rWSUR COUNTY RfPUBUCAn ! 8y D. M. AMBDERRV , Dno now , . . NEBRASKA. ! ! ! . . , Running to Occulth.lln. , A skeptical ngo : wo do not bellev ( , In much of anythlng-unlrJss , Inl1oel1 , it benrs the tral1emnrl ( of science. The intellectual fashion fa 0.11 for mn- terlallsm. For the rrot there Is only an ensy Incredulity. Anl1 yet , snys Everyltol1y'S Mngazlne-tho paral10x Is curlous-nover was the worll1 so Cho'.rldllon. ' ! . "Neyer hqs It turned BO wistfully to the occult. Never ha9 It listened with an expectation so painful - ful , at that closed door behind which mysterIous silenceR stretch away-tho door of the tomb. I dare say It Is natural enough. Always In opoc11s of unboUef , when the consorvatlvo forms of faith arc wealtoncd , there Is nn 1m. menso growth of vague supernaturnl- tsm. It wus In the cynlcnl olghteonth : entury , when Voltaire had encored religion - ligion out of fashion , that sorcerers , fortune tbllers , magicians-all the Mesmers and Cagllostros-rulod the world. Our now century , quite as elceptical , Is equally In love with the marvelollS. Only the fashion In wizards - ards has change ( } . The modcrn mn- glclan comes from the laboratory. Ho Bpealts in the name of sclonco , for lhero Is a science of the Immaterlnl- 11 sclenco of wltehcraft-n' science which has Us professors nnd lenrnod societies , Its journals and magazlne8. The very ghosts that haunt the 80' clettes for psychical resenrch have taken on a scientific air : they walk no more In windy corridors , clanking bpectral chains : In IL practical. mod. ern way they exhibit tltomselves to 'Bclentlfic ' congresscs. World over. psychlo phonomonl1. nre bclng studied by trained sclcntlsts. Dismissing tho- orlos , they give themselves to the 01.1- sorvatlon of sclontlfically ostabllshod facts. Their labors rvnge from the etudy of hystorla , of hypnosis and the transmission of psychic forces. to the tlmo-old mystol'lcs of enchantment nnd appnrtions. ! Futility of Advice. Wo Invoke dear old oxperlence' as though ho were 0. god , fomUy Imagining - ing that an honest Impulse domapds that wo appeal to him as an arbiter. But when we have submlttod our cILSe 'and ' listened to his verdict. says the moader , we express our tlllmlts and go 'away and do exactly as we please. tWe all carry our troubles to the frlonds whoso sympathy we know out. weighs their wisdom. Wo want them ! to pat us on the baclt and toll us . lthnt we are doing exnctly right. It 'they ' by any chance nro hold enough lto give us nn honest jUdgment based Ion real convlctlons , wo depart with 10. grievance , our confidence shaltcn. 'We ' lean upon our friends. to bo sure : ; but we rely upon them moro to ban : us out atter the forts of folly have crashed about our ears and wo plno ! in the donjon. thun on their advice ; that might possibly have preserved us on the right sldo of the barricade. And I may note hero that of 11.11 . the oIDces that man may undertnlte , that of the franlt friend Is the most thanlt- less. The frank friend I It Is ho , my comrade. who told you yesterday that you wore looldng wretchedly Ill. Dr. Experlenco had wnrned him. and he was anxious to stop you In your hoad. long plunge-he felt 0. duty In the mutter. To-morrow 110 will drop In to tell you In gentle terms that your new poem Is-well. ho hates to say It-but ho fears It Isn't up to ) 'our old marItI The franlc friend. you may remember , was Dr. Experience's favorite - vorite pupil. "San Francisco reports , " says n con. temporary , "that 0. number of persons who suttered trom various ailments previously to the earthqualte and fire In that city find themselves complete. ly cured. One paralytic , who for 15 years had been crlplled by his dls. ease , is now 'entirely cured , ' and nu. merous ether rocoverles have been re- corded. " Nor should it bo forgotten that among the ailments cured b ) ' the 'clI.rthqualte Is celibacy. There Is evl. 'dence ' ot many well authenticated In. 'Stances of San Franciscans earth. quaked Into matrimony. The doctors veritably threaten to l1eave us with nothing on earth fit teat at or drink. The latest raid on the , worlts of the Almighty Is by n Duttalo doctor , who proclaims that the straw. berry , that most toothsome and dell. claus of all the little fruits. Is a brocd. er of Insanity , which , he says , In. crcases largely during the strawberry season. Well , there are worse kinds of Insanity , so bring on the strawber. ! ries. Justice Whitehouse ted n newspaper p1an at Augusto. recently that In 1,200 r more dlvorco cases ho has never ad 0. club woman appear before him 'for ' a dlvorco. "The kind of women who bOlong to clubs , " he said , "aro not ithe kind of women who I nve domestIc - ! tIc dlmcultles to settle In court. " lAnd yet , If we are not ml ! tnlten , at 'the last meeting of the National Federation - oration of Women's Clubs In Callfor. , 101a' arrangements were made to pub- BIBh a pampblet giving women dlreo- IUons for obtalnln a dl'orce. , . . . 1 . JIo , * * m s m * . * -tc * * . * ' . . 'WlshIOlIOYC : : { OI' IJtWa e _ P , 11 Ihe br:1V : . . Slaies- , meo who laburel\1 \ ) ' 7itl ri 1.rrinnlnll h r (0 IIberl : 'j \ .5.0IdlerSIWlse ! young ' 0'0" ' "I"I" , , ' " } P J\ , : ) { , " ' , ; . h" , , , -1111 d' , bu' ' ' ' , who ultct ! ! 'II Jallerlo 9 ( c : rf.lI r , ; I h nels r ; ; ; ; ; slr It ! nOI live 10 valn did/On-bl / rah r I { ' ' . 'vai' " "W " , t r s \1/ . . . . iwas i . . . . . C , eJ : ' v g puld be-a nalloo O r em n , A alinn ( )1hk ) 1 btre ' : lust e Ihe cap- , - ' ' ' ) , I ' \ - : \ 7. \ jS' " slone. hose men bulldct ! 100lru L : \ ' ( OJ el Ihe eVil deeilJ ; Or i ml orily genera- 1100 rent ! asunder Ihc SlrliClure' " " \ iliecre"r..d. ' . . , ! : rhe / nalloo t'- Ihe blo of Ihe hcroes of ' 70 has lived , sllII lives : lnd. : I , live SO _ I : a , I ci'd _ equalilY arc Ihe walchworts ! of Ihe people , - . - \ : . . ' - . ic * * ) f LAND 1VUrRE MY rATnrllS BirD ! LAND or Tor PIL61IMS. PUID1 rnOMfRY MOUNTAIN IDIS LrT rn r' " . . . , . . .t. . . . . . . . /.1. . . . . \ . .P . . . . . f \ .1' ' . . ' . . . . ( , , , { , . r. - - Save , the Babies. f if MORTALITY is something frightful. We oan hardly realize that or INFANT ohildren born in oivilized oountries , twentytwo per oent. , or nearly one-quarter , die before they reaoh one year ; thirty seven per oent. , or more f than one-third , before they are five , and one-half before they are fifteen I ! We do not hesitate to say that a timely use of Oastoria would save a majority - jority of these preoious livea. Neither do we hesitate to say that many of these X ; " infantile deaths are oooasioned by the use ofnarootio preparations. Drops , tinotures . and soothing syrups Bold for ohildren's ' oomplaints oontain more or less opium , or , morphine. They are , in oonsiderable quantities , deadly poisons. In any quantity. / they stupefy , retard oiroulation and lead to oongestions , siokness , death. Oaatoria operates exaotly the reverse , but you must see that it bears the signature of I . Ohas. H. Fletoher. Oastoria oauses the blood to oiroulate properly , opens the . I pore of the skin and allays fever. : Letters from Prominent ' ' Physicians'T' : a ; . 'I e. pr r ! : : : a h1 . , - ' _ mnny cnses nntl llnve always found It an ellielent and speedy remedy. " 1iftI" ! ' Dr. E. Down. of Pllllndelphln , Pa. . lays : "I bave prescribed your Cnstorla In \ , my prnctlco tor many years with great sntlsfnetlon to myself and benefit to my I patients. " , ' Dr. J. E. Wngjtonar. : ot Chicago , Ill. , snys : "I cnn most henrtlll reeomman 'J your Cnstorla to the pUblic as a remedy for chlldren'o complnlnts. I hnve tried f It nnd tound It of grent value. " Dr. Edwnrd Pnrrlsh , of Broollyn , N. Y. , says : "I hl1vo used your Castorla In my own household with good results , aud have advised severnl patients to use It , tor its mild laxative elIect and freedom from hnrm. " " Dr. J. B. Elliott. ot New York City , says : "IInvlng dIning the pnst sl % yel1rll prescribed your Castorla for Infantile stomach disorders. I most heartlll commend Ii' , l1a use. The formula contains nothlni : deleterious to the most tlellcate 0 chlltlren. " , ; Dr. C. G. Sp..n e , of Omahn. Neb , . & : ! ors : "Your Castorla Is nn Ideal medlclno , for children , nnd I frequently prescribe It. While ! do not advoente the Indls- - , : crlmlnnte use of proprietary medicines. yet Castorla. Is an exception tor conditions } which arise in the care of chlldl'en. " TI Dr. J. A. Pnrlcr , ot Knnsns City. Mo. , says : "Your Castorln. holds the esteem . ' . of the medical profession In a manner held by no other proprietary preparation. It . ' ' ' . Is I\ . sure and reliable medicine for Infants and chll ren. In tact , It Is the universal Promolns CllnCrr.ul- . . D'll'Scst'lon . - " LI househeld remedy for infantile aliments. " , ness and RestContains neither Dr. n. F. Merrlll , ot Augusta , Ie. , sl1Ys : "Cnstorla Is one ot the very finest ; Opium Mortl ne nor Nincr l . and most remarkable remedies for Infants and children. In my opinion our Castorla ' " ' hns saved thousnnds from nn early grnve. I can furnish hundreds 0 , testimonials ' . . . . , -T OT AltCOTIC. from this locality as to Its efficiency and merits. " ; . . . Dr. Norman M. Geer. ot Clevelanl1. Ohio. snys : "During the Inst twelve yenrs ' . I have frequently recommended 'our Caste ria as one of the best preparations of the . . , r / ' . . . ' / / , kind. being safe In the hanl1s of nrents and very elIcetive In relieving ehlldren'o J'/mpoI'Old.Ilr.tU.a'ELPJTC/IE/1 whle& ! : disorders , while the ease with such n pleasant preparation ca& be adminIstered I Ampf n J'-t- Is n Jrcat advantage. " .AlxSmna . . . Dr. F. II. Kyle , ot St. Paul. Minn. , says : : 'It affords me pleasure to ndd m , . < . Pa { . , . - name 'to ' the long list of those who have used and now cndol'so your Castorla. The , .Ani fact of the Ingredients being known through the prInting of the formula on the . , . } wrappcr Is one good an BUlllclent renson tor the recommendation of any physlelaa. . . ' - fW I know of Its Jood qualities Ilnd recommend It cheerfully. " 1SI'Id - { pt l Sitw.r lVtnYnvYl' } CENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Ape ccl r.cmcdy rorConsUpa- lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms , Convulsions ,1' verish- ness amI Loss OF SUER H . , fllc simile signature of { NE"r YORIC The Kind You 11ave Always Bought EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. In Use FOil Ovel 30 Years. THE : CI NTAUR COtltJ.UIV. 77 MURRAY CT , fH.II YORK CIT' ! , - . . - - . . . . . . . " - . . : ; , : . . . : : : " " ' . . ' . . . " " " ' _ . . / ' _ . 'H' , ' = , . . " " _ Hr. . . . . . . " ' . . . " ' . . . . , . . . , , " - . . . _ _ _ c _ _ - . t , ( ' ' - . . . . , . . . . . . . . . ' . ' - ' " , " " " " " - ' - . NEW HOMES IN THE NORTHWEST. Shoshone Reservation to De Opened to Settlement - Chicago & North- 'Vestern R'y Announces Round Trip Excursion Rates from All Points July 12 to 29. Less than one faro for the round trip to Shoshoni , Wyoming , the reservation - ervation border. The enl ' all rall route to the reservation - ervation border. Dates of registration July 16th to 31st at Shoshoni and Lander. Reached only by this 11ne. Write for pamphlets , telling how to lake up one of the3e attractive home- ' 3teads. Information , maps and pamphlets free on request to S. F. 1\Uller , A. G. F. & P. A. , Omaha , Neb. FOREIGN FINANCE. , - - Great Drltaln's public rcvenue in Aprll , the first month of the fiscal 'enr , amounted to .c 418,895 , and ox. pendltures , .1 : 21,360.361. New capital Issued In London from January 1 to May 5 , nmounted to $288,788,915. as against $431,216.505 in the same period In 1905. Total operations of the Danlt of .Tapan in the year 1905 amounted to $14.578,127,000. an Increase of $5.744" 106.120 compared with 1904. The nnnual report of the Danquo do Paris for 1905 shows thnt not profits amounted to only 10,804.883 francs , against 19,411,421 francs In 1904. A loan of 10u,000,000 francs wlll be shortly put on the Paris marltct for the French colonies In West Africa. The greater IJart Is Intended for Sen. ogal and the Upper Niger , to Improve the navigation on the two rlvors. Went with the Suit. Muggs ) ' - Where did ) 'er glt do watch ? GaITer-Got It wid a suit 0' clo'es. "Aw ! go'n : do clothln' men ain.t Iivln' awny no watches ll1w that wid sulta 0' l110'es. " "Well , db : ! was a second-hand suit what belonged to n gent whnt was In . . . swimmln.-Phlladellhla Press. 'rhore may not be more than two. . Inch\s of strawberries , but tblnlt of the slzo of the box with the lumber higher every day.-Dotrolt Free Press. I..cwil ! ' Sinle ! ; Dinder straight 5c cignr. Made of extr'a quality tohacco , Your denier - er or Lewis' factory , Peoria , Ill. There is something wrong about tbe father who It ! 110t 0. hero In the oye5 of his lIttle ones. ! \frs. 'Vlnalow'S SoothIng ! t.rol" For cblldren teetblnlf. loften. tbe ! rura. , reducN IDo l1alIllDaUon , aUa ) ' . pa , cur" wind coUu. . botUClo li'UW girls would Improve U1elr Int51- lects at the expense of tbelr sbape. . _ " . . . . , m. . , - . . _ _ GENERAL GLEANINGS. The king of Ashantl has 3,332 wivas. A younr ; Jones is born every 40 minutes. The number or known stars exceeds 100,000,000. Contributors to the London Times are paid $25 a column. One man in six In the American navy Is a total abstainer. The parrot appreciates music more than any other of the lower anlmnls. Over 20,000,000 leeches were used annually 25 years ago , but now not 1.000,000 a 'ear are used. The world's largest prune orchard -in Los Gates , CaI.-contalns 50,000' trees and 'ields an annual proHt of $50.000. . Good Test of the Dog. Suburbal11te ( to vlsllor-Oh , hc.w arc you ? Come right In. Don't mind the og. VI'3ltol-Dut won't lie bite ? "That's just what I want to see. I only I ought tbat watchdog this morn- ing-La Hive , The mare Is by no means slnl1Ilor. Ev rytl1ll1g goes. where mone ' is the moUvc.-Puck. . - - - - K'ILLER de.trO8IUII1e nlcI an : ! fHE DAISY FLY alford.romfort to . , 'ery homo , One 1:0. , box I"ots the entire , euon , Jlarmc6s ! to "er on..Cll'lllI , nellt1,1 will not .011 or luju ro allythlnl : , Try Ihem onee on < 1 YO\l wllnenr ! bo wllho\ll thelll. It not \.ellt by deal , ors , sen t preps hi fur oe. lI'rol /In. . . . . . 110 lI.blb .A. . . , rooI.IJDIi.1' . WANTED Men to work In auIIIl1ls alld shlnele 1111111 In the slate of WashhlRlon. tHGU WAGES I Stead , . employment , No Inow or cold , .caLber. mills mil ever.lIIollth In the yur. Cheap living. For fuU particulars address P clfic Coast Ium. ber Manufacturers Assoclatloll , Seattle , oren arrival - rival caU OD Crawford & Pratt , 110 MaIn Street. PATENTS for PROFIT mun tully protect I1n Invontlon , 1I00t1ct und Helt CAlendar FJU-E. U"hen referencel , Oommunlcatlons CunlllJenUal. K.tabllabel1 IIJII , va.o. . I'lo.Let . . La.rloel. Wa.IIIIItoo , D. 0 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - ' - - - - - - - . . . , \ ' 1 f ' ' ! ' . food : t 1 ! ue conomlca u ' don'l pay for bone or Rt tIc when you buy them. 'I Nolhinll . into a Libby bul cIeu. : lean. well. cooked meallMI is ready to eat. Libby' . Produdl are lime and bauble and money.uvell-Aod appc : te lIimuialol'lo Libby' . Bonel. . . Chic n wilh Mayonnaise ) Dreaing mal.t : a quick . 141ad , yel al ddicioUi . one u you ever ale , It. . a II d ck.eo. and all good chjc n- IOItly white meat. \ , . Try it when hurried or hunt7. BooU" fnoe , "How 10 MaL. Coed Thinllllo Eat , " Wri . . . Libby , McNeill & Libby , ChIcago " . - ' ! " I GOOD YEAST There is nothing we oat that makes \ the family feel so good as light , wholesome bread. To make good bread It is neces- f. sary to begin with fresh. lively ii + .f j'h c. ' O Ti _ ' , - ' Yeast r' Two packages of "On Time" will cost you 10 Cents and weigh moro than three packages of other yeast which will cost you 15 Cents , Use On Time YeDsl and save the nickels. Ask Your Grocer for On Time Yeast - - - - - - - - LOW RATES TO . " COLORADO VIA GRAND ISLAND ROUTE. Account Annual Mecttnll. Dcncvolent nnd Protccttvo Order ot Elks I1t JJcnvcr the tit. JOleph k Orond hland ttal "ay "III lei I on July Ill-III. Inolllltve , roundtrlp tlCkels 10 IIcnTor. Col ndo ! ! prlnjts and t'uebo ! ut excccdinl/ly low rUlcs. 'l'lctclilfood to relurn unlllAugul\J ) , } , 'or turlhor IntormaUoncall on uolltelDilen' or I1dd ress . AD51'r . P. A. , St. Joaeph. Mo. DEFIANCE STRGH rfn"CttDi : I