Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 28, 1906, Image 4

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    I . , .d
I . . . . . .l. , . - - < ! "I _ . _ . _ . . . . -
$ u tai ounty RnpubUOill1t
hbll.be4 eTor , TbnradaJ al the Oount , ! Joili.
D. M. AMSBEnRV. . . - pnbllsher
Una colnlDh. JMr month. P .00. Ono.bltt co.-
cuali. "er IUl.lbt 8 , OIJ Quar&8r column , rer
lIIonh. .a.r.o Lt. . . . thlll qo/Ut.r cnlomn , ro
ClIII' per lorh I'or 100Mb.
OIUd. on " "I 1"jr8 , fI ( ) eahlll t r Ilieh. per
. "nlh
I.oc : , , ' .ct" rU lnlt" ( 'Jhlll , per line hlIlf'
"un.Notlllll I.f tob..rch fa ! 1 , 'Dclablol and ootartaln.
I oIOU " , bero muoe , t. ( barKed. ooe.hnlf ratel.
! Ioolet , I.ollcel a.ul relloloUon. , one-half raw. .
Weddlov rllUcII" frtle. half prlu for pobU.blbK
"III of ,
Oil' ' " l"oHnlll rrell. h , , " prlt. . ror publlllhlng
obUa6r , noUcN. IInd Cllrd. of tbanka.
IAiiIll noUr. , . at rill' " I'roh10d h , "atotoll of
" " "rulla.
Thursday , June 28. 11)06
. . II
- - - - - - - - - - - -
The young man should start
life right. It iR important to
him that his first vote shall he
right. He should Ic for sqme-
thinn--not simply against some-
tbing li ke. a ' ' 'knocker , ' ' which is
tbe truc : qamc of a fusionist , and
fusionist is a democrat and any
old ibing. 'The republicans have
s cured a , reputation for doing
soinething that have g-iven the
- s ate , a , good administration ,
making its n lIne one that al1 can
. + '
be proud to say that t1 ey are
ff m its fdrHle acres , and enterprising -
prising dt es , in spite of the
slurs and attempts to tear down
I. .
by the de ocrats and popuhsts'l
The young' voter wbo follows in ,
their lead wi11 be making his record -
cord on tbe sands of timc , and' '
the only consolation be will bave
in tbe furure will br. tbat it can :
easily be rubbed out , but he wilt' '
have to start all over again.
Start right , and build up for the
future of yourself and your state
. bY' follow1tlg tbc lead of the re-
I publicans.
- - - + - -
Edison declares that he has
ade ' . discovery which will
bring automobiles within the
r of , ' verbody. He ha5 made
u-uy : disoveries : whicb promised
to dO'much for humanity-with-
oUt''great 'It I cost-but some way
, t.\e \ pa ents and ways to make
. the .improvements have gottcn
i to , tbelallds of
\lallds \ great corpora-
tpns ! ' hQ referred to sell fewer
a d tbus make more money than
tQ put' the multitude at a
f r profit' , , above , the actual cost.
"Tbat t C unty in Nebraska
whi h basn't Ua' favorite son" as
candidate . for either United
. States Senator or governor don't
amount to much. nut then
tbere's only three or four count
ties in the state entit1e to such
a classification. Custer count ,
is honored with the opportunitJ
of presenting a candidate fOl
senator whose reputation is statc
wide and wbo is especially quali.
fied to' fill tbe bigh position.
" .
\ . Norris Br wn's candidacy fo :
, the United States senate is bein !
well bandIed by his home com
mittee and let thc winnint
.ca did te before the state con.
ve.ntion , be who he may , wit
kdow tbat Brown was in the race
- 1
. .It , begid8 to look as if tbl
democrats would have to nomi
nate Bryan in order to get rid 0
Hearst. This may not be flat'
t ring' the latter , but it. show :
bis power in the land , and ho , " ,
e en , ' , : J ! party fears it.
' . 'I ( , .
' '
Editor'R'osewater was given ;
reception . ( ) his arrival homl
from Rome Tuesday by the eUt
ployecs on Uk Bee and the Bel
building , in which tbey expressel
their loyalty to his candidacy fOI
U. S. Senator.
. Tbe graduating cxercises havl
been' concluded in ntO1t ! of thl
itie9 in tbis countrJ aud thl
r cipients of diplomas have gonl
forth to get the living which tb ,
world owes 'em.
. Cba9. S. Weston former statl
auditor of the state is alded tl
the list of candidates for gover
nor before the Repnblican Stat ,
I Wle. EschaR' . ,
Tke la ie. exchange of , th
Baptist .church will hold a pi
and cake sale at Sheppard
ilJuk' , store , Saturday Jul , 7
L" " ; . " . , " : , . ' ! J- . . .L" , - -
J Is It Your
Own Hair ?
_ 1.'Or. . . . . . . _
Do you pin your hClt to your
I own hair ? Can't do it ?
Havcn't cnou h huir ? It must
be you do not know AYC/"H /
Hair Vhtor I Herc's nnlntro- 1
ductlon I Mny the acquaint"
nce result in hcnvy nro\\'th f.
of rich , thickrtlossy hnid nd f
we know you'll never be nruy.
. . r IlIInk Ihat AYf'r' Ifnlr VInr 1. 1' ' " ' 1I1".t
"ondrr'lIl hnlrKrowor Ih,1 " " " "vrl' 11111' " ' I
I"no na.I , ' \ 'or n"n " UrnI' RI"II C"1 Itull
' 1I1Iy lilY Ihat I Rill Kr.aUy 1,11'.1 , \ \ IIh II. I
( ' 1"or',111 rprnlPII.llt , II" R . , , h1101 , ' ' ' ' ' . ' '
\1' \
raUon.MIR" V. IIIIOCK , Waylllllll. M eI .
. . . _
_ . 'J' " r -
, b.J.O. A7f'r Co. . 1,0"nlllJ" " f
AI.o 1IIIIIIIf4olureu of
Adll , SA RS.u'AIULI.\ .
lJers CIJlRItV : rr.CTOIW. .
. - = 'l !
- .
- - - - - -
A SubatRnlil\1 Impro1.ement.
'rhe property oJo.vnerR on south-
side of lI1alp strcet are having a
cemcn t walk pu t . 'down. ' { 'he
new walk includes the property
Konkel & Mullins the Myers and
Glenn block , C. H. Holcomb.
A brick crossing will e put in
to connect with the cbllrt house
block. ' :1
More New Furniture. -
S. P. Great & Co. , have received -
ceived another car load of fine
furniture to add to thcir already
large stock. S. P. Great & Co. ,
now have the larg-est stock and
best aS90rtment of furniture evcr
brought to Brok n Bow. 'l'his
firm proposes to keep their stock
up to the hig-h standard now
attained in order to meet the demands -
mands of the public , if they have
to ship in goods by the train
load. 'l'hey bought stock at the
manufacture's wholegalc priceR
and are prcparcd to compete
with Omaha aud 14incoln prices.
Partie who waut anything in
the furniture line wilt find it to
their interest to ca11 at S. P.
Great & Co's. , mamUloth store ,
north side beforc IUrchaging.
Hobert Cooper , from the east
part of the county. who has bcen
stopping with his brother , Scott
of t1 IS citv , died Monday with
consuinption. Senator Currie
took him out to Colorado last
Suml er with hopes of improving
his health but the trip did not
prove of lastin ! ; ' benefit. His
remains were laid to rest in the
Broken Bow cemetery yesterday.
The deceased was a brother of
Mrs. A. H. Vanlandin ham.
He had another sister livlllg in
Missouri who arrived 'l'uesday
night to att nd the funeral.
A Picnic PArty ,
A party of twenty , membcrs
of the Baptist Sunday school. left
, yesterday morning with three
teams , provisions and camping
, outfit for il weck's outing on the
Middle Loup.
d 'l'he young people are in charge
_ of Mesdames Cadwell , Smith and
Amsberry. 'rhe other Ulembers
of the party are. Misses Eva
Cad we11 , Dora King , li'lorence
r Kimberling- Mildred lIa11 , Grace
Cole , I4aura Henstahl , Lillie
_ Amsberry and l\1asters Ross
Armour , Lawrence Hollands-
. worth , Ed. Scott , John White ,
Fred Purcell , Hey Leonard , Earl ,
John , l ay and Gaius Cadwell.
'l'bey will remain over the 4th of
July. Others are expccted tojoin
them next week.
Lee PArk Local.
The dr'y weather continues in
_ this section and the prevailing
talk is will we have a drouth OI
a crop.
Corn is looking remarkably
well considering the dry weather
as we have had but one rain
1 since the corn was plantcd except
a few light mists.
li'al1 wheat and oats have bcel ]
hurt some on account of the dr ) '
i :
l\1isses Hattie ' Iichols and
r Zella Eastman are attending the
summer school at Broken Dow.
Corn is b ing laid by add thlJ
latcr pieces gone O\'cr the flr 1
an scr.ontl time\ \ ; .
Pastures are begInning hJ
show the effects of tbe llry
Mrs. Johnson is much improved ,
in health since her return from
St. Paul. where she went for
A quiet surprise party was had
at Mr. and Mrs. li'erguson's the
c 1Mh inst. , it being Mr. Ii' . ' 5
'i'be JohuGon bOYG are homc
.on ' " visit frot. . their welitCrt1
e laUQS in nock o nty this state. ,
e Mrs. Freeman is now able t < J
be around after an illness of
. aeveral months.
. .
. . - '
' . . . . . , . . . , . ' 1' > : - ' 111- . . : , . . . " ' 1 I ' ,
Three Durglara In Jail.
'l'ho Walle , Jack Bryan aud
'L'homas Murtill are gucsts of
Sheriff I ichardsoll. IIc hrQllght
them from Kearncj' Sunday
morning. 'I'hey were turned ovcr
to him by the chief of police at
Kearner who had arrested them
as SUSJlc ous charactcr .
'I'hey were engaged in selliul !
clothing at auction on the streets.
As somc of the clothing in-their
I'osscs ion here the brand of
John Moran at Callaway he was
noti fled. On reach ing Kearney
he identified the clothing in
their possession and telephoned
for Sheriff Hichardson , who
chanced to be in the southwest
I part of the count ) ' , who went
and hrought them to Brol < en Bow.
Mr. Moran docs not lenow when
the goods were takcn but thinks
it was about June 14. It is
thought the burglars lUust have
entered the store hy means of a
skelton l\Cy. 1'hcj' will have
their prcliminary Saturday bcfore
Jl dge Humphrey.
. . . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - -
U. . Church.
.Next Saturday and 'l'hursday
will occur the last Quarterly
meeting ior this con ference year.
Quartcrly conference Saturda ) ' ,
at 3 p. m : Preaching by the ,
Presiding Elder , Sunday morn- '
ing. Preaching by the pastor
in the evening.
L. 14. El'r.J\Y , Pastor.
Notice to thfl Public.
Geo. Wiltmouth req ' 1ests liS to
warn all partics against breaking
into his house in his absencc , in
which is included his wife. Alice
Wiltmouth who left his bed and
boar I Mend r for parts unknown
to hunt
NOTrc ! ' : ' 1'0 CHDI'1'ORS. ! ' :
CoUnlY Courl. Cn ter COnnl } ' . Nebrallka.
'rho credllors of Ihe l Sla\1J of John Juller. Jr.
'l'alto notice , 'l'lml I will sit at the connty
courl room. In Jlrokl'n Bow , III said c"nnty. on
Ihe 30th clay of Juh' 11)01' ) . alLl on Ihe 2 lh clay
of December 1'106. each al IU o'clock ; 1. 111. . of
each day. III rccch'c alld examlno all clahllR
altaillst saltl eslate' . wllh a , leIY tll their aljusi.
men I and allowallce ; illlIl that 011 Ihe IIrst Iiale
abm'o the POtltlllllS of widow will bn heanl for
hOlllcsll'lIl. " " 'IHII"UOIIII. ' allllwance allli other
Sialulory rlirhls.
'l'he lime limited fllr the tlreselllaUlI1I of
clalllls altalnst said eSlate 1M. six 1I101I1h frolll
Iho t11 "n } ' of JUlie 1\106. \ alld th. . . lime Ihllllp"
for pa'ment IIf deblR III CIIle'oar' fWIIL said
dall ! .
Dale,1 Jnlle 261h. 11)00.
( SICA ! . ! A. H. IhrMI'IIIIIt.Countv JlIlllI'e.
J. A. Arlllllur. AII'y fllr glltate. 3.C.
I ,
, .
. " , '
. NII,5'S.
H1oPOHT : 010' TIlt : : CO'JOL'l'ION 010' TIlt : : I
Custer N atonal ; Bank , I
at IIrokln ! III1W , III the Siahl of Nebraska , at
, Ihe clo " of I.JIIslnc " June III. 1111) ( , .
I.oallH alllIsclllnls. , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SJI : ! 5')1 31
n. H. " , "IIIH to Iwc'tln ! circulation. . . . :15 tM ) < J 00
I'n'lIIllIlII 1111 11. H. IIOlldll. . . . . . . . . . . . 750 I ' "
lIankllllC 11IJ1I e.lurnllure allllllxture oJ 1100 1\1
11110 fWIII Natlunal Halik" ( uut ro"
Ment ! a 111'111" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ' )14 1)0
IIue h UIII all'mv",1 rrM'Jrvt ! :1 ICtJ II tot. . . HI 405 551
CheckHall.lutlwrcaHh . . . . . . . . . 4M H"
Nulell of ollwr NatiunaIHankll. . . . . . . I ' 181) 110
) . ' " , cUullal Iiallcr Cllrrenc ) ' . ulckel
; 11111 CIIIIR. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 ill
TawfnllllUnc ) ' reservu 111 hallvl7. / :
Specie. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : f. . 212 10
leltaJotellilor 1I0IeH. . . . . . . . . I ( ,211 nt'
Hc.lellllitlull fund with U. H. 'l'rea ur'
er (5 ( per cent of clrculallun ) . . . . . . . . t 2r 1 00
- - -
' 1'ulal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : U4C. 862 2 ;
Catlltailltock 11allt In. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 25 ( ) OI 00
Hurl1luH fLIIIII. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 ( ) I1U UII
U'lIlIvlllr.1 pwlIlA. lesR ex.eIlRp.s 011I1
taxeR IlalI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3iU ' 1' )
' allunal Halik nuleR ollllllallllhllC. . . . 25 110NI (
Hue to ollwr Natldnal Banks. . . . . . , . . 2220340
HuCl IU Stale lIank. . and Banker" . . . . 2' ) 6'JC. ' ' .IS
1I1111"I < lual d""OIIIIR " Ruhect to check. 115 4J ( ( , ( J
Delllallil certillcale" 01 dello II. . . . . . . : :3 : 24 27
'rota I . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .f 40 1\,2 \ 2 ;
HTATlt 111' NlmHAII A. l .
I. II. rOMAX. CaRhler of the ahu\'e.nallle,1
hank. du Iwlelllnl } ' Hwcar Ihat tht ! allOve slale.
lIIeut IR Irut 10 thu iocR I of , III } ' knowll'lllCCI alll
heUrf. II. IOMAX , CaMhler.
COIIHlIc'r-AlleMI :
" 'KANIt II. , "OUNU.
JI. I.OM AX. Ulreclors.
SlIh < crlhc,1 allil Rwurn 10 before lIIe thlll 22nd
day of June. l fJ. W. B. EAIITAM.
IIiItAL ) Nulary Public.
- - - - - - - - - -
' ) ' 0 FIT4T4 AN ORDEI {
for anY , 1dnd of lumuer if an cas ) '
matter for us. We carry a full
supply of all kinds required for
exterIOr and interior work. It is
all well scasoned and in perfect
condition for ll1J1ncliate USC.
On large or small quantilis we
can quote vcry attractive price.
Ollr mill worl < is of superior
g-rade both in material and work-
I 111enship.
l Dierks Lumber and Coal Co.
- , - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
: Bu.ggies. .
Talk about buggies-we've bcen to the factories in more
states than one where the ) ' make buggics , and we know what it
costs to make a buggy. A cheap buggy can be made and sold at
retail for $35. It is JUST AS GOOD FOR THE MONEY as
you can buy , but it is not the buggy a sensible person would buy.
2nd. 'l'he agreement by a dealer to replace a defectivc part ,
or repaint , amounts to nothing. It is only a cheap way of taking
you unawares. For example-a party in Iowa recently bought a
buggy , the dealer agrecing to replace : any defective part. Having -
ing a new buggy the husband dcsircd to please his wife and they
took a drive in the new buggy. Going down hill the pole broke.
'rhe buggy , of course , run onto the team , which ran away. rhe
wife was thrown from the buggy , seriously hurt , nevcr regained
consciousncss amI died in a few days. 'l'he dealer of course said
he was sorry and if the husband would comc o\'cr to his buggy
emporium hc could have a new pole , and it wouldn't cost him a
cent. He alwa's made his word good.
1 bought a buggy tongue once in Bret < en Bow , had a team
of wild horscs hitched to It , a little strain on that tongue in
fpont of a busincss house in Brokcn Bow , snappcd the tongue in
the middle. 'l'he team became frightcned and only by luck was a
runaway preventcd , yet that buggy tongue was replaced by the
dealer , frce.
No , sir , don't let a dealer talk to J'ou about a cheap buggy , or
the best buggy for the money. 'rhere'is only oue kind of bugg-y
to buy and that is one that has absolutely good material through-
ouL ' { 'he tongue must he the bcst grade hic1\Orj' and stand the
strain of two heav ) ' men standing on the middle of it with the
ncck-yoke cnd raised at least one and one-half or two feet from
the floor. 'l'hcn the wheels. th box and e..ery iron mllst be of
first-class material. No cast iron or chcap mallable-wrollght. but
iron that will stand a hcavy strain ; that may bcnd under seyere
prcssurc. bllt that will not break.
Now. how can YOll know that YOIl are getting a bllggy of this
nature only by reputation of the marmfacturer ? I visited buggy
factories that have a reputation for ma1dng good buggic for the
money , ald I was adscd by buggy dealers and manllfacturers to
pllt in allldnds of buggies , from cheap to high priced buggies.
I "No , " I said , "I don't want a cheap buggy , I don't care how good
it IS for the money , because it will not give satisfaction and I do
not propose to run a repair shop alld paint shop to replace poor
material just because there is mone ) ' in it and pcople want cheap
buggies.II So I looked further and until r found a factory that
t had a reputation for putting out nothing but good buggies.
C thl.'r fal.'toril' anll Ilcatcrwhethcr tht'uscd or Ro1rl this
fa .ttril' 1 > . , . " , . . l.Ir not \iCP'OIlC Stl ill the _ \ . ; nult. ; 011 h . l' ' > ' 'no.l 1 > u u " " _ i ,
gics : In < l that as SOOIl a people rcally understood lhc llualitr of
bUggy this factory made. they bought tins factories buggies. 1
also found that other factories could and did make as good a bug.
: gy in addition to their cheap work. as this factory , and when
. asled Cor their urice the ) ' charged just as much for their rea11y
good buggy as the factory in queRtion.
IIence , I bonght a Car load of buggies from the factory with
: the reputation for making good buggics , and it is only a qucstion
I of time till the dealer who sells cheap buggies and agrees to replace -
place defective part wi11"hang his harp on a weeping willow
: tree. " for MOON B'lws. BUGGlJts will be the style and \V1I.r.IS CAD-
WItIJ.'S the place to get 'em.
Come nnd Be\ ! these buggies. 'We can show 'ou the kind of
. material they are nJa le of before painting and ) 'OU wilt know just
I what ) .ou , are bUJin .
, "
. .
- - -
, . . . . - - - . ' - ' . . - to. - . . . . . ' ! 9 ! '
nl1ual Clearing : Sale ' > f
It has been my custom to clean up at the end of the S15011 and
g-ive those in need of millinery the bcnefit of cut prices. I will sell
all trimmed amI untrimmcd hats amI caps at prices lower tllall ever
bcfore offered. 1 have a large Btock to select from and as 111 allY up-
to-date hats as earlier in the season. Childrens' IIats froll ! SOc up "
and Ladies Hats from $1 up. If in nced of a hat call in aud He if ; . . .
pric < ! s won't astonish you. Yours for bargains , -
'v .
: Greo. 2 a.b.n. : , 1
West Side of fquarc : , BI OKEN BOW , NEB.
- - L .
- - - -
.A. . S I. . . . E :
CC > : L.L. EGrE : J
t ,
One term continues for three months.
'l'here wilt be three terms in succession during the ) 'I'ar.
'l'ltrce cents a mile will be deducted from tuition for
transportation to the school each term , within 100 mi1 . I
Commcrcial COII ( ' . incluc1 l1g' rlctual husiness , 812 pr 1eTI\1 \
horlhal1d COUI' C ( Gregg ) with type-writing. 15 pr tcrm
'l'ypc-writcr instruction , alone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 pr term
' ' . . . . . . .
'l'ype-writing with Commcrcial Coursc. 15 pr term
Any subject under First Grade Certificate will be taught
free with the Commercial or Short-hand course.
'rext books may be rented. Boarding places found for
you at your request.
Write for further particulars.
J. H. CAYWOOD , Ansley , Neb.
v-- - _ . - . . . . . l. , . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- -
- I - _ . . . _ , - - - . . . _ . _ - , . - - - - - - - - - - - . . _ - r -
Successor to }
Embalmer and Funeral Director ,
Business phone , 301. Res'idence phone , 227.
I 1-
- - - - < 1 _ - - _ _ _ . . - . . ; . _
* * * * * * * *
Il ! ! ,
arc d alers in Heal Estate of al kind .
WE We will buy or scl1. Don't farl to see Il ! !
us before you buy or sell. We can do
you good. Collections made and insur-
aJice written. Farms rented and taxcs paid. Sce q ,
us for farm loans. Come in and see us.
. .
I m
Before You Build , Consult I
; Cee > . : Japin.ea"'l.l. , . I 1
Contractor and Suil : Jer. Estimates
I . ' Furaishe < 1 free wi p tb plans and specifications. I.I
Bargains in Farill Lalld alld. Ranc11es
\Vritl' for list with prices and terms of sale.
H you have land for sa1e list it witb me.
Correspondence with non-resident land owners solicited
JAwlES LEDWIGH , . . - Broken 1)o\v ) , Neb.
Hurrah !
of Julv , 1906.II
. . .II
Roman Candles , Sky Rockets. 'rorpedoes , Pin
I Wheels , Mines of Stars , Triangle Wheels , Firc
" Tops. C010rcd Fire , Snake Nc ts. Tourbillions.
\ Sel'p'nt , ( ; I'as-bnppcfs. Japanese Acroba.t , A\ ( '
' . of Diamolltl . Iawu Pic cs.'csU'iu Ji'ol nttin . I
Fresh Fruit for the 4th and plenty of it , I
" , . J I
Stfiple find Fancy Groceries , Flour , Brfin , Shorts.
Highest Prices for Produce. i '
R. T. Walker Grocery Co. ,
East Side of Public Square ,