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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
, , . , . ' " ' . . ' \ , 1M r- WHAT TO DO WITH THE ) ' QUEEN OF MOONSHINERS PUZZLES U. S. OFFICIALS Authorities' Feel They Must Have Recourse to Strenuous Action to Restrain Betsy Simms , . . , , " " iII ! . > YOUNG , FEARLESS , AND IDOL OF OllTLA WS \ ( n Prison for Dcallng in Whisky That Had Paid No Revenue , Shc Severely Curs Jailer in Auempt to Escape-Three Indicrmenrs Now Against Her. I Much as has been wrllten of the ways and doings of the mountaineers of North Carolina , any person at all _ h f familiar with the lives of the Inhabitants - ants of that romantic region cannot but ft.'t : that the half has not been t.oltl. t.oltl.Loyal Loyal to a degree that holds life ' worth nothing If Do friend can be \ \ served , an enemy punished or a traitor . ' put to death , the mountaineer Is typical - cal of a state of existence the world has long outgrown. The average man of more sedate temperament and cooler blood leaves the avenging of his wrongs to courts of 13w and the jUdgment of his fellows - lows , but In the mount lns each man Is Do 'court of law unto himself , and Is not mtisfied wllh the slow methods of . justice wllh which other communities - ties are conversant. It has been found a matter of mon- umen ll difliculty to Impress upon these people that there Is wrong In the of "mooIlshlne" whlsly. 'ro them the producl of the corn they grow Is theirs , whether It Is converted into the staff of life or the delectable liquid of the worm and sUll. The efforts - , forts of the "Revnooers" to put a stop' ' to the dlstl11lng of the juice of the corn necessarlly , therefore , are not i looled upon with favor , and conflicts : with the officers of the law are fre- quent. Just now the federal ofilclals ' have a complication to deal wllh which Is more tltan usually Imotty. 41Queen" New in Jail. "The best looking gal In the moun- ta1ns ! " Detsy Sims , "Queen' of the 1\Ioonshlners , " Is languishing In the big and lonesome jail at Columbus , the high-up little mountain town which Is the county seat of Polk , one of the smallest anrl most Isolated of the North Carolina counties. Whnt to do with her Is the problem puzzling the authortles. ! Betey , though only 22 , ts as daring and well versed a woman , both In the ways o [ making whlsly and of sell- - . . . . . . . . . - - malte corn whlslty In lhe shaded and well-hidden hollows In the mountains , through which run streams whose waters - ters are always just cool enough to give the distillery worms the right touch. Capture of Detsy , Betsy has ) 'ear by year become more and more daring , and more beautiful. A few months ago she became - came extremely bold In her sales of whisk ) ' , going to and from the sUlls , sometimes alone , nnd sometimes with ma.le companions. Finally the state authorities decided It wns time to stop her , so they sent three deputy sheriffs for Betsy. The deputies hnd the good fortune to find her , on foot , and vel'y near the South Carolina line , which she knows perfectly well. When she saw the three deputies coming , she Imew they were not her friends , and made a bold dash for the line. As a sprinter she Is a success , and her running was 111(0 that of the Greclnn girls who competed In the ancient Olympian games. The dopu- tics did not stop to admlro , however , but gave chase and dashed across the state lIne , coming up with nnd taltlng hold of the stout and charming Betsy about a hundred yards over In South Carolina. Betsy was nearly out of breath from the run , but had volco enough left to gIve 0. signal , which brought out of the thick bushes near by five tough.looldng moonshlners , anyone of whom was ready and willing to die for Detsy any time. Betsy had 0. good.slzed revolver slung about her waist , and very poorly concealed by a checked apron , but her moonshlno friends made no concealment whatever - ever of the pistols which they had In hnnd , and whllo they fingered these , they parleyed with the dotaln- Ing deputies , letting them understnnd that they were willing to pay cash for Betsy's appearance In "co't , " and that they were "wl11ln' to put up $25 In greenbncks If Betsy could be sot , . 1. r , : : { : : : , t \ \ ) , I 1H ; ! ; \ A HOle : ! ; .T/tROUQH / THETMP , . . M . . . . . . . . Jii1 . , . ! . , . . ' : ' i\ \ : ; ; : : ii : \ ) II I ) \ ' A' @ ; I I MAKING 6ARGflllIH MOONSHINE , I , Ing It , as one could find In that wild country , e\'en In a full day's ride , and she If ] as pretty as she Is adroit and during , with 11. killing pall' of e'es. bright and well-filled cheelts and hUll' which defies conventionalities , Detsy has cat no IIttlo figure In Polk county I since he was 16 , for even at that early uge Rhe beg\D her work as a seller of contraband whlslty. She made herself ' , t ) Buch . a figure , In fact , that oven the older moonshlnors begun to look up to h r and In tholr rude way to idolize the IJucIy girl , who had been bred I all ho- life 10 think the selling of whisky was an act of the very best sort , and that the "rovnoo rs" were a mce of people wbo deser"ed only death and who wer" sent 1 'It liS op- pres80113 of the people. S. . en If : ! till" , faith which Is literally th" 'lack bono \ r" of DetB.s point of vIew , ' ( ( ' " that of be moonshiner compaJ\\D . . , who . " t' ' . . . , : . . ' . . , . . . . . . . . , . . . \ BET8YMrS free now and 'pear at C'lumbus next term. " Deputies Made Terms. The deputies thought It wise to temporize , and decided to talw the cash , which the moonshlners gnllantly llUt up , and Detsy retired with them , looking baclt archly at the ofilcers , her charming e'es sparltllng with de- finnce and the roses In her cheelts deepening until they were lIItc pe- onies. Her face was framed In 11. pink sunbonnet of the type which Is worn on week days by all the mountain girls. Detsy did not let her daring and her Jl.dventnres and with bor capture , but tbo very next day her moonshlno fl'lends ahowed up with $160 , the ) ' having sold 11. borse for that sum. There WIlS u. "big : : : cetln' " not far away , and It was tholJght It would be a good tlmo to buy au extra lot ot . ' ' - f . whlslt ' , and so It amo Ilbout that. then and l1urlnl ; the romnlnd'r of the month of April Detsy nohl nine bnl'- rels of the sturf , some or It In Polk connt ) . , some In l1UtherCOl'd , a11l1 Bomo u\'or the Une In South Carolina. Dut , although she \opt In touch with her buslnoss nil the while , Bhl ! 8howO(1lp at the to I'm of Polk count ) . superior court the second week In 1\Iny , es. cortcd alwa's by patty of her moon , shiner friends. She were 0. I1IITerent I1ress and a dlfferont hnt on each of three days , this being the most 1m. portant event In her existence to dato. Got Cns1 ! Continued. 'rh'ro were three Indictments agnlnst her , but she contrived , on ono plea or another , nnd by means of n tremendous - mondous lot of swearing by moon- shln'r frlonds , to get the case continued - ued , always putting up a cash bond for appearance. She thus Invested $200. Then the attention of the judge Was directed ' toward her mo1'\1 particularly , and he found the extent of her worl { and the damage she was doing In parts of two states , In her open violations of the Inw. She must have felt In the \'ery all' that soniethlng was wrong , - . . I ! l rl\nJ ; upon the Jailer , who bn.d n bad q\1t\rtcl' or "n hour , for not only was Dctily a geol ! wrestler , but a slar ball'- 11\1 lie ; ' a11l1 tcrntchor , Not sl\tlsllod with tlle80 IlccompItshmonts , she whitlllfl out n kl lfo and cut the Jailor flyo times. Ho wns compelled tc knock her Ilown anll then to tlotor burnltg a hoio theroln , Ulrough whlcb 'rhe matter was at once reported to the jUdge , who orl1erel1 thnt she be Illaced In the strongest coil nho. clo Iy watl'Jed , , r.nd , at the nOJlt ; term 01 court Dho will bo Indlctod for \Ul \ as- saull with Intent t.Q kill , not to spenll or an lhnr hlll r.tmont tor attempt tc escape. . SOme of her moonshlnol frlemlt\ have In a qulot way mad , lhreats that she will not stay In jail long , but UIO county I\uthorltlos sa ) they can hold hor. , Dets "s oxplolt In the jail has glvon her an adderl Importance and \'alu. amonl ; her IUlsoclates. i Poor Mnrksmon in l\fcxlco. A l'ccent unfortunate occurrence In army circles In Mexico Indicates thnt marlsmnnshlp may bo still further do- velopoll to ud\'antage. It seelllS tim' I t ! % % . : t. . ) I ( : : r ; : : : . . . : : . : . " ' : : . : . : -\"i " : . , . . " . . : . . : : . ' . . . \ II. . ' . : . ' . . ' " . ' : . ! . . ' . : \ " . ; ' , " , ' I . , . ! / ! : : : . . : , . ; : . . . . : . ! ) I. . , . . , . . . . . : ? . . - : \ : .r. , . , ' . \M. : ' : , tJlf. , i i.I. : / . ; ; : .t.1 : ' ; , Iiii , , \ " \ ) ' : " . . . . : . : . ! . , : o\\ . : : ; . . : < < : Ptllc5t1EP 8Y " if'EVIVOtJE :5' [ ' . ' ' . ; ' 'l' 1J. ' , , : ; , . . "i"J " . . .t. . . . . : i"1' . . . \ . ' I /lTTE/'TEP .E C/l " for when the judge \.Ook his scat on the morning of the fourth day Betsy failed to show up. The jUdge Issued a bencn warrant for her , and she was found at the homo of a moonshiner not far trom the little town , brought bncl { and tried , and the judge decided to maJw an example of the bold young creature by r.endlng her to jail at Co- lumlJU : : ! for 1'our months. Astonished the Moonshiners. 'rho moonshlnors were slmpl ) ' paralyzed - alyzed by tht' sentence , for some of them thought that Detsy bore a charm d life , so to speal { , and one of them , In an outburst of admiration , had 5ald on the third day that she would "come clar , " and that "no jedgo an' no jury can tech her , In my min. . . . But Btsy had not quite reached the limit or her resources. The jail at Columbus Is an old-fashioned barn of a structure , throe stories high and of brlcJ { , v.nd is generally slimly tonnnt- od. It happened that when Betsy first entered its walls a man was Ulere on his wa ) ' to the penitentiary to serve 12 months for the practlco of the gentle - tle mt of manslaughter , he having In some Idnd of mix-up slain a fellow- mouutalneer with a Imlfe , and "glttln' off light , " as the other sldo of the case put It. Detsy was put on the secon 11001' of the jail , this prlsonor whos name Is Chalmers , being on the 11001' above. A rather rude HIght of steps leads from the second to tIle t.hlrd floors , through a well-locked trap-door of wood. How She Droke Jail. The weather was cool , and there was 11. lire In Detsy's room. She did not feel CJfJllal to the task of getting out of jaIl unaided , so she sought the companionship - panionship uf Chalmors. They talltcd to each otber , commonplace while the julieI' was Ilnywhere within hearing , but business when he was out of the way , the business being the best means of getting out. Dets ) ' was the more resourceful of the two , and so , taking a "chunl { of fire , " she went UI the stairway an' } fet ! fire to the trap-door , Chal l\t'rs descended. Ho and Delsy , after IlIlsflng ! the compliments of the duy , tor they were acquainted , decldell on thd mode of action. and then Chal- merrJ fell to worlt to malte a hole through the side of the jail , while Detsy made a rope out of blankets and bedding , and ararnged such goods and ehattols as she had with her In shallo tor qulcl { remo\'al. Chalmers , with true galantry ! , decided that It was best for him to go through the hole first , thus testing the latter , and , Incidentally - ally , the rope below. Out ho got and IIItte : ! away. Nearly ' ! lnqulfhes JaBor. Dets : , ' was going , too , but as she was half-way through the hole Bllt ! telt the rude hands of the jailer upon her , pnd WM hauled buck Into the room. 'rhls aroused her fighting Instinct to the limit , and IIIte 11. lIone-6I she , THE fiCIITTH TIIE'cllI/LER I - - . . . . . . . . _ _ " r" I I " /AlII Nt'otV 'HltVER CIlIfP 11. common soldier attacltcd a fello" soldier with a razor. A general mix. up resulted and 0. lieutenant ran t the scone. Fortunately he was arme with a pistol. lIe drew It and firee at the malcontent , but , as It hllppl'ned missed him altogether and Itllled aL Innocent bugler who 1001dnJ ; on 'I'hls only made the affair livelier , ant at last ono ftrong fellow pinioned thE ruman. Thereupon a senUnel , who hac caught on from his post , fired away and hit in the breast the brave man who bad the ugly one down. WHEN GREEK MEETS GREEK . Pretty Picture of Congeniality De- tween Animl\l Instinct I\nd Huml\n ReREon. Droadway WI'S very Interesting to the tenderfoot from the west , but she hadn't expected to find such 0. demon , stratlvo new frlond there us she ran across recently. On one of the busiest corners , where the crossing Is as dangerous - gerous and IlS difficult as any mountain - tain pass was In the old dnys , she was waIldng Into the jaws of death with the feurlessness and confldenco of Ignorance. She wus snatched almosl Impatiently from the passing dangen by 0. mounted Ilollceman , who , by thE way , wasn't mounted at the time. HI& horse , 11. fine , spirited specimen of thE equine race , was patiently standing at the corner by the curb , watching thE. passing throng and his master. Said mllster hurriedly thrust the dazed ten. derfoot to the sldewaIl { out of harm' ! ! way. She humped Into the horse , Doth were surprised , and both begge pardon In tholr own ways. The girl said , rapturously : "Oh , you beauty ! " The horse whinnied softly , as If slu were an old and beloved friend , rub bing hlf : ! nose against her sleevo. TheD the girl started across the street encl more. When she was haIr way OVO ; she felt 11. light touch on her shoulder and at the same time heard sevora. men laughing. In sllrprlse , she loolte ( to see what couid be happening. Then stood the pollcecan's beautiful steed looking Ileadlngly at her. The next Instant she had that horse's head It her arms and her face against hl1 glossy head , tears of pleasure In he : e'es. Around this odd pall' fiowed th stream of traffic , for this was a bus ) center. but many people stopped tt 8ee the strange sight. The next In stant the gruff officer had brusque ! ) called to the horse. and when tIll horse failed to come. to his call hI quite rUdely grasped the rein anI 1001 , the horse away tram the tablcal which Immediately dissolved as Lh. girl went her way with moist eyes , I happy smile and a longing In ho : heart tor her beloved homo In tht tar west and'the horse she loved Sl wal1. - . - - ' - - 'I PASSES BEEF BILL - HOUSE ADOPTED COMPROMISE IN , SPECTION MEASURE. - IS SENT BACK TO THE SENATE - Wllllnms and De Armond Enlivened the Debate-Minority Lender Rebukes - bukes "Muck RnklnD" at Expense . of Chnlrmnn Wadsworth , W ASHINOTOr\-"I move to suspend the rules , dlschargo the commltteo or the whole house on the state of union from the con sid oration of the senate nmondmonts to the agrlcu1turul al ) ' proprlatlon bill , dlBagrco to all the nmendments exCelt No. 29 with the amendment recommended by the com , mlttoo on agriculture antI asle for a conference with the senate on the dls , agrQolng votos. " Interest 'was shown In every purt or the house when Mr. Wadllworth made the nbovo motion Boon after rOllorllng the ngrlcultural lllroprlation with the compromise amendment rolatlng to meat Inspection. 1\11' . Wadsworth , In explaining the changes made In the substltuto for the original meat Inspection amend mont , Buld thal the chllnres WCl'O mostly In \'orblugo and then took them up serln- tlm. lIe called attontlon to the ollml. nntlon ot the court rovlow Cll1U80 and the dnto of Inspection. In 11. semI.lmmorouB voln , Mr. WIl , IIams of 1\lIssl8slPlll Bnld : "Wo must mlstlnder the r\lles of the house , vote this proposed 1\lsla- lion up just as Il comes to UB , nursed b ) ' the spealtor and the president and appro\'od of by the commUtec , be- CI1USO the committee on agrlculturo could not well do Rn'thlng oxcollt ap' provo after theBo two grent. ruling aU- thOl'ltlQS had 8poltcn : wo must \'oto It UI ) 01' vote It I1pwn. "As a broad enoral principle , Mr. 8peuler , all sanitary leglillation ought to bo paid for by the public. The rea. son for that rule Is that nobod ) ' Is all n rule rosl10nBIblo Cor unsanitary con , dltlons.'hon the buboulc plague or yellow fe\01' Invade the country , everybodY - bodY knows thnt nobodY wants to bo the vehicle of the trunBfer of .theBo dangerous dlseasos , NobodY wants to catcl1 thom Cor the purpose of glv , Ing thom to other poople. 'I'hat III the reason of the rule thl1t the public ought to pay the expense , hill the very reason points out the oxcoptlon. Sometimes - times an unsanitary condition Is brought about by the voluntary action of the e\'lltloers. Whenever that Is the case , then the expense of curing the condltlou which hall been brought about by their acts ought to be bomo by them ( applaullo ) , and I tor ono had hopOll that the thu11llerlng In the Index - dex about n1ll1dng the ovlldoerll stand the expense of curing their own evildoing - doing woultl be followml up more strenuously than It has lleen. "Now , I wish to add thIs : Thor has been some mucltraltlng In connoc- tlon with this matter , and I want to pa ) ' my ludlvldual trlbuto to 11. mom- bel' of this house. I think tlll1t In this particular legislation he has been mis- talton , especially UllOn the point of not malting the evildoers par for curing the ovll condition bl'OlIght about by tholr own action. 'I'hel"e has boeb some muclrnltlng In which there has been 11 dlsllosltlon to charge all sorts of wrong motlvos upon the gentleman from New Yorl { ( Mr. Wadsworth ) , the cllllirman ot lhe committee on agricul- ture. I served with him tor eight or ton years upon a commlttoe of this house. I have 1m own him to cast more votes against hIs own Interests than any man In this hou80. ne Is 0. worthy son of a noble sil'o and an honest - est man If God maltes honest men : and I bellove he does. " With fine Imrcasm 1\11' , DoArmond said it would he an I1wful Injustlco to comilel a millionaire pnclter through whose establishments the agents ot the government went , compelled to Bwatll their noses and clothes with disinfectants , to pay 6 cents tor the Inspection of 11 beef aUlI 3 cents for hog 01' IIheep In order that his products might go through Interstate and foreign - eign commerce and bo sold. " SatirIcally - Ically he said that would be an out- rage. rage.Mr. Mr. Adams \Vlsconsln , whcse ef- torts to bring about harmony between conflicting Interests , has been crowned - ed with success , close the debate. The amendment was then adopted. A vigorous conference was held at the desk between the speaker , Mr. WillIams and 1\11' . Wadsworth. The spealtor later Ilppolnted Messrs. Wilds , worth , Scott and Lamb conferees. Fight for Iowa Man. W A8H1NG'rON-Congressman Hau , gen or Iowa started In Thursdar to maleo a fight against 11. senate amend. ment In the nnval. appropriation bllJ which promotes cortaln persons ovm Prof. Millon Updegraff of Decorah. . who Is engaged as one of the Drofes SOl'S at the Naval academ ) ' , b t on assurance suranco of Mr. Foss thllt the hous ( would Insist on Its disagreement b ( did not press the matter. The Lady In the Moon. A German astro'nomer hus discover cd that the man In the moon 11'1 11. worn an. "Hall' , eyes , mouth , nose , chin and bust , " says 110. "may all be dls tlnctly observed. "In fact. the onl3 thing thnt maltc. ! ono doubt the ac curacy of his observation Is that ht lIaw not one woman but two.-I..ondoa Telegraph. Harvest by Electric Light. Harvesting by electric light has bO I introduced In Australia. I . . . . --.t .3'ta ul punoJ oq tnJi ) , , 'Otl1AH04\\ \fOU OTIJ. . . "looq omit ulqu.Iuufa.l V , , 'noIlUG.I 11 , OJOttJ. " 'stuonut't ot 11 oql.lOBOJct Il11u ! ; OUloq UMO J/oq / } ul OOuoo ; l111 'IHI } o MUlct 01 wnsod OBn 9tnJI0IB.1ll JO SPUUBI\01(1 ( UUN 'qolN ' ] { 80JO omuu " 0 : > ttll11BOd q UOAI ! OUIUN , , 'Oot p. IIltt } OAIS IIUP 1 10UJ ul 'mnlBod 'lUJP , pau oouoo ; go oAual 01 SlUonul1 PU8 spuoPJ lm o tnJw lUOJ1I U potJ t > " OA'\1'1 I" ' .1010\7 UA\O.lq doap Ml1 PU'\1 JOAUIJ qall JotlOJd Otn l' SlJhlS'IIOIIIM son , ulm 9t HnJ noq O } ml\l1Jot otn MOn _ pun : llTJtJoq amlA10d 0'11 ul .10nl\q JO nq onm " 8 lnd OAAOQ lnq-Buon .0a.lIP 01 UJJJOOOU ( 11 011'\11Il 10U PIP OAoBnuooq 'ITAl'1tn - > luOAroUJoa9 U mnlso j : l1Tf91uuflaq 0.uoqA \ " ' 00'01t1 n lor 19mu I om o } ( laAOJI1 pUt ) l1OI1UlIJ.1'J 0.10.\09 posnuo Il0lq.OOlJOO o . 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