I AILING WOMEN. Keep the Kidneys Well and the Kid. . neys wm Keep You We1l. Slclt , suffering , languid women nro learning the true cause of bad baclts nnd how to cure , " j" . them. Mrs. 'W. G. : , 'J. . . Davis , of Groesbeclt , \ ' ) i Texas , says : "Back. . ' 'i4. . nches hurt. me so I . { ; 1 \ could lmrdly stand. , , ' $1 $ Spells of dizziness and sick headache were frequent. and the nctlon of the - kidneys was Irreg. Soon after I began taldng Kidney P111s I passed several gravel stones. I got. wen and the trouble has not. returned. My back Is good amI strong nnd my general heaHh better. " Sold by n11 dealers. 50 aonta a box. Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Every boy has three ambitions be- tora ho tlnally settles down. His first Is tD be the snare drummer In the vlllago blmd. The second Is to be an Indian kIller and scout. The third Is to bo locomotive engineer. ' 1'hen ho forgets about Ulem nnd Is ambltlouH only to maIm { ff"Jlvlng. Ethics. "Do you thInk we will ever bo abl/ ! to communicate with Mars ? " "My dear sir , " answered the astronomer - omer , "you surely do not. think I would spoU pages of magazlno artlclos yet. to bo written by endeavoring to prove the contrary. It would be very unprofesslona1.-Washlngton Slar. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured wIth LOCAL APPLICATIONS.ILA tboy cannot roach the loat ot tbo dlieLlo. Catarrb II a blood or conltl. tutlonal dllcue. and In order to cure It you mult take Internal remedlel. Uall'l Catlrrb Cure II taken In. ternally , and acte dlrecUy on tbo blood and mucous lurtace. . IIall'l Catarrb Cllre II not a quack medl. cine. It wal pl'6o'Crlbed by ono ot tbo bolt pbYllclanl In tbl. country tor yean and II a regular prclcrlptton. It II compol6d at tbo be"t tonici known. combined wltb tbe belt blood Pllrlncr" , actinK directly on tbe mucoul lurtaces. The pcrfect comblnaUon at tbo &wo Ingredlenllli wbat producea lucb wonderful roe .ulllln curlnK catarrh. Senll tor telUmonlall , freo. , F. J. CImNEY & CO"I'rapI. , Toledo , O. Sold by Dru llti. price 15c. \ Take Hall'l } 'amlly 1'11I1 tor conltlpatlon. r Time to Get DusY' . Her Husband-I thought. you were going to visit your mother. His Wife-And so I am , i "Well , ; ) 'ou had better begin to pack : your trunk at once. The train leaves 1 In 48 hours.-Chlcago Dally News. I When Your Groc r Says : ' he docs not have Defiance Starch , you ' " mty : : bo sure ho Is afraid to Iteell It until - ! til his atock of 12 oz. packages arc , sold. Defiance Slarch Is not only bet- tcr lIlIln an ) other Cold 'Vater Starch. but. contains 16 oz. to the package and sells for same money as 12 oz. bramIB , , RN Merit. Mrs. Sklmldns-How do you lIlte your new boarding house ? Mr. Jobldns-oh ! the rooms are tnlr , the table Is only tolerable , but the . , gossip Is excellent.-Hotel Lite. .lU ' Those Who Have Tried It. : vc. . wl1l use no others. Defiance Cold Wa- tel' Slarch has no equal in Quantity , or Quality-16 oz. tor 10 cents. Other t brands contain only 12 oz. . ' Whcn all of the pretty little home ornaments go Into the daughter's room the son is very apt to look for hl9 ; pleasant things down town. , . - - ? A CRITICAL PERIOD f INTELLIGENT WOMEN PREPARE ' Dangers and Pam or This Critical Period ; o Avoided by the Uloe or Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound. IIow many women - men realize that the most critical period in n. wo- man's existence is the change of life , and that the anxicty felt by women as this time draws near is not without reasQn ? 'j . If her system is in a deranged condl- tion , or she is predisposed to apoplexy or congestion of any organ , it is at this time lIIeely to become active and , with I II. host of nervous irritations , malee life a burden. ' , A t this time , also , cancers and tumors : r are more liahle to bcgin their destrue- tiv 'work. Such warning symptoms as a sense of suffocation , hot flashes , dizziness - ziness , headaehe. dread of impending e\'I1 , sounds in the ears , timidity , palpitation - pitation of the heart , sparks before the e 'es , irre ularities , constipation , variable - ble appetlte , wealcness and Inquietude are promptlj' heeded by intelligent womcn who arc approaching the period of lifo when , voman's great change way be expected. We believe r ydla E. Pinkham's Veg. etablo Compound Is the world's greatest - est remedy for women at this trying period. Lydln E. Plnlebam's Vegetable Compound - pound Invigorates and strengthens the , female organism , and buUds up the weakened nervous system as no other medicine can. j. Mrs. A. E. G. Hyland , of Chester- town , Md. , in . letter to Mrs. Pink- ham , says : Dear Mrs. Plnltham- " I had hoon sulfering with displacement tor years and was passin ! ; through the change of Jlo. I hl1l1 good dei ot 6OI'enCS9 , dizzy spells , bendncbes , and was very nervous. I wro1o you for ndvlce ami commenced treatment - ment with r.ydillo B. Pinkham's Vl.'getnble Compound a.1 you directed , and I am happy to say that all UIOSO distressing s nptomsleft me , and I have pnss\l sntel ) ' through tbe cblUlgl.I of IIto well womnn. " For special advice regarding this im. portant. period women are invlte ( } to write to Mrs , Pinldmm , Lynn , Mass She is daughter-In-law of Lj'dia E. Pinldll\m and for twenty-five years hu.s been advising sick women free of charltc. lIeI' advice Is free and always helpful to ailing women. - - IT & : PrrLESS SCALES. Par Sleel . Rnd Wood FrDmes , J2.5 Dnd up. Write . _ " , liS bdore you buy. We 113\ you I I " , , = . \ money. Also Pumps aud Wind Mills. BECKMAN BROS. , On WOlnu , 1011I' , . . . . . . . . , . . . . UPTON SINCLAIR STRIKES BACK Author of "The Jungle" Faces Prince of Packers With Awful , Array of Facts Calcu'nted to Dslroy the I Infamous Industry. I . In a recent Issue of the Saturday Evening Post Mr. J. Ogden Armour makes the assertion that the govern. ment Inspection of the be\f trust olaughter.houses Is an Impregnable wall protecllng the pUblic from 1m. pure meat , and that not an atom of , diseased meat finds ils way Into the : products of the Armours. Mr. Up. ton Slncl611' , author of ' 'The , Junglo" ( a terrific statement of pacltlng house conditions ) , studied the meat Industry for tvo years , Ineludlng much time IIpent In the Chicago stockyardB as n workman ; he Is the best equlppod outsldo authority on stockyard condl. tlons. In Everybody's ] , Iagnzlno tor May Mr. Sinclair makes startllng and convincing answer to Mr. Ar. mour's Rsserllon. Commencing wilh the slatement that J. Ogden Armour is the absolute and not the nominal head of the great packing house In. dustry which bears his name Mr. Sin. clair says : "I know that In the statements - ments quoted , Mr. Armour willfully and dellborately states what. ho absolutely - lutely and positively knows to be talsehood9. That ho might be properly equipped to descrlbo condilions In "Packing. town' " Mr. Sinclair worltcd tor a period as a laborel' In the plant ot Ar. mour & : Co. , and he tens of sights of filth and horror such as ho hopes never to see again , but the strongest. coincidence of the truth of the claim that meat unUt. for human teed la put on the market comes trom a man tor years superlnt ndent at Armour & : Coo's Chicago plant , Thomas F. Dolan , of Boston. Mr. Sinclair In hlB article i IlaYs : "At the time 1 > f the embalmed.beet scandal at the conclusion of the Span. Ish war , wlXJn the whole country was convulsed with fury over the revela. tlons made by soldiers and officers ( Including Gen. l\H1es aUlI President . Roosevelt ) concerning the quallty of : meat which Armour & : Co. had tur- nlshed to the troops , and concerning . the doath.rate which it had caused , the enormity of the 'condenl1led.meat . Industry' became. suddenly clear to i one man who Imd formerly super- vlsed It. Mr. Thomas F. Dolan , then residing In Boston , had , up to short time previous , been n superintendent at Armour & : Coo's , and one of Mr. Phl1lp D. Armour's most capable and trusted men. W'ben ho read of the death.rnte In the army , ho made an affidavit concerning the things which were done In the eslabllshment of Ar. mour & : Co. , and this affidavit he took to the New York Journal , which published - lished It on lWarch 4 , 1899. Here are some extracts trom It : "There were many ways of getting around the Inspectors-so man ' , In fact , that not more than two or three cattle out. of 1,000 were condemned. I know exactly what I am writing ot In this connection , as my particular Instructions trom Mr. W. E. Pierce , superintendent of the beer houses for Armou _ & : Co. , were very explicit am ] definite. "Whenever a beef got past the yard Inspectors with a case of lumpy jaw and came Into the slaughterhouse or the 'Idllng-bed , ' I was authorized by Mr. Pierce to take his head off , thus removing the evidences of lumpy ja.w , and after casting the smitten portion Into the tanlt whorQ refuse goes , to I send the rest of the carcass on Its I way to market. "I have seen as much as 40 pounds of flesh affilcted with gangrene cut trom the carcass of a beef , In order that the rest of the animal might be utlIlzed In trade. "One of the most Impol'lant regulations - tions of the bureau of animal Indus. try IB that no cows In calt are to bo placed on the marltct. Out of a slaughter of 2,000 cows , or a day's kUling , perhaps onehalt are with culves. My Instructions from l\tr. Pierce were to dispose of the calves by hiding them until night , or until the inspectors left off dllty. 'fhe little - tle carcasses were then brought from all over the pacldng.house and skinned by boys , who received two cents tor I removing each pelt. The pelts were sold tor 50 cents ! ! ach to the kld.glove manufacturers. This occurs every night at Mr. Armour's concern at Chi. . cage , or after each Itilling of cows. ' "I now propose to state here exact. Iy what I myself have witnessed In Philip D. Armour'lI pacldng.house with cattle that have heen condemned by tbo government Inspectors. "A worltman , one Nicholas Newson during my time , Informs the Inspector - . tor that the tanks are prepared for the reception of the condemned cattle and that his presence Is required to see the beef cast Into the steam.tank. Mr. Inspector proceeds at once to the place i Indicated , and the condemned cattle , : having been brought. up to the tanlt. ! , A Stone Darometer. In northern Finland , so a native paper Informs us , Is a large stone I which serves the Inhabitant. 'I as an I Infallible ba.rometer. At the approach I of rain , this stone turnB black or , blo.cklsh gray , whllo In fine weather I It Is of a light color and coverpd with I white spots. Probably It is a fossil mixed with clay , and conlalnlng raclt Balt , niter , or ammonia , which accord. Ing to a greater or less degree of dampncsJ In the atmosphere , attracts 1 or otherwillo.-Sunday Magazine. . . . 'I room on trucks , ere forthwith cast Into the hIssing steam.hollers and ( lis- appeal' . "But the condemned steer does not 3ta ) ' In the tank an ) ' longer than the time required for hIs remnlns to drop through the holler down to the floor below , where he Is caught on a truck and hnuled bacle again to the cutting. room. The hottom of the tanle was open , I\nd the steer passed tlu'ough the : \perture. "r have witnessed the farl1 many times. I haYe seen the beef droppClI Into the Yat In which a stearn' pipe was exhausting with n great no Iso so that the thud of the beet atrlldng the truck below could not. bo heard. and In n short time I have witnessed Nicholas bringing It back to he pro. pared for the marltct , "I h8\'o even marked beef with my kulfe so as to distinguish It , anll watched It return to the point where It started. . . . "Of all the evlls ot the stocltyards , the canning department Is perhaps tire worst. It Is there that the cattle I from all parts ot the United States I are prepared tor canning. No matter I how scrawny or debllltaled canners are , they must go the route 'Ot their brothers and arrive ultimately at the great bolUng vats , where they are steamed until they are reasonably ten. der. Bundles of gristle and bono melt Into pulpy masses and nro stirred up tor the cunning department. "I have seen catttle come Into Ar- mour's stockyards so weak and ex. hauBted that they expired In the cor. . rals , where they lay for an hour or two , dead , until they were afterward hauled In , sldnned , and put on. the marltet fm' beef or Into the cunning department for cans. "In other words , the Armour estab. ' lIshment was se11lng carrion. ' 'There arc hundreds at other men In the employ of Mr. Armour who could verify every line I have writ. ten. They have known of these things eyer since packing has been an Industry. But I do not ask them to come to the front In this matter. I stand on my oath , word tor word , sen. tence for sentence , and statement tor statement. . "I write this story of my own tree will and volition , and no one Is reo sponslble tor It but myself. It Is the product ot ten years of experience. It Is the truth , the whole truth , and nothing but the truth , so help me God. "THOMAS F. DOLAN. "Swom to and subscribed before me this first da ) ' oflarl1h , 1899. "ORVILLE F. PURDY , "Notary Public. Kings County , N. Y. "Certificate med In New York coun- ty. " The S : I ; : neance ot this statement , asIr. : . Sinclair notes , is heightened by th fact that , IHlblished as It was ! . In a newspaper of prominence , whose proprietor Is a man of Immense wealth and could be reached by the courts , Mr. Armour made no move to instl. tuto suit for libel , practically admit- ling that the statement was truc. Mr. Sinclair maltt's the assertion , and gives abundant proof , that the worry Incidental to the "embalmed beef" hcandal during the war with paln caused the death of PhlUp D. Armour , and that millions of dollars were spent by the pacldng Interests in the effort to lccep concealell the truth about the matter. The awtul mortaIlty from disease among the sol. dlers during that few weetts' campaign was dlGtlnctly attributable to the meat rations supplied to the army. There seems small reason to doubt that meat as little fit for human food Is still being Illaced on the martcct. How much dlseaBe and death has been the outcome may be Imagined , Summing up the entire facts of the situation.lr. : . Sinclair concludes : "Writing In a magazine of large circulation anll Infi uence , and having the fioor all to hlmseIr , Mr. Armour spol\O serenely and boastfully of the quaIlty of his meat products , and challenged the world to impeach his Integrity , but when he was brought Into court charged with crlmo by the commonwealth of Pennsylvania , he spolte In a dlff'ent tone , amI to a different purport : he aald 'gulIly. ' 'He pleaded thIs to a criminal Indict. ment for se11lng 'preserved' minced ham In Greenburg , and paill the fine of $50 and costs , He plended guilty again In Shenando h , Pa. , on June .16 , 1905 , to the criminal charge of se11lng adulterated 'bloc1t\velrst : ' nnd again he Imld the fine of $50 and costs. Why should 1\Ir. Armour bo let art with fines whleh arc of les3 conse. qucnce to him than the price of a postage stamp to you or me , Instead of going to jalI mta other convicted criminals who do not happen to be ml11lonalres ? " The Many Vhtues of Snlt. Salt puts out a fire In the chimney. Salt In the oven under baking tins will prevent scorchluJ ; on the bottom. Sail and vlnegal' will re1110\"O stains from discolored teacups. Salt nd soda are exceIlent for bee stings I and spldtJr bites. Sail thrown on soot I , which has tallen on the carpet wl11 prevent stains. SaIt V't on Inlt when freshly splIIed on a carpet will remove the spot. Salt tlno-'ll on a coal fIre which Is low will re\"lvo It. Salt used In sweoplng carpols Iteeps out moths. . . . , . t , I DISFIGURING SKIN HUMOR. 'tmposslble to Get Employment , M I Face and Dody Were Covered with I . Sorcs-Cured by CuUcw'n. "Slnco the yenr 1891 I hnvo been troubled with a very bad case oC oc. % ema which I have spent. hundreds or dolars ! trying to cure , nud I went to the hosllltul , but. they fnlled to curc me , 1ItHI It. was gottlng worse nIl the time. 1.'I"e wee Its ugo my wlfo bought n box or Cutlcurn Ointment and ono cal < o of Cutlcurn Soap , nnd I I\1n pleased to say that I n111 now completely - pletoly cured and woll. It was I1n- posslblo Cor mo to get om ploy me nt , as m ) ' race , head uml body were l.'OV. cred with It. The eczema first appeared - peared on tllO top oC my head , and It. had worled nIl the way nround down the buck of my neck mHI around to my throal , down my body and around the hips. It. Itched so I would he obliged o scratch It , and the nesh was raw. I nm now nil well , anll I wlII bo pleasell to recommend the Cutlcura Romedles to nil persons who wish n iJpeedy nnd permnnent cure of skin Jlseas o" Thomns 1\1. Uosslter , 290 ! Prospect. Street , East Orange , N , J. ' Mar. 30 , 1901i. I..cwL'I' Hin lo inder - the famous tmiht c clKnr , I1h\"l\Y8 heat qualltv. Your llcalel' Ot' Lewill' l.'nclory , Peoria. lit. Pat's Iden of an Isnnd. Tcacher-Pntrlclt , describe an Islund. Patrlck-Shuro , 1111\'Um , It's a place \'C can't lave widout n boat-PII rlm. l\lno. " 'IIIRlmy' " Soolhln ! : STI'D ) " For chlldreu tcotblnK. loften. the Kuml , reducel In. lIa'DmaUon , allarl paIn. curel wInd colic , 25c a botti. . Nothing comes so near to "censuro" as "gootl advlceo"-Jud e. . . . . ' Ii. . - - - - TroublM of Spring Days. Tho80 nro the da8 when the ohl hen ts In her work asslstlnJ ; the rad. IsheR to come up ; when the house dog begins n system or excllvnting In tlie flower beds 1\1111 when the nolshhol"s 0111 cow wnlla lelsul'ely acmSR the freshly prepared lawn , - Chall1\\l\n \ ( Inll. ) Oulloole. Disappointed. "So Mrs. Nllrlch was holel up Rnd robhed , 1I0w dill she feel about It ? " "Oh , sho's fearfully mild. Only had five cents In her pocket boolt nt the tlmo , you Imow , anti sho's armltl people - plo will thlnle she hnsn't nny money. " -Detroit I"reo PresR. Just What You 'Vaut. . The most comll1ete l lthogrnllhlc. Map ( SI1.o 32x31 ) of thnt. purt. of the Wlml IUvcr or Shoshone Inlilan Hesor. "ntlon In Wyomlnl ; to ho openetl for settlement. ComlllledIIHler tllrectlon of ,101111 T. Wertz , I"ormcr United ! I States Special Allotting Agent for this Heservatlon-from U. S. Gov't Survo's showlnJ ; 'fownshlpB , Frnctlonal ' 1'own. ahhls , Sections , Lots , Mountnlns , Rh'ers , Creetts anti Streams , Allot. ments to Indians , Proposed Hnllroads , Prollosotl Irrigation Ditches , 'Va , on Rends , Trails , Fords , I"orrles , Drldgell , DIg Horn , Hot. Springs , Mllltury Post , Agcncy , amI prhH.lllal towns near Reservntlon , Every lIomoseolter , Prospector anti Engineer should have this mnl1 , as with It he can malto hlA own selection of laml , anti Imow just whore ho Is at. The above malls can bo socuroll of S. D. Childs & Company , 200 Clarlt Street , Chlcalo , m. , at rnto of $1.00 cache NOTE.-For Information ns to char. aeter of land apply to John T. Wcrtz , Lander or Shoshone , 'Vyomlng. Prospcrlty haR rulnCl1 many n mnn , but If a fellow Is going to be ruined nt all that Is the plensnntest way. - - - 1 - FAINTINC SPEllS Cured by Dr. Wlllinmo' PInk Pills , the > > Remedy Which Actually Makes Now Blood , Aurolllltmaltl11 1.110 l\ntlout \ ahort ot brenth flO tllnt t hOl'O is ofl\n n. IIOURO oC Aulfocntion , flI\lItJtilllcH t.hem ill n cough nl\ll the Hufforer lJoellll to ho goillg into COURUlllptiou , nt olhorlf there ilf 1mur. . mur or tllo henrt nlll hem' ! ; IlIRcase 18 funrell. III' the Collowll1 C111O ! severe fnilltillg Hpolllf were nil I\lnrllllllR HYIIII ) . toml'esultlllg f1"O\II II too IIttio blood. " Mrlf. OeOl'go It'orroRtcr , of ' 1 Ourtls street , \VntorltWII N.Y.,8n8 : "Somo tilllO nHo 1 toole 1\ IlOnvy collt 1\1\11 it left 1110 III 1Vlll'Y wonle cOllll1tlon , I 110- CI\IIlO worRO I\I\I worse until l11mlly I luullltlllJlllin. 1 lost llcRh 111111 I\Pllotlto , hl\IIHI co1t1l' nt\l WI\8 Huhjcct t. ( ) t"lLill U ilK' HJlOllS. 8oll\olllllOA they wou1l1 I\tlnele mo HUlhhmly 1111111 wOl\1I11'nlI \ to ' .lIof1eo\ with hnrdly nuy wnmillg. . . I hlul lIIl ( ) or 011\ ' beRt phYRlwl\lIl1. 1mb niter ho hlul' hoon I\ttOllll1l1H mo nbout lIIullth without I\IIY improvo- 1I1ellt in lilY cOIullUon , I (100111011 to 800 whnt Dr. WilIll1l1l ! ! ' Pin1 , Pill > > woulll tlo. . . 'fho } Jill ! ! , , "oro wol1 Jmuwn to. 1110 for , I\bout two VlIllrll buCaro , lIIombo\'s of lilY fl\lllily Juul tnllJu tlltlm wit.h the best 1'oSI11111. I 11001fOllul thnL Uio pl1lH Wm'o JURt wlll\t I Jll.'cdmt for 1 110011 he- wm to nQtieo 1\1\ illlprovolllollt.Ctor I hall tll1t)11 the III while 101l or I WI1"1 cn- t.iroly un1'od , 11I\(1 wo aJl llOlIovo in Dr. \Vi1lltlllll' Pill1c 1)11IH 1U1I1 rOC)1II11101111 thom hIHh1 . . Dl' . WllliIIUIR' Pln1c Pillsnctnl111y 1I11\1m 1I0W 1110011. ' 1'hey tlo t1l11t 0110 thing 11\1(1 \ they tlo It woll. IlIIJlQvol'hdlel 111(1011 i/\ tlefiolullt 111 rl1 ! corllUsulon. Dr. 'V i11 11\111 R > PIII1c Pills IIIC1'CnAO t.1ll1l1UII\OOr of tJIlI ! ( ) 1'011 ( JOrJ1IlHululI 1\1111 il1 thin way { ul\l \ hCl\lth ntlll Htrollgth to evCl'y t.iK.'iuo. All drnmiKtR Roll Dr. WilIil\lIIR' Pillk PI11H tH. they w111 bo ! lellt by limn , po1- ! ! \ , Oil rOOellt of prien , 60 oOllta per lOX , IIlx hexes for .i O , by the Dr. 'VIl- 111111I11 1\folIclllo 00. , Snholloctmly , N. Y. - . ' " - - . . - . . , . , The Kind You nave Always nonght , and which Im9 'Jccn in USQ for ovcr 30 ycars , has berne tliO lgnatnro of" and Im9 becn Jnn < loUluler Ills pcr- . fonalsUIcrvlsion slnco itsill1imcy. . I Allow no ono to tlecelvo you in tl s. . All Oounterfelts , Imitations uIHl " .Just-l1s-good" are but Experhnents that trIfle wltl1 ntul oIHlauger the Jacu.1tIL of' Infants and Chlldren-Exlcrienco UgUlllst Experiment. . PrornolcsDigcslion.Chec uIWhat illS CASTORIA ness and Rcst.Conlalns neUher OpiumMorpl nc nor } fincral. . Oastorin. is n. lmrmlcss substItute for Castor Oil , ParegorIc - NOT NAn C OTIC. . . . gorIc , Drops and Soothing Syrups. It:18 : : PlcMant. It. : . contains neither Opium , l\Iorphino nor other NlLrcotfa. Rmp ol' ( } { JJrS.WllELHTCllE1l substance. Its ago is its guarantec. It destroys Worms . 1.1in Sml- nllays Feverlslmcss. It cures DIn.rrl1oou , mul Whul .B tJ - Oollc. It relieves Teething Troubles , cures Constlpn.tion 1 : and FIat1 cllcy. It nsshnlIates the FoOt } , regulates tllO J : /11J J'wO Stomncll and Dowels , giving JlenIUay mul uaturnl tJlecg. SUF.r The Chlldren'a Panacea-Tho lUotl1cr'a Frleul. ) lI'm " 14m : , ' " . , Ape cctRcmcdyforConsUpllCENUINE ! , CASTOR1A ALWAYS , lion. SQur SlomachDiarrhoea f Worms , Convulsions , feverish- ncss llndLoss OF SLEEP. 'G1 . . facsimile signature or NEW' YORI { . I The Kind Yon Ran Always Bought EXACT COpy OF WRAPPER. In Use For Over 30 Years nil : CENTAU. . CO..ANy. . , , NUnnAY DTnEET. NEW yon" CITY. , , . . ' - " ' . . _ _ . . . 'I . ' . , _ fl. " ' . . " ' . . . ; ' : { I. 1 ! . . . 'c. ' . < , , ' - . J. . " - + It THOUGHTS FOR QUIET HOUR. Don't call the world dIrty becaule you hllve forgotten to clean your plaases. It your rcllglon Is ot the kind that an be caRBy hlddeu It can as easily .be lost. The only reason some men won't go to the church Is because the ) ' are not In lted Into the pulpit. If you want to make 11 rich \IIan understand you ml'st touch hlR pocltet. book. The people who arc too lazy to pre. pare nlwaya have a lot to sny ahout the wa.y the prizes are dlRtrlbuted. Kicker by Habit. " 'fhat man began to Itlek the minute he entered the offire , " aald the hotel cleric. "Yell , " answered the pl'oprletol' . "JIb hehave ! ! as If he had always been used lo the .worst ot everythlng.-Wush- Ington Slar PATENTS for PROFIT mUlt full , . protect an Invontlon. llooillet anll Dclk Calendar Filla : . Uillhelt referencel , Columunlcatlonl ConD < lentllll. " , tabU.bed ItI1. ; IhlOD , 1'.Dwlell a : LawroDe. , WaahlDltoD. D. 0 , - - - - - - - OKLAHOMA PUBLIC LANDS 1At , J ; l..andl , near Lawton , openud b , . ConI/roes to Homo- &tead tettleruont ! . th\l \ tumlUer ( Jet a 11011I0 In tunnr ! Ioutlliandillye ! , .oan to 1"1"llIpl. : . complolf'l nfor- matton rOlardlnll Olol'nlll , ! : , 1I0lllohteadlnlt , 'TNm. . 81G. , Oftr C41ntl. C 'l'ItU CO. . Lawlon , Okl. . I ALLEN'S FOOT cEASE Thlu tUM f.jfl ! c - I A Cerlaln Cure for Tired , I/ot / , Aching Feot. AdllrCf'8. S. OIOllted , DO NOT ACCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. 011 "Crr bOL LcHolN. Y. - - - - - - - ON TIME I I YEAST I , is made by the latest and best known process that experience and scientific research have thus far discovered. Every detail of the m < tnuf < tcture is under the most ct\rcful supervis- ion. We gULlranteo absolute cleanliness - liness and purity to the least detail. . You can buy a Ten Cake package of this splendid yeast for Five Cents. I Ask your rrrocer for it and insist that he furnish you ON TmE YEAST I and not something" just as good" with but 'l C < tJ.es of inferior yeast. I , Ask Your Grocer for On Time Yeast i I - - . - - - I You CANNOT CURE I , all inflamed , ulccrated and catarrhal conditions - ditions of the mucous mcmbrane such as nasal catarrh , utcrlnccntarrh caused by feminine Ills , sore throat , sore I mouth or Inflamed eyes by simply I dosing tile stomach. . , Dut you surely can cure these stubborn I affections by local treatmcnt with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the discase germschecks discharges , stops pain , and heals the I inflammation and soreness. Pax\ine represents the most successful I local treatment for feminine Ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify I to this fact. So ccnts at druggists. I Send for Free Trial Box THE R. PAXTON CO. . Boston. l-Ju. . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - W , N , U. , OMAHA , NO. 23 , 1000. Weakness Women cannot possibly be strong , while suffering from any of the diseases peculiar to their sex. Even if you do not feet weak , the weakness of your. system is there , and is a constandanger. r Put I strength into your frame witb E CARDUI WOMAN'S R LIEF It gives you strength , where you most need it. It reHeves pain. It regulatesuo.natural irregularities. It has been found a most successful cure for al1 the diseases peculiar to women. Try it. At nIl Druddlsts C15 - - - - - - - TEXAS FARMS , : . " _ proJurll' ) emu , oekors . & - . curlonUwlculi hlunll1. Jno. .O\lcaltrV\lIl1s.1't1x. \ :