- NE RASKA NOTES . . . . . . - MISCECLANEOUS MATTERS IN . THE COMMON WEALTH. A BILL THAT AFFEGTS NEBRASKA Certain TcwnhlpI In the State Are to Bo Resurveyed-Stlndlrd Beet Sugar Compan'y's Factory to Be Run This Velr as Usull. - Resurveys for Nebraol < a. WASIIlNO'1'ON - The hOllao l1as passed a bl11 for the reallrvoy ot cere lnln townships for the state of NelJras. ) ta. The bill follows : "That UIO secretl1.r ' of the Interior bo and Is hereby nllthnrlzod to cause to bo made a resllrvoy oC the lan a In township 2:1 : north of range 12 , town. ship 23 north oC range 13 , township 28 north oC range 14 , township :12 : north oC ran go ' 17 , townshhts 2 nn 2U north or range 32 , township 29 north oC range 3 , all west oC the alxth 1II'Inchmi me. rldlan , In the state oC Nehraslmj town. ships 17 , 18 , 19 , and 20 nOI'Il ] oC ranges :10 , 31 , 32 , 34 and 3 [ ; west ot the sixth principal merldlrm , In Nobraslmj and nil rules al1l regulntlons of the Inlor- lor department reqnlrlng petitions .from nll settlers oC said counUos IUIklng for resurvey and ulreement. to n.bhlo by the roslllt. of lho sarno , so far as these lands are concerned , are hereby abrogated - gated : Provided , ' 1'hat nothing horeln contained shall ho so construed as to impair the present bona fide claim of nn ' actllal occupant oC sahl lands so occupied : Provided fnrther , that. be. fore uny sllrvoy Is ol'lored ( It shan bo made to aplcar. to the satisfaction of the secretary of the Interior that. the former olllcial survey of said lands Is 60 genomlly hmccumto or obllloratod ItS to mnlto It necessary to 811rvoy the the land , anll only 8uch parts oC the land whel"o ; the SUl'voy. Is so InaccurLto or oblllerated shall bo snrveyed. Ames Flctory W&lnt : eet . FRrnl\lONT-l\lnnngor Scl1ley of the Slnndard Beet Sugar company says the 'Amos fnctory wl11 ho run Ute coming rcaon and that the rocolvershlp In. Buros Umt. All claims for last. season's beets will bo paid In full and there wl11 bo monc to pay for this Beason's beots. The comlmny , ho says , has mndo money every year until 190 [ ; , and the present situation Is duo to the ; poor quality of last yel\r's crop. WJth ' good season , ho says , UlOY , vl1l moro than pay ocr an the fioatlns Indebtedness - ness besldos the running expenscs. 'Tho most of the crop oC last year came 'from the weslorn part of the slate , the 1nrge.1lt acre ago bolng at North Plntto , nd 1r the farmers out there do not ralso beets this season the company ma.y be short of beots. KllI d by Hcadlcho. : Tlblcts. .LINCOLN-Mrs. Elsto M. Pearson , wlfo of A. F. .Pearson of Altoon , Kas. , -dIed on n. Missouri Pacific train on the way from Kansas City to I lncoln , where she was coming to visit her mother , Mrs. W. J. Hamilton. 1\Irs. Pearson was very 111 with heart trouble when she toole the train at Kansas City. During the night she called the tlorter , complmned of 11. very sover/ / } headache and asleod him to brhlS her rlp to her. From this she took a bo : < of headache tablot'3 ami swallowed [ \ pumbor of Ulem. noforo long the Ims- Bongers on the car were alarmed by ngonlzed cries coming from Mrs. Pear. Bon's borth. . and the conductor- and portoI' hastened to her assistance , but could slve her lIttle rollef , except water to drink. She died when the train was 0. Cew mlles west oC Weeplus Wa- ter. . . Drawn Into a Crusher. . . . . TADLE ROCK-Ono oC the most , shocltlng accldonts which over occurred - currod In Ta.blo Roele happened hero o.t the y'l\rds of UIO Table Roele Clay company , resulting In the Inslnll' tanoous drolll of Franle W. Daltey , an employo of the coma11Y , who hall the superv.lsloD. of the nmchlnory dopart.- ment. The sleeve of his 10ft arm caught In the cog wheel of the crusher , and drew him Into the machinery. lIe was dCl\ before the llmchnery ! could bo stepped , Will Fight Trusts. WY1\IORFJ-Tho lumber trust In W 'moro will have fierce COmletltlon. At 11. moetlnf ; at 010 opel' house , the Fnrmors' Lumber and Coal comlmny WIUI organlzod. 'l'hls comlJan ) ' Is com. Osod of ever a hundred of the prom. Inont farmers a11l1 business men of W ' - moro and vicinity. Wants Son Plrdcl1cd. LINCOLN - William Atldnson 01 South Omaha eallod on GovernOl Mlcleey and I\sltcd for the 11l\rdon of hIE son , Albert. The latter was sentence to Utreo .yoars for highway robbory. Schoolmates Honor Victor. SIDN Y-The dc > pot platform WUI crowded with the facu1ty and memberl of the Sidney Hlgll school , who extend d a cordial welcome homo to ArUm Oborfelder , the succe sful contestan at the oratorical contest at I xlngton . - - - - Nn I.odaed In Throat. GRAND ISI AND-W. D. Dlllls , j cn.rpentor oC Cairo , was brougl1tto lIll St. Franols hospital In this clt . with I 6hlnglo nail lodged In his throat Whllo at worle on a bnrn Dlllis wen to got. a drink oC wawr. 'Vllen abou to cllmb the ladder to lrOceod agall to his work , ho placed a few nails 11 2 s mouth , and ono of UlOml acchlonl any lal1ged In his throat. An operatlo bocaI1'.o nccO sar } ' to remove the 01 st.rucUon. The ol\teomo Is : rc I doubt. OVER THE STATE. EvangellAt I.yon Is holdlnc lnbor naclo l11eetl.gA ; at Columhus. The Orqnd Island bOll'rd of educlL. lion ro-electod nll old teachors. The now hand nt Denlrlco w111 soon ho rendy to mnko engngemcnts. Vnlley has votel1 to enlnrge Ita school bundlng In limo Cor fall term. A ferocious dog at Fremont bit BOY' eral children hefon' being despalched. The slate ental socIety held Ittl ann\1al meeting In Omaha last wee I : . gdgar Iroposes to celehrato on the glorlouR li'ourth III hecomlng man. ner. ' 1'ho grnduatlng oxerclses of the N\ ! . braslm City high chool will bo helen on I'rh ] ny , ,111I10 1. David Goering , a young farmer living near UnrmN.ton , has been ad. jucled Insane anI ! taleon to thlJ as 'lum. York county farmers who hr1'l0 tried the homo made split log drag are ] 01111 In pralslhg the WOl1l1erful good work done by It. Daniel Proeman of Gage cOllnty , tilt : first Innn to lnlo IL homeslea In No. braska , Is hOl11o from the south , whore ho spent the wlntor. At meeting 'of the citizens at Adams they voled to h01l1 a slrept carnival Jul ' 27 and 28. J. A. 1\IIller , chfilrmanj . C. Gray , secrctarYj I" . D. Fisher , tro'l1sllrer. Oovoq\gr \ Mlckoy and Dr. Edward A. Hess of the University of N , . braslm will addres'l the cass of elgh- en graduated from th..c sllLto normal school at Kearney 1\llly 20. C. W. Pullen of Lltehfield , 111. , has ] eased the coal IH'o pects on the D. D. 'fl\lt farm , soul11 < ' : lst of ebrnslcn. 01ty , ntHl will II\1t. n force of l11en ut worle and prosllect the dellOslt. 'l'ho accountants who havheen . . . - amlnlng the trenSI11'er'8 booles of the city of li'a11s City :1I1 the 1 < 'lLlIs Clt.y school bon-I'd finished their wOl'k lu3t weele I\ml 1'ell0rled that. they fOllnd 'I'reasurcr Irving DOli short In the city fund $6,065 an In the school fund $5,760. A member of the deml-mondo livIng - Ing on the outslmts of Orand Isl. and appropl'lato a rig standing In front of ono of the Illnces , drove to the city and plelccrl II ) ) the IIttlo child of Mrs. Dernth , driving away with It. She wns overlaken and the chl1d 1'0' stored. 'l'ho supreme court affirmed the de. clslon of thc lower court. In the CnB of the Rohrbough Duslness co11ego of Omahl1. to the eff'ct. that the college Is a school and Is therefore lermltte' to deduct from Itn value for asseSb- ment ) ) urpoaes that part used exclus. Ivly for 8chool purposes. The $2OQO [ ; stocle for the new Com. merclal Stock company of Nebraska City has been subscribed , and thp. stocleholdera will meet. for the 11\1rpOSO or electlns oUlcers nnd directors. 'fho company has heen promoted to fos. tor n11 good things for the best Intel' ests of the town and InducE' new In' dustrles to locate there. Mrs. O. H. Westgato and son , Ray. mend , were both seriously Injul'ed ! a runnway accident that occurrcd at the Durllngton pUJsonger : epot In Yorl. , when a passenger traIn arrlv. 011 , scarIng the hol'SO that. run Into the Westgatn h01'89 , causing It to be. como frlghtoned I1nd turning over thl ) buggy , throwing both on the ground. The oUlco1's of the United States land office at North Platlo ha\\ begun the publication of a notice notlCylnl ; the public that on August 20 , 1906. the e1h of township 15 aUll also the e1h of township 16 In ran go 33 In Lln. coIn county , will hI ) restored to homo. stead entry , the same havlns been withdrawn for- Irrigation purposes prior to the tlmo when the Klnlcalrl act toole effect. This land Is situated near the llIrd wooll creele and there Is vacant in the ] and to bo restored about IiOOO acres. ' 1'he next encan1J1j11ent of the Grand Army of the R publlc will ho hel11 In Ii'remont. ' 1'his was decll1ed at the business meotlns of the veterans al. most unanlmol1s1r. A hlg I1ght on the part of Lincoln has been antic ! pated , but. fal1ed to materlallze , as nenry a11 or the veterans resent what they thlnle Bcant attention paid to them by the citizens and bUl3lness men of I.lncaln nnd the OIllOsltlon to thl ) capital waB almost unanimous. Dc' cause of thlB when the motion was made to hold the next encampment In l"remont It went through with n whoop. A supreme court decision which wl11 bo t Interest. to over ) ' real estate broleor In the state Is that of the case of Jal1Q E. Darney against. GeorgI ! D. Lasbur ' , In which the verdict of th lllstrict court was reversed an the . cmlso remanded. Lasbury nought t\ I co11ect a commission for the sale 01 I real estate on a contract not In writ , Ing as the stntu ' .3 provilies Thl court decided that ho cannot 1'ecovel on a quantum morult. for Bervlce ! ronl1ered In accordance with the COil trnct , or for the value of his limo ox " pended In that bohaU _ Only when It ( has n written contract on the speclfil l1rcel of land can a real estate brokOJ . . collect his commission. At a recent confroronco In McCool of Durlln ton oHlclals It. was docldCl to mnl < o some qulto oxtonsl\'o hUllro\'o monts nt that. l11aco In the near future $2,000 [ ; to bo spent In onlarglng tIll sroot yard tloro. The shortage of ox-CIt ) ' Treasure Irving Bode of Falls City will 1'0 nll111 gooll by the bOl1l1smen of the treal urer some tlmo , but there Is 1IIeoly t , bo consldorablo quibbling among th bondsmel1 tor the dlrteront ) 'enrs as t the amount of short.ago that ( Y curre In ny ono ) .ear that they ma ) ' be t able for. . , f . f . , " . . ' . , T1IE PRODIGAL SON : "I WONDE R , WHETHER THE FOLKS WILL RECOGNIZE ME. " . " I , ' 7AQ A _ . ALASKA TOWN IS DESTROYED ONE WOMAN IS DURNED TO DEATH AT FAIRDANKS. - _ . Meager Report Leaves It > to Do Inferred - ferred That Main DuslnessHouses Are in Ashes. , AJameda , Cal.-Tho Northern Com- morclal company Wedncsday received the following from lls ' agents at Fall'- banks : -1'ho ontlro town from 'l'urner to Lacey street and bl1cle to 'l'hlrd , except - copt the Falrbnnls Uanlclng com- pany's bul1dlng and warehousc , has been destroyed. Ono woman , Lolla Talbot , was bl1rnell to death. Falrbanls is situated on the Chena river , a tributary of the Tanana , and , although but. three years old , Is now the largest and most Important city on the Pacific coast north of Vancouver - couver , D. C. , having a popuatlon ] of nbout 7,000. The gold outllUt in 1905 was $7,000- 000 , and llurlng the present year It will rOllch $12,000OQO to $15,000,000. The burned district covers three and a ha1f nquaro bldcles. ' 1'ho First National - tional bank , the Wushlngton Danklng company , and the court house , located In the burned district , probably were destro 'ed , as were many of the rotall stores and saloons and possibly ono or two hotels. The most important of the financial Institutions in the city , the Falrbanls Danlclng company , Is Intact. An unoUlclal estlmato places the loss at about $1,000,000. There Is no danger of fnmlne , as the warohouscs of the Northern Commercial - cial company , containing nearly a ha1f ml1llon do11ars' worth of foodstuffs , are uninjured and there Is posltlvo Information - formation that four steamers are en roule with additional supplles. ENDS BOOK OF FORM FIGHT Prcsbytuians Will Publish Work , with Understanding That Its Use Is Not Obligatory. Des 1\Iolnes \ , la.-Tho famous controversy - trovorsy and debate ever the proposed Presbyterian hook oC forms , ended In the general assembly WOllnesday afternoon - tornoon In a compromlso In which all words that. might. indlcato that the book Is nuthorlzed were stricken from the rosolutlon and the text and tltlo pages of the book ItseU anel In which the resolution of opposition was also Incorporated , declaring speclfica11y that. the assembly made no recommendations - mendations with reference to It. Sign Rio Grande Treaty. Wl1shlngton.-Amhns.ador Casas us , for the MexIcan government. and Sec. rotary Root 1\1onday IIlgned a treaty regulntlng the use of the waters of the Rio Grande , which , It approved by the senate. wl11 remove what has been for 20 yeaNllmst a ! lourco of frlc- Uon In the relations or the two coun. tries. No Receiver for Zion. Chlcago.-The first declslvo legal victory between the wanIng facUom of Zion went to the mlherent8 of John Alexander Dowie Tuesday In the dls. trlct court. Judge Landis declared hie Invostlgators found no evldenco 01 mlsnpproprlatlon of funds , that the as sets exceed a11 IInbl1ltles , and that ne recolvor wl1l be apllolnted. Wreck Illinois Post Office. . Bloomington , 111.-The post olfico at . Lexington was wl'eclted WOdnesday b safe blowers , who blew up the onlln ) building with nltroglycorin. Thl thieves escalled , taltlng the enUrosup. - . ply c.t stamps In the olllce and a largl sum of money , It Is roportod. Death O\'er Card Game. Decatur , II1.-V. 1\1. DI Vances , al I , Itallan railroad Inboror , was stabbel l ) through the heart In a hoarding ca kero early Wellnesda ' . The mU\'llore Is sUPP08ed to bo ono of four mel who were playIng cards with him. Three Murderers Hanged. Honolulu.-Tltreo of the five Korlnn \Vho recently were convicted of th brutal murd9r of two of tholr countr mon , were hanged Wodnedn ! ' . .TIt sentences of the other two were con Uluted to life hnprlsonmont. - . . - I _ l cHlrMIJ , ( tf/lOIY/Ll J ! " . ! ! : L- RATE BILL PASSES SENATE Measure Goes Through After Long Dellberntion-Qp.ly . Three Votes in Opposition. Wllshlngton.-Afler 70 days of almost - most continuous dellbomtlon the senate Friday at 4 : 53 passed the railroad - road rate bill by the pracUca11y unanl. mous vote of 71 to 3. The three Ilega- lIve votes were cast by Senators For. aker , Republican , of Ohio , and 1\Iorgan and Pettus , Democrats , Alabama. 'rho principal lIurpose of the bl11 Is to permit the Interstate commerce commission to fix ; rates. 'rhe bl1l was amended by the Benato so as to g vo the United States circuit court jurisdiction to entertain sults : : brought to annular change the orders of the commIssion and to provide I1galnst the granting of Interlocutory decrees without hcarlngs I1nd malclng appeals from such orders direct. to the supreme court. Other senate modifications prohibit the Issuance oC passes or the granting of special favors to ono class of passengers - songers ever another , prohibiting rail. road companies from transporting cammodlUes produced b - themselves ; requlro such comlmnles to put In switches at the reasonable request of shippers , prohibits the granting or ac. ceptance of rebates a11l1 relnstato the Imprlsonmont penalty for vloatlon ] oC tno law. The commission Is given access to the accounts of the companlos atrocted by the act , hut. examiners are forbld- . don under penalty of heavy fine and long Imprisonment from divulging the facts ascertained. 1 < 'lnes of $500 for I each failure to leeel > proper accounts Is provided. SIX SQUARES ARE RUINED Stanley , Wis. , Is Nearly \Vlped Out by Fire That Destroys Residence - dence Section. Stanley , Wis.-Fire , which started from 11. . sparle from the Northwestern mill , destro 'ed 100 residences and a dozen business buildings. The loss is estlmnted at $200,000. The fire broke out In the stables of the Northwestern Lumber company , and spread rapidly. A high wind from the wcst carried the fiames away from the Northwestern mill and saved that structure , but six blocs ] to the east were completely burned out. The largo department store of th\ Northwestern Lumber company was among the huslness places wiped out , and the loss to the building and stoce ] will tota ] $40,000. Among the ether losers were : J. N. Olson , furnlturc. $1,000 ; Long & Ness , meat market , $ -1.000 ; Christian & Kon. selJa , farm Implemcnts , $3,000 ; Norwegian - gian church allrl Young Peoples' read. Ing room , $ GOOO. The damage In tbo residence secllon Is estimated at over $100.000 , every house being destroyed between the Northwestern store and Franlelln street. Road Must Stand Trial. I\ansas : City , Mo.-Judgo Smith Mc. , Phel'son , of Iowa , sltUng In place of I judge John F. Phillips , ' 1'ucsdny overruled - ruled the demurrer of tlto Durllngton I railway Indictments against that com. t pany , and It must now go to trial. . The defendant contendel ( that congress > > was wllhout power to enact loglslatlon regulating export rates. In the giving of alleged rebates on which the Dur- ] Ington was charged with having vlo. lated the Intorstnto commerce act. Cousins Is Renominated. Codal' Rapids , la.-Congressman . Robert O. Cousins was ronomlnated 3 by acclamallon Wednesday by the Fifth Iowa Republican convention. arthqualte at Cleveland. Cleveland , O.-An earth.shock last- :1 : Ing 48 seconds was recorded hero l' . Wednesday upon tlte seismograph at I' St. IgnaUus colJege. The InlUal 11 mo\'emol1t came from the eCLSt nnd the return shocle from the west. I Find Corpse of MlnJster , s I Rock Island , III.-Tho corp so of Rov. o Ii'rnnle W. 1I00ver , n CongrogationaJ r. minister of Sherrard , was tound fiont. o Ing In a pOl1ll near his homo Wodnes. l' dl1Y. It Is SUllposod that he wali drowned " \bllo bathlnc. . . . 0 : . , f\FFIRMS BURTON DE'CISION ItnnJas SmatQr Must SerTo Six Months In .TaU' fUld Pay M"Jne , Do- sfdos Losing OIDcc. Wnshlngtbn.-Tho 8upreme court , ot the United Bt3tOS 1\Iondl1Y r Mre4 q decision in the ClLSO of Unlto < 1 Btat IJ Benntor Rl\lph Durton , ot K . .usaB , The deolslon was Ilgalnst Durton , nt. firming the daclalon of the UnltIJ4 Bta.tes olroult court for the cQlltom dllJo trfct of Missouri , by which Durton WtI.'J sentencell to six months' Imprleonment In the jail of Iron county , Ma ; , roe qulrod to pay II. fine of ' 2,500 nd deprived - prived of the rJght to horonftor hold office under the government , The opinion was by Justlco IInrlnn. An of the points made In Burton's Intor. est were overruled. Senator Durton was prosecuted on the charge of violating Sootlon 1182 of the rovlsed statutes , which prohibIts - Its senators and reprosenlntlvoB trom recolvlng componsatlon for BervJoclS rendered beCoro any of the government departments In any matter In whloh the government may bo Intorestod. Ho was speclfical1y ch rged with a.c- ceptlng a fee of $500 pOl' month for five months from the malto Grain & Securities company , of St. Louis , 'for ' services rendered that company In an effort to llrovent the Issuance of an order by the post office department prohibiting the use of the mnl1a by the company. Immediately after promutgntlng Its decision In the Durton case the BU' premo court oC the United Stntos Mon. day granted a motion to give 60 dnys to Senator Durton In which to : pro. pare a petition for a rehearing. The nctlon will have the ol'fect of taking the case over untl1 tbo next term of : ourt beginning In October , as the present term wl11 expire next Mondoy. NOTED PLA'rfWRI.GHT DEAD. Henrik Ibsen Dies at his Homo in Norwegian Capital Attar Long I11n'ess _ ChrIstiania , Norway.-Henrlle Ibsen , Norway's greatest poet and dramatlst. died peacefully at 2 : 3i ) o'olock Wednesday afternoon. Ibsen wns 78 years of age _ Allhough Ibsen's lIterary adlvlty ceased some 'ears ago , when an apo. plectlc seizure forced him to refrain from mental etrort , ho had continued to be a faml1lar figure In the..1Ito 01 Christiania and was. frequently aeen driving In the streets with a compan. Ion. From tlmo to time lately as fresh apoplectic attacks came upon him It became obvious , especially In view of i his advanced ycars that his death could not be far distant. Tuesday night nnother selzuro left him com. pletely unconscious , and his physi. clan announced that he had only a few hours to live. King Haalcon , Immedlatoly upon 1'00 celpt oC the news of Ibsen's death , transmitted to the widow his own d Queen 1\Iaud's sympathy and condol. ences. The storthlng ( lend other publlc bod. les are formally recording the nation- nl grief at the loss of this foremost figure In the literary lire of the nation. It Is understood that the fun oral wl11 bo a state function. VICE CONSUL MURDERED , - - W. H. Stuart , Americqn Officln1 ai Datum , Russia , Slain from Ambush. 'Datum.-W. H. Stuart , the Amerkan lice consul , wn. shot and ltllled near tlls country place Sunday night. The lssasslns escnped. Mr. Stuart was 0 British subject and one of the largest Ihlp broltors nnd exporters of Batum. During the revolutionary troubles of last fa11 his lIfo was manY times hreatoned by longshoremen , and at hrlstmas a dopumtlon visited his of. ! lce and practlca11y compel1ed him to glvo them $1,500 under the gulso of a ! 1ollday gratult ' for doclt laborors. Asldo from the troubles during the revolutionary dlsturbance9 last fal1 , Mr. StuaI't. had had no Crlctlon with the natlvo population. Ho was so generally - orally respected that. ho was on BOV- eral occasions caBed upon to act as Intermediary liming the racial war boo tween the Tartars and the Armenians. saving the lives of several of the lat. tel' . 1\11' . Stuart , who was 49 yenrs of :1ge , had spent the greater part of his IIfo In Russia , the last 12 years In Dlltum. Desldes his official connections he had extenslvo business re1J1t1ons throu h- out the entlro Caucasus. Ho spoke sov. eral natlvo dlnlects and was considered an authority on land. Vetemns in Collision. Lafayette , Ind.-Ono man wns klllod and neary ] 70 old ooldlors were Injured - jured In 11. c01llslon on the Laayetto bnttle gDund eleetrlc road Wedneed . Doth cars were crowded with veteran ! , attending the annual encampment of the G. A. R. Friend of Grnnt Dead. Denver , Co1.-Co1. Robart B. Moore n veteran of the Moxlcan nnd oiv1 { wars and a close frlond of GeD. 01'IUlt and Gon. Sheridan , died at biB home In this city Wednesday. aged ' 1'9 years. Former Postmaster Drops Dea.d. JopItn , Mo.-Peter Schnur , tormer IOstmaster and founder of the J : DI1n NO\ys-Horald , dropped dead of Mart disease \\'hUe marclrlng In the tla.rl1dC ! of the Knights Templar. Ho WWl 04 yenl'S of ago. Soldiers Refuse Dan Cartrldgea Kursk , Russla.-The Boldlers of the Obayau regiment here , who were to be dlspatchod l11to the countr1 dletrlotll In anticipation of agrarian troublea , I have } ' ( Ifused to take ball cartrll2iell with them. . " . ' ( : E y : i S I N WITH OPERATORS. f - BRI BES DEMANDED FOR GARS , " Those o Ref o Pay Were Not supplied-One C mpan.r.J = 'orced tc . Sell Its' Mine Because O'f hIB Dls. crimInation. PHII FJLPIIIA-Additional ovl. I denco of dlscrlmlno.tlon by the Penn. sylvunla railroad In the I1lstFJbutlon of \ "I cars In the soft. coal field was pro. sented to the Interstate Commerce commission 'l'hursday. John J. Lloyd. 11 banlor and coal operator of Altoono , who Is ono of the members of the banldng firm of Cassatt & Co. , testl. fied that the Coumbla ] Coal compnny was forced to seH the Alexandria mlno because of the shortage of cars , and Oeorgo E. Scott of the Puritan and Crescent Coal companies declared Utat bo paid tor the use of ral1road cars t. when ho fal1ed to secure his allott. ( ment nnd Umt durIng a. perloll of twonty.threo days the ral1road. had ful' nlshed hrm with onlr one car _ Ho also asscrtod that 1\I haol Trump , gonernJ superintendent oC transportation , had told him the company Intended to protect - tect the Dorwlnd-Whlto company at aU hazards. During tho-tlmo that 1\11' . Lloyd wns on th stand counsel for the commJs. slon mndo porslstent efforts to forca an admIssion that ho had been assocIated - cIated In a business way with Presl. dent CCLSsatt. 1\11' . Lloyd , however , sn.ld that his only rolatlons with Cas. satt were wIth Cassatt. & Co. , with which 1\11' . Cassatt carrlCd a personal banle account. ' 1'ho ralll10ad company IUld for many ) 'ears been a d011oslto1 with the First National banlt oC AI. toona , oC which Mr. Llord Is president. Mr. Llo'd gave testimony on the 01' i ganlzatlon of various mInIng com I panles In whleh he Is Interested , say. Ing ho consldored It good policy to hnvo railroad 1I1en among the stock. hold rs oC the coal companies. Frederick Vrooman , an asslsfn.nt trainmaster , told the commission that ho had received gifts of mane ) ' in amounts from $5 to $20 from varloua coal companIes for favors that. ho did not Irant. t \ . The commission received a telegram - . gram from a process server wl10 went to Irwin , Pa. , the homo of Congress. . m:1n George W. Hutr , who , It has been ropeatedl ) ' tostlfied , made gifts of st.aclt In various coal companies to railroad oll1clals. 'l'he telegram stated that the officer was unable to servo the suhpoena upon Colonel Hutr , as the latter loeled himself in his house and evaded the server br escaping by way of the coBar. It was learned that , . ' , ) ' " " t. ho hnd left town. ' a. Cubans Amend the Treaty. HAVANA-The senflto committee on f.orolgn rolatlons on Thursday reverted on the treaty bet.ween Great Dritaln and Cuba , which was signed twelve months ago , recommondlng Its ratlfi. caUoa with cortaln amendments. 1t la said that these amendments wl1l be dlstastofu ] to Great Dritaln , and I ) , Is considered doubtful If the government of that country will aceept the treaty as amendod. The report or the com. . mitteo will bo discussed In the senate in a few days. No More Feathers on Hats. \ \ ALBANY , N. Y _ - Commissioner . Whipple of the state forest , fish and game department served notica through the press to the milliners of the state , relnll and wholesale , that his departID\3nt Intends to use every legltlronto menns to enforce the law prohibiting the possession of bodies or feathers from wild birds , whether talon In this state or elsowhere. Coal Laws for Alaska. WASHINGTON - The coal land laws of the United States are made appllcablo to Alaslm under a bl1l wblch I . has been ordered reported favorably by the senate commIttee on publio lands. The provisions for the entry ot coal lands by associations have been changed so often that they are not cloar. The bill now reported author. Izes four or moro assIgnees oC coal land locations to maIm entry and develop - volop trncts or 64U ncros , but still pro- 1llblts one person from locating moro than 160 acres. i Bid Is Made for Fusion. j HARRISDURG : Pa.-Tho prohibition I' convontlon nominated 11. mixed tlcleet W . for the state offices. Wl1l1nm H. Derry , democrat , who WIUI elected slnto trt'as. I uror ns n fuslonlst last November , was named ror govornorj Homer L. Castle , prohlblUonlst of 1'Iltsburg , was nominated for lIeutenant governor : Representatlvo Wl1l1nm L. Croary , democrat of Catawassla , for nurlltor gonoraJ , nnd ox-Ropresento'1.tlvo E. A. Coray , Jr. , ropubllcan oC Wl1Iwsba.rro for socrotnr - of stato. ' ' Wlnts Orderly Election. : a' PANAlAThOUSI1 no specla.l In. structlons hn\'o heen sent to the gover. nors of the several provinces , Secre- I tary Guardia said Utat UIO government , w1l1 endeavor to guarantee complete freedom of action In the approaching election. ( lllltOls Bankers fndleted. I PEORIA , lII.-'l'he rour prlnclpa.l I owners In the failed Tos-Smlth ] banle I of Pekln , 111. , were Indicted under 125 . , counts each by the Ta.zezwell county . , - I rand jury. _ tt , , ' - ; . ' . . , . , . . J '