'I , \ . _ . . r 1 I _ SOMETHING DOING IN THIS VICINITY , An Epitoll1e of Personal Affairs and Local Events During the Past Week. - It . Grant 'l'urnbull , of Dunning , . . was a city visitor Tuesday. , ' ' 1'0111 Co ay , of West Union , , , 'f was a city vbitor Monday. Mrs. 110uts lcit . . , csterday . . morning on it visit to 13rownlee. Unclc 'rhos. Laughorn , of New Helena , vu ; a city visitor Mon- day. . I 'rhis locality was v sited with . about au inch of raiu yesterday afternoon. J. M. Knox , five miles south of town , reports a good rain Mon- da ) ' iorelloon. . . P. ' G. Green , of Clear Creek , was'a husiness caller at this office Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. 'rurner left Tuesday for Denver on a sight sedng trip of a couple of . ' weeks. , Jas. McWilliams , who has been at St. Joseph Mo. , for the past four months returned home 'l'uesd a ) ' . Jas. Haggarty , of Sargent , was a city visitor yesterday. He was lIaccolllpanied by C. C. liardner. 'I'he 1I1s1c \ " Chronicle states that fourlccit citizens of that , vicinity drew claims in the Crow . rccrvallOn. : 'l'l1c calls for republican county - ty convention and for a number of precInct caucuses will be found on the last page of this paper. Reserved seats for the State Normal Male Quartette can be had at thc P. O. 'store for 35c. Monday evening , July 23rd is the date. . F. 1\1. Hublee returned from California 'l'uesday , where he i , f has been for several months. I Mrs. Hublee and son returned , with him. J. B. Smith , of Merna , made th is office a friendly call yester- ay. Mr. Smith has just completed - pleted a new frame house on his farm , cast of Merna. J. N. Bidenour , of Merna , was ) among the social callers at this \ office 'fuesclay. lIe reports crops J fine in his locality. 'rhe acreage of winter wheat is large and crop fine. " . n. T.J' Nicholas and A. Hollen- heck , of glk Creek , wcre in the city Fridav transacting business with the county board 'l'ney remembered this ofiice with a social call. The baseball tournament to be held at Merna the 2nd , 3rd nd I 4th of next month will surely attract - . tract a large number of persons. . to tllat hustling burg. l ead ad vert setttent on 1st page. J Thc G A. H. . mcmorial er- vices helll at the Preshrterian church last Sunday was largely attended. Hon. Jas. White- hcad's eulogy of the late l { , J . Glass appears in this is..ue. . . Joe IIaefelc , of McKinley , is building a fine residence of cement - ment bloc1 < s. Mr. IIaefele has heen buying all the land adjoining - ing him for several years past to malte room fot' his stock and we are pleascd to learn that he now finds himself able to build himself - self and family a comfortable home. 'rhe Commercial club , of Omaha - ha , will ! ; end a" ( 'rade Booster" excursion into this section , July 25th to 28t'.1. 'I'he excursion wi11 arrive in Broken 130w from the west 9:18 p. m. July 25th. 'rhe desire is to meet as many of the business men as possIble and . . form their acquaintance. They ( have written J. Ii' . Baisch to or- , tIcr supper for them. 1i'rank Walton , of Lee Park , was a social callcr at this ofiice last Friday. He informs us that Ii' . E , Delano , pf Myrtle township - ship , has becn prevailed upon to he a candidate for representative to the legislature. Mr. Delano is one of the substantial farmers of his locality and is very popular - lar among his neighbors. . , \.l \ ( . . 'rhis is the season of the ' year when the .farming commu'nity have but little time to visit the city. 'rhey are busy laying their corn by or harvesting their grain and only cases of nccessity cause them to stop their work. Some Qne of the womcn of the famil ) ' brings the cream to town and procures the needs of the table and men do not quit their fiehls. 'l'hey have the rural mail deliver } and the telephone by whiclJ means they keep in touch win the world at home. . ' ( ' ' : . . . : . . . . . 'I' , , . , The ball game between Merna and Broken Bow stopped yesterday ' on the fifth inning on account of I' the rain. 'I'he score was J to 0 in favor of the home team. G. T. Hobtnson has sold his farm , south of tOWII , to Chas. Cunningham , of the eastern part of the state. Mr. Hobinson is to give possession the first of next March. Consideration $25 an acre. I , Geo. Papineau left Monday oa : a visit to his old home inVis - consin , where he has fivc brothers - ers alld four sisters. It will be his first visit in twcnty-five years and hc cxpects to be gone four weeks. The democrats of Brokcn Bow township will hold their township - ship caucus in the court housc Saturday , July 21 , at 2 p. tll. to elect delegates to the county con- vention. See the call in this issue of the RJWUBI.ICAN. J. G. Brenizer and A. R , Chris- man have been appointed delegates - gates to the Farmers National Congress by Gov. Mickey. This congress will be held at Rock Island , Illinois , beginning October - tober IJtll. 'l'he governor has appointed about 150 from Nebraska - braska , and the two abov'e named arc the only two sclucted from Custer county. U. B. Church serces next Sunday as usual , Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. 'l'he pastor will preach at Custer Center next Sunday morning and at Fleming Valley in the after- noon. Young People's meetin in the cvening followed by preach. ing. Bros. Wimmer and Hyatt will lead the Young people's mee ing. All are invited to these serVtces. During a base ball game last Sunday on Ash Creek , Theodore Johnson was struck in the forehead - head with a ball bat and rendered - ed unconscious. 'l'he bat slipped from thc batters hand. 'rIle young man was brought to the city whcre he ha been under the care of Ur. Talbot all week. IIe is now on a fair way of complete recovery. A party of Broken Dowites , consisting of Hey Walker , James Wool , Geo. Bush , Will Kennett ) " , R A. Hunter and Nels Lee , jonied with II. McClellan , of Alliance , a 13urlington H'y lass- enger conductor , and went to inspect - spect a minc three miles east of Hills City , South Dakota , which they have purchased. There arc now ( 'It'vcn share-holders and as soon a : : > eighteen the required number , arc secured. an organization - tion will Le effected to be known as the nolc1 Metal Milling Co. Mr. Walker says the ) have ' ccrtainly secured'a valuaule pi ce of mining property and if there are any citizens who desire to get in on the ground Hoer wi th a good thing , here and now i < ; the place and tunc. Geo. Papineau informs us that the finishing touches arc being administered to Nels Lee's residence. This is one of the finest residences in the city. It has 11 rooms bcsides closets and bath room. 13esidcs the Lee residence he has buill this season a house for Mrs. Nellie l\1anluis , four rooms with ten feet posts , and one for John 'l'urner , four rooms , 12 feet posts , and an ad. dition to his own house lRxlS with 10 feet posts. IIe has two orher houses to build , one of which is for W. A. Crisp on the West 'rabIe , which will be huH' by his men while he is away on a visit to his old home. 'rhc other is a $1,700 house for l\1rs. Beck , sister of Mrs. Hunter , which he willluild on his return from Wisconsin. President Cornett , of the Broken - ken Bow Business College , has already enrolled oJI ) students for the college. 'l'he prospects arc that as many more will enroll before the close of the first term. IIe has employed A. P. Vannice to teach in the Normal depart. ment. l\1r. Vannice is a young man of tine attainments and h well eCluipped for that class 01 work. Miss Jennie Dubry , 01 St. Paul , will in all probabilit ) assist in the short hand depart. ment. She is a lad ) " highl ) : qualitied and has the experiencl to make this departmcnt a sue. I cess. The upper story of t1H : Watts building has been securec' for the school. It will be equip ped with all the necessary furni ture and parphanalia required fo the comfort and convenience 0 the school. . . . . . . 'T . . ' ' . . . . . _ . , J. E. Iszard has leased the new hotel , Hencaui he will take charge August 1st , I Jesse Gandy has bought the 'l'eagarden rcsidence property , north of the conrt house. Consideration - sideration , $3,500 , ' 1he H.m'un. I.ICAN is pleased to welcome Mr. Gandy back to Broken Bow. lIe is full of entarprise and will prove an important factor in building up the cit } . . Married. IIALT.-GUSTAPSON-July - ' 0 ( " at 'rhedford. H. B. Hall and Miss Minnie Gustdson , both of this city. 'rhe bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Gustafson , who reside on a farm three miles south of the city. : : ; he is one of Custer count's I popular school teachers and en- jOls the esteem of a host of fnends in the vicinity where she has grown up. ' 1'he groom is a cigar malccr by trade and has been a resident of Broken Bow a number of years. I li'or the past two years he has been associ.lted with the llroken Bow Cigar Factory , of which he has charge. lIe is an industrious and highl ) " respected young man. 'rhe HHl'UlII.ICAN joins with their many friends in extending I congratulations and wish them' ' many > 'ears of happiness and prospcnty in their matrimonial career. Their plan to surprise their manv friends was very success- full } : accomplished by their going to'l'hedford Nebr. , where they secur d their marriage license and had the ceremony performed as the fact did not become l < 11own here positively until last week. Bu t their effort to gi ve the seruade party the slip will in all probability be but tcmporary as the bO5 avow that they will not escape when they move to city. _ _ Tent Meeting. We received a postal card from Rev. C. 1\ [ , Kelley , too late for publication last week , stating that a tent meeting would commence - mence at Berwyn , July 11 , to continuc to the 22nd or longer. Services each evcning and three services Sunday. The meetings to be unilcnominational. 1'he meetings are in charge of ] lder J. 1' . I\lcCracl < en , C. 1\1. Kelley and wife. . - - - - - - Mora Railroad New. . A report is curren tat tb is place to the effect that the Union Pacific grading gang will be brought here , and that work on the grading of the K. & B. H. extension will begin within thirt ) " days. It is stated as a positive : . truth from a party who sa"s he has it from inside information , that just as soon as the StrotUs- burg l111e is completed the graders - ers will be rcmoved here and work cOtt1menced.-I.Joup Valley Queen. .y A Birthday Party. On last aturday afternoon , Miss Josie Epley , entertained about 20 of her young friends at her home , it being the occ lsion of her eleventh birthday. The children had a good time playing games and were servcd with ice cream and cake as refreshments. A large number of dainty and appropriate gifts were received. Iectric Lighh , A recent report of the Seward I lcctric light works says , although - though it has heen but tw years since the electric light plant has beed under ltIuncipal control , it has provcn a valuable investment for the cit ) " . * * * 'rJt Blade says that the plant is more than its ' . ' { 'he paying wa ) number - ber of customers has increased since March I , 11)05 , from 20& to 312. 312.The The total expense of operating the plant for the year , inc1ttdiug :53,482.11) : for material was :57,57.02. : ' 1'he receipts for the year was SI0h50.1I ) . 'rhis gave a surplus of $3,074.17 In addi. tion to this thc material in stock invoiced $594.54 more than ilt thc beginning a year previous. In figuring everything the report shows a net prolit of 3,114.0 l. Democratic Timber for Congreu , 'I'hc Lincoln County Journal in discussing the available men in the Sixth Congressional district - trict for congrcss mentions the namc of W. U. Eastham , of Broken - ken Bow. 'l'hc democrats : : ould , . go much farthcr and do much worse than to choosc Mr. I asth- man. He is one of the dcmo. crats of the county who has becn loyal to his party. Lightning Strike. Price' . Darn. During the storm Monday fore. . noon , John Price , six miles wes1 o.f the ity had his barn struck hJ 1 Itghttt1ng and burned to th ! - ground. In addition to the ban . \ four sets of harness and aboU' r t wen ty head of hogs and tIlt f mow full of hay were burned I Small insurance , . . . , . . . . - - . . . . . . - . . . . To Teacher. . 13y instruction of the State Superintcndent an examination will be held inllrokcn Bow , July 23 and 24 , for all who wish to pass in any of the studies re- quirccl for a State Professional Certificate. An } ' who arc interested - ested can obtain more detailed information by calling at this office. H. 1\1. PINCKNIt\ ' , County Supt. Pop Corn Wanted. Several hundred pounds of shelled and fanned pop cent wan ted. Bring sam pIc to Iht- l'UlIIICAN ofiice. . . - - - - - - - Strayed or Stolen. White pointer bitch , with black face and cars , four years old. Iliberal reward offered. tf W. ] . 'l'AI.Jlo'r. _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . t.I x y aUSINESS POINTERS. x J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf Let us be ) 'our printer. 'l'hc good kind of printing' only. Drs. Farnsworth & Heck- Dentists. li'or bargains in real estate see : Bowman & Anderson , just west of the Security State Bank. 10tf See those Perpetual Carpet Sweepers at Konkel & Mullins. 1 < " 01 { SAT.It-Eleven and half lots , 50x140 feet , Good frame house , good barn , good well and 100 b aring fruit trees. Enquire at this office. 17tf - - - Let us be your printer. The , : : -ood kind of printing only. Konkel & Mullins arc agents for the Standard sewing ma- chine. Call and see sample at their furniture store. Cltf HOUSH Il0R HHN'I'-Applv to John Bailey , south ide school. 6 1i'01 { SAI.It OR THADlt-A good steam , Case threshing machine , complete and ready for use. Will trade for stock or sell on reasonable terms. Inquire at this ofiice. Cltf Los'r-A pair of new gore ) ' linen pants , iu Broken Bow , Fri- da ) ' , July Mh. The finder will , be liberally rewardcd by leaving : them at this ofiice. 5.6 W ANTI D-Men , women , boys and girls to represent McClure's Ma a ne Good pay. Addre3s 67 East 23d St. , N. Y. City. 34-tf. F01 SAT.H-A neW' house , 24x26 four rooms , within two blodes of the square. Inquire at this. . office. 42tf : -F rnished roolUs to rent. Bath in connection. Enquire at the Rm'uHI.lcAN ofiice. 44tf Dr. 'r. W. Bass : , dentist. Office over McComas' drug store. Phon\ < ) ( , . - - - Doctor Leach , Deutist. We have in stock all ldnd of screen doors and windows , the best in the city . , call and inspect them. 41Jtf nuU\s LUMIIJtJ { & COAl. Co. Hotel property for sale or trade for stock , cbeap if sold at once. : Doing good busincss. My reason - son for selling , I am city marshal - shal and can not attend to both. Address , C. E. CI.ARK , Cario , Neh. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Those of our readers who arc interested in Bn iness Educal10n should send at once to the Grand Island Business and Normal College - lege of Grand Island , Nebraska , for free circulars. This school is one of the largest and most successful - cessful in the United States and is just now making a special afTer to young peoplc of limited mcans. Students arc not required to pay any fe s until they l1ave time to graduate amI secure positions. We undcrstand a number from this county will attend. - - - - - - - - - - - - ' [ 'here will he a great Chautau- qua at r..exington this year- July 28 to Augnst 5 , inclusive. Captain Richmond P. Hobsolt , De Witt Miller , Dana C , Johnson , Opie Rcad , Ii'ranlc R. l obersolt , li'ather Nagle , 'I'he Barbour Concert - cert Company and many oth rs \ \ ill he there. Particulars and iltustrated prospectus may bc ohtained from the sccretary. Charleg Ii' . . Horner , f exington , I Nebraska. 5-7 - - - - - - - - - WAN'l'HD--Gcntleman or lady . with good refcrence , to travel by rail or wi t h a rig , for a firm l of $550,000.00 capital. Salan' r U,072.00 p _ r year and expenses ; I salary paid weekly and expenses I advanced. Address , with stamp. l Jos. A. Alexander , Broken Bow. > R. B. Mullins , M. D. , D. D. I S. the Dentist. 37tf , . - - , . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - : Ne' . and Second. Hand Furniture ; ' . Flour and Feed Store. " . , \ . to notify on1' man customel'S that we ha C odded to 0111' stock of flnrdware 011 kinds of Nails , Staple and Smooth "Wire. . . . : ' \Ve also have 1\oson City fiud ICCfil'IlOY flour , : the best that con be had in the stote. . . . . , . \Ve always have plenty of feed and baled hay. ' ( toods delivcrlHl fnw to any Imrt of the city. \Ve repair furnit11l'l\ and frame I > ietul'es. J' . - vSCCr , . . . - - - - I " r ; - QH p ; ; l , - . PI OPHIE'rOR I f\1 RY'S n1t : 8 I . LIVERY and I L ii' . ' . . FEED BARN i ; ' ' . EAST OF GLOBE HO'1'EL. li RClllodclcd 11\111 rCJ > II1rcllthrol1 hol1t. Good li\'cry rigs nl rcn'Sonn"l 'rl\hl.\l I I , & ) Accolllodntion for cnttle 111111 rlll1Hc horRcs. lln } ' I\t 110011 , lO'CCl1tRnlldl\ : } ' , . j 8 15 ccnts ; o\'cr night , 35 ccnts , C tll n'l1lSCC 1h . .r . . : . . . : : " . : . : . ' . ; . . " " /'IO'r.J"Q".r.r..r..of , , ; . ; ; : . . , - - " ' - - " . ' J L. E. COLE . - . . , . . , I ' licensed Einballllor " . , , : . ; and Funeral Dire tor.'I . : . . has just received a largo stock of undertaking' " goods.rl.'his is one of the most complete stocks of undertaking goods ever brought to ] 3rokmi Bow. 1'hcy are located in the Cadwell building. : on . li'ourth avenue. , I , . Parties wishing anything in this ' . line are rcqlH sted to call and j' : ' , . . inspect goods and get prices. ' ,1. . ' " 1i'01 : first-class wo 'k in underI ' . ' .i ' call. and . . ' . takl11g 01' nmbalmlllg . \ "I. . . , . , . see me or phone. f" . 'j. . . ,1' . . . ' Pholle Numbers : Oflicc , 7 7 ; nesiden e" 3. , > : . I , ' . " , . CANYON HRD ; I I , . : . - OF . , ' i I 1 DUROC JERSEYS : , ; : \ . Eight miles west of Brokcn Bow. RESSE & MOOREHOUSE , - _ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ i < . , . . . . ' : t _ . _ . . ' " " . ' / , . lI" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . , - r ' 11 ! > i' < " . J/O : ' : ' .J : . l' . " . ' . . . ' , . : ' . I' : . ' . ' .I..J.I. , r..n. , ' : " .r'o\ . . . . . . " . . ' " ' " ' . . J ' . . . . . .Il.'t. ; : . : , . . . . . . . , . Jr. . " " . : : : " , > . . _ .Ja. , . .nl..It..oIri.1 , . . . . : . : ; : rl"'fr'J'f ; ; . . . . 'r. . . . . ; ' . . . : . : . . . : . . . . . . ' . . . . . . , , , , , "fij t { ! ftt When c1esiring to figure on a bill . ! 'i'l ' 1 . . ) : , ; r , ; ' 0 f L U1tl 1 ) er ca 11 on t1 Ie. . . . . . . . . . " ! . r : i : f'Jt' : 1":7 : : , C. L. 1 umer Lumber Co.1 ; f : . ; Wc carry a full stock < ? f T utltber. 7. Sash , Doors , Moulchngs , etc. Ji : ' 1 Agents for the Nebraska Central I ; J & T.Joan Association. . : ! f Building , lb. ' . . . . "O.l . : . . . : . ! . . . . : , ' . . : r : . . . . . . . . . . ; , . . . . ; . . . : f. . . " : . . . . . : . . ' ' . . . . " . "f. . . . . 'r-t . . . . . . : , , ! : " : . " ' . . : , r . : ' . ; , . : . . . : . . : ; : . . . ' . . . : f. , ' : : . : . . , . . . . . . . .1ifrit.a . , . . . . . . . : . - . . ) j.c.d..tl./ . . . 'ILJ . , " , _ : ' : : ' ' " . : , l..n. .c.OJI. . . . . ! . . " < ; . ; ; ; . . .Jl..n. : , . . _ ; ; ; "rJ ; . . , . " fr..if - . . . . , : ' . --1 . . I . " ' . . . . ' 1' ' . ' ' . . . . . - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - ; . , . . . - . . . . If you are loolung for the . . . . .uahty of , ' Lumber and Building Malerial . : ' for the T east Monev let us figure on your bill. 5 Wc always try to please. H. T. BRUCE Jcy CO. outh Side f4umber Yarll , Br l\Cn Bow , Neb. . . . . . . . . . . . mQ."t."ttl = r1 g'Z\ . ' " ' : - _ , . . , . . . _ , - . " " : , , . , _ . . . . - " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' _ ' ' _ _ l. : ' ' ' . . ; : , , IN.'C : : , cil } , ti : : . * ti : . . . ( ' 1 ' , ; : 'r : . . . - ; . . . . = : t : . ; : , 'ti , C = 1 i ' 1 ; : : :1C ; : : ' i ; * " tf"\1 ! , J ! W BOWMAN & ANDERON ! . " , i . are dealers in Beal Estate of al kinds. . WE 'We will buy or sell. Don't fall to see .1.\ ffl liS hcfore you bu ) ' or sell. We can do ' ; JOu good. Collections made and insurance - . . . . . ' ance written. li'anns rented and taxes paid. See . . /J. us for farm loans. Come in and see us. . " . " " , . . ! BOWMAN & ANDERSON & " . . ' . . . . - - - . - . - _ . _ . . - - - - - - -