Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 19, 1906, Image 7
, } ,1- _ _ _ _ _ r".J \ \ JICIIAS. CIIAS. L. SAUER , GRAND SCRIDE . . . . . > . > . . : < . : . . > > ; . . , : . , < . > . < x. . . . . . . : , , : I' ! I , I I , I II I I r , l\ lPERU.NA STRENGTHENS THE ENTIRE SYSTEM. Mr. Chas. L. Sauer , Grand Scribe , Grand Encampment 1. O. O. P. of 'l'e:1ms : , and Assistant City Auditor , writcs from the City lIal1 , lIn Antonio , rex. : "Nearly two years ago I accepted a position as secretary and treasurer with one of the leading- dry goods establishments of Galvcston , ' 1\ox. " The tmddel1 change from a high and dr.v altitude to sea level proved too much lor me and I became a1llieted with catarrh and cold in the head , and genel'lll debility to SUCll an extent as to almost incapacitate me lor attending to ; ny duties. " /was Induced to tr.y PCrlJtla , nnd nfter tnklng se'cral bottles III small doses J nm pleased to say tfwt / was cntlrel ) ' restored to my normal cOlIClI- tlonnnd ! Jave c'cr since rccommended , 'Je use of Perllllll to my friends. " DYSPEPTIC PHILOSOPHY. Most of us have trouble to lend. L < > ve w111 find a way , even a way out. Fortune doesn't always smtle on the funny man. Success Is doing a thing before some r one ell'e does It. Marrlago Is the gateway from romance - " mance to reallt : } . . Fortune never ] mocks at some doors because It can't get b : } ' the janitor. It dOEsn't pay to go entire ] : } ' on th , theol' ' that contrarle : } things go by The woman who dresses better than her friends w111 never bo popular with them. 'l'hosa who have greatness thrust upon them seldom know what to do . , . . \ with It. ' : 'I'he fool and his money are what ] , eep the rest of us from starving to death. " Hlche ! : : have wings , but they are not the 1lnd of wings that are fashionable In heaven. L < > ts of wlvos never understand why their husbands should need any spendIng - Ing money. . Some men are so fond of sympathy that they actually glory In being the under dog. If 0. man would on ] : } ' pa : } ' his debtl ! as promptly as his grudges his credit would be better. When a glr ] begins to ask a fellow } . about his life Insurance , the rest ought tc. bn easy. .J Sacrifice Made by Judge. Justice Homes ] , of the supreme . court , In order that he ma : } ' preserve his mind free from distractions of Information - formation and misinformation that . . . would Impair his efficlenc : } ' and wis- dam as It jurist , does not allow hlm- selt to read the newspapers. DOCTOR'S SHIFT. Now Gels Along Without It. A ph'slctan : sa's : : "Until last fan " I used to eat meat for my breafast ] I' and suffered with f" Indigestion until . . . the . cat had lJassed from the starn- . , . . ach. "Last fall I began the use of Grape- Nuts for brealtfast allli very soon found I could do without meat , for my body got all the nourishment necessary from the Grape-Nuts , and slnco then I 'havo ' not had any Indi. gestlon and am feeling bettel' and have Increased In weight. "Since finding the benefit I derivell from Grape-Nuts I have prescribed r. the food for all of m : } ' patients sufferIng - . , ' Ing from indigestion 01' over-feeding and also for those recovering from disease where I want a food easy to tate ] tmd certain to digest and which w1ll not overt x the stomach , "I always find the results I looe ] for when I prescribe Grape-Nuts. For ethlca ] reasons please omit my name , " Name given hy mall b : } ' Postum Co. , Datte ] Creek , l\I1cl. ] O' Th reason for the wonderful amount of nutriment , and the easy digestion - gestion of Grape-Nuts Is not hard to find. tR\ In the first pace ] , the starch : } ' part . -J \ " of the wheat and harey ] goes through various processes of cooking , to per. fectly change the starch Into Dextrose or Post Sugar , In which state it Is ready to bo easily absorbed hy the blood. The parts In the wheat and barle : } ' which Nature can mate use of for rebuilding brain and nerve centers - ters are retained in this remartnhle ] food , and thus the human body Is supplied with the ] lowerful strength producers so easily noticed nfter ono 'T' has eaten Grape-Nuts el\ch day for a \Veole or 10 da's. : "Thero's a reason. " Get the lIttle boolt , "The Road to Wenvllle. " In pkgs. h . . TIlE SPARROWS' HOUSE BY' JOSEPII DAUGIIER ( Copyright , by Joseph D. Dowlcs. ) There was absolutely no reason why we shoullI move ; wo Were living In an house In an excellent neigh. borhood , Dut Alice , my wife , thought differently , amI as she was bent upon malting a change , I consented on con- ( lition that she should do her own house-lllIltlng. ] "Oh , James ! " she cried , as she met me ono e\'enlng with a I1ve.year ] ease in her hllnd. "I've found such a charmIng - ' Ing little home , an(1 ( in such a dellght- fu ] ] ocatlon ; It's so cultured and re. fined , you know. I am so glad on Henry Jr.'s IIccount , for : } 'Oll know that Henry Jr. Is gottlng on. " The : } 'outh referred to had not turned 14 months. "I leased the hOuse from n l\ ! ] ! ; ! ! . , Smrrow-such ] a sUlerlor womln : ! " continued my wife ; "so milch nice : " , don't YOll think , than rentln ! ! : m these horrid ngents Who w111 neve : , 110 II. thing for 'one wllhuut malng ] a fUS3 about It. 1\1lss Sparrow su's : she couldn't think of giving us so charming - ing a little home , but her sister Amy Is to be married next month , poor girl ! and she , 1\IIss Sparrow , or course , doesn't care to live alone. " I offered no oIJjections , but sllggested that she should write to her Uncle Henry , for whom Henry Jr. was named , anll request him to ] lostpone his visit until we were thoroughly settled - tled In our new home. She Indlgnant- ] y refused , saying that her uncle had grown very Irritabe ] and suspicious of late , and ho might thin ] , we didn't want him , and that she wasn't going to have Henry Jr.'s prospects ruined by any such Insane notions. My wlfe's uncle , an asthmatic , wealthy old bachelor - elor , was strongly prejudiced against mo , because his niece had married me when he had hoped she would nurse him In his declining : } 'ears. The night of the first of the follo- Ing month found us In our new home , and excepting that a shower of prisms foil from the parlor chandelier when I lighted the gas , the evening had , so far , passed off without Incident. My wife's unco arrived In the worst of humors ; his train , bolng three hOllrs late , didn't pull In until almost mid- night. Ho drew back from me suspiciously - ciously when I offered to tale his valise. and glared at me savagel : } ' over his glasses , thoroughly convinced , no doubt , that to a conspiracy on my part was due the accident to his train. 1\Iy w1e , not a little hurt when her effusive greeting met with a rebulY , said she was sorry little Henry had gone to bcd , for she would so lIIe to have her unco Henry see his little namesae.Vhereupon ] he somewhat gruUly Inquired whether Henry Jr. had any Intention of absconding before morning. Crestfallen , and worn out after a hard day's worl , we went to ted , but I had hardly closed m : } ' eyes when 1 felt myself sudden ] : } ' aroused. "James , " whispered my w1e , In trembling tones , "what Is that noise ? " "Only water running next door , " I replied drowsll : } ' , and turned over to sloop aealn. "Water next doorVhy ! , James , It's In this very room. Listen ! " I got up and palny ] ] heard the sound , but couldn't locate It. Hoping to find the source of the noise , I ran a lighted wax taper along the side of the wall ; when I reached a point about three feet from the window - dow I found It as a volume of flame belched torth almost to the ollposlte side of the room. I seized a pillow , and called to my wife for a cork. " 'fake It away for the love or heaven ! " I yelled , as she handed 11Ie a cork , hOdlng ] In her other han l 11 'otte. ! " ! l's gasoline ! " 9hi ) gave piercing shrlo ] " IInJ ! ' : : -Y he IJOttlo and cork out Into the ; : 1I. Artcr knocking over several things In the medicine chest she gave me a rubber stoPIlCr. I drove It Into the aperture of a us } llpo from whlclr the hractet ] had been purloined by the Sparrows , and which they had plugged with wax. The pll- low , In the meantime had caught lire , and while I was trying to smother It my w1e fcreamed again , and this awoke Henry Jr. , who joined In the melee ; this brought down my wlfo's uncc , whom we didn't see until I lighted the gas , although ho haJ announced - nounced hlmsolf by a sneezo. Finally I got things quieted. I didn't notice until the next morning how badly I had been burned. It was after dawn when I was awakened. "James ! get up , quick ! " callel ! my wife. "The room Is filled with smole- the house 12 on fire ! " Amost ] suffocated , I jumped out of bed , threw open windows , IInd grolled my wa : } ' to the ] , ltchen stairs. "Ph'llIS : ! " I yelled at the top or my volco ; "Is there a tire down there ? " "No , sah , " yelle4 back the cook ; "dar ain't no flah ; I wish dar war , but Il's all smow. Drat de 010 stobe ! It won't draw. An' Mars Jeems , dar's a man henh w'lIe 'go , un' ho done turn dl ! watah off In do aile : } ' , ] mBe ho say do watah rlnt ain't. paid , an' how I's tel' glt breakfus wlfom no flah an' no watah , de good Lord , lIe ani : } ' Imow. " We hurriedly dressed , whllo Henry Jr. , having awakened , entered Into the spirit or the affair , and seemed to enjoy - joy It , for ho persisted Inlckln ] ! ; his heels up Into the all' and throwing off his covering. Wo tied him fast In hlg cradle , and then ran down to the kitchen , where we found 1 > 11)1118 In tears. , , - - ' - - - . - - - - - "It are only Ile smoc , l\tl s Alice , . ' explained the cooe , I1rawlng her sleeve ucross her e'es , while my wife , the plcturo , f mlsor ) ' , was genulney ] cry- Ing. "There are draughts all over this hOllse , " she said , shh'erlng as she I1re\\ " her shay'1 arollnd her. "Dar ahl't no draughts In dls heah , ole stobe , Miss Allco , 'deed dar ain't , " said Ph'llIs : , funning the grate with her apron. , "ever mind the grate , Phyllis/ , sl\lu m : } ' ' , viCe , "bllt ml\\O a tire at once In thp 11111'101' . 'rhe IIttio ] 1l'eclous U1- stalr will tnlte his dcath or colli. " And shl1 wcnt UI to Henry Jr. , ] eav- Ing me gazing dejectedly through 1\ broCn ] window out on the raln-soaod ] , nsh.covered landscallO of the Sparrows' lmc ] , ) 'an ] . I was brought bacle to mrselt br mr wife calling mo to como. U1 and un- rope Hcnry Jr. , who was stronuousy ] oIJjecting to his bondnge. Just as 1 hall freed hllll , there came from below an n\\11I1 crash. "llreHH mah SOli ] : " walled I'h'llIs : from the ] 1al'lol' , "It de whoo ] front winder or do parIah stobo nln't 1I0no fall ollt : ' I m.n 1I0wn again , followed by my I 'Ic with Henry In her arllls. " ' -hls Is the last straw , " I mutterell , 10ollng on our now IHlr10r carpet , rllined fore\'er. "Whereare : } 'ou going , James ? " snld m : } ' wife , as I was getting Into my rain coat. "I'm going , my dear , " I re1l1ed ] , "to call , as early as it Is , U1on that Sparrow - row of YOllrs , and twist Its nocle : ' "I beg or : } 'ou-I I1nploro you not to go , James. 1\1lss Sparrow will attend to e\'erythlng , I am sure ; besides , poor : : \Uss Amy Is going to bo married only next month , anll- " llefore she had tlmo to I1nlsh her uncle entered and startled us with a. double sneezo. "Oh , Uncle Henry ! " cried my wife , In great distress , "I know you would take cold last night. You must let me get you something. I'm sure you must feel very bad ; I wlll- " "You may mate yourself easy on that : Ilolnt , madam , " he brolte In. "Dllt before - , . fore I len..e this house or conspIrators I want to ad..lse you to place that child In an n.synm ] where ho will bo prop- ery ] carell for ; while you , madam , . "TAKE 'l'lIE GOLD CUUE ! " lIE SnOUTED. should be confined In some sanitarium And as for YOII , sir , " ho shouted , shal , . Ing his umbrella In my face , "tako the gold cure-the pedge ] would o yo ! . no good , : } 'ou'd only brea ] , It. 'I'alto the gold rure ! the gold cure ! the gold cure ! " lIe slammed the front dool after him , and shuflled down the street While conning these things , Phylll ! came In with her scuttle for a last load. Sha told us she had found an all stove with enough all In It to cook brlafast. ] She hesitated as she added that she had borrowed some water from our neighbor next door , wl10 remarked - marked that we had begun the borrowIng - Ing plan rather ear ] : } ' for so short nn aCful1lntar. e.Ye cOlllmended our cool's enterprise and told her to do the best : : ohe could. And for the next ten minutes we heard her In terms iorclble , If not ] lollte , ] 1Il : } ' her reo ' -'peets - to the stove. llrealtfast WIIS not a sucres : : ! . The coffee was cold , and the chols ] wore garnished - nished with coal oil , the lIa\'ol' at which lingered with me for hours. Dlrectl : } . after IJreakfast I called on the Sparrows , who , while making my compalnts ] , did nothing bllt HuttoI' an chlr1 ] , The elder bird said she cOllldn't alToI'd to spend a cent at that tlmo on repairs. I notillcll her thnt we would varate the house within three days. She Huttered and chirped excltedl , as the : } ' followed 11I0 to the door , and I thought I heard the betrothed Spar. row say something- about damages , though It may have been nothln ! ; more than an InolTenslve twitter. After call1n ! ; all m : } ' old agent. t turned my stelS toward our "now home , " where I met the stove mar who was , for the moment , lea\lng. lh' told mo that he ha ! ! IIxed the par lor stove , but could do nothing with the kitchen range ; that during the summer monthH the sI1Ilrrows muse ha\'o built their nests In the chimney I told him that I hadn't the slight est doubt about It. I\ly wlfo was anxiously awaiting my return. I told her or m : } ' hlHhly satls. factory . . . .Ialt to aliI' 0111 lalll11ord. "PoortIS : Amy ! " moaned my wife. "Alii ] , oh ! : } 'Oll ] 1001' . dlslnhorlle ! ! , lie. frauded little darling , " she nddud , burying hel face In He1l' ) ' .Jr.'s necl\ . On the e\'onlng of the third da ) ' fo ] lowing we were hac ] , In our old home. Last ; 'ttar there Were 31,211OOO ! ot matches Hold in F1'II II ce , bringing Into that natloa's treusllr ) ' $5,21Gt' O , thll being a state monololy ] , . - - . . . . , . . , < " . ' , " " _ _ . : A , , , . ' . . . . ' f\ . v. " iI" " \ : ' : ' : , . \ ) . , i : /.r I I. . . . . . . " ; : , 11ftr/ ; / ; ' HE L AXATIVE OF , r : ; ! A Vi . " : J < jNO LIT . Lt . \ , " , , , , . . . . . . , . . . , " " TN Qur ! II t. , " " ! . . , . . - ! . , . . . . " : . . ' ' . ( .r- . . ' ' ' , i \ r.Jt . , " ' . ' : r' The1'o 111'0 two clnsses of l'emeilles : th080 of known qunl- , , ' ' \ ' ' ' lIencflch\1 in effect , nctlng' . / . . it IIml w11lel1 II 1'0 Ilc1'l11l\ncntly . ii ; ' . . . , . gentlr , in )1 ) 1'l11on ' with 11l\ture , when 111\tU1'O 11cetls nsslst- " " ' . ! " : : " . . . . , N''J. \ ' . G . _ , j : " nnce : 111111 IInothc1' clnss , C0lll1lOSCIl of 11l'CIII\1'ntlon9 of " N' \ . 4 : 'I ' un1mo\\'n , uncc1'tnln mul inferior chll1'lIctl'l' , ncting t11111O- . . . . ; . d\ " ' . / " : : ' ; . ? r.l\rll \ ' , Imt. illJu1'iouslr , US It l'C8ult of forcing the 11lltu1'lIl ! ! ' . Ono of the mm t CXCCIHOIml , of \ ' \ \-1 ; , . > d : : " : : : ' . funcUons m1l1eC Sslu'i1r. . W.l ; : ' -f'I : ; : ; : " " the l'l'lIICllll's of11o'n ) qunHt n11l1 cxcellenco is the 0\01' ' , \ t : ' - ' , ' 4 = , . ' 1' , 111cnsnnt S 'l'UII of l jgs , mllllllfnctlu'cil llY the Cn1ifo1'llht ! . . - S ' ' Co" which 1'clIl'esents the ncUvo 11rinclilies of \/t \ : ' . . Fig 'I'UII " " :1 \ .0 , ; , , . ' . ; ? ' Illnnt81OWI1 ) to IIrt most 1II'noncinl1 ' , in It } llcnI1nt ! ! B 'rUII , ! ; ' ' in which tllO wholl'somo CIlHfornilln 1I1uo : figs nl'O u8el1 to con- { > > { - : : . . \ ' 1\1j \ ' .f r ; ' ' ' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' tllel1' 1'ich , 'et deBclttc , fl'Uit ' 111\\01' . It. ia the l'CJ1wl1y : < z' , / . ' , tr.l1mto . . > .J : : { J , r.j'lt . : ! . 'f . . lJj.t't l ' / { ' : , : / : : : . . 3 ; of nil rC111ClUcS to swcetclll\lulrl'fl'c8h nUll clcl\nso the systcm . 'j ! ' { ; ' < : . : " \ : ' ? .1i . , , ' . ' . . " : 'll g-ent1 nUll lmhn'nllr , nml to nsslst , ono ill O\'orCOl1lhl cO lsn- ' ' ' ' J _ ' ! : ! . ' : ' / IHltion IlUlI the )111\11 ' ills rcsultlng' thl'1'0 I'0111. Its l1eU\'o 111'1I1ci- I ; : ' : ; . 'I . : ; : : .1l"l' : : , { I1Ull the ' ; ' ' , \ i : " . Ji' , : . { : " . iI' I'i i } llcs 1\1111 quality 111'0 known to IlhY81emns gcnerlllly , . . 't . . .r. " . ) . , ' . . 'Il ! ; ( ; ' : " ' . I-/ : : : : { ' : ' ! l rCl1IcII ' hns thcreforo met with their 1111111'Oynl , us well ne with . : ' . : : : : \.t _ rf : Aj.l . : . : : ' ? . ' ) /hf the I'Ol' of 1lInn ' millious of w'l1 infor.l1Icll lle1'Solls who know ' , . . / : of thcll' OWIl Ile1'80nnl ) mowlcl1go 1\1\11 \ 11'om Ilctul\l experience ! . l\/i . " . ' i . , . / , . : ; \ ' ; _ . ' ' ' , cxcl'llcnt , lnxativo l'clIIClly. Wo 110 not clnlm thut most ( 4i i % JZt < 'J'j 11111.t it Is It , . : /i . _ . " / : " , " . ( ot. . < : Ilt l ' : : ' /.I i . .t ; : 1t , will cure Ullml\1l11Cl' of ills , lIut 1'CCOlIl1IlCUll it for wlllli. it 1''l1l1y . ( l ; : : ' ( i ; ' l. . .1"S ; , rCllrcscut s , It Illxntiyo 1'C111cl1y ot' ) mown qllullt.y nnl1 excollencc , ' f : " J.l 4f. cOIl nilllng nothing of I1n olljeetiounllio 01' injurious clm1'l\cto1' . . . .Si.'fi'i ' : : .I ( . , . , ' , f' , , lj.r' ? $ , / fJff hero 111'0 two clllsscs ot' 1I1u'clmsc1's ; these who 111'0 inforlllcil r..I ; . . . . . , . ; . . . . " ! 'fJflfJ. ' ) o'tjl itS to the (1l1alltr of whllt they 1111 ' Illlli the I'Cllsons fo\ ' the excellence . . : . ' .t:1.\ ; : } . tf' : : . . , ' ' of articles of cxceptlonlll : 111erit , a11l1 who ,10 not lnclt conrllgo to A'O I. : . . . . . . . . . ; ; :7 : f' . . . ; . ( .I.'f.F I'lsewhero WhCll It denIm' oll'l1's ! an lmltatloll 01' IIny well ) \1\own ? : ; fri. ' : i.Ii \ ll1'ticlc : nt , ullfortmllltol ' , there nro 80mo lleollio who (10 lIot kIlOW , , ( " ' " ' : ; ; : : . : , . : t' < . ' > ' 1\1\11 \ who IllIow thc1l1selyes to 110 hl1l1oSCll UllOlI. 'l'hey CIUlIIot OXllect ' ' " : : : . , ! t/ , . .i' its 111'IIcflciai effccts.if . they llo lIot gct.tllO . gCllnlno l'c1l1C\ly. It' \ . + . ' , . < 1f : ; ! ; f' .f t' , .tt'r To the crcilit o ( the , lrl1g ist8 o ( the Unltcll States o It Bahl ' " " ' , , , \ \ ; i ( . that ncarly nil of them "nll1o their 1'cll11tatloll for } I1'of08siollnl I . , , . c'j < o - : , . , " " ' . ' ' ' ' : ; : \ I' , : - . \ : , . : ! \ intc rity n\lll the gOOlI will of tholr cIIstomers too highly to olio1' I ' ' i ' . . . . . : J. . . < ; ' 1 ! : ; . f : ' : : if.i \ . imitntlol1s of the . .1..W 1.ttll 1" : ' ' : ' ' . : : : : , It" I . . . ' . . 't . ; \ ) . ' . . II ' : " ) " ' : , 'I. . \ ift / < \ Genulne--Syrup of Figs . . . . . . . . , . . . ; . ; ' . . , : , ' , \f. . " . J . ' : : : : " \ ) : : , " . it ; t' Il : , \ \ . ' : : i V : 1II1umfactm'cil llY the Clllll'orllln , l ig Syrup Co. , nml in order to ! 1. ' , " : " ' , , , , . ; " ' ] the gelluino nrticlo 1\1111 to get its IJClloHclnl ol1'ccts , 0110 )1118 ) ' " . ; : : " . . . . , , . . , ? il , "i . ; Jt . my . . . . 11Lf' . . . . . . . . . . , j. . , . _ . , , ! ( , ! i . 'o ) . , . : . . ' l . ; . . . " enl ' to 110te , wht'll Im1'chllsln , the full 111\1nO of the C01111Ian.- l -.l : . . . ; io-v " " , \ir \ , ; . ! 'I " : ; t ; ' ' , ' ; i. < : i ; ' .f , ; ; Cnlifornllt ll'i Syrull CO.-Illalnlj' In'intell 011 the front of every , ; < : ' " " ' " . . . > GOc. ' lIottle. Ono slzo onlr. . . 1..j1.4 r : : . ' 'A".f. . , ? llltclmge. } ricc , } 101' , ' " " f - , . . . . .fo"J . ' ' . , : . ' . . " . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . " " " " . . . . . t . , . : I : " ' " . . . . . . . . . . .r . ; ' ; . . I ; ' I : : ; ! ; w..1--r'Wlr . . ; # Hrl.twJ : i SAID DY THE SAGES. I Lack of desire Is the greatest of rlchcs.-Seneca. Ten noes are better than ono 110. -I'rom the Danish. Deeds are fruits , words are leaves. -From the French. An old bachelor Is only the halt of a pall' of clssors.-Frantlln. ] Avarice anll fidelity cannot dwell together - gether In the same house.-Grimm. A virtuous woman commands her husbanll by obe'lng : hlm.-1 > lIbllus Syrus. Whoever undertatcs ] a tas ] , cl1nnot repudiate the re3ponslblllty.-Chlneso Maxim. Who dangles after the great Is the last at table and the first to be cuffed -1"rom the Italian. No man can escnpo the vitiating ef. rect of an offense against his own can- sclence.-Georgo Eliot. . The 11Ilth of duty lies In what Is : near , and mea seck for It In what Is remote. The work or duty lies In what Is easy , and men seek for it In what Is dlfficut. ] DROKEN OFF SHORT. Live slowy ] Ir you would live long. Dadness ] Is selIom ] becoming to the man who Is becoming bald. A man's good Intentions are all right , though they seldom add much to his Income. The self-mado man may stili prove to bo an easy mark for the macblne- made politician. II I I I , I ' Thl l&Ualnro , ' I oI'EE Allr FnnT = EIISE ! L7.lij Ul\I K ( ' \ , , , . Cn , , ' ' . 11'r ll'ackllltC - Foot . \I AlldreeH , Allen A Certain Cure for Tlrod " lIot Aching 8. Ohn.lcI , DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. 011 every box. LolwyN. Y. ' - - " ' " 'I ' ( , I I . / . ; I Make your boy's food tasty-Mother-for it has to do some big things. It has to make flesh , blood , bone and muscle and supply boundless Energy. Remembcr , tbe boy of today is the man of tomorrow. I . Don't injure him physically and mentally with indigestible meats , pastries , rich puddings , etc. , tha.t net as a drain on his nervous I I ! energy. I But feed IUm plenty 01 Q III there Is la " 'he t-ln hr'lI be your hr rt'J Joy-sIrOn ! ! , hr lthy , bright , sm2rt Dnd quick Dt hll ltudles. You won't have to coax him to eDt It ell her , Motber , tor 111 delicious rlcb f1.1vor wben ealen wllb creun : : and sugar Is Just what be craves most tor. Egg-O-See Itceps the blood cool and is the ideal summer food. Give him some tomorrow-"there Vlon't be no leavln's. " Prrpared under condillons ot scrupulous cleanliness. . Enrygroccr In Ihe counlrysells EGG-O-SEE-the whole wheat crreal. It your crocer bas not received his supply , mall us 10 crnls and his name ( IS cents wCt of the Rocky Mountains ) IIDd we wlll.enII you a package ot EGG-OSEE : wd a copy ot the book , " .bac" to nature. " FREE " .back to nature" book Our book , " .bact ! to nature , " oulllne. a pl n at right IIvlnllnclud- Inl : mrnus tor 7 d3ys and recipes tor prparlna tbe necessary dishes , based on a whole wheat diet , wllh sucgetllons tor rothlnl : , calln ! : anil exercise , Illustrated trom ! Ire , cxceedlncly simple Dnd aUractlve. 1Jy tollowlnl : the precepU , abound In ! : and vIgorous health Is sure to resull. PUblished to Eell at 2S cents a copylhls handsomely lIIuslraled book wlU be Ql3Ued FREE to nnyone who wrlles , IlIlonl : as this edition lutl. ; Adje EGG.O.SEE CEREAL COMPANY I No. 10 Firat Street Quincy , Illinois CAUSE OF RHEUMATISM An eminent physician says-that rheumatism is the direct result of improper eating and may be absoutely ] cured by leaving out your dietary animal foods I of all kinds an living on cereals , fruits , nuts and vegetables. A diet consisting of milk and ceren ] foods will cure the most acute { arm of Rheumatism , wbile those who live mainly on animal foods , cannot escape it. OBi PRICE'S WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD Is rich In potnsslum and sodium which are the essentials of the diet of personl with Rheumatic dispositions. 'rhe whole wheat berry being used , the fee becomes - comes a regulator of the bowels , while the celery acts as a nerve tonic. Palatablo-Nut'BUous-Easy of Digestion and Ready to Ect Can be served hot. PUlln It hot oven for It few minutes ; or cook In boiling milk to It mush. IDe a Packagea For Sale lIy My oflgnaturo B : : I un olJory qJ % . AN " , neb lIourlslnul'nt Grocers package 'n . . . - , . . . . . ' . Go. a. IS lo..vell of' bl't'atl - - 'o. Dr. Price , the famous food expert , the creator of Dr. Price's Cream Dlklng : Powller Dnd Delicious Flavoring Extracts , leu Cream Sugar Dnd Jelly Desserts , has Dever een compelled , notwithstanding strenuous " 'ood laws , to change any of his products. They have ulwaya Dformed to tl elr requIrements. : fhla I. an absolute gUllrtlDteo of their quality and purity. I LOW RATES I TO , COLORADO VIA t , GRAND ISLAND ROUTE. I. ; . Annnal :11 : ' ' . J\ncvnlcn \ olln I'l'tInj : ( ) anll I'ruleell\'o Order ur JoIks. at lIonvor tile tHe ! i JUht'Ih. . . UrulHllslandltalllvuy will eell un Jnl1 l 10,11) , Inelu.lvo. rllllnll-trlJI tlckota to ! Jenrer. I' Iolor'llio l'rjllll' nlll l'ueblo n ( lxcro < llllilly " low r.lleh. 'lirkotHIoodtoretllrnuIIIIIAulIlI. : : u. \ For rurthor InrormnUon call on ucaro8 IlIlUl1& ' \ or nd < lrohs . 'f ' S. M. ADSIT , G. P. A. , St. Jo.epb , Mo. . _ . - , - - - - - - GO Bus. Wintcr Whcat Per Acr TI.t' . . thl' ) lelll oflalt. . . . . . HI'.I ( 'roOK If'brlll Wlntel' \1'III'at. Il'IIII ! . . In . .tlIIt"r ( n'o 6alnl.lo at j . .iul'Rlalu'IlIu ur .t\lII\ \ "lIrah. Itu. Uurlu.l'luver. . 1' ' ' " , , ' II" . 1111 , . . . . . . Ihllh. , ' 1'1'1'0' . ' tl' . ror rllll "Ia/ltlnar " " NIlUCU.II.\Y.K.I.UC".e.Wh. : ; l W. N. U. ) OXttAIL'NO 26. . lIDO