Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 28, 1906, Image 9
. . . . . . t { TONIC TREATMENT Weak Stomach and Sick Headache Cured by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The symptoms of stomach trouble \'nry. Some vict.iDls ha\"o n rnveuous "ppotlto , otherslootho the sight of food. Ofteu there is n feeling n9 of weight ou the chcst , n full feeliug in the throat. Sometimes the gns presses ou the beart I1nd lends the snfferer to tbiuk ho has hcnrt disCl\SO. Sick headache is a iro. quent nnd distressiug symptom. A weale stomnch l1ced9 n digestive V touio nnd that there is no better tonio . for this purpose t111\11 Dr. Williams' Pink . \ Pills is shown by the 8tate1l1eut of Mr. A. O. Merrill , n miuiug lIJ U , of Onenls , Oalif. , n veteran of Battalion 0 , Thh'd U. S. Regular Infl\utry. It I had never been wel1 since I left the nrmy , " ho 8I\YS , lIal\\'I\Ys hnviug had trouble with my stomnoh , which was weak. I was run down nnd dobilitated. Oould l'eep nothing on 11IY stomach , nml at times bad sick headache so bad that Iid not care whether I lived or died. My stomach refused to l'ctain even liquid food nnd I nlmost despaired of getting weU us I had trie(1 so many kinds ot medicine without relief. Then I wns bitten by n rattlcsnalw nnd that laid mo up from work entirely for R year , six months of whieh I spent in bed. It Ono day a friend reconl1nended Dr. WillinUls' Pink Pills to 1110 nnd I began talting them. They cured me when nl1 other medicine hml failod. I hl\vo recommendcd the pills to a grent many , for during Jny l'cco\"cr.y ovcry ono nskccl mo whnt was helpin 1110 so and I told thorn Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I cannot - not speak too highly of thom. " If yon want oed health you must hnvo good blood. Dr. Willinms' Piuk Pills nctunlly ml\ko new blood nud rcstore shat1or6d ncrves. They ( \1'e soleI 'by ' al1 drugsists or sent , postpnid , on receipt - ceipt of price , ( jOc. per box , six boxes for $2.50 by the Dr. Willil\Uls Medicine 00. , Schenectady , N.Y. - Suggesting Safe Course. McFlbb-That fellow Huskle cnlled me a lIarl Ncwltt-yt's ? "Yes. Whnt would you do about It ? " "Wel1 , If I were you , I'd make It II. I point always to tel1 the truth when ; ho'a Iround.-Cathollc Stnndard. Different Rinds. "A man In politics should have lotfl of friends , shouldn't he ? " "It rtepends , " answered Senator Sorghum - hum , "on whether they are friends who want to do something for you or who want you to do something for " Star. them.-Washlngton ) Care of On loth. Oilcloth should ncver be scrubbed with II. stiff brush or washed with strong soap Remo\'c all dirt b ' carefully sweeping with 0. 60 It hair brush. 'rhen wash until clean with tepid water and h"ory Soap. Rins ( with clear water to which has been addcd a teaspoonful o'f kero ( 'ne. Polish with 0 dry cloth. ELEANOR R. l'AUKElt. "As near as I kin make d dlfferl'nce out , " said Uncle Eben , "It's dis way De speculations dat wins is Invest. ments , an' rIem dat loses 18 gamblln' . " -W hlngton Star. Lewis' Single Binder costs more than other 5c cigars. Smokers know why. YoU [ dealer or Lewis' l actory , Peorin , 111. Civilization consists largely In courtIng - Ing b : ; mail and contracting debts. The happ ) ' liiavages do neither. l\trs. oVlnlllow' Soothln. . : Syrup. ror children teelhln . BotteWl the gura. . reduces In- tlammaUun , aUalB paIn , cures wind collu. a botUD. The seat oC conscience oCten seems to be In the liver. } INTERESTING LETTER WRITTEN BY A NOTABLEWOMAN Mr . 8amh Kellogg ot Denver , Color Bonrer or the Woman's RoUor Corps , Bonds Thanks to Mrs. Pinkham. The following letter was written by Mrs. Kellogg , of 1628 Lincoln Ave. , D c n v e r , Co1.toMrs. Pinlt. huml"T-ynn,1\Inss. : Dear JUrs.Pinkbam. "For five years I " 'i was troubled with a / . tumor , whlcb kept N.s. aralHe/logg growlngcauslngme intense agony and great mental depression. I was unable to attend - tend to my bol1.SO worlc. and 1fe became a burden - den tome. IwllS conllned for days to my bcd , lost my appetite , my courage and a ) ) bope. " I couW not bear to think of an o1eratlon ] , and In my distress I tried every remooy which I tbougbt would be of any use to me. and reading of tbe "aue of Lydia. E. Pinkham's Vegctabo ] Compound to sIck women decIded to give it n. trial. I felt so dIscouro ed thllt I bad little hope of recovery , and when I began to feel better , after the second , vecle , thought it only Jneant temporary relief ; but to my SJCI1t : surpiiso I found that I kept gnining , while tile tumor lessened In sizo. II The ComJXIund continued to build up my general hcnlth and the tumor seemed to Dc absorbed , unUl , il\ seven months , the tumor WlIs entirely gone Illlil I a we ) ) woman. I am 10 thankful for my roco\'ery that I ask you to 11ublish my letter In newsPllpers , so other women may know of the wondel'ful curative powers of Lydia E. Pinldinm's Vegetable Compound. " When women are t.rou bled with irreg. ular or painful periods , wealme5s , dis. placement or ulecration of the female organs. that b arlng-down feeling , In. flammation , baclcache , flatulence , gen. eral dcblHty , indigestion or nervous prostration. thcy should remember thcro is ono tricd and tnle remed ' . Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com. \M \ : ' pound o.t once removes such troubles , )1 ( . ' No other medicine In the world ba received such widespread and unquali , fled endorsement. No othcr medicin ( has such 0. record of cures of fcmaI ( ills. ills.Mrs. Mrs. Pinkhnm invites 11.11 stclt womer : to write her for advice. She isdaughtcl" of L 'diu. E. Pinltham and fOI twenty-five yeurs under her directior : nnd since her decease has beel1 advising sicle women free of charge She hns gullIed thousands to llcalth , L _ . ' \ddre58 , Lrlln , Mass. r Rcmember that it is L ' (1iu. E. Pink ham's Vcsetublu Compound that is cur , Ing-womcn , nntldon'tallowanydruggisj to seU 'ou n\l \ 'thng ! else in its pI nee. cJimmy's , Wife , : , 11 T. JENKINS liMNS ( Autbor 01 "Wlnd J.mmers , " "CnJllIO cI the PetrDI , " Etc ) ( CopyrIght , by Joscph D. Bowlos. ) We were about 60 miles 'tOuth a ! Capo Horn , hove-to In a hlgb , rolling , northwest. sea which mndo the main 'leck uninhabitable. In the dog-wntch the carpenter tool , mercy on Gantlllle and myself and allowed - lowed us to slmre his room in the Cor- ward hOUGO for an aCter-supper amolte. We hnd atartel1 forward when the man : )0 1001Out hailed. Through the gloom : I ! the flying driCt I\nd twUlght a Ihadow bore down upon the shill , groy-whlte above blnck. Then there I mddonly loomed out the shape of a I great ship tearing nlollg under t'gal- ' ; lant saUs dead beCore the gale. Then in an Inslant she was gone. rhe drift had closM upon her ns she Iwept astern boCoro anyone could read nor name. She had vanished as quicle- 'y as she had nppeared , passing on In- o the dismal sea bohlnd us like n l alt-strealed mystery. Wo stood gazing at the whirling 1rlft In the gloom astern for some minutes , and then wo followed Chips Into his room. Gant11no could not re- all the vessel by her shnpe or rig and nsked the carpenter nbout her. "Do 1 lenow her ? " he hissed fierce- 'yo "Would I bo I\pt to forget her ? " A.nd he thrust out an arm , . pu1l\ng UP 'tis sleeve until a long livid Bcar ; hewed clear to his elbow. "It Isn't . ' " " - - , . WE SAVED HIM. likely anyone would forget the MornIng - Ing Light if they ever sailed in her. Manl I'd lenow her in the depths 0' perdition , the deepest hole in devU. dom , whore she'll sail In the hereafter - ter- "No , I didn't Intend to ship In her. Jimmy Turner an' I got Into her nfter wo left the navy. When we went broke n. fellow wanted hands for the Morning Light , Cap'n Sam Smith , master. We hadn't heard of any particular - ticular 8am Smith , so on we signed with shaldng hands an' dry throats , wi111ng to go anywhere or do anythinlJ tor enough grog to leep n.l1ve. . Jimmy had gone in the navy , boo cause he couldn't live ashore. He'd married and was sorry for it-made 11 mistake. But he'd never said any. thing to me about his wife or famUy and I never asleed. NobodY nsks ques. tlons of anybody aboard men-o'-war. When we dropped down the bay f tug came alongside nnd Cap'n Smitt went to the rail to greet a little hatch , et.fnced fellow who jumped aboard He WDS with a woman. "Sammy Smith an' niece , " said ar old shellback standing on the forecas , pe head , "I thought so. " "What's the matter ? " we asled. "Matter I Don't you Imow thnt fel , low ? That's Morrell , the worst thinl In man's Image that ever trod a decl planl , . Come It on us as Sammy Smith : Man , if ye can get ushoro , swim fer I afore It's too late. I'm too old. " Bu Morrell didn't ship men to have then do the pier-head jump. Wo were In fo : a western ocean eruiso In ono of thl packet ships who will leave her mem : lry a black anll bloody tracle In thl minds of sailor men. Deforo we'd crossed the stream , Mor rell had begun on us. Dut-well , nevI I cr mind. It would mal\O the tules 0 old-time horror seem I1Iw play to to ] one-half of what took place in a weeh i Save yet GantUne , I could sit hero alii tell you things tiU morning-and eac ] one would malw you shiver. We hal flvo men "missing" before the voyag' ' was half over. Jimmy and I came i ] for some of It hut even that tiger sharle alt knew when he had reachel I tbe Umlt-and wo were men-o'-war' I men. "One night there was a row art ani there were cries oC a womall. Jhnm' heard them and started out on deci with his sheath knife , but we hell blm , and four of us got the marks 0 I the knlfo to remember how wo save , , him. "ACter that Jimmy was quiet an , ugly. He never spoke to anyont There were no moro 'men' In the cro\\ I only square-heads and Dutchmen , an , they never go nft. . "I wouldn.t consent to go alon when Jimmy gave me a look that tel , his came. Soon I noticed he wouhln' ' turn in at night and then I knew I ; was coming. I stole aCt to see the elll "I found him standing close unde the break of the poop , talking in , whisper to some one. Then I cllugh , the glint of a sldrt and recognized th voice of the woman. " 'It's no use , Jim , let mo lI..e I out. ' be laid. 'It won" last 10llG , , ' . . . ' " .r , . Her . . . .olco wns 111te that of the l1yltlt1. "Then Jimmy answered her slowly and qulotly. 11Is words came lieop nnd low 111to tbe smothered rOl\r v ! the sur ! on the shoro. Mnn , It was like the great sen r0111ng over I\n outlyinG reef , bursting , gathorlng ngaln and then rushing wltn that mighty power to the end. When ho stepped she wns choldng , ( tMpint ; Cor breath. Man , it seemed like her heart would break. I couldn't help listeQing , hearing bor pay for wlmt she'tI done. Dut Jimmy ne\'er blnmCl1 11er , no , not he. "Jimmy stood there wl\itlng for his answer. " 'Go-gol Go and forsot. ' sh wall choklnl , but It came 1)lnln and dis- tinct. There was a 10llg silence , and I 1001\0.1 . hnrd into the gloom. She had gonu Jimmy wns standing there swny- Ing In the night 111e nn unltayed mast nnd I led him 'forruda , his head hanging - ing down and sogglng like he wds . nsleop. "The next do. ) ' It cl\me on hea\ ' ) ' Crom the northwest. Jimmy was stmt aloft to Ill1t un extrn. gusltet around the bunt of the cro' jacle where It hud be on blown out by the gale. Some. thing went wrong witti the Coot-rope Loo'ked lilte a clcar case of cutting' , ( or It was all right when we furled th" sail 0. Cew hours before. "Jimmy fell with the dull wallo\1 \ thnt generally means denth , und he landed rIght across the callin sleylight It was a long fnll nnd ho was st11l. Morrell was watching his ship and saw the fall. He started for Jimmy. Just then the woman below rushed on I deck and flung horseli upon the lJoor fellow. I rcached his head and started - ed to rn.iso him. The woman was sob. bing nnd calUng for him to speak just once more to bar ; and , man , it was terrible to heal' her whnt she snid. " 1\Iorrell slood looltlng on , and then burst Into a laugh. " 'So that's him , Is it ? Hol hol bet So that's the fellow ? ' And he ' . . .ent to the dying mnn. "She was upon him berore he leno\\ ' It , striking him a blow th\t : sent him reeUng. 'rhcn he went mad IInd had his pistol out firing and cursing Uke n manlnc. It was all over in a minute. " Here Chips stopped awhUe I\nd cut some fresh plug for his pipe. "Defore the morning watch I hall talltcd lIeUgoland over , and he tnlkcJ to a Dutchman Ilamed Langter. An. derson finall ' joined , but .Jacqucs W:1I : , to go without his watch behhlll him. There wcro just four of us started - ed aft out of that crew of 20 l11en. "Heligoland took the starboard tlide and I took the port , both getting into the mizzen channels when the watch was called. ' 1'he' rest were to rush when they heard firing. "The second mate bawled for hi ! > watch to clew up the mizzen lower topsail , as It was now snoring awa ) worse than ever and the short soae were coming aboard us. This was our signal. " 'Ve crn.wled nlong the declt outside the rail , holding on 111e death \vith our finger tips. Morrell wus nearest - est to me. 'When we were near enough to get behind our men , HeUgolaud gave a cry and jumped over. I lol- I lowed. The next second I had broken , my Imifo short off in tilt' blncle3t- hearted captain thnt ever cursed a I ship's deck. He jumped bacle and ran , forward , I nfter him , trying to close before he could get out hi:3 pistol. He dodged about the mizzen and fired as he swung. ' 1'he shot hit mo there on the arm and split it to the elbow. ' 1'he" L something fiung out of the darlmess to leeward and there was a dull smash. , That was all. HeUgoand'stood ] leaning upon his handsplltc while I picleed ur- the pistol. "Thq day dawned upon a storm.t'Jrn ocean. all grey-white , and u hove-to ship staggering off to the southward . with her lower topsails streaming 1:1 : ribbons from her jaclsturs. : As thr. I low were down toward evening we. - could hear the piteous cries of a dyIng womnn calHng for her husband-- " Chips waited for a few minutes anll - puffed hard at his pille. 1'hen he went on in a low voice I could hardly hoar : "We burled Jimmy and his wite tlllJ next day. Old Jacobs sewed them Ufo together alld weighted thom. AU hallds uncovered as they went to leo. ward. I didn't Imow any sorvlce , allll there wasn't any such thing as a Bibl aboard. 'Good-by , Jimmy , ' I snid-anll - let him go. " There was a long silence. Gnntllnc stood U1l and then sat down again. H - seemed to want to as1 , a question , bill - would not. Chips watched him. "Yes , " he went 011 , "we got I1v ( years npiece for that. Five long yeuf behind the bars. where the momor , of the blue water and the hope ] would get out again Itept mo from goIng - Ing mad. Is It 1I1OIy I'd forget thE Morning Light ? " Lost 0110 Day in 34 Years. That she missed only one d-r 01 school worl , III the :14 : years she was en. gaged ns 11 teacher hero was a record 01 which : \lrs. Adelaide Moon , who died In Muskegon , Mich. , a few daYH ago , wm proud. Mrs. Moon was the dean or thE feachers in the Muslwgon public schoolf and principal ot the I1nclley scl1ool , Death came after all illness of less tha11 two weels. She was 52 years oC age , She was one of the most prominent ed. ucators In western Michigan. Looks Ominous. Broncho B1l1-I don't think thnl new arrival is going to live long. Earless Eddle-Sicl , ? Broncho Dill-Hardly that ! Dut see him lend Grizzly Pete a dollal and he looles jes' tool enough ter nsl him for It ag'in. Easy Enough. "Gee ! Some of these roustabout ! are strong. See how caslly that fell 0\1 raises that barrel of buckwheat flour , ' "That's no trouble. That's self.rais , buckwheat.-Clevelnnd " 'ador. UHE RA1\I FOR LAWYER. " Dut There WAR a Doubt ns to Whether lIe Had Ever Caught the Offic . A man from Pennsylvania. wont to Vlnelnnd on a business errand. The town WAS strange to him , and he was unacquainted with the mau ( a lawyer ) ho had ono to see. The dlroctlons ho receivlld were so 1t1l10 nlte thl\t he found hImself on the elgo of the town wllhout hl\.ing come to the houge he sought. Then he met an old negro and nsked the way of him and learned that the house lay about a Cluarter of a mile farther down the roall. "Tho mnn I wnnt to see is a lawyer - yer , " ho said to the old man , "Is this Mr. Dash tIo\\'n the roall n lawyer ? " "lIe ain't no lawyer that I ever hoard tell of. " nnswer'll the negro. "You're sure ? " The old negro scratched his head In deOl ) thought. 'l'hon n glenm of re- , mcmbrnnce lighted his e'o. "Now I think of It , boss. " ho said , . . 'pears 111\0 I do recol1cct ho ran for lawyer one time , " $100 Rcward. $100. Tb& read&fI of thl. paper will bD pleand to Iura that tberD I. at lelt.t one dreaded dl.eue that IclencD \1110I \ been able to cllrt ! In alliU Itage'lIId that \I \ Oatarrh. nail" Calarrh CurD 11 the only 1'0.ltlVD cure u w known to tbe medical fraternll ) ' . Uat3rrl1 beIng a con.t\lutl \ nal dbelle , requIre. . . consUlu. tlonallrealment. lIaU' . Calarrh Cure \I \ l.ken ID' ternaU ) ' , aCUDi' dlrectll upon tbe blood and mueou. .urtaee of I\le \ s'Jtem , thereb ) ' denrorlnr 'hD foundation of thD dl.ea.e , and KIYln" l\lo \ palle" , Itrenglh by bulldlnlf up thl ) coutmulloll and aullt. Ing nsturo In dulnr Its work. T\le \ proprlotou havD 10 IDllch 'a\thln \ In curaUve pO\'feU that the , olter One lIundrld DOllau for any CIUO that It taU. to cure. Hend fOr lIt of teltlmonla. . . . Aldreu 1' ' ' , T. CI1 NEl" k CO. , Toledo , O. Hold Ill' all Drugglsll. 73c. 'falto lIall' . } o'amll ) ' 1'11\1 \ for con.t1paUon. Marconi Anticipl.ted. An E'ptologlst { and an Assyrlologlst were dIsputing about the relatl\'e I\d- vanCCm'llt of the two ancient peoples whom the ) ' were studyln . " \vh ) ' , sit. , " cried the Egyptologist , "wo ! lnd remains of , vires In Egypt , which provo they understood elcctric- It ) . ! " "Pshaw I "answered the Assyrlolo- gist , "wo don't I1nd any wires In Assy- ria. I.n that shows thllt tbey under- Btood wireless telegraphyl' - Struy Storlcs. Dl\d Effect of Athletics. " " the hOBpital "This man , explained doctor , "is the victim of athletics , " "Ah , overtraincd , I suppose. " " ' trulned bit. The "No , he l1e\'er a fellow who hit him had , though.- PhUl\delphia L ( lger. , Physical Impossibility. The House Cut-You're getUn Cat and apoplcctlc. I can sco your finish. The Pug Dog ( milking an eITort to turn his heall , but giving up-1'hat's ) morc thun I ( 'un 1I0 , an 'how.-Chlcago Trl bUlle. , PIT 't PITLESS SCALES. For Steel nlld Wood IIrnl11C9 , 125 IInd up. Wrltc . U9 before you bll ) ' . We f\3\"C you _ " mOllc ) ' . Also l'umps nud Willd 1\I11Is. BECKMAN BROS. . Dn Molnn , low. . . - - - - 'Vhcut. OOD.bel. per acre. WINTER CalnlullUo lld .ample. rllr.lII. IIlh..lI..dl'o.lIn 1Y..LaCro..I\I. . WINCREJTER CARTRIDGES For Rifles , Revolvers and Pistols. Winchester cartridges in all calibers from .22 to50 , shoot where you aim when the trigger is pulled. They are a 1 way s accurate , reliable and uniform. Shoot Them and Y ou'l1 Shoot Well. Alwayo Buy Wlnchastor Mak . ALLEN'S FOOT = EASE lIfgnaturo f.JrJ ! Cka A CertaIn Cure for Tlrod , lIot , AchIng Foet. .Ad < JsreO mile : ; , DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. OD every box. J.olt01N. Y. I - - 7-- George Washington won his way into the hearts of the American pcoplo by rare diplomacy , unflinching bravery and superior genoralship. On Time Yeast Is winning its way into the Bread Making Homos of the VI est bccauso It is the best yeast ever mado. sells 10 Cakes for 5 Cents , and is not controlled by a Trust. Why pay 5 Ccnts for seven cakes of ycast whcn ) 'ou can get 10 Cakes at the sarno price and better yeast ? Ask Your Grocer for On Time Yeast , . . , Make your boy's food tnsty-Mothcr-forit has to do some big things. It has to rnnkc esh , blood , bone and muscle nnd supply boundlcss Energy. Rcmembcr , the boy of today is the man . of tomorrow. . . , . Don't injure Wm physically nnd mentally W1th indigestible meats , pastries , rich puddings , ctc. , . that. nct as :1 : on his nervous energy. But feed Wm plenty of . ' - .n Ihere I. In "htat-And he'n be ) 'Our b rt" JoY-'lron , healthY. brl bt. .malt In < l QuIck at hi , &tu let. You won't have 10 con him to calli ellhuMother , for Its dUclOUJ rIch S'-nor ' wben caten wllb 'cre&l\ and IUItU II lUll wbat be erlY moat tor. . Egg.O.sce keeps the blood cool nnd is the idcalaummer food. OIn hIm lome tomorraw-"lhere won't be no lradl1" . " rrcpartd under condition. of ICruPuJOU' tlculllneu. Bury trucer 111 the eounlr ) lelll EGG-O.SIt&-1he whole . .h t cel'tal It ) 'O\Ir tracer b. . not recclved blllUlIPIY.1IU1I u. 10 cenU .ud hll name US ccnU west of the Rocky Mounullls ) and we " , mltod0\1 a pacute of EOCJ-O.SIt& and a copy of the. book , " -back to oature. " FREE " .back to nature" book Our 32.p'Je book , tIbaek to nature , " out11n a plaD ot rhht IIvlnl : , Ineludo 11111 menus for 7 d.tyt Ind rrclpe. for preparlolr the Drceslllry dlthe. . bItd on II whole wheat dIet , wllh lUJiesUon. tor blthlnlr , eallog and exerele , lIIustuttd trom lite , exceedlnily Ilmple Ind II1lractlYe , Dy following 111 , prccepU , aboundlol1lnd vliOrout heallh Is lure 10 result. l'ubll.hed to .eU It 2S cenll a copy.lhll ban melT lIIustnltd Ixjc , ,1n be maUed FRIt& to Inyone who wrlln , as lonlr III Ihl. edllIOIlluts. AdJlu EGG-OoSEE CEREAL COMPANY No. 10 Firat Street Qwncy , lIIinuls Th is Is What - - - Catches Me ! - l -One.Thlrd Moro Storch. . A. . . , . , FULL POUND " for lOc ( ' . I - - - You CANNOT CURE all inflamcd , ulcerated and c.1tarrhal con. ditions of thc mucous membrane such as nasal caturrh , uterIne catarrh caused by feminine ills , Bore throat , sore mouth or Inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surely can cure thesc IItubbom affections by local treatmcnt with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys thc discasc germschecks discharllcs , stops pain , and heals the inflammation and sorcness. Pax tine represcnts the most successful local trcatment for feminine 1118 ever produccd. Thousands of women tesll y to this fact. So cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box 'rUE R. PAXTON co. . Doston. Girls' Help At a certain ag , all girls need the help of a pure , reliable , ton 1 c medicine , to establish a regular habit , thatit may remain with the' m through life. Much terrible - . rible suffering , in after years , Is prevented , and sturdy health assured , by taking E CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEf at this critical time of life. "I gave Gardul to - my young daughte.rt writes Geo. Maston , of Greenwood , Neb. , "and now she Is a rosy cheeked girl , MP y' , light-hearted and gay. " Strongly recommended for all female troubles. Try It. At nIl DruB Stores C16 . - - - - - - T PATENTS far PROf T musL tull , l > role < 'L nn . . tu " 'IIU 011 , lIook' ' L all . ! lIesk Calendar } o'U.I : . IJlllhosL ret'rC/1fe. . . . . . . ( } olllmullleaUuns COllndl'lIt.lRI lsll\bll.btu 1..11. Muoa. Feawlet ok LaWnDte , WalhlDltoD , n O. W. 'N. U. , OnTAHA : , NO. 25 , 1000.