Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 12, 1906, Image 3

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    , I
, r Paooed the Meat Inopcdion , Railroad Rate and Pure
: Food Bills at the CloseuMan > ' Important Measures
J l , Become LawsuMost Notable Session in Last .
:1 : . . Quarter of a Centu 'Y.
WaHhlngton. - Congress completed
. Friday the execution of Its legislative
programme and adjourned Saturda ) ' .
On the eve o [ adjournment the dlt-
ference between the house and senate
on the important bills pending were
adjusted. As a result of the action
taken the Collowlng measures were.1ald
beCore the president for his approval :
The railroad. rate act.
The agricultural appropriation bill ,
I 'includlng the meat inspection ameml-
The pure Coed act.
I . The president signed the rallroud
t ! rate bllt at 11:45 Friday night. It Ioes
Into effect In GO days.
' , \ New' Epoch in Leglnlatton.
f' . . . . . ' . 1 Had I10thlng else been done this con-
f' ess these measures would stand out
t IlS monuments to the pre3ent nll.tlonal
ndm1l1lstratlon. In emphatic manner I
they mark the beglvnlng of a new ;
( Jpoch In Cederal legislation-govern-
mental regulation on corporations and
the hn'ocatlon of the police power. so
to spook , to stay the hand of private
( greed and proteot th pocketbook and
lth and general welfare of the
: : : : .ss
" In the end the house has had Its
way mostly rcgardlng the rallroad rate
bill. 011 pipe lines remain in the 'meas-
ure as common carriers , but the com-
m\lI\ty \ provision of the b111 has been
flx d < :0 as to make the prohibition of
nn aUlance between transportation
nnd production apply only to "railroad
companies. " The rallroads cannot own
coal mines or transport their own
l products , but Standard 011 and the In-
dependnt 011 companies can pipe their
own product. 'fhe senate yielded on
this point because the house refused
to give In by an overwhelming , 'ote ,
nnd olherwise the whole b111 would
1111"e died.
Tillman contented himself
' with u severa "roast" of the Standard
011 Infiuence , and then as the one In
f charge of the measure voled to accept
the conference report. The senate
: : gained n. part oc. . its contention In a
I readjustment of the anti-pass feature
of the b111 which prohibits free transportation -
portation to everyone save certain
excepted classes , including railroad
employes and their families , and the
officials , attornc's , surgeons. etc. , of
the companies.
House Victory in Meat Bill.
The meat legislation was a complete
: victory for the house. The senate
ngreed to the conference report and
the house CormaUy ratified It. There
were two points In controversy-the
payment for Inspection service and the
QuesUon of putting dates on the labels
of cans and packages of meat prod-
ucts. The government will pay the
cost or Inspection , Instead of the pack-
ers. Dml labels will not require the
date of Inspection or canning of the
In announcing the failure of the sen-
nte conferees to win on these disputed
volnts. Senator Proctor said the bill
nccompllshed a great deal. Inasmuch
IlS It provides for thorough Inspection
of all meat products and the sanitary
regulation of pacldng plants , and that
t\ the conferees felt they could not lose ,
l i' ' , r everything by holding out for distinctive -
tive features which the public would
not oceept. He paid his compliments
to the paclters In strong terms and
charged them with having engineered
the fcheme that created sentiment In
favor of making the government pa '
the coot of Inspection. other senators
entered their protest against the con.
troverted provisions of Ule measure ,
but finally the conCerence report was
, In the house , acceptance of the report -
" port , vas a pure formality. One 1m-
' " J. . portant new feature of the measure
as It passEid both houses is an added
I . npproprlatlon of $900,000 to the $3 ,
000,000 for inspection provided In the
house amendment. This was brought
' about by combining the amount orig ,
, fnaUy approprln.ted to the bureau 01
animal Industry Cor Inspection undOl
the old system with the new perma.
I nent appropriation.
Pure Food Bill Critlclsed.
. : . The conference report on the purE
food bill was adopted by both housef
without any change. In the oplnlol :
of Dr. Wile ) ' and other officials of tlH
' ' " ' 'I' ngrlcultural department , It Is a gOOt
"t''I' l measure as far as it goes , but l\Ir
\ Mann , of Chicago , who had charge 01
the conference report , says that It Wal
not as good as had been hoped for
It Is weak In that It docs not provldl
a standard by which drugs , foods am
drlnlts can be measured to determ\IH \
whether lhe ) ' comply with the law
That Important question Is reCerred tl
the courts , which under the bill as I
will become law must add to thel :
already great burden the conslderatiOi
of cases ral1lng the Issue as to wheth
er certain articles of food or drug
contain harmful Ingredients , are mls
f t branded or because of their labels vlo
late the pure food law.
Clmal Type Is Fixed.
With the adjournment of congres
' \ . It Is possible to make a survey of th
' .
entire field of Important leglsllltlo :
enacted during the session. The'thre
most pI'omlnent measures alread
have been reCOl'red to , and their gen
eral pro\'lslons are we1l known to th
country. Next In point of Interes
" j . perhaps comes the Panama canal ac :
The houle first declared In favor ( J
J. the lock canal , by provldlnl : that n
, > .
, Ortion of the mOD' ! , aDDroDrlated I
the sundry civil bill should be expended -
pended on a sea leyel project. A majority -
jority of the senate c mmHtee reported -
ed In favor of a sea level cal1al , but
aCter \'Igorous debate the 11resldent's
recommendation in Caver of a locl {
type was approved by a vote of 36
to 31.
A joInt resolution was passed by
congress requiring the purchase of
supplies and materials for the canal In
the AmerIcan marltet unless the president -
dent "hall determine that the bids of
domestic producers are extortlonato or
Consress appropriated $ .12,500,000
Cor continuing work on the canal ,
$16,500,000 being deficiency appropriations -
tions and $26,000,000 being Cor work
during the fiscal year 1907. In addition -
tion to these appropriations steps are
being taken to Issue the canal bonds
authorized by the Spooner act , which
may be Issued "Crom time to time"
to the extent of $130,000,000. During
the present session congress provided
that these bonds should ha\'e the
rights and privileges of other two per
cent. bonds of the United States and
the tax of one-fourth of ono per cent.
Imposed upon bonds deposited to secure -
cure national bank circulation was Imposed -
posed upon the cQnal bonds when used
for such security. It was also provided -
vided that the deficiency appropriation
should bo returned to the treasury
from the proceeds of the sale of the
canal bonds.
Statehood Issue Settled.
The admission of OIdahoma and Indian -
dian territory as'a slnglo state wa
accomplished by the act approved
, Juno 16. The act also admits Arizona
and New Mexico Into the union as a
single state , provided that a majority
In each oC the territorIes shall vote
for joint statehood , "and not other-
wise. " This bill was the subject of
bitter contention , as It had been In
former sessloDs. It passed the house
In the form of a bill admitting the
four territories as two states. The
senate amended the bill by eliminating -
ing all pro\'lslons relating to Arizona
and Now Mexico. In conCerence the
conditional admission of these territories -
ritories as a state was agreed upon.
and after vIgorous debate In both
houses the conference report was
agreed to.
After several years of effort on the
part of the state department congress
at this session passed an act reorganIzing -
Izing the consular service. The consuls -
suls general and consuls are grouped
by classes , and provision Is made for
an Inspection service consisting of five
consuls general at large , with a salary -
ary ci $5.000 each. No officer In the
consular service receiving more than
$1,000 is permitted to engage in business -
ness or practice law. All fees are to
be turned Into the treasury. Originally -
ally the bill prvlded that the higher
offices should be filled by promotion
only , but this provision WIlS eliminated -
ated and the promotion system has
been established by the state depart-
menl without further enactment.
Boon in Alcohol Bill.
A most important piece of legislation -
tion Is the removal of the tax upon
denatured alcohol. It was strongly
opposed by manufacturers of kerosene
and gasoline. In the debate It was
alleged that , with the tax removed ,
alcohol could be manuCactured and
sold cheaper than either lerosene or
gasoline and that it would enter Into
universal use for illuminating , motive
pO'W r and otherwise.
A national quarantine law , provld-
, Ing for uniformity of admInistration
I and giving the federal government
power to establish quarantines In
port cities and supersede the local nnd
state authorities , has been passed.
An employer's liability bill , to meet
the demands of the trainmen of the
United States , has been placed upon
I the statute books after years of effort.
Congress has had difficulty with the
executive departments through the
. < , xpendlture of money and the Incur-
, Iflg of obligations In excess of appropriations -
propriations for many years. Several
amendments to appropriation bills
were made during this session designed -
signed to correct this abuse. Hereafter -
after the heads of executive departments -
ments are required to apportion ap.
proprlatlons made for their depart.
ments In order to avoid deficIencies ,
and deficiency appropriations will be
made only to cover unforeseen emer-
gencle ! . Congress also put Its foot
down upon the disbursement of money
collected b ' any department and not
turned Into the treasury.
All money received hereafter must
be turned Into the treasury , and nc
dlsbur.soments may be made except 111
accordance with appropriations 01
congress. Detailed estimates of at :
appropriations are required from al :
_ departments. It also Is provided thai
s no clerk shall bo transferred to an.
_ other department at a higher salar3
_ until he has performed three years
service In hIs first posItion.
Grenter Aid for Militia.
Among the acts affecting the mm
tary establlhment : : : were those In
creasIng the efficIency of the ordnanci
department of the army and Increas
Ing the ItTIproprlation for the mllltl ;
ifrom $1.000,000 to $2,000.000 annually
Congress took a now tack In thl
naval aprpoprlatlon bill. Instead a
authorizing the construction of th
biggest battleship afloat , as firet pro
vlded by the house the bill as finall'
passe authorizes the preparation
. . . . . . . - ,
plans for Buch " ves el , to be lIubmtt-
ted to congross. The naval act of this
year makes small provision othcrnlse
for t e increase of the navy.
A blU wall pnssod defining hal1nl
and providing for Ule punishment ot
midshipmen guilty of the efrenlo.
No opposition of Importance dev 1-
oped when the motion WAS made to
concur In the c nferenco report on the
naturalization bill. It provIdes II.
board whIch will hl\Ve charge of the
natm'allzatlon of aliens , and mak l
some changes In the law relating to
court proceedings In naturalization
cases. \
General legislation during this session -
sion Included an act prohibiting In-
tel'stato commerce In spurious or
falsely stamped ! 1rtlclos made of gold
or silver alloy , an act pro\'ldlnl ; for
the marldng of the graves of confod-
crate soldiers and sailors and an act
pro\'ldlng for the disposition of the
five civilized tribes of IndlanR.
The prlnclpnl legislation afrectlng
the Philippines was an act postponing -
ing the operation of the coastwlso
Il\ws until April 11 , 1909 ; another revising -
vising the PhilippInes tariff , and a
third authorizing the purchl1RO of coal
claims by the sAcretary of war.
A b111 wal passed providing for the
eIocHon of a delegate In conrress ; trom
Alaska. Provision was made for the
allotment of homesteads to natives of
that district. The "Alaska fund" was
created , through which receipts from
liquor and buolness IIcensOll will be
de\'oted to the schools and road build'
Ing. A bll1 was passed I1rohlbltlng
aliens from fishing In Alaskan wnters.
An Important measure to cattle interests -
terests Is that changing the 28-hour
law so that cattle may bo kept In cara
36 hours without unloading.
Immigra.tion Dill FaJl .
Among the important measures th t
have tailed the ImmIgration b111 demands -
mands first consideration. It failed
because a conference committee was
not appointed to settle the disagreement -
ment between the two houBcs. After
a spirited fight In the house , In which
Speaker Cannon participated , the Immigration -
migration bill , origInallY a senate
measure , was passed , with a subsUtute
for the "educational test , " which required -
quired Immigrants to 110ssess the abilIty -
Ity to read English or some other lan-
guage. The house substituted a section -
tion providing for a commission to Investigate -
vestigate the subject at Immigration.
The bill w111 command attention when
congress reconvenes In the fall.
The bill to prevent contributions b ,
corporations to campaign funds WI\ ! !
Btarted In the house. It was forced
through the senate by the indefatlg.
able 6n'orts of Senator Tillman. The
house leaders refused to let It come
up tl1ero , although it Is understood
action will be permitted at the nexi
sesssloll. The DemocratB cha.rgo thai
the Hcpubllcans want to lay It ovel
until afte'r the congressional elections ,
In order to < get ono more chance at thE
corporation barrel.
The Philippine tarlft bill Is at111 an.
other notabl failure. It was ono oj
the felltures or the or glnal admlnis.
tlon programme , was whipped througlJ
the helUse after a celebrated fight wltlJ
the insurgents. and eventually landed
In the seclusion of a senate commit-
tee-room. It has been allowed to be
forgotten for the present.
The Immunity blll- ; designed to prevent -
vent , the recurrence oC tlascos such as
attended the prosecution of the Chi.
cage beef cases , passed the house and
In amended form was reported favorably -
ably tram the senate committee on ju-
diciary. Ever since then 61orts to got
It up have Called owing to the objeo-
tlon oC some senator or other.
It has been a hard session for treat-
Ies. The Santo Domingo convention ,
much desired by tile administration ,
has Deen ldpt ! down by tile hostllo mi.
norlty In the senate. Nt > action hall
been taken either on the IBle of Pln
or Algeclras treaties.
Fate of Labor Bills.
Bills. most of which were demandc
by the leaders of organized labor , havE
met their Cate as follows :
1. ' 1'he antl-Injunctlon bllt-dead It
the judiciary commlttoe.
2. 'l'he eight-hour bill , reported CrolI
the committee on labor , but not acte ,
3. ' 1'he electton of senators In con'
gress by direct vote of the pooplo-
dead In committee.
4. ' 1 he publicity of campaign ox'
penses bl11 , recently reported to thl
house , but not actfld upon.
5. 'rho letter carrlers blll ead II
G. The bl11 to regulate the hours 0
ral1way trainmen-dead In committee
7. The bill for the relief of the Slo
trom Burvlvors ead In committee.
8. 'l'11e bl11 to prevent convlot-mad' '
goods from competing with the good
manufactured by honest la'llor-dead I ]
Outside the line of actual leglslatlolJ
the present session will be hlstorl
throl1h having authorized the Investl
gatlo'l that has led to the railroad-co/J
exposures. Another resolution adoptsl
by th'3 senate will c.\use an invosUp
tlon of the alleged grain trust an ,
railroad-elevator combine In the weal
that promises to be equally If no
more Ecnsatlonal.
What Cangress HAs Spent.
The following Is gl en as practleall :
. an accurat statement of the dIsburse
r ments authorized tram the publl
treasury :
Sundry cIvil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $9 OOO.0 (
Dl trlct ot Columbia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9tOO ; ,
Army. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71.000,1) (
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! . , ( ) (
- Fortifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.000.0 (
. : Mllltary academy. . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . 2.M.0 <
Pensions . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .140,000.01
Permanent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HOoroO <
- AgrIcultural . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Publlo bulldlns ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25,000.0 <
\ Indian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,000,0 <
MilItia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1flQQ.0i
Stalehoo , ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.000.01
Urgent donclency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,000,01
Cleneral dellclency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.500.01
I.etl latlve , eXICUtivlI and JudIcial -
cial . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29.000 , ( )
- Post office. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . )93.000. ( )
Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO.OOO. ( )
Tot& ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1871.000.0
. .
( Copyright , by Joseph D. Dowlcs. )
The bright sunshlno streaming Into
bor bedroom by the open French window -
dow wakened Cecilia , or , as her father
loved to call her in the graceful language -
guage of his adopted country , "my
pretty one. "
Evidently her thoughts were pleasant -
ant , for she got up with n smile on
her lips and stood Cor 1\ few moments
looldng out on the view before beginning -
ning to dress. It was just six o'elocl {
: md the mist still hung In the vaUoy ,
nnd already the garden was a blaze of
light. The scent of the roses , the
orange and lemon blossom , the moist
earth and the myriad growing things ,
filled the all' with n Ilellclous fra-
grance. Ono breathed 1Ie and haplll-
noos on such morning , and love [ or
aU that lI\'es In this glorious , beautiful -
ful world. Besides , was not her old
Crlend and playfellow , Phllhl 1 < .lng ,
coming homo after being away Cor
seven years In the Stntes , learning to
bo a doctor ?
Cecilia was an only child. lIer
mother died when the poor little mite
WAS only three days old , and her father
never married again , but gnve his
small daughter Inlo the keelllng of a
kind-hearted Moxlcan woman , who had
C m that moment spoiled her charge
with the utmost fidelity , nntl now , nt
the ago of 19 years , the tall , handsome
girl was stm old Concha's favorite.
The two families were near nolgh-
bors , and had been fast friends from
the boglnnlng , so It was no wonder
that she nnd Philip should be constantly -
stantly together , running nbout and
playing at hide and seolIn : the
woods round the ralWh , and when
theY' wore older cantering over the
pasture lands on tholr suro-footod
Mexican ponles-nnd no wonder either ,
as time went on , that the follts should
nod their heads and smile ] mowlngly ,
as they watched th pall' , n pretty little -
tle girl of 12 and a handsome lad of
15. In their Imagination these good
people already heard the bells ring
for the betrothal.
Not much time was wasted over the
toilet this morning. There was a great
deal to be done before eight o'clocl\ :
brealdast. First , the nsparagus had to
be cut , while the sun was sUll low In
the slty , for later on when he had attained -
tained his Cull strength It was insuf-
torably hot In the gn.rdon , and only the
dllrl-sldnned natives might work there
with Impunity. Then she would plclt
some ripe , juicy peaches for dessert.
Her father loved asparagus and peaches -
es , and so did Philip , I [ her memory
did not deceive her-but seven years
Is a long time and tastes may change.
"Who ] mows If ho Is still fond of
peaches ? " and-sho looked In the glass
and smiled at her own retlectlon-"I
think I can answer Cor peaches. " Her
thoughts ran on questioning and replying -
plying to themselves , "but as to asparagus -
paragus and , and-other things-who
Imows ? "
On a chair by her bedside Guadalupo ,
her maid , had placed a clean muslin
froclt , starched and white as snow.
She fingered It lovingly , for she was
going to put It on after her work was
done. In the meantime a blue cotton ,
more than ready for the washtub ,
would do very weU , and , having
reached this stage In her proceedings ,
sbe did not stop to twist up her hall' ,
but merely braiding It In two thlclt
plaUs , 11exlcan fashion , seized her sombrero -
brero and ran downstairs. At the
Idtchen door Concha was waiting with
a baslot and long Imlfe with teeth lIlto
a saw at one end ; this was used to cut
the asparagus.
The dew drops on the f athery
branches of the asparagus vines sparkled -
kled lIlto dIamonds In the sunshine and
lal1 on her In showers as she brushed
thom aside to look for the white heads
appearing above ground at their roots.
By the time she had cut su111clent ror
a generous dish an hour had already
gone by and she was very warm and
declcledly muddy-but what did that
matter ? There was soap and water In
the house , and a pretty clean white
dress In her'room waiting to be put
on. The peaches could be I > lcked In
a few minutes , and then her morning's
work would be done.
.AOW beautiful It was that morning !
From her perch among the peaches
she gazed fascinated on the scene before -
fore her. Orlzaba , glory of mountains ,
with Its snow-capped pealt , seemed but
a 8top from the garden , but In reality
one would have to travel more than
.0 miles tc reach the foot of It. On
R ! sides were the hills as tar as the
eye could see , ; tnd right In front , only
about a mile away , nestled the little
town wlta Its whitewashed houses and
brown tiled roofs , hair burled In trees ,
Absorbed In the \'Iew she did not see
n horseman who was maneuvering hiE
way In and out the winding pathwa
which led to her father's ranch , and
so It happened that Philip King WIlS
nlmost upon her before she was awan
: > f It. When she did at last catc
sight of him It was too late to l1y t (
the house. The color leaped to hel
)0 ) face In a crimson lIood , and her Imeel
trembled beneath her , with agitation
)0 ) disappointment at the sudden cotlapsl
of aU her plans and humiliation at tlH
) ( ) miserable figure she cut. She clutchel
her hall' , which had long slnco freel
)0 Itself from the plaits , and nervously
with shaltlng fingers , tried to twist I
00 up and hide It Inside her sombrero , bu
she had no hairpins , so It enl ' Cel
down again In oven greater lb-ordo
than beforo.
00 ' 1'he young man had by this tlml
reached the garden , I\nd there was enl ,
the rose bush between Ulem-then for
the first time ho snw her , nn had ne
been n wlso young man ho would ha.vtI
become BUddenl ) ' blind , discovered
something of great Interesl In another
lrectlon end quickly waUtod nwar.
As It Wl1S he was not wise and had
little experlonce In the ways of women ,
nnd beshles wns'ery glar , } Indeed to
see his little playmate agalJ1' 80 ho
started forward with both hands outstretched -
stretched to greet her.
"Cecilia , " ho cried , expecting aho
would run to him ns In days gene by ,
but she drew bacl { and gave him bel'
hand very formal\ \ ) ' with stlrr wortls at
welcome whlcb sounded unreal on her
After they hnll both ma o n few
commonplace romarlts , n long nncl uncomfortable -
comfortable s1l0nco followod. ' 1'ho hey
to UIO situation npJleared to be mlM'
lng' , and Philip at uny rate was nt n '
loss to understand whnt was the mat- 'I
tel' . 'fl1ls was Indeell Cccllln , looldns
too much the same ns on the day ho
lort , only 1\ great eal tnller , ancl yet
there was n dlrreronco , ntul II. very
great one. lIe couldn't disguise from I
hlmsoU that 110 was blttorly dlsap-
. ' "I 1K mr .
1Il'1\\ljl1 ' \ ( - ( r-4- .4.'J
pointed , it was so un1llte what he had
expected und pictured lo himself. Yet
ho hardly Imew ncter ull what he had
eXllected. He hud no claim 011 her ,
was not even uny l'elnton ! , and Boven
years is a long time-a girl mulws oth.
er [ rlends. She would not meet his
loolt as In the old days , but kOllt her
eyes bent 011 the ground. Ho couldn't
remember just what color they were ,
nnd wondered how It was that suc ! :
an Important point hud never luter-
ested him before. lie could see , Indeed -
deed , that the eyes wore trlngOlI with
long , darlt lashes , and the outllno of
the face. which was 80 carefully turned
from him , was perfect ; her figure wns
tal1 and straight , her head erect anti
shapely crownClI with masses of darl
curling hair , which fol1 below ho.
waist. She WIlS decidedly the most
beautiful girl he had ever seen-anl1
the moment he reullzed this Cact , a per.
Cect fury of jealousy took possesslolJ
of him. Ho understood evorythlnlj
now-It was clear as dayllght-Ceclllo
had a lover and did not want hie
friendship any more !
At last the glr ] brolto the IIlIonce : ,
"My father will be so pleased to see
you , " she said , "but If you will excusc
me now I will just finish cutting some
roses and bo with you presently. "
She began to cut roses feverishly ,
not seeing or caring whore she stepped ,
till the thorny branches ] ald 110M 01
her long loose hall' and held her fast ,
almost as though the ' Imew what the
were about. and determined to malte
her l > rlsoner.
In her struggles she stol > ped at last
on a loose mound of earth whlcb
gave way suddenlY beneath hel' , ami
ill a moment myriads of tiny browll
Insects , each carrying a precious egg
almost as lo.rge us Itself , were swarm.
Ing' about her Coot and antles. ]
She had stumbled Into an ant's nestl
' 1'he young mun was just disappearIng -
Ing Into the house , but at the first cry
he turned and with two or three
bounds , which would have done credl1
to an active ImngarooTas by her side
and had taken In the situation. It II
to his everlasting credit that he dte :
not laugh , but treate the atralr wlttl
the serlolisness It deserved. Fortun.
ately he cnrrled hIs "machete" wltl.
him , that useful If rather dangerou :
Imlfe without which a Mexican soldon
rides abroad-and with a few stroke !
of the sharp blade ho freed the glr
from the prlcltly branches , when shl
Hod hastily Into the middle of the
path and commenced to stamp ant
IIhalto : her Bklrts vigorously long aftel
every Insect had talten hlmseU oft In 1
grantor fright than her own.
TheIl the branches which still clunl
to her hair had to be disentangled , ob
so gently ! Such glO1'lous hair , too , thl
touch of It lhrllled him. Then sh
looked up and their eyes met , and sUIl
I denly the disappointment Ilnd mIser :
which had seemed so real a few mln
, utes ago al1 melted away an the' '
; , knew.
"Oh , Phil , I am so thanltCul yo
I came , " was all she said , but she gav
a happy little laugh and tried to hid
, from his gaze hy Bhaklng her man
about her blushing face , bu he too
her hand and drew her to him.
"Do you know 1 have had such
I terrlblo fright , " ho said. "I thought-
lab , you can't thlnl\ : how wretched I
I mllde me-that some one had stole
you Crom me ; but It Isn't true , CeCUlI
tell me It Isn't true. "
"And I tl1ought , " ! he answeret
evading his question. "that the glr ]
In New York- "
"There are no girls In New Yort ] ,
the ) 'ol1ng man gravely Interrupte
, her. "There Is only one girl In tll
t whole world , aud she Is rIght here-
t In my armsl"
1l' 1
l' A nel1t \1enrancu \ cOl1nts fOI' a srel
deal. Dou't let 0. dirty collar lose yo
I ) 11. good strolw of busIness.
- -
J the One Most In Demand in This
Busy DRY and Gen-
. .
Haven't you depended upon clothes ,
upon nppearl1uces , upon Introductions ,
, .pon . recommondatlons about long
enough ? 1I1\\'eu't you 10l1ned nbout
'ong enough on other things ? Isn't It
nbout time Cor you to cnll [ \ . halt , to
tear ocr nll muslts , to dlscnrd everything -
thing you hnve be on leaning on oU lldo
pf yourself , and depend upon your own
worth ? writes O. S. 1\tarden , In Success
Ha\'en't you been In Iloubt about
4'ourdolf long enough ? Haven't you had
(1nough unfortunate oxperlonces do-
IJcndlul , upon suporficlal , artificial , out-
( lide thlugs to drive you homo to the
. 'eal power In yourself ? Aron't you
Urod of leaning 0.11\1 borrowing and
dependIng upon thIs thing and that
thIng which have failed ) 'Ou ?
The man wlio learns to see ) { power
within hlm e1 ! , who Ionrns to 1'01) .
upon himself , Is never disappointed :
but ho nlways will bo dlsappolntoo
'Whon ho depends upon nny outsldd
lu lll. There Is one 1101'8on in the world
that will novoI' tnll you If you depend ,
1Il1On hIm , and are honest wllh him :
nI\\1 that Is yoursolf.
It Is the nolf-rellant man that Is In'
Iemanll ) overywhere.
_ _ _ _ u _
Sighing , Soulful Swain WI10 Deoorved
Dose D4)scrlbe in "Noto
Below. "
After he had fallen Ul10n 11ls knees. .
JUld lcissed her hnnds , relates the Low.
eU Mall , ahe na.ld :
- "BoCoro I answer yes or no Ulore are
oomo thlnb'1l I'd like to ask you. Do
you ver gnmblo or drink ? "
"No , " ho aagerl ) ' replied. "I do not
1m ow whut the taste of liquor Is. I
.havo 11e\'or uttered proCano word in
nll my 1\e. \ 1 Imvp IlO'er played euchre
whorl ) n prlzo was nt stalto. "
She lookctl at him thoughtfully fen
n moment , drew n long sigh , and theu
.nsltod : "Have you o\'er brolten n wom.
an's heart ? "
"Ah , how enn ) 'ou ask me thnt ? " h
< llmost roproachful1y nnswered. "If J
had ever spolten words of love to an.
other I would not deem myself worth
t tou'h the hum of your garment. I
hnve never cared for anyone but you ;
I hav : ) never kissed any woml\n except -
cept 111) ' molher ( tsee note below ) . 1
)1nve ) l over given nny girl caW10 to utter -
ter tno sorrowCul sigh ; yours Is tl16
.first car , sort hand Umt I have ever
Jleld In my own ( t8eo note below ) :
never before to-night hnvo I loolted
'into ' MY girl's eyes as I am looking
nto your deep , sOI11&ul eyes , ne\'er- "
- "Oh , door , " she lmpn.tlonUy Interrupted -
rupted , drawing her hand away Crom
lm. "It's aCter olght o'cloct , and you
shouldn't be so tar nwuy from hom6
.at tills time of night. Lel's go home
.and I'll get my brother 'l'om to go
, homo with you. Your xmmma must'
, be terribly worried. " tNoto-At ellch ,
, of tho\o \ remarks the writer wlsholl h
I Jmd hl1l1 a sort , hot squash pie handy ;
.antl he would have handed It to him
- - - -
'As t ? Whether or Not Standard Time
Is Signified , Decisions
' 1'he courts of several states have with an odd question , none ot
them ll reolng upon a similar answer.
; When In it legally 1\oon ? Fire In sur-
mco policies expire at noon , and thd
M'ord Is ndmltted to moan oxactiy 12
o'clo lt , midday. But standard time has
not been adopted In all communities.
) Iany Bmall towns cling to sun time ,
\which \ may bo from a few minutes to
'nearly ' an hour earllor than stand' "
rd. ,
, In one state a fire occurred at twd
, Imlnutes past noon , sun tlmo , and the
Iinsurance company held that the poI ) -
I Icy had expired before the fire. Sun
tlmo Is used in that town , but the Insured -
sured sued the company , holding that
I local C11stoms did not rule the pOlicy ,
and that he was entitled to his In-
surnnce , The stnte courts sustained
\ In IJnother state a similar contention
was taken to the courts and just tb6 ,
ppo"1l6 decision given. Several con-
IIIcting precedents have been estnb. .
, lIshed In state courts , and It Is said
the question can only be decldell for
good end all when n c.1se has been
carrle1 Into the United States courts
and passed upon by the supreme court.
Combination Hoarses.
Some of the undertakers In Englnnd
have combination hearse and coach
with a strong Imt ordinary typo of
'four-wheeled running goar. The front
part 0 ! the vehicle Is a hearse and the
rear Is II. carriage with scats along the
side , l'rovldlng accommodation for
nbout olght 11ersons , a glass parlltlon
I dividing the hearse In which the coffin
f IR pl\Od Cram the carriage. This com-
6 blnatlon hearse and carriage , with one
[ 1 pall' cof horses muIane driver , can bo
rented at a low figure , and provides an
D oconomlcal funeral.
"I dIdn't enjoy myselt one bIt , " pouted -
ed th'3 petted heiress , who hnd just
returned from l urope. "I saw a 11Up-
py with a gmnd pedigree oyer there
thl\t 1 wanted , but pa wouldn't buy him
for ml , "
" ' 1'00 bad , dear , " repllad her friend
! 'Was he IL l"1"ench count or British
Ilulw-PhlJudelll ] ll Press.
Ills ClI'l\clty. :
Drowl1-1 shouhl think YOU'd show
It lItdo more strenlth : of mInd , Jaggs.
\ . ' Now , I can t.lw two drllllt : and stoll
JnggD-'fhush nuthln' , HI'ownsy. I
( hlo ) 1.ln take 20 ' 11' shtop.-Judge.