T W-v r 'I'"OfV'I' "U _ - " _ . . . . . . _ ; : : ijuor \ Gounty nnpublican. l'ubll hl'\l OVOIY Thnrll4Jw110 , OllUM7 Hen' . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - D. . AMSB RRV. . . . Publlshor CHAS.I < . BASSETT. . Assoolato . . . . . . - - - - - - - " /V / It'rI/'IINU IIATm . 'lJe "Ohlllllo , I" r 0"lIIlh7 .00. IIno.halr CII. . nlllo , III" 11I'1111. . ' 101 ' ni\flor column. pot IMmh , " 'J r 1 I" , . lhi\n qURrl.o1t cnhllnll , r.o CII" ' " " " luch I'"t ' 1II1'h Oa , . I" /10 1\1 \ I'"U ' ' liO ( , lIlItll IIOt hloh , per " , , 'n'h LoICnl ud ' , rU" ! " " " . . , , "I. I"r 11..0 each hlor. , 111111 , Notlet .1 "lIIrr.1I laIr. . ocll\bh' . and lIolorlllln. DI"lIt .vhlllll ITJ" ' ' ' ' ) ' , . cllllrlll'd. IIlIo.lu\l' I..l . , , . ' /lnllll , Ioll'n. , I\nl , , , . " 1011011" . ollo-t,1I1I rill" " . W"lllhw' . .11"8 II. . . . . hili \lrlct' \ rur "uhlhhlng 11.1 0' I'w. . . . . . ' . . I'"tb nO'loI" ' , , . . II. . " I.dr. " lor pIIIIII.IIIIII. ( nlillunry 111111" ' . ' ' 0110' ' ' ' ' . II' Ihllnke. . . , ' ' . . , I . . II , 1'l\lulM 0' 1./1loull . ( ( r.l' I"\I"Hled " \ tI. . , . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - ' . - 'J'hul"daj' ! , July 5 , ! fJOC , - - - - ANNOUNCH\1HN'l' : . ehy III11J : > lIIICC 111'RcH n CUI\Jjclntc ( ) rcsclllnti\'c of Uie 56 Reprcsclltu- strict of Nchrnskn , suIJjcclto the f thc RcpulJliclIlI llislric ! CIIU\'ClltiOIl. " \\:11. WAIUlUN , I 4t. . 'rriulJlph 'l'owIIRhil' , Neb , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Steer Clear of the Radical. . There seems to he no scarcity in gubernationul candidates. 'J'hose already announced are John Wall , of Vallc } ' county ; Geo. L , Rouse , of Hall count Vi Senator Sheldon , of Ncmaha countYi Ex-Corn. , Weston , Mayor Milcs , of Hastings , Senator Stech of Fairuury and Mr. Conway - way of York. This is a fine list to select from and there is but Jittle doubt but the republican state convention will exercise good judgment n making its choice. The party should steer clear of the most radical and select one who is level headed , conservative and has courage to carry out the will of the people. It is not always safe to select the one who makes the most tloise , The same is true in male- ing' the choice of United States Sepator. 'l'he republican party is in a position at the present time that demands very careful and wise council to avoid the breakers ahead. 'l'here is a growing sentiment - ment of radicalism abrJud that is ca1cul ted to weaken rather - . . than strJngthen repubhca111sm in the state. We do not mean there should be a backward step in the matter against corporation. control , or for just and equitable legislation that w1ll protect the interests of the producer and business men. What the party needs just now are men who are conservative , yet able and courageous men who are judicious and have the . courage of their convictions , who will serve the interests of the people , guarding the just aud equitable rights of all classes of business. But from the experience of the . populists a few years ago , as. well as from our better judgment , we have learned th t the racHI'al ones are not the best , in whose charge should be entrusted the affairs of the governnient. The republican party has its Shra- ders , Kem's , Bill Green's and Porter's within its ranks and judging from their recent declarations - rations some of them have senatorial - torial and . gubernatorial aspira- tions. The republican party should steer clear of that class in selecting - ing its candidates. It was the radical element that klllel off the populist party and should the same class get control - trol of the republican party similar results may be expected. We have aspirants for state and senatorial honors who arc' . with the people that are not re. . sorting to demogogic methods to promote their individual inter- ests. Look them up and see that they are chosen for the standard bearers of the republican - can party this ) 'ear and the result - sult of the election need not be feared. Edward Rosewater won a signal victory yesterda ) ' in the primaries in Douglas county. All his delegates - gates to the state conventions were elected by large majorties over the Crounse delegates. C. L. Gutterson has consented to allow his name to go before the Republican County Convention - tion as candidate for count ) ' attorney. His nomination would mean certain eJection. . " . . " . _ - - r- " \ - \r'II' ' - : : - 1 . lVhen the H ail Falls Then it's time to act ! No time to study , to rend , to experiment - ment ! You want to save your hair , and save It quickly , tool So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makes ' . the scalp healthy. The hair stays In. It cannot do anything - thing else. It's nature's way. The boat kind of n tostfmolll111- II Bold for ever olxty : V".11 fl. " . by 01. U. AyeI' Go. . J.owell. - III. . . . Alee manufaoturorll ur AX.411 , SARSAPARILLA. . rs ! 'ILLS. lJe I , CIIERItV PECTORAL. . . . . . - - - . . - . . - . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Fourlh of July. 'l'he national h.1iday was a p- propriately observed in llroken Bow under the auspices of mcm- bers of the G. A. R in the park. ' 1' he excrciscs consistcd in rcading of the declarations of Independence by lr. N. ' 1' . Gadd , specch by Judg-e Cowie ! ) . music bv Hahma Hevcrson , Mrs. T-iangst n and others. A shower of pennies for the little folks cnded thc excrcises before dinner. A table was constructed and dinncr was spread for the crowd. A billl game in the afternoon attracted - tracted a g-ood crowd. It was played b ' the High school and a pickcd n1ne. 'l'he proceeds from the entrance fees was appropri- atcd for fire works , which wcre exploded from the reservoir in the evening. Besides thcre were private enterprises that kept up a fusildade on main street until a late hour. Jules lIauU10nt reports a large crowd at Mosley's Grove Jestcr- day. A fine program was rend- crcd , consisting in recitations , music and an oration , by l cv. Epley. A ball game betwecn the bOJs of Round and' Swiss Valleys \'s. the Du tch men re- sultcd in favor of the former. Another game was played between - tween the victors and Elton resulted - sulted in favor of the Elton bOJs , - - - Mason City had a large crowd yesterday and a big time wa'1 enjoyed. Judge Sull'an was orator of the day. The Colonial parade wa ! ) finc. 'I'wo ball games in the afternoon were played. 'l'he first game was Merna vs. Ravena , Merna coming out befit. i the second game was Merna vs. Ansley , the latter winning the $50 prize. The rIng Spearing contest was exciting and a number - ber competed for the pri.es : , among whom was Miss Spencer. Drawing For Crow LAnda. In the first days drawing at Billing-s , Montani , which was last 'l'uesday , four citizens of Custer county were among those who drew. They are Georg-e Wright , J. B. IIenderickson , C. C. Cooper of Ansley and N. D. IIooker of Oconto. 'l'he man that drew No. 1 1S Owen B. Williams of Custer , , \lont. lIe is a section foreman in the employ of the Northern Pacific railroad. As $10,000 was made a standing olTer for No.1 Mr. Williams will be able to retire from the section. A Bu.incil Change. Jas. Peale has bought Dan Keelin's restaurant he took possession'l'uesdar. Mr. Keelin thinles he has served his time in the business and will take a rest. After accoltlpaning Co. M to Fort Hiley next. month. He expects to visit a sister in Iowa that he has not seen for twenty years. 'fhe restaurant business is new to Mr. Peale but we predict that his place will soon become a popular resort for the hungry. Hail Damage. Crop. . It is reported that severe hail storm strucle ahout four miles north of Merna an < 1mowed a strip six miles long- and a mile widc , completely ruining the small grain and gr at1y damaging the corn. About four miles northeast - east of Broken Bow a strip about half mile wide did considerable damage. M. D. Callen lost 25 acres of oats and W. W. Bishop 30 acres , Nine McComas says his garden was beat down flat. 'l'he corn was badl y damaged in the strip , but it wi\ \ ! come out again with favorable weather. We ' understand that I. N. Pershal ! & Son's corn northcast of town was badly cut. 'fhey think their crop will not make more . than a half crop. - ' . . . ' - Mnrrlage Llcrnle. . J as Ogllcn , Caila IY" . . . . 5. Jennie M. Grimes. . . . . . , . . . . . .23 John ' 1' . tet.g'cr. : Galcs. . . . . . .2 ( , Stella Swick , Gate. . . . . . . . . . . IS Leslie R Clay , A n5ley. . . . . . . .25 Emma K. lhodcs , \Isley. . . . , .24- Hermon Kosbau , Hcrshey. , . . .30 Delia Brandt , Iler5hey. . . . . . " .22 J as. B. Ada m9 , Comstock. . . . . 28 Nancy A. Peters , Comstock. . . . 17 Anthncy K. Dobish , Anslcv. . 23 Clara It } . Brislol , Ansley. : . . . . 23 Gcn. M. Wilson , Callaway. . . . 21 Effie Wright , Callaway. . . . . . . 22 Arthur C. Iiams , Arnold. . . 27 MJrtle Blowers , Arnolet. . . . . . .23 Henry Wchling , Brokcn Bow. . 211 edil Grant , Brokcn Bow. . . . . 22 I Byron E. Bentley , Sargent. . . .32 I dna 'forre } , Sargent. , . . . . . . 24 Bichard Harvey , San Francisco 34- li'lorence E. Stevcns , Ansley. . . 18 Alfred .T. Booth , Broken ow..37 Bmmil Bright , Broleen Bow. . . .36 W. F. Klump , 'rrion. . . . . . . . . .36 Ethel Butler , Callawa ) . . . . . . . . .24 . . - - - - - - - - - - - - ' - - THOROUGH COURSES IN BUSINESS. SHORTHAND. TYPEWRITING. TELEGRAPHY AND PREPARATORY Itxperlence < < l lellchers. Fine Uqulp- ment > l. Gymllnshllll work. Asslstllllce III Mcllrlllg 1'0 ltlolIs. Work to earn Imam. IlIdlvldllnlll\slrllctloll. ! lnternn , ) ' time. Lessons II. ) ' mall. AdvRntnges 01 n capital city. Write for Catalogue No. 8 Lincoln Buslncss Colleo LINCOLN. NEURASKA . . . . c. Strayed or Stolen. I White pointer , fcmale , with blade lore :11111 : car , four months 0111. Blacl < and while pointer , fcmale. fiix 1I10nths old. [ A eral rewarll for return of same. If. W. . 'l' ' . _ . . . - - - . - - - . - . - . . I lIo'r. . . - - 'fO } i'ILT-I AN ORDBI { r all ) ' leind of lumber if an easy matter for 11S. We carry a full supply of all kinds requircd for exterior and interiM work. It is all well seasoned and in perfect condition for lmmediatc use. On iarge or small quantitis we can quute very attractive price. Our mill worl < is of superior grnde both in material and work- mensh i p. . nicrks I.umber and Coal Co. I Edison and - Victm PhOnO raDhs . and Records sold 011 cas ) ' paymcnts to re- sponsi ble persons. 'rhe prices are the sallie every' where. Bangs' Studio. . _ . - - - - - - - - - - - - - I WILL DRIVE AN OSTRICH. _ . _ - - - - - .Tne ! , sonville , an Ostrich With a 212 ; . .I Record , viIi SluHv His Speed at the Custer County Fair. - - - - w. W. Ford , who represents an ostrich farm at Jac1 < sonville , Ii'la. , and who has seventeen ostriches at Dreemland , will give a driving exhibitiol1 at that resort today. 'L'wo ostriches have been broken , one for dr'ing and the other for riding. Jacksonville , the ostrich Mr. Ford will drive , has a record of 2:12. : made last year on the Old Point Breeze track , at Philadelphia. The ostrich raced against a horse with a record of 2:07. : 'l'he 'ostrich is driven to a Martin Payne four-wheel speed w gen with pneumatic tires. ' The harness used consists of a halter wlthout bit , the reins snapping 111to a ring on each side of the beak , breast collar , saddle , . surcingle , girth and crupper and traces.-New York Herald , July , 1905. This ostrIch will be driven at the Custer count ) . fair. Do not fail to see the race. . - - . , , . . - . rrb " " ' IJ':1 , . : . , _ . . . s\J.i ; ) , c'\fh . c'.c. . ' ; dih c SJ/ ) . c'.SJh'Y.h. . . , ( : m E . c r 1 < ! : ! ( Q , ( . You should buy : Moon BroR. Buggies of R WILLIS CADWELL ; ! BEe A. . "USE First , you ran know , absolutnly , that you arc getting' good material in these buggies. Second , that they are absolutely first-class. ' < & ( i Third , you will not have to return your bug'gy for repairs or paint , as there are no eVA fective parts and no poor paint. ' 'i ourth. If these buggies arc not exaetlt 1 what we represent them to be you can get the \i11 money back. You do not make anything hy . buying shod y goods and having shoddy goods replaced with shod y goods , as that wa T you will always have shoddy goods. But buy ' good goo s. \ Oome and see our goods and be convince . . Wi mvery custolUm is a satisfied customer. mr " "VVi1 is Cad - vveI1.I I : . , . . . ' . ' . . . . ' ' - . t. . . . ' < " . . . . 1 ; < - - - - . - ---0. , . - . . . . . . . . . , - - . . : Annual Clearine Sale : t. of MILLiNERY . FROM JUNE 16th UNTIL CLOSE OF SEASON. It has been m ) ' custom to clean up at the end of the Sl'\sl n and give those in need of millincry the benefit of cut pnces. I will sell all trimmcd and untrimmed hats and caps at price lower than ever II hefore olTered. I bave a large fitock to selcct from and as many up- to-date hats n5 cnrlier in the season. Childrens' nats frol11 SUe up I an.dindies . Hats from $1 up. If in need.of a hat , call in :11111 see 1f " prlCCS won't astonish you. Yours for barga1l1s , . 1\.I.Irs. . : eo. . 2iahn. , - West Side of Square , BROKEN BOW , NEB. / _ _ _ _ -.I > . .oJOo _ - . - - - - - - - - . J \ \ .A. . IS : L. E : ; " " "y" COMMERCIAL l\ND \ SHORT-HAND . . cc > : r : . . . . EGr-E : : : SCHOOL STARTS SEPTEMBER 3 , 1906. .t. _ _ . . One term continues for three months. . I 'l'here will be three terms in succession during the year. Three cents a mile will be deducted from tuitioll for transportation to the school each term , within 100 mile > . : . Comtl1l'rci.d Cllur l' , including actual husiness , $12 pr ICIII1 I Shorthand Course ( Gregg ) with type-writing. 15 pr term : Type-writrr instruction , alone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 pr term 'fype-writing with Commercial Course. . . . . . . 15 pr tcrm Any subject under Fi.rst Grade Certificate will taught free with the Commercial or Short-hand course. Tcxt ooks ma } , be rented. Boarding places found for you at } 'our request. I Write for fUl'ther particulars. J. H. CAYWOOD , Ansley , Neb. , - - , . . - _ . . . . . . . " "J _ . - _ _ _ . _ . I i . : .1 _ _ _ _ _ " _ _ . . _ w. , . . - . - L I HARRY KIMBALL , . lROCKWELL & KONKEI-l Successor to f and GEO. WILLING , Embalmer and Funeral Director , r , ' NORTH SIDE , BROKEN BO\V , NEB. j Business phone , 301. Hesidence phone , 227. 1- I - - - - _ _ . . , , . . v , , . . - , . - _ * * * m ! BOWMAN & ANDERSON. ! ' . ' are dealers in Heal Estate of al1 kind . oJ WE We will buy or sell. Don't fail to see us before you buy or sell. We can do m you good. Col1ections made and insurance - ; ance written. Ii'arms rented and taxes paid. See Ii : us for farm loans. Come in and see us. ; ! BOWMAN & ANDERSON. . - - - ; = ' B fore -r : BUI . : . Greo. : Japin.ea"U. : . , : I J . Contractor and BuilJer. Estimates t I Furnished free with plans and specifications. I ' . 11il l ! r = = r = r = _ .l' , - . " Bargains in Farm Land and Ranches , , I Write. for list with prices and terms of sale. t If have land for sale . you list it with me. . . Correspondence with non-resident land owners solicited . .A. . . . JAM ES LEDWIGH , - - Broken Bow. Neb , 11 ) ' WE'RE HEADOUARTERS y for MASON GLASS FRUIT JARS 2 QUAHrr' JARS , per dOJ'.en - - $ 1.00 1 QUAHT , JARS , per dOJ'.en - - - .85 . PIN'l' , per dOJ'.en - - . - . 75 ' . : MASON LIDS dOJ'.en - , per - - - .30 , J lDLL Y G LASHES , per dOJ'.en - . . .35 ICensington Pure Gum Rings , 3 dOJ'.en for .25 f R. T. W lker Grocery Co. , I , East Shte of Public Square , I DROICEN BOW , NEBHASICA. . , ( . . l . . . .11 ' . . I. ' . ' . 0 ; . ' " "