Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 05, 1906, Image 5

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An Epitolne of Personal Affairs and Local
I Events During the , Past Weel < .
_ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ n _ _ _
' P. M. Case of Weissert was
II , ' r , . _ a city visitor Monday.
I ' vy. P. . IIiggins ; of Sargcnt was
. . / , ' a city VIsitor , Saturday.
.r Lucitln Tuttle or Yurk was
visiting in the 1..1t ) ' 1'uc drlY ,
Rev. W. ' 1' . and Mrs. P wers
of Weisscrt wen cit \'Isitors last
. : - < 'J. E.Iyers ! and S. S.l\IcCounell
t Ii. of Georg tow II were city visitors I
' last Thursday. !
" r.
' , ' , ' : ' Miss Mae 'l'uckcr of Auselmo
' , ) : was in the city Saturday maldng
, : , ' , , proof on her homcstead.
' '
\ Mrs. Della Estm ln of Myrtle
- ' : ' , . to.wnship is visiting in the city'
1f.'t with her mother , Mrs. P. A.
1\ \ . ' " . .
I" "I. 'iT > Walton.
" - " ' - ; F. M. Currie's horse sale Satur.
, day attractcd a large crowd.
I Most of the horses sold at good
4 ;
? . rf : \1. E. II arris , wife and daugh-
I ter Lucy , \Vesferville spent
\ - Sunday in the city visiting with
: the family of Walter Harris.
. ! ' Tom Wright of Ansley stopped
off Saturday on his return from
\ Hillingsolltana : [ where he registered -
. . . tered fmo d draw in the Crow
" Heserva ti"lI.
Mrs. M.l .llarrisofWestervil1e
' , ' hOrl rc1 { ' (1 the tra i 11 hcrc Monday
for Aq\l1a'H1. \ She will go on to
UlUdua IJcfore returning to visit
, her son. .
. : : Jacou Cover and wife of Mason
. City were business vistors in
. : , : Brokcn Bow last Thursday.
F' Tbey rcmembcred the Hnpunr.I-
" ' . " ' , C N oflice with a social call.
, . ' .
. Jate Barcus al1d Rey. 'w. T.
. , , t Powers left Tuesday for a trip to
the Paci fie Coast. They go by
. the way of Bismarck , N. D. ,
" ' , ' _ .l wbcre . t bc ) ' wi11 111 a ke a short stop.
J , The army of c1er s at H. B.
( Drakes store have been kept busy
for thc last two weeks waiting
on the throng of customcrs each
day attracted by his "Mi11 End
Salc. "
Witl Chrysler of Springfield ,
Oregon , arri\'cd in the city Mon-
elay to visit his relatives. lIe
urougut out two car load of
horses which he bought for
Peter Wantz's , ranch.
The Ansley and Brol < en Bow
haIt tcams crossecl bats on the
Broken Bow cliamondlast F'nday
afternoon. The resuH of the
gal11eas 1 to 4 in favor of the
home team.
A. H. Barks of Ansley con-
tinued' his journey from Billings
last week where he registered for
a chance in the Crow Reservation ,
to Tocoma , Washington , on an
, inspecting trip.
l J . . J. Wooll Smith formerly of
, 1 'I ' Loup City latcr of Callaway who
is now tra\'eling for a l hicago
wholesale firm has be n in the
city for several days. He now
resides at Portland , Oregon.
A finc rain visited this locality
I Sunday aftcrlloon , complctly clis-
. . , " Jlclling all fear of a drouth.
- 'rhe corn and grass especially
{ will be g-really bencfited as well
' as the oats , p tatoes and spring
. : . wheat.
. . . . . . r'
M\jor North of Columbus
spent sevcral days in the city
. I " last week the guest of W. B.
l asthUlan. l\Ir. Easthman was
deputy revenue collector ur.der
, Mr. North during Clcveland's
, . - IilSt administration.
f ' G. N. Rawson returncd last
Friday from a two months visit I
i in the east , inc1uding his old
home in Vermont. He says that
he visited in aIt of tlie New
) , . England states e"cept Maine.
' , ' lIe says in the manufacturing
f' , towns uusiness is good , but that
the. country towns exhibit very
little life. In speaking of his. .
old homc town he says that the' '
population is less than it was
40 years ago and that Broken
Bow does as much businel s in a
week as is done there in I. vear ,
yet his people wonder how he
can be satisfied to remain in the
wes t.
' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' : ' , .0. , . " " " " , , . . . " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
f''I0. ) llOe ONLY IDe } .
\1 , J American Hemp } *
j , MI xe d wine. . I . . .
. . .
t .
, ] All orders tal < en at 11 '
I cents will bc fill cd at Oc.
l : : : ; : : : : "J
1 ! , . . . . . . . . . "
t _ . .
. I OJ \
, , . . 0
. ' \ ' . , . . 'I
J. N. Peale has sold Ihis residence -
dence property to L. A. Par-
menter. Considcration $1100.
The Old Settlers picnic of the
northwest quarter of Custer
cuunty will be held in Lindley's
Grove , near Anselmo July 11 the
J. M. Betts of Lincoln was
circulating among his fricn s in
, the city 'I'uesday. IIe is 'now
traveling for a wholesale hardware -
ware firm.
Elder A. J. Hargett of Lincoln
will preach at 11 a. m. , and 8
p. m. , Sunday July 8th in the
Chrh tian church. You are cordially -
ally invited to attcnd.
Remember that Ne.well1 ! will be
at the Opera housc MotHla\ , ' and
' 1'uesclay nights , Jul ) " 'Jtlt and
10th. I esen'ed seats can ue
gotten at the postofficc store.
Paul Humphrey received a
telegram from Washington on
the 3rd to report at Bighom for
work as soon as possible. lIe
w:11 : leave for his new station
Monday night.
Amos Noble and wife left
Monday for BurweIt whcre they
will visit a few days with their
sons li'rank and ' 1'om. Thev
went as far as Dry Valley Sunday
to visit their son Charmcr who
accompanied them to Burwell.
J. W. Conley of Oconto was in
the city 'l uesday. lIe report
crops looldng well in that part
of the county. but states that his
locality did not get the rain that
visited this locality Sunday after.
Mr. Sheldon of Anslcy has
purchased the 80 acre track of
land southeast of Anslcy of
Charley Weaverling. Consideration -
ation S1500 cash. Mr. Weaver-
ling is a resident of Anacortes.
Washiagton , where he has
re8ided since leaving , here 20
years ago.
Fred Klump of Trion and liss
Ethel Butler were marricd on the
27th in this city Judge Humphrc ) "
officiating. 'rhe groom is the
son of J acol > Klump of wcst taWe
and until the last year resided
in the county the HHI'Unr.lcAN
Joins their friends in congratu
la tions.
Mrs. G. O. Wendell of Illinois
is visiting in the city with her
sister Mrg. Geo. Willing. Mrs.
Wendell was formcrlv a rcsident
of Bret < en Bow al111 enjoys the
acquaintance of our people who
knew her twenty . . . .ea s ago. She
and Mr. Wendcll will spend a
year in New lexico for their
health and rccreation.
.T. G. ILte erle land family returned -
turned last Friday from their
visit to California. 'I'hey were
gone just seven 111011 t hs. ' 1' hey
report having enjoycd their rest
and trip ver } much. It is the
first rest Mr. IIaeucrle had takcn
in more t wen ty years 0 f busi ness
and from his .appearance it must
have agreed with him as he l1 lS
fleshed up vcry precept ably.
Rev. H. . Richards , the Baptist
Evangelist of York was a social
caller at this office Tuesday.
He was on his way home from
Canton Ncuraska where he had
been holding a series of meetings.
He attended gvangelist Mc-
Connell's meeting at Alliance
Monda ) ' night. He reports a
large attendauce but as yet .but
few had professed converSiOn.
Judge Humphrey and family
wcnt to the Humphrey ranch at
the mouth of Spring Crcek
Wednesday cvening to spend the.
4th. They took their camping
outfit with thcm. The judge
returne the evening of the 4th
but Mrs. Humphrev and the rest
of the family will remain in camp
until they tret tired enough to
come home.
Wm. Warrcn of Triumph town-
ship. announces hUl1self as a
candidate for represcntative of
the Sf ! district. Mr. Warren is
a farmer and a man well qualified
to fill the position to which he
aspires. He has the assurance
that he will have a strong follow.
ing- from the southwest where he
is best know. His announcement
appears in this week's RIWUBII.
CAN. Look it-up.
Mr. Bailcyof the Goldenrod ,
of Grand Island is in the city thifi
week worldng in the interest of
his maga ne. Mr. Bailey is
doing a splendid work in adver
tising Central and Western
Nebraska. lIe is practically oc-
cup'ying a field that has not been
uhh1.ed before and is entitled to
the liberal support of all who
want to encourge homeseekers to
locate among us.
: : : : : : . : : --1 : . , '
. , , . , 1
. ' . \ . . : . . . . " " . . . . . . . "
Jesse Wilson who went to
Scattlc a couple of weeks ago
with a shipmcnt of Mock returned -
, turned Sunday being absent
thirteen daYs. Hc was'sevcn
and a half d ys going' and thrcc
and a half returning. 'rhrough
the assistance of L. E. Kirk-
patrick hc secured a pas to the
ship Nebraska and was shown
through the ship. As his guide
was formcrly a Nebraska University -
versity boy he took special pains
in having Mr. Wilson see aU there
was to be seen on thc Ncbrast < a.
Republican Cnucul - Loup Township.
Thc rcpublican electors of
Loup township are hercby notified -
fied that a caucus will be held at
the Downcy school house Saturday -
day July 28th , at S o'cloc1c p. m. ,
for the purpose of electing 8 dele-
gatcs to the republican county
convcntion and for the transaction -
action of such other bU1iucss ! HS
may properly come before the
caucus. J. E , M\'HI S , Com.
When you want to send money
away , go to the Broken Bow State
Bank and uuy a Bank order.
'l'hcy are cheaper and more cou-
venient than postal orders or
express orders. tf
- - - - -
- - - -
, ,
, , . . . . .
, , . . . . . . . . . - " , . - . . - - . - , - , . , ' . . . . . , . ,
DQ tQr. . cacll , Pc ; . tis.t. .
J. C. Moore ; hhstractiug. 2tf
- - - -
Dr. n 1drick of 011'la11n ' will
visit Brokcn Bow q'uesdn } ' , Jt'lty
10th , at the ( ral (1 C ntral' IIottl. !
- " ' . . ' . ,
FOR SA1t--Blevcn and hnlf
I lots , 50x140 felt. Good frame
honsc , good uarn , good 'well and'
100 bearing fruit trees. I nquire
at this office. , . " 17tf
. I , _
li'ouND-A silver graduating
class pin. The owner can get , it
by calling at this offi c and 1 > I\Y-
iug for this notice. 4tf.
My farm 4(10 acres , near A n ley
is for rent. nWou1cllike 10 acres
put in fnll wheat this fall.
Nm.s l ) m ,
Broken Bow.
14'or sale or re."t , my residcnce
, property in soutl1\yest part of
! the city , with four room house.
I I also , h vc a cow , wagon and
household furniture for sale.
- - - -
FouND-.A Woodman pin which
can ue had by thc owncr calling
I at the RUPUIIIICAN omce and
I Jayiug for this notice.
L -
- - -
- - - - -
' . . , . - . . . _
. . " ' ' 'WI.
Dr. Hcadrick's practice is
\ mited to , c11toui " , diseases.
GOntmltntion. a'ud , examination
f cc. Will visit Brokcn Bowl
'll\ \ J1 V , JuI 10th . , at the Gr nd
' ! '
Cen'tral'tt ( c .
" - -
FOH SATH-A new'housc24x2 ( '
four rooms , wHhin -blocks"'be
the square. 'Inquirc' at . , this
office. ' \ ' 42tf
, . . ' . . , , .
' . Funiish ( ! roohls\O r nt : Bath
In Connectton. EIHItt1re' the
RIWUDLICAN qfl1ce. 44tf
" "
, Dr."T. . W. Bass , dcntist. OOice
vc't' " 'McCon1is" drug store.
PJron % .
Drcss matdng in rOOlI1S 1 a 1l12 ,
Burlington " Block. Phone , 28 ,
Drs. li'nrnsworth & Bcck-
Dcntists. \ . - tf
Sec those PerpetUtll Carpet
Swe pers at Konkel & Mullins. ,
Lct us bc your printcr. 'rhe
1-00(1 : kind of printing only.
W ANTED-Mcn , women , ho's ,
and girls to rcpresent McClure's
Ma azine Good pay. Address
67 Inast 23d St. , N. Y. City. 34-tf.
_ - .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' -
. . . . . . . . . . . - . " . I , - . . . . . . . .it " . .
For bargain : : ; ; n real cstate see'
Bo\tJlh \\'n\ric1 . rfb ; J 9t : " ' , , Jt
of the Security State Bank. 10tf
- - - - - - -
Dr. . IJc drick gives special
attenhon to the car , nose , throat
and cat rdl'V.ill Ivisit" ) Broken
'Bow ' , 'l'uesclay , July 10th , at the
Gr.JW J ; ual ) Jp.\eli \ , 'I . . \ . .
Wc hllv It9'f1t .il\1. \ , kind of
screcn ( loQrs , anl1 ) vJpc1ows , thc
best in the .cty { , , cal.l and. inspe t
them. 49tf
DIuu s LUl\tDItH & COAT , Co.
Hotel property for sate or trade.
for stock , cheap if sold at once.
Doing good business. ' rtry 'rea-
son for selling , I am city marshal -
shal amI can not attend to both.
Address , \
C. J . Cr.AIU { ,
1. ( , , Carin , Neb.
- -
W AN'l'HD-Geutlcman or lady
with good refcrence , to travcl by
rail or with a rig , for n firm
of $550.000.00 capital. Salary
* 1,072.00 p r ) 'car amI expenses ;
salary paid weckl } ' allll expen es
advanced. Addrcss\vith stamp.
Jos. A. Alexander , Broken J3Qw.
R. B. Mullins , M. D. , D. D.
S. the Dentist. ' ' 37tf
I ,
_ _ . h _ . . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
. - , .
II 7 8 a
represents the total number of sales recorded up to date at
I H. 8. Drake's ' Great Mill End Sale , I '
UIl(1 the totaluumbel' of dollars taken in have sUl'pnssed our most sanguine ex-
pectations. 'Ve , vish to thank the good people of this vicinity for the exprcsscd
appreciation of our efforts to occasionally give them n seaSO l of shopp ng oppor-
tunitips such as they light pxpect in the Inrger cities , I
I SATURDAY , JULY 7th , will be the last day of this great :
sale , and it will also be the greatest day of the sale for : B .rgains. i
We never aim to c rry over any goods from one season to
another , and in order to "Lick the Platter Clean" we' will
I t y to have a prioe on all , Remnants and Odd Lots that will
i are in stoclr to run through the sale. and , ve have received Specially for Satur- .
I , ay a nice bunch of long ] engths in Cnlic os which , vill he distrihuted uring
the day at 2 1 2 cents n yard.
! , It seems to be the general impression that we will have a
IIF.ree Grab on Mill.E . d ?
' a. urlng the last d.ay of the sale , and as we never Ilke to dlsa : P1oln ? t
'I , the public we ha va set aside a nice bunch of Mill Ends for this
: purpose , and will , Saturd y afternoon t 5 o'clock ,
! Make Mill Ends Absolutely FREE. I
I Be on hand when the big sign , "MILL ENDS FREE" goes up : ,
I t see the fun and get your share.
and , YO , , , ill soon be oft' for the I .astel'n Marlrets for our Fall Stocks. In sp-
looti ng a place to Inake you I' future purchases j ust .get in the wagon" 'v it.h t.he
on Iy hOllse that ever han s JOU out a bunch of bargains.
l' Ja : . : B. : J : ) .A. . EI ,
- - - - - -
- .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
/ .