Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 05, 1906, Image 1
. " \ . " , _ . " ' . . . "y. ; \ , JUSTER"\Llb.atl"i50UNTY "EPUELICAN. " : ESTABLISHED 1882. THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF CUSTER COUNTY. LARGEST CIRCULATIO OF ANY PAPER IN THE COUNTY. . . , VOL. XXV. ' BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JULY 5 , 19G6.--EIGHT PAGES. NO.4 , / J - 1. . . I I liMY NOSE WAS'TtADE : ! POR S GIASSH . " k Is all cxpressioll wilh which we 8 I S IIrc oftclI grccte,1 hr prospcclivc I f customcrs. Bcforc thc ) ' leavcIS 8 wc usulllly cOII\'iIlCC thcm thnt thc 8 queslioll of wlwthcr thc ' ' 8 } ( 'nil wenr 8 f II tlose glASS rcsts mor ( ' 011 the opli. S I ciOIl'S nhilitj' , thnll ill lIoses. II , ! ; : III complicntell C'C defccts wc X SfJmC'illlcS ' alsc the tlSC of specta. c\es \ illstead of 1I0se glassCo's , ntul N ! ! therc IIrc , too , r.ome fcw 1I0SCS 011 which it is impossible to fit ti 8 glasses , but Ihey arc rarities Wl'rn 8 us. 8 I \ . ; Ande ,6\.t O. . , . . u _ . ff N . . 'I f. ' , l-f. Or.J ) - : . : O : . : ' : Or./ _ _ - If' " .4..4. . , R. O. & W. E. TALBOT , DUS PHYSIGIANS , SURGEO S. Oll\ooOVlIf lIanb\h" , . linn ! tI or\ . rnlcl\n lIow. . ' 11. . . . , . , J J. HN YDKH , Attorney and Counsellor at Law , I'cnslolls ntut al1 k luls of go\'crtlm11 claims , nlllln elll'lall\w ( prncticc. ( ) ficc : East l\Inin trcet , 1st door t'nst of Hur1 ugtoll Hotel. BlOke" How , l'eb. . . - - - F RAN E MOO RN , FEED BA N 'I'NrJ hleckR ( Jnrthnr'Or 11I1 Oeol'nl 1I.'t I. r. ran" " . . pollchn.l , PrlCM , " "p < 1np ! o. DR. C. B. JOB , Physician and Su rgeon Office ntllt residcnce enc block south of I Ryerson & George's store. Work neatly done. Prices right. A. P. VANNICE , Painting , Paper lIanging , Calcimininng. Etc. Leave orders at Eagle grocery. - . - . . . - _ . . - . - - Do not wait until you are ready to use. ' your machines , bu.t look them over newt and see what repairs you need for R'npAIRS Deering Binder , Mower or Rake , Champion Binder , Mower or Rake , PIano Binder , Mower or Rale , and come - h re , write , phone or telegraph for 'em See us for all kinds of Cultivators. 'rllOse we have on hand will go at a sacrifice. Why t'ake hances of buying' any 'but the Americ n I-Iemp : Mixed Il'wine ? 1 GRASSHOPPERS ArtQ GS I I . costs no more than Sisal or Standard and is the best they ever used. It is . longer. smoother. Rtrongcr : binds 50 to 100 more bundles tl > the ball than the best Silal : or Standard twind you ever saw. Water or moisture won't rot It : It works well on any wheAt or corn binder. without bother , without wearing the Knotter. It is cheapest for the farmer to use because it costs Jess and goes farthest. uy it and try it-if it don't cottle up to our guar- I C. We APPLE. . - - - - - . . . . . . . . , _ _ " ' : > . . . . . . . , . . - . . - iWIII : : , Everyone is inter- I C ff N o ee ews. ested in Good Cof- . fees. We claim to have the advantag-e by 5 cls a pound. -0 RINK-OUR-COFFEES--- , No. 100. Supcrlor , A Smoot h Dri n kat 20 cls at 25 ccnts. 'l'he world per pound. Our price produces nothing better r 17 cClltS. at the prfce. . . . . . . . . . - Circlc - Blend , Harvcst , I worth 25 cts pcr pound- a 2-lb pail , . worth ( ,0 cents , Only 20 cClltS herc. our pnce , 50 cClltS. I'a\ton , Chase & Sanborn's Seal Brand , a 2-pound can of Coffee , a 2-pound can , our price , excellent al ( ,0 ccnts. 75 ccnts. Our price , 50 CClltS. A good value , - . . . Manor Housc , Kamo , King of Coffee , 40 cts. I a 35-cent Coffee. Our price , 35 ccnts. Our price - , 30 cents. ' 0 ? Frcllch Breakfast , a 5- pound pail-extra value --$1.25. Our price , Oilly $1.10 with cup and saucer. SAMPLg COFFEE FUI NrSngD ON APPI..ICA'l'rON. PURE FOOD PRODUCTS. J. C. BOWEN. 'I'RADI' North Side Pure Old : < . < tl { t "Incunr l1ROKEN ilOW , NEJlR. . . - Twenty-three Years Ago. 'rhe following items were pub. lished in t e l ItI'unr.tCAN 23 years ago : The I ru'unLIC\N announced that it had 528 subscribcrs. Bon. Ii' . G. Hainer , of Kearnc ) ' , delivered the 4th of July oration. 1'he population of _ Custer county as shown h.\ ' the asscssors returns in April is 408 ( , . J. L. Cobb. of Jefferson called Monday. He sas , the new br o < < Ig-e across the Middle Loup is COUl- pleted lacldng a load of lumber and few picces of irons. This is the first bridge of any note in the count ) ' . S. C. Beebe and Dr. Wq.ter- ber ) ' of Westerville spent last Wednesday aftcrnoon and Thurs- da r forenoon in town. 1'hc ) ' enjoyed thcmselves Wednesday evening in joiting the boys in a game of IH'lse ball. Isaac Merchant and N. J. Rice of New Helena were among our callers Friday. Bro. Beebe informs us that a bell had been presented to the M. E. church at Westervi11e which gives Westervi11e the credit of receiving and ringing the first church bell in the county. H. C. l eyner , six miles northwest - west of town has corn out in fatsel ! and ear silking. It is a dwarf variety and is called ICsix week corn. " , We note the school report of I I the Broken Bow , twenty three' ' , years ago made by J. J. Brown teacher , that "those present every day for a month with perfect - fect deportment were : Hannah Dunning , Kate Dunning , Merna Dunning. Belle Gandy , Edith Pelham , Rillie Hutchinson , Mary Boyce , Livona Lewis , Mary Oxford , Clinton Hewitt and Chas. West. Moses Lewis went to Ord last week returning the Saturday evening. i H. C. Stuckey and family of South Loup were over visiting the metropolis last week. Miss Saunders organi7.ed a 1. O. G. , ' 1' . l : Westervi11e last week with thirty members. Opening of the Shoshone or Wind River Reservation in Wyoming. The President's proclamation opening the Shoshone res rvation lands for settlement has been published and prescribes the plan of drawing for these lands , which has proved so successful wi th other \gencies. Applicants are to register at Worland , 'l'her.I I . lI1opolis , . Shoshone , or Lander in. Wyoming , between July 16th and. . 31st. 'l'he subsequent drawing for these lands will be held at Lander commencing August 4th , I the drawing to be supervJsed by. . a committec of threc persons of undoubted integrity. Parties can return homc after registering - ing , and the successful ones' are notificd by card when and where to appear to mdke filings for the land drawn. 1'he Shoshone area comprises about 400,000 acres of agricultural - cultural lands to be drawn for , and thc government made a remarkably cheap settlement with the Indians so that the cost is 110t going to exceed $1.50 an acre for the agricultural lands , except , of course , the additional cost on the prorate plan for thc irrigation works to be built. Sixty days after August 15th , those seeldng timbcr and mineral claims can cross the border and tal up these claims under the timber and mincral act , and all persons are especially admonished hy the Government not to at- tcmpt to jump mincral or dmber claims or to enter the H.cserva- tion for that pnrpose prior to thc appointed time. It has been a close race. e tween thc building of tbe Bur- lington's Worland extensIOn up the BIg Horn l iver and the opening - ing date for this registration , and the 1I10St remarkable energy has bcen pnt into the work by the railroad to get this line finishcd to Worland by the 4th of July. 'l'wo or three dai1 ' shifts of laborers are laying rail day and nighl , and right behind the stcel gang come thc ballast trains loaded from an immense gravel bed on the right.of-way. It is ccrtain that the Burlington' ! : line will be finished to 'Vorl and probably two weeks before July IMh , which is tbe first day 01 registration. , One of the problems of settling I up irrigatc < 11an s in the West h . . - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - _ . - . . . . . . . . - - : - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I RALLY 'ROUND THE FLAC , BOYS I The l'onntr ) ' IH'OSIW } s , seed time 1\11 < 1 hnrvest comes. S. . P. CROAT & , CO. , . have a large , Y o.u number of BUILDING Lon.s . . want I one 01' perhaps a block. You will never ngaip buy them at the price they are asking for them now. Look them over and get prices and terms. l' . - - . , t 'hey have also the BEsrp and LAHGESrl' srrOC ] ( of Furniture , Hardware , , Carpets : , Lineoleum , Etc. , in the county. Yon can buy from them at the lowest prices. See their large assort- ment of WINDOW SlIAnES. S I P . GROAT & CO I J- - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - , - - - - - - - - - - - - - to show buyers and settlers from the East the regularity and the wealth of irrigated reps from lear to year. All seekers for lands from the wh\le country east of the Missouri l ivcr appear to be from Missouri and "have to be shown , " and this was one of the chief reasons why the Burlington bauled out 5,000 laborers a thousand miles to the basin to hurry up this line throu h the irrigated land of the Big Horn Valley , so that the army of persons going to register for Shoshone lands could see and appreciate the valuc of irrigated lands enroute. The new Worland line goes right through a zone of irrigated lands extending all the ! way from (1'rannie along the Big Horn Hiver , traversing single tracts of 30,000 acres under cul- tivation. Tle railroads have also shown their interest in tha enterprise of settling up tbe new 'Ve3t by undertaking to bring out the largest possible number of entries for this drawing with unusua1y ! low excursion rates , the main motive being to get the people out and scatter them over the new lands of the West. f1 i Bound Over. I Walle , Martin and Bryan the I three men who were charged with uurglarbdng John Moran's store at Callaway had their pre- Hmin a ry trial before Judge ! Humphrey last Saturday. 'rhe evidence against them was direct. 1'he court bound them over to the September term of court jointly in thl : sum of $1500. Moran \Vas positive in his identification of the clothing found in their possessions. r- - Ryno Rumblings. For the first time in history the farmcrs got the first cutting of alfalfa in the stack without gettina- wet. Sevcral of the wells in the community have been cloing anything - thing but furnishing water lately. Mrs. Marquis has been on the sick list the past week , but is improving. The doctor who responded - sponded to the sick call had an exciting time on Frida } ' evening. lIe ran into a wire gate stretched across the roa l and brole his buggy pole , thcn commanded a cart and resumed his journey , the cart upset and threw him out. Guy Hector was along , but modestly rcfused to relatc his part in the adventure. Another game of ball hcre on Saturday afternoon , between t e "Bcncdicts" and "Bachelors" brought together a big crowd ( inculding Charley J..andreth ) and wore the graSs ! 01T a quarter section of land. 'l'hc "Bcnedicts" acknowledged defeat and agreed to furnish the material for an ice cream picnic to be held in the rove on Spring Creek next Saturday. After the boys quit the coyotes took up the serenade. I.A THIt , 'l'he picnic held in the grove at the mouth of Spring Creek last Saturdd.Y under the manage. ment ot the Ryno baseball club , was a success. Ice cream an cake vlas furnishect in plenty. A ball gaine in.1 afternoon added inter.c ' 1ccedings. ; - THE MAN WITH A HOBBY I confess to having a hobby and my bobby is to sell th ' best buggy that can be sold for the money and to B"ive you a guarantce that if the buggy is not what I tell you it is I will fix it or refund your mone ) ' . I have my buggies made after m"own specifications and I know what they are made of. By buying dircct from the fact ry I am able to save 25 per cent over what my competitors pay for theirs and consequently am able to sell you buggy from $10 to $20.00 less than they can possibly do. I have just received -J'IVVo : : Car I..oads , the latest effect of the factories , all bright and new. 1'here has n vcr been shown in Custer county as many buggies un(1er ( one roof as I will s ow you if you come in. I have ever'thing , carriages , surreys , road wagons , spring wagons , driving wagons , carts land buggies of all descriptions. In fact , I will show you over 100 different jobs. I k2 : ! h.R TIN I Sickles for oil ( m . $ O . L. - - - - - - - : s1f""t"t"'t""t"t"t""t"t"'t'Jt"t'Jt" " " " " " " " ' " " " " " " , " " , " " " " " " , " " ' ' " ' " - - I HOLD ON ! - - \1 \ \ - . . . - - ' ' : : : . \ 1'1 Ie picnic season IS now' h- : : : = = ( . . ! in all its gloJ : ' ) ' and we are here : : : = = \ ) ) to help Jon fill the basket with : : : : E - - the choicest the market affords 3 = = 1 \ . I at incomparably low prices. : : ' Make , Your selection from the = = / : :1 : , ; fol.lowing and add thereto a y = = : : : : Q , t1l1ng else want and will h 10 : you we : : : : : : - : : : ( R t' , demonstrate that you came to - = = I .1 \ \ the .right place to secure good : : : : : sef\'lce : = = - - : : : : Mixed Picklcs , Pork and Beans , = = = = Oliyes , Sardines , I.4cll1ons , Dried Beef , = = = = Veal J-4oaf. Oranges , Salmon , = = . = = Jelly , Preserves , Bananas , Chcese and Crackers , : : : : : = = Potted Ham , Potted Tongue. :3 : : : : : : Candy and GUilt for lacHes , Pipes and 1'obacco for men. : : : : : : - - - - = = PIIONI' : NUMI1I R SHEPPARD & BURK . : : : : : : : : : : ONI " ! 'WO-1-'IYI . = = 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 S : - - . - 91 J. S. ' & , J. 'F. . BAISCH ' . . - . . ' , - , Druggists Broken Bow , Nebr.