' . , " , , , ' I KIDNEY TROUBLE f. G\\ " , \ MR. o. . FIZER , 1\1t. Sterling , Ky" writes : HI Itnyo , Buffered with kldn y and blac1.rfer trcnlblc for tell ycars past , " Ln.'it March I commenccd using Pcrunn. Bnd continued for three mon ths. " . ' , .f I have not used it. since , nor ho.vo I felt " ; a. rain. 1 'I , bellevo tll t I am well and 1 there. /-i / fore give my highest commendation to ' the curntivo qunllti s of loruno. . " Pc.ru-no for Kidney Trouble. I t' 1\1rs. Goo. II. Simser , Grant , Ontario , " Cnn. . writes : ' , . "I had not. been well for abont fonr yco.rs. IlIad kldllcy trouble , and , In fact , felt badly nearly all tile time. "This Bummer'l got so very bad ] thonght I would try Pernnn , so I wrotE. to yon o.nd began at once to to.leo Pcrnna and 1\1ana1in. "I took ollly two bottles of Peruno and ono of Manelln , and now I feel bett r thnn I have fO ! ' some time. "I feelthatPerunLand Mano.Un cnrcd mo and made 0. dif "rellt woman of me o.1togothcr. 1 bless the day 1 picked up I thelittle booko.nd rcad ofyonr Peruno. , ' It Is tIe bflslness of tire kidneys tf ] remove from the blood all polsonom rlIaterlals. They must be active all tIlC time. elM the 'Ivstnn 8U liers. There arc times wOOn th y need nlittle assistance. Perona is exactly this sort of a rem. edy. It has saved mnny people from disaster by rendering- the Iddneys serf vloo o.t 0. time wllOn they were not able to bear their O\V" , burdens DIETARY DIOTA. Dinner should be of a lighter nature In summer than In "linter. , A quart of wheat contains more nu. ( trlment than a bushel of cucumbers. , There Is a happy mcan between eat. ing everything and being squeamish. . Two pounds of potatoc5 contain as much nutriment as 13 pounds ot turnips. Light soups , light desserts and light meals should have the preference In warm weather. Vege"tables and fruits are to be used most generously at that season ot the year in which they naturally mature. Beginning the dinner with soup Is the very hest way to get the whole system" in ondltlon' nssimllatina . hearty meal. SEVEN. YEARS AGO A Rochester Chemist Found a Singu. larlY' ' Effective Medicine. Wllllnm A. Franklin , ot the Frank- .In & Palmer Chemical Co. , Rochester , N. Y. , writes : "Seven years ago I was sUffering very much through the failure ot the Idd- , \ "neys " to eliminate ' < < the uric acid from I my s'stem. : My ' \ back was very lame and ached it I overexerted mysel ! In the least degree. At times I was weighed down with a feeling at languor and depression and Buffercd continually from annoying Irregularities - regularities ot the kidney secretions. I procured 0. box of Doan's Kidney Pills , and began ustng . them. I found prompt relict from. the aching and lameness In my back , and by the time . I had talten .three boxes I was cured ot all Irregularities. " Sold by 0.11 . dealers ; 50 cents a box. Foster-Mllburn Co. . Buffalo , N. Y. " ' l' Keeping Ser Handy. "That's a nne rope you have. Hark" I cr. " commented the commuter with the I lnwn mower and the weekly IlRm un. dN' his arm. "What are you going J do with IU" "Use It as n. tether. " replied Harker. " 1\h ! New cow ? " "No. new cook.-Chlcago Daily Nuwli. No. P.retarise. "So you want to work ? " "Please don't misunderstand me. ) ' don't want to 'work ' , but I've got to. ' ' -Philadelphia Ledger. Every man has his trade. The book , keeper call't juggle cannon balls anJ more than tile juggler can balance [ set of booles. There Is nothhig quite so superflu , ous as the father ot the bride on thl wedding day. } ; ! , . . , , . . . ' . - THE IDEAL LADY By Kalhleen Whltenbury Gilbert \COPlflgbt. tll Josepb 11. Uo"lcl. ) The station was crowded. The outgoing - going train hnd not a vacant seat ; ls tracted Indies Itow from door to door , tearing them open , nnd b fore , even looldng to Bee It the cnr contained I\n empty place , flying Impntienty to the tlCxt. 'Thero wcre. ot course , tbo uSlJnl number ot persons to whom It was n necessity tbat this pnrti ulnr ll'aln should not be missed. ahd who ro- terred to stand to being left Inmentlng on the IIlatfornt. Among , these the catching ot lhl3 train meant much to a tall , slender , brown-eyed girl , wbo jumped with agility upon the platform nlmost as the' ' train starte : ! . Entering the car. she opened a book and stood witb an expression - pression ot determination to stanO or die. die.She She had not closol the door behind her before she had recognized In a seat near her n youth who had often gh'en up bls seat tor her before. She I.arf not read a word ot her boole before he had rlscn. with a cheerful smile. ami pointed to bit. vacnnt place. In course of time the other passen- ers nllghted one by one. and these two tound themselves almost alone. II was a glorious autumn evening , about six o'cloclt. She sat In her cor. ner , her head bcnt over her book. lhJ vlvttl colors at the setting sun turning her brown hall' Into red gold. He sat In the corner opposite , his eyes rlvelel : on' her. She had taken off 11er gluv1 ! and her slim white fingers clasped her book ; she'sat so that her tace was three-q arters towards him. her hr.ad bent , and her simple cotton gown raIlIng - Ing gracefully about her. Unaware of his Intent scrutiny , she started In surprise when , sUddenly moving to the scat opposite her , he spoke : "I beg your pardon-but would you think It very queer of me If 1 asked you to let m'.3 draw 'ou ? Just now , as you sit there ? " She raised her eyes and loolted at him. She had considered nlm a mere everyday young man , but now she could see a sensitive , dreamy eXllre- ; ! slon In his eyes and al'Ound his mouth , that stamped him an artist. She . .vas . so surprised that she could Bay nothing and he went on : "I really wouldn't bo a bother to you , you see-and you don't know what. It would mean to me. " Ho had nlready whipped out note- boole and pencil. and his long flngerti twitched as though anxious to begin. She looked at him with a chmy smile. "It's a ver ' odd thing to asic , " she began Iclly. "You knt > w 1 need not have snld ' 1ny- thing at all about it. But I did not like to do that-it would have seemed like stealing. " There was something so astonishIng In this shy boy becoming bold that \.hc girl laughed In spite of hersel ! . "Very well , " she said. and dropping her eyes on her boole , apparently gave It her whole attention as before. But the book might have been upside - side down for all she could make of It. The words danced about In front of her , and the sentences jumbled themselves together. It was with the greatest exertion ot will power that she kept her eyes lowered at all. She longed to see what those clever loolt- ing fingers would mnlte of her. At last her station was reached. "Ohdon'tcame In a voice at such heart-brenklng appeal , as she pre. pared to delmrt. "This is my station ; 1 am going. " she said , as the train begnn to slael ; : . en speed. "Oh , no. Not just yet , " he cried. I with a ring of despair In his voice. I Endeavoring to feel angry , the girl I looked up at him once more. She I would never have thought his face capable of such expression and power. While she looltcd she hesitated ; the train had stopped. She stili sat on. 'fhey say that he-or she-who hes. Itates Is lost ; the whlsne shrieked , the train gnve a jerlt and began to t glide away. She gave a sigh , a burn. Ing flush spread over her tace and she I sanle back ashamed Into her corner. He drew on almost savagely , cover. Ing page after page ot the noteboolt with the rough Ideas. It was not unUl the next station was reached and he opened the door and stepped out to assist her. that he spoke : "I shall never torget what you have . ( lone tor me to. day , " he snld. "I only hope you will forgive me. " When next they met , some long . months after. they stood side by side before picture-the picture. It Wall at a soiree given at a Ilrlvato view ot a certain art exhibition , and the young artist. trom whel'e he stood . hungrily watching the difTerent eflects his work had on the more or less casual spectators. had sUddenly turned his head to the door and seen her come in. She had walked straight to his end of the galler ' , ancl stood motionless before the plctllre. He came to her side , and wllh some , thing lIlte an apology for spealelng on his face , began : " me-but I Imew I "Excuse , felt you would come this evening. " She colored sllghtl ' , and gave him a little. distant bow. Then she loolted at the picture. There wt\s the fiamlng sunset , just as she remembered It. wllh Its vivid reds lighting up the face of a girl sll , tlng by II. wlnuow , p book hold In her two white hands , There was a slm , p1l61ty about the pose and dresslnp ot the picture that might easily CRUit or , , , ,1 , It to be p ! lJed by as a more &Jltcol1ont piece of detnll "orlt , unless ODO looked lone nt the tace ot the girl , Then ono could see she hn(1 just raillod hcr eyes. with her lips 111\rted to speak. She seenud to ( l1let ! the gaze of cnoh person 'l'th II. , onclerlng ) 'et hnlt hnught . expresslun. There , , 'II.S . II. m 's erlous , nnmeless rascinntlon In the beautiful hrown eyes , In which lay the renson for the whole picture , , "Do ) 'ou like her ? " nslted the young I artist. eagerly. "Not as II. portrait of 1I1 'AClf. " tbe' ' girl answered. "Oh. why 1I0t 1" "You lmve used too nmch at the Icleal lll.ly . you were thinlclnc or , " oho answered. "nnl too little ot the flesh nnd blood mo. " He 1001eec1 trom ono to the other crltlcnlly. then said , hluntlr : "I sce what you mean ; all the sarno I don't thlnle so. That Is you to me. " They stood before the plcturo n few minutes longer. then ho snld : "Thero are some gema ot mlnlntul'cl In the lIltle room o\'er there ; will you com , I\nd see them ? " She looked nrouml ; her ramlly hall wandereI away , so she figllrntivelY snnpped her fingers nt the prudent. prim selt who wanterl to make her listen to the voice of Irg. Gt'muIr , nnd took his proffered arm. They went to this room. but th < ' 1 too Ie very lIttle notice ot the "gems. " He puslled a chair forward , and she obedientlY sat In It. "I really tee I I ought to Slsome. . thing about the ver ' unusualness 01 my proceeding , that day last year , " he said ; "only I don t know where tIJ begin. " "Oh. It's all done now , " she said hurriedly. "It cannot be helpod. " "It was an Irresistible Impulse to draw youho began. "Oh ! but that's not me , " she said flrmly. "I l"eally malee no l1reten- sipns ot being thnt girl. She Is far too beautitul , too wlerdly beautiful. " she finished. tranltly. "I don't quite understand It. " she ndded , reflectively ; "thero Is a mystery In that face , some thing that 1 bellevo will haunt me till 1 Imow the meaning , Will you ex. plain It to me ? " "It Is unexlI1alnable. " he answered qnletly. "It was a reat liberty to tale with my face , " she snld , laughing rather hystorlcally , "putting I'lddlcs Into my ' } : "es , which generally I am afraid , speak things all too clenrly. " Presently he looled up at hel' with something of the boyish exprcsslon once more on his race. "It Is a curious thlng' . " he said musingly. "our being thrown together I ' A nOOK IN IIJ H HANDS. In this way. I slll111080 you would SCOllt the Idca of affinity of souls-and all thllt-bosh ? " "Oh , deal' , yes , " she said pushing her chair back qulcltly. "Yon don't think th n. for Instance , " he went on solemnl ) ' , "thnt we two- might end In-II1- " She rose hurriedly , not trusting the expression on the earnest boyish taco , nor Indeed the somewhat rapid be:1.t- Ing ot h l' own hoart. "Good gracious no , " she said stern- ly. "why , we have ne\'er been Intro- duced. " There was n second's pause. Then he held out his arm. "Will you allow me to taltc you back to the other room , just while 1 go and fetch one of the reception committee ? " And betore she realized what he was doing , he left her for a moment reo tcrnlng with a flurried looking gentle. man with a white badge In his coat , who. alter . audibly asking both their nnmes. said politely : "Miss Dennison-may I present Mr , Richard Orme to you 1" and vanl hed , Animal Hospl tal in India. There Is an animal hospital at Lod& I pur. near Calcutta. where there are I usually about 1,000 animals undol , treatment-horses , oxen , mules , ole I ph ants" dogs , IInd even sheop-all comtortably housed and looked altel by a starr of 80 natlye "nurses , " undeJ the orders ot 0. . nl'ltish veterinary sur , geon. All Over. Hubby-I don't see why yet : shollidn't exert YOllrsolf to mnke mE happy. Wiley-Why , ot all thlng3 ! Yet : know you told me when I accepted YOl : thnt 1 had mlldc 'Oll the hal111108t mat I on earth. What Is the \ISO \ of my try , Ing to Improve on that-Stray Stories Andean Climbers. In the Andes a curious effect noted by travolors. There Is an Inr. half.way up the direct rOllte wherE ascendera Ilnd descenders treQuentlJ meet , the f'rmcr halt perished will Increasing coJd. the latter oYllr I whelme4 b1 IIfereaslni heat. , . . . G LF YARN BY LONGWORTH , - - " - - And lCansns Stol'y in Return by an Enthusiast at the Gnmo. - , Ncholas { I..oIIgworUl , ot Ohio , Is n salt enthusiast who playa t\ good gllmo , and \'Ictor l\Iurdoc1t. ot Kansas. n gait chl1lltslasl who Illnys 1\ very Jndlrrel'- ont. gnmo , when S"plng stories in the house cloaltroom the othet. day. SII'S the Washhlgtn l'Ort'esllOndent of the 1 < .I\IISII8 CIl ) ' , 'lmc8. ' ' 'rhe 1II0St rOll1arkablo goller I ever Imcw. " sulcI Hcpresentatlve lougworth. " ' \'M a man oullu Cincllltll1l1. who had n. l-'U8slon tor the gllltle. but who com- 1'1Icutod that fOr\'or with I\n uppetlte for Scolch highballs thllt was the WOll- dm' o [ Ohio. "HIli theol' ) ' was thnt there should bo 1drlnlc l.Iurver : on every tee. Rltel he worked It by 1II0lln8 ot 1\11 arm ) ' of calhllcs. Ono afternoon he cnmo In IUIiI nnnounced that he hud renounced the gn1ll0. , . 'What'lI : the mnUer , Jim ? ' Imld' n fl'lund. " 'Oh , ' he Bald , woarlly. 'It'g no use , J h'e It UI ) . Whnevel' ! 1 can see the Lall I can't hit it ; nnd whcnovllr 1 . . . call hit It 1 can't ace It. 1\Ir. l\lul'dock told thl8 ono : "Out In my tOWII JUdge Dale. of the dlslrlet bench. Is about the best golfer In our club. One dllY ho 111\(1 n case ou trial III which severn I small boye 'hnll been subpouu:1ed : ns wltneSHs. ! ! Ad- drcoslng hrlght youth of about 12 Mlmmers , JUdge Dale solemllly In- q\lred : : 'My bo ) ' , do you understnnd th , } lIuture of UII oath l' " 'Oh , 'es. sir , ' ( Juleldy replied the youth. 'I , orton caddied for you. sir" H LIMB WASTED WITH ECZEMA Suffered Untold Agonies - Doctor Snld It Was the Worst Case-Won- derful Cure by Cutleul' , "I uscd the Cutlcura Remedies lor I eczema. The doctor said It was the worst case ho e\'er saw. It was on both limbs , trom the Imees to the unities. We tried everything the doc- tOI'S Imew of , but the Cutlcurn Rem- elIf's did the mosl good. I wns obllge to lie with my limbs higher thnll III ) ' head , fol' the pain WIl.'l so terrlblo I could not walit. I suffered untold agonies. One 11mb wasted away a grenl deal smnller than the other , there was so much dlschargo trom it. 1 fO\ll\l1 the Cutlcura Remedies - dies ver ' soothing , and I still Iteep them in tile houso. I am very Ulan1t- ful to sa ' that I am cured. I found the Cutlcura Remedies nIl that you sny they arc. I hope that you may 'be spnred many yenrs to malto UIO Cutlcura Remedies for the beneflt of persolls sUfTerlng trom tbe torture of sldn diseases , such as I had. 1\11'8. Gelding , Box : 8. Ayr. Ontario , Canada. June 6 , 1905. " The pessimist hesitates to put his nest toot forward tor tear ot stubbing - his toe.-St. Louis Globe-Democrat. Smokel'havc to colli fOI' Lcwill' SinHle inder ciHIII' to Het it. Your Ilealcr or Lewill' Factor ) ' , Peoria. 111. Opportunity has an IIggravlll1ng munner at calling on a mnn when he Is not In. l\rr" . 'Vlnllow'lI Sootblnl : , .rup. For chllllren teethlnlt. sort en" the KUro. , reduce. In. 2ammfttlon allays pain. curDs wind colla. 25ca bvttlo. The craze for the "colonial" has led to a. boom l'n the junk buslnoss. -4 p' . -1.1. ' l' A ! ' " l , - - : 1 , . ' I CASTIIRf For Infnnts and ohiMIIGn ' I 1 . Promot s Digcsllon.Chccrrul- " ness and RcstContl1s \ ncllhcr ( ) piumMorphinc norNiucfll1. ' Nor "NAII.C OTIC. . . , ttl'Olll.Ir.tWlJELlfTCIlm - .wt , - . I 1lir . t- . . , . } n 1 .rHJ.- , st/ftJiiJ II/ AP : : n : llY rorConsUplI. U S e non , Sour SlomachDiarrhoea Worms.Col\vutsionsfcvcrish- ncss nmt Loss " OF SI.EEH F 0 r 0 V e r rncsimilo signalure or : { . Thirty Years CASTORIA EAA CO VO' _ PPtR. . . . T1C ODlTaUA COM PA NY. ntw yom ! CITY. " . - , . , - , - " . . . . - - " . - . . - ! W1NCHEJTEll Loaded BlacIt Powder Shells "NW RIV L"t Hard , Strong , Even Shooters , Always Sure Fire , The Hunter's Favorite , Because They A.lway fief The ( i line. . . For SaID Everywhere. . . ' : ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE C\"a Z f. . fl'f ' A CertaIn Cure for Tlrod , Hot , Aching FeeL V .Ad'l.C : in . ' DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. OUYCf7 box. Lon01N. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ 'II ' de tl'OYs aU thftnlu and 'rHE DAISY FLY KILLER alford. comfort to eury homo. Ono tOo. bas la.U the entire IM.OD. lIarmleM to per on.CI an. neat alld will not .011 or InJure anylhlnlf. Tr , . them onfO an.1 1011 "III Duer be wlthoutthem. U lint kept by deal. Onto sent pr.pald foraOe. " " . . , Id IIom.IIOII < II.lb j..Proo.U..lI. r. . Jt 1 c , : : 7J Thompon's : ; Eye Water OKLAHOMA PUBLIC LANDS U t ' (1 ( ig r.nn.ls , DOAr Lnwlon. "llOned by COn"ross " to .J0I 00 _ IelLCt 1Gt. cm""t thlsliulllmorUoL Homo 8ouLiliandilho , .olueto Ilay. ) Ins.l'OmpIOUlln WALlon rCilArdlulI Il'lf'nlmr ' , lIom"stendlnlt..II ! ! I oto. . Imy 00111.8. CA'l'JLON.\ , . . on. . PATENTS 10r PROFlT lIIust tul1 , . "rotcr" an Invonlloil. llookloL ! LbO IJeRk Calcndnr J IU : " : ' lIIlIhcRt .rolcrOD < 1\tt. . Cnlllnllllllt'atiune Cotlnl1'mlhll. I Ml1bll.hed UII. . loLl'OD , rOD.I.IL A La.UDCI , Wa.bIDltoD , . 1 > . , ,0& . . . . -t- - - - W. N. U. , OMAHA , NO. ' 24 , 1000. . , . . - - - - - - , , There is only One " Genuine-Syrup of Figs , The Genuine is Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. ' The full name of the company. Cullfornla Fig Syrup Co. , fa printed on the front of every pnckagc of the genuine. The Oenuin . . . . Syrup 'of Figsis for Sale , In Original Packages Only , by Reliable Druggists Everywhere Knowing the above will enable one to avoid the fraudulent imitations - tions made : by piratical concerns and sometim s offered by unreliable deal l's. The imitations are known to act } juriously and should therefore be : declined. Buy the genuine always if' you wish to get its beneficial : effects. It , cleanses the system gently yet effectually , dispc colds and headaches when bmous or' constipated , prevents fevers and acts. best on the . kidneys , liver , stomach and bowds , when a laxative remedy is needed by men , women or c ! ldren. cffects from actual use and of their own 'personal knowlcdgt. laxative remedy of the weU-infonncd. MANUFACTURED , " LO\1wviUe. H t liewYork. : ' < : : > Iif if. \ . . . . . , . . ' PJUC ! PIFTY ns Pm , BO"l"1U . . ' . ' . . ' \ . " .I.i . . . . . . . . , ' . \ f . "