Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 07, 1906, Image 7

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A West Virgininn's Awful Distress 'I '
Through Kidney Trouble ! ! . I
W. L. Jackson , merchnnt , of Parle- I
ersburg , W. Va. , says : "Drhing nbout '
In bad won. the r I'
. _ " " brought kidney troUt
bles on me , and 1
suffered two n t y
yonrs with sharp
crnmplng pains in
the bacle and urinary' '
disorders. I often
L had to get up n doz.
It. . , on times nt night te.
r urinate. Retention
set In , nnd I was
obliged to use the
cntheter. I toole to my bcd , nnd tM
doctors famug to help , began usln
Doan's Kidney pmD. The urine soon
came freely again , and the pain grad.
onlly disappeared. I ha"o be on cure
eight years , and Utougll ever 70 , am
ns nctlvo ns n boy. "
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents n box.
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y.
, I Exubernnce of Love Spnsmodicnlly
r . , Manifested Results in MarI -
9. tificntion.
I She wns sented In the gloaming , a
happy smile on her pretty , pensive
, face , when her elderly aunt entered.
Then , as she looked upon the Itlnd old
face , a feeling rushed upon her that
she must share her wonderful news
with Eomebody-sbe ! must let DOmeOnl'
Into the secret which till then had
been the solo possession of herself and
Harold , She sprang up and fiung her
arms O\lOut her aunt's neck.
"Oh , auntie , " she cried impulsively ,
"you 10 lo"e me , don't you ? Kiss me ,
aun le , and tell me you do-ltlss me ! "
nut only nn alarming gurgle came
from the old lady for a moment. Then
sh said , gasping Indlgnnntly :
'Klss you. If YOIl ain't careful I'll
, I. shnlw the life Ollt of you. YOIl very
.J nearly mate me wallow my teeth ! "
i' ' "
'r. ; .
Tremendous Itching Over Whole Dody
-Scratched Until DIed-Won-
derful Cure by Cutlcurn.
"Last year I suffered with a tre.
mendous Itching on my bacle , whlc ! ;
grew worse and worse , until it spread
over the whole body , and only m
. , face and hands were free , For foUl
months or so I suffered torments , and
1 ;
I F I had to scratch , scratch , scratch , un
tIl I bled. At night when I went U
bed things got worse , and I had at
tI es to get up and scratch my bed )
all oyer , until I was as sore as could
I , be , and until I suCfered excruciating
' 1 pains. They told me that I was suf ,
! ferlng from eczema. Then I made UI :
my mind that I would use the Cuti
" } cura Remedies. I used them accord
: . " : # ' Ing to instructions , and very soon In
. . '
i. , deed I was greatly reIieved. I con
tlnued until well , and now I nm
ready to recommend the Cuticura
Remedies to nny one , 1\Irs. 1\Iar
Metzger , Sweetwater , Olda. , June 28 :
1905. "
. Charitable Player.
I , By some means a mother and daugh-
tel' managed to gain access to Pade.
I re"sld's sanctum. The mother was
proud of her daughter and the daugh.
. , tel' had aspirations. She desired Pad
. ' erowsln's opinion of her slelll. Paderew.
; sId listened , or appeared to , whllo the
; mother boat tlmo approvingly. At last
with a final crash , the girl ros from
t the stool and the mother fiushed with
, " ) pleasure. "Tell me , " she whispered to
, I the artist , "tell me In confidence. What
do you think of her ? " Amiably the
: . artist rubbed his hands together. "I
think she must be very charltablo ,
Surely she letteth not her ett hand
know what her right haud doeth. "
JiT..TK 01" " OUIO. CITY OF TOLEDO , l 89
l"R..NE : J. CIlESEY makes oath that ho II senIor
partner at the arm ot 10' . J. CIIEN&Y & Co , . dulu ! ;
buslnc8S In the CIty of Tolodo. County aHt Statu
aforc . .ld , Rnd that snld Orm will pay the oum of
ONE nUNlJltEIJ DOLLAltS for each IIUlI evcry
ease ot CAT..nRI1 tbat canuot bo curcd by tno usc of
Sworn to beroro me and sub.crliled In my prclence ,
thll 6th day of Docomb r , A. D. . 19 G.
- ' - . W.GLCASON ,
U ; ; : atarrh Cure II takcn Internally Bnd IIcti
dlrcetly on the blood Ilnd mucolis surfncci or tbe
, Yltem. Scnd for testlmu'I..I. . froo.
F. J , CHCNEY & co" Toledo , O.
Sold by sll Druggists , 70 : ; ,
Take 1I1l1I'sFllwlly 1'1IIs tor constipation.
A : ! Itattcr of Courtczy , Merely.
Mr. Nervey-'rhe object of my call
upon you this evening , 1\11' . Gel rox-
Mr. Goldrox ( steruly-Yes ) , you'"e
come to tell me that you wish to
marry my daughter and 1 want to say
right hero and now-
"Pardon me. I como to tell yon
that I am going to marry your daugh-
tor. I convinced her and her mothel
that It was 110 more than fall' to put
" Press.
you wise.-Phlladelphla
Just n. Tip.
Miss Country 1IIald-1 was re\tUnr ;
In a magazlno that In the city hotels
one often sees palms about the dining
rooms. What kind of palm Is the most
prominent ?
Mr. Dlneout-The walter's.-ChlcagO'
DaB ) ' Nows.
. "Vot a kvecl' langvlches ! " exclaimed
the foreigner , wllo was trying to learn
the AmerIcan touGue. "You sa ) ' lit.
man Is 'all In' ven 'ou mean ho Is all
owdtChlcago ! Tribune.
Posltlo:1 : ' 1llcd.
WIIl1e Gusher-Just Irt mo IlrC5 ; )
one kiss on these coral 1I1 [ : ; ?
Sweet Slngel"-Slr. I nlrencly huve a
press agcnt.-Chlcago aBy l cws.
If "oU Ilon't llc , yeur job , d01\ ' !
worrsomo other' f'lIow wlll see : .
bave 1t.-InrllII1\Iolls : : Star.
I.rwi ' Rinlc : : } llCulec kolmiht fie ci1lr- ,
ma c of rwh. mellow tohwcu ; , YOIl1' deal.
' Lcwis' " Proml III.
er 01' Fal'lo"L ,
Plcasure Is clou l d YdI vision.
Effort to Suppress Publication of
Report of Labor Commissioners.I I
He Is Asked t.o Publish t.he Neill Report. That Awful
Condit.ions Existing in Chicago Packing
Houses May Be Bared to Public.
( Spoclal to the Chicago Rocord.Her.
nld. )
NEW YORK-Reports which have
reached this clt . from Washington
alleging that President Hoose"elt has
been prevailed upon by the beef
packers to SUllpress the official publl.
cation of the report of the commls.
sloners or labor , Charles P. Nolll and
James B. Roynohls , regarding the
conditions they found In the Chicago
pacldng houses , have caused Ullton
Sinclair , whose Inltlatlvo In the inves.
tlgatlon or the paclcors' aITalrs was the
means of Inducing the President to
send his commlsslonel's to Chlca o , to
write to 1\11' . Roosevelt urging him to
gIve the pUblic official lmowledge of
conditions In the Chicago stocl' 'ards.
"While the facts contained In the
report were practically coveroll In
Tho. Hecord.Herald In Chlca o this
morning , " said 1111' . Sinelair. "Its 0111-
clal publication at the Instance of the
President will have the effect of clos.
Ing every avenue of escape for the
packers from the passa e of teglsla.
tion which would force them to
, .
change their mothods.
Urges Full Publicity.
"I have wrlttcn the Prcsldent begging -
ging him to not allow an ' consltler.
atlons to stand In the way of publishIng -
Ing the findings of his commission-
ers. When the people of the Unltcd
States are fulIr acqualntcd with the
conditions In the pacldllg houses public -
lic opinion will talw care of any remedial -
edial legislation which may be need.
"When It Is under3tood ttlnt the
altuation In the stoclyards and In
every large Imcldng house Is just
what It was In the Insurance uslness
a year or two ago , there will be no
trouble to bring about reform.
"Things that would horrify the pub.
110 if known are done there as a matter -
ter of regular routine and under on
established system. The standards
that pre"all there wore best expressed -
ed by Adolph Smith , who has made
a IUelong : study of slaughter houses ,
and besides being employed by the
German and Belgian govcl'Ilments as
an expert in such matters , has tray.
eled all over the world for the London
Lancet. Dr. Smith said the Chicago
stockyards were worthy of mediaeval
barbarism and were a disgrace to
American clvmzatlon. He said the
methods of the packers are just as
they would have been If there was no
such thing as modern bacteriological
scIence. Meat , he said , was treated
ns If it were not a pel'lshable article ,
but , II1to dry goods , on the theory that
'once good , always good. '
Inspectors L < lck Power.
"One of the greatcct evils of the
present Inspection system Is that In.
specters have no aothorlly to on tel'
these parts of the pacldng hOllses
where the by-products are IIrellared
-I mean where the canning , plcldlng ,
sausage making and preserving are
done. 1 saw one of the trllst's em.
ployes doctoring spoiled hams on a
big table. The stench that arose
from them was overpowering.
"Tho man was worldng a pump
with one foot. Attached to the pump
was n tube , on the end of which was
a big hollow needle. He would jab
the needle Into a ham and then pump
It full of 11. chemical to llllw awar
the dreadful odor , A few days ago I
sent 10 the president sevornl adver.
tlsements and circulars In which dealers -
ers In paclwrs' sllpplles laud the virtues -
tues of their wares. One firm guar.
antees that Us patcnt preservative
will tnlw awa ' the odor from spoiled
meat , no matter how advanced Us
stage of moldiness or putrlficatlon ,
Dyes for the Sausage.
"Dyes and coloring matter which
give to sausages the 'smolw' color of
commerce and bring bacle tnlnted
meat to Its nntural hue are openlr
advertised. There Is stuer called
'bull meat powder' and 'zero preserva-
the , ' together mlth many other patented -
ented preparations , accompanied by
elaborate directions for their use.
Most of these nre to be ground up
with sausage meat and tinned ham.
burger steal\ .
"Eyer ) ' supply house advertises liquids -
quids to bo rubbed over the surface
of meat to tal\O away bad odors.
Borax , rormaldeh 'lle , sab'clllc acid
nnd all the other things found In the
undertnlwr's outfit are exploited Ip
Aniline Dye Inventor.
The fiftieth anniversary of the In.
Tentlon of the aniline d : o Is to be cel.
ebrated br the world of science b ' the
Dr. Perldn. In the National Portrait
Gallery , and a bust In the rooms of
the Chemlcnl Society at Durllngton
House , London.
Asbestos and Aluminum.
The lightest and strongest sub.
stances Imown , so far ns w ( > are In.
formed , are asbestos nnd aluminum ,
ellch for Its purpose.
these advertlsemonts. Denlers In
'smolw colol's' eXlllaln In tholr clrcu.
lars that the use of these vl\rnlshes-
and that is what they are called In
the clrculars-gl"o to sausages the
true color of the smoled ; : product and
save the loss In weight that Is sus.
talned when ther are lIut In the
"I have a frl011l1 who has perfected
11. process for deodOl'lzlng hilln that
has spoiled around the bone during
the smole ; : process. lIe Is emllo 'ed
b ) ' the trust , 11nd his method Is to 1'0.
move the bono from these FJpollOl1
hams , whi < h are Imown to the trade
as 'No.3 gl'nllo , ' nnll thrust In n white-
hot iI"on. This sweetens the meat nt1l1
the hams go out of the } llnco labeled
'No. 1 gra"de ham. '
"Skinned Hams" Ancient.
"Sldnned hams , which are supposed -
ed to bo II. special product , are onlr
the hams of old hogs with sl'ln so
thick nml tough that nobody will bur
them. The sldn Is removed amI
ground up with spices and potatoes
nnd called hend cheese. Ono of the
trade clrculam which I sent to 1111' .
Roosevelt contains this recolllt for
helillchol'se : "rwenty pO\1l1l1s potato
fiour , elght . pounds hog rind , ono
pound borax ; silices to flavor. '
"Hero Is nn' allidavlt talon ; : before
Alfred H. Jonnlngs , a nolary , who cnn
lurnlsll the name of the man who
made It. It states that the affiant
was emplo 'cd for eight months as n.
car lIne salesman , The man left because -
cause he' could not stand the sights
he witnessed in the Ilncldng housos.
'I hnd first to learn the } lroducts , ' he
says. 'and had to .stud ' all the processes -
cesses of manufacture , Provlous to
this employment I had been a b ltcher
and was nn expcrt judge of meat. l\1y
attention was at once called to the
quality of the cattle leilled In the es.
tabllshment and canned thero. 1\1nny
of these cnttle were : : ; 0 emaciated as
to e just able to drag themselves
along. I have seen snusages hung In
vuts to be dred 1'011. As a reslllt of
what I saw In Pacldngtown I bavo
never since caton canned meat or snu-
sages , except that which I Imew was
not made In largo lJacltlng ostabUsh.
ments. '
"President Roose\'elt has II. copy of
this afilda vlt ,
Human Flesh In Lard.
"Chlcngo neWSllaperS were surprls.
ed when I told of mon failing Into
lanl taJ I's and beln : ; rendered Into
lard. r personally ha vo seen tanles
with openings six feet across the top
almost on a level with the fioor and
the room full of steam. When the
President's commlsslonors fir f callie
to Chicago ther were told stories of
men falling Into thosc tanls ; : , ut they
refused to elleve them until they
Ilnl1 fu\ler \ evidence.
"A woman in my employ told mo
her husband had been told by a saloon
lcollOr that a man In the om ploy of
the firm fell Into a vat of boiling lard.
Ho made no sound after ho dlsap.
Ieared ) In the vat , and the man who
worked beside him gave the alnrm to
Lbo foreman. The foreman Immedl.
ately ordered ever ' other worleman
out of the vatroom and loclcod the
doors , nfter which he nnd the man
fished what was left or the body out
cf the vat. 'rhe saloon lcoellor gnve
the name of the man who had helped
to talce the body from the bomng
lard. He also said the widow of the
dead man received $2,500 from the
Imcltlng company to lcoep the story
from the President's commlslonerFJ. : :
"Whon my fricnd went to the address -
dress given to get the story for the
ce.mmlssloners umlel' the pretnso that
he was the relrescntntlve of an Insurance -
surance ( 'omllnny : ho was set upon by
thc Ignorant Poles In the house and
( 'filled n. SllY. II' ) did not get the nd.
Ilross of the widow , who hnd been
SGnt t. , NE.IJraslm to get her out of the
WflY of the government investigators. "
Report on Conditions In Packing
Houses Likely to Reach Public.
( Special to the Chicago Record.Her-
ald. )
W ASIIINGTON - Public Interest
has been so thoroughly aroused bX
the smothered scandal that has In-
, fiuenced the passage of the drastic
I moat Inspection and sanitary regula.
Import < lnt Duty of Truth.
ThQ simple truth Is that no young
woman , ancI equally no young man ,
can be hotter or more wisely en.
gaged thl1n In trying t , find a suit.
able partner for lICe , and In fitting
herself or himself to be worthy of
that partner when found.-lIele11 Old.
Gesture language stili "xlstlJ In parts
of Australnsla. Some trIbes possess so
excellent a cede that It Is almost ns
efficient ns ! 1 svoke1 l nsul1gc.
, 1 , ,
. " . . ' '
tlon bill In thl' S'nnto aml which will
accomplish HI ( > snmo result In the
House thM the Ill1bllcntlol1 or the
COl11lllol ( ' NollI.Hl'"llOhls report 011
C0I1It1t1on8 at the Chlengo stacIe ) 'arlls
111 a ) ' he dl'mamlo11 , Sonntors nml rope II
rcsontllt.1\'eFJ of nntl.trl1st proclivities
deslro thnt If stnrlling fncts hn\'o
bool1 unl.'arthed reglmlhlg the I11nl\\t.
facture of products conBtllut1nr " 1\
grent part of the food consl1ml ( b '
the American 11001110 the country Is
cntltled to the futl Inforn1l\tlon.
In COlllll'ction with this Jrospeclivo :
omnt1l1 for rtll Infornllltlon In Prosl.
dent Hoosevclt's l108s'IIIIIIon , n , 1'1111101'
reached Wnshhl1 ton from Now Yorle
tonight to the elYect that Ullton Sin.
clair , whoBO huol-"Tho Junglo"-
Inspired the Preshlont to 801H1 his con.
fidentlal ngenls to Chlca o , las writ.
tOil n lollol' to the Preshlont urging
him not to withhold the Neill and
Ileuohls : rOpOI"t lindeI' nnr circum.
tllnccr ; ,
As to the matter of a dOlUand being
made fl"Om Conross ! , it WI\S stated
thnt lhe il1\'esllgatlons hall not yet
been eomilletod. A8 to whether the
results of the ht\'cstlgntlons wou1l1 bo
gl\'en IHlhllclt . o\'on If the Dovorldgo
meaSl\l'o \ becolUes a ll\w nnd the 1ll1cle.
erA I\greo 10 carr ) ' out the sanltnry
regulations IH'escrlbed by the govern.
ment It wns stated thnt that Ilolnl
had not heen determined.
It has heon the expectation of the
Intercsts vllallr concel'nod thnt the
rOlOrt ] of C01\l1ulssloners NolIl und
Hornolll ! ! woulrl he withheld If opposition -
sition was IIOt made to the drastic In.
sllectlon rC'gulations IH'olwscd , nl.
though It Is not on record that the
Prcsldonl made nnr dil'ect promlso
as to thnt.Vhether any IIromlso
was made or not , the fl\ct remnlns
thnt somC' of the lI1embel's or Congl'Oss
doclrlro that lIothlnI should operate
to SUPllress facts eoncornlng 1\ matter -
ter oC sucli momentous Imllortance ,
and hence a domllll1l , 1I0ssibly In UIO
form of a resolution , mny bo forth-
If It does como n. decidedly Interesting -
esting situation will bo dovolollOd , as
It Is douhlful whether lho Presldont.
feels that the i uvestlgatlou
under his perfonal cl1rectlon Is somo.
thing to he dlsclosetl for the lI1ero
ILsldng. On the othel' haud , ho mny
11 old that IHlhl1cItr of the 1'0110rt rests
solol ' tlllon hlH own discretion.
SpealC'r Cannon and HOIH'csentn.
th'o lIIadrlen of Chicago pont two
hcmrs today with C0111mlssloller of
Labol' Nolll , the Inttor detailing nf-
fairs pertaining to Il1sleetion of meat
producls as carrlell on nt present , an
also rolatlng some of the things ho
found In his investigation which form
the basis for the sensations of the last
wool. . 1I1any of the things which 1111' .
NellI refelTed to have alrendy been
spoken of In articles giving the gist
of the reports so far ns they have
been prepar.od , whllo others , less
startling renlly than some that ha.vo
been publlshod , nre still of a charac.
tel' that forbids them from being
printed III a nOWSllllper.
Ono Iolnt lartlcularly noticed by
Commissioner Neill In his tour of In.
spectlon was that men cuttln ! ; meat
from the bone for canning were gun.
nrsack nlH'ons which bad 1I0t been
washed fol' weeles or months , a11d
that they were In the habit of willing
their hands on these alrons-covered ) ,
as the commlsslonel' declares , with
germs and ! , rlme that were the accu.
mulatlon of lI1onlhs.
Spoal\Or Cunnon Is understood to
ho.vo eleelnrod himself In favor of giving -
ing the Secretary of Agrlculturo nu.
thorlty to provldo fol' a rIgid Insp..pc-
tlon of pacltlng houses an all moat
products , but he has not yet studied
the provisions of the Deverldgo mens.
ure. The agricultural approprIation
bill , carrying the Deverldge Inspection
men.curo as a rider , } Irohably wlIl got
hack to the House tomorrow and will
go at once to the commlttoo on agrl.
culture owing to the fact that certain
amendments carrying new npproprla.-
tlons were adopted In the Senate. 'I'hls
will glvo the opportunity for'consld. .
orntlon of the Inspection measure that
has been contended for In some quar-
Representatives of tllO packers nnd
lIve slocle men are expected InVash -
Ington In some force t0111Ol'row. As
llrevlously announced , the only open
objection nel vanced to the Inspection
hill hns been with reference to the
pl'ovlslon lIultlng the cost of Inspec.
tlon dlrectlr Ul > on the paclwrs. It Is
quite probable the agitation of even
this question will be droPlled In order
to prevent , If possible , nny further
stirrIng up of sensations tha.t alreallY
are bad enough.
Want Report Made Public.
WASHINGTON - Hepresentntlve
Sulzor of ew York on Tuesday IntrodUced -
dUced a resolution calling upon the
president "If not Incompatible with the
public IntOl'Cst , " to send to the hOUFJO
at his earliest convenlenco the reports
n ! Charles P. Neill and , Tames B , Hey.
Holds "In connection with their Inves.
tlgatlon of the 'Meat trust , ' the stocle
yards anll the meat pacldng houses of
Chicago and of other places. anll all
data , oxhll > lts and all correspondence
relating to the same. "
Vegetarianism If ! all the vogue
among those who tnlco thought what
they shnll eat nnll what ther shall
drink , Brldgo and hollell ca bage
came In together. and who shall say
which haa the /lrmer / hold upon per.
sons of fashion ? -New York Times.
The raft spider gets the name from
Its habit of building IL ratt of dry
leaves and oUler light matorlals , fast.
ened together firmly by threads of
sUlc , In order to pursue Its prey In the
I ,
, ' .
' . . . . '
Thousnnds Wrlto to Urn. I'lnkbt\m , Lynn ,
Mo.oo. , nnd Hocolvo Vnluablo Advlco
Absolutely Confidontlnl nnd Free
Thl't'o cnn ho JIO 11101'0 tcrrible ordenl
lo n doHcnto , Bl'naith'o , refine woman
LImn to bo oblllfCd to nnswcl' certnln
quefllions In relfard to her pl'lvnto lUs ,
even when those questions Ilro'cd
by Iter family physlclau , nml Jnllny
continuo to Buffer mthel' than suhmit
to oxnmlnnllons which so l1umy ph 'si-
clans } ) repose In 01'1101' to il1toI1lgol1t1y
trent the dlsenso ; and this is the reo. .
son why so mnny physicia11s fnil to
euro female dlsenso.
This Is nlso the 1'on son wh ' thousnl1cls
upon t1lousnmls of women nl'O C01'ro.
IIpondlult with 1\I1'S. Pinltlllun. dn\lgh lor-
in.lnw of I' ' ( Un. E. l'lnltlmm , nt L 'nn ,
Mass , To lor they ca11 confide every
dotnil of tholr lUness , nlltl trom her
great lmowlcd o , oblained ft'om yenrs
of etperienco : : in trentlng fou1llio Ills ,
Mrs. linlchalll enn ml\'IFJo slclc W0Il1011
11101'0 wlselv thnn the 10cILl phv lclnn.
' '
Reatt ho"1\I1's. Plnlcham hoIJlel'iMl's. I' .
C. W1l1mlsonoCMnnnlngIn. She wrilcs :
lJrnr Mrs. l'lnlhl\lII :
. . I can tl'uly filthnt you hnvo Mvrl1 my
lICe , nlll ! I cannot expl'oLq 11I ' grntlhulo In
wonh. Dcfo"o I wrote to ) 'on tollln JOU
how I folt. I hull docto"l'(1 for O\"cr two : \01\t'S
f ; mly , nn(1 A(10nt ( Ints of mono'ln lI1 ( lIdnmt
brshlrs'lmt It nil tnlll'(1 to do 1M nn ) ' JtOOfl. : I
hn(1 ( femulotronhlo nil II woull1 IInlt 'hnvo fl\lnt-
IlIg spells , bnclrncho , h'lt1'lnllown } ll\lnR , 1\1\(1
my monthly porI OIls were vor .lrl'ogull\t' nt11
flllnlly cel\sod. \\TOto to'on ; for your mi.
\'Ico nnll l'o clvod n lottoI' full of IlIsll'l1etlons
: lust , , ) mt to do , nml alqo 1'01ll111onC'CtI to tnlo
1.ydllL E. 1'11Ilthnm'R Vl'gctn lo COIllIOllIul ,
nnl11 hnvo lIren restol'e1 to lt'rfoet hoallh.
IInd It not bel'1I for 'on \\'oull1 hl\vo 00011
In my grnvo to.lln ) ' . "
Mountains oC proof establish the : fnct
lhat no lUCltlciuc In the wor1l1 cq\tnls
Lycllo. E. Pinlcham'g Vcgct.lLblo Com.
pO'I-d for l'cstolinJr women's lleu.1th.
- . . - . -
Close quarters-tho mlsor'l ! .
A dlfferonco In terms-congress and
IIo1rl1ng 11. Incetln 1I0es not deter
its Ilrogrcss.
Government onds-In the Unltcll
States 1ulson.
Even a mndl1y stream can leap elenr
over the falls.
It doesn't take much cultivation to
raise n big howl.
A burglLr Is I1Iwly to put out the
lIchts when ho l1gltts out.
Try and l\Oep pleasant oven when
you come to the cross road1.
Her Legnl Status.
The Domlnlno-Are you your moU&-
er's little dnrllng ?
Daby Ethol-Only half the tim , , ,
rOll see the ronrt decided thnt ll llf.
\Vas to have me for six months every
yenr.-Tho Wasp.
. . - . . - - . . -
TilE DAISY FLY KILLER deotrays nfrordscomrort all the nips to every Ilnl !
borne. Olle 21.lox luts the entlro seal"n. 1I..rmlr8s
to pOTlons.Cleall ,
I. neat and wlllno
l"iiJI. 8011 or Injllro
f..f. . Bllythlll" , T rr :
, the III olleo alld
, you wl1lllovor bo
without them. It
lIot Ielt by Ileal.
erl , aont I"lahl
forO" , 1I.ld I
110111. . . . . HO
, . . , Uro.lI1DN. r.
Ifl"o W 7 } Thompson' : Eye Water
- - - - - - - - - - -
'M 1
S3.DO & $3,00 SHOEStrrrl
w. L. Douglns 64.00 CUt Edge Line
cnnnot bo oqunllod ntany price.
, IIUOU ' . : : : o.
Al'l. \ .
fRICES ' .
.ro tr
l.i'OU17LiYl'.r . IZ !
JUlV G. 1876.
tAPITAL .2,500.00
$1 0 000 REWARD to anyone who can
J disprove thl. 'Ialement.
' 11 eo 1111I take ) "Olt Into my three IAt"lte factorletl
lit Urockton.l1a511. / . , omt show YOli the Inll"lto
care with which every ralro' Ihoe ll made , ) "Ou
WOIth ! renUle why \V.IH DOII:1IR : ! ! $3.110 ahoCi
coat more to milke why they hoht their Ihl ,
fit hetter , weAr , onllrr : , and Are D.treater
tntrlnale ' " 111110 than ony other $3. O shoe.
W. L. Dou"'ns Stl"O"D Made S/.oom lor
Man , $2. U , $2.JJ IJo.Y.o'SallOo/ .
11"0. " Shoo. , $2.nO , $2. $1.7 n , $ t.tiU
CAUTION.-lnallt ulon bay III ! : W.J..lJou ; : .
IRR ahuos. 'rake no 8UIJRLltuto. NOM enuln.
Tlthont hili nnmo IImt \ > tleo statupo.1 on liottom.
FIlIt Color E/I / I.tJs.d ' I ( h'lIulll not'wnr bral'
Wrlto tor lIlt1ltratm ! Cl\llIlo" :
'V..r. . ) ) OUOI.ASltrooldon. JUau.
- - - - - - - - -
Economy 'Vins
Demand from your r.rocorymJ.n
Ten Cakes of YOJ.ct for Five Cents ,
do not continuo to make the rich
richer by uslnrr : J. brJ.nd that Is no
belter and puts only seven cake9 In
n fivo-cent paclmue.
Is It not s.oundjudUl1lont to requlro
your ( Irocer to furnish you the Ten
Cake package of
On Ti le
y st
Cor Five Cents ? The three oxtra.
. cakes are as aood lo you as to the
Y\J st Trust.
- - - - - - -
, - . -
t ; ; : r- T
Travel Rigllt
to Oklahoma .
Thc Missouri , Kansas & xas
R'y has rcccntly inau urnte fiiddi.
lional dA-ily train for Oldlthoma City t
Guthric , Clevcland , Dltrtlesvillc ,
Coffeyville , etc. 'With this ndded
service the M. I { . & T. R'y is the
logical line between St. Louis and
Kansas City and all principal points
: in Oklahoma.
Chan o or cars Is OliO of the creates (
IlIcoll\'onlclIGes or lravel. YOII don't
have 10 ChBII O cars It YOII travel via
Ihe 1\1 ( ssollrl , I ansa''iTeras ' Hallway.
Throll h lralns ( over Its own rails ] run
helwcen SI. I.ous ( alld "ansa , City nnd
Oklahoma City. nallaa. I't. Worlh , Snn
Antonio allli Galvcston , All throll 11
trailis hnvo Chair Cllrs I\nd I'lIlIman
Sioepers. .
How to Go
\Vhcn YOIl have occasion to travel , use th ! !
same discrimination in buying a ticket that
YOIl would in buying nnything else. Assure
yoursclf in advance of what YOIl may expect
111 the way of comCort and convenience CD
route. If there is any inform1\tion you want
about a prospective trip , write me. I wilt
gladly give you the information. Addrc91
General Passenger Agent , M. 1 ( . & T. R' ,
St. Louis , Missouri
u. . McNU'I"I" .
111011001 110uso , l nnsns City. Mo.
. " " - , -
- - ' - - - - -
Plrr frrS f f PROFIT
RIllS' flilly prolel J. all InTcntlon Dooklet IIn"
Uelk Clliendar l JtltJ . 1Iheholt referonce. .
CummuIII'atons ! conlldentlnl 1.llIblllllod 18ft.
bluon , Fon\vlck 4 : Lawrenoe. WAblDgton. D. 0.
- - -
W. N. U. , OIAHA , NO. 22 , 1000.
- - -
ALLEN'S fOOT = EASE T1rlSlt lure JFl !
( \ 1II C'fIo. . t\ Cke
A Certain Cure for Tlrod " lIot AchlnJ { Foot . ' \J Address . , .AI
8.0Imlto l
DO NOT AOCEPT A SUBSTITUTE. em eery box. ) H01N. Y. <
- - - -
Constipation , the root of all the ills that flesh is heir to. Con.
stipation , that sends thusands to pr mature fraves.IIWhat is the
matter of me , anyway ? Is there no help ? " Yes , you can get well In
spite .1 = . ' p' . full ' ; . : " , . . r : : .
i , . ' . i g' " . f s
The ideal food , prepared from the whole grain of the wheat , with
, No bronldn t food onn oornpnro willi It.
PII:1tablo-rlutratiou6-E sy of igcGUon : md Ready to lElt
Can bo served hot. Put In n hot even for n few mlnules ; or cook In bolllnJ { milk to 11 mush.
10c a pacfagc. For Sale by 1" .rlgnature ' 111
A. JlUlch nourlh..II'nC . Grocers . I onPe : qJ % , : _ _ ,
. , .
All U IUIi" ur' "r.lit ! ga \0. . . n. .
Dr. Price , the fllmou. food expert , the creator of OJ. Price's Cream Dllklng Powder , DellclDus
Flavoring Extracts , Ice Cream SUGllr and Jelly Denerts , hns never been compelted ,
Dotwlthatandlng strenuoua Food laws , to chsnge any of his products. They have alwlYI
,0DCormed their requirements. Thll II an ablolu1e c .rautee oC their quality and puritYl
- .
- -