Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 05, 1906, Image 2

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Plonds Guilty In Federal Court In
Montana and 10 Fined $25o-An
Aged Farmer Suicides by Hanglng-
Miscellaneous Matter ,
Nebrasknn Fined In Montana ,
HELENA , Mont.-Chrls Koehler , a
/ wealthy bmlccr : of Unstlngs , Nob. ,
I ; : > lcadcd gullly In the folloml court be.
fore JI1Ilgo Hunt to the Indletment
charging him with \IIegally \ fonclng
4bo llubllc domnln. Jud o Hunt sen'
Koehler to Ilny a fine of $2l O
jail sentence of twelve hours.
rel1loved to the custod ) ' of
. hnl nnd talten to the Lowla
'Ie county jnll to flervo his son.
His fine wns llfihl Immedl.
1I. . .
It YPllenrol ( ( to tilO court that the de-
fendnnt bought Inrgu tracts of IntHl
from Dr. l'nrlchorr ' . nnd that the
fonclllg which WIlS upon g vornmont
land existed when ho Iltlrchased from
Dr , Parlcbert' ' . As 800n ns thQ defend-
nnt WILS notllle(1 ( hy ovornment ngonts
that ho had g-overnmont Innd Inelosed
llo consulted the Innd omclals at Bozeman -
man and IJI'oceedod nt 'onco to com.
Vly with their Inatructlons , nnd hns
been relllovlllg his fences. Intending to
com Illy with the Inw In good fnlth.
Woman Changs Her Mind ,
LINCOLN-Mra. Orlander of Omaha
wants her boy released from the
Kearney Industrial school and aho
adollted heroic methods to move the
governor to grant him II. pardon. Upon
Jl vlug her application to the governor
turned down. 1\Irs. Orlander announced
oho would remnln In the onlce of the
executlvo ulltll she got the release of
her aon , and 'Rho promptly toole a comfortable -
fortablo chnlr and began her wal.t. At
noon the governor toole her to the
mansion for lunch , anl1 again In the
nfternoon she toole up her position In
the office of the governor to wnit for
111m to change his mind. L'\ter , however -
ever , she gave up the Idea of sltUng
him out and left the building.
Asylum Attendants Let Out.
NORFOLK-Dr. Alden , superIntendent -
ont of the state Insane hosDltal here ,
has already begun 11. housecleaning ,
having dismissed two attendnnts ,
Diggs and CronIc. ' 1'heso two attond.
nnts testified as to alleged cruelties.
It was shown on the stand that Diggs
bo.d been 11.ske(1 to roslgn before hoover
ever reported nnythlng , ns ho was In
the hnblt of leaving doors unlocleed 'BO
thnt patients might escape , but Dr. Alden -
den , after the rumors of mlsmanago-
mont started , rotalnel1 DIggs , so that
't ' could not bo sall1 ho had dlsmlssel1
I\ny ono because of testlmany that
might bo IntroducOd.
Farmer Ie Fuund StranCiled.
LEIGH-Carl Dlotz , sr. , an aged
farlllor , who resll1el1 three miles north.
west of town , was founl1 hanging In
the corn crib , a ahort dlstanco from
the house. It Booms allnost hnpossl.
blo for him to have tnlen his own lIfo
In the pOfJltlon the body was In. His
feet were resting on a plio of cobs nnd
ono hand was bracel1 against the side
of tile crib , He had eVhlontly stran ,
gled. As far os his fallllly Imows ,
there Is no cause for the 'Sulcll1o. Ht ;
was n mnn nbout G8 ) 'eara old.
Mn her and Sons H ld for Theft.
'SIDNEY-1\Irs. 1\Iar ' Ingraha111 ! 1.11I'
nor two sons , Da.n anl1 Tal. ( wel' (
bound ever to the district court , clmrg
ct\ with stealing three 2 , 'ear.oll1 steers
valued at $85 , the proportr : of lJenr
Heard. Mrs. Ingrahnm furnished th
rcqulslte $1 , OO ball , but the boys wer4
IInablo to get bonds aud Sheriff 1\Ic
Dnnler Incarcerated them In the coun
ty joll. : 'III's. Ingrahnm's ranch II
near Dayard , fifty miles northwest 0
here , and she Is Imown as the "CattI ,
Queen" of western Nohrnslm.
Prominent Omaha Lawyer Dead.
OMAHA-.Tullles 1\I111s Woolwort1 :
one of the builders of Omaha and on
of the countr "s big ] nw'ers. died las
woek. 101' ; two 'ears his health wa
uncertain. Six months ago ho iliad
11. tr"l to Florida and vIsited frlemll
returning to Omaha Invigorated. Tw
months ago ho toole II. ehango for th
worse , but managed to aHeml his 0
11co until two weel(8 ago.
Do a Neighborly Deed.
AUBURN-Thlrtcen men , neighbor
of Mrs. Nathnn Iordan , who resldc
nenr Auburn , drove Into her cornfie ]
one day week nnd llroceodel1 t
cultlvato the growing Croll , which ho
been ne lected on nccount of the II
ness of her husband , whoso death 0
curred recently.
Fifty Dollars a Month and Extras ,
I will glvo for II. man of good cha
ncter as my agent. Elthor snlesma :
tarmer , merchant or banlcef may
pla3' . Wrlto Locle Box 1625 , I lncol :
Judge Holcomb RecoverIng ,
David Ewing. formorl ' county jud
ot Merrick county , but now a lll'llcli
Ing lawyer of Senttle Wnsh. , call !
upon Deput . Attorney Genernl Thom
80n while vlsiling Llnoln friend
Mr. Ewing snld ho saw JUdge He
comb recently In Seattle and h
health Is Improving rap\l1) \ ) ) ' nnd near
all traces of his rhoumatlsm had lc
him. When JUdge Holcomb left LI
coIn he wns III bad shallo , nnd It Wi
the I > p\nlo.n \ pf his frlond he wou
never tully recover ,
. t
, ,
Mndlsoll w\l1 \ thla yonI' colohrato the
'Ourth , the first silica 1902.
Allow CongregnUonnl church was
dedlcnted 1I0ar Danbury Inst. SUlldILY.
Prisoners In the jnll nt BeatrIce
hnvo IICon 11\1t \ to worlc on the streots.
AUl'ora llrOlOSCII to spent ! ahout
$500 In celebratlll [ ; the l"ourlh " of Juy ] ,
Goverllor 1\lIclwj' will tnlw up hln
resldonco III Omahn all explrlLtlon of
his term of ofilce ,
Johnson county , so far , has not been
short on rnln , alld n.'J a result crops
are ver ' llromlslng.
1\Irs. 1\IIIIcr of West Point , the oldest
woman In Cumins count ) . , last. wee ] ,
fell end brolw her nrm.
'rho ordlnallco at Nollgh which prohibits -
hibits Sllnda ' snles In the stores will
be teste ( ] In district court.
The now $10,000 harn of Nols Jnck.
son , tell miles SOllthwest of Crnl ! ; "
woa strucle h ' lightning and burnetl
to the ground.
1\101'0 pormnncnt IIldewalies 11.1'0 beIng -
Ing hullt In Davhl City this yea than
011 any Ilruvlolls rear nt this tlmo , nll
of which are concrete or brlcl , .
'rhe enrollmcllt nt the Kenrney
State Normal school Is already more
thnn00 \ alld more thnn 200 mora students -
dents are cxpect041 before the close of
the term.
Whllo driving the mall wngon for
her huslmnd , 110rth of Columbus , 1\Irs.
H. D. Reed was seriously Injured. A
bolt III the tongue cnmo loose and the
horses became frightened nnd ran
Imllrovemonts on and nbout the
Madlsoll coullty court house have been
completed. 'rhey Incudo ] now maple
floors In the lower stor ' , papering and
laying of linoleum III the rooms on the
second fioor.
1\1lss Faith Gullerson , a prominent
youllg woman of Beat rico , was founl1.
In nn Ullconsclous condition near the
trncls on 1'lCth ; ! l\'enue. She had been
riding a 11On ) ' nud was either thrown
or f ll to the ground.
Henry Van Steen , living north of
DentrIco , hnd three ribs brolccn while
Bwlmmlng In the Dlue rlvor. Ho was
preparing to maleo a high diva from 0
springboard when It broleo nnd the
young man fell Ullon somo'lIostS.
Seining In the llIchorn ; rl\'er Is the
olfonse agaillst the state game laws
for which R. D. Vnndorheee ] of Stnf-
ford nlld Leo Downe ' and Hardin
Longemn.n of Inman were each fined
$25 and cosls , amounting to $2G.90.
Horner Armstrong , a boy 1 ot
age , wns brought to Deatrlce from
1\Inrysvllle , KJ.I1. , " by SalOrlff Trudo
and lOdged In the county jnll. charged
with stealing a horse from Alexander
Armstrong , who resides near Odell.
Miss Josephine Murphey of Platts-
mouth , who for some tlmo hns been
employed ns a stonogra1her In the su.
IIreme court , hns reslgnod her position
n.nd . MlsII 1\lnry Greer of the office of
Governor 1\11c1e ) ' will tale her paco. ]
Dy the ] attor Dnrt of Juy ] It Is
thought that the Omaha , Lincoln &
Den.trlco Interurban railway will be It'
operation , at least between Lincoln
antl Dethany. 'rhe tracle thnt fnr Is al.
ready completed with the exception of
two crmslng'f : . -
1\1rs. Henry Drunlng of Dloomfiold
waa talccn to the as'lu111 for the In.
8ano nt Norfollc. She hnd heon dls-
chnrged from the asl1m some three
months ago , but recently became
I worse again nnd became so vlolellt
that. It was thought best to return her
, to the nsyum. ]
J. 1\1. Conrad , cashier of the First
National hauk of Durwell , Neb. . en
route to Billings , died In his herth In
the lIeopel' ] on train No. 43. U110U ex ,
mulnatlon heart falluro was found to
) ha\'e caused death. He was In perfect
- health and spirits npparently when ho
, retired. : ' 111' . Conrad with a llart . of
lr1ends was going to Dlllings to regls.
tel' In the lalld drawing to bo held
there 'Soon.
Governol' J. 11. 1\lIcl\Or was In
CO\lIlcll Dluffs last week competlng ] a
business deal. lIe hns traded lancl 111
Kera Palm cOlluty for 800 acres 01
land III the 1\IIEsourl \ valley on the
Iowa 'Rldo of the river 01111Osito F'or ]
ence , Neh. IIo will thus become r
property oWller In Iowa. It Is sah'
that Governol' 1\11 CItc ) ' will remove t <
Olllaha at the elose of his term of of
Hce In January.
The navy recrultlllg ol11ce. hoadqun.r
tm's at Omoha , has established a sub
ol11co In the federal building at Hast
IIIJS , whem calldldntes for the lIavJ
may 1I0W ho examined. Chief Quarter
1II0:9tor : . L. DOllson , whose ] ettor de
scribing his experlenco In the nll.YJ
wns publlshod some time ab"O nnd wru
highly commollded , has hoen paced ] h
ehargo of the onlce. 1\11' \ . BOllson wal
s nn Omnha boy before entering tIll
Recently there wns a rocord-brenli
Ing day at the Gralld Island postomcc
tIle former high wnter mnrc on rc
cctpts having heen broten. ] Ono hUll
dred nnd six money orders were ISS\1
cd , the enuso of the unusually larg
numher holng the lIendlng away 0
1'part of their savings. b ' II. largo nUll :
n , bel' of GI'eee ] laborers on the Union P
pclfic. . Much of the mone ) ' went ( Urec :
n , to the falllllles of the laborers In tIl
old country.
According to the returns made t
the secretary of the state honrd of ale
o sesslllent , 1I0no of the counties 'So fn
c. reporting contalnll an nutomoblle wltI
! d III Its borderlil. Those coulltles 11.1'
11. lIall , Johnson , Dnlwta , Dutlor an
:8.Roclt. : .
] 111001'0 \ , the live-yoar-ohl gOldlng pu
Is chasel1 b ) ' Thomas F. MUl'1lhy ( :
Iy Poughleepsle , N. Y. , fl'om Charlc }
1ft Moore of Madison , Neb. , ' IIn.'J shown
n- such Ilhonomenal speed on the trac
liS that It II ! ! 1redlcted ho will go as' flu
111 as Dan Patch. III twenty.ono race
last sen.son JUooro Won twonty.
. , ,
- - - - -
c- CII/WJO fJ,11J.Y MW $
"Mlno IIot ! Roosevelt Is Doing Eve rything in His Power to Add to the
Attractiveness and Populnrity of Hi 8 EstabUshment.-Nows Itom.
Wnshlngton. - Important measures -
ures extending federal regulation
and control have been enacted at the
first EesElon of the fifty-ninth congress ,
now rapidly drawing to a closo.
The railroad rate and the meat In-
Bvection bills will soon become laws ,
The pure food hili was agreed upon
by the conferees for the seno.te and
house. The house hili was to.ken ns
a basis of agreement , and into this
were grafted mally of the Importnnt
sections of the senate mensure.
There has bren no marlct'd division
Qn party lines In effecting the above
resulta , the differences being only as
to wa 's and means rather than 11.8 to
Desllies branching . : : : J ! ! into this now
field of leglslatlvo endeavor , the present -
ent session of congress has made It-
BO ] ( Important In other ways. It has
addnd ono , and perhnps two new states
to the union and by so doing haS' Ms-
posed o ! : four terrllorls.
Gr'J3t : results to tne pcople are expected -
pected from the removal of the x on
denatured acohol ] , and If predictions
are fulfilled. heat , light and power are
to bo suppllod by alcoho ] made from
the corntles ] } of the countr ) ' , from
sugar beets and sugar cane , from fruits
and ( 'ther'egeta tlon.
By 11 deft turn of leglslntlvo points
of view , the questions which have per-
plexell congress for SOIllO time regardIng - ,
Ing the Panama I'.anal have been set- '
tied. 'rho president may dig a lock
canal as Cast as ho pleases. A joint
resolution was agreed to requiring
cnnal S1iPlllle3 to be made of American
Congress has not dwell with the for-
elg-n slluntlon to any extent. An act
maletn ; ; II. much neJed ( ] reorganization
of the consular service was passed.
Nothin wa3 dOli' In the Santo Domingo -
go olltroversy and the leglsatlon ] af-
fectlno' ; our colonial possessions was
meag r and unimportant. although
tnI'm rc\'lslon for the Philippines 1'0-
celvol1 the attention and approval of
the houso. and an act was passoll 1'0-
vising the tnI'm coHeeted hy the Phll-
Ipplno govcrnment. A coinage act for
the 151ands also wns passcd.
A InIgo nUlll er of bills were Introduced -
duced In the two houses. 'rhe calendar
recol"1s that the number has reached
nearly 20.000 , OO 11I01'0 I.hun were In-
troduccd Ilurlng the entire three sessions -
sions of the last con gross.
Defore dlscusslug the number of acts
passed , It Is Into resting to note thllt
with ull the &tronuous exertions 01' an
appropriations conulIl tee In the house ,
with a new chnlrman-Hepresentatlvo
Tawney-It has been Imposslblo to
hold the al111rol1rlatlons down to much
loss than $900,000.000 , although "eco-
nomy" was the watchword from the
Although there has been an effort to
prt'vcnt the enlargement of what Is
known as the "permanent nnnuaI np-
; - vroprlatlons. " this character of ex-
I , ponse hns Incren.sed during the session
I- a the extent of nearly $5,000.000 , male.
t- Ing l\ total permanent annual appro.
I , prlatlon of moro thnn $140.000,000. AF
e It hallrenod , the Increase In this ap.
If 11roprlatlon cmne In ono day In the
I' houso. ' } 'ho meat Insllectlon bill car.
Lrled ! \ permanent annua ] , IIlIJroprlatioll
t of . $3COO,000 , and the same day tlu
o house passed the bill adlUlIg $ lQOOOC (
to II. Uko amount annually for the sup'
,0s. MUl'dor nnd Suicide.
Lr Comfort , 'rox.-In the llresence of
11. the I\ssmbed ] wedding guests at the
0 homo of his Intended brll1o , Joseph
Id Relnbn"(1t , who was to have married
her , shot and Idllcd Miss l rnestlno
rKutzel' and then shot hlmue\f.
> f Thr Dlill' oif Tn k.
S Watf "bUl' ) ' , Conn.-Three ( 'n wore
'n drownf'J III an 011 tanle here Welln:8-
k day. They were overcome Y fumes
Bt and Cll ] In. Ono man was resoued.
3S The d "ad were Eugene n ' I red
Szott t.nd Donnls Sul1l\'an , ,
. ' ,
/i\ \
port of the stnto mllltin. . . Measures were
Introduced all which action will be
prossld : at the next session to ropea ] a
[ JOrtion of the permanent annual ap-
prolllations of the government.
Orgnnlzed labor has succeeded In Its
requests of the present session ot con.
gress to the extent of securing the
ennctment of what Is Imown 11.8 the
"empoyers' ] liability bill. " This enactment -
ment will make It [ JOsslbe ] for nn em-
ploye to secure damages for his Injury ,
notwithstanding his own nogllgence
may have been In part responsible for
that Injury' .
Another bill which hns received thel
approval of the senate and wIll doubt-I
leBS become a law before the end ot ,
the st'frIon ! : it that limiting the hours
of contInuous service of railway trnln-
men tv 16 consecutlvo hours' work , toi
be followed by 10 hours' rest. Thel
much agllnted eight-hour bill receiv d'
II. favorable vote from the labor como !
mlttee of the house , but too lnte to
secure action at the hands of con-
gress. The , anti-Injunction bill . : was ,
postponed In commltteo until the nexb
session of congress UpOIl a direct vote
on that proJOsltion.
- -
One Year in Workhouse nnd Dig FIne
for Violating Anti-Trust Law
in Ohio.
Toledo. O.-In common plels ! court
: \Ionduy Judge Klnlmde Imposed the
sentence of $5,000 fine and
lone ) 'ear In the worlchouso on five ice-
guilty of conspiracy In restraint
of trade. The men sentenced are :
Joseph A. Miller , who wns convicted -
victed ; R. A. Deard , R. C. Lemmon ,
H. P. Drelnlng and Peter H. Waters.
who pleaded guilty. The jUdge anld
tho. sentences might bo mltlgnted In
the event the men mndo restitution.
I The five men , all of them prominent
In buslnesl and social circles , wore
tal\Cn to the county jail to nwalt the
maldng out of the necessnry papers
to commit them to the workhouse ,
] , In the menntlme , they meet
Judge Klnlllldo's requirements of
restitution to the public.
Gloats Over Army Agitation.
St. Petorshl1rg.-'I1. Gamartell , a
! , member from the Caucasus , expressed
satisfaction at the fact that the revo'
lutlonary agitation In the army and 1' [
Feodorovslty In behalf of the ministry
ropudlated the assertion that there
was dllsatlsfactlon In the army. A
)1rlest ) named Afunaslorr , Imporod ] the
i Cossacls to ccaso being the scourges
of Hussla and to join the Russian
masses In the movement for freedom.
J. N. Free Is Dend.
Toledo , O.-J. N. Frle , known nil
over the countr ) ' as the "Immortal J
. .
N. . died Wednesday at the Tolodc
state hospital for the Insane. FOI
I yenrs h.l : : traveled all over the Unlte
States , paying neither hotel bills nOI
rail road fnres.
Custel"s Slater Is Dead.
Monroe. : 'IlIeh.-l'lrs. David Reed
sister of GEns. George A. and ThomU
I Custer , who were ] ellled In the Indlar
! bnttlo of the 1 lttlt3 DIg Horn , In Mon.
I I tana , Juno 25. 187G , died nt her hon1l
: here Welnesda ! ' , nt the nge of 80.
Snfety Appliance Suits.
Washington. - Attol'11c ) ' Genera
Moody hus cllrected thnt suits bl
I brought agnlnst II. largo number 0 ,
, railroads for violation of the safet ) ' ap
)1l1unce ) IIIW through fulluro to Ieel
their equtuuent ! In llrO)1er ) condition.
, Must Fumlgnte Wnrshlps.
Nt3w Orleans.-Warshlps from sus
I pected ) 'ellow fOVOI' Ilorts which elllo !
the l\lIssIESlll)11 ) rl\'el' must submit tl
the same quarantlno reguln.tlons QI
un ) ' ether V03sol , according to Il isloj
of the Loulslnnn ! Joard of health.
V10ntion of Bnfety ApplIance LAw
Chnrgcd nnd Attempt to Roeover
Pcnnltles Will Do Mndc.
Washington. - Attorney General
Ioody hns directed that suits bo
brought ngalnst a Inrgo number of
railroad compan.les to recover ponal-
les for vloatlon ] of the safety nppll-
i\nce ] aw through failure to ] ccop tholr
equipment in I1roller condition. The
largest number of violations nttrib-
uted to any road Is 62 against the At-
] antlc Coast Llno Rnllroad compnny.
A stlltement Issued by the department
of justlco SIlYS :
"Attorne ' General 1\1oody Is very
milch In earnest In the enforcement of
these ] IIWS which were enacted for the
purpose of saving lICe and 11mb. In his
] etter to the vatl lIs United States attorneys -
torneys under dllto of December 30 ,
1D04. ho said :
"Tho government Is dotermlned
U)1on ) a strIct enforcement of these
statutes , which were enacted for the
promoting of the safety of the traveling -
eling public In genern ] as well as for
the protection of railway employes.
Therefore , any cnso of violatIon which
Is bro ght to your attention by the
Interstnte commerce commission or its
Inspectors , or by ether pnrtles , must
be promptly and carefully Investigated -
gated , and suit for the statutory penalty -
alty bo instituted and earnestly
pressed , if in your jUdgment the fncts
justify the course.
" 'You lire instructed nccordIngy ] ,
and you are expected to bo vigilant
and active In the matter. "
- -
Little Liltelihood of Indictments
Against Rockcfeller and OtJler
High Stnndnrd
Washington. - Although the do.
partment of justlco has n.nnounced .
that It proposes to begin crimina ] proceedings -
ceedings against the officIals of the
Stnndnrd Oil , the IntImntlon Is given
that It Is doubtful If Indictments may
be found against sucll men In the
Stnndard 011 company ns John D.
Rockefeller , H. H. Rogers anll John
D. Archbold.
An officIal ot the department ot justice -
tice hn.s Indlcnted thnt whllo the gOY'
ernment would press the prosecutions
vIgorously , ho did not have nn Idea
that the officials at the Standard Oil
company would bo rcached , In crImInal -
Inal proceedings , any moro than the
presidents of railroads. personnlly , arB
reached through similar proceedings.
"It mo.y be , " ho said , measuring
from the ground wIth his ho.nd , "that
we may get soma of the officIals halt
way up.Vo are not nfter mere elorltS ,
but , It responslbe ] officials hnve been
violating the ] o.w , we desire to bring
them to booe. ] "
Th'3 Standard 011 company will be
prosecuted as a corporntlon for violation -
tion of the Elkins ] aw forbidding rebates -
bates or the giving or receiving at
dlscrtmlnntlng rates. The method of
prosecution adopted successfully at
KanaM City before Judge Smith McPherson -
Pherson , which resulted In the conviction -
tion of the pacltlng houses , Is to be
followell to n certain extent In the
light ngalnst the Standard 011.
- -
Young Man Then Shoots Himself in
the Presence of Guests Assem-
hIed for the Wedding.
Comfort , Tex.-In the presence ot
the assembled wedding guests at
the homo of his Intended bride. Joseph
Reinhardt , who was to have mnrrled
her , shot and lellled Miss Ernestlno
Kutzer Tuesdny evening nnd then
shot himself , with probably fatal re.
Young Reinhardt wnllced Into the
room In whlclr 1\1lss Kutzer and the
guests were nssembled , drew a pis.
tel from his 110clwt and polntld It nt
his sweetheart. She held up her hand
as If to ward off the danger nnd three
shots were fired at her. The first bullet -
let entered her heart , killing her.
Reinhardt then turnell tbe pistol. upon
himself and fired two b1Jllots Into
his own brenst. The cause of the
tragery Is not ] enown. The theory of
neighbors Is that the young man was
d mented. The peopo ] were hlgby ] re-
Struck by a Trnin.
Dellefontnlne , O.-John Durlee and
wlfo nnd baby , traveling by wagon
from Indiana to Ducyrus , 0. , were
I struclt by an Ohio Central train
west of here Wednesday and all fatally -
, tally Injured. Durlco wn.s asleep all the
seat holding the In his arms ,
nnd Mrs. Duree ] was lyIng on the bottom -
tom f the wllgon when the train hit
tbe wagon.
Need Not Settle with Trust.
St. Louls.-Judgo Ryan decldod In
favor of a purchaser who contended
that he does not ha\'o to puy for goods
which he voluntarIly bouglit from a
concern which , he nlleges , Is a member -
ber ot so-called trust.
l\Ioses ill the Bushes ,
Hickman , Ky.-"He Is another Mo.
.ses , bo kind to him , " renJa a note I
Illnned to n baby found fnstened In II
small boat In bnshes along the 1\1I8sls-
31ppl rlvor. The paper Indicates the
I child cnmo from Cairo , III.
Noted Cntholle Dead.
Wn.shlngton.-Thomas E. Wagga-
mann , ot this clt . , form r treasurer of
the Catholic university , who tailed fOI' '
ever $ -1,000,000 nbout n year ngo , dleeJ
WeJnosdn.y nt II. farm house near Au ,
nnpolls , Md.
iI ,
, - .
, , , r ,
I -
Vigorous Protest Against Placing Any
Charge on the Packer-Those In
Favor Thereof Able to Muster but j
Nineteen Votes.
WASHINGTON-By II. vote of 193 .
to 45 the hOllso voted to sand by thE " "
house -conforees on the meat fnspec- rt ; , . . ,
lion nmondment to the agrlcultura ]
bill nnd the conferees were reappoint.
ed. '
Mr. WlI.dsworth calle41 up the partlnl
conference rel10rt on the agrIcultural I
npproprIntlon "bill In the house Thursday - j
day and It wn.s ngreed to without dls- '
cuss Ion.
1\11' . Wadswortl\ then moved thnt the
house Insist UDon Its disagreement t
the meat Inspection amendment. This
was adopted on n. division. Then 1\11' \ .
Wadsworth sprung a surprlso by send. I
ing to the desle II. resolution that It Is
the sense of the house thn.t the con. I
. j
forees do not recede from their amend.
ments lenown liS the ment Inspection
nmondment o.nd the house wns fnce
to face with II. contest with the son-
1\11' . Wadsworth , nfter referring to
the disagreement abollt the date go.
ing on the cans nnd InsistIng thnt It
was not necessary , ! mssed to the legal -
gal question involved. His plntform
was : The pnssago of the bIll Is nec-
essnry for the protection of our for.
elgn commerce nnd for the benefit at
pubUc health. .
A vigorous Drotest against plnclng
nny charge on the ! lficlcer was made II
by Mr. Burelson ( Tex. ) . 'Illie pnclce1' , ,
ho snld , would Immedlntely shift the '
burden on the cattle rower. f'
1\11' . Humphrey ( Wash. ) tnllced about
the "devIls In hell" In conjunction
with the pnclccrs pnylng the cost of
Inspection and Inveighed against their
insulting demands.
Mr. Henry ( Tox. ) wnnted to be rIght
on the question nnd said that he would
yoto that the government should pay
the' tax. He called nttention to t110
quarnntlne bill , which provIded thnt
the government should pay the cost.
"Rally around the conferees , " wall
the slogan of 1\11' . P yne ( N. Y. ) .
"Stand by the judgment of the house.
Put the insDection upon t.he government - v . (
ment , where It belongs , and malee this
Inspection a model for the world. "
The resolution that It was the sense
of the house that the conferees refuse -
fuse to recede wes then ado,1ted , 193
to 45. The advoco.tes of maldng the
packers pay for the Inspection endenv-
ored to secure a roll cnll , but only
nine teen members demnnded it. :
Harvard Triumphant. . ,
NEW LONDON , Conn.-Harvnrd's
varsity trlum,1hell over Yale Thurs-
dny before the greatest crowd that
ever gnthered here on a race dny.
Coming after yenrs of defeat. the vIctory -
tory was vartlcunrly ] sweet to the
crImson. It was a great Yale crew
that Harvard Ilefeated , II. crew that
had brocen ] all records In practice ,
! ind went to the stale boat a favorite. I
Harvard's joy Is unconfined. f
Good Gasoline Off Market.
CLEVELAND-The Standard Oil
company sent out circulars notlf 'lng
.111 of Its customers that high grade
gasoUne. testing from 74 to 7G de.
grees. has been wIthdl'l1wn from the
marlcet. This action Is tnlccn ns a
result of the enormous demand for
the Droduct and the Inability of the
Stalldarll 011 company to SUI1Py ] the
Escaped Convict Surrenders.
DASIN , Wyo.-John 1\InUtox , clnIm-
Ing to be an escaDed convIct from the
Kansas state ponltentlary , gave him.
self un to Sheriff Fenton hero II. few ,
days ago. : 'Iln.ttox said he was tired
of being chased by sleuths. 1
Chairman Shonts Optimistic. . . . . . . .
NEW YORK-1'hn.t the Panama
canal wIll be completed In olght years
Is the belief of Chairman Shonts pf
the canal commission as expressed
Thursdn ) ' . 1\11' . Shonts IIIado this
prophec ) ' just before sailing for the
Isthmus on the steamer Panamn. In /
compnny with Chief Engineer Stevens
of the canal. 1\11' . Shonts 'snId thnt
the recent decisIon f congress that
the canal shall be of the locI , typo
will not result In any grent Increnso
In the wor\ng ] \ force In the Immedl.
ate future. . .
. ,
Hoch Wants a Distillery. , .
TOPEKA , Knn.-Governor E.V. . I
Hoch Is In favor of the estabUshment
of n state denatured ncohol ] distillery
In Knnsas. "Such II. distillery , " said
the governor , "would furnish means
or omploylng II. large number of con.
vlcts , nml the courts could not declare
the ] nw Invnild on the grounds set UI )
ngnlnst the state 011 refinery mensure.
This law would hn.vo the 'Bamo effect
that wns eXl1ected of the all refinery
monsure , In that It would reduce the
price at light and fuel to the consum-
ers. "
Bank Was Good to Dowie. ,
CHICAGO-In the hearing of the
DowIe cnso before Judge L'lndls In
tIle federnl court , E. E. Harwood , toiler -
er In the Zion City bane ] , was cnlled
ns a wltncss. He testified thnt the
books of the bank show that Dowlo's
account In the bnne ] Is overdrawn to
the amount of $481,237. He Bald that
since 18D9 DowIo had drawn money
from the bnnk at the rate of $84,000
a ) ' 011.1' . From the nnture of the checks - <
Mr. Hrawood Bald It appeared thnt
this money had been used by DowIa
tor vorBonal eXDonses.