Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 21, 1906, Image 3

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    . .
Mone't'ld People from tlta New World , Penniless rofk rronl Ure
OId-S'l fJs Thllt Pass at Se .
f ; ,
, { Now thousands on , pll3asure and "cui.
'ture" bent are talting pat1 In tlie
, great annual pilgrimage to the ohl
world. Now thousands bent on seekIng -
Ing better fortune are patiently male-
'Ing their way to the new world. The
one goes over to spend the dollars ,
"the other comes , over to malee the.dol . -
. In this country the steamship com- ,
ponies appeal to their patrons by
means of seductive Itineraries , allur-
, , fng pictures of me on the ocean wa\"o
I , nnd of charms of the great plaYb'TOund
i ? across the water. Over In the old
'world agents are at worle with the
t .common people , Inciting them to
" ' " : \i \ dreams of a happyland of Uberty and
r" , , short hours and easy money.
! The ship companies find the eml.
gratlon movement very profitable , emigration -
gration authorities declare the com-
vanles are re3ponslble for at least 60
per cent. of the departure for foreign
lands. In refutation , the transportation -
tion Unes deny they employ the subagents -
agents at worle all over the continent ,
malting use of unnatural means to
bring about emigration : but It Is more
than probable the business Is done
thoBe with very full purncII 11 prlTat41
tl1blo may be obtained , one may make
the wll01e 11assago without coming In ,
contnct with a person not of tho. .
part ) . : one Is not under obligations to
exchange good morning with anyone-
unless pet'chance tbe captain himself
be excepted. And In Uris carefully
guarded exclusiveness we have one of
the sharpest contrasts to the emi-
grant's mode of "crosslng"-the latter
with sleoplng room shared with many ,
perchance his portion of fo'od eaten
from 1tls lap In' the common sleoplng
quarters-enUre absence of seclusion ,
either waldng or sleeping. In some
ships of the worst class old evlls still
exist : dangerous as well as unsanitary
overcrowding : non.separatlon of the
sexes : treatment of the steerage herds
that would not be tolerated were the
frolght cattle.
When the pampered traveler decides
to take the air , money secures the
snuggest corner for the great loungIng -
Ing chair : and wrapped In fur-Uned ,
softest , woollest steamer rug the pampered -
pered passenger verllal11y lies down In
the lap of luxur ) ' . With the steerage
folic it Is not a choice of fresh air In
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on a commission basis through general
Last year over a mlUlon emigrants
orossed the broad waters asldng permission -
mission to step on shore and make a
'living here. Many people for a short ,
: year , and wltbout question largo numbers -
, bers do not find In the new world
quite the golden land of their visions.
What a picture they make at EUls
island , what pictures they suggest.
Let us go In fancy to this famous spot ,
"the greatest gateway of Immigration
In the world"-and watch an Incom-
, ing. Thirteen ships have arrlTed , 1,900
' immigrants are awalUng Inspectlon-
't B comparatvely sman numbe ! : : hard
work means seven or eight thousand
to handle I1t once. Here they come ,
dvanclng patiently , stolidly , dumbly ,
like cattle ; Russian Jews , Austrian
Jews , F nns , fllavs ; , Italians , Hungarians -
ans , Germans , Scandinavians. The
women carry or load lIttle ones , the
men bear sman trunles on head or
, shoulder. At a sign from an Inspector -
tor the men drop their loads and remove -
move their hats-for up there above
them fioats the American fiag , and
their first lesson Is to be a lesson in
I rcverence for an emblem of the new
, nation of which they are to become a
part. The impressionable on-looker
1\ \ feels a mistiness about the eyes : It
cannot but alpeal to the feelings , the
\ stream of old world failures , the hopes
, the new world asylum holds out.
Steerage' conditions are belter than
the ) ' once 'Were-as , for Instance , when
I Stevenson came over steerage , when
the Immedlato ancestors of some of
our "first citizens" crossed-and El1Is
Island conditions wonderfully good ,
considering. The strictest precautions
arc taleen at Ellis Island to have things
sanltar ) ' and care taken to protect Ignorant -
, norant newcomers from falllng victims
, to frau an rapaclt ) ' .
/ ,
A study In contrasts of no smaH interest -
terest , the ships that pass at sea , the
noaUng palaces , the emigrant vessels :
the human freight so differently conditioned -
ditioned , and yet a human life , a Im-
i11an life , a htlman 1Ife. The pleasure
.eelwr ! ; palled by luxury , the eml-
1' nts elnse crowded In the steerage.
Travel now for vo'agers on the
111'8t-'lass liners-to say nothing of the
newest and most womlerful o'no of
: hem al1 , with eight decles , with elo-
mtor service , suites with nothing sug-
i estlve of shipboard , al1 the luxuries
, t ; t' of a luxurious hotel on land-Is travel
IIIltel1 to a Sybarlto rather than a
1art1)- lover of sea-golng-all softness
, nd cnso , and every want anticipated.
t Is really too comfortable , brings
atlety , one almost envies the eml.
'rants who at least possess desires un-
.tlsficd. There Is nothing of the slm-
Ie lite preached as so desirable. Ti elite
I \lite \ , bathroom , bedroom and sitting ,
. ' - 'Jom , tempt to lolterlnl ; Inside , to In-
'J y- ' Dlence and a novel , while without the
I II ; ocean stretclles away unheeded ,
1 lIe fresh breezes are unregarded. For
- , j ; .
well ventllated rooms or n attractive
open declt-It I's ' a' ' 'struggle for air
enough to leeep goinG. At the recent
national conference on the vexed
question of Immigration ; . one of the
resolutions passed made , a demand for
Increase below decles of air space to
each steerage passenger : another had
reference to eating space provided
with tables and outside of sleeping -
ing rooms.
The Fortnightly speaks of present
emigration as a stnmpede , which gath.
ers headway with every passing month.
"This stampede has now reached sucb
proportions as to occupy an the ener-
glos of a scor of steamship lines In
handling the travel , to warrant the es-
tnbllshment of new and more dlroct
routes and the building of now ships
especlally designed for the carrying of :
this cargo. The business Is prolltnble
There are compar Uvely few restrlc
tlons upon It , and In central and south ,
ern Europe there is apparently a vast
amount of human freight needing only
a start , and Urns lccep up for an in.
definite term of years this gigantic In
dustry. "
But let us refer again to the tide
of travel setting the other way , to the
tourist and to the society tolk going
over for the London season and gaye. ,
ties In othcr great European capitals. .
A writer in Harpor's Bazar , treating
of "Luxurious Days at Sea , " remarks :
"Thero are , Indeed , a good many citizens -
zens of the United States left to Wh01U
Europe Is still an unknown book , but
afl an offset to this list there Is a con.
stantly increasing number who hava
been over so many times as to have
lost count of the journe's. One New
Yorlccr made six round trips last year
between January and December , amI
ho Is not In the Importlng"buslness ei-
ther. To the growing class of persons ,
men and women , who go over rogular.
ly , the voyage has become 1IIeo any oth.
er journey regularly taleen. They
have tested almost every transatlantlo
liner , and they know the 'long ferry'
In every season of the ) 'ear and In al1
wcathers. "
And now let us go to the very con ,
slderable class that travel neither In
expensive suite nor In imposslblt.
steerage. A small room may have to
be shared by four , but when ono oncr
has one's sea legs but little tlmo will
bo wasted In sleeping quarters , so what
matter ? There are the fine long decles
the great loun&lng rooms , plenty of
air anll space. Ono has al1 the com.
forts that are good for one. Enoug
Is better than a feast. And one hat !
zest for pleasures and opportunities
It Is no shame , but a joy to bo crossIng -
Ing the first time-not the man that
has crossed 119 times Is the person te
be envied. It Is unseen Italy that har
the brightest skies , the uncllmbed
Alps that are highest , unvisited Paris
that Is gayest , mysterious London that
Is most Inviting. It Is not the blasa
traveler who really "goes to Europe. "
A Bldo Location Detter Tbnn Conspicuous -
spicuous On&-Preparntion of tbe
SoU..Dnttle .Agnlnllt : Insects.
No gal den Is complete without
roses ; fortunately there are varlotIe.
JUlted to all cllmates and condition\ \ , .
ut success with roses , as with mon ,
means putting the right ono In th.
right place.
Do not 11Ut one of the largo'growlng
type where there Is barely room for a
small one : do not put n. tall.growlng
sort wllere a ov.grog , wQulll look
better , and do not put .n climber
' 1galnst a wall where the sun wlll beaten
on It for hours at a time.
Roses are moro easily carell for
when grown In rows or beds than as
31nglo specimens scattered here nnd
there over the place , nnd malco n much
Oner showing when In bloom. Roses
are beautiful for n compnratlvel ) ' short
time nnd do not malto an attrnctlvo
showing excol1t during the blooming
season. For this reason a side loca ,
tlon Is belter than one more consplcu.
ous.Spado the soil , 'ory deepl ) ' and mix
well rotted manure with It , uRlng about
one.thlrd manure. If the soil Is very
heavy and sticky , mix liberal amount
of sand with It , nnd If the avallnblo
5110t for the bed happens to be where
wnter stands during the winter dig the
soil out to a depth of two feet or more ,
and put down a sb..lnch In'er or
stones , broleen crocleer ) ' or bones to
! ervo as drainage material.
Mulch the rose buds carl ) ' with 0111
.manure , chlp.dlrt or Im I clippings.
Cut out dead branches and dead or
diseased tips to where the wood Is
healthy. Ever.bloomlng sorts bloom
on the new wood , whlle almost every
tllOr variety produces Its blossoms on
the short lateral shoots that start out
from tlre sldo of the old branches.
Sometimes roses are spoiled by mil.
dew , though this rarely happens except -
cept when growing In damp and shad.
ed places. Sprinlcle sUlphur ever the
lea.ves when wet with dow , and If this
does not check the disease move the
plants to II. location where they get
more sun and air.
The rose bug Is a ravenous leaf-
eater and the foliage should bo sprayed -
ed with a varis green solution ( a ten. '
spoonful to eight gallons of water )
after the sun Is done shining on the
bushes for the day. Spray with clear
water In the morning to prevent the
sun from burning where the polson Is.
For the rose-hopper dust the foliage
with pyrethrum powder , and for the
rose slug ( n little worm that eats both
leaf and buds ) use II. whale 011 soap.
suds , after picking off all that can bo
Aphis ( lIce ) may be chectQll by
spraying with clear wnler or any of
the usual remedies. There are many
good Insecticides , Including Bordeaux
mixture , leerosene emulsion , tobacco
tea , a tea made by steeping quassln
chips , white hellebore In water , and
many others , but always begin the
flght early enough that a test of ma.
terlals may be made , When planting
and training roses keep In mind the
fact that halt the battle Is In being
able to make Insecticides reach tbe
under side of tbe follage.-Farmers'
Plant Tnbcrs About Four Inches
Deep , Do Not Disturb Eyes-Hot
a.nd Dry Weather Harmful.
There are few flowers more pleasing
than the dahUa. It Is particularly for
cut flower purposes , as It continues to
produce beautiful fiowers longer than
most other plants.
The tubers of a hundred different
varieties , each with a charm of Its
own"may be purchased"or the plants
may be grown from seed , but the
easiest method is to plant the tuber-
IIko roots. The tubers are separated
Into several pieces each , leaving one
eye for each piece , and planted In a
yard or field 1I1ee potatoes , except that
lhe time of planting must be delayed
unUl all danger of frost Is past.
Care must be talCn not to disturb
any of the eyes. The tubers should be
planted about four fnches deep and
given a good watering Immediately
after planting. They grow best In very
rich , heavy sell , and should bo planted -
ed about two or three feet apart. They
should bo In a position which Insures
plenty of light and air , hut where the
plants wlll not bo exposed to much dl.
rect sunlight. They wlll not endure a
long season of very hot , dry weather.
The plants should be tied to stalees
about four feet In holght. All but the
strongest shoots should be removed
as they appear , only the strongest be.
Ing left standing , and the tyln
should begin when the plant Is a foot
high , being continued as It grows.
In the fall , after the frost has lellled
the tops of the plants and there Is dan.
ger of the ground freezing' , the roots
or tubers may be taleen and stored In
a dry , cool , frost'proof room or cel.
lar. It Is a good plan to examine the
tubers occasionally during the win.
ter and remove any decayed specimens.
The dahlias which may be grown
by the amateur are numbered b ) ' the
hundro and every year new varieties
add to the list In beauty , form and
color.-Brooklyn Eagle.
Macaroni nnll Cheese ,
Into two quarts of lol1lng water
breale half a pound of macaronI. Add
haU a teaspoonful of salt and boll 20
minutes. Drain through a collander.
Llno ) 'our well-bllttored ballng dish
'Vlth crncler crumbs , then add a la'er
of macaroni , a liberal sprInkling of
grated cheese , dll t with cracler
rumbs , and use Ilabs of butter. Repeat -
peat this until your dlllh Is Cull. Then
pour over all a Clllrlll of milk 01'
cream tr ) 'OU ha\'o It. Brown In the
oven beroro serving.
, ,
, . ,
By the "ltl.hway and Byway" P..ach. ,
o ONE In that.
gay throng 'In
the lJ lace thn.t
n I g h t roallzed
the deep unrest
a f P h a r a a h.
Wit h feverish
o n g ern 0 s s he
th row himself
Into the festivities -
ties , and seemed
the ga 'est of the
ga ) ' , but hn.d
there been anyone -
ono 11rcsont free from the fasclnntlon
of the brilliant scene , and with eyes
to observe ho would read II ) ' have de.
tected underneath the 1dng's gay ox.
terlor a nervous apprehension , nnd
noted that In the depths of the sparkling -
ling o'es whloh 1001 < 011 upon the
scene there lurlccd nn oxpresslon of
fear and terror. And It one had
watched him he would soon have no-
tlcod that not tor an Instant did ho
lose sight of his first born son In
whose honor the brilliant function had
been &rrnnged , With an eagerness
nnd Intensity almost painful his o 'es
followed the young man's ever ) ' move , ,
nnd Ir for an Instant he was lost sight :
of amidst the throng lIe would start
up uneasily nnd shift his position until -
til he had again brought him within
range of his vision.
Two weeles had passed slnco his last
Intorvlew with 1\Ioses , but try us he
would he could not target bls solemn
warning. Ho hud made light of It. lie
bad persuaded hhnsof ) that ho In
whom the spirit of the Egyptian gods
rested had nothing to fear. Dny by
du ) ' 1,0 had lOpt his son near him ,
Quite confident thnt tlms he could
: ward off any evil thing which might
seek to overtake 111m. But as the
dn's came and went the fear and apprehension -
prehension wore on his nerves and on
the day before ho had sought diversion
for himself and entertnlnlllent for his
son In the present function.
But there was no thought or Inclination -
tion on his pnrt of listening to Moses
or of heeding his warning , for his
haughty , proud , unyielding spirit
turned his heart hard as flint and In
great anger ho had driven Moses from
bls presence vowing If he should again
show his face he would lose his 1lfe.
But try as he would he could not forget -
get 1\Ioses' word of jUdgment against
the first born of Egypt nnd against
his own son. He did not believe It ,
and - yet he could not dismiss the
thought from his mind. Ho had consulted -
sulted the astrologers of the temple
and his wise men who had assured
him that the stars and aU signs were
auspicious for a long llfe and successful -
ful reign for his son. But notwithstanding -
standing those reassuring worda ho
felt apprehensive and whether asleep
or awalee the vision of Moses was
evcr before him and the words he had
spoken kept ringing In bls ears :
"About midnight will Jehovah go
out In the midst of Egypt and all the
first-born In the land shall die , from
the first born of Pharaoh even unto
the first born or the hand maiden. "
" : MIdnight ! " "The first born , even the
son of Pharaoh ! " How eagerly and
Intensely he had watched his son since
then ! How anxiously he had counted
the time at the midnight hour. Thus
the days had passcd.
But he was not content to let the
matter rest there , for he sent his messengers -
sengers secre ly to Goshen to spy on
Moses and find out what was transpiring -
ing there. And when he had learned
of the singular preparations under
way he felt more than ever uneasy and
The last Information he had received -
ceived had been obtained the day before -
fore when his messeJ.ger : told him of
the preparations which the Hebrews
were malting for the sacrlnce of u
lamb , the blood of which was to bo
sprlnltled upon the llntol and sldo
posts of the doorways of the people ,
tor , said they solemnly , " 'I'he Lord Is
to pass through the land. "
"Said they that ? " exclaimed Pharaoh -
aoh , as Moses' words came wltl > new
force to him.
"Yes , " responded the messenger ,
who had been deeply Impressed with
what he had seen and heard. "Yes ,
the Hebrews seem desperately In earnest -
est , and they evidently boHeve that
tholr God Is about to do some wonderful -
ful thing. And as nenr as I could discover -
cover from tholr conversation , they
expect the visitation at midnight , and
have all been told to shut themselves
In their homes , lest death should over-
talcc them. "
Pharaoh paled vlslbl ) ' , and sllentlr
and sullenly dismissed his messengel' ,
and then moved by a rocllesa spirit of
defiance he had planned for the brilliant -
liant court affair of that evening ,
thinking to so surround himself and
his son with the lhrlll and throb or
court llfe as to dety even death.
But as the evening wore on Pharaoh
grew more and more restive. The moments -
ments as they passed seemed llko
hours , nnd time and tlmo again ho
sent his attendant to find whether the
midnight watch had yet boon set.
The last tlmo the attendant had returned -
turned sarlng that It still luclwd some
time of the hour his son had been
standing at his side , und had nsked ,
joltlnglr , why ho was so can corned
about the midnight hour.
tlla It tb ) ' pU1'1 > ese to end this festive
scene at thnt Umo ? Th\ \ wilt han a
hnrd tItslt upon thy hand I , for the fes-
tlvltlos are just at theil' holght. and
then dost know Ulat to cond the guesta
homo unsatlafied i8 to In ur tholr dls-
pleasuf . And as tOr mo there are
man ) ' things I bave In mind to do nnd
talk about ere I am willing to SOD my
trlonds departs. " And sa'lng which
he had turnell at1l1 wont oft In the direction -
rection of a group of his frlonds who
were c\'on then motioning him to
hnsten nnd share In the tun the leadIng -
Ing spirit of the group bad proposed ,
. And Pharaoh I1nl\ watched him go
, with 11 lighter heart nnd a stronger
assurance , Al1I1 calling his attendant
ho ordered the wino nnd dranlc with
great gusto to the gads of the Egyp.
tluns , nnd to the future fayor and
blessing of his son. 80 cheerful did
his spirits grow that 11'0 forgot about
the mntters which had so greatly distressed -
tressed him-about the midnight hour
and the jUdgment of the Hebrew God
-amI as he throw hlmsolt Into the
gayeties that were now at their holght ,
the tlmo spOtI unnoticed.
"Once more let us drlnle to tbo
gods of I gypt , " ho crlod. "To the
great god tlmt smiles upon the Innd
by dny nnll that plans grenter slorlcs
Cor his favored ones by night. "
A great shout greeted the Icing's
11rol10sal , and again the wino flowed
"AmI here"s to the lelng's son , " shouted -
ed a volco as the young man , the con.
tor of an animated group , was seoU
approaching. .
Pharaoh smiled aI1pro\'lngly , an
watched the young man with glowing
pride. What a plcturo of health and
beauty ho was. With nll of lICe bl )
toro him , whut 011portunltlesl What
IJOsslbllItles !
So Pharaoh thought , and well ho
might , Cor the young man was well
tavored In form nnd tace , and bora i
himself with grace ami dignity , As the
father watched him advancing acros.
the marble floor of the great room , his
heart leaped with IJrlde and triumph ,
and he muttered to hlmseU :
"Where IsIosos" ! boasted jUdgmont1
The gods of the Egyl1Uans still reign ,
and the God ot the Hebrews Is no god
at all. "
Suddenly , nnd even while the worda
wore warm Ul10n his lips , he B W a
deadly pallor overspreall the face of
his boy. Ho saw him lICt his hnnds
high above his head , whllo nn n.gony
of fear distorted his features , and witb
ono piercing cry , he fell forward upon
his fnce.
Paralyzell by the sight nnd the awful
fear which selzod him , the Icing looleod
upon the scene with eyes which almost
startell from their socleet. ; . His hands
gripped the Ivory arms of his tbrono
with an Intensity which almost crushed
the dollcately.carvod ornaments. The
father's eyes never moved from the ob.
ject lying there prostrate upon the
ground , nnd lIe did not see that here
and there throughout the vast room
there were others falling to the ground.
He did 'not seem to bear the cries of
terror and anguish aH about him , He
saw but ono thing , and that was the
form of his son lying upon the floor.
Could It bo possible that he who WI18
so full of Ute and animation an In.
stant before was lying there now sUll
In death ?
"No ! No ! No ! " ho crlod. "It can.
not be : It shall not bo. " And leaping
from his seat with a fierce cry of despair -
spair nnd grief , he hurried towards
him. But as he rushed bUndly for-
w41'd , ho stumbled and feU over anoth.
or prostrate form , and looking around
ho beheld a sight which congealed his
very blood and him tremble ,
for on every hand the dead were lying ,
whllo the Uvlng , panlc.stricken and
horrified , rushed wildly about and
filled the air with their crlos. It Wall
a sight to make the strongest man
faint and falter. The king paused for
but an Instant and then throwing him-
seU at the side of his dead son bo
called upon him to speak to him , to
say just ono word , and whcn tbore
came no response , he staggerel ( to his
teet , wringing his hands and calling
upon his gods to help , and cursing
Moses and his < rod with I1wful oaths.
At that moment a messenger 111lstlly
"Death ! Death ! Death , rules evory.
where ! " ho cried In a hlgh.pltched ,
horror.strlcken voice. "Eb"YPt has
been stricken. Hnste , 0 Phnraoh , send
Moses and his people forth , or wo beaU
aU dead men ! "
Helpless , hopeless , Pharaoh looked
about him. Could 110 do It ? The last
tlmo the lIebrow leader had appearod'
before him he bud told him he would
see his face no more , nd thnt If ho
did It would mean death to Moses , and
now InsteRcl death had strlcleen his
own home and the home of every Egyp.
lIan throughout the land. But oven
while he hesitated , the Jiving among
the dead about him cried Inslstontly
that Moses be called , and at last ho
Between the rows of dead Moses
passed up the palace hall and came and
stood before the great Phara.oh , who ,
with averted fuce and trembling
voice , exclahned :
"Rise up and get you forth from
among m ) ' people ; both yo and tbe
children of Isrnel : and go servo the
Lord as yo have said. " 110 paused.
"And how about our flocks and
herds ? " 1\Ioses alked.
"Yea , also trn < e your flocks and herds
as yo have salel , and bo gene : and
bless me also , " he added , biB volco
dropping to a whisper.
Without a word Moses turned and as
he left the palace the grlef.strlckon
I > eoplo thronged him and urged with
piteous crlel ! and pleadings tbat ho
woulll deIJ rt with his people at once ,
And so InslBtent were they tbat all
the WilY to Goshen the ) ' toUowel1 him ,
hearing In their hands aU mamHJr of
gifts , which they thrust upon the po .
pIc , and tU'gln thot tlte ) . delay not
their depatturo , lor , salll they : "W.
bo all dead men. "
There . . no Aoohelle Salts , Alum ,
Llmeer Ammonia In feed mall. with
. Baking
Ono Thnt Wns Not Very CompUmcm.-
tnry to Professional
Walter J , Travis , the solfor , sot up
his ball , and then made halt a dozen
swlahca at the short grass with the
driver , rolntes the New Yorlt 'rrlbune.
"I am not In good term , " he said , "I
om playing 111(0 a brolor we bad here
last weok.
" ' 1'hls broleor playCll once around ,
n1l\Idng a dreadful oxhlbltlon of hlm-
selt. or this , though , ho WllS not
owuro. Ho was doing } > rctty well for
"Tho man'a cndd ) ' WIlB un unusually
Quiet , stolid lad , a boy with a frecldod
fnce quite devoid of expression.
"And slnco the caddy never once
laughed or sneered at his bad play ,
the broleer took a funcy to him. And
ho said nt the enll of the round , In
the hope or rettlng c0111pllment :
" 'I have been traveling for the last
F.lx months. I am quite out of prac-
lIco. 'rhat Is why I am In such bad
fOl'm to-dn'o'
"Tho caddy rop1lell , cnlml ' : '
" "rhen ye've played before , haves
ye , sir ? ' "
Ono of nls Own GC1111J , Dut He
Failed to Recognlzo the
'WIll you please exnmlno 'this dla-
Uland , " sahl a man who had stepped
Into a jewoler's shop , "and toll mo
what you thlnle of It ? It Il Is a good
stone , I think I will buy 11. "
The jeweler toole the gem , which
waIl unset , and loolted at It critically
for r. mOll1ent. Then in a conlldenttnl
tone he said :
"Well , to tell you the truth , that
Isn't u. very good stone. It hasn't much
fire , It Is badly cut , anll there Is some-
thhl1) here very much 1IJ < 0 ( l flnw , "
Then he hold the dlamon under a ml-
croilcopo nnd examined It carefully.
flnally observing : "No , It Isu't exactly
o fiaw , but I shouldn't call It a por-
poet slono. Now , Ir you want some-
tblnf' really fine , hero- "
"Excuso mo , " the ether man Intor-
rl1llled. "I don't thlnlt I'll buy a diamond -
mend to-duy. 'rhls , Is a diamond that
ono or your IlSslstanw lot me t'lko Snt-
urday on approval. I doposlted $40 on
It. Please lot me have my money ,
and we will declare the deal oil. "
. . . -
One on the Doctor.
Lawyer-l say , doclor , why are you
a.lways running UB lawyers down ?
noctor ( dryly-Well ) , your profession -
sion doesn't make angels of men , does
It ?
"Why , no : you certainly have the
admntage of us there , doctor.-IIlua-
trated DIts ,
Angler-Do the fish bite around
here ?
Nntlve-Dlt6 ? Bay , stranger , wo have
to muzzle 'em so they won't chow up
rhe Innercont bystander-N. Y. 8un ,
To Dring the Dables Around.
When a llttle humnn machlno ( or n
large one ) goes wrong , nothing In sG
Important as the solectron , of food te
bring It around again.
" 1\Iy llttle baby boy fifteen months
olel had pneumonia , then came brain
fever , and no sooner had ho got OVOI
these than ho began to cut teeth and ,
helng BO weale , he was frequently
thrown Into convulsions , " says a Col.
orado mothor.
"I decided n change might help , so
took him to Kansas City for a visit.
When w got there he was so very
, weak when ho would cry he would
sink away nnd seemed llko he would
"When I reached my sisler's home
she said Immediately that wo must
Ieed him Grape-Nuts and , although I
had never used the food , 'va got some
aIIII for a few days gave him just the
julco of Grape-Nuts and milk. Ho
got stronger so qulcltly wo were soon
teedlng him the Grapo-Nuts Itself and
In a wonderfully short time ho fattened -
tened right u ) ) and became strone and
"That showed mo something worth
Imowlng anel , wllCn later on my glr !
came , I raised her on Grape-Nuts and
ohe Is a strong healthy baby anll has
been. You will see from the UtUe
photograph I send you what 1at rog ,
chubby youugster the boy Is now , hut
he didn't IonIc anything 1IIto that be-
lore we found this nourishing food.
Grape.Nuts nourlshod him bacle to
strength when ho was so weak he
: : oull1n't lceep any other food on his
, > toruach. " Name gh-en by Postum
Co. , Battle Creole , ? llIch ,
All children can bo built to a more
sturdy nnd healthy condition upon
Grape-Nuts anel cream. The food con.
lalns the elements nature demandt\ .
from which to make the sott gray
filling In the nerve centers and brain ,
A well-ted brain and strong , sturdy
nervrs absolutely Insure n healthy
Loole In 11k s. for thl ! famous Httla
blol" "The Roall to Wollvlllo , "