Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 12, 1906, Image 1

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    'i30t ' "
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> ' , . . STER . COUNTY EPU LI C . . . N.
. . , . ,
:1 :
- - - - - - - -
) f .
' - . . . . < I"
li SOON R OR , A1'HR I
, the cxccl1cnt valuc III our goods
' # . ! must hccomc apparcnt to ) 'ou tlnd ; :
} \ . . - t . , . . . whcn somcthiug in thc linc of
: , r WATCHES , ] HWHr.RV. GOTD '
8 E'rc. , k
S is rcquircl you will ( 'omc hcrc at S
8 once to makc the purchasc , 8
8 Therc's more than ' ! \\'crngc heau-
8 tYi more than a\'ernge qualitYi k
\ S UlQrc than a\'crngc valuc in thesc S
\ 8 goods. 8
( I Priccs could not he lower.
\ \ \
. . \ .
' l11 ,
1C ,
: , .
{ i -4i fl \ l1
, "
, i1
: ' ' : OOOO : : : : > !
- - - - - - - -
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Dm . H 0 , & W.I . Tt\IIHJT.
tlalnn Ivn , lI nh'"I.1O IIrll ! I\rn.
, , . , , , , , , \I" \ . . . . . III. . " . . . .
J _ .1 : -IN. YI ) I { ,
Attorney and Counsellor al Law ,
rC'1sions ntlll all kinls of go\'crntJlI'n'
laims. anfl gcncrnlll\w practice. ( ) I
Cl' : Bn ! > tJuin : Street , tst , Ioor cast of. .
lJllrlillgton J lotcl , Br J < cn Bow , Neh.
- - - - - - - -
l' v" hlrk nortb of Oml' " O'ntfnl lIoL..I. rIAl
' 1fI\I ( " ollr.t'.I. I'rim'R rnalO'lI1l\btr ,
DR. C. B. JOB , . .
Physician and Surgeon
Officc nd res llcnce enc hlock south of
Rycrson & Georgc's storc.
Work ncatly donc. Priccs right.
Painting , Paper Hanging ,
Calcimininng , Etc.
Lcavc ordcrs at ] agle groccry.
. . - -
- - -
- -
- - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - . - - _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ -
: : ; ; ; ; : ; _
. . . . . . _ _ _
. } . \ TEN-CENT TWINE !
. .A. . Crea"t Sn.ap : !
l -I 01I "
r . 'l.\ ' \
That's why ItlnYI ! the farmer . to buy it-he can be : mre he won't 10l > u nny
Jwin from loose bunllle. ; . Farmcrs all OYer the country write that
American Iemp r ixed Twine
1 ! "
C'4wv. . .A.F > > : PL..1ED.
- _ . . .d. . * ! 'W- = ' - ' _ . . . - ; ; : . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . _ ' L1J _ . _ -
. , . Evcryone is intcr-
C ff N I
I 0 ee ews. csted in Good Cof-
fees. We claim to have the advanta e bJ 5 cts a pound.
, , , .
- . . . . ,
No. 100 , Superior ,
A Smooth Drink at 20 cts at 25 c "ts. 'L'he world
per pound. Our price produces nothing better
, \ [ . 17 ccnts. at the prfce.
( ' Circle Blend , ! lan'es. . ,
. : i .
worth 25 cts per pound- a 2.1b patt , worth CJO cents ,
Onl ) ' 20 cents here. our price ; 50 cents.
. .
' .
' I
( J'a.\toJl , Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand ,
. a 2-pound can of ColTee , a 2-pound can , our pricc ,
excellent at ( ,11 cents. 75 cents.
Our price , 50 cent $ . A good value ,
Manor lIousc , Kallio ,
Kingof Coffee , 40 cts. a 35-cent ColTee.
I Our price , 35 ccnts , Our price , .10 cents.
French renlfast ; , .
a - pound pail-extra vahlc--Sl. 25. Our price , Only $1.10
with cup' and saucer.
, . . j . r TRADE North Side
, Pure < < tl K' VineR' Dr BROKEN how , NEBR.
, . - -
> >
> >
Twenty-three Years Ago. I
' ! 'he following items were published -
lished in the ! { IU't111TtCAN 23
years ago :
Dong las Gro\'e correspond en t
in reporting the celebration of
the 4th at loiongwJod states the
celebration was held at Charles
. Hoar's , where a large bower
was erected and two long tables
built aud loade l with cales , pies ,
cookies , biscui ts , ch iclcu , etc.
After dinner danclug was 1\1-
dulged in by the young people
until supper. After supper
dancing was resumed in Hoar's
house. Hae Brothersof Sargent ,
furnished the music. Mrs.
Henry Straph delivered the well
known piece of "Sheridan
'l'wcnty Miles Away , " and Nelson -
son Potter deli verec a comic lecture -
ture on how he "Started out to
make a fortunc. "
'l'he report of the celebration
of Merna says the cxercises
opened late owing to the rain and
that the dinner sprcad on the
( ,0 foot table w s the first on the
program. 'L'he provisions w < : rc
furnishcd by the ladies from
Ortello and New Helena. Mr. I
Yore was the orator of thc ( ay. I
Declamations and music were
furnished by the children of thc
unday schools 'l'he only accident -
dent was that of Burt Rcc.d , \ \ ho
had his face burned while pouring -
ing powder on the anvil. In
the potato race Harvey Hobinson
look first money and J immey Mc-I
Car thy second. In the foot race ,
Len Thomas took first money
and Crate Bowman second. ' Mrs.
Bed well furnished some very fine
instrumental music. Mrs.
Brotherton served an' excellent
supper at 11 p. 111. to the dancers ,
At Georgetown about 100
gathered on the 4th at thr home
of S. C. Stuc1ey , Miss Bisballk
an(1I. . VanVleck , of New York
furnished the music for the oc-
casion. 'rhey both gave recitations -
tions as did also Mrs. Saun ers.
After the exercises in the grove
the audience repaired to the
house of S. C. Stuckey where
, they w re _ liberally entertained
with ice , cream and lemonade.
In Broken Bow about 500 peo-
pl gathcred after the rain and
held their exercises in the hall.
In the absence of Hem r , of
Kearney , who was detained at
Kearncy on a murder trial , . Isaac
Merchant , of New Helena , was
pre\'aile upon to deliver the
oration. Other spealers were A.
M. Graham , S. A. Holcomb , J.
S. Bcnjamin , Wilson Ilewitt and
Com. 14. W. F. Cole. A hase
hall game wag played on the
commons south of town by Broken -
ken Bow and Lillian. A brilliant -
liant digplay of fire works was
had at I1Ight.
"Somcthing New" is the head
line to an article appearing In
the Omaha Republican stating
that the [ , oup Valley l'own 140t
and Land company wa.s organized -
ized yesterday in Omaha , with
Col. g. P. Savage , president , and
J. W. 'l'homas , secretary-treasur-
er. 'I'he town referred to is
Sargent , Custer cOQnty , Nebr.
Appraisers are bQsy at work
appraising the school land of
Custer county.
Eighteen teams with wagons
went up to the canyons last
'l'uesday for WOOl ] , 'l'hey all
came from east of town.
C. J. r lliott , Luke 14avender
and Geo. II , Sleverison , of I in-
coIn. made this omce a pleasant
call the fore part of last wcek.
They were all looking up the
matter of the manufacturing of
brick and have spent several days
in examiuing an e perintenting
among- the hills an are satisfied
that we have clay that will make
No.1 brick. 14ater lliott and
Lavender locateq here. Mr.
Elliott cngaged in the practice
of law al1l1 Mr. avenc1er 1I1ade
brick for a nun1ber of years.
The Old Settler. Picqi .
'rhe annual picnic of the Old
Settlers Association of Custer , .
cOllnty will be held in Broken.
Bow' ; city park on Wednesday
August 1 , } CO ( , . 'l'his gathering
promises to be the biggest and
hest of thc kind ever \eld in
Custer cOllnty. Great prepar
aliens : ire being made for the
entertainment of the crowd , a
line program of sports is being
arranged and good speaken will
be present , 'l'he program of
this meet ing wilt be announced
next week.
Let liS be your printer. 'I'he
n-ood kind of printing only.
- - -
PrecInct Caucuses.
. tl'he Hepubtical1 ! of Douglas
Grove townghip will meet at the
Hoth school hou c on Satur < Iny ,
Jnl ' 28th , at 2 o'clock p. m. , for
the purpose of electing' 7 delegates - '
gates to the county convcntion ,
7 delegates to the supen'isor convention -
vention 1st district , to nominate
a township ticket and to ticKet
and to transact snch other busl-
ncss as n ay properly comc before
the meet1\1g.
II. D. Gt.OVItH ,
Commi t tee.
'l'he republican electors of
J40UP township are hereby notified -
fied that a caucus will be held at
the Downey school house Saturday -
day July 28th , at 8 o'clock p. m. ,
for the purpose of electing 8 delegates -
gates to the republican county
convention and for the transaction -
action of such other business as
may properly come before the
caucus. J. E. MyJtRS , Com.
'l'he republican eJectors of
Arnold township are hereby
called to meet in Arnold Saturday -
, day , July 28th , at 2 o'clock p. m. ,
for the purpose of electing five
I delegates to the Republican
Count - Convention to be hcld at
Broken Bow , August 4th , 190 ( "
I and to select 5 d legates to the
I Supervisor convention , district
, No.5 j'et to be called and for the
transaction of such other business
as may come before the caucus.
I HA P. l\lILt.S.
CLWP 'l'OWNSUtl' .
Notice is hereby given that
there will be a meeting of the
Republican voters at the Hick's
school house l riday the 27th day
of July , 1906 , at 4 p. m. for the
purpose of electing ( , delegates
to attend the county convention
to be held at Broken Bow , Aug. ,
28 , 1906 , and also to nominate
township officers and transact any
other business that mar come
before said meeting.
July 11 , 1906.
W. J. RIcn ,
Commi tteeman.
WUS'fUHVII.Ln l'lmCtNC'l' .
Republicans of Westerville
precll1ct are hereby called to meet
in Westerville , July 21st , 1906 ,
at 2 o'clollk p. m. , for the purpose
of electing elevcn delegates to
attend the cottnty convention to
be hl' 11 in Broken Bow , July 28 ,
} IOCl , to attend the supervisors
COl1vlltion , to select a township
committeeman aud transact such
other business as may be deemed
advisable. C. E. CANNON.
Comm i t teeman.
Warning to the Public.
Regardless of persons the orli-
nance prohibiting the running -
ning at large and picketing on
streets and alleys of stock will be
rdgidly : enforced he'eafter.
This also applies to swine run.
uing at large annoying persons
and destroying the lawns and
property of the neighhors.
It also means , that whoever
i vou are , if you haven't pride and
cleanliness to clean up your back
yard and stinking' hog pen and
use a small uantity of lime or
some other dlsenfcctant in that
diseasc breeding va * on your
property , we wi11 do 'it for you
at your cost and see if we can
nut fine YOlt for permitting the
city to be kind to you ,
N. ' 1' . GAPP ,
City Att'y.
C"r4 of 1'lta , , . ,
We wish to extend our heart.
felt thanks and gratitude to the
friends and neighbors who sa
kindly a ! sisted HS at the tleath of
our husbanl ( and father.
Mrs. S. StARSQN J\NP F4\MH.\ ' .
Letter from Knqla.
Eureka , Kansas ,
July 2nd , 1')0 ( , .
Ilaving spent the paat three
weeks visiting my cousinI' in the
Sunflower tate the writer has
noticed only slight differences in
the cuStOl111 of the peopla but the
country is quite a contrast to
Central Nehraska. 1t was near
this place my father tool { a home-
steal in the 70's , Near the old
Santa Foe trail I lived in childhood -
hood days.
One of the most interesting
scene8. was a band of Indians
riding.siugle . file with tomahawks
dangling' by their sieles. A bold
chief , distinguished from the
others by wearing a coon-skin
cap with tail dangling behind ,
presented 111S credentials at the
Nixon homestead. Among other
things the chicf be ged was
chiclens and flour. but 1nstead he
receh'ed a cold lunch such as the
common tramp usually gets ,
Indeed he nnd 111S two companions
made quite a feast on what we
had left from dinner. My mother
seeing the hefltthy appearance
of the red men said : "Wh ' don't
.otl work" ? 'l'he chief ( swallow-
Ing' the last fragment ) said :
"Umphl Indian sickl" They
then rode slowly awa ) ' carefull ) '
watching our large but harmless
Soon after entering' Kansas the
rivers arc more numerous and a
variety of trees grow along t1u ir
banks. Wind-mills gradually
disappeared , in its place was the
primativc walled 'well with its
curb and " 'l'he old oaken buc1et , "
usually in ' /c l1S at a 'lepth of
from 10 to 60 feet. Numerous
springs flow from ledgcs of lime-
stone.rock in the can'ons ,
It has been rather dry here and
- - -
some of the stockmen fear a
partial water famine , especially"
111 ponds n r1 sp.rings
Eureka has a natural g'as well
which furnishes a limited amount
for home use. The upland , as
table-land , is chiefly used as
pasture. Catalpa trees are successfully -
cessfully grown on . the poorer
soils. .
An eastern capitalist put out a
quarter section of catalpa trees
some ten ycars ago. He is now
selling them in car load lots for
posts. His profit is reported at
$100 per acre. If catalpa trees
can be successfully grown in
Nebraska it wouh1 save the farmers -
ers a hug ! ' . sum 01 money in a
short time.
Vast quantities of lime-stone
rock is quarried for building
purposes or as bal1ast for railroads
11n this aUtl adjoining counties.
Most farmers have small apple
and peach orchards which .prom-
ise a good yield of fruit , this
saasoll. ,
Notwithstanding the fact that
Kansas is richer in minerals than
Nebraska we arc ahead in rural
tcJephoncs in old Custer. .
- -
IIF- . . ,
I confess to having a hobby and my hobby is to sell
the best huggy that can be sold for the money and to
[ rive you a guarantee that if the buggy is not what I
tell you it is I will fix it or refund your money.
I have my buggies made after my own specifications
and I know what they are made of. By buying' direct
from the factory I am able to save 25 per cent over wuat
my competitors pay for theirs and consequently am able
to sell ) 'O a buggy frum S10 to $20.00 less than they
can possihly do. I have just received
-r c > Car : L.oadsII !
the latest elTect of the 'factories , all bright and new.
There has ncver been shown in Custer county as many
buggies under one roof as I will show you if you come
in. I have everything , carriages , surreys , road wagons ,
spring wagons , driving wagons , carts and buggies of
all descriptions. In fact , I wilt show you over 100
ditTerent jobs.
jobs.c. . 'S. MAR TIN. '
Sickles for all kinds of mowers , $1.35 each.
- - - - - - -
- - - - - -
" 'tt"'t"'t"'tt"'t"t"'t"tt"'t1ttt'tttt"'ttt"'t"'t" ' " " " ' " ' " ' " ' " " " ' " " ' ' , " ' , " ' " " ' "
E - - ' " \ HOLD O . , . - -
E - \ . 'I'he picnic season is now here ' = - = .
E t. . ' j in all its glory and we are here = = (
\ ) i. to help you fill the hasket witl 3 .
. -J ; _ ) . . the choicest the market affords = ,
: : : : : , at incomparably low prices. . . . = = '
- , '
: \ - . ; : : : : : : : '
E C. I Make , vour selection from the : ;
: : : : , , } , ! . following and add thereto any : : : :
E ' : thing else ) 'on want and we .will.g ;
= = r demonstrate that you came to. : : : : :
I E\ \
, . \ the .right place to secure good
: : : : \ service : : : : :
- . -
: : : : . Mixcd Picldes , Pork and Beans , : : :
: : : Olives , Sardines , Lemons , Dried Beef , : : : : .
= = Veal Loaf. Oranges , Salmon , . ; = =
= = Jclly , Preserves , Bananas. Cheese and Cra kers , : : :
: : : : : Potted Ham , Potted Tongue. : : : : :
: : : : Candy and GUnt for ladies , Pipes and 'l'obacco for men. : : : :
: : : : ONJ " ! 'WO-flVf\ , BURK . = =
11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l1111 1111111111111 S :
- . . . .
- -
Deliciourness '
8pfirkling , fi illg , full ef life fresh
fiS the dew in eurly mOI'n-oool as a
mountain stl'oam-dolioious--
I Baisch's Soda. .
. 'f .
'rho so a that grows ever more pop-
ular. tJ oin the Hl'my of drinkers now
regaling thelll elves at BAISCH'S.
' , .