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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (June 7, 1906)
toot. ! . , ' L\\Jrarian \ \ LStt\to U\ \ Ih 'y ' 1USTER - COUNTY EPUELICAN. ' ESTABLISHED 1882. 'rilE OFFICI L PAPEU OF CUS'.rEU COUN'I'Y. LAUGES'I' CIUCUIATION OF AN PAPER IN TIlE COUNTY. ' _ . VOL. XXIV. BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURDSAY , JUNE 7 , 1906.--EIGHT PAGES. NO. 52 , - - - - - - ' ' , . 'J , . . / " V" " . . . 8 must be hcrc. HI1 agelllcl1ls and I , \llnoul1ccmcnls of wcch1ings arc JJ ( uncrous. 8 Jcwelry for such occasions forms a IlIrge part of our slock. Wc ha\'c ! , the most complete autl charming lI'sortmeut ! of \\'l WNG ] RINGS l'\'cr sho\\'n. All prospecti\'e hricles should make lhcir clcctions here. 8 \ Not only is thc quality of thesc 0 " rings especially good but the 8 : prices arc also \'cry altracth'c. R From the National Capitol. Il ( hwelopel thh ; week , during a dehate in the Houc : , that Go\'crnot. Magoon of Nehralm ! haR neycr drawn one cent 01 tlt $1OUOO ! ; dar ) ' hc is cntitlcd teas as minister to the l epnbtic of Panama. W th true simplicity , he has managed to struggle along ou $17,000 a year , the salaries of his other o'mcial positions as Canal conttl1i sioncr and governor of the Canal Zone. With Spartan resolution Mr. Magootl waved aside the 810,000 plum that each year came within his reach. But if he lost pccuniarly he must have Celt that his r ward came in the shape of commcndation on the floor of thc HO\1se. \ But the \'ersatilc Ncbraslmu is not to have his duties lessened in any way , but rather they " are to he increased. When he "sn't attend ing to cxccut'e mallers in con-I uection with the building of the canal , g < < ) .ver ing' the zonc or I playing diplomacy with Panama' authorities , he is to utilize his spare time in commanding the naval force that has heen scnt down to see that the Panamans do not kick up too much of a row when their elections are held. Orders have been issued to naval omccrs and men to report to Governor Magoon for instructions -----r-- w. _ Something New- For Broke1 ! Bow I " - - - \ , : Make your The A D V 0 purchases at and you can furnish your home ABSOLUTELY FREE. . " . , - - t. , -We Give " , vay . . " .I Hogers Bros. ' Sil VH'W 1 e , Hugs , Chairs , Dinner Se ts I l\li l'1'01'S , Qlocks ; Book Cases. . Scales , Chamber Sets , Sideboards , China Clospts , : Musical Instruments , Ete. , .I tc. \LVitb Every 'l'en-Cent PLll cha - ' ( J'OU are given a Saving stamp and only a few of them are needed to entitle you to one 01' mo1'O of jl the above named-and many other-beautiful } and usetul articles. Call at the A D V 0 st-m'p , \ \ Bl'oken Bow , and investignte. 11 will pay you. - - - - _ . . * . . - - - - . - - . . . . . . . . - - - , - . I Galvanic and ffiradiG , I ELECTRICITY is very valuable in thc treatmcnt of the \ diseases of women and numcrous other CHRONiC CONDITIONS. Small tumors , moles , warts and superJlous hair removcd. Drs. Christensen & Bartholomew. Ofl ce in Realty Hlock. _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ . . . .r , _ _ _ _ . . \ . . " . , , . . , . . . . , . . . , , , , . . , , , , . . . , . , . . , , , . . , , , , , , \ . . " ' 10" ' ' ' ' , " " ' , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' .10" ' ' ' ' " " " " " .ti : " " " " ' " ' ' " c , " ' : ' , ' , t. " , " " $ ' ' iT.r , ' ' ' I " " " $ , $ I.r. . , ; , , , ' ' I " ' HtH $ " , " " " ' : , W , . . , , , . , , " , , , . . , . . , " , , ri " I $ $ " 'U ' \ r Hartless ! Harness ! , ' \ / . ! " I have about 75 sets surplus Farm Harness which I ; I : 11'1 desire to sll by May 15th. I will sell this harness at from ; ) ! - . 10 to 15 per cent less than marl < et values. It would P lY : " { : you we11 to borrow the mOIll'y and buy the e harness. In- ! .1B H Farm Implenlents J : -1 . . ) j we have everything that is good , such as - , , - . \ ' { 'rhe Good gUOlwh : l ding- Plow , , OJ \ t . ' 1'1" .ood Enough Gang- Plow , + ) tre-Edge Corn Planter , ' : Irop . . ' 'f ) I he Gr tc111ng Corn Planter , S32.00. See It. j ( } { . 14xlfl DlsclIarrows. , $24.00. . " : \ t A11 kUlds of Cultivators at Lowest Pnces yet hcard of.r " - / . See them as on some goods we don't desire to name prices 'l I , \ here. If in doubt of value of goods try us. ; \ /.i H c. W. APPLE. ) . t . i . \ ' - " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ; : : : . " , " "Ijo' " " ' ; , , . , , , ' ' . ' . ' .1 ' , t' , ,1" ' ' ' ' . ' " , i' , ' , ' , ' , , , . , rl'j ' , , . . . $ " . , 'ij. . . . . , . . . " . . . . , . . . . . . . . . d- : : , " "ij. . . . . . . . ' " ' ' ' " " . , . . " ' " , . . . . , " , { . ' " ' v. . and to obe.r his orders. 'I'mly , Charlcs g. t\Iagoon uf Nebraska is a rcal exponent of the .Istren- UOllS life. " t t t 'l'he Univcrsity of Nehraslm is anxious to encollrage Japanese and Chinese studcnts to alt'ud that institution to sttHIY , the laws and absorb the learmng of the United States. 'l'he faculty this week introrluced a petition to Cen- gress favoring IHeasure calculated to bring this scheme about. Congressman McCarthy acted as sponsor for th'e petition , which was referred to Ule Committee on ! [ i'orei n Affairs. ! ! 'l'he conference report on the Statehood bill is exactly wha t ha : ; been expected all along. It pro\'ides for the admission of Olmlahoma and Indian 'l'erritory as one ! ; tate , and leaves to a'otc the question of whether thc people of Arizona and New ; \I xico desire to join their fortunes and enter the family of states. 'l'lte votc is to be taken at the next regular election of a delegate to Congress. IIowe\'er , the conference report ma ) ' stril < e a snag in the Senate. Senator Foraker is firm in his position that New Mexico and Arizona must be eliminated from the bill , as the\ ' were in the original 1I1easur . He claims to have enough support to enforce his dcmand , aud as Mr. li'oraker is known as a staunch aild determined - mined fighter the fate of the conference - ference report is in doubt. ! t ! While the ratc bill has lost the center of thc Congressional stage , it has by no means been retired into the wings. 'rhere is considerable - siderable interest manifested in jnst what changes thc confercnce committee of the Senate and House will make in the measure , but it is not believed that these changes will affect it vitally. 'l'he exposures made at Kansas City , Philadelphia and in other places of gro s violations of the rebate laws , prove that the real virtue of the new law ties in the addcd strength it gives to the provIsions prohibiting these transportation abus s. With a logical rate-maldng power vested in the Commission , together with provisions for a comprehensive court review , there remains nothing - ing in the hill for the conferees to fatl out over , except a few minor points that easily can be arranged. t ! t. It remained for an ordinary , evcry day city policeman to unearth - earth a dangerOll ! ; band of counterfeiters this week almost wi th in sigh t of the treasury and' directly under the eye of the Secret Service Agents. 'l'hc I men were Italians , posing as workmen on the new Union Station , and they worked at odd hours turning out SpUriOllS coin. The police raided the cabin of the men , and captured them and their paraphcnalia. - - 2.t& . : , : t&gi : i & i Furniture Hardware Paints Oils , , Queensware , , , i Lineoleum etc. etc. . Carpets , , . , . Our Furniture stock is very largo and we nre constantly adding to it. 'No will give you full value for your money. . Don't buy furniture until you ex- Wj amine our stock and { } rices. . . 'tVe are roceiving-nlmost daily-additions to our IIurd wure and yon will now find the stOCK pretty complete. Our low pi'ices command attention. \Ve are just receiving It niee line of Q"U..een..s are. . se. : 001110 and see it. IS thoroughly good.Ve sell the : Mound CIty , c > rse Shoe : : Jaint. : : It is as good as any mnde und strictly pure , - ' [ ? S ' # j - - . - - - - - - - - - - RClolutionl. 'l'he following resolutions were adopt d at the Count ) . Sunday School Con yen tion held in Brol < el1 now , May 15 and 16. 1. l esolve , that we' the teachers - ers of Cu ter County assembled in this convention , request the Gustcr County association to call a teachers institute annually in each of our districts under the leadership of our teachers tram- ing secretary. We , the teachers present , promise to give our support to the same. We advise that we meet five times during the year at places as the secretary of the training department elects. II. Hesolvcd , that we put forth an effort to have a training class to' ' , : thefraining of Sunday school teachcrs. We want to become bctter teachers. Ill. Hesolved , thatwe work the Cradle Hell and Home department - ment that thereby we may interest more parents. IV. Resolved , that we will strive to make Custer county the banner county of the state in Sunday school work. V. Hesolved , that we tender our thanks to the state president , secretary , Miss Haincs and Sunday school missionaries , lijst and not lcast to our own county presiden t and secretary and all other omcers. VI. Resolved , that we tender our thanks to the brethern of the Presbyte.rian church for so kindl v opening their doors' their' church to us , also to the kind and noblc hearted christians of Broken How for their hos- pitality. May heavens blessings rest upon you all. ' . ' 7' . - I ! : W1ll'frmu.g.fflTi : ifiI'l. t , w. . ' . . " . " . . . . . -1.w , : " 'Lw. ; . : ; / : ' . . , ' . _ " - " , . . p. . . . . , _ < , J. n , ' . _ , " " ' . . . . _ . . . , ' " ' , . DELICIOUS BREAKFAST FOODS QUA l gl OA'I'M ] A C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per packag'l' , 13c i\CDAYINg OA'I'MgAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per pac1mgc , l c SAXOX OA'l' I1 Arl-with clIShcH. . . . . . . .pcr packag-c , 30c BAgh OA'l'lgAr.with ; . . . . . . . . 30c \'IUOI . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pcr package , tOc gGG.O Sgl . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pcr\Hg \ , 10c VI { , PIUCl 'S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . package , 10c SIIREDUI ; D WUgA'1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pcr package , 13c MAI/l'A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . paclwge , 15c VITOSg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 15c l Ar./S'I'O BI J AKlt'AS1' FOOD. . . . . . .per package , 15c WIImA'I'OSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per- package , 15c FO BCE. . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Iwr package , 13c GHANOSE FLAKES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , J5c PUIH'l'AN INDIAN MgAT4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 10c J. C. BOWEN. . 'fRAUr. , North Side I I.un ! Old MARK ( 'Ilier'Inclrar IIROKl _ N HOW , NIWR. , - . - . . " ' . ) . " . , . . ' . . . - - - _ . - - - - - - - - " - - - , - - - - - . - - . _ - 'II'M' "I r : - - - ' ' - - - I r THE MAN WITH A HOBBY I confcss to having a hobby and my hobhy is to sell the best buggy that can be sold for the money and to give you a guarantee that if the buggy is not what I t'll JOu it is I will fix it or refund your moncy. I have my buggies made after my own specifications and I know what they are made of. By bu'ing' direct from the facl ry I am ablc to save 25 per cent over what my competitors pay for theirs and consequently am able to sell you a buggy frum $10 to $20.00 less than the ) ' . . can possibly do. I have just received -rVVC > Car I..oads" the latest effcct of the factories , all bright and ncw. ' .rhere has ncver been shown in Custer county as many buggies under one roof as I will show you if you COIlIC in. I have e\'ef.thi , carriages , surreys , road wagons , spring wagons , driv Wg wagolls , carts and buggies of all descriptions. In fact , I will show you over 100 different jobs. jobs.C. . S. MAR TIN I Sickles for all kinds of mowers , 81.35 each. . . _ - - - - - - - 11 - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ : - - : : - - - _ _ " _ f-- . . _ _ . . . : slltt't'ttttttttt"tttttttt"t"t"tttt'ttttttttt'tttt1tt" ' ' , , " , , ! ! " " , " " ' ! , ' , , , ' " - - = = "SAY ! 'Zekiel , I want you to = = : - : : : go down town am I get me somc - - - = = groceries , right away. " : : : : : : - : - : : "Don't bother me , Samantha , : - : : : : : - : : : I'm busy. Just you go 'long an' = = = = telephone No. 1-2-5 , which is = = SHEPPARD & BURK , = = : = ' and the stuff will come right = = = = along in a few minutes. ] t = = - - : : : : ( lon't tal < e them boys loug to ete- : : : : : = = liver an order and then its fresh = = - - : : : : and the very hcst thet kin : : : : : be had en costs no more than inferior goods. And say , = = : : : Samantha , they have just received a fresh lot of Nabisco , = = Imported 1i'lal < C ! , V tlilla Wafers , Cocoanut Dain es , Old- = = : : : : time.Sugar Cookies , Chcesc Sand witches and a whole lot = = - - : : : : of other truck that I can't just now rccommember. " : : : : : - - - - - - : - : : : Phone No. 1-2-5. - : : : : : - - - - South Side Square. Broen } Bo\v , Neh. 3 - - : ? l 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l111111 11111111111 S : - - . . . . . . . . _ . - - - - - u- ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' U3. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' - - - r = - - - - - - . - - _ _ " :1II74 J. f..ay'm ; T.'lJmuurL ---I I r--- , I . Special Statilel 'T . . . . . - - - - . - - - - JUNE 15th J. s. J. F. BA SCH DlrCUSTH , BHOKEN BO\V ,