. I . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . - , - . . . - Pure White I.cnd nnd I'llre Lit' oeell 011 shollid nlwnYI [ ) c IIl1cel r"l ( the fir t or primlllit cont. No ulill I pnlnt Ims the sumclnallity for I ht' ourface-lIIarryllljt allll hecomlllJ. : nlar of the wooll. Yellow ochre , harytcs , : zlIIC or nllY ( JlhN slIbstance than I'ure White l.ellli full" lu unite with the wood nnd serve , . onll' II ) form n cushion , which / t.Vtn I'nre White Lend from nttnch lilt Itself when finnlh' npplled. Satlsfaclory reslllts con nl'ver he obtnilled so IUlllt os n ! llIrfnn ! Is coated with n V/'II't'IIJ : ( for that Is nil It Is ) of ycllmv ochre , baryteR , % 1111" , elc. . Such a coatlll Is boulld I to crumhle , croci : nlld peel , lld IIIl1st be hlltlled or Bcrapell off , { loum0 II , , ' II ( } ndsl'lf , before n Itood job can he ' ] "IIl'-UII ex' pel1slve process , 11I(1lot without dnlljter of tire. A hOllse owner can srarcely IIInke n 1I10re costl } ' mistoke Ih.1n to lIle n , , "hllil. tute ( or I'llre White I.elfl III the lril1llllj ) cont. Avoid all tlsk by IIsin\ \ : $ ( { ED SEAL O SOUTHE N Pure Whlto Load ( lIBdo 111 thu O/.I / Jlutcb l'roct'lll R"D" for n 'lOOkJ..t ' ronlulnlnll , " ' . .rnl IlRnloomo , reprodnctlon. 01 nctUl.I J"'u. . . . . . .1I tJ"J : , uluuhlu " , . . " "tlnQ. for n rolor . < 1"11I0 I" I'ol/ltlllil , uur bolUJ. tusl for I.ulnl l.urll1 J. 1&1. . . . , : "UII. NATIONAl. LP.AI ) COMPANY ClJlrk AvcnucllnoJ 10th Slre.t , St. I.ouls , 1\10. \ I He I' ' ' ' , t ; "B , 1.Ir COI" , u . , . " t'r. 1J1HuIUt. 11I . .n , ' . Clilenuu , nuttc , t .I0"CIUI. ( .urU"d , U.UIJHRtt Clt" , . . . . . . . ' .allc CII , tit. 1.01ltl4 , A lid thUI JlrH ! riel' " " . All . .uluIN ICIUI' ' , 'HI " .H ft"Uhll' . . . . .lul uout11. ' ' ' 'CII\ . IA.n'IIOUNIl. : NO. 40 .I.artll ru , We ea"t. . . . . . . . . . . . . .6-tJI. : ; : III. No. 42arrl\.ofl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .III : a. 111. No. 44 arr ! fl'f , . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . .111:45 : II. 111. ; WJ\fiT IIOUNII. NU. J'I arr' , ' 0" f ; 1111 thn . 'al\t. . . . . . . . . . . . ( . :21) ) I' . 111' Nn. I.I . . .V..H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7:01:1.m. : N. . . 'arrlvo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11S a.1II , I N . . . . I all.1 H a al'local Hlo1 , rro , " AIISle } ' wM,1 I .NO'I. 43alll144 . .HIIhrnUllh tralllH all" lIIake , conlll'ctIUlI. . ror Uealwo",1 : > 11I1 alllllllIlM , In the JIIack IIIIIH. J' ) all1l 411 tin nnl filii'e'll or JlruKeli ' ) O\\ ' . Hleel.lIl1l , "Inlnll' atlll rccll II III II chair carM ( eatM In'el olllhrOllllh lralll'l. 'J'lcketM holll allli ballllallu checkel , to all } ' I'nlnl III IhlUnlel \ Hla"11 alll Cana"a. I'ur Inlorlllltlon , nH" " . tlllle taltl'H allli tick. elM eall nil or'rlle ' 0 II. I. . OrlllMlty. : Uent. or L. W. Wakole } ' . H. J. , I. . Olllaha. NehraKka. II. I , . OKMlIIAII'elit. . - _ . - , - _ .h . . . _ . - _ _ _ - _ _ _ FRANSE MOORg , FEED BARN 'l'wo lIl.JCIlS Jlorlh ofraDII O'nlrl/I 11l1tel. I'RI' r Innjl" . "tlr.I".I. I'rlclfl r08MOIII\III" . , . - - - DH. U. 1. . MUtAL N , - Physician SurgeoI' ' , 2n.I HtdrwSf ( rom w..t 11I111111 ) lollity II\rc \ fJo lclUlIcu , 8rI wo.t M. G. thnreh. on 81\IIIU . ' : of AUoet. CY"'lIruknn Hnw. Nobu' " Pala.ce BaJbeJ : Shop } tor first-clnss work , call nt the Palace BnrherShop. gverything IIp-to.dllte. I.I O DEAN , Proprictor. DR. 'v , II. COIlE , Veterinarian. . Diseascs of al1 the towcr alllmall1 : hcllt. ed. Office at I.ee lIros. dru ! store. 'Phone 203 , Broken 1I0w , Nch. : . . , . . . . 111l I'tl Ilcuclcd II ) . . . . . . . . . Prln. , . I' Il'ult Nt' . 71'0C' : " . . . " ' . I\ . \ " T" , 'f. . . ' . ' ' ' ' ! "I ; . ' ( .r ' . . ' , < 'I' . . JG.BRENIZEI < , ISreeael 1'IIre kntch11 ; Renlch ' 1'ClPIII.1 Short lIor CaUle. JII } ' henllllllllhrM 40 I'UWH. 'VIII cun var" 11I I > reo.11I11I' 1II11IIn\lIt : ) ' wllh nllY "tJNt , Chleal1u JIIy uXIIIrlullc" htalllhllllCl : that I ! rh' , ! 1:00,1 , Katlslactroll. hrudlllil , cattl ! ! IIII1MI I r..l"c"lu t"l" . .nUlltI" . I ClXI'ct I rn".ctl1crll hel'c the CClllnl or all.thlll ral"edln'h" U. R. I IIOW II " 'o25hIlIlK " 1IIlah : Jor thl" allllncxt year' " MC"nlce. JIIy c 0\ ' -Chili hlllll 1400 tll ; : < 100 ItOUlldH. Come and H. . ben' - - - - - - - - - : o-.r..rJ'.r.r.r..r..r.r.r.r.r.r..r.r..r..r..r..r..r ' F. W. HAYES , J eweler ; and Optician K West Side Square , N , roken Bow , Nebraska. . . ; ; . ; . . . : ; : : . : . . . . . . . , . _ . - - " _ ' T. ' _ _ ( ' \I mr.r School QUl\rnntlned. i ' 1'111. : : ) umm'r clchool which , rl'adl",1 1Jl1l'nrollml'lIt o ( HU the I firt of I hl ! w'dc wa compel1ed tou ! : 1't'1I11 h lI1l'oraailj' ' Iondaj' , hi } ' onler of Dr. P nningtulI , the cll } ' health oOker. J t Wim re. I porled t hat Mis ! ; W aclt ter. who I it .wai ! rc1'oyte ( ! ded ! withcere . , ro- 's1'll1al ' mClllllglHls lao.t aturda } ' : aftl'rnoo. ten mile ! ; north of the I , cil ) ' ' had been ntlelltling lite I u"lmcr schhool , but the report I wa" 110t true. I Prof. I4ewi.i inform. . us that as ! as the quarantinc is raised the school will resume , which will be lIext t\lollllaj' . I ChnlllnUlIUn"1 Grl\dunte.\ On 'l'hursday evening- last week , at the I ectorj' of t. John church , occurn'd the second , atlnaal hanquet of the C. TI' S. C. . ; elf Brol < en How. I 'I'he delig-htful alTair was helll : to c lchrntc the graduation of the class of l'O ( , from the four j'ears' Chaulauqua course. and was fully up to the high stand- anI s'el by the exercises held one year ag-o. , ALeut 35 persons were present. clI1prising the present and g-raduating classes , ud such mcmbers of lhe Alumni as were i able to attend , together with , the husbands a 1111 escorts of the I ChautauIuans. ! The spacions Ii \ ' ng.rool11 of the rectory was decorated with potted plants , cut-flowers , and the colors of the class of ' 0- white and olive green ; and here a program was rendered that charmed and deligh ted the assemblell guests , who testified their interest and approval by frequctlt bursts of applause and many encores. The following is the complete program. I'lallo HilI. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \1It1 Kate 'l'a'lor ' . , ) I'al''r. " 'J'he Chnutau'lna Jllllrlll Y" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \Irll , l.arlll ' 0- \'ncal Snln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .MrK.0' . 'J'a'llIr ' 1) ) ( , I'a"er. Salutatnr } . . . . . . . . .Mu. D. Y. In'lIer ' 11 ( , I'lallo Hnln. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . llh. . WhllllIeaI'11/ , 1'\lI'r , Yalodlclory. . . . . . . .MrK. I' ' . I . 'faylor ' 110 llall SOli It. I'n'KculaUulI n ( I > IIJlollla..Judltc lIunll.hrey I'lano Solu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . M n. . W JlIIM Ca.1Veil . 'uS 'I'alk. ClaKlIr I'JI)5..MtR. ) A. II. Stllck. y 'OS . . . . . . . . . . . . .MrH. A. II. Stllckey ' 05 Vocal'l'rlo { . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \\rK. \ I" . 'l'a'lor 't _ ; . . . . . . . . . . . . M rHo C. I. . G u t1er ell ' 05 'l'hc musical numbers were thoroughly appreciated aud en- joyed. Broken Bow Chautaullua circle boasts au unusual array of musicians for a circle of its size. We must say , howe'cr , that the class song was a revelation. Being members of the Alumni neither Mrs. Cadwell , with her wonderful conltuand of the keyboard - board , nor Mrs. Stuckey v.ith ; her sweet and powerful voice could take part in it and yet it was rendered with an enthusiasm , abandon and dramatic fervor that will cause it to live long in our memories. Following this song , Judge Humphrey stepped within the mystic circle formed by the club , and after addrcssing somc burn. ing words to them proceeded to bestow upon the two graduates , Mrs. ii' . B. 'l'aylor and Mrs. D. V. J oYller , t hei r well-merited diplomas. 'l'hese are works of art and will doubtless be carefully cherisbed by the recipients. arlier in the evening these ladies had j.ivell us two very interesting and en tertai tting papers. It is to be hoped that they will not withdraw their aid and interest from the circle , with whose work they have been so closely identified. 1\Irs. Carlos' paper was a treat , for she wields : I , fascinating pen. We wish that all these papers , might be published , for few realize what an amount of good worl { this club accomplishes. I'he class of 05 was ably represented by Mrs. A. n. , Stuc1 j' . Mrs. Stuckey was by , turns hU1l1erous. cloquent witty , and earnest ; and her talk , which l , was given without notes , was the . feature of thc evcning. During her remarks she paid a glowing r lribute to He , ' , Walton TIal ! I Doggett , the founder of the loca ] 1 circle , and to his wife , who wm ! its Jirst president. After the closing 'rrio , small tabl s were arranged througll two rooms and the merry com , pany gathered ahout the good things provided b.y the bountiful hostesse . During this hour ar unseen but autocratic "Com. mittel. ' ' ' demanded speeches fron 50me of the guests. - 'rhe following gentlemen re sponde < 1 : Judge Gutterson , Mr " Whitehead , Mr. J. J. Wilson alH : HeXunders. ' ' \ . 'l'he last namc ( gentlcman spoke in German , hi ! remarks centering around "AlIe : was is lieblich , Alles was is Schon. Alles was is gemu thtich , to the lasting mystification 0 , thc irrcpressible member of ' 05 'I who plead carnestly .It the clos to lenow "what became of Alice. I ' 1'he wholc cvening , from th momcnt of our welcome bv th , retiring president , Mrs. li'ran I 'I'aylor , to the midnight hou when we wcre cordially spel homeward by the hapPJ fncel . . , . . , . - ' " ' - - - ' - to. : : A---'w- I - I mistrt''J'3 of the cctory , was one ! uccc1..ion ! of plem1Uf < 'Q. . , After thc summer va'ation the I Brokcn Bow circle will meet I again for the next year's work I , under the following omcen : I President , Mrs , Snyder ; Vicc ' President , Mrs. Homer Uruce ; I' Secretary , Mrs. James Leonard. ' for the club an W.c. predict , . . . IJlsptrlng .ycar. " I Woman Suffrage. I Judgc Ashman of the Orphans' i Court of Philadclpha gives his : opinion regarding the desirability - lows ity : of woman desirabil-/ / "Woman sulTrage is one of thc I few < tu stions in morals at1l1 politics - ' tics about which it has always seemed to mc there was scarcely room for conflicting opinions. The axiom that taxation without I reprcsentation is tYf lUnj' , would secm to securc the franchise to wOIII'n as a matter of indisputable - table right ; and I have met with no objectioll on the score of policy its exercise by her , which has not secmed puerile and scl- fish. 'rhe plea that she is mentally - tally incapacitated to exercise a sound judgmcnt in civil matters is'fotesque / when we consider the mental make-up of thousands - ands of men who throng the polls and in effect con1'rol the destin. ics of a party ; and the plea that her womanly duties are incompatible - patible with the dUlles which she owes the state has bcen disproved - proved by experiencc. After all , thc convincing argument with me is that the avcrage woman is on a higher moral plane than the average man ; that she is a worse suITer th n he from the mischiefs of misrule ; that instinctively h r voice would be ratsed for social order. and that her prcs < "t1ce at the ballot-box wo.ul < l be , as it now is in the church , a force upon - . on the side of euligb tened rule. " Co. M. Attention. You arc herehj' notified that drill will be h ld every Friday evening. All should attend these drills when possible so as to get ready for encampment which will be held this ycar at Fort Riley , Kansas. at which atl should make arrangements to at- tend. Our boys who were therc three years ago say it is"the finest - est they ever saw and this year it will be much better than it was then. If you know of anyone who has any intentions of enlisting and would make' good soldier , . bring him around as we need a I few more good men , but we can not entist them after July 1st , and take them to camp. Let cverybody do his duty and we will go to camp this year with the best company in the regi. ment. We have the material , all we need is a little work. LEo. DEAN , Lieut. 1st Beg. N. N , G. , Com. Co. M. Population of Custer County. I The following gives the popu. i latiotl of Custer County by town. ships as taken by the assessors this spring. We also give the population as shown by the gov rnment census of 1900 : TOWIIHhh'K. 1900 1'.I1 ( ) IlJc. Dcc. - - - - AIII'I'rnou . . . . . . . . . . . . 14'.12 1226 2,1 , - . . . . Ausley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lIJI ' )37 11)4 . . . . Arnolll. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! HI ) 6 5 . : . . 5 lIerwyu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ! HI 752 1' > ' 1 . . . . Brnlcli Buw. . . . . . . . . . 11170 10S. 1. . . . Jlrukenluw \ CIt ) ' . . . . . 1756 1371' > 351 . . . . Cliff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007 5.11 I . . . . CIIKtIf. ! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' .II' ) ! ! 7' ) O. . . . Dcllltht. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1114 R6' ) 2-15 . . . . UUllltlaM Gruve. . . . . . . . 770 ! lIS. . . . S 1 1I111. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574 JI 43. . . . gll reok. . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 : ! ! & .4 . . . . 156 Garfichl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 411 456. . . . 35 Graut. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431 .HU . . . . .9 IIyes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \711 15'1 17. . . . Kilton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t150 ! IN J7 ( ' . . . . 'I.lll1all. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 " ( 5. . . . I.nllp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7521165 . . . . IIJ 1\I.rtle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 712 ( .oJ \r ( ) . . . . Sanellt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,4 130 ; . . . . 106 ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437 393 44. . . . Vlctnr a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102.5 7.\0 265 . . . . \Va'ne. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .H 4 ( , . ) . . . . 25 , WeKtcrvlllc. . . . . . . . . . . . 778 714 I\ \ . . . . WchIUlllolI. . . . . . . . . . . h78 ( , , / ) . . . . I Wuo.1 River. . . . . . . . . . . 1\16 2'17 'I'otal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21H26 19758 1i1 ( , . . . . . . . II I A. ARMOUR , I 1.A. > Attorney at Law. I Broken Bow. Nebr. I lIavlllll jllHt had elllht ) 'earH l'raCtlcal expor . 1 lIce aK UUIIIII ) ' JIIIIlle. wlllltive K\I cial alll\l tlull tu the drawlllll' and I.rul > allllil lIt wlllK atlll I the a"lIIlnlKlratlulI u ( e'ltateK o ( dcceaht'll I'er- ! lUIiM amlmlliorH. Write IIr lholl"I1IO. 1111\ ) ' I \oa ve ) 'nll I' trh' , DI . C. PICKET'r , 1 _ Professor of Psychology , Ilncotll Melllcnl Co11c e. Officc at i residcncc , one-half block east of U. :11 B. Church. Chronic dlscnses given special nttcnlton. 'I'hone 147. B S t Dn . it lJ. & W. .1'ALBOT , " , f PHYSIGIANS rJ : SURGEO S. , OIDOI ) ovcr Uallbcrlo'8rug \ 8&oro. e IIrllllllO lIow. . _ Nllhra.h. " - I. c ' DR. C. B. JOB , 11 Physician and Surgeon ! Office alllI restIencc ! enc btock sO\lth of LI Ryerson & Gl'flrge's store. . . . I . - , a- . . , - . " ' . - . - . . . . ; ; - . - " , . . . , , . , . . - , . , , - , - , - - . . . . . . . . - - "n - - ' - - - - . .4 > - - - -ro- I W' riiii-- - - - - - r " Soda Cracl ers . " and , , " " anything you choose-milk for instance or lon . . . At every meal or or a munch between mc 1s , when you feel the need of an appetizing bite to fill \lp " \\Colut corner , in the morning when YOlI wake h\lu r ) ' , or 0\1 night just before going to bed , Soda crackers are. so light and easily digested tliat they make a perfect fee ; It " times when YOlI could not think of eating anything else. Dut as in all other things , there is a difference. in sod crackers , the superlative being 1- Uneeda Biscuit , a soda cracker so scientifically baked that ll the nutritive - tive qualities of the wheat arc rctaincd and dcvcloped- a soda cracker in which all the original goodness is preserved for you. i , NATIONAL'BISCUIT COMPANY tjtt ' . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . - - - - - , - - - . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . I . . . . . _ _ ' " . = gx Jj" : . : . . . : . - : : . : ; . ; ' . .rJ".f.I' : ' Qr , . . : ; t : .o . Y ' ; ' : lxrJf. : J.E3 : : . SpA..II : : , R r , . ' rot ' . . PROPRIETOR tffJl1RY'S n , , \ LIVERY and ; , : ' , " I It " I _ , . FEED BARN I ' . ' - - : h\ ; ; ? EAST OFGLOUE HOTEL. ti Rcmodeted at\l repaired throughout. Good livery rigs at rcasonahte rates. 8 Accomodation for cattle an range horscs. IIay at noon , 10 ccnts ; all day , l : 15 cents ; o\'cr night , 35 cenLc ; . Cal1 and sec mc. Q fbr Q".o : .o : : o" .r..rJ'"J".r.r..o ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If you arc lookmg for the uallty 0 f lumber and Building Malerial for the Least Monev let us figure on your bill. 'Ve always trJ to please. H. T. BRUCE CO. toutl1 Side Lumber Yard , Broken Bow , Neb , . . - - . . . . _ . 'M. U - - , 'G eneral Custer. " o. 11. OONHAl > , . . . . . . l"lrr , In. . . . . . Pnmp. . WIIIII , MtlIft. T , , " " ' " F'1tt1n ft , Oll olhll' Englno" . oto. etc. IIr'1l1o' : , nnw. Nob. . . . . . " . SIMON UAl\lI1HON : , 1f0rIY Y 0UICe.ll 19 A'r I.AW. lIooml8 InI Y. Itl'81ty IItl'clr , lira It : CD ! low , Neb. ork neatly done. Prices right. A. P. VANNICE , . Painting , Paper Hanging , Ca lcimininng , Etc. T-Ieave orders at l agle grocery. - - - - - - - - - - - - J , SNYDEH , J"J Attorney and Counsellor at Law , Pensions anti 1\11 kinds of overnme-nt clnlms , atlll a lenc\'t\tlnw { practice. 01. ficc : EI\lt l\Intn Strect , 1st door cast oC Burlington Hotet , Broken Bow , Neb. - - - - ROSS G. MOORE , Attorney-at-Law. Rul cllato alJd lean broker. OffiC6 111 Arl'le I I Dlock. DrokeD lIow. Neb.lka. - - - - - - - - Legal Notices. NO'l'ICg oJ. ' I'ROIlA Tg OJ. ' WILL. III the Count ) . Court. CUler Cnullt ) . , : : oJebraskt , 1'0 all perKOn\ ! Interested In thu estate of David Uoller , eccaKcd. WhereaK. 1 lIIl11a ] Icller. o ( salll Count ) . , htH fileliin my office an IIIKtrulllclit putllOrtlnll' t/1 he Ih" lakl Will aud 'festament 01 DavldlIeller UeccaktJd. late or halll COllnt ) . . alld a Ietltlnll \lraylllir Iu have th ! lame admltte" tu "robate , which will relatc. . tu both nal and l.erKona ] o..late alld 111 which It Is allelrcd thai all dcl > t all'alll..t Halll c late have I > ecn Aeltled alld "aid III filII alll Halll ehtale i. . III/t lItbh' ( IIr debtll , wher uIuII I h'e a\lpOlllled thu : : Jnl "ay 01 June. 11)01 , . allO o'cluck 111 thl' fOre11l101I. at m ) umCe III Maid CIIUllt ) ' . all the time and I'ltce ) ' 011 :11111 all cOllcerm..1 lIIay appear alll COlltl'st thl Ilwl > ateuf the Kallll' . lIated JUlie I. 1')01 , . 52-1 ! ! m.u. ! A. R. JIUII'ItKRCounty ud , , ( SU-'IMONS BY I'UIII.ICATtoN. 111 DIKtrlct Court 01 CUKler COllnt ) ' , Nebralka Alpha l\1urll'an. I'lalllliff. VH. I. . A. Wlllht , et ai , DclcndalllM. ' 1'he dcCendalltH , SUMall Armour. Mary Ar nlHur. 11"lc Armour. William McQuclI. 1-lIel' : ' McQllon , Martha Mar"hall anl Rol"'rtlar "hall , II1 leaded wllh L. A. Wlltbt. et al. aud each nl YIIU will take notice Ihat 011 thu 1 111 .Iay 01 Jnly. I'OS. Ihe "Ialllllff flied his \lelhlor ; III the UIHtrlcl Courl o ( Custer Cllunly , .Nebras. ka. allaln"1 I. . A. Wlllht aud othcr ! ! and 011 1111 : : nd day lIt Ma ) ' . 11)06. fllel , all alllelldll > Clllloll In . .alii action 11I\lloadhlll you allli each lIt } 'OIi aH dclemlantll. 'I'he ul > ject andl.ra'cr o ( each o ( flald "ell tlunK arc to ( ureclll e a certain tax sale cerliU catoillsucd by Ihe 'I'rcasurer or Uuster COUll ! ) ' , NebraHka. 011 Ihe 3nl day lIt Novellll > er. 1902. tl dclelldanl 1. . A. Wlllht. III tbu HIIIII o ( $1 15 101 th" I < ale for I he dellnquont laxeK u ( the yoal \lkllllr the ( nllowlnll de crll > e.1 real e"tale HIlU atc III CUl < Ier \ ount ) ' . Ncllra ka. tn.wll : ' 1'111 tieX u ( I < W ' alld Ihe w lIt tie anlilhe MeU U u ( scU u ( ISectlO1i . 'l'own8hl\l H Nurlh 0 Ralllle 13'eHt 016th 1' . M. alld ror the subsc IllIcnl taxI'II'lld UII Kalil real ehlttu h ) ' deC nd ani. I. . . \ . Wlllhl , Iurlluanl to salllplirchab. aK lulll/wM. tu.wil : 'faxeH I.ald ( or the ) 'ear I'JO' ou Mty ! Ht , 19 3 , In Iho HUIII o ( S.21. 'l'axcK I.aid tllr the 'ear 1'O3 ) Oil May 2I1d,194 ( , III thu "UIII o ( S.'JJ. Sallilax Imlu crtlficalu allli the tax n'celph ( IIr hllhheqUell1 taxoK MUlaid helllir IIOW uWlle. byllal:1l11f and hhl b ) ' hllll. I ach IIr which Ko\'eral HUIIHI draw 20 I'et Cellt IIIIercHI ( rulll .Iato III their l'a11Ielllli r H\lectln ! ) ' . 'I'hero 1M now dlle a 11I1 11\\11111 till 1IaintlII Oil Halll lax tialu certlflcale amI rc cel"tl < lor KIII > 'Iquelil taxcs I.ald Ihc (1IIIuwllI hUIIIK to-wil : : r1.IS with . ! O per cenl InteruKt thercon ( or : ) 'CUM ( rolll No\'elllhcr J , 1'J02. ' alld 10ler cell Ihereahcr. f..21 wllh . ! Oler cOllt IlIttJreKt ther on ( or' ) 'oarH Irolll Ma ) ' I. I'J ( ) , alill 10ler cent tllerc aher. : f5.)3 wllh 20 I > cr cent InterHt thereon lor : , ) 'carK ( rolll Ma ) ' 2. llJO . a 11I1 10 "er cellt Ihen aher. al1l1llalnlllI l.ra8 that the Cllllt'l 111\ : : fllIIl the anlllullt "ue 1.lalntllI In Ihe prcllllsc' ' allll ( or a d creu o ( ( oreclosurtl alld 1\le o ( Hall lamt to liallKly Ihe allloullt 110 loulld due and fo sllch oilier a 1111 ( urlhcr relle ( aM Is just alii e'lullable. You : tlld ! ! acJI o ( ) ' 1111 arc required to auswe , said amcmled petlllull 01or I > erore Mouda , Ihe 13rd da ) " o ( JUly , l'O ' . ALI'ItA MOI/HAN , \ II ) ' Roslili. Muoltu. AU' ) ' . I. . . J . . . _ _ _ _ - . . < LItA.- " . - - - - - - - - - . . NOTICI 01AppOl .r.m .l' 01. ' , \ D- : -'IINISTRA'l'OH. Count ) ' Court Cu tel Coun. } ' . l'ebra ! < ka. . . . . . ' 1'0 the UeirK allil nexi o ( Kin n ( A villa II Sco\-ell. Deceahed. r. I You are hereb ) ' 110llfied that Oils ! ' ; co\'ell. , a SOli o ( "alii decea ! < ed. has filed his pelltlon In ald Court. a klnl : ' that a KI.eclal adllllnl lrator lIIay I > I ! a\lpoillted lIt Ihe estatu ut A villa Scovell. dcceased. Said matter hag I > CII et . lor hcarlnlt' for July H. 1I1 Jlj. at 10 o'clock a. m. at Ihe COlin\ ) ' Court ROOIII , In HrukclI Bow. , . . ' Nebraska. wheu allinlercstedrtle ilia ) ' al" . .t I'ear ami be heard. , Dated the 91h da ) ' of June. 1'.100. " , \ 1. A2 { .Cu't t } . . \ ' lu tbe DIKlrlet Court Custer COIIU ! ) ' . Nel > raska. . In the matter or the I > etltlon of John Ulnkle ) ' * Admlliistrator lIt tbe eHlate o ( Sarah L. . ' Jj Inklcy , decea ed. ( or IIcen e to sell Real Eqtatu 10 I > a ) ' debl" . alld CO'lt o ( admlnlslrallon. Now IIn Ihls 31Kt da ) ' o ( Ma ' . 1900 , the pctl- tllln or John Ulnklcy. admllllHtratllr d the estate n ( Sarah L. Ulnkley , deccascd. was Ire- sented III me , Ihe same belult' made under oath and Ilrayln" fort IIcel1se to ! lell thu folluwlllit real eHtatc. to-wit : Lots ' .1'\\,0. 'fhreu. 'fen and Eleven In block ( ourteen IlIlhe to\\'n o ( Derw'n In CUKler Count ) . . Nebraska , acconlllllt' to tbe recordcd plat thereof. ( or the I.a'ment or debtll allowcd all'alnst haill csttte ami the costs uf administration o ( said ektate III CUkler Conuty. NebraMka. ( or Ihu rea SOli that tllere IK nlll sufficleut amuunt of I'er onal \ > rol'erty In the possession o ( the admillihtrator , I > elOlllllnll to said e"tate to I'a ) ' said deht. . al\ll co t. , . It 1M thererore ordered Ihat all persons Ir.ter. eSled 111 said eHtate appear beoro lIIe at Cham- bcrs In the CIIY of Kearne ) ' , III Duffalo counly. Nel > ra'lka. on thu : : ! ! Ib day o ( July , 1' b , at the hour uf 111'cloctt P. III. to Hhnw caChO , If any there be , wht IIcen/le should nol be II'raliled to Maid admlnlslrator. John Ulnkle ) ' . to sell Ihe wbole of . .alii real estate al > ovcllescrll > ed o ( salll decedenl. to I > a ) ' Hald debts alld eXl'enHCS. It Is furlher ordered that a COP ) ' lIt Ihis order I > e personally erved upon all pcrsons Interested - ed In flald eSlate at IcaRt fourteeu da's heore Ihc date o ( said hearlllll. Notice IIf this application - cation be l.ubllHhcd aR ftJ'll1lre.1 1 > ) ' law In Ihe Cuslcr County HCl'ublican. BRUNO O. IIOSTKTI.IIR. Judlle "f till ! DI telct Court of ( , usler County , Nebr. J. A. ARIOUK , AIt'y. 1.4 1 - 010' I'ROUA'1'g \ \ ' . NOTICI010' 01"11,1. . In the Count } . Court. Custer Const ) . , NebraHka. 1 , To all \lClhOIiS IntereKted in thc Jo , tate of Bcnjamln 10'.1 1\1orruw. DeceaMel , WhcreaK. Ellzah.th 1\1orrow o ( 8ald Couuty. haM filed 111 my omce al1lnstrulllelil "nrporthllt 10 be the lasl Will and Testan.onl of Bcnja. mln J. ' . Morrow. Deccall'II , late or Halll cuunty , and a Ietltlon prayhllr 10 ha\'e the 1 < : lIIIU adllllt- I I ted to prohate. which will relattJ/I to Iwlh real , aml\lerl < onal estale , wbereu Ion I lIaappoint. . ! ! d Ihe 30lh Ila ) ' o ( Jnne , 11J06. at0 \ o'clucl ! In tlll\ i ( llrenoon. aim ) ' IIfficc in I < ald County , as the I IIl11e and place ) 'ou an" all concerne" . ma ) " I apl'ear :11\11 cunte.t the I'rohal" o ( 1110 salllc. Dated JuneS. 1'J ( , . r 52-2 ltaAI. ! A. H. IIUlIlI'IIKIICllnllt ) . Jll < llI'e. I III Count ) . Oourl o ( CUltcr county , Nehrask a Inlhe mllter o ( tbe adolltlon o ( E.lward 'I' . and Alina H.1\1ll1er. minors. b ) ' Wllllalll II.alld . . Anna ICoulter. . hllsbaml alld wife. NllIcu 1M hercb"lI'lorenlhat IIn the 12th .Ia ) ' o ( 1\1a ) ' . 1Jb. ! ) William II. Coulter an.1 Alllla I . ( .oulter. hUHI > alld and wiCe. filed In the count } . courl 01 Maid cnllnt ) . , their pelltlon "ra'hlll' ( or . an nrder of said court , Ihat the IIIlnor chllllr Jt o ( 'fheodoru Miller and SIIKlc I . Mllicr. de- ceased. to.wlt : gdward T. Miller. alrel fi vc . years and Anna g. 1\1 Iller. all cd lwu ) 't..r , may I > e lell'all } ' ado"te" , and I > e and I > ccolIIC the lell'ally adopled and cllnstltuted chi hlren o ( HaitI petllllners ; tbat . .alii I > etilIOIll'rK ( reel ) ' and vlliuntarlly offcr to adopl said 1II1110r children - dren a 1\11 lell'ally constitute alld make said children Ihe children IIf . .aid Ilelitionors by adllpllun : a1\11 the hclrs o ( the estale o ( salol \ > ellllolierH Ihe sallie as I ( salll children were the children or said pelltlonerH I > y birth. I1earlnll uplln Hald pclltlon flied herein III Ux- lid fur Ihe lth ! day o ( JUlie. 100 ( " at 10 ( I'clock a. m. berore the COllnly Judie u ( saltl coullty al . the court roolll In Hruken Bow , NcbraHka. at which lime all rerHllns Interested In bald Iell. tIln lIIay al'lear an,1 object and \lrlltello Kald adll.lIolI and den ) ' tile alleltatlollK ct unt In I < ald l.elltlon. Dali'd thlK 121h Ilay o ( Ma.191' . Ctm.\I.1 A. R. IIUMI'IIKU\ ' , 4',1 CUlll1ty Jndlre. Ullitell Stttes I.aml Omce. l Brokell Dow. Nel > raKka. May : ; : < J , 1906. f otlce IH hereb ) ' IIlveu that the lollowlnll' lItmed settler has IIled notice o ( her intention to make filial I' t'l/O r In su"port or her claim. ami that Mallt prUl ( will be made I > clom Hell'lster . ami Ht'cclvor at IIrukeli lIm' . NI'hrahka. 1111 Jlllle JO , 19 6. \\z : MAI' 'l'U KI H. 01 An. I I < tJllIIO , Nol > raska. ( or the K H\\J \ \ Kectioll ! ) . IlWII- tihh' 'O N Ranlte 13 W. She nallles Ihe ( ollow. illll' wilnessclilu prove her continuolis , . 'sldence UI.OII and cultlvallon o ( Kalliialld , vlz : JOhel'h 1\1(1orc. lIt AnKclmu. Nchraska , JallleM I'hlllll > H. a IIf Anselmo. Nel > rabka : Jlllles McGinn. IIr \n. - Hellllo. Nel > raska ; JollII Mnu"cvlllc , ( lr DUll- 1I1111l. Nebrallka. M. 51.4 JAlIllts WIIITUII AII , Hel'lsler. t _ " Ulllte.1 StateM I.and Omce. l Lincoln , Nel > raska , ) Ita ) ' 15. 1'.106. r Notice 15 hereby I'lvell that thu rollo\\'IIIII" lIame.1 setller has filelnoticu .or his illielltioll lu make final proof III I < UIIl > Ort o ( hiM claim. al1l1 , . that lIalil Iroo ( will I > u iliad" he"ru A. H. lIulIIPhrcy. COUllt ) ' judllu. al Hrokell Buw , 011 JUlie ; : ] . 1 < J 6 , , 'Iz : gHNlg 1' . MOORg. ( or the w , nd ( SeCtlOIl J2 al1l1 6c t lIe HCtluII JI , towlIKhlp lb. Hallll'e 20 W. II" lIameHI the (01. luwlllll' wltlleHHeM 10 I.rove hlH COlltlullolis reKI. .Ieuce ullon alld cultlvatlou o ( salol lallli.'Iz : r Oliver Rldt'nour , or IIrokell How. Nel > raHka ; John J. Moor . o ( Jlrokell 1I0w. Ncbraska ; Cbarles I . Snider , o ( Brokoll 1I0w , Nel > raska ; CharlelV. . Mooru. o ( Jlrokell Jlow. Nebraska. 1 49' : : CItAII , 10' . HIIUUU , Hellistor.