ult of forcing the 11lltu1'lIl
! ! ' . Ono of the mm t CXCCIHOIml , of
\ ' \ \-1 ; , . > d : : " : : : ' . funcUons m1l1eC Sslu'i1r. .
W.l ; : ' -f'I : ; : ; : " " the l'l'lIICllll's of11o'n ) qunHt n11l1 cxcellenco is the 0\01'
' , \
t : ' - ' , ' 4 = , . ' 1' , 111cnsnnt S 'l'UII of l jgs , mllllllfnctlu'cil llY the Cn1ifo1'llht
! . .
- S ' ' Co" which 1'clIl'esents the ncUvo 11rinclilies of
\/t \ : ' . . Fig 'I'UII "
" :1 \ .0 , ; , , . ' . ; ? ' Illnnt81OWI1 ) to IIrt most 1II'noncinl1 ' , in It } llcnI1nt ! ! B 'rUII ,
! ; ' ' in which tllO wholl'somo CIlHfornilln 1I1uo : figs nl'O u8el1 to con-
{ > > { - : : . . \ ' 1\1j \ ' .f r ; '
' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' tllel1' 1'ich , 'et deBclttc , fl'Uit ' 111\\01' . It. ia the l'CJ1wl1y
< z' , / . ' , tr.l1mto
. . > .J : : { J , r.j'lt . : ! . 'f .
. lJj.t't l ' / { ' : , : / : : : . . 3 ; of nil rC111ClUcS to swcetclll\lulrl'fl'c8h nUll clcl\nso the systcm
'j ! ' { ; ' < : . : " \ : ' ? .1i . , , ' . ' . . " : 'll g-ent1 nUll lmhn'nllr , nml to nsslst , ono ill O\'orCOl1lhl cO lsn-
' ' '
' J _ ' ! : ! . ' : ' / IHltion IlUlI the )111\11 ' ills rcsultlng' thl'1'0 I'0111. Its l1eU\'o 111'1I1ci-
I ; : ' : ; . 'I . : ; : : .1l"l' : : , { I1Ull the
' ; ' ' , \ i : " . Ji' , : . { : " . iI' I'i i } llcs 1\1111 quality 111'0 known to IlhY81emns gcnerlllly ,
. . 't . . .r. " . ) . , ' . . 'Il ! ; ( ; ' : " ' . I-/ : : : : { ' : ' ! l rCl1IcII ' hns thcreforo met with their 1111111'Oynl , us well ne with
. : ' . : : : : \.t _ rf : Aj.l . : . : : ' ? . ' ) /hf the I'Ol' of 1lInn ' millious of w'l1 infor.l1Icll lle1'Solls who know
' , . . / : of thcll' OWIl Ile1'80nnl ) mowlcl1go 1\1\11 \ 11'om Ilctul\l experience
! . l\/i
. " . ' i . , . / , . : ; \ ' ;
_ . ' ' ' , cxcl'llcnt , lnxativo l'clIIClly. Wo 110 not clnlm thut
( 4i i % JZt < 'J'j 11111.t it Is It
, . : /i . _ .
" /
" , " . ( ot. . < : Ilt l ' : : ' /.I i . .t ; : 1t , will cure Ullml\1l11Cl' of ills , lIut 1'CCOlIl1IlCUll it for wlllli. it 1''l1l1y
( l ; : : ' ( i ; ' l. . .1"S ; , rCllrcscut s , It Illxntiyo 1'C111cl1y ot' ) mown qllullt.y nnl1 excollencc ,
' f : " J.l 4f. cOIl nilllng nothing of I1n olljeetiounllio 01' injurious clm1'l\cto1' .
. . .Si.'fi'i ' : : .I ( . , .
, ' , f' , , lj.r' ? $ , / fJff hero 111'0 two clllsscs ot' 1I1u'clmsc1's ; these who 111'0 inforlllcil
r..I ; . . . . . , . ; . . . . " ! 'fJflfJ. ' ) o'tjl itS to the (1l1alltr of whllt they 1111 ' Illlli the I'Cllsons fo\ ' the excellence
. . : . ' .t:1.\ ; : } . tf' : : . . , ' ' of articles of cxceptlonlll : 111erit , a11l1 who ,10 not lnclt conrllgo to A'O
I. : . . . . . . . . . ; ; :7 : f' . . . ; . ( .I.'f.F I'lsewhero WhCll It denIm' oll'l1's ! an lmltatloll 01' IIny well ) \1\own
? : ; fri. ' : i.Ii \ ll1'ticlc : nt , ullfortmllltol ' , there nro 80mo lleollio who (10 lIot kIlOW ,
( " ' " ' : ; ; : : . : , . : t' < . ' > ' 1\1\11 \ who IllIow thc1l1selyes to 110 hl1l1oSCll UllOlI. 'l'hey CIUlIIot OXllect
' ' " : : : . , ! t/ , . .i' its 111'IIcflciai effccts.if . they llo lIot gct.tllO . gCllnlno l'c1l1C\ly.
It' \ . + . ' , . < 1f : ; ! ; f' .f t' , .tt'r To the crcilit o ( the , lrl1g ist8 o ( the Unltcll States o It Bahl
' " " ' , , , \ \ ; i ( . that ncarly nil of them "nll1o their 1'cll11tatloll for } I1'of08siollnl I
. ,
, . c'j < o - : , . , " " ' . ' ' ' ' : ; : \ I' , : - . \ : , . : ! \ intc rity n\lll the gOOlI will of tholr cIIstomers too highly to olio1' I
' ' i
' . . . . . : J. . . < ; ' 1 ! : ; . f : ' : : if.i \ . imitntlol1s of the
. .1..W 1.ttll 1" : ' ' : ' ' . : : : : , It" I . . . ' . . 't . ; \ ) . ' . . II
' : " ) " ' : , 'I. . \ ift / < \ Genulne--Syrup of Figs
. . . . . . . . , . . . ; . ; ' . . , : , ' , \f. . " . J . ' : : : : " \ )
: : , " . it ; t' Il : , \ \ . ' : : i V : 1II1umfactm'cil llY the Clllll'orllln , l ig Syrup Co. , nml in order to
! 1. '
, " : " ' , , , , . ; " ' ] the gelluino nrticlo 1\1111 to get its IJClloHclnl ol1'ccts , 0110 )1118 )
' " . ; : : " . . . . , , . . , ? il , "i . ; Jt . my . . . .
11Lf' . . . . . . . . . . , j. . , . _ . , , ! ( , ! i . 'o ) . , . : . . ' l . ; . . . " enl ' to 110te , wht'll Im1'chllsln , the full 111\1nO of the C01111Ian.-
l -.l : . . . ; io-v " " , \ir \ , ; . ! 'I " : ; t ; ' ' , ' ; i. < : i ; ' .f , ; ; Cnlifornllt ll'i Syrull CO.-Illalnlj' In'intell 011 the front of every ,
; < : ' " " ' " . . . > GOc. ' lIottle. Ono slzo onlr.
. . 1..j1.4 r : : . ' 'A".f. . , ? llltclmge. } ricc , } 101'
, ' " "
f - , . . . . .fo"J . ' ' . , : . ' . . " . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . " " " " . . . . . t . , . : I : " ' " . . . . . . . . . . .r . ; ' ; . . I
; '
I : : ; ! ; w..1--r'Wlr .
; # Hrl.twJ : i
Lack of desire Is the greatest of
Ten noes are better than ono 110.
-I'rom the Danish.
Deeds are fruits , words are leaves.
-From the French.
An old bachelor Is only the halt of
a pall' of clssors.-Frantlln. ]
Avarice anll fidelity cannot dwell together -
gether In the same house.-Grimm.
A virtuous woman commands her
husbanll by obe'lng : hlm.-1 > lIbllus
Whoever undertatcs ] a tas ] , cl1nnot
repudiate the re3ponslblllty.-Chlneso
Who dangles after the great Is the
last at table and the first to be cuffed
-1"rom the Italian.
No man can escnpo the vitiating ef.
rect of an offense against his own can-
sclence.-Georgo Eliot. .
The 11Ilth of duty lies In what Is :
near , and mea seck for It In what Is
remote. The work or duty lies In
what Is easy , and men seek for it In
what Is dlfficut. ]
Live slowy ] Ir you would live long.
Dadness ] Is selIom ] becoming to the
man who Is becoming bald.
A man's good Intentions are all
right , though they seldom add much
to his Income.
The self-mado man may stili prove
to bo an easy mark for the macblne-
made politician.
' Thl l&Ualnro , ' I
Allr FnnT = EIISE
! L7.lij Ul\I K ( ' \ , , , . Cn , , ' ' . 11'r ll'ackllltC -
Foot . \I AlldreeH , Allen
A Certain Cure for Tlrod " lIot Aching 8. Ohn.lcI ,
DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. 011 every box. LolwyN. Y.
' - - " ' "
'I ' (
I .
. ;
Make your boy's food tasty-Mother-for it has to do some big things.
It has to make flesh , blood , bone and muscle and supply boundless
Energy. Remembcr , tbe boy of today is the man of tomorrow. I .
Don't injure him physically and mentally with
indigestible meats , pastries , rich puddings , etc. , tha.t
net as a drain on his nervous
I ! energy.
I But feed IUm plenty 01
III there Is la " 'he t-ln hr'lI be your hr rt'J Joy-sIrOn ! ! , hr lthy , bright , sm2rt Dnd quick Dt hll ltudles.
You won't have to coax him to eDt It ell her , Motber , tor 111 delicious rlcb f1.1vor wben ealen wllb creun :
: and sugar Is Just what be craves most tor.
Egg-O-See Itceps the blood cool and is the ideal summer food.
Give him some tomorrow-"there Vlon't be no leavln's. "
Prrpared under condillons ot scrupulous cleanliness. .
Enrygroccr In Ihe counlrysells EGG-O-SEE-the whole wheat crreal. It your crocer bas not received
his supply , mall us 10 crnls and his name ( IS cents wCt of the Rocky Mountains ) IIDd we wlll.enII you
a package ot EGG-OSEE : wd a copy ot the book , " .bac" to nature. "
FREE " .back to nature" book
Our book , " .bact ! to nature , " oulllne. a pl n at right IIvlnllnclud-
Inl : mrnus tor 7 d3ys and recipes tor prparlna tbe necessary dishes , based on a
whole wheat diet , wllh sucgetllons tor rothlnl : , calln ! : anil exercise , Illustrated
trom ! Ire , cxceedlncly simple Dnd aUractlve. 1Jy tollowlnl : the precepU ,
abound In ! : and vIgorous health Is sure to resull.
PUblished to Eell at 2S cents a copylhls handsomely lIIuslraled book wlU
be Ql3Ued FREE to nnyone who wrlles , IlIlonl : as this edition lutl. ; Adje
I No. 10 Firat Street Quincy , Illinois
An eminent physician says-that rheumatism is the direct result of improper
eating and may be absoutely ] cured by leaving out your dietary animal foods I
of all kinds an living on cereals , fruits , nuts and vegetables. A diet consisting
of milk and ceren ] foods will cure the most acute { arm of Rheumatism , wbile
those who live mainly on animal foods , cannot escape it.
Is rich In potnsslum and sodium which are the essentials of the diet of personl
with Rheumatic dispositions. 'rhe whole wheat berry being used , the fee becomes -
comes a regulator of the bowels , while the celery acts as a nerve tonic.
Palatablo-Nut'BUous-Easy of Digestion and Ready to Ect
Can be served hot. PUlln It hot oven for It few minutes ; or cook In boiling milk to It mush.
IDe a Packagea For Sale lIy My oflgnaturo B : :
I un olJory qJ % .
AN " , neb lIourlslnul'nt Grocers package 'n . . . - , .
. . . ' . Go.
a. IS lo..vell of' bl't'atl - - 'o.
Dr. Price , the famous food expert , the creator of Dr. Price's Cream Dlklng : Powller Dnd Delicious
Flavoring Extracts , leu Cream Sugar Dnd Jelly Desserts , has Dever een compelled ,
notwithstanding strenuous " 'ood laws , to change any of his products. They have ulwaya
Dformed to tl elr requIrements. : fhla I. an absolute gUllrtlDteo of their quality and purity.
VIA t ,
. Annnal :11 : ' ' . J\ncvnlcn
\ olln I'l'tInj : ( ) anll
I'ruleell\'o Order ur JoIks. at lIonvor tile tHe ! i
JUht'Ih. . . UrulHllslandltalllvuy will eell un Jnl1 l
10,11) , Inelu.lvo. rllllnll-trlJI tlckota to ! Jenrer. I'
Iolor'llio l'rjllll' nlll l'ueblo n ( lxcro < llllilly "
low r.lleh. 'lirkotHIoodtoretllrnuIIIIIAulIlI. : : u. \
For rurthor InrormnUon call on ucaro8 IlIlUl1& ' \
or nd < lrohs . 'f '
S. M. ADSIT , G. P. A. , St. Jo.epb , Mo. .
_ . - , -
- - - - -
GO Bus. Wintcr Whcat Per Acr
TI.t' . . thl' ) lelll oflalt. . . . . . HI'.I ( 'roOK If'brlll Wlntel'
\1'III'at. Il'IIII ! . . In . .tlIIt"r ( n'o 6alnl.lo at j
. .iul'Rlalu'IlIu ur .t\lII\ \ "lIrah. Itu. Uurlu.l'luver. .
1' ' ' " , , ' II" . 1111 , . . . . . . Ihllh. , ' 1'1'1'0' . ' tl' . ror rllll "Ia/ltlnar " "
NIlUCU.II.\Y.K.I.UC".e.Wh. :
; l
W. N. U. ) OXttAIL'NO 26. . lIDO