Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 21, 1906, Image 4

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    t - " ' : ' : " " " " " . k. _ _ _ _ _ . - , . - . - . . : .
&u & tor QoUn\1 \ Jopublioan.i
. ! I.IJ\llhl',1 \ I'YO'Y "hnr . o ! on ' ( , . .1
D , M. AMSlUmr Y , - - PulJlIRlwr
CH . . K , SSETT , - AS9ocinto
. .
- - - -
. ' \1'VRIITltoIINU ItATtt8.
" ' ; ' " j ,0 ( I.IllInj" , I" r 'o.uulh. $7.00. " " . . .hlllt co.-
. "UI" " , ' , i"I' " ! tIII" ' , I fI Ilu4rlllf r"llImll , , ( llIr
, . \lI1llh \ h , ' 'J "AI " I. . . th\n tllllllt.-r c. IIIIIID , 611
co " ' ' r IlIc' ' , p'r illlIlth
" 'I' , .on II' . . . l"lot , ' fll cellt" I'or Innh , pel
I"'MI . 6,1" , ull'1cI'n. ' ' . . I"H I\.ft \ olltla l'I. t.
Unli. nll " .r .huI-.n hit" , 1'0r.I'lhI01l ' ISnd . .n'erlllill.
In' " 1 , , . \ Icrl' " " " " 'S chll'I/'HI. . OIl..llIIlt rnttj .
. . , , , . . . . . .
' ' 'POIlutlon. . on..hnlt rawi.
.1flr.hlltr " "
) \ "
. " . . . \ ' ( ' . " . . . . . I , . . . . h.'rlrlet' ' \ ro , "lIbll.nllll (
\I-I \ 01 " / ' '
111ull 'tr.lloo. ' "t'n. " 10'\ " Iltle. . \1nhll"hlr'll \
ob"urrr " ! lntlr" . . "nI'u" , ' " or thllllk. . .
. , . . /CIIIlIr. / , . . \t " 'l' " 1".1,10.1 . h , l'l\t.t , , , " , t
, . I\ . , .
. Thursduy , Jhne 21 , 1')0 ( "
. . . - : . - . . - . . . - - - - . . . . . . . . ,
D. 'M. Am.berry nnd John Ree.e Nominated -
, \ inated nl U. S. Land OUi-
cerl I\t Droken Dow
W AJIIINnTON ! , Junc IH.-Thc presidcnl
senl ' t , ) the Hcnntc lOllay lhe followinJ {
110'11I inntiolls :
Receiver of puhtic monies , Darins 1\1.
Amlherr : , nt Brokcn lIow , Neh.
nCfisler : of Lnud Office , John Reesc , III
11rokcn Bow , Neh.
-The above press dispatch ap-
I-ared : in. the Omaha Bee on
'The above appointments are in
li u of the joint recommendation
made sometime since by Senators
Mtllard an.l Burkett , of which
. notices appearcd in n number of
state and county papers. .
.As the appOIntment has now
become an assured fact the editor
or'Tun Rm'u I.ICAN tales this
oIportunity ? of expressing his ap-
preciat on of the assistance of
those who helped in securing the
position , as well as to our many
friends of the town , county and
state who have extended us their
congratulations. It is a position
as well as an honor we appreciate
and especially since the appointment -
ment has met with the hearty
approval , not only of those of my
political faith , but from many
who differ from me politically.
As many have been anxious to
k ow what we intend to do
with Tmt RnpUnIICAN we desir
to. state that we will continue its
publisher. We will not be able
to give it our per ! onal attention
as we have in tht ; past , but as
we own the plant will have general -
eral supervision and continue to
direct its policy.
We have arranged with Chas.
K ( Bassett" who was activelyen-
gaged in the newspaper bus t1ess
for twenty-two years as editor
and publisher at Valley City ,
North , Dakota , as our associate.
H will have charge of the news
and' job 'printing departments
and look after the interests of' the
. . .paper ' as wen as the general in-
'terests of the public and favors
extended him will be appr ciated
by us. We have been mtimately
. . . acquainted with him the past six
months and find him to be honor-
. I.i 'ablc , trustworthy , affable , an
.j able writer and a first-class
: prin'ter. With his assistance and
long experience we hope to male
'run RnpulII.IcAN a better newspaper -
: paper than it has been , tmd one
lndispensible to every home in
the county.
. As the subscription price is but
$ a ye r no one of this age oj
prospenty can afford to borro , , "
1 or do without it.
Thanking the public for th ( in the past an < :
: hoping to merit your good wil
and busincss of the future , WI
,1 , arc Yours respectfull.r ,
D. M. AlIISlllHtRy.
j _
I A Mall Meeting at the Court Houl
. Monday NighL All Enthulialtic fo
. Senator Currie for United State
! Monday night a mass mectinf
:1 : was held at the court house tl
II launch the candidacy of Hon. F
: i M. Currie for the United State
Scnate. A large crowd gatherel
and an enthusiastic meeting wa
, I bad. The meeting was called t
order by L. II. Jewett statinl
f tile object of the mcetinJ ! . May
' : or George was elected chairma
, . of. the meeting and H. B. Iszar
IrA number present exprcsse
their sanguine hope that MI
Currie would be elected. MI
Currie was callcd out and state
\ tuat after declining to be
candidate that be had upon th
urgent solicitation of his frien
decided to make the race and th3
he would use his best endeavOi
to succeed. He declined to hav
a resolution passed requestin
the county convention to a11o'
him to name the delegates to t11
state convention , preferring t
have the county select them.
The chairman was authorize
to appoint It committec of five t
work in conncction with MI
. .
. . . . . . ,
" . " ' " - - - '
1' ,
. . . . . . . . . . .
For that
There is one thing that will
cure it-Ayer's Hair Vigor.
It is n regular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disappears -
pears , had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means n great deal
to you-healthy hair , no dandruff -
druff , nb pimples , no eruptions.
' 1'ho bo t kind ot 1to t1monlal-
. . Sold for ever IIlxty you. . "
b.r J. o. A7sr 00. I . LTWifi. Mall.
.1.110 manuraaturou or
" 1'lllS.
. _ , rau
- -
Currie in promoting his candi-
dacy. It was an cnthusiastic
gathering and jud ging from the
sentiment uf thc mecting as well
us of the general sentiment of
the people of Custer county , as
far as we have been able to learn ,
Custer county will do all it can
to promote Mr. Curries candidacy
for thc Unitell States senate.
C"lebrntion at MOlely's Grove.
The citizens in thc vicinity of
Mosely's Grove , tcn miles north
cast of the city , have arranged
to celebrate the 4th of July in
g-rand style.
In the forcnoon singing and
spealdng will constitute thc
program. Wesler MOltinger will
be the orator of the day.
Various sports in the afternoon
will be put on and wi1l consist in
rag mumn , ball gamc , baby show ,
penny shower , tu of war ,
greased pig , jump1l1g contest ,
shoe race , foot racc for boys ,
foot race for girls , men's foot
race , fat man's racu , three legged
race , bowery , fire worls.
A Double SurrWle.
Ansley , June 12 , 1 fJO .
El ltor Hm'uUlIcAN :
A double surprise wa experienced -
perienced at the home of J. H.
II. Cross ncar Ansley , on the occasion -
casion of the birthday of their
youngest son , E. D. Cross , who
was 26 ycar old Sunday , June
10. Those prcsent Sunday evening -
ing , th date of the first surpri e
party were : George Cross , wife
and daugh ter Nellie , who came
down from Loup county ; AU
Sheppard , wife and children ,
Fred , 'l'uilla , Harvey and Miss
Pearl Sheppard of Broken Bow ;
Mrs. Lizzie Standley and family.
Georgc , Oliver , Verna and Miss
Carrie of Broken Bow , W. J.
Cross , wife and children , Floyd
and E 1rl of Broken Bow ; Eitner
and Miss li'lorence Cross of Ans-
ley. Ice cream , cake and nuts
were served and a very pleasant
time was enjoy d by all present.
On the follow1l1g Monday evening -
ing another crowd happily surprised -
prised the family as a birthday
event. 'l'hose present on Monday -
day evening were J. D. Knapp ,
wife and children , Coryle , Cleo ,
I Argye , Bert and II arold i J. S ,
Allen , wife and son , Ira ; Ear :
Hizer , wife and son Clarence ;
Messers Ernest Bristol , Charles ,
r 'rllOmas and Arthm' Dobeseh ,
Sydney , Hugh and Floyd Junk ,
l 'ranl < and Arthur Cole , li'ranl
Babcock , Misses Mary Dobesh
Nettie and Mary Cole , Alv. .
Junk and Myrtle Bristol. Tlu
evening was spent in singing
instrumental music and socia
games. A lap supper was servel
and at a late hour the guests de
parted , expressing themselves a
having had a good time.
After an iHncss of four months
suffering from gangrene , Elde
James McGrea quietly passel
away at his home on May 2' ) .
According- the scriptures
about the 1irst of April he callel
s for thc elders , D. 14. L 'orney ani
W. McClellan anll was anointel ]
Al1 was done that loving hand
and tender hearts could do to r <
lie\'e his suffering , without avai' '
James McCrea was born i
Crawford , Ohio , September 1
1835 , died Mav . 21) , 11)06 , maldn
him 70 ) 'ears , 8 months and 1
days old. When but a bo ) . h ,
moved with his parents to UI
state of Michigan. In 1857 11
was married to Miss Dinn
Barnes. ' 1'0 t his union were bor '
two daughters. In 1866 11
moved to Iowa , three ) 'ears la 11
he located at Rose Creek , Neb '
where he resided for several ) 'ear
'l'hev then moved to Custer COUI
ty ai1d settled on their homeste3
near Berwyn , where they 1m ,
since rcsided. lIe became
christian at an early age at
united with the German Baptil
Brethcru church. On coming I
. . . .
. , '
_ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . ' r. . . . . " " " '
I Cuqtcr county hc found 110 demo-
nation of his choice flO he IQI ed
hifl mcmbcrshi in the Church of
God , of which he waR a ticcn l'd
miniflter until 18')3 when the
[ dcnominr.t- of his choice WIlH
established in his nl' hhorhood '
hc withdrew from thl.lfI'Church of
GOlI and was nn carncst minister
in the Brethern Church at the
time of his death. lIe was all
earnest christi3n , a dcvotccl husband -
band and father , a kind rt'eighbor
and rcspected by all-who kll W
him. He leaves to mourn his
death , a wifc" , two daughters
anll several grand.chHdrctl . , to- !
fcther ! with a host of fricndg. !
Il ! ; funcral services wcre conducted -
ducted at the Bcrwyn school
house bj' I ev. H. Bettis and Ius
rellHdns11aid to ret ! in the Janes-
vil1c ccmetcry.
Proceedings of Supervisors
( Corlllnllell ( Will Jo'lrRlllallt.1
tilln whlcl. . WIIH Ii Jl'd 1\I/lruls \ J 4 , 1 UO I
wills thn Ulurk of tldl ! bnllrrl lIkllg ! ,
to Incorpor te the Villng" of ( ' 011I-
btoult , alld naif tlliH BOHd to mHKe
I III ir rtl'orlli 001' ' form to the f It't ! ! liB
Iho\ ' existed I\t tJllit lilll of tlleir ill.
\ ' " : of ! wid pUll1ion anel Ih/ll
> 4l1ill relJor li 11I11) ' hJw IlInt tl &tirnoDY
WIIA Il\ken bef om I II. , Bllllrd of Sit p
erviaors roLtlirding lh" ( { 1tllllionR ! Peel
"l' Bnd nHugel ! in sliid l'el lioll nud
that the honrd loundlnd wlIE'salisfied
from Buid testimony thllt tnfljority
of the tlixahle inllttb t/lnlil of BRill pro
pIslld : village of Comalocl < hlld Rigll
tHl 811id petit inn 111111 they lurther
found from said htimol jY tllat Ibu
illhal1l1l1l1lH 10 the number of mora
IhRn two hunl ) joglwc1 ; tll ( '
p lil on IIr HllelI ( re IIolllnl rt'sidenlB
of IIr. , tt'rrilory I PBcribed in flaid
pelilioll I\t thu lime the Sl\lIIe WIIS
lilt-II , IInd thltt I'llid rpcordH be
( urlher corroot od so that it shall fohow
thllt Baid Uoml deolared that Eaid
\'illng" of Comstook , aud Buid TO'
cords ho correotod .to c fnrm to the
laols I1l1d Bhow the entry of all order
of inoorporution IIpon ! ! Rid rl'corda ,
rlelligollliug the meets and bOllllds of
said village as 110 lIIcorpornted. .
' 1'0 wllioh the ro'n1OnltratortJ olrlred : !
th. , flJl1ol'ting ohjection thuroto :
'l'ho pre eut remlln trator , nud
Mra. Brown , ohjeet to Iho proposell
II IIIIH1d m ( I t. of I he reoords :
Firsl : F'or the rPRflon the orRI re-
quOt ! lor the amendment of the reo
cord does not pOint out Rny place
whprein Ihu record ia wrong.
S 'co.ld : l\ of the Uoard
IIclillgIt the tinltl the oriSiuRl peti.
lioll was on filt" orns acted uprm ,
Ihoir If.lrlllS hli'.t. ' t'xpired RUei olher
IIJIII diff rellt memherB ha\'e taken
their pI lice.
Third : The petitioners II/tve
themselves nhRnllCllled the alleged
incnrporl\tion of Maroh 14 , HOG ) Rnd
IIIl\'u pr..parud BiIlC. , Rnolher pstition
hy the peoula of Ihe alleged villHgJ
flf Cnlll8tonl < alld ask thie Board 10
IIC' IIpon Iho sl\rno at tiia tilllo.
hillieR h R0 heen fotmed u pall that
pethion. 'rll s BORrd Bet this time
to try tbo qlllBlion ! of Ihe petttiou
I1nd remOlllllrllnols : ! aod onjeotion
theruto , I1lld th. . potitiont > rt ! who Rign-
I ed the original Jlolition noted upon
on l\Iatuh 14 , 1 OG hRve since si ned
R 8t\psnto and nl\w petitiou and filed
the mme with this onrll on .1 line 8 , ,
and lhi ! ! Bonrd hits no Rllthority to
urnnllhe n qUIBt : ! , the oral rrquest of
oOllncil , for lh rell OI1 above fliRted
li'ur the further mlttun ! Ihat counoil
I hR V I\dmitted that the petilion filed
. .J une . h is 1101 cntilled to be granted
I lit tlli ! ! time for the reRPon it does not
; ( 'onlRin n mnjority of the taxable in.
, habitants of pwpoBC'd territory.
, For still anolher reRson : Sai
I HOlm ! n.ver purp'Jrted , or olitimed t (
1101 1IIIIIer the Itllt'gel } irworporatior
ofIIroh { 14 , I\nd thmo remnnptrntorl
rmiller ohjeot fur the relleOIl tbl\1 till
rl\cordK alreRdy nllIlJt ! lIy the Ulerl.
of this Uoar' . Elhow Ihe truth of wba
Ir n8pired 'loforc this Boord 01
hr.h 14 , 1 O
AIIII for still further reRBon thtt
s Ilill IItt : tion lflelf prcsenled 10 thl
Bonrl to ht ! nolpd upon h ) . th bORre
'Ill l\hruh 14 , lUO , U } > JIl its 1'1101
I , shows that 8"id Board had 110 juris
IHolian to illcorporltto the proposlH
\'ilhgf ! for the rURKon tl1f ! fluid ( wti
tion did not } llrp Irl to b signed hJ
/I lII jorily IIf Ih. , tflX 11I1 'erR of Mil
prupOHt"d villllLt' ; , RIIII did not ) llIrpor
to he l\igl1t111 \ by only Il\x PIlYf'/'ti 0
! \till ! pl'llpOllltl \i1JII ! { " , hut dh1 pUt
port only to ho tligntlll hy'otora IInl
( rt'l.hlld.rp , RtH1 fsllid DO'lrd'lta with
out jllrilldiolion : tn iucorplll'l1tft 81\1.
\'ill"gflt RIIII ill without juriedie'lio
to almnor tltllrl\lIt IIn'thin fror
g 18 rcc.ord IIIlld. , Oil [ Ilroh 14 , IUO !
7 Mnvrd 111111 odrritlll to Itdjonrn ti
e 8 o'olook tomorrow B. m
Ie Tl1I HnAY , JUNJo 12 , l OU.
Ie BORrl1 met at 8 n. m. nntl I\'RS old
a tld to order by the ohllirnll\ll.
'n The following main burs Rnl\V ! re
Ie tl ) Ihe toll clllI. Ohnirlllnn .J. 1
r Arlbur , Super\'isors Ban P. Mor rl
. , A. Fondal If. B. Sohneringer , R. r
s. Welch anti .10s. Li'ounimor .
11- Miill1tcs of yestordllY reRI } aUlI a (
Id proved.
fC The requo t of the petitioners t
a incorpofl\to the Village of ComBloe
Id WR8 then ttken up nud it WHS mm'fJ
Bt and oarriod th"t the rellt1est of tL
Lo potitionera bo rejeotod hUtl the rl
. . ' .
. . .
onrll ptnnl1 RP they were at the 1\L1TI. h
11I1' ' ' ' ' ' I. {
. P 'II/In".or" Oil ( 1 p t'l ' 11111 1l'lI1j irlll
( ) , tIll' I 0 or I r.rll JIIg I ( I lunfllltl thn
rflcllrl" 'Ii rtHllHlltol1 N 1111 tn lion ( orlll
to tll/l (1\1\1. ( . wilh r.rnr"lIo0 to till' in-
'Oorl'"rtu II o ( Ilin'iJ"g' # / " \ ( If ( Jnll1
Till' . , "t " rnt'p rOlllulirrH' 111I1I1t ! tll. . .
fllln ' il'll rl'pllrl : '
\ \ ' . . . r'cllllllllell,1 11.1\1 . Ih" rule ! wi III !
, t'aillll' ' It. . It/lClw / cI : , I
" "nrv 1I'\v1I nl8e 8tll 1\0n'l ' IIh'lr ! I't' , , . . fir , ( ! 411 ,
.r 0 'j'II' lor , ' , II t'r W'II . . 12000
' . . .1 'I' " , 1111' ' III It Ollrll'I.1 It. 4'1 ' tlO
\ , 1I 1':1\1111 : " 1I/lll1t . . r\1KI \ (
( ) II I. II. . ' " s" 1.:11 : : 'In'cl ( . . II : UII
' 1' " [ ' 1III'h' .I'r , It 11.11 . eM' ' " hi 0.1
nn I. : llIr.h" \ \ ' , ' l UIlIOII" IIIl un
w ! I , , , , , " , II" 1,1111811 It I 0\1
1It \ 10:111"11..101" : ( ! IIM'N ' It 111141
W Ii II , \I' , ' " IIrll.1I ) : lI..w ell ) ' 1111'\1
.1 I MdJllflllllck " juNI. . . ) . 1' " " , lIa : ! : .
IV .1 IIku It 1'lIlr . . 711 H.
It I Ih.IHII. . . . . M\rllo . ! . , IJ : 7 : ,
Sc ( I " . , . ! II " " ' ' "
o It Ho" , . . HII'I'lIt II I' U IIn
II 1III'v. . , . . WnYII" , 7 : ! 0,1 ,
II It HloI"II.\ ' " lIullhl ! , . IIX ) 711
.1 II 1\I"'II" , II AII""I'\ . . 117:11I :
I. ( I (111/)0 ( ) , " " I\IUIIII . . II ( : ! .
, . : I' ! ; " " " "lIr" " " "IIIIINOnv , ! . III 11\1
.W M Vllllfllo' " " IIrll\"IIIIIII' \ " 1170U
I , rs IIlu I. II 1"lIm " 7III /
\ \ ' \\11"11' " 'I'rllllltlh , II fJlI-I5
UlUks 1.11 fll IlI'r . \ : Cllnl ell IIIIIK _ . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
l.lIwl. . 1\lIIIII..rlllll/l\l8eulllll ArllolLl IlreD. . jlu nO
\ \ D OMLlII"r USSI'UIIII ! lI'esll'tvlll'l 1"11 \oH :
IIr II I. " lhVs 'JlIurllllllllllll ' ! nlll , rllllll : : .1. .
Ir , ( 'IIIIS Nllvlor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170\1
Dr .111 Mllr''w , 1II1I""lelIIJ ' vII/WillI / ! Ioolly
IIr .I"hll MII'.lmll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1110
IIr J II Murruw " ,1I"lllIe . ulII ! vlp-wlnl ! IlIu.I ) '
01 - , " : \\.hliller. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 0
Ir \ \ ' It'C > llIJl/me < llclll services ror Wullor
11111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4100
Ur.1 II II/rruw mll'sd , 1111,1 , vlewln Iludy
orO'nrl/o , Morrl.un. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1785
111/.11I11I"1111 , 81ol'hull8 UII 811PI'III' Cor Co.
8111'1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . c.R f,0
.ltlm , ' \ I'rlllltl , ) ' " , vlro 1111 Rh'ctl"Hfll ! ! : J 10
glllm" . . . . " " \\ork " " " " " "If Ilfll II. . 7 on
11111t11 : ; ' ' ' ' . . . 'l'I\y'"l'r \ ' I' . . r..pulr. . . . . . . 12io
o II " II , rl' " trlln'"ortllllull Cor Il11l1per. . . . . . II ( ) ( )
. .1111 f. IIJtc,1t md80 rllr I/s. I II Ulltlcr. I : ! 10
lIrlullI CrulnlJr rOllt Cor Mrs 8tellllllRnAprll 6011
Hcolt 11noper "ltluy ror : lllIy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OOO
. . . . .ul lI11mphrpy wrltlnlIDKlruatiollt to !
Ioplily.sO"Kwrs ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 ,
lIurrollhA < ldlllll 1111101111111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IiO1 {
J g 1'01\1'11 rl'lIt Cor EllzII I > lIbry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60' ' )
ChUM Mytlon NUPI.ort . ror ' 1' o. Iortl" April
, uIII Mlly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( ) (
11 1\1 I'lncklwy lIllIr ) ' llIrch. . \ prll M lIy. . . . 400 00
.losl'll/lIIlIlI sllltlr ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151'0 : ! '
n M I'lrwknuy expellse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \I 0\1
.108 " ' 1111I1111 snlllrv. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12500
filii . .llIcney ) : expellso. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 &I
lIenry 1\1'1I y 1t0jlsLraLor or11111 slnUstlae 37
F 111 8hn"IHI " . . . . . . . . . 4 & 0
0I1l1rIIIIII" . . . . . . . . . 1150
. . . .
1II1.1lImb " "
. . . 3 jJ :
Wru 81'rllll1l1" " . . " . . . : J 75
lIomer It IIl1rllu II . . . . It I nO
" "I'd 11 , . Iwr" . . . . " . . . I 00
II 1\11'111' ' k'y ' "xp"n II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : ! III
11 IIIl'illL : IIII" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47j
.Ios I'hlllllill IVllrl , 011 I" lI t. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [ , II III
1I0u1' IIIrrl.slJ"urvl ors \VoJrk. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17CU
It \Veloh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : " ' 1120
lHerk6 I.lll11ber Bud COlli Co cOlli. . . . . . . . . . . . a 00
\\Ison , IIrc8001l1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400
1'1In I. IIlulcl\lt mclso Cor Ir . IIlIrlur. . . . . . . 1300
SlwI'Inrd ' , . \ ; lIurle m" o ror IIIr Htuloul' . . . . 2:17U :
G 1'l'lIruor I.llmburCo oonl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6725
' 1'10" Advo Grocery mds" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 10
( ) II luvlA , \ : C. . . ! IId 1I IQr Mrs. Cushlll. . . . . . : JI (
"d ICCOIll118 mdse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3640
I'liu / . MUlc111t nllhu ror J\lr . UlLr"r. . . . . . . 700
Oltllll Urns 1111) ) < 0 ror Irll. .I..ssw 8hlun. . . . 311
1II " 'vh ulllo lur M r CUll tIIl , . . . . . . . . . . . . : J o
And th folluwing claiws be III
10\\'f.Irl IlB 10110 LVI : ' ! :
\ \ ' It YOIIIIImedlanlservlcee $18.00 nllowed 1300
A 1111'11I : eXlllulnllllou or dl\ul/hter or C
I'orklns 1000 I1I10well. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ii 00
Tilt's ! : ! cllllln ! ! hllving hH"1I O. Ko'd
by thl : ! COllllt } ' Attorney and the
(1Illowinl ( ! clllim'i h rt'jeotcil
C I. 1I111111ns mellcnl sbrvloes Cor Willis
SllllsIJUry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 00
CI llIlJ. II Job uuueslhetic to Willis Salis-
bury. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 600
' J BICN P. MalUm
( 0111
! H. R. WmcII
It wa ! ! moved and carried to ao-
oept und Ildopt Ihl : ! rE'port a8 read.
[ OV.rl and o > trri ,1 , tn cljonrll to
JUlie 15 , 1UOG , al 8 . m.
Fr'iday , June 15 , 190 ( ) .
Board mct at 8 a. m. 'l'hc
following members answering to
roll call. Chairman J. ' 1' .
Arthur , Supervisors Ben p ,
Morris , Jos. Fennimore , L , Cush-
man , R. R. Welch , A Fonda , II.
B. Schncringcr.
Minutes of June 11 read and
' .rhe chairman appointcd Mr.
Cushman to tal < e the places on
thc vanous committec madc vacant -
cant by the resignation of Mr.
'rhe. road committee reported
as follows :
We recommend that the following -
lowing claims be allowed :
1VanAntwerp. . surve'lnl : ' roads aud
ItlplnlC c..rner" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1300 ( )
10' . h. VanAntwerp. RllrVe'lnl : ' roalh ; anll
omcework. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .q SO
A. J. VanAntwerp , plattlull road. . a 11\1
nmcil work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4S 00
A. J. VauAntwerp. . .urVII'hll : ' road. . and
omcu work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6S 70
. \ . J. VanAntwcn' , office work. . . . . . . . . . . . MS I\ )
A. . J. VanAntwerp. plattlnl : ' roalls , ph' ,
IIII : ' corncrR : lnd omcu worK. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 00
A. J. VanAntwerp. 1)11.lncorners and
IImcu work. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4500
Cu terCollntY Heacon , I.rllltlnl ! ' . . . . . . . . . . . :2lt : 00
S. II. noan. chainman. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :2 : 0 ( )
n. W. Bllckner. chalnlllall. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
H.V. . Buckner , conllnlssloIlR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' ; 80
II. II. . Schnerhl\er. cOlIIlIIlRsloner on
roads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 SO
A. . lo'onda. cOl1lml..sloner on roaIIR. . . . . . . . 17 s.J
R. P. . . " 'elch. conllnl Rloner Oil road. . . . . . \I 75
G. II. 'l'horpe. cOl1lmlssloller Oil roaI. . . . . 107S
JOR I.'cnllimore. cOlIIlIIlRsloner on road. . . . . 14J )
Ben P. Morris. vlewhlll alld slIn'e'lulr
roads. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Z I
( Continued on last paQ'e. .
_ . . _ _ . .
- - - * - - - - - - - - - - - -
, I
. - - . . < : ! 'I. '
- , . . , . - . . , .
Annual Clearine : Sale ; r'
It has becn my custom to clean up at the enrl or the se:1 : ! t1 and
give those in need of millincry the benefit of cu.t prices. 1 wIll sell
all trimmed anll untrimmed hats and caps at prices lower thlll ; ever
before.offered. I ha\'e a large &toclt to sclect from and as marly up- . i
to-date hats as carticr in the seacon. Childrel1s' Hats from SOc up I 1 ' {
and Ladics Hats from $1 up. If in need of a ha.t call in and gee if 1 fi. "
prices won't astonish you. Yours for bargams , , . . . _ . ;
. . .
n.t.Jrs. : Greo. 2'iahn. : ,
West Side of quare , BROKEN BOW , NEB.
. ! _ ta. _ . . . _ _ _ : : : - _ _ . . . . . _ . " ! - r . . .
.A. : N' " S : J : . . . . : IEy - .
Cc ) : : L.E ; : E :
One term continttes for three months. I
'l'here will be three terms in succcssion during thc ycar. . .
Three cents a mile will be deducted from tuition for
transportat ion to tlH school p.nch tcrm , within 100 l1Iilc . ,
. : ,
Commerdal COl\rc , including actual business , $12 l'r term
Shorthand Course ( ) 'with type-writing. 15 term
Type-wri tcr instruction Gregg , alone. . . . , . . . . . . . . . 5 pr pr term
' ' . . . . . . .
'l'ype-writing with tommercial Course. 15 pr term ,
Any subject under First Gradc Certificate will bc taugh t
free with the Commercial or Short-hand course.
Text books may be rented. Boarding places found for
you . at your request. I
.Write for further particulars.
J. H. CAYWOOD , Ansley , Neb.
I _ _ _ _ _ . _ ' _ _ _ .
[ . = - . _ _ _ _ [
Successor to } ROCKWELL and GEO. WILLING & KONKEL ,
Embalmer and Funeral Director '
. , < )
Busincss phone , 301. Residence phone , 227.
I , . r
- -
* * * * * *
' ' ' ' ' ' * * m
e'I. , t .
t i .
are dealers in Heal Estate of all kind . -
WE We will buy or sen. Don't fail to see f
us bcfore you buy or sell. We can do
you good. Collections made and insurance - . . '
ance written. Farms rented and taxes paid. See m
ilt us for farm loans. Come in and see us. ; ffl . 1\ \
- , " .
= - - - - - - - - - -
mIDl . i
Before You Build , Consult 1 I . \
. cGr eo. : J ? a pin..e : au. . . , . I " "
II Contractor and BuilJer. Estimates
Furnished free with .
, plans and specifications. . .
t f\ \ : .
Bargains in Farlll Land and. . Ranches , .
Writc > for list with prices and terms of sale. .
If you have land for sale list it with me. ' '
Correspondencc with non-resident land owners solicited
, - - Bo\v , Neb.
, New Crocery Firm 1\ , \
Roy.V . alke ' & : Co. h ve purchased the : Mevis ' \
stock of groceries and wIll conduct the business or _ ) (
uuder the firm name of ' I ' . ' .
TH la u tI kEa L l ! . ,
prepared to sell you groceries as cheap aR the
market will bear. ,
will be taken in .
,1 , ;
, on dry goods houses for goodA we do not handle. I , '
and see us I
The Wa.lker Grocery Co. , .
East Side of Public Squarc , " 1 'r
. . . ,
, , {
, . ' If .
. . , " . ; :
. ' 't
, '
' ' 'II' .1
" " - : = - - - ' "