. - . . , . . . . . . , u. I , . . . . .Jt : : . " . . . . : : : : IfIIII . " I ; . .Vv.- . . : " , , r ; ' " " .f.q ; " S " S F. W. HAYES , ! Jeweler . and Optician . WceSl e Square , , roke" Bow , 1 I Nebrnska. t ) I. lit , l . , g . . " , j. " : o. _ . . . . . . . , . . . . . . .Y" vv. . . . . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - DH.o. 1.Oltr'.1 , : ' I1N : , IJtiYS.ician $ urgeI' ( Il , " ' : oI , , 't" ' " ) " ' " ' " , . h'l " ! I'\ \ It. 1I""t'v " ' ' . , , . ' , . , . . . , . , . h\"IIr.t'1 x 00'1' ' . r ' ' ' Ij. rlollr..h. " " ' ' ' \ ' ' " , ' , " ' " rvrHnlc. . . . II" " , . . . . . . , . . . . . - - - - D h . C. P lCI1"1 \ Pl fessfr of Psychology. . . . . . . I.illcoln I\tcIliral COIICgl' . Officc nt resillcneC" , ollc-half hlock ClIst of tJ. B. Church. Chronic lliscnscs gh'cn spcclal nttcntlOn. 'PluHlc 147. -A. Al IOJ R , J.A. , \tlorncy \ at Law. Broken Bow. Nob. . . .lIavlllll' JURt h\l1 elltht years llractkal l'xII r ICllce as DOllllty JulIlwllliive RIeclal allcu tloll to the drawlllil aud pl'ohatllur ur willI ! alld the admlulstratloll or e..tatc. . ur Ilcccased Iler. "ous aUllmlllors. Write or IIholl" 1I1 . I lIIay . .ave . yol1 l'trIJ' , , . . _ ' - - " - _ . --'CB ' - - t , , " . . . . . . . . . . --11' ' . . ' . . . - ' . , lri ! . : . . . . . : , p i : "Mixel ( on the Prelnises"I. . , The hl'st nrchltecto nhva 's r.peclfy : " } lnre White I.ead and } lure I..lnsecd J'It'Q 011 In I.q'r 0 rI II ! n pnckn l' ! ; , 10 , , " \t.4 , ! Je tll'tI OIl lite //It. o1b , 'st'S. " Thcre II I e Iwo ft'a. Rons : first , to mala' sUfo 110 Gu1Jslltule Is usell In the plnce of I'nre \\'hlt ( ' 1.\11 ; nn.1 sccond , thnt the paint shall he mlxcd to suit the particular \VoOI allli the cllmallc conditions of the locality. If nrchlt'cln with Rcll'ntlfic knowled e anll profe'l lonal rcputlllon nre so careful. 10 mala : nllre thnt only the ! Jest 1IIltl'llal ahall he used , Is It not quite as Incumhent on the house owler to do ns much for himself , when 1I0t employing profcs. Glnnal aitl ? Pdnler ofreputat Ion ncverquarrel with theBe ! ; I'cr.lficntlons , hecause they realize the matcrlnls called for lire necessary to n salisfactory JoJ. ! J ( n pal liter Is can. scicntou ! ! ! , he will of his own nccord use uothluL : hut White Lead which Is Imowu to ! Je lIure. The standnrd brands of Pure White Lend arc : RED SEAL AND SOUTHERN ( Mallo by Iho Oltl Uutch I'roccss ) n"n,1 fnr hooltl..t . , 'ontnlnln" " . . .n",1 hnnloom" r"I.rnIII'lIm. , , . . III "dllnl hnll' ' ' . . nltl'rln""Iunblll .111 UI.t ! < > lI. ' "r " , ' "Inr . , 'humo III jJnlntlnlJ yuur hllll. ' , , \ " . "t rllr I.nlnt I.urlty 1.01. " ! llvell. NATIONAl. I.IAO CO. Clarl : Avc. anlllOth St. St. 1..01118,1\\0. " " . . o M - . -WUSI.'I1r . . .h _ J New and Second Hand furniture , , Flour and Feed Store. I : . We wish to notify on1' many customers that we have added to our stock or .Hardware all kinds of Na.ils , Sta.ple a.nd Smooth Wire. 'N e also have .Mason Oity and lCearney Hour , the best that can be had in the state. \ We always have plenty of feed and haled hay. . Goods delivered free to any part ; or the city. We repair furniture and frame pictures. J. VV. SCC > T'-r. , J M M r : J. :8 : : . .SJ.A..IN" : : , fIU _ _ . PROPRIETOI ' , RY'8 lv " gn U fi 1 r i. LIVERY and I I. ' _ - , FEED BARN I . . EAS'I' 01i' GLOBE HOTEL. I Rcmodcled nud rcpaircd throughout. Gpollli\'cry rigs nt reasonahle rnlcs. cC0U10datiOU for cattle nnd range horscs. Hay nt noon , 10 ccnts ; all dllY , 0 , 15 centsj ovcr night , 35 ccnts. Call nml scc me. . .o : . : .oX ) " ; o" J ; o" J.r.'oO".o"'M J"/'Q. . . . - - CUSTER CANYON ; , RD OF DUROCJERSEYS : Eight milcs wcst of llrokcn Bow. . . HESSE & MOOREHOUSE , IIIWKlm NIWH. 1I0W. , , _ _ A \ - , I . " . " ' " ' ! ' 'm' ' ' . ' . ' ' ' t. 'm' : ' ' . ' . . " ' ' : . " ' .t. ' ' 1 . . . , : ' ' . , ' : ' _ ' ' . , ' _ 'J ' ! : , ' , . ' - ' , . I - . . " . " , " , , ; ' : . . ' . . . "r' ' ' ' ' .i ' ' ' ! ' ' _ . ' . ' . ' ' ' . . . < ! . ' i. ' ' , . . ' . . , . . . . " " ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' . ' " . . . . . . : . . ; , . . ; . . , . , , . ' . . . , , . ' , . . ; , . . , , . . . , . . . < i. ' " . : . . . : . . . ; if' : j BIG BARGAINS i1 " r'i " -\j \'i \ , Di : K on k 0 I & M U II- Ins , M. ' . Come and let ns figure ou fUl"llishiug that new I f hou e. We have . l lflne J3ed Hoe Sut.es , pressers Oommodes : , ffl II Olnffonwrs , Buffets , 8Hle Boards Conches. M Rockers 1'01' old and .young ; Jigh Ohairs for the baby and the youth. M j Dining chairs at ruinously luw prices-tables iij Ii to-of all descriptions. M Book OaseR Office ] 'urniture , litchen Safes l l ! lli and ICitchen Oabinets. 1 tJ Large line of samples in Bru sels and Ingrain , ! it Carpets + . . Art Squares and Axnnnster Hug's. M r Iron lSeds : and Mattresses so cheap that you i Ii can't afford to sleep on the floor. rJl : W ' " " . : _ . : : ; ; ; ! . 7. . l : , ; ; : r i'fl.rflt-fJr . ; ; f ; 1.l.lf"1. . , ? fr : : f.1 . : , yI . ! ; ; ! , 11'.t : ; ; : r ; : rn m Ii.i . . .jlIIJ : : - . . . , ! : : t ' : " : : irn ' : : : : : ' ' ' ' ' ; 'h oI. : : ! .Ji. f ; : ; ; ; ' /.iW : : ' { ; i' ! tJf. : n .J . . . . ' : : : : : ! _ . . : - . . _ . . . _ . ; : _ . . . . l Snll tor Mlllnrd'a Good Work. I \ \ a < JhingtotJ , Junc 25th. Th ( ' vote ill the Scnate on the suuject of type of Panama canal I'rovt'tl ! to be a "cry great surprise in I hoth branchcs of Cong-res ! > . ' ( 'en days ago thc majority for the sea-lcvcl tVf > C of canal in the Senatc wu pronounccd , ' 1' he action of thc Housc ahout that Lime in restricting the use of moncy appropriatcd for titc canal to mcasurcs looking- the construction - struction of thc lock. level type of canal , had its ill lIucncc 11 pen thc minds of some of the Scnators. I t was thought that the peoplc of thc country wOLllt1 not sanction much morc delay in reference to the work on the carlal and woultl hlamc thc Scnate for permitting' the grcat question to 'go OVt'r until the ncxt scssion of Congrei' ! ; ' Since that timc th re haH bl'l'n constant change in the scntimcnt on the subject in the cuate. Uuring that time all the spcechc In fitVOr of a lock-Icvcl canal were deli vcred. It will be rcmcmuered that Scnator Millard , Chairman of the Senatc COll1mittee 011 Iutl r. oceauic Canals , has all along becn stt adfast1y supporting the ad. ministration ill its contelltion for a high level callal. His report of the views of the minority uf his committec to the Sellate was regarded as the strongest document - ment issucd in support of that contcntion. Not only cnator Millard , but Senator Drvdcn of New Jersey and Senators Hop. ki ns and Cullom of Illinois as well as Senator Knox of Pcnnsylva- nia aud Senator Perkins of Callifornia , dealt slcdgc ham Iller blows in opposition to the sea- lcvel type , in thcir able spccches in thc Scnate. Meantlmc Chairman Millard worked incessantly with scnators who had not givcn the subject carcful .1ttention , pointing out to them thc salient rcasons why a lock canal would best serve the interests of the countrv , and his cfforts wcrc crowned- with suc'ess whcn thc vote was taken n 'fhursdav afternoon. Scnators on thc floor , mcmbers of the Isthmian Canal Commission , and many fricnds lost no time in. . congratulating Scnator Millard I upon his succcss in conducting the fight for a lock-lcvcl canal and In opposi tion to thc sea-icvcl project. The Senator also rc- ceived mauy congratulations from I constitucnts who have watched his coursc in rcspect to this legislation - lation and who cxprcssed gratification - fication at his eITectivc work on thc Hoer and in cotnmittec in' ' behalf of a measurc whos'e strongest supporters in the Senatc only a fcw days ago rl'- garded as hopelcssl , ) ' lost. -B.I r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . ' . Hcre' Ilul1dcd 11 > . . . . . . . . . . ( 'r' " ' ( ' 0 Fruit NI' . 71703 < . ' . ' " . . , , _ _ _ _ _ _ . - . . . . . } ' ' " , ' n . . . " . . . r . . " . . . . ' . - - - , < J : . 1 . : , . If " . : J. .BRENIZER , Brecue { l Pure Scotch allll Scotch 'l'uPlled Short Horll Cat tic. My hcnlllllmhcrs 40 COWR. " ' 111 COlli' ( 'are 111 bree,1I 11 I : ' ; \ 111qllall ! ) ' with ally 'l\1'St or Chlcalto M ' eXl'lrlrmco has tallll'ht 1110 that to 1I"1'e irl"'atlractlllll , hrccdlllll' cattlc " " IIII1St be r.to-cnt. . tilt. . . .ltlU.oe. I expect to rt..CUICIl. h rc the ( III' " o [ all .thh,1 : ' ralKIt III'h. . U. S. Illow hn02ShllllR sllitahle Jor thlR a'lIlIext ' year's service. My cows Mehrlt . from 1400 to 2\100 I'olllllls. Cottle alld see hell J. E. WILSON , ATTORNEY AT LAW. Practlco III State allll 1.'el ral Cllllrts. A h. . .tract or titles examllll'I. Hl'al I tate a 1111 Mlllllcll'al Iaw a HJleclalty. Dealcr In Real I "tat . Strict attclltlOlllth'ell tll all hllslllebs Ofl1ce III Me 'cr IIhI < . Pholle Hit. IIrokell How DR.V. . H. COLE , Veterinarian. oiscnscs of nll the lower'nllilllah" heni. etl. omcc at Icc Bros. tlrtl : Store. 'Phonc :203 : , 1Irokcn Bow , Neh. Registered O. 1. C , I-logs F-OR SALE : CIIAS. ' 1" WRIGll'r , Brokcn How , Nch . . - - - - - - - - - ROSS G. MOOl E , Attorn y.at.Law , 1t III oetAttt BIIII lOlln broker. Ollleo 10 AI tlo , , . . . . . . . . . IIlo,1r IIro" " III' ' ' ' N..h..lcl\ H. ( JON H.i\1J , O.H. . . . . . . \ullior \ In . . . 1'1111I1'1. Wlnll , l\I\II \ , Tal\k , Fittings , 01l801ln. & 0.:111011 , oto. etc. \lrokon \ ! tow , NohuMIII\ . ! I\tON ! OAl\tI HON , S , U l' 0Y 80u 6cz.1l01' . ; AT LAW. , . . . 1I00l11B tlalld II. HoaU ) lIIock , IIrOkon"Uow , Nob. ' . , T ' . . . . . ' . ' . , , , . , . _ _ _ ' : - " " ' . ' " , ' = ' : ' ! - _ . . rl'--- : . . . . . _ _ no. _ . . . . : - . - r , , , . r The Backbone Jli ' " ' ' ' . : \i'j.i . ' . . " ' ' 'i I of a , I ' " ' , . " . . Mighty Nation . ; " ' ) is good food-food for brain , toad { or Drawn , too that 19 ) J. ' strengthening , that gives energy and courage. Without a proper ' appreciation of this great "fundamental truth no nation can rise to greatness. ! 'I As an article of food , soda crackers are being used more and I , ' more every day , as is attestcd by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 l' ; packages of Uneeda Biscuit , which have come to be recognized - . nized as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known. And 50 Uneeda Biscuit will 500n be on every table at every meal , giving life , health and strength to the American people , thus in very truth becoming the backbone of the nation. " ' , . . . , NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY ' ) .1 / - r- t. d. . . . _ U _ . . . .d. . . . . . . . _ _ . _ . . m. _ _ _ - _ _ - - . . _ . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - . - ' ' - . - - . - - . . . - = = ; = : : : : : : = = . . . . - , . - - . - < c.r1 : . -m : } : , 'U. < N. : DW < < IIJf j _ . . : . _ , ' " , . .Q. . , . . . . " \ . J _ . ' - . L. EN COLE , Licensed Ernbalnlor and Funeral Director 11m ; just ) 'Pceivecl a lnl'g'o Rtock of ! l\IHltwtnkillg" \ , goods.rl'his is olle or the most complete stock : : > of ulldertn king goods ever brought to Broken Bow.rrhey are located in the Oadwell building on Fourth avenue. . Pal'ties wishing anything in this line are requested to call and inspect goods and get prices. For f l'st-class work in undertaking - taking 01' 'pmbalming call and see me 01' phone. Phone Numbers : Office , 7 7 ; Hesidence , 322. . . _ . . - - . .U ' . ; . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - u. it \ I . . "J1"-'tn : : ' : 'o.n . : . . " . . : . . . . . , , : . . . . . . r'A , " . . ! . , ; . " : _ . . : ; ' iii - . . . . . . : : . . ' , . : . . < : . . . . . . . . . r:1 . " ' : . . . : . . . . ! k . , . ; . : . , , .rn. ' : /fP. - . . . . L ' , _ ; ; : . ii. . I . ; ' . . . . . . : : m. . L".oJI..L'L..m.L , . , . . . rJ"'f . . . ' . ' . . . . ' . : ; : . . ; : . ; f. ' ' ' . : . : ' . : ; , : . , : . . , . . . . . ' . : . ; . ' : ' : . : . . . . . . : ' / ' ; ' ' : ' . . ' ' ' . . . . ' ; : n . L . . : : OO t.i' , : Whcn dcsiring to figure on a bill r.t1 . . . . . . . . . . . ; : ; i , : : 04um b er ca 11 on tb e. . . . . . . . . . ii M . . . . . " ; ' C L 1 L b C & 111. . uroar urn or o. , Wc carry a full stock of Lumbcr. : " ; h ! Sash , Doors , Mouldings , ctc. ! f : : J Ag.cns ! for the Ncbraska Ccn : ral : ' l B1Ilhhng & IJoan Assoclalton. . , . /1lI' - . ; f : , : : . . . , ; . ' . : . . . . : % . , . . ; , . ' - , ' . " . , . . " : , , i . : , , , : , .I" - ' ' ' . ' . . . . . . . . ! . . , , I . _ : . " > - . . . . . " . < . < . : . . . . . , . . . . . . . 'I- _ . .a. . ' . : . . : , ' : . " ' - : : , " : . . ' . , , ' . . 1 . . . . . . " . : " : ' , . : . . . . " .IP. ' , . : . " ' . . : . . : : . _ ; _ : : ' : , ' . . . . " : " ' . , ' . . : . . : . . ' .L : ' : _ ; : " ; : . : :1. : . . . . ' : . . L ' _ ; : ; . . ' ' . , . . . . ; , . .j"I : : r : : . : . I 1JE ' ' : . l . ' , . . . . , It " . . " > . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - r If you arc looking for thc Quality of lumber and Building Malerial for the Least Moncv lct us figurc on your bilI. \Vc always try to plcase. H T. BRUCE CO. South Side Lumber Yard , Brolen Bow , Ncb. I.-II _ - - . . . P'\lace Barber ShQP For first-class work , call at the Palace Barher Shop. Everything up-to.date. LEO DEAN , Proprictor. Try The Republican for PRINTING. - _ _ . _ _ n' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ I Legal Notices. . _ . - - - - NO'l'ICI 01" AI'I'OIN'I'MI ' 1' 010' A\lI : , IS'I'RA1'OJ { . COllllt ) ' COllrt , Cllllter CUllllty , NI.hra..ka. ' 1'0 tile I1l1lr. . allllll Jtt ur Kill uf tiraco Hlllw lI. a millor. \011 : lro hllrohy Iwtillcll Ihat Ha III 11111 W. Slrlwcll 01 llrokell 1101\ ' lather of . .alrl 1II1110r lias I\h \ ,1 his Jl tltioll III sahl cOllrt. a"kllllC that IIl1al bettll'IIIl'lIt lIIay he ha.1 fir tll sahl "tato :111I1 Halrl Gllanllall .1I"charll'el. Haul lIIaller hall h11 set fur herllll ; : ' ror Jllly 2.tll. 11)1J at 10 o'clock a. III. . at the cUllllt ) . COllrt ro.III. III IIl'11kea 11011' . N hraka , wliclI all IIIorc"lel ! I'artles lIIay avpear all,1 h IIcanl. Uate,1 Jlllle th , l'JOI. . ( IiIlAI.I A. U. IIUMI'IIHIIV. 4.1J CUllllt . JIII"re. NO'l'ICI ' 1'0 CRI UI'I'OHS. COllllt . t'ollrt Cllllt r COllllh' . Nehra ka. I 'l'hll cre.lltur. . or thu glltate or lIelljamlll 1- ' Morrow , lec alo\'I ! : I 'l'ake notlc , 'I'hat I will sit at the cOllllt ' cOllrt rOOlll , III IIrukell lIow. III salll cOllllt . . UII 1 the 3'.t or Jul ' 1'106. ! : : , day ) . aliI Oil Iho Stll da ) ' ur J > ec mb r IWtJ. ach at 10 o'clock a. m. , or each Ila ' , to rccelvo :111I1 examillu all clalu\l all'alllht ! ialll clltate , wit II a vl w tu thclr : UJllllt. ! IIICllt alill alluwallco : allll that UII the IIrlit IIato ahovo thu ( > tJtltluIIS or willow will ho heanl for 1I01ll steaI. exulIIl.tlolI" , allowallcu aliI ! otller Htatlltor ) ' rhrllt , ; . 'l'h" tllllo IIl11lted lor the I'r sell tatlull or clalmll : lIralll"t "aid estate h Ilx 1II0llths from the 6th IIay o [ Jlllle 1')00. allli the time limited for ( 'aym at or dchtll III OliO ) 'car from said tate. tate.Dated Jlllle 30th , t9J6. I UA A.R.lluMPUHK .7 COllllty JulIlI"o. . I . NO'1'ICI TO CRJ.IHTORS. COllllty COllrt. Cllllter CQUllty. Nehraska. 'rho crl'IlIlor" or Iho I state of John Jllker. Jr. lIecl'ased. Take notice , That I will lilt at the cOlillty cOllrt roolll. III Hrokell 11011' . III sa III Cl.llllty. on tile 30th day or July 1'100. ' allll 011 the 2Sth day or ] ) ec mher 1 < J0C , . each at 10 o'clock a. m. . of cach IIa ' , tu receh'e : llId exalllille all clalllls : I al/lst salol estate. with a view tu their adjllst- m lIt allll allowallco.alld : thaloll the firllt lIate aho\'o the potltlolls or wIdow will he hearll fllr homestcad. exemltlolls. allowance allll other Statlltory rlchts. 'I'lie time II m 111..1 ror the preselltatloll or claims all'alllHt Kald estate Is six 1II0llths from the 2 th day ur JIIIIO 11106 , allll the tlmo IImltcll ror ( 'a 'lIIellt 01 dchls Is olle 'ear frolll said date. 1IlIcll JIIIIO 2tll. 1')00. IIiIlAI.I A. U. lIUM1'UH11.Coullty JIIIIlI'e. J. A. Arlllour , AU'y lor I state. 3 , ( ' III the IIlhtrlct COllrt Cust r COllllty ehra"ka. III the lIIatter or the Iletitroll or John 1I111kley Allmllll"trator of thu "slale ur Sarall I" l1111kley , d eealol'lI. rur IIcell"e to "ell Real I HI\Io to I'a ) ' dehtH. allli cost oadmlllistratioll. Now Oil Ihls 31st .Ia ) ' or May. l'lOO , thu Ietl- tloll ur Juhll IIllIklcy. ahlllllistraor ( 1.1 the ehtatc or Harah I , . Hlllklev , lIeceased. was t're. Heut ,1 to 11I0. tile salllU helllll' lIIade ulIIl"r uatll allllilraylllll' rur a IIc lIse to sell thu fullowlllll' real estate , to.wit : Iots ' 1'11'0. 'l'hree. ' 1'ell allil 1'lc\'ell : 10 , block fUllrltJelll1l tllu to III or UerwYII III ClIstur COllllt . . Nchra"l < a , acconllnll' to the rtJcordedllat thereur , rur the \'aymellt or lIehts allul\'I',1 all'aillst salll tstate alld the costs ur a.lmllll"lratlon or said e"late In Cu ter COllllt . , Nehraska , rur thu r a"oll tltat theru III lIut IillfiicltJnt ; lIlIonllt 01 \ lerollallrollcrt ) . III thu Ilo . .esslonor ( hu allllllnliitrator , helonlllllll" to "alrl estate to I.ay salllllehts allll COSIi. It Is thtJr ruro urdercd tbat all l'erSOIlIi Ir.ter. elilcd III hald state a\llltJar hefore IIIe at Cllalll. hers In the Clt ' ur Kearlley , III IIl1tTalo cOllllty , NehraHka.oll tltu Ih tay of JUIl'J06 , at thu hOllr or 2 o'clock . III. to hhuw cause , If all ' tbere be , wh ' a IIctJnso Rltouhl 1I0t be cralltell h' 1101111 admlllistrator , Johll 1I1IIklc ' , to I"ell " tlm wholu or salll r al estate ahodebcrlhed ur lialll Ih'ctJllent. toIay salllllchtii allll CXIIC1I8CS. It I" ILlrther unlurcl ! that a cOI'y o [ this onler be " , " ) ' M'rve.I 1I'on alll'er ons Illterest. e.1 II . .aid estate at leas ( lourteen da ' 1i herore the lIate olsalll htJarlllC. Notice ur thl all\lll. catloll to hullIblllilt lt as required hy law III thc CUlter County HCI'"hllcall. IIRUNO O. 1l05TKTI.lR , JulllCe ur the D18telct Court oll.u..ter CUllulY , Nebr. J. A. AHMOUIC , Au' ) ' , I. , . - - - - - - , NOTICI Or. ' SPEOIAT , ELECTIOz. ; I.'OR. , ELI CTRIC LtGll'I'1I0NDS. { I' Notlc" Is hereby Illvelltltat on Tllosday , July ' 2Hh. 1906. lIext. at the IIcatrlce Creamer CO.'H \ \ bll lid I 1111" 111 the I lr8t Ward. at ( liu 1I'1l1leSR C01lclle hu1Idllll : ' III the Sccolld Ward and at \ tlte OOllllcll Challlher III tlte Tllird Warll , all . I In the city of Broken 1I0w , I'llster COllllt . . Ne. . , hraska. a slleclal election will he held. to eu. ahle the Iellal votcrs or BallI clt ) . ur Urolell Bow. Nehraska. to vote lI\lon \lrollosltloll to I vote UpOIl \roposltlun to Issue hOIlIl ! ! or salll I clt ' to the aml.llnt or $15.000 roc tile pllrpose of cstahllshlllR. cOllstrllctlll1l' allll lIIalntalllllltr n Rtem or elcctrlc IIl'hts for the Ralll clt ' . The p01ls sha1l be ol'ened at 8 lI'cloc \ 111 tbe rOrellOOal allll closetl at ( , o'elocl' . m. or sahl da\ ' . da'l'ho hallots vuted atlillch election Rhall Itave wrlttcn \lrlnl..d Iher on the wunl. . : "Hhall tltl ! I1a'or all.1 Lily CUllllcH IIr tltecUy ' " Brutu1II Boll' . Cu tel cUllnt . , Nehra. . a , have the pOI\.tJr tu horrow mOlley allll vlediro the l'rOl'erty or salll elt ) , ur lIrolcn 1I0w U\lOII Its lIelrotiahla bonllH to all amollllt not exceedlnll' 15,000 dollars to he IIsclllll l'a 'lItl : ' tllo costs of establish IIII : ' . cOllstructltllr allllmailltalnlllll' all electric III/lit IIYRtem lor the clt , ur lIro' ell 1I0w. allll to levy a tax UPOIl the taxahle prOI" perty or I < alll Clt ' or Brokell Bow. In allllitio. to all other taxes , IIlIfficlellt to pay tlte lIalll hOllds 'I allllthe Illterest 011 salll hOlldli as the sallie may hecullle dllc all II payahlc ? YES. " ! , Or-"Sball the Mayor allll cOllllcli or tlte : I city of Drokell 1I0w. Cnster COIIIU ) ' . Nehraaka. Itave pOlI'er to borrow 1II0lley , allll I'ledge the . . t property of said city of lIrokell 1I0w. upua ItH { ' lIellotlahle hOllds. to all amollllt 1I0l excel'dlac 15.UOO dollars to he used III paylttl : ' the costR ur . ( ostahllshillc. cOlIstructlllK alld lIIahllal III' all electric IIl1"ht systelll for tlte clt " ur lIrokclI 1I0w , Nehraska. an,1 to lev " a tax II lion the taxI - ahle property of Naill clt ) " of Brokell 1I0w. In I I adlIt1ol1 to all othcr taxes , 811 fiiclent to pay the said honlls and the Illterest 011 saht bOllds as the same lUay hecollle lIue anlllayahle' ! NO. " Datoll23rd lIa ' of JUlie , 1')06.V. \V. A. ( } KORGH. Ma 'or of City 01 lIrokell 11011' , Nehraska. E. S. HOLCOIllIl. CltJrk uf city or Uroken 1I0w. Nebraska. ( S : AL ] 3-7 E'Itlmte of OXllenRes for the city or lIrokell . 1I0w , Nehr. . ror thc fi'lcal year be- /lllling / May 1st , 1900. It Is herehy estimated b ) ' the Mayor allll City COllllcll of the city of BrokclI Dow , Nehraska , tbat tbe followllllr estimate 01 exp lIses ror tlto IIscal year 011901J , be. alld Is hereby malle lur the lollowlllll' pllrposes to-wit : I or street. alleys anll hrldll'es. . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 For IIl1'htlnll' I'U rlOSes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 200 } , 'or ofiicers salaries. . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 HOO Per water works expcnses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 100 I.'or Ireneral lIrposcs IIICIIlIIlIlIl expellse . orlltcll'atloll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1500 I or jlldllmellts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 > 00 , Forpaymellt 011 city lots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1000 Jo'or electric Ilith t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SOO 2.5 Ullited States Lallll Office. l . lIrokell How , NebraKka. May 2'1. ' 1'106. ' r . Notice Is hereb ' Illven tltat the rollowlnll lIamcd settler has filed lIotice or htJr IlItcntloll to make filial proof III sllllpurt or bef cla , , " . and that said proor will ho made "dorn Je"lser alld Hec"l\'er at Brokcn 11011' . Nebrahka. 011 Jlllle 30 llJQ1J.12 : MAE ' 1'UI KI'H. : or An- selmo. Nehra'lka. ror tlte H stJ ! Rectlnu.9. tnwn- 1 I shill o N I-lallite 23 W. Slie II a 1111' " tile rollow- I- . IIII : ' wltllesses to I'rO\'I ! her cOlltlnlloll rl'slrltJllce . 111'011 alld cllltlvation of sallllalld. vlz : Jn lIh Mooro. nr Allsolmo , Nehraska , James I'hlllll'8. of Allselmo. Nehraska ; James McGIIIII. o [ All- selmo. Nehraska : JollII Manllevlll , or 0110- lillIII' , Nchraska. 51.4 JAMUS WIUTKIIEAtJ , Reclster. NOTICE OF Al'PotNTMEN'l' OF AD MINISTRA'rOI-l. Coullty COllrt Cllsel ( COUIlIY. Nehraska. ' 1'0 tlte llelrs allt ! IIext 01 Kill or A villa Scovell. Decealoell. You are herehy notlflell that Otis Hcoyell. a . .on olsalrllleceasell. has filell hlR lIetitlulI III Naill Court , ask III It that a slleclal allmllll"trator may he appoillted 01 the estate of \'Illa Scovcll , lIeccasell. Said matter has hecn B t ' lor hearlllll' for July 14 , 10 tl. at 10 o'clock a. 111. , . ' at tlte Cuullty Court Room , Iu Brokcn 1I0w. ' . - - Nhraska. whell allillterestell parties may ap- lIear allll he heard. Datell the 9th lIa ' of June. 1900. 1-1 A. R. llcMl'lIRKV , Cotillty.JlIlIlI'e. SUMMONS UY l'UlILICA'l'ION. III DistrIct COllrt or Custcr COUllt ' , Nehraska. Alplta Morllall , Plailltlff. I , vs. L. A. WIcht , ct aI , DoCcllllallts. 'rite defellllallts. SlIsan Armollr. Mary Armour - mour , I lsle Arll1ollr. William McQu n. 1 lIell 1\IcQllell , Martita 1\Iarshall and Hohert Mar- , Khall , lupleadell with I. . A. Wlllltt. et Oll , allll each ur yoU will take IIotice that on tlto 2 tlt ( ' 1 lIay of JIII ) ' . lWS. the IIlalntlff filell his IIctllioll - ' III the Dilltrict COllrt o [ Cust r COIIII ! ) ' , Nehras. kat all'alll8t L. A. Whrht allt ! utl"rs allll 011 the : : IId day or May , 1')06. 1iIed \IIenllellleitloll III said actlull Illplealllllll' you anll "ach or YOII a" der tldallts. The nhject alill praycr or each or salll ( leU. ' . . , ' tlolls are to roreclose a certalll tax sale cerUII. cato Issucd hy the ' 1'rea..urtJr o [ Ulliiter COllnt ) . , " Nehraska , Oil the 3nl day nr November. 1'102. ' tu dcC"lulallt J , . A. WllI'ht. In tlte sum or $ ; 15 rur tltu sale lonho dellllquent taxcs or tlto y ae 1001 or tlte followlllll'lI scrlhcll rtJal estate situate - ate III ClIster' uUllty. Nehraska. ( u.wlt : ' 1'It" be } or sw ' allll the w . of Be ! ' allll tltu seX or or se } or IScctlUII . ' 1'oll'IIlihlll 14 North ur Hallce 23'est or 6th 1' . 1\1. aUtI ( or the "lIl1sc- IllIellt taxelll'ald ullliaill real estate b ) ' lIertJulI. aut. I. . A. Wlllht , Iursuallt tu liahlllllrchase ali rn\lows. \ to-wit : ' 1'axes paid for the 'ear I'JOJ Oil May 1st , 1903 , III tltu "um of $5.21. 'I'axcs Ilaltl ror tlte year IW3 on Ma ) ' : ! UtI.I'ItH ' , III thu lillm or $5.93. Salrl tax salll ctJrtlflcate anll the taJt recohlts I ror IillhscQlltJllt taxes so Iald bellllC now olvllctl hy ( , Ialntlff and held hy him. tach or which sllveral 811ms draw 20 I'er cent IIlIer"st rrolll date o [ tlttJlr lIaymtJlIls reo , IIllCcth'ely. There Is 1I0W 11110 a 11I1 owllll : ' thll . " " ( , Ialntlff 011 . .alII tax sale certillcato allll re. . ctJPts ! lur suhsequellt taxes Iald the rullol\'lIll : ' 11IIII1S to.wlt : f1.15 witlt 20 lIer cent Intcrest ther ell for 2 ) 'e\tll rrum No\'emoor 3 , 1'JIJ2. alld 10 l'tJr cellt tltereafter. $ -\21 with 20 per cUllt Illtorest tltertJolI ror 2 ftrr frum May 1 , IlJiJ3 , alld 10 t'er cellt tiler" . $5.1)3 wltlt 20 IICr cellt lutetost thereoll for 2 . years rrom Ma ' 2. 11)1)4 ) , alld 10 IICr cellt Ihere- aCter , ant ! ( , Iailltiff prays that the cOllrt may IIl1d thu amoullt dlle 1Iailltlff III tltu premise , ; 1 allll ror a decrcu of loreclosllro and sale of said f lallll to satisfy tlto a 111011 lit 80 Iou 11,1 dlle allll ror sllch other allt ! further rcllo [ as Is jllst alld ' e111lltable. C You alld each 01 you are reqllired to allsWer r sahl ameuded petition 011 or oofore Moullay , tbe 23rt ! day of July , 1'.IO . AI.PIIA MORGAN , . rliU lIy Ross G.IOORE ! , All'y , 1. . . .