Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 21, 1906, Image 8

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. H" - ' ' --t"-"i ' lfo -
' 'IF . ' ' \ . -J-
that the bcst pnlnt. ) /
Ing rcsults nre BC. t }
cured by the UBe of pnlnt . coulnln.
'ing ho blna : but Pure \V h J t c
I ead iround In Iure Lln.ced !
Oll-Ctllored of course tot h 0
deal d ahade.
There are substitute ! ! for
thcse two Jn rc'
. " , . < flents , luch as r " . ' \
rytes nnd zinc ,
. which cost less , but In.
"arlatt lower the
quality ,
Pure White Lead
paint requires less of
the painter's time ,
looks better , lasts
longer , affords better protection to the
, painted fJurfacc than nny other 1:11111. It
tonns an elastic : coat that become : ! nt ouce
I } " Integral part of the wood "alllteci. Il
. , ,11I not crack or pcel. It wents ofT Irndu. :
. lIy , leavIng n surface ready for repalntlll\t \
\lthout the expcnslve nccesslty of ccrap.
Ing and "burnIng off. "
, Insure yourself of the hest results hy
"ps/stlng / that every Lc : : thnt Is bought tor
your bouse bears the nnme :
Pure Wlllte Load
IHade 1,7 the Old Dutch .I'racc",1 "
" Senilor a booklet containIng severnl hand.
lorno reproduetlons ot actual houaea , oITering
vAluable augllutlonll : lor a color Icheme In
alntlnll : your houle. A tellt lor paInt purity
tI allo liveD.
cJed ; : Annue and 10th Street , St. l.oulll\l. .
" - - " '
--"aHo'KEN BO W I . fr B.
I Lincoln. n..nver.
Owaha. IleJcl1n.
CblcuKO , IIntie.
. .t . .JoMepli.orUnn. . ' .
I Rdnuall Clt" . Hun I.Blle CU ,
. t. Lou1H. And HnuI1rUIICIHI.11
All PolntM ICnMt " ' 1112 All . .otnl.
And "onth , Wen.
NO. 40 departs lor tllo oast. . . . . . . . . . . . . .6:20a. : III.
. No. 41arrlvcs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .IO:41 : ! a. III.
Nil. . 44 arrvcs. . . . . . . . . . " . . " . . . . . . . . . .10:45 : p. III.
Nb. 39 arrl'e ! ! 1'1111I theeast. . . . . . . . . . . .6:211 : II. UI
. NO. 41 "V-IVU. . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7:0 : a. III
Nil. 43I\rrlve ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:54 : a. III
. N.s. 41 and 4 : n ake loeat RtOl' ! ! Irom AIIRlcy
" ' ' ' .t
Nos. 43a'ld 44 ! ro throulI'li traills ami lIIako
. conucctlonsfor Ucadwolld Dnd all points to the
, Ulaek . Ulll .
J'J and 40 do 1I0t run wet ! o ( IIrOKCII 1I0W.
81ecplnll' , dlnlnll' and recllnlnll' chair carR
(8eats ( frec ) on tbrulIlI'h trains. 'rlckcts Rold and
b ll1l311'0 chcckcll to allY 1 > oInt III tbo Unltell
Stales and Canada.
. , . Per Inormatloll , map . time tables ami tick.
ets call on IIr write 10 II. L. OrlllsIJy. allent , or
L W. Wakeley , n. JOlllaha. . NeIJr:1lka.
11. L. ORMIIIIAllent. .
- -
. '
DR. O. Il. MULI.EN ! ; .
; Physi ian e SurgeoI' ,
2illl IIblr"a , , rrom we . pod In 11l'1I1t , . IJlrck
" . re'ldonco. 3M . "oa. " . . B. . . chnroh..l OD SIlIOII 'I"
of . . . . .Urokon , '
.nrool. "OW , N'hr/l' /
I DR. W. H. COLE ,
DlseMes of nil the lower'nnlumle .laenl. .
" . Office nt Lee Bros. rug store.
'Phone 203 , Broken Dow , Neb.
F. . W. HAYES ,
J ewe1er and O'Pticia.n !
West Side Square , :
roken Bow , 1
' ' I
. . . . . . I ijLy.ttt : : . < t - . / 'J' , . " "r . - ' fi
Procl'udh1KB of Supervisors
1llIntilluellrulll : 1.'lrHI palle )
Al1lllhal tlw fol1owing bOl1ds
bl' a pprovcl1.
g , I. 'I'IIIIIII"n , 'I'n'a.llr lIarll.111 I.n'clilct.
J.II. IlrllwlI. JII th'I' III the I'earu fllr 1,11111'
Millanllllll , tllwn cler' of CIiIT IlIwlI IIII"
, 11111111I11111 , IIIWII cler. fur Carllelll tUWII'
Khl ! . .
, JnM. I . Ma ) ' , road UVerMrOr ! fllr oIlRtrlct..Nu. . 2
. ,
1I.I"r IIfO'clllct.
II. II. MnllII IIlIt , roall nVl1rHCCr for "IMtrlct Nil. 4
IJllllltinM Orllv" I.rrcillct.
Uan'cy Smith , mad nvcrHeer fllr "IRlrlct Nil. 2
Houl/lnH Grove pn'cillct. .
A. A. Willett , rn1 ovcrllc'r for dlHtrlcl o. 5
Vlclorla pr'cillct.
. \ . 1I0lJenIJeck , roall oveneer fllr d 'Rlrlt ' Nil. I
1 lk Creek precillct.
Nlc" J'elcrRon , mall ovcneer lur distrIct Nil' 2
. .
1 lk ( .r'ek l.rctlll.l. .
911'\11 ZllIllIIcr. wall.\'erRCIr fur , IIKtrlol No.3
1'lk : Crc'ek I.recillci.
Johll NallHcl. rol,1 , IIverseer for dlMtrlct Nil. I
IWIII prccillct.
A. C. Ontl'H. mall onCl'er fur cllAtrlct Nu. 4
WI'HIl1rvlllo ' Itn'cln't.
" 'n'd Hartlllnll. mad overHo'er IlIr 1\IMtrlct \ No. I
Myrtle t.reclnct. ' .
U. A. MarAh , mad IIverHeer for IIIRtrlct . o. 4
Myrtl" precinct.
W. n. I.'armr , rll:1I1 : overHeer fllr IIIMtrlcl o. 4
WIIIIII Hlver Ilrechlll.
J. D. SllIIlIIs. ruall OVIrrcr ! for district No.3
A II/o'rllull Ilreclllct. .
J. W. Wrll/ht , ruall IIvefHl'cr fur IIIMtrlct : ; 11. 4
A herwllilrecillct. .
" , II. AIRllanl/h. rua" OVerACIr ! fllr IIIRtriCt : ; u.
I A "lIrukell 1111I1' I.recillct.
CUll 1"II'Hhlllall. road IIverseer fllr III trlct Nil.
KllfulJ trecillct.
G. III. 1 "wardH , roall o\'orscl'r for cllRtrlct Nu. 3
Kllfull tlfcclllet.
Imvl Iallire. mall IIverHeer fllr "Istrlct Nil. 4
Delii/h t precl IIct.
Oeo. Ullllllle ) ' . ruall nVCfSeJr lor dlRtrlcl Nil. I
A rnolcll.recillct. , .
I. ' . O. , l'ardKley , mad ( ) \'erReer fur dlMtrlct n.
3 Arllllid prccillct.
J. 1' . lIalHr. mall nver"eer lor IIIRlrict Nu. I
( 'lilT Ilfetlllct.
A. D. Cux , lIIall nVerRm'r for IIiMt rlct Nu. 4
C.IIIT I.reclllcl.
, \ . ' 1' . 'IIIvlh'r. rnatluverHeer furdlNlrlct Nil. I
tarrJulcl : Ilre'clllcl.
' 1' . O. OINUIl. rllall UVIrHeCr ! lor dl/ltllct / Nu. 2
WaYIIC tll wlI ht. ! .
And that the bonet ef 'I' . B.
li'ox , road ovcrsccr , Dist No.4 ,
Wood I iver , be rejecled for lhe
road oven eer.elect ' had alrcady
filcd his bond.
We also recommend that the
claim of Frank Jordon for S5000
as dutlag-e : to the n w X ( n w X ( of
section 21 , town 18 , range 21 ,
caused by the location of road
No. 20 be allowed ag-ainst Road
dislrict No.1 , Kilfoil twp , and
that the surveyor he and hereby
ordered to survey and plat road
where travel now goes through
nwX ( of nwX ( of section 21 , town
18 , range 21 , in roa No. 20.
140 Cushman.
II. B. Schneringcr ,
H. R. Welch.
And in lhe matter of the application -
plication of Fre f4anecky to
have road surveyed between 29
and 30 , town 20 , range 17 , we
rccommend that the request be
gran ted.
Also that the request of ' 1. ' . C.
II. BayerhofTer for the privcleg'e
of a cattle schute on road No.
1)76 it intersects the SQuth
line of the nwX ( of the.nwX ( .
section 2.3. town 1 ( " range 17 , we
recommcnd that the..request be
grantClI. L. Cuslttnan ,
H. B. Rchneringer ,
R. R. Welch.
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted 'as read.
Adjourtted till t:30 : p. m.
Boardmct at 1:30 : p. m. All
presen t.
'l'he road committee reported
as follows on the petition of
l August Ostrand , et aI , for a road
:11 : township 13 , range 18 : . " ! '
We recommend that lhe within -
in petition be granted and damages -
ages allowed as fol1ow against
road district No.1 , Elk Creek
township :
J. II. Melville , IIci ! Sec. 6. T. 13. R. II. !
l ur lallll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 41 .511
to'or lence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6101
l or hallllllll' elc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I' : 0\ \ :
I"orcattlucllllh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
1 > amallu to lallll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 ( ) (
'l'otal. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $175 .51
' 1'llIle McCIIII ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 I
I'ell'r Nol ull. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 01
C.11. IHIJ oll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If ! I
1 lIen A. SlIIlth. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \nn 0
J. C. JlollulllJeck. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WO 0
n. n. Woolrldll'o. u of noU Sec. 7. ' 113
It. JII : lIe ' 'II ( Scc. 7 , ' 113. . H. IH , . . . . . 350
Mnrtun Har ) ' , IIW1 ( Sec. 5. ' 113 , H. IS. . . 10 C
L. Cushman ,
H. B. Schneringer
R. R. Welch.
It was moved and carried tha
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , --I , . .
. , . _
. , ,
. m. ' 'm" : , " , . . ' . . " ' . . . : . /J ' ' ' " : /J..I ' : \i ta. " \ ' . . . . J" . e . ' . " ! . ' : . : " . ' . ; . . 1 . . . . " ' . \\i . . ,1""Io..r . . . . . . . . . . ; . " . . . . " .I. : . . . . .i L..iL. : .f.'i.ii.i.t . I " , . . ' . u'i " " " . . 1.:00' . . " . . . ' { If..i M' i
I . Look Out for This I
. . ]
rI Space . \ : :
I v ; ; l
.1 . , N . ext week we will Open the a ? .
, most complete line of ,
I Furuiture ;
I ever brought to Brokell : Bow. j
' "
1 p
IKonkol . & MullinsJ
' . _ .IIf:1tf./ " , ; ; . ! ; ; I'-t7."J'f.i1J. . , . , . . .f. . . . . , . JJo , ' . r..I' . . . Y.l.r'J , ? , fJ. . , . . . . . , ! : _ , ! . ; . : . , "r' ' ; . . . M LI .
alatJ"W : viI. : ; I 1.-1' fJI.if. ; fJI : .CJ ; : ; : ; ' ( ; : if IU' '
' .
. . , '
. . . . . . . .
' _ 'L\ \ r ( : a _ : ' -r.t.- : ; s."I. .
the report of the committee be'
aCI''ptcel nnd adoptl'd as rC:1II
n nd I he road Cit ! a hlishell in HC-
cordancc wilh Uti' rrpnrl and the
field noleof ! lhe Survc ) or.
Bridge committccR reportell as
as follows :
We recommcnd that the following -
ing claims be al1owe .
J. T. Arthur. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3040
S. II. I vnll" . work UII hrhll/I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 IKI
IIlukK\lcr , Coal Cu..lnl1lher. . . . . . 11 ( ( I
" . I' : . 1'1'nl 101I , work / \lrhhrn. . . . . . . . . . . . 43 lMI
Jallll' ' ' 11. Mlillr , wllrk 1111 hrl < lIc" . . . . . . . . 300
W. S. IJlllllal1 , haulluflllllllher fllr hrlili/e 1 00
I. . CIIRhlllan. wnrk Ult hrllhw. . . . . . . . . . . . . 31'0
IJlcrk" Inal CII , . 11I1I1\ler. . . . . . 1 11 $ I
Jnhll S.'lIerN. wurk ' "I hrllll/e. . . . . . . . . . . . . II ( )
R. H. \ \ ' . . . . . . . . . . . I 5$1
lI.m p. Mllrr . cultltulttl'u wllrk. . . . . . . . . . 31 I
KevM & Jlll/hhy. lIall" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ ! 211
o. n. McCllllllell. Wllrk 1111 IJrhl ! ! . . . . . . . . . . . 10lMI
A.I.'olidn. CCJlIIUlltt ( ' " wurlc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. 91
11I1J. Hchllerllll/r.r , Cllllllllittee wllrk. . . . . 4 II'
And lhal the fol1owing petitions -
tions for bridges he laid over :
o. J. Ih'"RPIl ' allil uthl'rR fllr a brldllc hplwCl'1I
RectiollR 2l allli 2.3. tnwnRhll. IS , ralllll ! II. !
SllIta Hhlllllalccr nllil ulher" fur a IIrlchre I , , ' "
tlC-CI'1i Hectlnll" 5 alltl M. tuwlIHhlll7. ralllle 17.
J. W. Wllod nnl'"lherR ' fllr \lrllhle UII "ectloll
III. tnlVlIhlr > 13 , Hallll'o ' I'J.
C. H. I1rnwlI allli uther fllr a hrllii/o h""ecli
"I'CtllIlIM 10 111111'5. ' 1o\\'II"hll.13. ralli/e 2t.
II. W. IClrllhall alill olhl'rH fllr a IJrldlCe Ult sre.
tlllll 10. tlllVlI"hl" H , . ralillu : W.
Juhll J. Mllrray 111111 IIlhl'rR for a hrldllc h" .
tWI'I'1I RectlllllM.I4 : nlld2\"I\\'IIRhll,17 ralllCe I .
JaR. I . May tUlllutherH fllr a hrldll'c on Reclloll
II. IowI1Mht. ! IS. mllite 2l.
And . ! hat the following petitions -
tions for bridges be rejected.
Jllhl1Velch alld IIlhcr. . for "rldflll ' , , 'Iweell
RI'ClIIIIIM 3.3 ; 11111 : II. 10\\'IINhllJ ' 17. r:1II1l1\1I/1. /
I. A. Oat/Iff / Il11d IItht'r fllr a IIrlllllell'lwel1t
"I'Ctlllll l2'1 illlIl 3 ! , 11I\\'IIHhl ! . : JII. lallll' III.
. \ Ifro'.1 S'nWllcll ' allli IIlherH fill' a brlcille Oil
"cetllll1 :11. InWII"hll' 17. rlUltll : III.
Ben P. Morri < 1 ,
A. FOllda ,
Jos. li'ennimorc ,
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted . s read.
'rite Road commi ltee reported
as followon the pelition of Chas
Chrisman. et al. for thc estah.
lishmcnt of a road in lown 13 ,
ral1g-c 18 :
. \Ve recommcnd that the within -
in pelit ion be granled from station -
tion 1. to 3 and J. P. Kennedv be
allowed $140 against Road > ist.
No.1 , Elk Creek twp. , and from
stalion 3 to 18 be rejected and
all olher claims be rejected anlll
deposit refunded.
, L. Cushman ,
II. , B. Schnel'inger ,
R. R. Welch.
It was moved and carried that
the report of the committee be
accepted and adopted as read and
the road established. " as recommended -
mended , from station 1 to 3. as
shown by the field notes of the
It was moved and carried that
Supervisor J. ' Arthur be and
hereby is appointed a commis.
sioner to view and report on the
cxpediency of establishinJ : a road
petitioned for by M. E. Vanden
burg in town 1. ' ) , ranges 17 and
18 , and E. C. Spooner in town 18 ,
range 17.
It was moved and carried .hat
Supervisor R. R Welch be and
hereb ) ' is appoinled a commis
sioner to view and report on the
expediency of e&tablisbinl ! road
pct i tioncd for byV. . H. Ford in
town 20. r.ange 20 , and John
DOtld in town 17 , range 19.
It was moved and carried that
Supervisor Jos Fennimore be and
hereby is appoined a commissioner -
sioner lo view and report on the
expediency of eslablishing a road
petitioned for by 'l'homas Brown.
In town If ) , range 21 , and "m.
Moore in town II ) , range 22.
1l was moved and ca.rrietl that
Supervisor H. . Schneringcr be
and hereby is appoinled a commissioner -
missioner to view and report on
the expediency of establish1l1g a
rent pctioned for by Jacob ' ( jeiser
in town 18 , range 24 , and R. E.
Brega in iown 15 , range 22 , and
R. C. Waldron in town 14 , range
24 , and r ars Bilxt in town 15.
range 2 "
It was moved and carried that
. Supervisor Ben P. Morris : be and
hereby is appoiuted a commis.
sioner to view amI report on the
expediency of establishing a roa
- petitioned for by P. M. Dady il1
town 15. ran e 18 ; and li'rank
Eloc in town 13 , range t8 ; am' '
M. 'l'rnble in town 13 , range 18
and M. L. Amsberry in town 15
range 18. .
And on the oxpodiono ) ' oC VRCl\t
ing 1'01H1 petitioned Cor by P. 1\1
Dildy , 'fwp. 15 , Rg. 18.
It Willi11OVOll und curried thut SUPCl
"IHor A. Irontlll bo Ilntl hOl'ob ) ' IH 1Iolnl ) )
od U COllllll18810l\l'r to vlow ulltl I'tJllOrt 01
thu IlxtJtlloIIC ) ) ' 01 l8tllbllllhllll : u roatl 1) (
tltlollcd b ) ' W. B. Chlllulin ' 1'wP. Iii. HI : .
Ilntllh'o. IhtHh In 'l'w ) ) . IG Ill : . : ! IIUIII 8.Ii
IIII' ) , ! In 'I'WII. 15. HIn : 1111B. . I. ' . . gllllIol ) ,
1II't'WII. IU , HI : ' . : ! : ! IIncl J N. Ullllt. In 'L'wl :
U. H ! : ' . : ! : ! Ilnd J. . Noth In ' 1'wp. IU. Ih : .
Ilntl W. I . I tlllllnllten III 'l'wp.tI.lh.Jlllln :
.1. H. Ut'own In ' 1'wl ) ' U. HI : . \I Illltl J , 1 :
III'own In ' 1'W ) ) . U , ( I : . Ulllntl J. 11. Uruw
In 'l'wII. 11. HI : ' . 11. !
And IIIHU n conunlHHlunOl' to view Iln
rOllort on the l'XllUllIlnc ) ' 01 chlllll'lnl : '
rOllllllOtitionotllol' John HCtJHO III 'l'wl
17 , HI : ' . : r .
And uilio u COlIIlIIlHllloner to vlow un
ruort ) on the cXllOtllunc ) ' of vllclltlnl : '
roud lIutitlonotl for b ) ' I. . n. Morrilion I
'l'w ! > , IU , HI : . : ! ' .
Adjonrned until U 1m. . tomorro\ '
'I'wo bl8ckl north of Orlnd Ocntrol 1I0tel. fl
r 11I11" , ' ollclt04. l'rlcCle rl1."I/lltIo. /
Palace Barber Shop
For first.class work call nt the lul\ [
D rher Shop. Ever.thing
F.O DEAN , Proprietor.
. ,
. . - - J''V'l. l. . _ LJ.:1. . : : - " : - . i ' _ . -I ' - : : : . . : u.t-wr- . . , . . . .r- " . : . - . - -r--- ; .
If you will eat more ( I
Uneeda Biscuit
you can do more work. enabling you to earn
more money. so that you can buy more
Uneeda Biscuit.
, .
. . 'do more work and earn still 1"ore money.'A " . , ' ,
. . '
, :
I . r , , , . ' / ' I
I . . - .
. .
. . 'to ljt ; I. . : '
" f'
' "
_ . _ _ . . . . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ . . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _ _ , . . . - _ . _ _ , - . - . . _ _ . " . . . . . .w.- .
- -
' - - - , , - - . - - - . . - . - - - - - - - .
r M Q ,1
8 J.B : . SJA..Il'T : ,
' , , , . PROPRIETOl
' 'f ! , ' t RY' S
" 'iif nJ ! ' I
' , 1111)1 ) ; LIVERY alld
I t ' 11 ; FEED BARN I
, , " . .
; " ' -I/J'K.r. . . , . . . . : : : BAST Ofi' GLOBl' JTOTgr , X
R . . , . . I
nl'tltOI 1 t : I C ( I . altl 1 repalrCf 1 througlwul. GoO ! 11\'cry Ilg. ; at n'lI ultahle rutes. I
Q Accolllolluttolt for cattlc RllIl rauge horlies. Hny lit nOOll , 10 CCIIIS ; ull tiny ,
IS CClltS ; ovcr night , 35 ccnLs. Call an see me. ! - !
. . .
r If , .ou arc lookiug for the Quality of
-Lumber i and BUilding Malerial
for the f4cast Monev let us figure on your bill.
We always tfj' to please. .
L- . . S uth Side e.Y ok L : . : " rI
- - - .
. : : : : mwu ; ; I.I <
- -
, 1113m:1
Ibperlellced : tenchers. Fine Hqulp.
ment. . ; . GymllaslulII work. Asslstallce
III loCurlng positions. Work to earn
board. IlIdlvldnallllstnlcllon. Hllter an )
tillie , Lessons by mall. Advalliages of
II capital city. Write for Catalogue No.
Lincoln Business Colle do
ork neatly done. Prices right.
Painting , Paper lIanging ,
Calcimininng' . Etc.
Leave orders at Eagle grocery.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law ,
Pensions ntlll 1\11 kinds of governmenl
claims , and a gcnernllaw practice. Ot.
flcc : Hast Main Streel. 1st door cast of
Burlington Hotel , Broken Dow , Neb.
Attorney at Lav.
Broken Bow , Nobr.
lIavlnll just hall . oll1'ht } 'carN practical expCI
lellce aH 1 > IIIIIIt ) JlltlflO.111111'e Hpeclal altl'll
tllIlI 10 the IIrawlllll' al1ll JlrolJalhill uf wl11H allli
the alhllllllRtratluli uf I'HlalcM uf deceaRc,1 tcr.
RUIIR al1l1 1II1110rH. W rite or IIhollll lIIe. 1 ilia }
ave ) ' 0111' trlt' ,
DR. c. PlCKI 'r'r ,
Professor of Psych 01 ogy ,
I"incoln Medical College. Office lit
rcsitlence , , " one.haJf block east of U.
B. Church. Chronic discases givcn
specilll attentton. 'Phone 147.
_ DH . HJ & W. K. l'AI BU'1' ,
011100 over U"oh < lrill's Oru. . ; IUorc.
Droklllllow. . . Nohrl\l a
, . -
_ DR. C , B. JOB.
cc Physician and SurgeoI
: e'l Office and resIdence one block south (
Ryerson & Gcerge's store.
. . .
, '
. . .
SUB'--rc - - " " "
. .
- - - - - - - - -
( ) , . JI. fJONHAD.
. . . . . . D"II.ll'r In h. ' . .
. . .
Pomlu. Wind , ) tIIl. , T..nk . . FltUtjl".OM"olllle
Ihlginf'lI. pto. etc.
" .nlr. . . Th.w. N. . . . . . . . .
SI\10N ; t/\MKHON : ,
E : 110P
Gl1f t-I y * lc
1I0om II ami It. HOllity 11101':1. : . . } I"w"n II , . . . . fIIt'b.
- - - - - - - - - -
H"1I16 1 \ ou 101111 Olll ! ' " h , A'Ile
Hlo"\o \ : JI. . . " , , " flnw N..huololt
" General Custer. "
- ' - - - - - - - - - -
Legat Notices.
All I\ctverlh n""u ullder thll he"d wIll IIc
charge,1 ror III 16"al rlltt , vII ; $1.00 ppr
lor IIrRtltl"ortlon. IIlId 60c per Iqll re for IIlIcb
.ub eqa6n.III 6rUon.
" .quare" IR ton IInos or fr ctlon tburllor.
NO'rICt , : 01 : ' l'ROUA'rl OP WILl. .
In tIlU COllnt ) . CUllrt , CURter COUllty , NeIJraska.
'ru all l'OI"OIlR Iliterested In tile 1slato : of
III11IJall11n . ' lI1orrnw. l > cceaRed.
Where'aN. 1'lIzahethIorrow : ! u ( R\III County.
ha" tilell III III ) ' Illlice aniustrulllelltlllln.urthii/
10 IJe Ihe laRt Will and 'I'estan.cllt of UenJa.
mill } \ ! \lorn" , ' . l > eccate < l , late of Rallt COlillty ,
al\ll 3 I.elltloll praylnll' to have the amo admit.
tell tu IHobate. which wIll relate ! ! to both real
allil persollal eHtate. wlwreu \ Oil 1 have appoint.
ell thc 30lh da ) ' o ( June. 1.Il16. ! at IU o'clock hi tbu
forenooll. at my IllUce In lIald COUllly. as thc
tlm" a 11I1 Illace yon alld all concerned. may
al'l.ear anll conlelol the Ilrollalo of titRamo. .
l > atell J II lie 5 , I 'IOu.
,52.l IIIIAI. ) A. R. llUMI'IIKKCoullty JUllir" ,
Unlled StatoH Land Oftlce. l
IIroken Uow. NeIJraHka.lay ! 2'1 , 1906. f
NutI. : ' " IR berell ) ' II'lvcn that the followlll
nmned lIettler haR II1cd lIotlce of her Intelltloll
to lIIako I1l1all.roof Inllllt'pllrt of her clallll. allil
that s\lIll.roof will IJu'Illade IJeforo Rell'lslel
allli Heceh'er at IIroken Uow. NeIJraska. 011
JUlie 30 , I'J b. \1 % : ! \IAto : TUl Kl R , o ( An.
sellllil. Nullrallka. tor thHI , III section 9. tOWII'
Rhll.\1 N Uanlle 23 W. Sbo namell the follow.
IIIIl wlillelises to I'rove bel' cuntlnuolls reslden'l
UIJlII\ and cullh'allou of lIald land. vlz : Josepll
lI1oure , o ( Anllelmo , NebraRka , James Phillips ,
of AII.chIlU , Nebra ka : James McGinn. 01 An. .
selmo. Nebraeka : JobllIandevllle ! , 01 Dun. .
Uhlll , NeLraska.
51. . . JAURS WIUTBIIEAI > , Relllsier.
. I
I ,
- - - - -
' ' . ' ' ' ; , ' . ' , ,
NO'I'ICI or. APPOINTMl N'1' or AD. ,1
COllllty Court Clistel COllnly. r\ebraRka. '
' 1'0 the lIelr" a 11I1 lIext 01 Kill of A villa , )7 ,
Scovell , UcceaRell. I
You arc hereIJy lIotlli'd lhat OtlR 1'co\'ell. '
a SOli of said deceaRed. haN Illed hlH petition In
lIalll COllrl. ask hiII' Ihat a Hpeclal admlliistrator
may a"polnlell of Ihc eRlale of A111 a
Scovell , decca8l'ol. Said malter has IJecn I1l1t
tor hearhllr for Jllly 14. IIJU. at 10 o'clu'k a. m.
at the COllnty COllrt Uoom , In IIrn1I ! How.
NehraHka. whell allilltercstell partlcR ilia ) ' ap"
pear and bc heard.
Dated thc 'Jth dao ( Jlllle.19M.
1.4 A H. lIUMI'IIJIRCOUllt ) . JudICe.
- - . \
III the l > IRtriCt Court Cu ter CUIIIII'ehraRka. .
IlIlh. . lIIaltl'rIf lhl I.etltloll of Juh , . Ulllkicy
AIII1IIIIItr3tllr " ' Ihc e lalc IIf S.\I'ah I. .
: .llIldey , dcceased. for IIcell \ ! to ell Heal
1 "lale to pay debls. allli cosl of admlliistralloll.
Now 011 this 31st day oflay. ! . 1'J\JtJ. thc veil-
tlon ol'Jobli Hlllkley. admlnlRtrat/lr ( .f tbe
eRtate nf Sarah I. . Hlllklev. dcceased. waR l're.
scnted to lIIe. the Rame bclllil lIIade IIl1der oath
allli praylnltor a IIceuse to Rell Ihe follow hill
real eRlate. to-wit : Lois Two. 'l'hree. 'l'ell anrl
mevell III block fourtcclI In thc town 01 UerwYII
III Custer COllnty , Nellrallka. accordlllil 10 thu
recordCtI ( II at thereof. for the payment o ( deIJtA
allowClI allahlMt said estate alld the CORts of
administration of Raid estate In Custer COUllty ,
NcIJraslla , for the reason that tllere II' not r
Mu clent alllulint ot I.crsonal proper' ) ' In the
posscHslon of thc admlnlstralor. lIololllCllIl { 10 ,
Raid estale to ( lay said dOIJtM and Co tH.
It Is thcrefure urdered tllat all perbonH It.ter'
csted lu said e..tale appcar beforc lIIe at Challl.
IJers III Ihc CII ) ' of Kearnc ) ' , In UlilTalo co llty.
NeIJraska. on the : ! 'ilh day of Jill ) ' , 1'Ou. at the
hOllr ofo'c'oc : ' I' . III. to . .how cacse , If any
I Ihcrn be , why a IIcellsc should 1101 bc flranled
to . .aid admlllistrator. JollII IIlnkley. to bell
the whole of said real eRlale aIJodcscrlIJed of
Haiti decedent. to "a ) ' said deIJtll alld I'XIenbeH.
It IR further ordercd that a copy of IhlH order
be penollally Iocr\'ed IIpon all per81111H IntereHt.
ell In Hald estate al leasl fourteell da's IJefore
the date of said hearllll : . Notlcl ! of thlH application -
cation to IJe pnIJIIshed as required b ) ' law hI
the CU ler COllnty HePllllllcan.
Jndlle of till' Dlslelct COllrt
ulnster County. Nc\lr.
J. A. AHMOUK. Alt'y. 1.4
I United Stales Land O cc. l
Lincoln , Ne\lraHka , Ia ) ' 15. 1906. I
Notice 1M bereby ICI\'ell that the followlllil' .
named seltler has OIed 1I0tico III hiI' hllentlon
\It lIIake 1I1It1 proof In supl"rl 01 IWI clallll. allli
thaI said Ploof will \I" lIIaclelclll' " A , H.
1111 111 phrtcllnllt ) ' jllllll' " at llrul'11 lIow , 011
JULIO 23. 1906. I'IZ ; I RroIE ; 1' . IOOH I . for the '
w IIw Secllou 3 allli e IIC . .tclioll 31 , ,
towlIHhl\llb. Ralll/c20 W. He namcs IIle fol.
lowhlll wltlleHeM to prohlH coUtlllllollH resl.
dellc" UI"1l1 and clIlllvatlulI uf . .alii 1:11111. l'lz :
Ollvor 1 < ldellolir. uf Jlrolcn III.w. NcIJlasJ.a :
John J. MOllre , of Brokell now. " 'chraflJ.a ;
CUarieH 1 < : . Snhlcr. of Broken UOII' . Nehra.a ! :
( ' ; harleHV. . Mllore. II ! Brukl.n UIIIV. N'e\lra.ka.
49. : ! CIIAS. P. 51141 > 0 , nCI/Iter. ;
NO'rICI OP I'ROUA'l'to : 01" Wll.l. .
III the COIIIICOllrt. . Cu It'r CnUIII ) ' . N'lIraska. 1
' 1' . . all I'crllon. . 11I1t'reled III thc cblate uf f
Davltl Heller , Uece..ed.
\Vhereas. Elllllla Hcller. of Bald Conllt ) . . has
J1Jellln lilY cHUce an hlhtrlllllellt pllrJlnrtlUIl' to
IJe the la..t Will a > ! d 1'ellament of 1 > a\'ld llelhr !
1 > eceahed , late of said Count ) . . alld a petition
"ra'hIIlIO lIave the Mallie admltlcll to l'fOlIale.
which will relateM 10 both real a 11I1 personal
estate and In which ItlR allelCed that all deIJIM
allaillRI said estate have becn , ; cttled alld paid
In fnll alld Raid cslate Is not liable for deIJls.
wherellpon IlIa\'e appoilltell Ihe : : Jrd'day of
J unc. 11)06 , at 10 u'clock In till ! forcnoon. at my
o ce In said Counly. aM the tlllle alld place } 'OU
alld all concerned lIIay aplear allil conteHt the
( lrobate of the same.
Dated Jllne 1. l'JOIJ.
52-2 [ SEAL ) A. H. lIUMI'IIRKCOllnty JUlllle
- -
In 1 > lstrlct Court o ( CUHtcr Count ) . , NeIJraska. (
Alpba Morll'all , I'lalntllT. I
VR. i '
L. A. Whht , et ai , Defendants.
'rhe defellliants. Susan Arlllonr. 1\Iary Ar.
1II0ur. tllIle Armour. WI1I1 m McQuen. Ellell
1\1IQuen. Martba Marshall alld HoIJorl Mar. .
. .hall , Inpleaded with L. A. WllI'ht. et ai , a 11I1
each of you will t lke 1I0tice Ihat ou the : ; : th
day ot Jul ) ' , 1905. the plalntllf filed bls pJtltloll
In the lJlstrlct COllrt of CUBler COllnl ) ' , NeIJrall.
ka. allalnst L. A. WllI'ht alld otbers aud ou the
: JIIII day oIMa ) ' , 1906. lIIell amendcd pelltlon
lu said actloll Inpleadhtll you and each uf YOIl
as defendantM. '
1'he object alld prayer of each of said Ileti.
tlolls are to forecloRe a certain tax Rale certili.
catu IBsncd IJy the Treasllrcr o ( LJustcr Count ) . ,
NeIJraska , on the 3rd day of November. 1901. to
deendant 1' . . A. WIIht. III the SUIII ot $7 15 for
thu Rale tor tbe dellllqllent taxeR of the year
1001 of Ule followlull' descrillell real estate Rltu.
ate In Custer I ollnty. NeIJraRka. lO-wlt : 'I'he
Re } of swi ! allli the wYo ot Rc allli the sc } of . . ' ' "
of Re } of ISccllon 23. 'l'ownshlp 14 North 01
Ranlle 2JVest of 6th 1' . M. alld for the Rllbsc. , ,
queuttaxell paid 011 said real estate b ) ' defend.
allt. I. . A. " 'llI'ht , 1"rHuant to sahlpllrchaso '
as folluws. tn-wit :
'l'axes paid for th" ) 'ear 19O' on 1\Ia ) ' IRI , 1903.
In the IInlll of $5.21. I
TaxcR Ilaht for thu ycar 1903 on May 2I1d.191H.
In tllU 81111I of $5.93. .
Sa III tax Halcertillcat" alld the tax reccll.t8
for RIIIJ"equent taxcR so paid lIelnll" now owncd
by vlal:1I11T allil held by hllll.
F.aclt of wltlch several 81111I8 draw 20 Iler
celllinturesl trulll dale of their tla'lIIents reo
Mt'ectlvely. 1'hero II' 1I0W dlle anll OWhifl the
1.lalnllff UII said tax sale cerlillcat" alld re-
celptR lor 8ullseqllent taxes ( lallt Ihu followlnll'
HUIIIS to.wlt :
$7.15 wllh 20 per ceut Interest thereon for 2
) 'earlilrom NovemlJer . 3 , 1'JO : . alld 10 per cent .
Ihereatter. \
$0".21 with 20 per cellt lutercRt thereoll for 2
) 'e3re frolll May 1.1903 , aud 10 ( ler cent thcre.
after. \
1tJ ,
$5.93 with 20 per cent luterest thereoll for : \ , . . . .
, years frolll Ma ) ' 2. 11)04 , and 10 l > cr ccnt lhere.
after , anll Illalntlrr IIra'e that the cOllrl lIIay ,
! lnd the al1lonnt due 1.lallltilT In Iho IIrcmlscs I .
and lor a decree olloreclosu re aud salc o ( salll , .
land to satiety the :1l11ount hO found dnu and for
such other and furtber relicf ae Is JURt anll
You and each 01 ) ' 011 are requlrelt to answer
I said amended l > ctltlon on or IJeforo Monday ,
Ibe 23rd da ) ' of July , 1906. ,
Uy Ross G. MOOHE , All'y. l.
: Try The Republican for . . ,
i ,
. .
. .
, - ,
. ' { .
' . . . . . . ' .