Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 28, 1906, Image 6

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    - . .
. ,
Jncob L. Hcadly Found Dead In Burt
County-Mrs. Little Again Loses In
tl \ " upr me Court-Other Matters
fiere and There.
, , ; . , . ' ' ' ' , , - ; ' -
"I " ' "
, U.Mr--WlI.h : oV r ' clrculIlstunco
HuHc .Uug 1U1l1'ilor alld ro hery , the
hnllf. , of , \oh 'HJ ' lIendlc ' , n wcalthy
ltI'n1ht , ' ' wainitiJI'i J III } } plJ creek. n
mill ) alld n hnlf 1I0I'thwJf t of ] Il're. It.
\V11 I nhllURt untlt ely covered b ) ' the
water nnd waH 11l1lIy decomposed.
Hl l\dloy \ dlsl1llllclIl't'tI thl'ec .w'cJf ngo
' , l.IIel nothlllg fmcl IlCon hcurd 01' rwoll
of h'lm untll hili ! iody wns Identlflod.
The eIlRCO\'I'ry r the huc1 ' wns malic ,
b ' Rohert AdlLlIIH , who wcnt to the
) ( , ! 1 < ) 1"0111111' Homo fell co , Ac1nmH
nlllledlulolY notlllol the Clll'OnOr , who
twgrl.ll UII hlllJlOllt IhlH 'anCI'1I001l. 'rho
hOlly waR ! -iO 11l\CIIY'co ! olll/loscd / It WIlS
hllllOHSlhlo tll lilt-HIm } ' It b ) ' the fea. . .
lures , fi'rom I.hC ) clothlll It was Idon.
UlilHl AA Hellllluy ,
A gllllshot WIIIIIIIIII the hem ] l11alnly
IIl1l1c11011HJ ( \ 1\1/ll\nel / o ( .d ath" and
'iIIIl'I'OIllHHlIg l'In'ulllflllmces provctl he.
VWlIl douht I hilt lho wound wes not
Bel 1'.111 fIIctOl1.
At t.ho hlllueHt It wua shown ho
hllllhi hLVI ( ] 1011 lI lwoon $ liO nnel $100
Dn hlH IloraulI , hul 110 mOIlO ) ' was
found , his rmdwlH ( Jvhlontlr having
bewn 1'111011 hoforo lho hod ) ' was thrown
, " 11110 the croeltl
Firat of Assessmcnts : In ,
I JNCOhN ( IlIi : > la coullt ) . 'Is the
11'I'I t of' Uw' 'countlos to multo Its rc-
1"11 of IlSS0SSIllf.Hil to the state hoard
rir Ollualhmtlon , Iho 1"01101'1 having heon
rOqIJlvoli 'thls IIl1 > rninJ ; . 'I'ho rel\lI'nll
hltw a. , l.olal IncreuHu of $ H,7 3JO ! In
thu MHJIltlU vahmLu/I ( , or un Incl'eaHo
1'l1II a. total IIJHitJl > Hlllont fl'om $2lGO , '
( Il1.31 : ! IlllR YOllr ( [ orseH , cattle , hogs ,
0111101'1 ' I.1J\(1 ( ShOlll1 IVCI"O each Incl'eaHed
tl VI\\1I0 \ hy. the ariReH601'S , though the ;
mUrolllIlrollurty \ WI.1H retllmed br tho' '
611Llo hoard In thll ! COlllltY at the same
vululltlon / last Yl'lJ' , excellt that h '
' ; )10 ) nUlllt.lon of I.III ! Sioux Clt ) ' & West.
DI'It I'olul 10 thlll eOll/lty / this ) 'enr the
lol 11 mllrlllHl JII'OIIOJty In trIO slate WI1S
hllll'CIlHL'I1 frolll $121.1 : GO In 1906 to I
"na.)80 ! ) I his Ylmr , OJ' an InCl'elLSO of
: SIIi,820. : 'Chlu 10uvoH an Increase on IlU
. , t hOl' Ilmi } rlY or $1iJJG.1IJ ! : ! In the ItS-
'WHtlIUonl. , which Iii ( ) JHJ-fiflh of the valuation -
uation , Land WU.H IncreaHetl 4 contH
I\n nol'O In the II HtlOHRlI1enl , whllo lotn
IVpro InerUILSUlI Iii cellt" In the nssess-
"wilt un oc.lch 1101'0.
SurveyorB Near Fremont.
F Illi'M ON'SlIrvu'ors , 111'es\I malllr
\ " the 011I1110 : : of the DIIlIngton , nTOI I
1VCH'ld/l1 ; wesl , of f I'olllont , and I1ro
h'adlng for t.ho M llie Creek valloy.
There IIro nine lIIun III the party. 'Ilud
lhoy : Lro eqnltliioll for a fortnight's
\vllrk. 'rhoy llIlvo t.wo wagons , a tent ,
Cllllltlng , IItonHItH I1nll sloclt of provl-
tl11I : I.R , 'rlifl 'lm'ol'lllh ! ; thew lIegull work
311 the 'rnmor rO/lch / mul Cllt dlagona ] .
\ ylCmaR It. MIlIl ) ' poolllo watchml
Ull'm , 'IUt ' wow IIlmllTo to get an ) ' III'
The ' aJ'J'lved
fllII'voyum over the
(1111011 Pacific , Ilnll It waH announcell
'ILl. th"t tlmo tlmt they WOI'O In the om-
, { lIH ) ' o [ thut 1'01111 , Il1HI wOllld survey
CII' UIO IIloclt HYlltOIll of slgnnl ! ! which
IIi ! holng 1111\UllIJ'\to\1. \ 1'he fnct that
tlwy ( Iltchod tllelr lent two miles 1I0rth
! ) f the mllmnel 11/10 allll } vent to worlt
In Ctlrnllohl etlHlIalllled this stato-
Girl Accidentally Poisoned.
I"ll MON'l'-ortt'udo Hunter , 11
I h1.1lgh ( ' < .Yl.'l W'/Ii'imter of Crowoll ,
'JllIlCronl \ the orrocts of Ilolson acel.
ilulltall } ' Ut.ltOIl , She was Illnylng tak.
/ In nlOlllclllO nUll tllill her mother thut
'Dhu 11 1111I which she hud
fmllHl In II. ghlHI ! of wutcA / IIttlo
whllo l\.ttOI' she waH tlliten slcl , nnd a
'ph'slclllll who WIIJi . Hllnunoned 'to\lnd
her hOYOlIl1 , holll ,
Only One New Town Likely.
A1tn llYfLLli-The Union PacWc
on the Central Oit ) ' uwl Stromsbur
now IIno tOllr mlloH nOl'th of hero have
. b\n ) havIng I' hitch In their Ilrocoll.
III : r gottlng town Hltos ( land ) IUIII
II 100itH Uft If there would lJc hut one
tOIVII 011 the extclIslon.
Institute for the Blind.
N DUASKA CITY-The closing ox.
\H''IIIOIl nl the inalltuto for the bllml
WtH.o cOllcludod I1l1d the schonrs ] 10fL
)1 ) rOl' tholl' h01l108 In vl1.1'lous . parts of the
,11111' . 'J'holrustecH , nt the sug estlon
of SUllorlnlellllcnt J. T.lore ] ) ' , retain.
c ( } , t.ho Qntlro fll'cull } ' for lho ensuing
MI's. Lillie Loses Again.
UNCOLN-1'ho supl'ome coml roof
f ! fUHOIl Lo grnllt : 11 ICllvo to file It. mo-
f . ' tlun for rehenrlng III the J lIe murder
CItHO. This Is thu third time Jlldgo
; , . Htmor , Ilttorney fOJ' Mrs. Lillie , hIlS
Itl ! ci.1 UIO court 1'01' a. rehearing and
' thlflJ the thl1'h limo the cOllrt hIlS
I refllHod 'u rmlllcHt.
" _ Finds His Mother Dead.
liJLMWOOD-MrH. Sarlh : hunnn , a
widow ahout olxtr ) 'C.IU'S of age , was
J' ' , fOllnd tIoad L\l her homo In HIls clt ) ' .
r I1'0r Bovornl daYH MI'H , In\l1l1l1 hl\Cl boel1
I antiolpatlllg a v1dt ! fl'om tiCI' son , Dert ,
, : j all\l ' , wlfo , \ ho 1:911. : . Jlt Forenco , CoJ. ,
; . , allll aMY Golllg to the homo of
' " , hllJ mother , lhey fouIIII the door loclwll
" I an 11 could got no rOSllonso' to tholr
lmocltlng. Golllg to a window Dert
} > ooroll IlIto the 1'00111 mId WAS horl'l.
1I0el to dlseovo , . bls mother l'llIg on
tbo floor dond.
I "
'fho contract hns beol1 let ( or a $20 , '
000 flchooJ hOl1ne at Ahnl1 ,
'rho noW1. ; . I . chul'ch nt Frlond
WUK dceHcntod InHI Suntlny.
l rlend Is mnJclng arrangements for
B hlg lIJowout on the l ourth.
The contract fol' the lIOW DurllnJton
denot nt I l'olllont hl\R been Jot.
All opom hOIlHe will ho ono of AI.
mu's lJI\proVementH this yenr.
The PresbyterlnnH or LOUP City pro.
pose to hul1tl a $ GOOO church this yenl' .
Hon , WIn , P. GUI'loy of Olllahll will
he oralor at the l ollrth of , Jul ) ' cele.
hratlon In Ashlnud.
The CUSH Coullty 'renchers' IlIstltuto
will convene In Weoplng' WatcAu. / .
Sllst 1J : for 11 ono weok's Hess 1011.
'fho now $26,000 hulldlng at the In.
RlitUtO for li'cchle Minded youth nt
Beutrlco will ho completeel thlH month.
lUchllrdsoll cOllnty WUK well 1'0111'0'
selltod In the KentucJy hCIIlle coming ,
Quito Il lIumbm' of families joufl\eyetl
COUllt ) ' ASHessor .101'll finds nn In'
croaRe of taxahlCl Jlrollert . In IUch.
ar Hon cOllnty to oxcootl OllofoUl'lh
million dollars , ,
John Btlrgetf , a Rlchlmsoll ] cOllnty
fal'lIlor , fructUl'ed hlH leg II ) ' failing
f'OlIl Il roof. 'I'ho memher will have
lo ho n m pll tu tell.
1\11'8. Vel'll McGraw , II. young wOlllnn
who haH heon atlC/uJllg / ] the Omaha
Commorclul college , WIIS fOIllHI dend
III hel' room In thllt clt ) ' .
Gelleral NeJson , retired IIrmy om ,
CCdellvored / the commOllcemollt ad.
dreMs hoforo tlw RelllOl' class of the
Ullivorslt ) ' of Nohraslm.
'I'ho now Y. 1\1. C. A. home to he
ereclell In Fl'emont at a cost of $ .10,000
will ho slurted soon. PIIlIIH for It
h\\'c : he'on adoIlloII IIl1d oxcavatlon Is
IlIHlcr WilY.
WosJey .J" Bart. dIed HutldonJy III the
jllll at Groonwood. 110 was rocenUy
fl'om a LIncoln hOHIMal , whence he
had been sent IIlIdel' the lIew dlpso-
manluc lu w.
'rho roslde/lco of B. WeHtllhalln , on
hl8 farlll , two mlles 1I0l'th of 1\UII artl ,
DOllglas connty , wall totally dostl'o 'ed
IW Ih'e , VOl' ) ' lItUe or the contents
WOI'O naved.
Geno1'l11 Leonard 'V. Colhy , of Bell. '
trice , and 1\lIsl1 MarIe C , Martinez
were united In marrlago hr the Hov.
N , A. Martin , the Mothodlst minister
of thllt place ,
At 'J'cltllmah a flro clluHcd hy all In-
cIIIII\tOI' lamJl deRtro 'od the poultry
hOllse lIelonglng to I. . G. Wood , Idlllng
l ( ) IIltio chlclm 'and ' de tl"Oylng two
Sam Keo , who fOJ' soveml years blls
IlCon operating n laundry In Hum.
hoJdl. sold his elfectf ! alld loft fOl' his
natlvo Innd , ChInn , 110 will I'cllmln
III t hnl COllllt ry ,
. 'I'ho ropOl't o ( the registrar of the
hlll'cau o [ vitul slatlallcs of 'Vest Point
fot' the month of .1uno Rhow the bll.ths
In Cuming COUl\ty \ to ho thh'leen and
the deaths foul' dllrlng the month of
Dr. D , 'r , Qul ! or and Dr. George
11. Dent of North Platte al'o Illannlng
on going to Chicago soon to Ilttond
clinics , allel whllo In that city they
mar ml1lO arrangements fOl' ollenlng
a hosl11tal In North Plnlto , .
1"ar DaltoI' , who was given an elgh-
tOOIl months' son tOil co fol' having possession -
session of the horses stolen from
GcOJ' o Hclno of Hooper , waH talon to
lho state Ilollltelltiary at 'LIncoln by
Shm'IIT Dnuman of Dodge COUllt ) . .
'I'he ehol'ry crO)1 ) about Hllmboldt IR
lho heat for sovernl P3lI'S : , a11I hl1. !
jllst commenced to I'oach the marl < ot.
'rho ) 'loJII hns been Iw'gOl' III some
1'00'mCyoars / , but the fluallty Jll'om.
Isos to be ullllsllally fine this season.
Shol'ltY Qllintoll o [ Cass countr Is
looldllg fw 'Vllllnm ' 1'Inlham , who fOl' ,
morlr wOl'lwe } on the farm fol' August
8chull < o , neill' Gl'cenwood , who Is SUII'
posed to have tnl\Cn II. horse bOlonglng
to his oml1lo 'OI' , Both hll'ed mnn and
the hOl'se ellsa)1llOaro(1 ) ( very slHldenlr
IUlIi have not slnco hecn heard from.
fi'rnul. G. Whltnor , nged .12 roars ,
a rosl < < ienl. of Woslervlll , Custer
county , conllnltted suleld ( ' by shootlllg
hlmsolf throllgh the honl't with a 32.
callbl'o rovoh'or. Whltlley was de.
HIIDJHlollt heeauso his wlfo left him a
mOllth ago. 110 waR Illsured fol' $2.000
111 the 'Vorlmwn of Omnhn , where ho
Imit a fool whllo wOI'I < ! nF ; In the yards.
The Imlley Is In favur of his wlfo ,
Samuel Yosl , aged ahout .15 years
alld slnglo. commlttod slllcido hy hallg.
IlIg himself to 11 tl"OO at the 1'011.1' of.
Hnnn's pal'l. , Gl'l\lHl Islnnd. A number
of ) 'oung hays wcro plnylng on the
grounds when a foul hapl'cneel ' to go
o VOl' the grnndstn1Hl. Ono of the ) 'oung
follows wont IlrolllHl the stand I1nd
there nmost ] 1'I\n Into the form of the
l11.1n , whoso toes WOJ.o then just touch.
IlIg the ground.
Miss mllla Shouse , who lived In
the famll ) ' ot William Maddox of l"ll11s
Clt ) ' us a domostlc , was found dond III
hod , ovl ent1 . hl1vlng tnlten cnrboJlo
aclll pllrlloseJy , as she loft a wrltton
statement to her pn1'ents alld Slstol'8 ,
hhhllng thom goodbye and toHlng
what what dlsllosltlon to malto of her
IIel'sollal errect > > . Amen other thlllgs
she said : "Kllld friends , I nm going
to leave ) 'ou. Oh , If I had ouJy sta 'od
In Stl'nu80vlllo , "
At FullC/'ton / the jur ' In the murder
trial of James NlcholR ' . , "
rel\ll'ned n.,01"
dlct of not guilty. It was alleged that
Nlcho1 ] ! shot Ol'lnndo Plsh In the Jog
In a qunl'rel over the possossloll of
real estate on March 0 , Flsb d'lng
from the Injuries all May G.
The Wlclthnm sl1\\'m1ll outfit , con.
slstlng ot the saw , traction onglno and
two leaded wugons , wont ( hrough the
UPIH'ouch to a brldgo across South
li'ol'l. , severnl mUos south ot Hum.
holtlt , landing at the bell of the stream
ton or twevo feet bolow. No 0110 was
Grad no , RII8sla.-Owlng to tbe re'
fusal of th ( ' cem or nt Dlalystok to
pormlt the free telegraphing of the
rcsut ] of the investigation at the massacre -
sacro cr Jews UJel'o , a newspaper cor-
respo\J ent who \VflS sent to the scene
eamo here. ' 1'he Hntl-Jewlsh rIoting al
Dlaly'lolt ! Is now ended. 'rhe troops
uro In full cO/ltrol / , nlld In view of'
the enter ) ' raised It Is cortaln that
the lIuthorlties will not permit a re-
newlI of the hOl'l"ora witnessed at
'l'hls entlro I'eglon Is greutly excltell
owing to fCIII' that the BI\lystoJ mns-
sncro was only the signal for n : genera -
era ) attnck 011 the .Jews throughout the
pnlo Dnd In Polnnd , lJut If nn ) ' cuch
conspIracy exist1d : ! , it Is too late to
carry out the plans , as tllO most Im-
poratlve orders to prevent further out-
brealts hnvo been 'Issued to the governors -
ernors and governors gcneral from
St. ' '
Mnd Orgy of PilJage and Dood. ]
Wbol the correspondent arrived lit
Dlulystok Sunday morning tbe worst
was ulreadr ever , but on all sides
there \ \ lIS ro\'olllnj ; evldenco of savage -
age h .stlallty on the part of the blood-
drunlwn molJs , which 8.1clted end
burned the Jl1wlsh hOUEOS , 8hops 111111
' )
. tlS
p.'f1. '
' C ;
stores , Ii'ol' 72 hOlll'S , wIth It slight
abalclll nt during the dn'llme , the iliad
01'6' ) ' 01' ' hlood and pillage wont on
uncllfJelw(1. ' 1'he Inhumnnlty dlsl1hl'od
would h:1\'O : done ol'ollit tu the Mongol
hordes of Genghls Khan In his ron-
IJuesUl of Chinn IInd eontrlll Asia In
the tl1h'toenth '
centur ) ,
DllrJlIg the rioting the .lews were
hunted down br f(1l'oclolls pur81101'1I : ,
who , In the mnjorlt ) ' of CHses. were
not content with Itlillng 11\01'0 victims ,
but tl'ro them to plec , 11\,1. \ wild
animals , And while this was In PI'Of- ;
ross the troops either stood Idly b ) ' ,
or , liS was 1Il0l'e fl'efluonU ' the '
fired Into the houses IInd shops where
the .10ws WOI'O concealed , under Iho' '
pretext that they helleved thom to bo i
rovohltlonlsls , but realJ ) ' to malw wa '
for the murdel'ors Iltld l11111111eror8 who
folJowed the soldiers ,
Cut Strips from LivIng Dodies ,
'l' 1o tales or ntrocltles co1l1mltted are
hUl\II1H1rnblo. The molJ seolllell to delight -
light in torturing the victims. Strlls
of ! losh were ( 'u t from their bOdle'i ,
chi\lron \ were snatched 1'1'011I ' theft'
1I10thors' IIrlllS Hnd tal.en by t he legs
nnd bmhwd on the pavement eCol'o
the ( J 'es of their Imrents ,
An cld Jew was blhOlllled ami the
ghl\st1 ' lI"Opl1y WIliJ currlod all day ot
the oud or II. pike through the strefts. !
- - - -
Ohio Newspaper Man Dead.
ChUllcothe , O.-Wllllnm II , Hunter.
I god [ \ ' , editor at the NC.Advertiser
ot this clt ) ' , Is dead , followln an op'
eratlon pOl'formed 'flll'sdll ' IIfternoon
tOl' IInendlcltia. Ho wali prominent in
Ohio I1C\\'SI1III0r : 'plrcles , _ .
- - - -
Accedes to Fl'cl1ch Demnnds.
Tan lol-Tho .lor(1cclln ( go\'e\ll1lent
has ) ' ; tJhh'll to the 1i'I'e\lclt Ilemnl\llH
for r a hll ellJnlt ) ' fOl' the 1ll1II'lleof
1\1. Chal'bonnicr. as the Nsult of whl1lJ !
a Fl'cllch IlIlull'on'aO ellsl1atchall to
' \ln er .
In man ) ' cases the hea.ds of victims
wore Ieaten to a jelly with stones ,
A r1utor solzod \ ' '
u 1\vo-yea\-old gil'l
by the throat nnd held her Ilt arm's
, length until she strangled to death.
Little chlldron seemed to tIll < o pleasure -
uro III pointing out the hld1ng places
of JewlI.
Mutilated corpses , sWIl\'mlng with
Illes , were left lying about the streets , 1
In lIomo cases fol'n's. \ .
Dead Estimated at 120.
While it Is impossible to give the
exact 1\gUI'CS \ , tbe visits of the COI'I'C-
spondcnt to the hospitals and ceme.
terles enabled bim to approximnte the
Itilled ot 100 Jews and 20 Chrlstlnns ,
and the wounded at 150 Jews and seven
Christians ,
Tbe fluestlon of the origin of the
mn. ; slIcro was carefully Investigated.
Although 1I11In ) ' of the Jews denied
that bomb wns thrown at the Corpus
ChrJstl pl'ocesslon ' 1'hursday , the fact
that : l bomb was thrown Is established
beyond doubt , but the question of wbo
threw the bomb remains unsettled.
- - - - -
- - - - - - - -
Engage in Dcspernte Hand-to-Hand
Fight and Retire After Destroying -
ing PubJic Records.
l\Ianlln.-A band of : ] 00 Pulajanes
lindeI' Caesl\rlo Pastor nttacl < ed tbo
town of Durauon , on the Island of
Lc .te , Tuesda ' 'I'hey Idllod 11\0 'Jlo ,
IIcemen , wounded five and captured
the remainder of the force except the
lIelltenant , who was In 'Command.
Pastor , the PIIIlljme : leadOl' , was Idlled
dllrfng the encollntel' .
The attack occurred at IUl early
hOIlin the morning. The poll co wer (
callght unawal'es and their sentinel
was rusbed iroUl hi8 post , The ban.
lilts then entered the tl'ibunal and D fight toolt plac . The po. ,
lice tought desperatol ) ' , but were over , iI i
come bt. ' supenol' nllmbors , I
The loss of the Pulajnnes Is believed
to har' ! been great , but It cannot be
estimated , ns they carried ocr their
dead cllIII wounded nttm' the fight.
The municipal records were tIllten
from the tribunal , piled In the street
and l. > u1'lled , The destruction of tbesE
papers WIIS one of the most seriom ,
phases of the raid , as they include
deeds al111 lIcenoos , receipUl , etc. The
safe containing the town fllnds was
not tllt'turbcd. The bandits carried
aw1) ' UIO al'ms of the police and a
quant1tr of ammunition.
A ( 'etaehment of constabulary UI1- :
deLhmt. . Johnson Immedlatel ) ' started - .
ed In zmrsult of the Pulnjanes ,
At the thnn the raid was made Pro.
vlnc\\1 \ GOYO'I'a was in another
part of the Island secllring evldonce
wanterl by thl' pardon commission to
obtai ! ! the release of prisoners in the
BllIbid penitentlll\ ' ' .
Condemns Cold Stol'nge Pork.
1oulsvl1\c \ , Ky.DS. . A. Brudler ,
local IIvestoclt and meat Inspector ,
Wednesdn ) ' causell to be solzed 111111
sent to n fCl'tlllzer wOI'I\8. 2,400 pounds
of pori < ] oll1s hold In collI storage. Dr.
BrallJey Is muldng a round of the
pncld\lg plants to see thnt the ) ' are
conducted prope\'ly ,
- - - - - -
Ice Dcnl'rs Are Acquitted.
Clevclalld , O-'rho jllr ) ' Wodnesdny
brollght In a vertllct ot lIot gullly In
the cnses of the locnl Ice ( Ioalers III'
) It'tl'd fol' .
( ullegcll violation of thoVal. _
cntlno h\\\ ' .
Dring' l\UIli0118 in Gold.
Seattle , Wash.-'l'he stl'amOl'f Cltr
of SeatHo and S)101 ) < nIlO , of the Pa.
< 'Ifie Coast Steamship
cOll1panr , ha vo
al'J'lved here , bringing with thom
neul'ly $ : ! , OOO.OOO III gold , besides $ ; 0-
000 worl } : of furs.
I Justlfied in ICilling Lootel' .
Sail li'l'unclaco-EI'nost H , Denlclto ,
I who on AI1I'I20. \ . 1I\II'Ing the 11I'OJ'oss
of the fi'e , , kllJe(1 UII IInlmown II1UII 011
the wr.tor front , was dismissed. 'I'htJ
Itllling WUB justified becauso' the vlc.
tlm wn 1'1 'onter ' ,
- .
- . ; Jo. . " , , , . . . ' " ,
- .
.A1&XANSAS ' 20,000 ,
Admits Brooking Anti-Trust Statute
ot State-ProceedinG' Drought
to Close.
Chfcago.-Flncs amounting to $20 , .
000 aud costs aggrogatlng $6,000 are
to be IIllld by the Internntlonal Hn.rI I
Tetter company for breaking the Ar-
un 48 Jaw , The corporation IldmU-
ted It violated the Jaws of
the atllto of Arknnslls.
The amount of penalty was com.
promlso and was arrived at in 11 conference -
ferenco at the Wesley bosplta ] , whore
Attorney Henry Armlsted is recoverIng -
Ing from an overallon. Mr. Armlsted
is the ] ega ] reprC entaUve of the trust
at LittJo Roolt.
Tbe sotUemont marked the tennlnll'
tlon of vrocoedlngs instituted In this
city last Wednesday by Attorney Robert -
ert L , Rogers , ot Armnsas , by which
It was intended to take evidence boo
( ere Lyle D. Tayor ] , The JatterV B
appointed a specla ] commissioner to
hoar testimony In the Cllao ,
The "exclusive contract cause" tor.
bidding agents to handle anything but
the agrlcultura ] Impements manufactured -
tured by the trust formed the basis
of the harvester proseeutlon. The
company admitted that this cJauDe
wne Ir. their contracts. It aso admit.
ted thnt it existed in he contracts for
some time after an extremely strin'
gent anti-trust law was passed in Ar.
kansas in March , 1906. The nttorney
general ot the southern state had ovl.
denco thnt the trust had conduotod
business In Arknnsas fol' 100 days in
violation of the ] nw-or , according to
some e\'ldence , 126 days.
There were two cases , one Ilgainst
the Intornatlona ] Harvester company
and tbe otber against the Internatlon ,
,11 ] Harvester company or America.
Each corpoflltlon , under the com.
premise , admitted to doing business
in vloatlon ] of the law for 50 days.
ITho fine Is $200 a da ) ' , maldng a total
lfine of $20,000.
DiU ProvidIng for Popular Election
of Senators Not Favored by
Washlngton.-l\1r. Norris , of Ne-
braka , ] od a losing fight Wednesday in
the house on the joint resolution
amending the consUlution ot the
United States providing for the election -
tion and term of office of members ot
congress. Tbe first section of the r09-
olutlon provided for the election of
senators by tbe direct vote ot tbe peo.
pIe. the second extending the terms of
representatives to four years. Democrats -
crats and RepulJHcans were mixed up
when the vote was taken , tbe resou-
tlon being defeated by a vote ot 89 to
8G , two.thlrds not bavlng voted In Its
\Vashlngton.-As a result ot the
active intervention of the president
the senate wlll vote to adopt the Jock
'type of cnnal across the isthmus of
The last few weeks bave Been 11 rlldi-
ca ] cbange in the sentiment of the Ben-
ate on the eanal question. The committee -
tee on h1teroceanie canals spIlt on the
'question , the majoritr , led by Senlltor
, Kittrldge , of South Dakotll , reportlng
, strongly tor tbe construction of a sea
Ilevel watcrway. The mInority , hOI1lo < :1 :
Iby the cbairman ot the commltteo , Senator -
: ator Millard , ot Nebraska , ndvocatod
the Jock type ot canal as had been
recommended vigorously by President
Roosevelt ,
Man Who Stole Little Freddie Muth
Makes Quiok Tl'ip to Penitentiary -
ary After Pleading Guilty.
Phlladelphla-John Joseph Konn ,
the ] ddnaper ot Freddie Muth , was
given a bearlilg Tuesday and held
without bail to await the action ot
tbe grand jury , which was immedi.
ately given the case.
The grand jury found a true bill
against Kenn Bnd be was given an 1m.
medlato trial and convicted in le88
than an hour. Judge SUlzbureger sen.
tenced tbe prisoner to 20 years. From
the time of Kean's arrest until bo WIlS
on bls way to the penitentiary , to be.
gin sentence , Jess tbtn 24 hours had
clapsed ,
When Kean was taken betore JUdge
Sulzbergor he requested that ho be allowed -
lowed to make a statoment. He snld
there were mitigating circumstancs In
connection witb the kidnaping , but
the ju ge told the prisoner ho must
either plead gulJty or not gulJty , Kean
the arrest , and the proprietor ot the
eating house who had seen Kean Ilnd
the child together , then gave testi.
mony before the judgo. No jury was
chosen. The prisoner was sentenced
Chess Chnmpion Dies.
Pblladelphla , - Harry Nelson Pllls.
bury , tbo chess master , led here
SundaYI of apoplexy. atter an illness ot
mllny months , Plllsbury was born De.
cember 5 , 1872 , at Somer\'llle , MMS"
where tbe body wlll bo talten , the tu.
noral to lJe held there next Tuesday.
Russian Giant Visits President.
Wllsbington. - President Roosevelt
Wednesday received 1\Iathnow , a Rus.
sian giant , accompnnlod , by his wite.
The president received bim in Secre.
tnry LoelJ's office , shaking hands with
him nnd wishing bim weU.
Two Miners KiI1ed.
Calumet , Mich.-Tbe cable nttllehol
to an olght-ton s\lp in No , 6 ahaft of
the Quincy mine broke WOdnoliday ,
and I1S the car dropped down the Bhatt
at a tremendous speed It lellled two
mon and injured another.
" . , . , . . . r'C. , - . . . ' ' ' ' 1' , . . . . - , " - -
. . . , . ' ' ' ' ' ,
. . . . " ' , " " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'fI , " ,
This la Negative In Effect and Shows
Small Majority for Bill-Prospect of
; a Content , Between the President
and Senate Is Now Not Likely.
, " -
W ASHlNGTON-'fho Donate Thurs.
dny took a position in accord with the .
president and the house of represen'
tatlves by decJarlng for a lock cana ]
across the Isthmus of Panama. The
result wns reached after n day's dls ,
cusslon that wus aJmost dovold of 111'
terestlng incident. There was onJy
ono record vote nnd that wns negallve
In charncter , coming on a motion to
lay on the tahlo the ] oek typO substl.
tute for the sea level bill. 'I'his mo ,
tlon was mnde br Senator Kittredgo
and wns voted down 31 to 3G.
'I'ho vote Is generally nccopted as \
. . .
deflnlteJy settling the tYl1e of tbo great , . . ,
waterway and tormlnates what at onetime
time threatened to become 11 sharp
dlfforenco between the senate on ono
aldo and the president and the house
on the other. The engineers have
figured prominently in the discussion
and fl'equent attention has been calletl
to the fact fhnt while eight out of thlr.
teen engineers reported favorably tea
a sen love ] canal nil of the five dls.
senters were American engineers ,
wbllo of the other eight five were
Europeans. . Some senators avowed
their preference for the all-American
The first speech on the subject was
made lJy Senator Cullom in opposition
to the sea level 11111 on tbo ground
both of the expense and impractlcahll.
Ity. He contended that the president
has authorlt . under the Spoonor act
to construct a Jock cana ) .
Senatol's Scott and Foraker an.
t1O\lIlced their intention to vote for the
lock pll1n of canal , saying they were
hopeful that at some tlmo In the fu.
turo the canal would be deepened to
the ) e\'el of tldewator. Mr. Fornter
confessed that he was' not entlrey ]
} lersu ed , hut that he had decided to
follow the lead of these who bavo tbo
greatest responsibility-the president , '
the secretarr of war and Engineer (
Stevens. . ;
The dehnte was closed by Senator
Kittredge In advocacy of the sea Jove ] "
IInn. In reply to the objection to
thnt type of cnnal he quoted anum-
bor of engineers to the effect that it
could be completed within twelve
, .
) 'ears , no more tJmn two or tbree
years in excess of the time required
[ or a Jock cana ) .
Nebras : < an Says Private Monopolies
Mud Be Exterminated.
TH.ONDHJEl\I , Norway-Mr. and
1111'S. 'V. J. Dr an nrrived here Tburs.
dnr to attend the coronation.
MI' . BI''nn , taldng for his text the
statement thnt ho was being described
as conservative , said :
"I am not responslbJo for the pbrases
used in I'egard to me , hut I am responsible -
sponsiblo for my position on public
questions , 'l'hat poSltiOll ougbt to be
we ] } known. Take the trust question
for Instance , as It seems uppermost.
just now. My position is that private
monopoly Is indefonslbe ] and Intoler , {
able , That was the democratic plat. 1
form In 1)00 ! ) I1ml the planc was In.
corporated In 1904 and It is tbe ( ; 1I1y
1enalJ0 ] position.
" 'rhere Is some tall of controHing
the trusts-you might as wo ] ) talk of
controHing hurgll1ry. We do not say ,
we shnll only steal n little bit , or In
some l1artlcular way , but that they , .
shall not steal at all. "
- - - - -
Burlington Railroad Announces the
Completion of Work.
CHICAGO-Officials of the Durling-
tOll rallwa ' annollnced the competlon
of tbo posltivo lJlocl. RYRtom over all
of tholr mnln IIne , approximating
lour thousnnd miles , The last sec-
tiom ; to lJo Installed were between
Kansns City nnd Council Dluffs and on
certnln 1Ines west of the Missouri
river. Unller the posltlvo bloclc system -
tem of operating trains coHislons nro
almost impossible.
Jews Ask Help ,
NEW YORK-A telegram trom . .
President HoosoveJt relatlvo to the re ,
cent massncro of Jews In Russin was I
read tonight to n mass I1IQetlng ot '
.Jews In this city. In it the president
said :
"I shall go over thc matter wltb
Secretl1r ) ' Root. You lmow how deep-
h' we sympathlzo with YOllr feeling
and how shoclwd nnd horrified we nro
nt what hns occurred In ltussla , but
'ou Iwow also how well nigh impos.
sible It Is to accomplish anything bllt
harm b ) ' Interfol'ence ,
Elghty.Two Years Old ,
WASHINGTON-Sonator Morgnn \
on Tuesdll ) ' celohmted his 82nll birth
tl(1) ( ' by IUIIdng ! a long speech In the
EOJlI\tO In support of the 11111 for 11 sea
level canal across the Isthmus of Pan.
ama. He discussed the prosldent's
preference for a locl ( canal , Bl1caldng
of It as "oxecutlvo foreordination" nnd
call < 'd nttentlon to the fact that the
prcsldent hud himself sllolen of the
en ] ovol cannl as nllIdenl cannl. 1\11' .
lol'SIlIthought the country rich . .J
lIough to build the best posslblo' "