Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 31, 1906, Image 8

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    I ,
. t' w . "CF'.t > 4.I"b" ; : " " , ' . . - _
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Paint mllst
be clastic
-It Jnust
, give :1111.1 I
takewlththeshrillklf' : uJ(1 i
swelling of the wood alltl wllh Ihe SW\'IrII : : I
ofthe building. If It Is not ebs\lc \ It won
looks seamy , cracks anti breaks awa ' , 1111. i
able to protect the surface which il is sup.
posed to cover. ,
The Jnost clastic paint Is Pure WIllie 'I '
Lead antI Pure Linseed Oil. It is so cbs ,
tic ; In facl , that a plcce of soft wh lie pine
so painted may he slruck slIfficlclilly har(1 I
with a hammer 10 make a I Ool.slzetl ( tlcllt ,
Ulout crackinl : the paint al all. ,
Try it with a. pailit composcll of zinc. i
bar'lcs , clc. , ani ! see what happcns. I
The hard , Inelastic paint , I
which refuses to give under
the lap of the hammcr.
will also reCuse to cx , I
pand anti COli tract wllh .
lhe wood under the action of Ih c sun , the
rain alltl the SIIOW. I
To make slIre of II. painl which wi1ll1ot
look scamy , crack alHllo e its Iiold , specify
Pure Whlto LOl\d .
IMado by the 01 < 1 Vuteh I'rocoaol
and Pllre J.in5cell Oil.
R nll tor R "ookl t rontnlnln" R 'f'rnl Ilnnlloomo I
rf'llro < luction. oC Rctllill hOllo. ' . ntYnrllll1 Vlllllllhio
.UIrIlf'NU. . . . . Cor n rolor chmlln 111 , , "lntl/1I1 10llr I
IIOU.B. A to.t lor Imlnt I.urll . , I. ul""ulvull.
Clark Aye. and .Otll street. .5t. 1.011111. 1\10. j
jI I
Tlr 1E T ABLf
hHOICN ( Hc\\ . t. H.
1.'collI. U. . . . . . . r ,
ctl H'Ia" , IBch' " " . ,
Cl1lculCo , nutlc ,
. .t Jcu..CIII , I.orll..d.
J < < ' ' 'II' ' CII. , . , "nit I.uhc CII .
tn. IUllht , A lid Mull Irr..c..H. . .
All . "olut. . HUHf " 'lid'II ' ' "nh..o
And "UHltI , . ' \VCN\ .
NO. 40 Ilel'lftR for tile eaRt. . . . . . . . . . ' . . . , ( . :20 : a. 111.
No. 4ZarrlvcR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IO:4 : n. 111.
No. 4 arr\"cR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10:451" : 111.
No.3 ? arr' ' "CR \ ' 1111 the caRt. . . . . . . . . . . , ( , :21111. : 111
NO. 41 :1r'lve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7U2 : a. III'
1'10.43 arrlveR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12:54 : a. 111
N..R. 41 allll 42 ; 1 akl' local RtollR frol1l AnRley
NOM. 43a'1I144 . : re Ihronlrh lrahH ! allli l1Iake
counectlonR fur UeallwolIIl ; lnd alllllllntR to the
lIIack Ulils.
3'1 aIH140 du nul rnn weRI nf nrHKen nnw.
Sleeilinsc , dlnhur alld rcclluhllr chair ClfR
IRealRll'eeJ un thrHnlrh tralnR. ' ! 'lckeIR Hoill allIl
balrlralru checlC,1 lu allI'nlnl In the Ulllte,1
StateR : Ulll Canalla.
1.01' Illfurlllatlun , ilia II. . Ihne lahleN and tick-
el ! ! call un or write 10 11. I. . Orl1lRhy. ascent , or
. . . \Vakeley. . G.l' . . \ . . Olllaha. NehraRka.
11. I. . OHMsnAlrellt. .
- - - - - - - - -
Two blocks north of ( lrnllll Omlrll I 110\el. r 1\1.
r ' " "It" ollr.I'nd. ' l'rlIIR ruaRou/lhlo.
DU , , 1. . J\1Ul.I.ENb ,
Physician SurgeoI' ,
211.1 "alrwllr from ' \1'\t \ 011I110 lIulllty IIkek
r081donco , ai'll Wtllt . . . . chnroh , on Slime 01,1
of urout. rlrUrokllll : lIow. Nebrli'.1
Palace BaX'be'r ' Shop
It'or first.class work , callnt the Pnlacc
Darher Shop. Everything
. I.,1 0 DHAN , ! 'roprielor.
DR. W. H. COLE ,
Veterinarian. . .
Diseases of nIl the 10wer'animal1 : heal.
ed. Office at I.ce Bros. drug store.
'Phone 20J , Uroken IJow , , Neb.
. . . . . . .UCrtl Ilclldcd II > ' . . . . . . . . .
l''ll'pf'I' Prull NI' . 71703" .
" " -
j.f.13RENIZER. Breeael f
l'ure Scolch I\ntl Scotch TOPJle" Shurt lIon
Cattle. : ' 1) ' henlllllmberN 4U CO\"S. " ' 111 COlli
parl1ln brel'llhll : amI Qnallty with an ) ' West II
Chlcall'o My eXllerJence haR tancht mo that tl
Klvo lI'uodsuIRfnctloll. hrl'ellhllr cattle IIII1Rt III
r..crltu tlth. . . "II line. 1 t'XllCct tl
r.cthCIII "cre the ( ' ( I" ' " of all.thlill
railed In'h. . U. S. I now h 'e25 hulls silitabl ,
Jar thlR aud next year's scnlce. My cow' '
A1elgh frow 1400 to 2000 1 > ounl1s. COllie aud lie ,
' " " " " " " " ' " " "
" . .
C"'J"J"J"J"J".r.r.rJ".r.r.r . .
F. w. HAYES , ,
Jeweler and O tician !
. West Side Square , 1
Broken Bow , :
. .ooococQCOC ) (
r , .
- . . . . . - - ' : '
Compliments of the ProBs.
NHI.ANn OJ IIICJ ( Al'1'01N'i'MHNT9.
! \Ir. Wh lcltelIl : , tlte prc ent
I egister , l'rvcII us Hccd'cr tlte
firSllotll'Iyears of the Broken Bow '
14anc1 enl e and has served a5 'I
Hegister the past eight years. .
He was a candidate for re- I
appointmcnt , anll A. II. Copse ) ' , :
present representative from this
district , was also a candidate for
the same place , while Mr. Heese
Wa ! ; a canllidate for reappointment -
ment of Bccciver. Mr. White-
heu1i'vit1l1lrcw from the race a
short time ago and Mr. Amsberry
clme in a a dark horse for the
appointment of Hegi ter. When
the senators from Nehraska got
reatly to m l1 < the recommf nd-
aliens , the order of l eese and
Amshcrrv was reversed , Mr.
l eese heing' slated 'for Hegistcr
and t\lr. AII1 ! herry for HeC'eiver.
i\lr. Amiherry ! has been editor
of the HeplIblican , in this city ,
for a long term of years , and for
nearly a third of a century has
heen an acl ve worker in rc pu h.
lican ranks , and is clearly entitled -
titled to recog-n tion and emInently -
ly litted for the position. 'rhe
CUIItII extends its heartiest con.
gratulations to him and wishes
him the hest of success 111 the
new posilion. 'l'he new appointees -
pointees will assumc their respective -
spective duties about the first of
Mr. Whitehead's record in this . exceptionally good and
were llnot for the fact that he
has erved twelve years in land
office work , he wovld no doubt
have heen re-appai nted.-Custer
County Chief.
D. M. Amsherry , of the Custer
COLIn ty l cpu blica n , has hccn a p
paintcil Heceiver of the Unitcil
States I..4and Office at llroken Bow I
to succeed John Heese who has
been appointed Hegister. 'I'he
appointment of Mr. Amsberry
willm et with the approval of
the republicans of Custer county.
! \lr. Amsberry has been a republican -
lican worker in and out of season
since Custer countv was first
placed on the map , and the reward -
ward , after all , is only a mere pittance -
tance , when compared with the
long years of services rendered
his party.-Ansley Chronicle
Ci tizen.
Word comes to us that D. M.
Amsberry , editor of the Broken !
Bow Republican , . has been appointed -
pointed register of the Broken
Bow land .office to succeed J as.
Whitehead. 'l'his is an appointment -
ment worthily bestowed.-Loup
Valley Qneen. .
Al\ISHRRV'S ' ' ' .
\ APl'OIN'l'J\IItNT.
'l'hc appointment of Editor
D. M. Amsberry to land receiver
at Broken Bow , puts into federal
office one of the most energetic
workers of the Republican party
in this part of the state. Ile has
been editor of the Custer County
l epublican for twenty years , and
has al ways kept it a strict party
organ. IIe has never held a
federal or state office , but was
county superintendent for three
terms and has been chairman
and secretary of the county comw
mittee for a number years. Mr.
Amsbcrry : is receiving congratulations -
tulations from friends belonging
to both parties. The newly
appointed receiver will go inte
office July l.-I.Ancoln Daily Star.
D. M. Amsberry , editor of the
IBrol < en Bow Bepublican , wa !
named by the Nebraska scnator !
to be receiver of the land office
at that place. He will succee (
John Reese , who will be transferred -
ferred . to thc position of registe !
in the. same office.
'l'he retiring register is Jame !
Whitehead , who is retired be
I causc he has had the ofilce fo :
three terms.
Mr. Amsberry has been ma nJ
years a leading party worker it
Custer county.-Omaha 'World
I Herald.
' 1'he dailv papers have tIll
news that D. M. Amsberryedito
of the Broken Bow Republican
has been slated for a ) > pointmen
as receiver of the Umted State
land office at Brolmn Bow. W ,
congratulate the Deacon on hii
appointment , lmowing that hc i
well cntitled to the honor ani
emulents of the position.-Masol
City Star.
CONGltA'l'UI.A'i'IONS 1101 { mWl'OR E
'l'hat the right man has rt : ;
ceived one of Uncle Sam's choic
plums in his section of the stat
IS quite evident from the numbc
of congratualtions being sho"
D ered upon Darius M. Amsberr ,
I whose appointment by th
president as land receivcr , seem
- . - - - -
to meet with IcilCral approval ,
Mr Am'\betry I. as becn a Rtaullch
republican ull his life ant ! lor
twentY-l'ight years haq zelllou 1 \ '
worl < cd for and stoot ! at the heat !
of the. party in Broken Bow and
Custer county. In 188l he was
clected county superintendent
and served for three consecutive
terms. At the closc of the last
term hc purchased the Custer
County Bepublican , one of the
leading papers of the county ,
and has been its editor from that
time on. At one time during his
journalistic career Mr. Amsberry
stood almost alone in his fight
for the party , this section being
entirely tinder the control of
populistis. IIe was .incapable
of defelt , however , fightIng his
way inch by inch to the front ,
linally emerging from the fray
with scalps galore dangling at
his belt , a clean record , ant ! a
topnotch name for his paper.
'l'he following is an exccrpt from
the lctter of a prominent repub.
lican official , sent to Washington :
"Mr. Amsberry has been editor
of the Custer County Republican
for the past'twcnty years and up
to this time has never received
recognitiun to any office , state or
federal. lIe has been chairman
of the county committec and
acted as its secretarv a number
of years. We feef that recognition -
cognition is due him for his untiring -
tiring efforts in the cause. " t\lr.
Am berry goes into ofiice July
1 , succeeding Judge Recsc , who
in turn , succeeds Mr. Whitehead
as regisler. - Lincolu Sta te
- - - - - -
A t the Ba I't ist parsonage in
Alban , } " , May HI , 1CJOCi , Rev. S. A.
Douglass olliciating- . W. Cia } '
Oxford , of Browl1willc , and ! \1bs
Vadc May Lchaugh. the cstim t-
ble daughter of 1\11' . and 1\lrs.
John I4ebaugh of near Harris-
burg. ' 1'hc groom is the eldest
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oxford.
He is cmployed by D. H. Hawley
in the City Meat Market , where
he has worked the greater portion
of the time for the past four years ,
which speaks well for his honesty
and integrity.
The happy young couple re-
cei ved many presents , among
them $10 from the groom's
father and $30 from his mother.
1'hcy will go to housekeeping
in enc of the Kelley cottages on
north Main street.
We clipped the above from
the llrownsville 'rimes , Oregon.
Perhaps some of the readers of
the RHl'UHLICAN remember Clay.
He is the oldest son of James and
lWa Oxford. Clay was born at
Lillian Creek and lived in Custer
county until he was twelvc ycars
old , when with hi3 parents he
went to Oregon to reside.
Republican County Convention.
' 1'he Hepublicans of the County. .
of Custer and State of Nebraska ,
are hereby called to meet in
delegate convention at the court
house in Brol < en Bow , on Saturday -
day August 4th , 1906 at 11
o'clock a. m. , for the purpose of
placing in no ination a candidate -
date for county attorney , to
select 17 delegates for the state
convcntion , 17 delegates for the
congressional convention of the
6th congressional distrct , 17
delegates for the senatorial convention -
vention of the 15th senatorial
district and 17 delegates for the
5lth representative district , said
last three conventions to be herc-
, after called , and for the transaction -
saction of such business as may
properly come before the meeting.
Said conventi n shall be made
up of delegates chosen by the
republicans of the resptctive
townships of the county , apportioned -
tioned one delegate for each ten
- votes or major fractions thereof
r cast for the Hon. B. Letton.
republican nominee for judge
of the supreme court.
Said apportionment entitles
r the several townships to the
following representations in said
convention : . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . .
AIlI'ernon. . . . . . . . .11 }
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Allsle.1 KI1fnl1. .I.
) ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Arnold. . . . . . . . . . . . . . : > I.lll1all. 7
lIerwn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1,0111' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
. . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . M.ttle . . .
clla. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . U ; \I'R'ent. . . . . . . . . . . . . .1.
CuMter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " rrullll ! > h. . . . . . . . . . ,
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . (
. . . . . . . . . . . . . VJctorla.
: . . . . .
. . .
Unuirlas Gru\'e. . . . . . 7 ' 'aYlle . . . . . .
1.:1111I. : . . . . . . . . \ . . . . . . . . 2 'VeRt Unloll. . . . . . . . . (
J < : lk Creek. . . . . . . . . . . 5 'VesturvlIlt..11
GarOeld. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Woo" River. . . . . . . .1 <
. . . . . . . . . . . . . "
Grallt. . . 4 Total.2 ;
. . . . . . . . .
It is futber recommended thai
the eau uses be beld on July 28tl1
to select said delegates.
It is furtber recommended thaj
no proxies bc allowed in sa it :
convention but that the delegate !
present be instructed to cast tll (
I , full vote of the delegation.
It is further recolll1nended tha'
the delegates prescnt at sait
convention be instructed to VOtl
for or against tbe endorsemenl
of the constitutional amcmhnen' '
relating to the creation of a 8tat4
. board of railway commissioners
Arl'lIA MORGAN , Chairman.
siA. J. VANANTWItRP , Sec ) ' .
. - . .
r ' . _ " . . , . , . . . . . -bl : .
_ - - - . ' _ . . _ - _ I 1.1. . _ _ : - _
- -
' = -c : ' ' - ' ' -
- -
- .
: ( t . . . f
\ .
The . J 1
Food Value
01 a Soda Cracker'
You have heard that some foods furnish fat ,
other foods make muscle , and still others are
tissue building and heat forming.
You know that most foods have one or more
of these elements , but do you know that no
food contains them all in such properly balanced
proportions as a good soda cracker /
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water , are richer , , .
in the muscle and fat elements , and have a much .
. (
higher per cent of the tissue building and heat
forming properties than any article of food made I
from flour.
That is why Uneeda Biscuit should
form an important part of every meal. They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker , all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
. from the oven to you it a package that is proof . \
against air moisture and '
) dust-the price bein :
too small to mention. ' :
- -
- - - - - - . - - - -
How To Spray Your Orchl\rd.
. . The weather just at this time
is very favorable for spraying
1 orchards. Fortunately we have
been having dry clear weather
without rain. 'I'his gives ideal
conditions for successful work.
May 19th we completed our
second spraying on the eighty
acre home orchard and six of our
contract orchards wbich we have
near by.
I For fifteen years we bave been
using' a power sprayer , the pump
geared to the wagon wheel.
'L'his year howcver wc have
installed an entirely ncw sprayer ,
an apparatus run by a gasoline
engine which is far superior ,
throwlt1g a steady strong mist of
spray and applying more gallons
in a day. By using two teams
and four men we are able to
apply about 2500 gallons of spray
daily. One team draws the spray
tank and gasoline enginc combined -
bined while the other hauls the
liquid from the mixing tanks to
the spraying outfit in the orchard
so as to run the engine con-
In order to preclude the possibility -
bility of running out of water at
this crucial time we have put in
a cistern holding six thousand 1
gallons of reserve water so that I
we are able to spray steadily
without being entirely dependent -
ent upon tbe wind. We havc
also put in a system of elev ted
tanks in order to facilitate mixing
the ingredients of which tbe
spray is omposed.
So far we havc sprayed witb
Bordeaux mixture , using four
pounds of Sulphate of Copper and I
five pounds of lime to fifty. .
gallons of water. To this we :
add two and one-fourth pounds
of Arsenate of I4ead.
The first spray was applied
before the blossom buds opened ,
but while they were showing.
We bave just finished the second
spraying aiming to get some of
tbc poison within the slowly
closing calyx of each apple. Wc
at .once egi the third spraying
US111g this tImc only Arsenate of
Lead in the strength of two and
one-half poun1 > s to fifty gallons
of water and two pounds of lime.
Tbe object of this application IS
to serve as a check on the spraying -
ing just completed , in ase any
branches were missed. Having
covered the orchard the third
time we will then postponc all
further spraying \ lntilthe middle
of July when we will again spray
with the Bordeaux mixture and
Arsenate of Lead , hoping to
check by this means thc work of
the second brood of our ever
persistent encmy thc codling
We dail , } " use 192 pounds of
Arsenate of Lead , one barrel of
Limc , and 2500 gallons of water.
'I.'he daily cost is $27.50. The
cost per tree will be estimated
and set forth in another article
at the close of the season.
B , F. STmIIJtNS ,
Crctet Nebr.
This ollice for neat job work.
- - - - - - - - - - - -
Burlington Bulletin.
1\1 A \ ' 1906.
PUGH'1' SOUND-To Puget Sound and
PorllaIH1 , direct or via California , very
i low rate excursion tickets on sale Jnne
: 18th to 221111 , inclusive.
! OE'1' SOuND-Daily : low excursion rates
: comlllencing June 1st applying via vari-
I able routes embracing all western sccn-
I ery and attractions.
lower rates June 25th to July 7th -
sive ; only $12:50 : additional to include
the Shasta Roule and puget Sound.
after June 1St. About half rales. Slitl
lowcr rales for the Elk's grcat meeting ,
at Denvcr. Tickets sold July 10th to
15th inclusive.
To EASTItRN RESOR'1's-Daily : low
sUUlmer tourist rales commencing June
1st to Chicago , St. Louis , St. Paul , Wisconsin -
consin allll l\Iichi an Ressorts , also to
Niagara Falls , While Mountains and
rot ain Resorts.
and Jrd Tuesdays , low excurson rales to
the North Platte Valley , the Dig Horn
nasin and olher frontier territory. Personally -
sonally conducted excursions on 1st and
3rd 'ruesdays of each month for those
seeking free homcstcads of 640 acres of
mixed farming and dairying. Write D.
Clem Deavcr. Agent Homeseekers' In-
forUiation Bureau , 1004 Farnam St.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Describe your trip to me and let me
advise you how to make it lit the least
cost. H. 14. ORMSlIV.
Agcnt C. B. & Q. Ry.
L. W. W AKInItV ,
G. 1' . A" Omaha.
Professor of Psychology ,
Lincoln Medical College. Office at
residence. one-half block east of u.
n. Church. Chronic diseases given
special attentIon. 'Phone 147.
Attorney at Lav.
Broken Bow. Nebr.
IIa11I1r JURt l1aI elsrht yearN practical eXl'er
lellCe a'i Doullt ) ' Judsre. wlllll'lve specJal atteu
tlon to the drawing alld t'robathlR' of wills and
the mlllllnlRtratlon of estate > ! of deceased per-
1'I0llS ' allli mlnorH. Write or pholle lIIe. I way
t:1'1"e you I'trll' .
Hual oRtale 8udloan broker. Oroeo III AJ'Ilc
IOdt roken Bow. Nobras ! ! : " .
1. J. SNYDEH ,
. .
Attorney and Counsellor at Law ,
Pensions amI all kinds of governmenl
claims , amI a ! { cnerallaw practice. Of.
fice : East 1\1al11 Street , 1st door east of
Ihtrl ngton Hotel , Droken Dow , Neb.
"General Custer. "
ORB. R. O. & W. E. l'ALBVl' ,
. .
011100 over Dlloberlp'lI Drull : Storo.
Droken 1I0w. - NOIllrh. . . . I ,
DR. C. B. JOB , \ \
Physician and Surgeon
Office and residence one block south of
Ryerson & George's store.
o.U. . .
. . . . . . Dealer In. . . .
Paml' " Wind , MlII , Tanke. Flttlngl , Gasoline
Rnginell , elo. etc.
Urokon Bow. Nobra ka.
ff 90Y 8 U9ce.ll l'
Ioom 8 and 9. Hellity Block , BrolulII Uow. Noh.
I am prcsared to launder Lace curlains
011 : : tretchers. Satisfaction guaranleed. 11
Your patronage solicited.
, -
Mrs. Mattie Papineau. lOne l-
One block east of RyersOl.l's store.
Work neatly done. Prices right.
Painting , Paper Hanging ,
Calcimininng , Etc.
Leavc orders at Eagle grocery.
- ,
Legal Notices.
III County Oourt of Custer count ) ' . Nebraska
In the matter of the alloptloll of Edward T.
and Anna R. Miller. minors. \Vllllamll. . and
Anlla 1' = . Coulter. husband alld wife.
Notice Is hereby \lIven that on the 12th day
of May. 1906. William II. Coulter and Anna E.
Coulter. hURbaud and wUe. filcd In the county
court of said county , their petition prnyhl\l fur
, an order of Raid court , that the minor children
of ' ! 'heodoru MIller and Susie 1 . MilicI' , de.
. ceas d. towlt : Edward ' 1' . Miller. alret f vo
. years anll Allila E. Miller , aired two years. may
be leirall ) ' adopted. and be and become the
I leially adopted and constituted children of
said petitioners ; that said petitioners freely
and volulltarlly offer to adopt said 11111101' chll.
dren and lell'all } ' constllute aUlI make said
children the children of Raid pelitlolllrs by
adoption : and the heirs of the estate of said
petitlollers the ! ! allle all If said ehllllren were
the children of said petltlollers by birth.
lIearJull' upon said petition llIed hercln IR fix-
cd for tbe 18ti.1 day of Juue. llJ06 , at 10 u'clock a.
m. before the County Judge of said couuty at \
the court room In lIrokell 1I0w. Nebraska , at t \ 4
which time all persons Interested III salel petl.
tloll may al'Pcar and object alllll'roteHt to Rahl I
adoption aud dellY the allell'atloll ! ! set ant In \1
saldl > ctltlon.
Dated this 12th day of May.I9l" " ' .
[ SEAL } A. R. IIUMl'lIIm\ .
4'J.l Cuullty Jnd\le.
County Court. Custer Count ) ' . Nebraska.
To the lIelrRandnextol Kin of JohnJuker.Jr.
You are hercby lIotlfied that Clara II. JukeI' .
widow of salll dt'cease.l , haR IIled her petition
III Rllel Court , : lhkhllr that she lIIay he apllolnt.
ed A .mlnltitratrlx of tbe estate of John JukeI'
Jr. . decea8ed. Said matter has been liet for '
hearllllr fur June 'Jth. llJO ( , . at IUo'clnc\ \ . III. . at
the Couuty Court HOOIII , In IIrakellllow. when . . .
alllntcrested parties lIIay aPI.ear alld bc heal'll. : w
I > atedthe l th day of Ma } ' . 1')00. f.
lSIIALJ A. R. lIUMI'IIKIICount ) . JudR'e.
J. A. AKMOUK , AU' ) ' . 4'.51
Ulllte,1 StateR I.allli Omce. ,
I.lncoln , Nebraska. MOl ) ' IS , 1900. f
Notice Is hereby \llvclI that the follnwlull'-
nallle,1 settlcr has filellnotlcu .of his Illtention
to lIIake lIual proof III support of hlR claim. 011111 ,
that sahl proof will he made befure A. H. '
IlulIIl'hre ) ' . county Jlldll'e. at lIroken 1I0w , 011 '
June.o. 1\106 , vl : I HNIE 1' . MOOHI , for the '
w IIw Sectloll 3 0111I1 seH lIe\1 \ bectlon 31 , I'
towlIshl ! ' I" . Hallll'e20 W. lie nallle 1 the fol.
lowltllr wllnellse ! ! to trove hi ! ! continuouR resl.
dence I1llOn nnd cultlvatlou of saht hUIlI , vl :
Oliver Ridenour , of IIroken lIuw. Nebraska : . I '
Johll J. Moore. of IIroken lIow. Nebraska : 'T
Charles 1' = . Snider. of IIrokoll 1I0w. Nebraska ; .
Charles W. Moore. of lIrokell lIow. Nebraska. ,
4' ) ' : : CIIAS. 1 : " SIIIWlI. He\ll ter. .
I '