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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 28, 1906)
. _ 1 . ' . . _ " . ' --CI'Ib. - . . . . " Repainting. aint has no protection against the cle. ments , and climatic changes work hard and fast upon it. The /Jest paint will cvcntual1y wear down , and the surface will have to ho repaint - paint d. Dut when Pure White Lead and .Pure Linseed Oil are used the surface is left smooth and free , 1\11 rendy for the painter to begin his work. If , on.'the other hand , n. hard , lifeless , inelastic paint ( such I\S zinc and barytcs ) has been used , it cracks , peels and . / . , wears ofT unevenly , 1/ ' 0. ; leaving 1\ scaly ' . , . : ' . . ' urrace , J1cccssitat- , , , ' ing the expensive and dangerous " process of burning. ofT before satisfactory - factory repainting can be done. . . T paint with cheap paint is to r pairit nt high cost , and laa .10011. Those who use RED SEAL OR SOUTHERN Punt Whlto Load IMado b7 Lbo Old Dulch l'rocc"l repaint seldom and t lowest cost. lied tor. bookld co..tAlAl..r I.T..I ! hc" . " . .1 ac11l&1 b.1I. . . . OIf.riD < < nlubl. .1111I..11. . . /.r. color . . . . . . . . . I.1I'P&l..UIu bou. . A ton ' .r -1'11 > \ p1lIIr I. .110 ,11'OD. NATIONAL LEAD COMPANY . Clark Avo. And 10th Bt. . Bt. Louis. Mo. "I ( f ? , f - _ 1 Proceedings of Superv isors [ Conllnucd from I.'lrRl palCc ] ' ( ho clains of W. A. George IUllt F. 1\1. George were taken up It wafl moved Bnd secondCll thnt the claimfl bo Irdd ovnr till the tJuly ' m'eeting for further investigntion. Motion carried. The Pour Farm , Court louBe Itod J ail supplies committee reported ne follotvs : We rccommenl that thu following claims he ullowed : 0 r.t Parker forlulllle ( ( lor 00. Sllll. ( . . . . . 7tH J 0 VunL'ott ror wilidow hlllldcM ror Co Judl ( 1 011l11I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Cnll r counly lIenoon prllllln ! : . . . . . , . . . . . . : l11il : J 0 VftllColt nA" olu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I tU . J lml'lrlile anlary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3jliVU Wit l'ennlllglon IluurAlilInllll1 ror Hcurlcl rover at/ ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 800 , Clly or Drokell 1Iowlprll'IIiJot ' lrlelilioourl boulo yard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 ! : ! Wit l'ennllllUolI 1"lary ror "UOJlI "uurler 1\1 \ ( kl Wellern . Lllht.Irllol ( : Co. gloliel.II\IIlIlell And Ilal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 6 : ) ' WCllcrn Light .t Fuel Co. Il0lics ( , mBlilels . / aud Itlll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii 85 ' oslerll Lllhl. ( I'uel Co. IIlohol. IUnllll'll , Aa' " ICIU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II WIIsoli IIroM 00111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.'il : S olt Uooppr sKIRry 118 jllllilor ror April. . . MOO JC. blnson Urul 1I0llrll IIlId lodlllnll ror )1 r . Jtobert8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Cbal lIuokloberry pnpcr ! Lud bordcr pul Oil . III Co. Judlel ( olllco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600 ' Ri ) ' Gndl ! paporlnlt Ihcrllh onloo. . . . . . . . . . 1110 Itod Croll IIYIII lIloCo rumlll"lIn ! ; IIlIld. . 11:5 ! : 800lt Cooper ahlry ror Mluoh. . . . . . . . . . . . . r.o uo . I'uroell Urol court houlo luppllo . . . . . . . .31i6o.1 : UUDrAkocllfllllnlorworK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1:140 : Purcell urolrUbborBlUII1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Itloo - J. 1AIt'I'IIU1t Com. { tJ Oli. F'INNIMOItK h CUSIDAN It w8s\m v and eliiried that the report ot lhe committee b liooopted and adopled S rend. Applioation to hlivo 80hool IUIIII appr ies were road as fullow ! ! : t' fnar of 800. 16 114 R. 22 No t of soc. L T. 16 R. 17. _ TI e hairlllnn ItPIIinted ( I\S , COlli' * mi tfjes on 8am for e nf ne of 11"0 16 11.1 n. 2 SLlpen'ianrli A. l1"uudl1 , L. OU8h HU\Il It nit 11. 13 Schneringer. , " And fur the Ne i of Sao. In l' 1 R. 17J3I11orvisors } en P. 'Morrill , R. R. Weloh and .f. T. Artliur. The minutes 01 .fune 15 and 1 were road and approved. . : IL W S moved n carried to Itd- journ. - R ass G. MOORE , ' Real eltalo aud loan broker. OW co In Aflle Block Broken 1Iow. Nobraakll. , = - - - . Procf edlngs of the Board of Equnllzation. 'r\l \ ( ' cJay , JUIIC 12 , 1')06 ) , Pursuanl to the provislOlIS or Sec. 105:20 : or lho H viscd li1lu- es of tlw : ) latc of Ncbruka for i lhe year If)03 lhe County 130111 < 1 I of Eqlldlization of Cllsler COUllt y ' at thc Court house ilt Bruken . Bow , JIIIIC 12 , 1 % ' ) . 'I'll < : following' II1l'lI1lll'ro ' ; WI I' prescnl : .T. ' 1' . ArthllrJOl. . li'cn n i more , A. FOlld a , J L 1 : . Schneringcr , B. P Morris , l . I . Welch and Jules JIaulllont. It wa 1I10Vl'd anti carried llu t nil pcrsolt'l ! maldlll. ( " IIl'pl ' ca Ii , :1 : 1'01' acJju'ilmcllt o ( aSSeHRlllellt , , req ttirld ! to make t he Hallh i.1 wrlillg' ! vcrili 11 hy oath propcrij attrslccJ. The chairman thcn appoinll'1 lhe following cOlllmittees. ti'or the cq uali : ttlllOlI 0 f Ii'e sloel < , roatl dl8tl'ICt and village levict-i : l. ennilllorc amI Wcldl. For the ( ! CJllilli ation of rc < . % J eHtalc awl village lots , anti prc- cinct levies. Sr.hncringcr and [ ' -onda. " School tlistrict bonds , precinct hontl , villi g-c hOl\(18 and conll tj' levies : Morris ilnd Arthur. And the. county assessor to assisl all coinlllittees. Adjourned till 1:30 : p. m. AI/'l'HINOON / HHSSION. Board lIIet at 1 :30 : p. III. All presen t. ' 1'he county clerk reported thal he had received lhe resig-nalion of G. n. 'l'h rpc as supen'isor of district. No. JJilud that in ilC-1 cordance with thc pro\'isions of. . section - , f. the l cvised Statutes of Nebraska , thc county judge , the county treasurer and the county dei-k had proceetlcd to lppoint as his successor , To/ . Cushman. . , . . . . . It was moved and carried th.q. the resignation of Mr. ' 1'horJle I and thc minutes of thc lI1eeting of the onicers who appointed Mr. Cushman be ma c a part of the record of this Board. The connty judge , thc county trcasurer and the county clerIc lI10t for thc purposc of filling lhe vacancy caused by Ole resignation - tion of G. II. 'l'horpe. 'rho. . Clerk read the resignation as fol1ows : . ' 1'0 the county clerk of Custer county , Ncbraska : DUAl { Sm-Circull1stances : over which I have no control makes it necessary for II1C to 1'0. . . tire froll1 the ofiice of supervisor of. district. Na. 3. I therefore hereby tender lilY resignation lo tal < c efTect Junc 11 , 1906. G. H. TnoHPH. it was moved aud carricd that we prQJced : to ballot. Thrce ' .votcs wci're cast of which It was found all were for L. Cushman. Mr , Cus.lunan appear.ed and was sworn m and at once entcred upon thc duties of thc officc. Adjurned till 9 a. m. tomorrow. Wedncsday , Junc 13 , 190b. l Board mct at I ) a. m. All IIIcmbers prcsent. . Messers J. J , Wilson and A. Morgan , appearcd hcfore the Board and requested that the ; assessment of the stock of the J lliptic Mining Co. , be rechtccd I frolll 15. cents to 5 cents 'per share. . It was 11l0Aed and arried that. the requ st be grantcd and thc clcrk be and hcrcby is instructed lo correct the books accordingly. - ' 1 he rcmainder of the day was spcnt n commitlework. . . . . . . Adjourned till I ) . m. tom - m rrow. . , . JUNI I.Uh.10G. \ . Bo ml motnt D . p./m. , all members L . . presont. . E. O. . . Spoonor , doputy.aSBossor - , , - - - - . v . : tf' 1''iJ.f. ; ' . . : ni. " . . . " " . . " mrO ; : ' ' ' - I ' . . . : . r 1J&o / : " ' ' . . . , ! , , lJIO' I.e. , ."\.f . . . . . . . , . 1. > . . < ' . " 1. . . . . . . . .J.-.n : t . , : " p. f . . . - . . , - ' ' 'i\ r".lII.r. . : : i' . . ' . p"-fri' ' : : ; . , . ' . ' &i..i..J ' ' ' . . , : . , ' ' : " ; ' . ' . ! ' . ; , , _ : : . : . . 1.- . . ; rr. ; : ' I " . " I' , 00.ut . " f , or .TC.- i . . , 1J.14A . ' . . - . . . . pa'ce . ' .r . . , . , : \ - . il . . ' . .1 . ' i\l ! . 'I. . : . I : f. " : I . : ii. N ext week We will open the r . I. " " : . ' mostcomplet lineof : , : q . 1 ' .f . . , , . . lM : : , < t Furuitu.r i . . , , 'i . "t' " . . D , .II. , , ' ; . 'i , : , ,1 ever brought. . to : Br.okell : Sow. J . ; . . . . ( t , . . . . , , : . ; f. : , ; 'I" l " , . . . \ . ' . " ' ! J : . Vi " . . , i ) k J . . . : . ' ' : ' " ; < i K rtk. ; ' 1' " & : Mulhns ! r ; . . . 0 ; , to : " : . . : J t . , , . . . . : J/ ! iti4 ' ' / ' c' . J t . . . . _ . . lir."f. : . : . . . . 9 Q'l : w"Jr.w . . : ' 9. . , ! ' ; 1'1t . f : . . ' . . . . " " vIlIIti : . . t ' { .Q ft.j,1. / . : ; : J4 . 'Ii. . .Y'a. . . . : . 'CJ4 ftl , ; . , . ' . ' . " .ow , f . .r : . . . . If. . 1 ' : . - - - - ( nl' Douglni ! Grovl ! prcl'illr.t , prn. .HI 111 (1/1 / t hI' followi U I < ) Inti tinll of ltlll , oWliurfi ill hililrtcillcl. \ ! . whi , ' " WIlH'wll \ \ : nl'okon Bow , JUliO lalh , lUUIi. We , the uudcrdguorl , Iisk 3'O\l\ ' IIonomble lloard that the vntuul oo of the IUll d Hl'ribod below bo rood d \Iced aH mark cd OppOHitO the d ifTer. nut pll\'colfl us they uro vullled , t.o high eOllllMrod with nlho\ ' land ill the HIUIIO purt of tlJO cOllnty. E. , . HI'OONI ' 1t O. \ \ IJ. 1IIIJ. . Peter l\lIekllJ ! : lee , I' It V n I IIWHIJ HWHII HeHIl lotli . o IJeIlW 11M HIHW : I 18 17 :152j : lower 10liC Uhu , ! WmlCott \\'f IIIIHW W ; ' < " HUHW HWHW IIWHW : r 18 17 W20 g tJ Spooller IIW . ' t Hi 17 :1100 : WeHeott & OlhhollH Hee ' 1' It Vnl HWV. t HI 17 : t ( J nlll'l NolROII . , wet 6 HI 17 IGSO 1.ltlIlIl\L Wlllnrd HI ! V r. IS 17 : ! 7.i : ! U J ) Urllln lIev' ! I Hi 17 :11)(10 : ) ( WeHcott & OlhlHIIIH Suc ' 1' It Vnl 11011\\ ' IIIHII ! IIWHII U IS 17 IWIIII IIWIIU H\'IIU , 1I0HU IIWH\\ ' 10 18 17 Glee lower lOpe ' 1'I \ WIJHcott , ; , HWHW HUH\\ ' 10 18 17 3000 UhaH ( JIo\'olmui /I WHU HWHU 11 : .10 A of HWSU 10 IS 17 1700 J B Fuller lIoY. 15 IH 17 2WU : W H { VOHC01t all II 111111 ! UlhhollH Hue 'I' It Val HWYi J6 Hi 17 15VU WOHCOtt & UlhhollH ! : Ice 'j' It Val IIWIIW HIIIIW 16 IS 17 2200 W H WeHcott 11'HW ! IIWHO HWHU HUHO 22 IS 17 tOOl ) ElIlJolIIHtoek IIWV. : ! J JO 17 :1100 : 1. I' 8'uircH , IIW- : : .1:1 : 10 17 1200 UUHtaNulHOII IIWIIU HWIIU HUIIU .IUIIO . lot I 22 lot G 2:1 : IS 17 61SO lower 15pc W j' IIIlrlillH SU A HW . : ! 'i 10 IS lGOO ho lowered to 1200 It was move und eurriod that , Whereas , It appcnrH from the rocordH allll statements of Mr. Spooner thnt the vnluution of laud dnscribed in the petition is unjllRt , nUll out of proportion with land of lilw quality in thnt p/trt / of the county , that the petition be granted - ed nIHl tbe vuhmtiou lowere as requested in the petition. Committee on equalization of live slocle roportcdns follows : Broken 130w , June 1..1tb , 11)0G. ) \V 0 , your committee on live slack for the County Board of Equnliza- tion , beg lenve to maIeo the following - ing . report : W 0 recommend thnt the valun- lion of horseH in 1.0up pJucinct hu . . . . . . . . . . . . ct WUHt Union precinct he ralsud..IO . . Llllilin " . . " . . . . .10 . . Al1sler' . . . . . 5 . . . " UurlioliJ . . .10 ' \'nluntons ! of ClittlO In . Wood Hh'ur pre. ho . . lowurml. . . . . . . 5 . . . Broken Bow . . . . . . .16 J\VIII ) ' S : : . . . . . . .16 : : \ II ) no . . . . . . .10 'l'hllt \'aluation of Htock cattle In LIllian prccinct bl ! raiHodl5 per cont. 'rho fat cattle in Lillian aH I'uported by the aHHOHlior to be exempt from thu 15 per cout rdHo. And all thu other Ii\'u Htock In the coun. t ) ' to bo Jult \'alued by thu aHlieSHor. J 08. jl'gNNI1\IOIII , H _ H. WI < : IOII. It was moved nud carricd to IlC- cept n.nd adopt tbo report of the committeo. Committee on C11\1alizb.tion of real eBlate reported 1\S fol Q R : , We ) ; yo\1r cOJmllitto n equaliz. nHon of re.ti1 Qstnte , recommend thnt the uBsea nne' t of town lots be le1 as relJortOll by the nsseBBor , also the nSflossmeut : for laud n.s- . seBBed for the firBt time in l OG. \V 0 further recommend that the npporlio ment of vQluatiolls where tmcts hnvo heeu divided , be lcft I\fI reported bJ" the 1\BSe8BOI' , unlesl : ! the owners of Bltid trncls nppenr befm ( } the County llonrd of Equal. ization , n.fter l'cceivipg nolico from the OO\1uty Clerk ; lIDw the n.ppor- liomuont it ! made , nUll sbow cnuse why the nppol'tionmont should bo clrlmged. \ \ ' 0 furlhcr fiBk that the County Clerk bo inBtructOll to. notify the ownerH of divided hacts how the apportionment IS mado. W 0 nlso re omlllOJlll that the $800.00 tor improvolUontfl nddod last J'car to the ne.t of Sec. 2G-ID. , 21 , he tnl.ou fl'om the v\luution of tlmt lUlld n.nd ndded to the lie ! of oo. 2U.W.22 : , where they bolong. II. ll. SCIlNtIUNOEII , ' A. PaNDA. It was moved an carried lo ac. copt 1U1I1 adopttbo report of lhe I cOllurittel' . djournCll till { ) a. m. Monday r J Illy U , 190G. J , J. 8NYDEH , Attorney and Counsellor at Law , l'el1Sl0n9 Rnd all. kinds of goverlltnenl cnIUls ] , Rn R enerallaw practice. 01. fice : Hnsll\1atn Sh-eet ; , 1st door ensl 01 Burlington 1I0tel , Broken IJow , Neb. FRANSE' MOOR , FEE 'A'RN . , 'I'wa bl ckl nort of Orlnd Control 1I0tel. rat ronago. ollcUod. l'rlcoa rOlllouAblo. . ' . . ' " " ' ! - . - - . - A Food " . . to Work On " ,4 : " . : : ' . Work I Workll Workll ! Lots of encrgy is needed to keep up the pace. In J the struggle , the man with the strong body d cl ar . brain wins out every time. . The man of to-day needs something more than mere food ; he needs a food that makes energy-a food to Ivork all. Although some people may not realize it , yet it is a lact , proved and established beyond doubt , that soda crackers-and this means U needa Biscuit-are richer in muscle and fat-making clements and have a much higher per cent. of tissue-building properties than any other article of food made from flour. That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 packages - ages of U needa Biscuit , the finest soda cracker ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing value-sold in a package which brings it to you with all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre- served. T nlly the food to } Pork on. . ' Whoever you are-what ver you are-wherever you work'-Un..d. Bll'tCult. NAT ( 'N L BISCUIT COt4PANY , SC m. - - - - - - - . - - . - - - . . - - - - - - - - - - I DR. c. B. JOB , Physician and Surgeon Office Illld residence olle hlock south of , Ryersoll & George's st rc. 1.A. . ARMOUR , . Attorney at Lav. Broken Bow. Nebr. Havill ! ! " jllHl halt 01IChl 'oarH pracllcal exper lellcel ) ) Ullllt . Jilltl"e. wllllCive Hpeclal aHen lion III lIle drawlll ! : " alld probatilllC IIf wills 011111 lhe aln.IIII'lIralloli of cslale' ! nf Ileceascd pcr- SIIIIS allll mlllllrH. Wrltc or phollllllle. I lIIay \lave ) 'ou P lrll' , - _ . . . . . . . - . . - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - Legal Notices. NO'l'ICI , 010' Sl'gOIAI. LECTION I"OR IU.I CTRIC LlGlI'I' BONDS. i Notlcn 11'1 ' herehy I"lvcn that 011 ' .rlle day. July 2 lh. 190& . lIexl. at the lIealrlce Crealller CO.'H bullllllll : ' III lhe l'lrslVard. . al lhe tllI llIe s Collel"e bllllllllllr III the SecolltVanl and at thc Ooullcll Chamhcr III the 'l'hlrd Ward. all In Ihe clly of IIrolwlI Bow. L'ustcr COUllt . . Ne. braska. a sleclall'lcctioli will he holll. 10 CII' able the Iel'al'olers of said CllY of Brolen U"'rl Ncbrallla. lo vote UIJOIi a llroposlUolI to vole nl'oll a IlroposlUon to Issue hOIHIR of Haill city to lh. . ! amLlIlIl of $15.000 for the pllrpose of l'slablfshlnlC. constrllctllll ! " au,1 mailitalllllll ! " a H ) . tem of electric IIl'hlH for the salt ! cll ' . 'I'he toll. . shall be ollclled al H n'cloc" , In thu forello"'l au" close" al 6 o'clock . III. of Raill dOl ) ' . 'I'ho ballol volcd OIl Ruch elcctloll shall have wrillell /lrllllcll / tlacrcon lhe wonlR : "Shall the l\la 'or and C.lly Council of the clt , I ' of IIrokelillow. Cnslci cOllnl ' . Nehras a. havu 'I Ihe powcr 10 hormw mOIlC ) ' 0111I1 ple"lIe thc I /lrOlllrty ! of Hal" clt ) . of IIrokcli Uow 111'011 It. . uellotlabla bOIll' ' " hi all anWlIlIl nol oxcee"llJU' H.WI ! .lullarH to he IIl1cd III pa1I11 : ' the co l. . of establfRhlnl ! " . cOIIRtrllclllI1C allllmalulalllllll ! " all 1leclrlc ! Ihrhl sYHlem for the cll ) ' of Bro' 011 Bow. anlllo lu\'y a tax 111'011 Ihc taxablu prop. tlerty uf KalIl cll ' of Brolell Bow. 111 a"diliou 10 all olher laxes , RIl clelll W pay 1I1e sard hOIl"s and lhe IlIlereRl 011 Ralll bOIllI. . as the samc may becollle dllo all" payablc ? YIS. " Or-"Shall thu Ma'or alld COIIIICI ! of the cll ) ' of Brok'lIl1ow. Cusler coulIl ' . Nebrlska. havc l'owcr 10 borrow mOllcy , alld 1)lc"l'e the propcrty IIf halt ! cllY of Brukoll Bow , UIIOII Ils lIelfllUable bOlld . to all amonlll 1I0t cxcecIlIlI1 ! 15.100 "ollarR to be IIsClll1I payllll ! " the cosls of ostabllshlll ! : " . cOlIslrUcllll1r allll mahllalllir all eleclrlc 1I1'ht HYHlem for the clt . of 1Iroken Bow. NebraHka. allll to Icv ) ' a tax UIOlllhu taxable - able II'ol'erl ' of Haill cll ' of Brokcn Bow , In a""llIoli to all tither laxos. slllliclelil to Iay the said b01ll11i alllllhc Ilitorcsl 011 Raill bOllllH as lhe same ma ) ' becomc tue 011111 pa 'able' ! NO. " Dalell 231'11 da ) ' of JIIIIC , 11)06. 'V. A. nltlllWIt. Ma'or of Cil ) ' of BrokclIlJow , Nebrahka. I . S. HIII.COMII. Clerk of city of IIrokcn 110'1' . Nebraslm. [ AltAI. ) 3.7 I sllllille of eXI.ellhCR lor the clly of llroken 110'1' , Nebr. . for the ) car Im- 1C11l1l11r Ma ) ' 1111. 19011. It Is hereby cRlllnale,1 b ) ' thc Mayor and CIl ) ' COUIICI ! IIf lhe cll ) ' of Broken Bow. NebraRka. that lhe followllHr eRLImale of expeuseR for lhu fiAcal 'ear of 11l I , be , 011111 Iii hereby malll ! for lhe followll111 pllrposes to-wll : 1o'0r Hlrecl. allc11 BIIII brillires. . . . . . . . . . . . . Oon l.'or Ihrhllllll" pllrpOSeR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121k1 l'or tlllicurll Ralarles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 < 0\1 Per watcr'orkH expcnl cs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3:00 Jo'or lI'elleral tlUrposeH IlIclll"lIlIr expOIlRe tlf IIlel"allon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I ,50\ ) 1.'or j'"ll1melllli. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100 I'or paymelll Oil clly 10IR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I'or electric 1111111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 500 5 . Inlile IIIhlrlcl COllrt CUsler COlIlIl ) ' , Nobraska. In thu mallcr of 1I1e peUllonof John llll1klc ) ' Allmlnllliralor of thu eslate of Sarah I. . l11I1kJe ) ' , .leceaRed. for license to sell Heal I Hlalu to pay IleblR. atilt cOlil of a"mlnlslralloll. Now on IhlR 31sl dOl ) ' of May. 1')011. lhu peU. llllli of John 1Ill1l < 1ey. allmllllRtralnl ; , .f the clllatu IIf Sarah I. . Hlnklev , decease" . waH t're. selllclltlme. Ihu Rallll ) hl'hllC itmlle ulllhr oalh a 11I1 l'ra ) ' hi I ! " for a IIcellsc lo scll lhu fnllnwlll ! : " rl'al eRtate. lo.wll : I.ot. . ' .rwo. 'l'hreo. 'l'eu aud 1 leveu In I > lock fourleou IlIlhe towllof Bef'n III CUMler COllnl ) ' . NobraRka. acCOnllll1r to thlJ rl'conle < ll'lallhereof , for lhc l'a 'lIIelllof .IcblM allow.,1 alfaltlsl . .a ill eSlate1111 thu cosls IIf allmllllslratioll of Raltl c..lalc lu Cusler COIIIII ) ' . Nchraska , for lII < ! rcasoll thal lhere III IIOt umclelll amouillof lerMOllal properly III thl ) posseMslon 01 the mlmilllMtralor. l > elou11I1f to lIaltl eilialo tOl'ay . .aid dohlR allll costH. IlIRlhcrofnre onlerod lhal all lerSOUH Inlcr. eRled III saltl eslato al.pear before mo al Cham. ber. . IlIlhe CIt . of KeuutJ ) . . III Buffalo couilly. Ncbraska.ou lhu Mlh Ila ' of Jul ) ' . I'J % , OIl tile hOllr IIf 2 lI'clock I ) . m , lo Mhow cause. If allY lhero be , wh ) ' a IIccuse sholll < l lIol I > u arrante,1 [ to Galtt almIIlIRlralor. Joltll 1I1l1kley. to hell Ute wllolu IIf lIaltl real cstale abo\'u deMcribel1 of sal.1 d..celeul , lU Pol ) ' saill dl'hls : tllIl expCUl eM. HIM furlher IInlcredlhal a COP ) ' of lIlllI order btJ Iwrsouall ) ' I I'rYellllt > ll1l an t"rhOUI IlIleresl- olllllllal.1 cSlale alloasl fourtl'ell da's I.eforc lIlc dale of " 'lid hearlu ! : " . Nollce of lIlllI al.pll. , calloll to be t'Ub\lKhc.1 \ as " , qulre,1 h ) ' law In Ihe CU81cr COlIlIl ) ' HClJU\J\lcall. \ \ IlitUNO O. 1I0nKTLIlIt. ! J Judll'e lIle Ulslelcl COlirl . I f of l.usler Couuly , Nebr. , J. A. AIt.MOUIt. AH'y , \ . " " , , . . " ' . , - . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ullltcd SlatcR Land omcl' . t Hrokcli lJow , NebraHka , May 29. llJO/ / . r NOlke Is Itcrchy II"h'cll lhal thn followhlll" lIamcd settlcr has l11ed lIotlcn of her lulelltloll to make tinal proof III Rupporl of her claim. alld i that "aidfoof will be madc bcforu RClI'lster : I 0111I1 Hecelvcr at Urollell How. Nebraska. Oil JIIIIC 30 19O . viZ : MAg 'fUC"KgR. of All' I Relmll. NlJhraska. fllr the IIYs sRcclloll \ 9. lown. RhlpO : ! N HalllCn Z ! W. She lIamcs the follow. IIII ! WllIlCR C to pro\'e hcr coullllilous rl'sltlcme II/JOU alld cullivatioll of Raid lalld. vlz : Jo eph Moore , of AIIRclmo , Nebraska , James PhlllhlI. IIf AIIHclmo. Nchraska : Jamcs McGIIIII. of An. ReI mo. Nebraska : John Mandevlllc. of DUII- IIhlll' . Nchraslm. 51. " JAMKI WmTltIIItAD. Reglstcr. NO'I'ICE OF AI'POIN'.rl\mN'l' OF AD l\I1NIS'fHA'fOR. COUllly Court CURle I Couu'y. ' Nebraska. ' .ro lhe lIclrs alld lIexl of Kin uf A villa Scovell. Deccased. YOII arc hereb ) ' lIolified thal OliR Sco\'cll. a SOli of Raid deceased. has fill'd hlR petilioll III saill Courl. ask IUI ! " that a Rpcelal admlnlslrator may he appolllled uf the eslate of Avilla Scovell , deccas11. Said mattcr ht' ! bpI' II sel tor hearlnl ! " for July H. 1906. altO o'clocl , a. III. at the COllnly Courl Roum , In Ilrokell Uow. Nebraska. whell allintercsled parllcs mOl ) ' ap. l.ear anll he heard. Dale,1 the 9th da ' of JUlie. 11)011. 11' " A R. lIu1 > I1'1I1t1tv. Couilly Judll'c. o ii c-- o. 63- : - - - ALl ordlUllllcO lo relfulale lhe runullill or enlllles. cllrs IInd trucks within the oily or Brokl'1I 1I0w'Iehrll@KIl. ' Ilud to prcsorlhe rulcs rellliluir tlJCrllo Ilud 1O\'crnlulllhe Ipeed lhcreor , uud to prevent nccldpllt III cro slllarH , Ilnd to pre. "I'lit lhc ohtrnellullllud clll8hll : of strecl Ilild eropslnud. IInll prescrlbllll : velluilled lhereror. 1111,1 rHvoUlIlI11 "II orllnllnces IIIII ! ( lOr18 or ordl. uallce. . III cOlltllet herewllb. lie Ilordllilled h ) ' 1I111 Mllyor ILlld Coulloll or lho Clly or Urokoll Bow , Nellrnslul : Sccllull I. ' 1'\IlIt Ihcrn sllllil be U bl'lI or al leusl Ihlrly pouuds' well/hl 1I1Iurbed to every ( ! II 1/1 III ! . wlllCh hdl shull I" , conllnuously rUllII' , whllc p"'sllll : over IIIIY rnllJolld wlll1l11 Ibe cor. pomtu Ihnlls or Uw elly or Hrnkon 110'1' . Section 2. 'I'hlll fitreols. Fourth .lIld Flflh IIV' enul's or 8.'d ' city shull lIut bo obs Imcled Ity 1111) ' mllrolld or rnllwuy complLllY hy .alll c mplillY II'U11i1UIlY CllIfIIlO. Ollr , lrllill or lruok ell1lldlll ! ; thereon. or othorwllc , excopllnJ. : IlIovllllole IIccl. denl , ror U Ifrellter len lh or time lhlln ! lve 01111' utes. Spollull 3. 'l'hlllilo runlllnl : or Hyllig swhclws filll\lI bo lIIudu kloross any of tile 8lreels wllhlll Iho "Ily of lIroken lIow. Sectloll . 'I'hlll lIuy rullro , , " or rnllway COlD l"IlIyIIIIY olllcer lIwr or. SlipOrlllll\IleHllIl/enl ! , olllllIoer. cO"luclur. HrllDlIlI , sorvlllll or employo IIr IIIIY r..llrolld or mllway "OIDPIlIlY runnlnll or opHutllllla rlillflllld wllblrA.jtho : IIl11lts or lhe cilY or llrakell 11 0 w.vh 0 shn I tll'lflect or othl'rwhe vlollllIIUV ' " the provislolls or Ihls ordlullllto' . sl11 011 cOllvlotiOIl lhereor. bo tined In IIIIY 811111 not 1\l1S \ lImli live. lIor 1II0ru Ihllll one hUllllred dollnrs for enoh olreuso IIlId slll\lI slalld OOllllllltted uliUl buch 11110 IlIId eosls uro fully 1"111I. S'ulloll . 'I'hat all , adlnnllcPs : lIud ( llIrlS of ordilltluces 111 cOllfllut herewith IIro , ro. peilled. Secllon O. 'J'hI ( lrdlllllllce sllllll Ite III full rorco nlllJ clTccl rrom IInll arler 118 PIISSUIC. IIp- provllllllld pnhllcnllou IIccordllll ( lo Iuw. I'IIPsell , Ilpprovllll Ulld urderpd published Holth IIIIY of JUIll' . 1900. . W. A. OIWUOI" Mllyor. Alt'sl : K S. 1I0rcoII , City Clcrk. Ordinance No. 62. A II ordllllllletJ 0111111111 for II speolal eleotlon IlIlho IIlly or Brok"l1 Nobruskll. lo ellable the lel/ul voteu or 8111d u ly 10 vole UpOIl II propo' sltlnn 10 ISHII' hnllds or Slild city lo lho IIIDOUlIl 01 f15.oo0 00 for the "urpo o or eslllbllshlOIl. COli' lrUCIIIII ( IIlId IIIlllllllllllllll : II syslem or J llclrlc ! [ .llfhIS for lho olt ) . of lIrokeu lIow , ( Jusler COli lilY. N'braskll II" Il Ordahll'd b1I11J 11I'or ulIlI City Coullcll or U. . . . OItv or llrukell 1I0w. Nehru.kll : - eetloll-1. 'I'hal U speclul elellllou Is I. . . rt' b ) ' clillell lo lie helllll lIm clt ) . or Ur"kl'u lIow , lu tlau 11011 Illy or CIIstor , IInd slule IIf N'hrllskll. 011 'l'uPSll'IY. lIw lI' , Iny or July. 11OO. IIllhe pluees hereltlllClur sl'ecllled III "Ileh wurd or lIld ully. ror Ih. , purposu or IJlllllllhlll till ! h'lIlIl volers of Mill ell ) ' 10 vo\l' \ upOlllllo folluwln ! ; prollosllloll , lo-wlt : Sh,11 III ! ! 1II1I'lIr IIIItI Coullcll or Ihe elly of llrakln lIow. hllvl ! l"lwl'r lo horrow 1II0iley IIlId ph'de ! : the IrnI'OIl , ' ) ' or Sllid olty upnut \ 1It'IIO- l"lhle "IHulM 10 1111 1111I0 II III 1I0t e eeudln fJ .OOO.OO. tur IIIIt I'UnOsl ' ! ur cOlIslrll"lIl1l'slllll. ( . IIshllllf. ulld 1I1I&lut'Ilullll ' : II s"tl'm uf I'lt'utrlc III/hIS ror Ille city IIr IIrokeli Bow , N..hfll ka , IIlId 10 levy II tliX UpOIl Illu IlIxllhle proplrly ! uf .111 < 1 oily ur Urokall 110'1' . III IlIldllioh 10 all olher lll e slll1lel ut l , ) 1'11Y ' ll. . . ollid bOll1ls I\nd Iho 11I1"res 011 SIII < lllOuds a Iho Slllll" 11111) ' bt'eOIllIJ , III" ! lnd pllyuhlu Seolloll 'J'laa lIolIJ , prop"II,1 lI.v UIt' prop' " slllull COIlIIlIr. d III &Jallun UIIII hOH'or. IIlIall .Imw Inll'resl III Ihu rulll of. not lo exceed live (5) ( ) I'r cellI. Ver IIIIIIUIIfroIU < 1111" IIr lholr dollv- ory. I'llynlll" IIlInual.y nt tile IISCI11 uell"y ! of lhe 011of Brokell 1I0w , NebrllSkli. III llao clly of Nl'w Yurk. snhlllller".t . lo be ovldellced b ) ' cou' ponl nllll hl'd. Said bonds sllllbe \ ! Irllwil 1"1) IIb10 lo bearcr h\'lIly ) " 'lIf nrter date , aud Ih,11 , bl'ar dalu UI'OIl lhl' day or lhelr deliver ) ' . nud Ihall be I.a'ohle ' ul ! IllY tlillo nraer lho uxplmlloll or tCIi (10) ( ) ) 't'I\U al till ! 011111011 of lhll oily \If Broke" 1I0w. 15111.1 . bomtB shall be kllown I\S 'I'ho 1leolrlo Llllhl 1I0ll < lB of lhe Clly uf Urokell Bow , Ne. b/lllka. ' . . . ' 0) Seotloll 3. Bororu ueollallng ! the 11I10 or IlIld bOlldl. lho Mayor nlld Cily Counctl shall In vile bld Iher..ror , by ! : Ivllll : rour wl'eks' notice III IUllh \ , liS lo lbOIl1 wuy seern ror lhe bOlt IlIllrests Qf llc olty. SKldllOIiCU phlill reserve to lbe Mavor alld Coulloll lhe rlllht 10 releot allY aliI ! lilt bld lbalmA ) be r eelvel ! thorefor. . . . , , . . - - - . . . - - - Thc bOlills 8hl\lIl,0 sold ror Cl18h tll lho hllI1I'8t laldder thcreror and tllllo case Iball slilu hUlids bi ! sold below pllr'slne. . Seclloll . Tha the prOl'e'd8 of IIII ! sllle or snhllaullds thlill be llid 10 U'I ! 'I'cnsurer ur eald cllY 11lIlI1edllltcly UpOIi the sale thorpor. nnd sLnll lie by suld 'I'fI'lisIHur plncel1 lo Ule erellll ur Ihe 1,1 lItrlc LILlat ! 'und. 'rile 1II01l1'y ohtlllnld IIIt'rulur ebnll 110 uSl'd fur the purposes h relll sp clned , nUll ror 1111 othpr pllrpu"e. eclloll 5. Il sbllll be the duly or 11111 1a1or cr Clerk 01 U" , oily or UrokllI Bow , N'bruSkll. wlwu so nllllJOrlz"d by nil ordlrlllllcc dilly I"soed by lho M"yor all < l Cuunoll uf PRld cll ) ' . 10,11111 Ilod alll'sl silid bouds , nud nlllx IIItJ c"llIllhe city lherelo. Seotloll 0 Thlillhere IlIls bel'li lIIedlli lhll "tllco or the clerK'of lbe snld oily. " pcllllun 1IIlled I1y lit least leu fI'eldplJt rreehuld"s of t'uth wnrl1 uf I s81d olty ulld lhllt said pelltlolll II II VII b'clI pre. selllcdlo lbe Muor alll1 Cily Coullcll ofsllldmly. Seellon 7. ThaI 1I0llce or Ihe lhllo uml plnco or lIollllHII Ib. . Buld elt'ctlull shull ho IflvplI by plllllllll1l1ollll1 sOllie lIeWBllI\pcr puhllstll"J III tlao SI1III elly Ilt leusl twenly lIays "rlor lo lhe dlltO of suld olcelioll , uLd In tlae el'ont thllt there bo 110 lIews"per publlsr.ed In said clly Ih 1I hy IObl. , 11'1 : up III lit lcasl rOllr publlo phlccs willaiu .nld oily , uolilles of said elecllou nt It'usl twolily dUYB I..lor lo U" , dnto of snld eloclloll. Scctloll B. 'l'hul 1I.e . plllccs wlll're Ihe vote upou Ihu forelloln proposltl 1I shull be IlIId uud lukoll lu eald cll ) ' of lirokell Uow. .hulllio liS fol. lows , lo.wll : In lhe t'lrel Wurd , al Ueatrlee Crenmcr ) ' Co. 's liUlldllli : . IlIlhe Second WarJ. nl Collolo bulldlll ! : . Inlhe Third Wnrdftt Couucllllllll. ' 1'he hallots volud al such elpclloll shull hllvo wrlttell or prlutod tllCreun Iho words : " ! 'hull lhe Muyor un,1 COllnell IIr the 111 y ol ttrokcn Bow , Clisler counly , Nel1l8Mkll , hlve , the puwer lo borrow 1U0Ile ) ' UII" pledl ! tbo pro : > erty or 8111 < 1 cilY or IIr ken Bow UI'OIl 1111 1II'ullllblo I1olld& to "n IIlIIollnt 1I0t I'X t'I'lIlnl : l . ( JOO dollurs lo ho IISl'd III IJUylll1lIltJ clhls of e llIb- IIhblllll. conSlrUIUnlll\nd lIIulnt..lnllllt all I-It'o' : 'rlc : 1I'sl : m for Ihe city or IIroken Uow. Nebrllska , Iind lo lo'y 11 tllX UI'OIl Iho Inxtlblo properly IIf slIld elly 0Uru" " ' 11 111/1'.111 " llllion to ull other laxes. sul1lclclillo puy lho , ,11I bOlJds "nd lhe Inlt'resl ou sull ! bonds liS th. . oalUe lIIuy bccorn\l due IIlId pll'lIblc - Yes. " Or " : ) Iull lho Mllyor IIlId Coullell or the oily or IIrukt'u 1I0w , Cuslcr coullty. 1\obrn ku. ha\tJ power 10 burrow 1II01J1J ) IInd pled ! : . . tIe proverly or snld clly or UrollCli Uow , UpOIi lis nelull1l1110 lIonds. lo an lunounlllol exu. eiJllI 15,000 < .Iollars lo he uspd In I'lIylnll lhe cosls 01 " tllbllshllill. cOlistruotlll1l ulld 1IIlllnllllnill ! ; UII Eleelrle Llllht Syslem ror lbo elly of Brokeu lIow. Nlhruskli. ulIll 10 levy II tux UpOIl lho laxahle properly of 8uld elly or IIrokell 1J0w , III uddilioll 10 "II other lueR , sul1lcllot to pay lhe Inld honds IIndlho Inlcreat ou suld bOllds UI lhe salllo 11I11) ' become duo unit p Yl\ble No. " SectIon 0 : Should lho majorlly or II. . . hnllols cast al suelt elecllon be ror HllldproposlUon , the MllYOr aliI ! Couuoll s\lall have powl'r to tuue suc ) , honds alld levy auch lax ror Ihe purposes und upon the condltloll8 8p Clnoll lu tbl ordl. nunce Scallon 10 T\Ils ordlnullco .hl\lIlllkll elrecl und be III lull forcc rrom 111111 urlcr lIB IJillIsage , ap\lroval \ und publlolltlon accordlnl : lo hlw. 1Ilsficd.lI"provl'd and ordcred 1ullllsbod this - 18th duy or J nllo , 1906. 1906.W. . A. OImUGr. : , MII'or. AUptll : I . 1:1. : 1I0LCOMII , OIL ) ' Clerk , SUMMONS BY I' BLICA'.rtoN. In Dlslrlct Courl of CURlcr COli Ill ) ' . Ne . : . aska. . . . Ah.ha Morlrlll. I'lalnUff. vs. I. . A. Wlchl , el aI , Defcndanls. The defcndalltll , SlIl all Armour. Mary Ar- lIIuur. Elllie Armour. William McQuell. ( , : lIen MCQUCII , Marllta Marshall aud } ( ohert Mar. Rhall , Inpl dcd wllh L. A. Whrhl. ol OIl. and each of yoU will take noUcu that on lhe ; : Ih day of Jul ' . 1'J05 , Ihc plalnllff l1Iell his ! > cllllon In lhe Dlstrlcl Courl of Custer COnnl ) ' , Nehras. ka. acalnst L. A. Wllrhl 0111I1 olherll and on lhu : :11I1 da ) ' of Ma ) ' . 1906. flied all amclldelipelilion III sahl actlolilupleadinar you alld each IIf YOIl aR defclldauls. 'l'he otjecl allll pra'cr of each of said peU. tlOIIR arc lo foreclolle a corlalll tax salt , .certlfl. cato Issued by lhe 'I'reasurer of Uuster COUIIl ) ' . Nebraska. 011 lhc 3nl day uf Novcmber. IIU . to dcfellllallt I. . A. Wighl. III Ule sum of : f115 for lhe Rale fort he dellllqucnt lax ell of tile year 1\1111 \ of Ihe fonowlnll' dcscrlbell real elilalc sllu- ale In Cusler I oUIlIY. Nebraska. to-wll : 'rite se } of sw alld the w of sc alld lhe so } of of seX of ISectlon 23. 'l'ownshll ) H Nurlll of Ranll"c 23 Wesl of 611t 1' . M. a 11I1 lor lhe HllbstJ. (11IClIl taxcli,1 011 Raid rcal estale h ) ' .Iofen"- alil. I. . A. 'Vlarhl , pursuanl lo Hahl ! > urchasu as follows. lo-wll : ' .raxelll'ald for thu ) 'car I'JO 011 Ma ) ' IHI. 1903 , IlIlho Runl or : fS.21. Taxes paid ror lhe year 11)03011 Ma ) ' 21111.1H ! , III Ihe RIIIII of $5.93. Said lax sale cerll ficalu alld UIC tax recelptH fur Ruhbcquelll taxes so Iald bclll ! : " 110'1' uWlle,1 by 1.lalutili allll held by him. I ach of which several I/ums Ilraw : :0 : I'er cunt Inlercsl fmm date of their ta'meIlIR reo R/JecUvely. There Is 110'1' duo a 11I1 owlll ! : " lhc plaintiff on saill tax sale cerUllcalellIt rc. cellls Jor subsequcnl taxes Ilaldlhe followln ! : " X snmR to-wll : : f1.15 wllh 20 pcr cenl Inlcresl UlcrCOIi for 2 ) 'cars frum November 3. lWl. aul 10 t'er cenl lhcreaher. $ - .21 wllh : :0 : pcr cenl Inlcrost thereon for 2 years frulII Ma ) ' 1. 1903. alld lU 1)er ccnt there. afler. $5.93 wllh 20 lJer cellt Inlcrosl thcrcon for 2 ) ' rs frollMa ) ' 2. 1'tJ . a 11I1 10 I'er cent Ihere- aftcr. allIIlalnUff pra's lhal lhu COllrl may IIl1dlhc amouul due tlaillUff In the l.rtJmlses alld for a dl'crctJ of forcclosure allll salc of Raid landlo saliRfy lhu amount liO foulllt Ilue alld for such olhcr and furthcr relief as Is jnsl ' 11111 eqllilable. You aud cach of you arc requlrcd to answer saill amended pelhlol1 011 or before Mouda ) ' , tlte 23rd day of July. 1906. ALPUA MOnGAN , Dr Hess G. MOOItE , AU'y. 1. . .