. NEBRASKA NOTES - MISCELLANEOUS MATTERS IN THE COMMON WEALTH. ABSTRACTS OF THE ASSESSMENT Eleven Counties Have Thus Far Made Returns-A Paeklng House for Be. atrlce-Other Nebraska Matters Here and There. LJNCOLN-'rhollgh the stnto hoard D [ cct..lmllzn.tlon dOCR not meet. until 1ho Ui'.rd . Mondny In , Till ) ' . eleven cOlin' tics 1111VO nlrendy returned ahslrncta b [ IlRscssmont alld hy the latter pnrt of JIUIO It IR holloved nCl\rl ' all of the counties will ho III. Of thORO rocclvml by the secretal'y of tJro ! cIlnte bonrd , Furnns cOllnl ) ' showB the In.rgost In. ( .renso , $258'li8r , ever the nssessllIen t or 'Inst yem. . So fILl' not enollgh COIIII' Uos hn.ve reported to munlwlny I < lnd of nn accurate nstlmato of what Iho to. tnl asst'sBlIIont will be. 'fhe hlCl'enso In most caseR will bo In noW personnl IIrollorty dllE ; UII nnl ! In Ihe I1npro\'o. mellts on rel11 estnll' , I1S the IlSleBS' ! ment o [ real ontalo mallo In lJO-l ! stands ( or fOllr ) 'ear , The rnll1'Oul ( pro(1erty ( , with the cxco1ltlon of the In. crenso or $ OGOOO on the Union Pacific. will not. Incrcns lho grand ILSseHS' ment roll. I1S the hoard returncd this elMs of pruperty ILt the same vnlllo as IllSt yenr. The addition of the Oreat Northern clltoJrr odds some ' 300,000 to Iho grnnd tolal. This hns J10t . horel.oforo been assessed. Heports from out III the stnto Indl. cato that CO\v. protcsts are hmng made by taxllayers ever the IlSlieSSl11ent , and this Is'talton as nn Indication that Cew objections wlJl bo made beCoro the state hoard oC a3sessment. Some re- blarks may be made to the board to "ocuro an Incl'clLSo In the assessment oC some oC the counties. but It Is Il11.rdly IIroballlo that anr countr will Rsle ( or a roductlon. Lnncaster couu. t ) ' wilt llrohn.hl ' try to get Dougln.s 'count ) ' business men Incronsed , ns the Commerclnl clllb of this city Is of the ollinlon , n.rtcr n.n Investigation or the Omaha II.SeSsment , that t.he county board lhero failed to prollerly appro. tIBtO : what Omaha merchandise la re. nllr worth. Two New Buffalo. DOHCHESTJm-'I'ho Gilbert parle on Turlwy Creele , south of { own , has two recent nddltlons of rare Interest : two ) 'oun/ / : full hlood hurCalo calves. They Bre this 'ear's 11loduct : of 11. herd 1 ( ) f four old Indlvltluals oWIled ror many } 'ears hy 1\It' , , John GHbert , who keeps 11. free porle where ho .has a dozen red deer alld thirteen sl11endld , American wailltl , or genernll ) ' termed ell : , some Angorn. goats and wild flquatlc few ] ! . , Thill 11l1rle covers n. I good sized trllct of Ilatlve prairie nnd 01'est where the anhna1s nre very much at 1101110 , and show Ull as In the wild stato. The door nro qulto Inter. estlng 'just now from the fnct that they are shedding their antlers. the now ones on several of the wapiti are just In the velvet. Church Howe's Art Purchase , Church Howe of Nehraslm , Amerl. . cnn consul general nt Antwerp , wns : the purchaser of the largest and most \'alunblo painting ot the seventy.threo 10ft by the celelnated : artist , Andre Phunot , at 11. recent snle In Antwerp. The vlcturo wns" Imown ns "Crossing the Drlage" ( In the Ardennes ) nnd will bo brought to Nobra.s1m by Mr , Howe when ho returns , The Informa. tlon was contained In the European .Express , 11. paper published In English nt Antwerll , J. G. Lang Goes to Manila AgaIn. MADlS N-J. G , Lang , who served with the First. Nebra.qlm In the Phil. 2pplnes dut'Jug the Spanish-AmerIcan wnr and has heen In the mall servlco at this l11aco the pas I. fO\11' } 'eara , re. elved notlco from Washington of his appolntmont to a ! Iosltlon In the Phil- Ipplno department service. He has cle. chled to accept and will sail for the islands n.bout August 1. The position pays $ J ,200 per 'enr. om n Saved Against Her Will. NOHFOLK-1\1rs , Chm'leG Eblo , a widow of three weoles and mother of fifteen children , h'led to end her lIfo b ) ' drowning In the NOl.th ForIe rlvor , but was rescued , though roslstlng , by . .John King , n colored man , who chance -cd to bo fishing a few Ceet f'Om the 1)laco where 1\1rs. Eblo went Into the rI01' . Struck by Cars. PLATTSMOU'l'J\I-Jolm llajecl. , an old rosldont of this clt ) ' , was strucle b ) " Missouri Pacific lJassenger train 8nd Instnnl1y lrillod , At the tlmo of the nceldont the ullfortunnte mun was crossing the tracle with wheel bar. . . , row and Cnlled to hear the allll1'oach of the train. . Fifty Dollars a Month and Extras. I will glvo for 11. man of gooll char. , _ cter as my ngent. Either salesmnn 1armer , m'erchant or banleor mar all I , 111) ' . Wl'ltO Locle Dox 1521 , 1..lncoln . ; . "Nobraska. , ) \ . Lincoln Is After Omaha , " LINCOLN-Tho huslness 1110n 0 : Lincoln , so It Is roported. aro01'3 milch exorcised ever the nssessmeUi .of Omahn. Ilrollert ) ' nnd ther will , 11 . Is nsserted. go before tho" stale boart ' ( .and see that the assessmenl. Is In - < : rcl1sed , The bllslness men sent 11. 111al to 0111aha to 1001. 0\01' the nnEess \ . mont. aud ho r01lOrted Omahn was no } near high onollgh as C011111UI'ed wItl the Lincoln morchants. Lnucasto . couuty will 800n huvo Its report filel : with the fitato hoard of oquallzatlon 1 Jjhowlng n substantlnl Inereaso. \ r " ; " OVER THE STATE. 'fho I1nto for hoMing the Sheridan cOllnly fall' 11.1. Gord.n hns been fixed f SOlltomber 26 , 26 nnd 27. Ourt cOllnty will have speelnl 0100- lion to vole on the quesllon of IsslIlng bonds 10 build 11. court llouso. The Ilwelllng hOllso of , r. T. PeteI'll , nealrlce , WI1.E1 Rtrucle bJ' lightning and bUrllell 10 the grollld. together with Its contents , 1\IIsR Hnttlo Lillie' . elected state )1l'cslclent ) of the P . O. at Blue l IlI recolved an ovation on her retllrn homo to Genem , Sheriff Gillan of Sownrcl county ar. roslel. ! a presulJlcd horse thief hut found out later that the slI\I\loled \ \ horse thloC was lunatic , The totnl nSRt'Rsed vnlllalion of the personal llrO\l'l"ty \ of Sarpr county , ox. cluslvo of railroads , telephone and tel. egraph , this ) 'ear IR $ .108,80J. ! Last real' It WILS $43J,31 ! 0. An abstrnel11f the n.sHesfmr'R return ! ; oC Cedar county shows the actual value oC )1ersoual ) property aB being $ I , G < i4 , . G81i ns cOlllparell willi $ .1,843,800 In l101i ! end $ .IJJ3,400 ! In 100-1. Mr. Nicholson , head boolelccoper of the Amol'lcnn neet r5ugn.r company In Graud Inland , will leave In II. ( ow dn.ys .for Madison , Wls" to join t.ho sugar compnn ) ' of that city In a lIIco cn.pnclty. Corol1Cl' Armstrong was caned to Dellovuo to taleo cha1"go of 11. dead hody floating In the MissourI rlvor. The body cOllld nol. bo hlonllned. having the elothlng 11.1\ \ stripped off nnd beIng so long In the waleI' . l\lIIco \ Morrin , 11. resident or Cnss county , reported to the )1ollco ) In South Omaha that ho had been slugged by unlmown llllrllos amI robbed of $ G5 and 11. , : ; old watch by 11. couple of now. ly.found friends ther. : > , AI. Falrnold fund hn.vo been sub. scribed nnd organlzn.tlop completed for 11. farmers' elevator and grnln company , with H. E. McDowell as president : D. W. Cam"bell. vlco president ; E. T. .Cowen , secretILr ) ' and F. T. Swanson. treaRurer. At Sown.rd WllIlnm Wilcox , thirty. fi\'o years old , applied to the county jUdge for 11. IIcenso to marr ) ' Grace Seaman , 11. girl of fifteen years of ago , .Judgo Lcn.venl3 refllnod to .Issuo the IIcenso on Ihe grounds that the girl was too ) "oung to marry. While ho and nn el11plo'e at the 'farlor rauch In Hall connty were tryIng - Ing to teach II. broncho how to wear II. bridle , a halter rope hroleo with 0. snl1.)1 ) and flew with great Corco Into I Ir. Fngan's face , lH\dl : ; burning the , flesh and InjurIng ono e'e , WIlliam Dltllng , 11. Gage county bor , was imdlr cut and bruised n.bout the bOdy whllo leading a cow. Ho had tied the rope around his w\lst and when the nnlmal started to run ho I was unable to 1"ele:1so : himself. Ho was dragged about 100 ) 'ards , Within the past two ) 'ears Friend has expended In ( 'hll1'che ' nlono upward ot $35,000 , as follows : Catholics. $18.000 : Congregationalists , $5,000 : Daptlsts , $5,000 : Methodists , $6,200 : German l\retholllsts \ , $1,000 , The Methodist church was dedlcatCll Juno 17. Survo'ors'ho 11.1'0 . worl.lng on 1'11111'0\11 : line west of Fremont are now In Colfax oount ) " about ten 1I11les north of the line of the Union Pacific. the IIno holng IL straight ono from where It leaves the northweitorn corner of the town , are abollt ten miles northeast - east of North Dend , .md an equal dls. tanco southwest of Scribner. Leavitt Is passed nhout 11. ml\o \ to tllO north. At Fremont. JUdge HOllenlJOck do- elded the dl\'orco case of Corn G" KoU agalnat Rov. J. I. . , KoU In fa\'or of the pln.lnllrr , awarding her the custody of tholr children. The court rovlowed the evhlenco at some len th , He hold that. the ovldenco sustaIned the plaintiff's chnr es of cruelty , Rov. Ken Is In good standing In UIO United Drothron church. At the mass meotlng held by UIO clt- Ihens of Seward at the court house , laRt Thursdn ) ' night. In regard to the nurllngton loavlng Seward four or fi\'o mlles away f'Om the main IIno of the I railroad , S"OOC 1CS were 1I1ado and 1\ commltteo of nine on conferrIng with the railroad ol11clals was appoIntelt. The Den\'er & Omaha railroad , which Is RUp\1oBe1 \ ! to ho lho Rocle Isln.nd , Is IIIwlr to como tllt'tlllgh Seward soon. Ord ' 1I1.S n candlllnto for a Carnoglo medal. A 3.'ear.old son of Nols Johnson - son CeU In an old well nearly sixty feet deep. Ho was caught b ) ' 11. plat. fern , heforo reaching the water and hohl therobr till Daw IInrrls , who Is worldn for Mr , Johnson , loweI'M n rope ! lnd climbed d\vn , Ho put the child on his shoulders and climbed to the tOIl , using the rope and gottlng an occn.slonal foothold on the rough sldos of the woll. A ga.ng of worle1l1en were put to work In.st weele on the changes to ho mndo In the Durllngton yards at Ashland. The first work to ho do no Is the 1'0' moval of 11. largo hill sonth of the sta. tlon and the oxtenslon of the yarls to 11. (1Istanco of a mlle with added traele. ago. 'l'hls will ho followed hy a com. plete change In all the servlco build. , Ings , the moving of the present sta. . lion to be used as a frolgTlt : IOUSO the ' , creation of a new passenger depot , antI the buildIng of a subway , Storllng Kn ) ' , the 7'ear.old son of t 1\11' , n.nd Mrsr. , John < : ny. was Ilrownod , In the J\ehorn \ river whllo fishing for l minnows with II. dllnol. 'I'ho bo ; , ' lost his balance and wont Into twentr feet \ of wator. , . Jn.mos Wlltso of Rule was llclccd by I \'Iclous horse and \orhalls \ fn.tnlly In. jnred. ,106011h McDnnaltl , who lives two mlles south of that. plnce , wns Idcl\od dl : tJctlr over the heart also whllo nltcJ.Dl'tlng' to lead II. vicious horse frol11 the harn. It Is thought that . three or four ribs are broleon and his Injuries muy termlnatc ratul ! ) ' , . . . . . : 'I. ' . _ - - - MAP SHOWINO LOCATION 0 F INDIAN RESERVATIONS TO BE OPENED TO SETTLEMENT. . . . . 1 : ) ? - . : > . . > " . o w Chtiye- L _ The Shoshone or Wind rlvcr reserva- , Uon Is in Wyomlni : und contains about 6.600 homesteads of 160 acres each : I whllo the crow lands are In Montana I and wll : accommodate about. the same number Registration officers for the Crow . _ u - : I Innds were open from Juno 14 to June 28. while the Shoshone reservation reg. Istratlon wIll be fr0111 July 16 until July :31. : The Shoshone drawing will talee place at LandaI' , Wyo. . August 4 , whllo the Crow drawing occurred at DlllInas. Mont. , July 2. CHOLERA PEST BREAKS OUT 'IN PHILIPPINES I DISEASE IN MOST DEADLY FORM REPORTED FROM ISLANDS- -FORTY-ONE VICTIMS THUS FAR. Manlla.-CllOlcrn of 11. virulent trpo has broleen out among the natives of 1\Ianlla \ and Jurrouncllng provinces. Four AmerIcans In Manila have been strlcleen to date , and there has been one death of an AmerIcan , that of Charles Sheehan. Twenty"ono cllSes and 16 deaths were reported Tuesday. The provinces report 26 cases and 25 deaths. The dlseaso Is ono of the most deadl ) ' type. The suburbs near Fort l\IcKlnle \ ) ' have been quarantined. There has been one death Crom cholera among the soldIers , that oC a cook , Christian G. Dwight , of company C , SIxteenth Infnntry. The health bureau Is tnlelng every precaution to prevent the spread of the disease. A cIrcular has been distributed nmong citizens , warning them of the danger and requiring that precautions bo taken. While the sItuation Is serious - ous , the health officials do not loole for an epidemic of great proportions. The greatest dIfficulty Is experienced In getting natives to report cases of lclcness. The Filipinos Cear the I health officials and conceal clLSes frol11 them , To this cause Is assigned the aprend of the disease. Former Outbreaks. The last outbreak of cholel'a. In the Phlllppine Islands occurred In August , 1905 , when , from August 23 to October 14. 713 cases and 553 deaths were re- ported. But the outbreak of 1905 WILS insignificant when compared wIth that of 1902 , when a total of 130,363 cases wore reported and 82,955 deaths were known to have occurred. But , It WILS I stated nt the time , that the actual ! . number of deaths WILS probably 20 per. cent groater. During the epidemic of 1002 the populn.tlons of 111any of the towns were heavily reduced through deaths and the filght of the panlc- strlcleon poople. l\1any \ of the dead were loft unhurled for days , In spite SAYS THAW MUST WAIT. - - District Attorney Jerome Will Show No Favoritism In Matter of Trial. New York. - With the return or DistrIct Atlonley Jerome from his vacaUon In the country the In\'es- UgaUon Into the ' ! 'haw-Wh\lo \ trug- ody was gl\'en renewed Impetus Monday. Attaches of the district at- torney's office hud been engaged In whipping Into shape the Inormatlon concerning the case alrend ) ' at hand and ever'thlng was In proparatlon to be submitted to the chlor Ullon his arrival. District. Attorney Jerome . .aid that Ulere would bo no speedy trial of Thaw. During the summer vacation thel'o were only two pnrts \n the general s sslons court In Res. lion and 1\11' \ . Jerome belloves thn.t to put a murder trial , which would prob. ubly last two or three weelts , In the talondar would bo unfair to at. least 50 or 60 lIeI' cent , o [ the other prls. oners who hnve a prior claim to hn.v their CD.BOO settled. Cn.nndlUls Dent Drltons. Henley , England.-Tl1o Argonaut. ! ( Canada ) beat FIrst 'frlnlt ) ' . Calli' rldgo , Monday , In the Ilrst heat fOJ the grand challenge cup. Argonaut ! won al tel' 11. magnillcent race hy 11. bat' ( 16n th. TIme. 7 minutes 20 seconds. - - - - - - - Ate Poisoned Ohlclten. CoI.bus , O.-Thlrty-two lloopio who alO pressed chlcleen sandwIches 111 the Ladles' Aid llclet ) ' l11enle at Jor. Dme W J'6 Iloisoned. 'I'ho cl1lcltons werc AlIo ' d to stand two dara In tin re. oeptn les before It was consumed. , of the onorgotlc steps taken by the government to combat the spread of the dlselLSe and to care for the sick and the dead. Surgeons and modlcmes were sent to aU parts of the Islands , and natives were compelled to adopt sanitary precautions. Cholera , In a slight form , Is epidemic In tht ! Philippines almost every year , but thn sanitary education of the nn- tlves by the American authorItIes Is gradual'y ! allevlatlng the conditions , and the 11recautlons tnken by the medIcal - Ical authorities , blLSed on past experiences - riences , arc regarded ILS being equal to uny strain which may be placed upon them. ELEVEN MEN KILLED BY CARS Loosened Drnkes Permits Coal Carrier - rier to Speed Down Inclined Track and Spread Death. Altoona , Pa" July 4.-A runaway mlno car , fl'lng lIlco the wInd down a mlno branch track that rnns from Puritan to Portage , just beCore mid" night Tuesday. reaped II. Crlghtful harvest - vest of eleven men Idlled and several Injured. The car had been left stnndlng near Puritan when the mines closed , and some mallclous person loosened the brakes and permitted the car to speed down the sharp Incline , The disaster happened on what Is Imown as l\Iurtin's branch , a stretch of tracle Cour miles long that acts ILS D feeder Cor severnl mines that are lo. cated between Portage and Purltnn , The car was stopped one mlle west of Portage , but In the short space ot three miles olo\'en mon were Instant. Iy killed. 'I'ho car crashed Into 11. number of cars standing on the track and wa wreclwd , 'fhe accident Is ono of the most pe. cullar t at over occurred In tbo his. tory of railroading In this section. Moro lives hn.ve been snuffed out al one tlmo upon the railroad , but no\el have the deaths been so evenly dls trlbuted. Lllco a juggernaut , the wildly movIng car exacted Its toll of death o\'ery few hundred feot. FIRE RAZES NOTED CHURCH. - - Great Tower of St. 1'trtchnel , at Ham. burg , Germany , Falls-Four Men Killed. - Hamburg.-Tho great church or St. 1\lIchael , with Its tower dnd spire 42G Ceet high , was destroyed by fire Tuesday. The tower In falllng cru hed severnl neighborIng houses and they caught fire. Four workmen who were repairIng the church were lellled. When the tower fell the many thou. sands of spectators uttered In\'olun- tary cries that , together. sounded lIIee a \'ast sigh. 'rhe flames then blew U(1 fiercelr and began to spread tCJ adjoining houses , ' 1'ho fire department - ment finally succeeded In obtaining control of the fiames. The church was one of the cltY'E object of IIl'hle. It was largely of hrlcle and was erected 011 the slto of the ancient church which was hUrned t In 1750 as the result of helng strucl < by lightning , Army Ofilcer Ends Lite. Mllnlla.-I.l ut. 'l'all1l1adgo II , Brerc. ton , or the Second Illfantr ) ' , cornmll. ted bucIlo ! ! b ) ' shooting hhniolr 111 thE head at the Arm ) ' ulld Navy cluh , 11 Is belloved that nr t waR committed while he WIIS tomWJt' lrlly Immne , . Tl'olley Cnr Dernollllhed , Now Alhany , Ind-AII oluctrlc CI1I of the IlIghlullfl olwlrlc IIno ) llungec over nn omlmnklllulil : m Cuut high MOil , ) day Hlit1 IIvo IIIUlMOIlIOr were Injurcl . NOllo of the IJIUlIIOIIJors lire fatnU3 hurt. ' 1'ho car wus demolished. , . . . - s GOVERNMENT RU CHEAPLY TAWNEY T LLS WHAT MONEY 18 USED FOn. Statement negardlng OongroSlllonal Approprtntiotul 111 Ml1do Public. Wallhlnglon.- esenta.tlvo Taw. noy. chnlrmln of the hou80 com. mlttee on approprlnUonB. hIlS propnrod ( I. dotalled otatement concerning the Appropriations Cor the flscal year bo- , , ; Innlng .July 1. 1006. mnde by congrollll during the session just closed. In which \10 \ claIms Ihat. the per capltn. cost or the [ 'overnl11cnt of the United 8tn.toll , mcludlng federal and state. Is lcss han In au ) ' [ ; uropean state. Mr. 'I'awne ) ' enter ; ; u)1on ) an nnnlyalq o show the yarlous channels Into which the lolnl appropriation of $880.- 183a01 will be dIverted. He boglns by eductlng $130,45G,41ti pro\'lded for the i 'tlnkln Cund , the Panamn. canal , ote. . I . 5howlng that the renl approprlntlon tor the conduct of the government for the fiscal ) 'ear Is $740.72G,886. To meet thlll 'lemnnd he estlmales Ulat the total revenues ( customs , Internal nnd post- l ) will be $781,573,36.1. . The appropriations IlS mn.de In the vnrlous sU1 > pl ) ' bills are as ( ollows : Agriculture , $0,032,0.10 ; n.rmy , $71.- 17,15 ( ; : dlplomntlc and consular , 3- 01,004 : District of Columbia , $10,138- ! . 1iJ2 ! : fortifications. $5,053,093 : Indian , 'O,2GO,400 : legls1ntl\'e , etc. , $29,741,019 : . . . mllltnry Ilcademy. $1,664.708 : nn. . . , . 102,0i1.j50 ( : pension , $140,245,500 : post pffice , $101,695,999 : sundry civil , $98- 0.74,574 , Total , $672,087,734 , IsthmIan canal deficiency bill. $11.- 1)00,000 ; urgent doflclency. 1906 and prIor years , $16,270,332 ; urgent de - 'Clency. ' adlltlonnl , 1006 and prIor 'Years ' , $274,0251 ; deficIency 1906 and prIor Yl'nrs. $ l1,57aOR9 , 'fotul regular annual approprfatlons. U40,076,320. Grand totnl regular and permanent annual proprlatioDB , $880,183,301 . , The aggregate approprIation Is $60- POOOUO In excess of that Cor last. year. Of the varlol1s increases , that of $3- 050.21 0 Is made on account of meat. In- ' 3pectlon : $1,420,533 on nccount of the army ; $068,046 , to carry the now consular - sular Inw Into effect : $1,734,970 on account - count of the navy : $1,905,400 on 11C - count of pensions : $10,673,005 on account - count of the post ol11co dopartment. of which $3,030,000 WILS for rural 'froo de- livery. Of the approprIations made. about $31,000,000 was unestlmated for. I cl ded In this list were the followIng - Ing : $10,250,000 carrIed In the statehood - hood act ; $1,000,000 for arming and equipping the militia , $2,500,000 on account - count of the earthqualcc and fire at Snn FrD.I1clsco , $500,000 on account ot the new quarantine law. $10,231,600 on account of public buIldings. , THREE KILLED BY BLAST. : Exposlon of Gas in Mine at Keystone , W. Vn. , Cn.USOII Death-Sevel'al Men Missing. Keystone , W. Va.-As the result of 11. premnturo explosIon In amino here throe mon were lellled out. right nd a number are still missing. ; Bud Meadows , Edward Howard and William 1\1ahon were passing through an entrr , which had been abandoned for lOme time , when the glLS Ignited trom their lamps and all three were Jdlled. A number of men in other parts ot the mIne were Injured , prob- nbly fatally. The force of the explosion WILS terrIfic - rIfic , and severnl of the parties formed tor the rescue of the ( ew miners Im- prlsoaed were ov rcome by gas. This Is the fourth explosion within a year In the Pocahontas l1elds. Panic Under Circus Tent. Aurora , IIl-Ten thousand people were thrown Into a wild panic FrI- Iay art01noon durIng the performance - ance 01 Rlngllng Bros. ' circus In this city when a violent and sudden wInd t'torm 'partly wrecked the main tent. Swinging quarter poles , lIfted from the ground by the swayIng canvas , mewed down people In scores from their seats" Ono man was Instantly lelUed-a cripple , who WILS unable to save himself-another mnn died ot rlght as he hurried from the scene or terror with his family , and seven per- lions were Injured , Match Hend Ignites Powder. Corry , Pa-Whllo cleaning a to7 pannon In his 110royard WIUl his two children about him , Irvin 1\Ianloy \ was f.Jurned by II. powder oxploslon Monday and the two boys , ten and eight years I old. are In a critical candltIon. A enn of powder \"n.'l stn.ndlng near the trio I f\nd the head of a match flew err when It WILS strucle , falUng Into the powder. Mr. Manley had his hall' burned err , the ho's' Caces were tilled wIth pow- I dol' and they sustained severe burns. Dank Is Closed. Homestead , Pa-Tho Corelgn bank of 1\1. \ Knscmar Co. ( ailed to open Its doors Monday and nearly 20 Oexclted r foreigners gathered In front. of the , bank clamoring f01" their money. The I 1l1leg (1 ( disappearance of the eashle ! ' and a reported shortage of from $7,000 to $12,000 0.1'0 given ns the causes fro the suspension , Freight Trains Collide. : \Iobllo , Ala-A rOb'1llar nnd an extrn frleght'trnln on the Mobile , Jncleson & Kansas City rullroad mot , collided hend-on Monday two miles south or , Newton , : \ijss , . stllllShlng both engines and Itllllng the two firemen. Houses Tumble Into River. Imlll'rlal. ' : Cal.-At Mexlcnll. a total of 26 hOuses , mainly adobe. have tumbled - bled Into the New rlvor to dato. 'I'he river Is slcadlly rIsIng , reaching on toward Cnlexlco , Merchants are be. J.lnnlng : to leave , . . . . . . . . . . . WAR FOR BRITAIN ENGLAND MUST PREPARE FOR CONFLICT SOON. THE SITUATION NOW IN EGYPT Sensational Speech In Parliament by Sir Edward Grey-Attnck on Brit. Ish Officers at Tantab Was Not Ac- cIdental. - LONDON - Parllam mt and the \ r country were gl\'en ( I. surprise by 11. tk > i Iensatlonal ! speech by Sir Edwn.rd'f. ' . . . 1 Groy. the foreign secretary , on the . situation In Egypt. An Interesting debate on Corelgn nffalrs had been an. tlclpated when the house of commons too Ie up the foreign estimates. but on account of Russia and the Congo rather than Egypt. Olher subjects , howover. were temporarily shelved when the h01lso renllzed the momen. lous character of Ell' Edward Orey's dellveranco with regard to Egypt. " Spealclng In n solemn tone and amid 11. ten so silence , the mlnlstor declared that the receut allaclts on DrItish om. l I , cers at 'ran tab were not accldenln.l , ) l but a dellborato mnnlfestatlon of the , . . fanatlcnl spirit which had ne essltated' the strengthenlg of the garrIson in ' Egypt. and declared that unless the l' authorIty of Lord Cromor and the gyptlan government WI1S strongly . upheld it might lead to fl situation requirIng - quirIng the adoption or stern moas. 1 ures. If With regavd to the proposed visit of a Drltlsh fieet to Cronstadt. tho. the ( orelgn secretary sad ho Celt as. I sured thnt th\ > . . central govenlmont of Russia WIlS n'llUlOr aware ot nor had ? connived at the recent unCortunato occurrences. No interference from the outside would strengthen a reform party , but rather reactionarIes or rev- olutionists. ' As II. DrlUsh fleet was In the Daltlc j last year and had not visited Russian . ports It would bo romarI.tLQlo if a. fieot : should not do so thIs year. Ho hoped - the usual civilities would 110 oosorvea. The fieet would go entirely without reference to Ruhsln.n Internal affairs. \ It would bo imposslblo to maleo n. . change now without giving rlso to the suspicion that Great Drhaln was talc- ' Ing sides. The vIsit would be In n. frIendly spirit , to pay compliments to. Emperor NIcholas and th& Russian na- tion. Sir Edward said he could not ImagIne - j - Ine the Russian parliament InterpretIng - ' Ing the visIt as talt1ng sides. Roosevelt and Bry < tn Invited. DENVER-Invitations were extend. ed to Theodo"e Roosev ( lt , presldont of the United States , Ilnd William J. Br'an to allend the sixteenth nnnual convention < , f the Internntlonal League of PreC3 Clubs , which w1l1 l meet In this city from August 27 to , September 1. 1\11' . Roosevelt is being } : urged to attend not as prosldent , but " as an author , and Mr , En'an as an , editor and publisher. Peace for Little States. t/ " \ + I W ASHINGTON-Agah : the United ( 'j States wIll probably figurc as 11. peace- maker. Guatemala and Sah'ador are making oyortures for the arbItratIon of their troubles , resulting from the alleged activit ) . of Sal\'ador In support of the revolutionary movement against PresIdent Cablera of Guatemala - mala , and It Is llkeI } ' that the United States wIll bo selected us the country In which the board of arbitration will meet. _ { , Travelers Wal1t President. NEW YORK-WIlliam Hogo. presl- : lent of the Commercal ! Travelers' AnU.Tnlst. leal1uo ; , has sent a letter to President Roosevelt aslclng Mr. Roose- \'elt to preside at the reception to bo r' tendered WIlliam J. DrYltll In this city upon his arrIval Crom Europe enrly In September. CHOLERA IN ITS WORST FORM Twenty.three Deaths Reported , with Twenty.nlne Cases In Manila. W ASHINGTON-Tbo War depart : mont was advlsod of thp vIrulent outbreak - break oC cholera In Manila. For the weel { ending July 4 there were 116 cn.ses and 99 deaths. For the twenty. tour hours ending at 8 o'clock on the morning of July 6 there were twelve cases ! lnd five deaths In the provInces. During the sarno period In Manila there were twentnlne cases nd twontr.three deaths. Corporal Commits Suicide. JUNCTION CITY , Kan.-Corporal _ T. Redder of Troop A. ThIrteenth ! cavalry , stationed at FOlt Rlloy , committed - mitted sulcldo 111 this city. WIth n party of soldiers ho came to town from the post to hear tl10 band can- Ol't In the city parle , n.nd during tile 'ast selection plared b ) ' the band ox- cllsed hlmsolf from his comrades , waneed up to the light near the band. sland In front of the largo crowd. , lrew II. revolver and blow his brains out. Ho died Immediately. Ho was twelve yuars with the l ngllsh army. New Star In Flag Next Year. W ASHINGTON-Aflor consultation - \ between Quartermaster Gene1'l11 Hum- phre's and Admiral Cowles , chief of the equipment bureau of the Navy de. partment , the two Omt'Ors who are chargell with the maldng nnll IssuIng of the natlonnl fiags to the army and' ' narespectlvoly , It has been do. -Ided that the ndmlfslon Into the mlon of states of Oklahoma shall bo recorded Ilf the nddltlon of a star rn i the blue field ot the flag 111aced at the lower "rlght.hallll corne. . , It wIll first 'd . , . 1 appear July 1. 1907. 1 " . " 1