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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
. ( 'u tcr Qunty Republican , Thursday , June 28 , 1906. 200,000 Unclaimed tettera. Doubtless there arc many read en ; of thc RHPUIIr.IaAN who have written relati'es or friends in San Ii'rancisco , bu t recei vcd no reply anll are wondering if they ore numbered with the dead , which may lIot be the case as the disaster was the cause of changing - ing the street number of over 20UOOO people. A report from San Francisco says : "T-iocal postoflice onicials report that 24,000 lctters were placed on the advcrtisedlist ur- ing the past week. Within thc past four weeks there were. : returned - turned from the ctrricrs to the g'enernl delivery section about 200,000 letters , the greater portion - tion of which had return f'qUC5ts on the envelopes and were sent hack to the wri ters. The rc- maindcr , after having been ad. vertised for thirty days , will be sent to the dead letter office in Washingt.n. nullein of Western Nebrnalcn. 'I'he Quartcrly Bulletin No. 8 for Apnl , 190 ( ) , issued by Deputy Commissioner Bush and Chid Clcrl < Despain , of the State Bur au of Statiscis has becn rc- I ceh'ed reccntly bv this of ce. 1 I It is a 'volume of 28 pages and deals with . . exclusively Western Nebraska. " . It takes up each county of the 34 , that it has under cons llera- tion , as wel1 as each township of each county and g'cs an cx- hausti ve rcport as is possiL ! from ansource. . The l'rosptc' t \'e illv stor or hot11cseel < cr cuul < l hardly find a better guide. The first tcn pages are devoted to a general dcscnption of western - ern Nebraslw , as an area g'ing data relat'e to its growth , agricultural - cultural prolluctions , educational faciiities , giving the schoul funds , districts , teachers of each county. Aftl'r this is a general suntary giving the financial conditIOn - ditIOn ot each county , the average - age amount of rain lall , includ- iug precipitation 1'U5 , amount of government land in each district - trict and In each count ) ' , quality of soil , prices of classificd lands and increase in the past five years , crops and stock , productions - tions and shipmcnts. A folder map is in the back of each book. 'l'his bulletin may he ob L ncd witlwul co t br addressing - - dressing a requcst to the tate Bureau of I4abor and Statistics , Statc Capital , Lincoln , Neb. . . . - - - - - - Card of Thanka. We wish to express our heart felt gratitude to the friends and neighbors who so Idndly assisted us during the sickness and death I of our dear husband an father. And we would especially mention I Mr. Henry Derris , who rendere I help so much nceded in the care of our departed one. MHs. W. . A'l'lIF.Y , AND F.UIII.Y g M I BUSINESS POINTERS. Q : m x m m Strayed or Stolen. White pointer , female , with black fore and ear , four 1110nths ol . Black and white pointer , femalc , six 1110nths olel. Liberal reward for return of same. t f. W. : m. ' 1' AI.IIO'f. - - - - Doctor Leach , Dentist. J. C. Moore , abstractin2t / I FOH SAI.H-A ncw house , 24x26 four rooms , within two blocks of the square. Inquire at this office. 42tf FOH REN'l'-A six room house and closct with barn and chicken housc. Prul'crtj' in gooll sh a pc. . 2tf J. W. . WIIlTF. . - - - - - - - Furni hcd rooms to rent. Bath in connection. gnquire at the RIWUBI.ICAN office. 44tf - - _ _ -0 _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ Dr. T.Y. . Bas , dl'ntist. Office over McComas' drug store. Phone t % . Press making in rOOU1S I and 2. Burlington Block. Phone 281. . . , - - - - - - - Drs. "arnsworth " & lleck- Dentists. tf See thee : Perpetual Carpet Sweepers at KonL cl & Mullins. Let us he your printer. 'l'lie od l < nd of printil1 only. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I'-or ' bargains in real estate ee Bowmen & An erson , just wc t of the Security State Bank. 10tf \V ANT - Mcnvol11en - , bors and girls to r'prescnt i\IcClur 's Ma/a\.inc / \ Good pny. Address ( )7 East 23d St. , N. Y. City. 34-t f. . - - - - - - FOH SAI.g-Elcven and half lots , 50x140 leet. Good frame hou e , good harn , good Wl'll al1l1 100 bcai-ing fruit trecs. gUlllllre at this office. litf - - - - - - - - - - - - We have ill stuck all Idnd of screen doors allel win < 1ow , the best in the citr . , call and inspect the1l1. 49tf DmHI\R LU\1lJHH ; & COAl. CO. Uotcl property for sale or trade for stock , cheap if sold at ollce. Doing gOOll business. 1\ly reason - son for selling , I am city marshal - shal and can not attcnd to both. AIl < 1 re ! S , C. g. CI.AHK , I.f ) Cario , Neb. We still have a few safety deposit - posit boxes for rent ot S1.50 per year. These boxes are protected by our lire-proof vault and our guaranteed burglar alarm s\'stcm , thus affording absolute protection tf BIWKHN Bow S'l'A'fn BANK. WAN'l'HD-Gentleman or lady with good reference , to travel by rail or with a rig. for a tirm of S550.000.00 capital. Salary q,072.00 p r year and expenses ; salary paid weekly and expenses ad\'anced. Address , with stamp. J05. A. Alexander , Broken Bow. R. B. Mullins , M. D. , D. D. . S. the Dentist. 37tf . . , . - . . - - New and Second Hand Furniture , Flour and Feed Store. \Ve wish to notify 0111' many customers that we have ndded to OUL' stock of l-lardwal'e all kinds of Nails , Staple and. Emooth Wire. \Ve also have _ Mason City and JCearney HOllr , the best that can be harl in the state. 'tVe always have plenty of feed and baled hay. Goods delivered free to any part of the city. \Ve repair furniture and fmme pictures. J. . vv. sc < : > mr. . _ _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . , . . - . . . . . . . . . . . "IrnWi. . . . . . . _ _ . , . , . . . , . , , . _ . . . . . . " " 'Jfr ' = oec"1oW Io'f. 't 1rJtl\U'I : : ' : > " .sn" Ir.J1:11J ; ; ' 'Jiit < % tIr.I'7..t'J f.1.Il.'i.rrl'.Q ' : ; ' ; O : : ; f'O : O t ( . . . ; . . . . < / ; : . : ' ; : . : . . : ' J. J8 [ . S . .A. . ] [ Jf . . S , , ' ! ' _ Pl OPHIE1'Ol { 7 X 8 , ' 'rif : 1\Y 8'1' n , 8 o , I r ' t \'IZI , . t ' ' , ' : . ' . 8 "I 1',1' V d ; 00 ; ' f" . . . I I' , . fa Q1 _ , , , , l " . ' , I " : : ir. \ ro tr. . a FE" t-u . ' I : : A 11 , ' \ : _ ' . : ' - .l { ' M. - . ; EAST OF GLOi E HOTEL. RCIIIOIelcr ! ] alii ] repaired throughout. Good Ii\'cry ri R at rcasollahle ratcs. o Accollloation ( ! for cattle and rallge horses. lIay at 1I00n , 10 ccnts ; al1 day , R 15 cents ; o\'cr nighl , .15 ccnts. Call and ! He tIIc. . - - - - ' - - - , . " . \ . . \ . K . . E ' , - J ) . " . ; . . i" " : ' \ro/ . : . . . ; or , ' , - : J - ' 'i".0 ' ? : , \.r. , , . r . " 'VS" . . . . . " " c.S.\ . ? ' : . . . . . ? . . ' " : ; . . . . ; . : . ' ' ; - . - " : . ; - sS . . . ) ) -or _ : N . ' ( ' ; _ . - : , 1 ru'fIfj ' roPC9ffij \\l \ ij m U Jj I. U U uJ\ ' c i Broken Bow , Neb. . i OPENS ; 'BPT II f , 1 t' _ \/h \ / , W1 : J.\\I \0. 0 0 U r s e f S u d Y : ! ! Jl ' .J K orma ] , Advanced Norma ] , Academic , : J. Ji ( English , Business , . Shorthand and Typewriting , , I ) ! l' L' aile 1 1'1 ! ucutlOn. . ' (4j We bel cve in making our Sd1001 strong by haviag f - only the best professional and expenenced teachers. R .n Our plan is to have small cla ses and give Personal Help and Instruction to every student. No one will be 2. held back by those less ac\'anced ! , If your early e uca- 1 0.0 : tion has been neglectc . come , we will give you just what you want. ' . , ( i. 1 : Those who euro ) ) on or bcfor July 15th , 11)0 ( " will : I ) ) be alloweel a discount of 5 per cent.Ve make these . terms so that we may kn w ) 'ou arc going to attend and ' we can make our plans accordingly. We ask no money until you enter school. t ) ? Write us for terms and particulars. & ! } 1 LOREN CORNETT , Pres. Vb ' 0 Phone No. 189 Broken Bow , Nebraska. 7 \1' . . . . . . . , . ' I \ - - " " : : :1 : ' " - > ' u f ' 0 ( . . )