Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 31, 1906, Image 4

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. . . . . . . .
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QUQr \ taunopuhUaan \ ,
Publlch , , , ' every Thurlltay ! "I Iho OOUlltyliOlli. : .
- - - - - - - - -
U. \MSBBltItY. . . . 1 etltor
CIne colnmn , Ir month , $7.00. Ollo.lulU co.-
\Iran , er mOllth } 1 ! ' A'I Quarlor column , Ior
mUllth , 15:3.tIO : M tlilln qnoltor colllmll , 00
" : fIllt ' Iliob Ior month.
C4rf l'or on Ort paFo , no oonteler \ Inoh , per
monlh 1..0 < .1\111.1 ' rll llI rr" I.or 111.0 cuch II ler.
Uon. I
NoU c 'If r.hurch f"lr , IIoclnhlc8 IInd oolorllllll'
IIWllt where monos , - Chured , oll".lmlf rnt08 ,
IIlJolotlOUr,1 /1".1 r. , "ltll'on ' , one-half mtcR.
W"'hlln ! ! , "Ut ! , . " frt' , . , half 1"lre for l'ubll"III'1 ' (
11M of IlrOl'.I" " ' "
U , , tb lIotlel ! fr.'o , bl\lf IlIlc" for Ilullll"1I1111 {
.h\l\lr.rr \ noUCUM. "nd cnllR of th/lllk" .
I..unl noUe. < " at rllt. . " l'fUhlcd hlutcp II'
f"IH .A
Thursday , May 31 , 190 ( , .
There is no state in the Union
wbich l as so mauy bright news-
papers. in proportion to the population -
ulation , as arc published in Nc-
braskit. 'fhey il,1"e continually
engaged ill booming thcir com-
muniticl ! : and doing morc to build
up and populate the slatt : lhan
almost all other elements com-
bincd-exccpt the grcal natural
advantugcI ! : which Nebraska pos-
sesses-and they dcscrve bettcr
encouragement than is giv\Jn
thcm-in many localities.
- - - - -
In Chicago the working men
have startcd a bank , and now
the theatricll people have organized -
ized a similar institution for
their benefit , but you nevcr hear
of newspaper men starting a
bank. It takes all the fiduciary
institutions in the country to
furnish sufficient funds so that
the newspaper mcn can borrow
enough to keep their plants
France is also interested in the
production of denaturized alcohol
and has offered a prize of $10,000
for the benefit. of the person who
sball discover a system of util-
i ng this product for illuminating -
ting purposes under the same
conditions as petroleum , and several -
eral other prizes are ofTered for
cheaper methods of manufaclure.
How many men there arc all
ovcr the state bcing played-or
allured on with thc bait that
they are the favorite local candidates -
didates and that they stand a
chance of winning-in order to
get their strength to elect somc
other man to state office.
- -
Let it be record cd-so that the
fact may go down to posterity
without having to depend on thc
memory of "the oldest scttler"-
that for once in thc history of
Custer county it did n t rain on
Decoratjon day.
With the confirmation of his
conviction , by the suprcme court ,
1t is hoped that Senator Burton's
name will not appear as much in
the public print as in the past.
He bas received more notoriety
than he is entitled.
Valley county was the first to
hold a convention this year and
John Wall , candidate for governor -
nor , was voted the privilege of se.
lecting the delegation to the
state convel1tion.
- - - - -
Russian conditions do not im.
prove very rapidly. It will take
time and much education to bring
about conditions which should
exist in the land of the czar.
The senatorial situation is be.
coming so badly mixed that ii
begins to look as if a new camli.
. date will be required to harmon.
' i e the d fferent factions.
Minneapolis , Minn. , is plan.
ning to g1ve the old soldier boy !
0. royal reception at the Nationa
encampment in Septembcr.
Moumtaar Changed into ReJoicing.
The latest order of the Gran (
Army of the Republic is to rUI
the national flag up to the top 0
the staff on Decoration Day am
instead of mourning at the
graves of the departed heroes al
( Lre enjoined to rejoice that Ull
army of the Union trmmphed il
the cause of right. ' 1'hose wh
have passed on beyond were hap
py in the thought they werl
called upon to fight in a jus
cause and those who are yet wit1
us rejoice that they wera amonj
'the number who helped to es
tnblish the Union that is nm
oOne of the Rreatest government
en earth. Then why not we wh
. 4 _ - \ . . .
, , .
. _ . .
HalJe' Y au
a Friend ?
Then tell him nbout Aycr's
Cherry Pectornl. Tell him
how It cured your hard cough.
Tell him why you always keep
It in the house. Tell him to
ask his doc lor about ft. DOCN
IOrs use n great deal of It for
tlronl ! and lung troubles.
. , . . . . .
"I hA" " tllrrl"l" 1101.1 AIII rOIlRh nllli
thrl1l1lellll"11" ' " " " " 1rh',1 \ , Ael'l ,
( 'lllIlry J'I'\lIrnl AIIIIII R"ve " ' 'llIlck AIIOII"r
rc'l r..IIM. . It ' " . . r'rIAlllly " " , " .L wIIlIlerrll1 ,
. .IIIIRh " " , , "IIllIo.-IIINA I' : . WIIITMAN , Hlnux
1'11111 , II. 1I.lle.
. . . . . . . . _ " .
- .J.
. . . . . . . . .
by J. C. & 7el' 00. Lowell. M.
Alia JU.llUr.oturori or
"IU.s. "
. llers
1 _
Ono of Ayor's Plllo at bodtlmo will
hasten recovery. Gently laxatlvo.
r - - - - . - . . . , - - . . .
today enjoy the citizenship of
the United Statcs join in rejoic-
ing' ovcr the grand achievemcnts
of the Grand Army of the Hc-
We no longer sorrow over the
death of Jesus the Christ , who
was crucified for our sakcs , but
rejoice that we are counted
worthy of His name.
Meeting of Republican Central Com-
' ' Central
'l'he Hepublican County -
tral Commi ttee mct at t he office
of Morgan & Ski1 man Saturday
afternoon to consider the question -
tion of the date of the couuty
con ven tion.
The mceting' was presidcd over
by Alpha Morgan , chairman of
the committee.
'l'he following townships werc
represented : Arnold , Algernon ,
Ansley , Berwyu , Broken Bow ,
Custer , ClifT , Loup , Douglas
Grove , Elim , 'rriumph , Sargent
Victoria , . Westerville , Lillian
and Wootll iver.
The date of the convention
was made for Saturday , August
4 , 11 a. m. at Broken Bow. ' 1'he
basis of representation was based
upon enc delegate for each ten
votes or major fraction thereof
cast for Judge Charles B. Letton
in 1905. It was recommended
that the caucuses be held Saturday -
day , July 28 to se1ect delegates
to the county convention.
J as , Haggarty wa3 ! elected
committeeman to fill vacancy in
Sargent township , P. C. Green
was elected to fill the vacancy in
Garfield and G. Hiscr to fill vac-
in Algernon.
ancr was recommended by resolution -
lution that the delegates be instructed -
structed by their precinct caucuses -
cuses to vote for or against the
endorsement of the proposed
cons ti t11 tional amendment reI at-
ing to the creation of a State
Board of Railway Commissioners.
Decoration Day in Broken Bow.
1'he weather for Decoration
Day yesterday was exceptionally
fine and it was very generally observed -
served by the people of Broken
Bow and vicinity.
'I'he procession formecI on the
south side of the public square
to march to the cemctery and
was one of the largest seen here
for several years. 'l'he band ,
I which consisted of over fifty
pieces led the procession , . which
consisted of the membcrs of the
G. A. R. on foot , the members of
the Relief Corps in carriages ,
Co. 1N. . N. G. , Sunday School
pupils , the ci t.r officials and citizens -
zens in bug-gies. carriages and
At the cemetery in addition to
thc ritulistic services of the G.
A. R. and W. R. C. , a committec
of little girls decoratecl the
graves of the old soldiers with
flowers , while the band played
appropriate sclections for the oc.
'I'he ccmetery is in fine shape
the entire platt bcing well set in
blue grass.
In the afternoon the cxercise
were held in the M. E. church ,
which proved inadequatc ( or the
larg-e crowd that sought entrance
Standing room was at a prcmiun :
and tl large number were unable
to gain admittance.
' 1'hc program as ad vertised ir
the RnJlUJII.IcAN last weck wa !
carried out and a very pleasani
and profitablc time was had
The address of Simon Cameror
was very much appreciated b )
those who wcre fortunate enougl
to hear It. 'rhe music and reci
I _ tations wcre exceptionally good
Bul neu Change.
J. C. Barton has sold his secol } (
hand store to J efTerson Daggett ,
nf Callaway. Mr. Daggett tool
- charge yesterday. Mr. BartOl
v wi1l1eavc in a few days for hi :
homestead in the north-west par
of the county.
. 'il h , . , . . '
t . - - _ ; r Or- , , ; " ! " " _ . or , _ ' _ _
The Racing Ostrich at the Custer C'ounty Fair.
'l'lll ! manag-cmcnt of the Cu ter Counly ( t'air has sccurcd one of
the strong-cst attractions th country alTorels in the trotting' os-
trich. 'l'his wonderful bird is from the famous' Jac1nonvillc ,
li'lorida , Ostrich Jt'arl1l , and was trained by William W. li'ord , the
notcd ostrich trainer. It is drivcn to a four-wheccll } sulky and
will race against the fastest trotting or pacing' horse at the fair.
Owing to thc pcculiar nature of this ostrich it is impo sihlc to
guarantce that it will bcat an.v horse , hut it can if it will , and in
. , .
- - - - - - -
mo t every case does turn a half-milc track faster than the lwrse.
There are few ostrichcs iu the world that can he dri\'enand in' off -
f ring this attraction thc management guarantces its appcarancc.
'I'he contract is signed with its owner and it is sccured at a greater
cost than any attraction ever seen ou our fair grounds. 'I'hose
who attend the fair will not bc disappointed in this , the greates
living exillbition wonders. 'l'he bird will appcar on tbe last two
days of the fair which will be held on 'I'uesday , Wednesday ,
Thursday and Fdday , September 25 , 2 , 27 and 28.
- - - - -
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Prisoner. Bound Over to District Court.
Chas. W. Dcnuis and sons ,
John and Harvey , had thcir preliminary -
liminary trial today before Judge
A. R. Humphrey. The court
room was used for the trial as
the Judge's office was not large
cnough to accommodate the
cro vd. County Attorney Johnson -
son and C. L. Gutterson appeared -
ed for thc prosecution , and H. 1\1.
Sullivan and N. ' 1' . Gadd for the
defendants. Thc court held thc
father and two boys jointly to
app ar at the next term of court.
He fixed their bail bond at $5000.
- - - - - - - - -
"The remains of Hobert Betts
arrived in Lincoln today from
Piltsburg- and wcre taken to the
home of Mrs. G. E. Finney , 1013
A strect. 'I'he funeral services
will bc conducted tomorrow afternoon -
noon at 2:30 : o'clock from Holy
'rnnity church. 'I'he interment
will occur in Wyuka cemetcry.
Betts was twcnty-five years of
age an died of typhoid fever
last Friday at Pittsburg , where
he had becn employed as a lino-
typc opcrator. He was formerly
employed as errand boy by the
State Journal company for some
time and later held a position as
a linotype operator , resigning
after eight years of service and
going to Pittsburg. He is survived -
vived by thrbe brothers and two
sistcrs , John 1\1. , of this city ;
Gorham F. , of Greenwood ; Bcrt
E. , of Chicago ; Mrs. Anna Wise ,
of South Omaha ; and Mrs. G. E.
Finney , of this city. "
'I'he above notice we clip from
the Lincoln Daily News. ' 1'he
many fricnds of J. 1\1. and G. F.
Betts formcrmerly of this city
will join the RIU'UBJ.ICAN in extending -
tending sympathy to the rela-
Y. P. C. U. Convention.
'rhe Annual Convention of the
Young Peoplc's Christian Union
1 of the United Brethern Church
will be held in the U. B. clmrcb
ncxt 'l'uesday , Wednesday and
Thursday. 'l'he sessions will be
full of interest to Christian work-
crs and cspecially to those who
arc interested in work among the
yo ng people. ' 1'his will be an
opportunity for the young people
I of the city to get inspiration and
help that they can not get any
other way. It is not often that
a convention comes to our city
and subjects that will be of gent -
t eral intcrest , as all phases of this ,
class of Christian work will be
takcn up and discusscd. 'l'hc
sessions will all bc open and all
arc cordially invitel to attend.
On 'l'uesdar c\'cning the addresses -
dresses of welcomc will bc given
and will be followcd by a sermOl1
by Bev. Hervey of
On Wednesday evel11ng , Re\ ' ,
I Jol111llaptist , a lecturer of some
note and a native of Armenian ,
I formerly Conrt Photographer tc
- . the Sulton of 'l'urley , will lec.
' ' will be fut :
-t11re , 1'hls lecture
of interest because it brings m
in touch with a subject mattel
that is not in the usual line.
On 'l'hursday evening , HeN ,
II. Huffman , Supt. of Missiom
in Porto Hico , williccture.
Services at the U. B. churcl
as usual next Sunday mornin
and evening. 'I'he morning subject -
ject will be , liThe Church and
my relation to it. " All are invited -
vited to attend. Children's Day
exercises al Custer Center at 3 p.
m. L. L. Epley , Pastor.
Mrs. Arthur Powers , of Ash
Creek , has been quite sick lately.
Nath Province is still us ing
crutches , the injurics sustained
last winter by the upsetting of
his wagon , not yet bealed up.
A ball game ) 'esterdav hetween
Rvno and Ash Creek played in
Prettyman's pasture resulted in
a victory for the home teal .
U nlte,1 StateR Lallll OOice. l
nroken now , Nebra"a , May 29. 11))6. ( f
Notho I ! ! hereh } ' II'lven that the followlnlr
namell heltler haR tiled notlco of ber Intention
to male fiualpruof In support of her clallll. and
thal Nald pruuf will be made before Helrlster
anl Hecelver at Broken now. Nebraska. ou
Juue 30 , llJO . vlZ : MAE 'rue KEH. o { Au-
Helmo. NebraRka. for tbe HV. sHectlon ! ! 9. town-
shlp'O : N Hanlre 2J : W. Sbe names the follow ,
Inl ' witnesses ' her contlll\1un rl'sldelue
: to pru\'e \ ! ! :
upon and cultlvatlou of 8allliand , vlz : Joseph
Moore , of An"elmo. Nehraka. James Phillips.
o { Ansellllo , Nebraska : James McGinn. of An-
Hellllo. Nebraska : John Mandeville , o { Dllu-
nlnlr , Nebraska.
51-4 JA IllS 'VIIITltIIEAD. Hel'lster.
your money cheerfully for the
planks we sell , because they are
the kind t hat will give you the
hig-hest satisfaction.
You have little use for poor
and so have we. 'We lcep the
supcrior grades because it pays
you hetter to use them and gives
us more satisfaction , if less pro-
fit. to sell them. Come in and
talk things over.
Dierks Lumber and Coal Co.
01' TUIC
Security State Bank ,
of BrolH'n IInw. NebraRIa. Charter Nn. 84 ,
lucormrated : In tlto state of Nehraska. at tltl !
clohe of huslneRH Ma } ' 19 , 1'J06. '
1.oans allli Ulscouuts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 4\14 \ 04
OvenlraftH. secured a 11I1 II nl < eCII red. . . : :12 : : ! .
Stock ! ! , Hecnrltles. juhwumts , clalmll
etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 407 25
lIaukhllr hOllhO furlliture allll fixtures 5 lIl00
Current "X\'CURCS \ and taxes Ilah\ \ . . . . . 3111 96
CaRh Itellls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . tII,1I 53
Duo frolll nOlt'l. ! ! tate and prlvato
banks alllilankerll. . . . , . . . . $21 > 3 : : $ 113
Checks aud Itelllil o { ex'
chanl'e. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 90
Cas h. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 054 90
' ,1"otal caHh on hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 415 6"
- - -
Total. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : f103 516 6\
1.IAUllotTJlUI :
Cal.ltal stoc1 ( t.alllu. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ lfi 000 01
Ulllllvhle.lprulltH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1I18 j (
Inllh'hillal depuilits subject
to check. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : fi3 563 15
DClllalul certltlcatell of de.
IIORlt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3611 9
' 1"lIIe certilicatell odeposlt , II 51J6 35 85497 0\ \
- -
'rota\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : fI03 516 G\ \
I. H. D. l'ICKITT , caRhler of the abm'e lIame ! !
bank , do ! ! olelllnly swear that the ahove IItate
. mcut III a correct allll true cOI'Y o { the reporl
lIIade to the State lIauklllJ : lIoard.
H. II. 1'lCKUTT , Cashier.
. J W. A. GKOHO ! ! , Ulrectur.
Attest. 1 JUIo1l5 lIAUMONT. Ulrector.
Subdcrll > t.1 alHlllworn to beCore 111" thIs tl
day of May. 1'JOd. ' I. A. HKNIlAUt
[ aKAIoI Nolary I'ubl c.
. . . ' . . . .
. ' - t.
! _ _ _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,1
how easily a la wn mower performs its duty after bcing
sharpcncd on thc Idcal Power : : : ) harpcncr wc recently
placed in the shop.
We do not usc files , as o our compctitors , which cause an
unevenness of the blade , but by using the IDEAT4 SIIAHPgNER
each blade is sharpcncd evenly and alikc , the bevel 011 thc knh'es
bc ng kept at the same dcgree all along the knife. All high .and
low spots are taken out and any degree of clearance can h glvcn
the bladc so a lawn mower will run and cut casier than whcn new.
More good lawn mowers are spoilcd by bunglesome sharpcning
than hy the worl { they do. Bring your cranky mower to mc. . .j
F"red : E3 : . : FI.eanl. : : . . t ,
. , , , , _ . . .
&Jj'JAZI.UP1 " : L-- " " " ' " ----IoI1II"- " - -ar. : :
J.B : . . RJl.A..IDJ , i
, t. . ' 1'I ' ' ! ' ' ' ' ! PIOPIUETOR )
H t Vr.R S
! , " 'i'r ' 'r ' " LIVERY and
III ' l
" - 0
; ' \ - I' I , ,
' ' ) \ .
I' . . FEED BAI5) 11 ,
' : : _ _ t
' "L-- ' ; . , EAST OF GLOBE HOTEr , . t .
RClI1o.lclclt . ntllt repaired throughout. Gootllivery rigs nt rensonnhle rates. ,
8 j\ccolllotlntion for cnttle nnd range horscs. lIny nt noon . , 10 cents ; nil ( Iny , I
8 IS cents ; over night , 35 ccnts. Cnll nnr ] cclie. .
ibcr.i"I' . .o : .o : .Jf. . ; q..o : ; , : .r. d I (
_ I I \
rand r
Successor to } and GEO. WILLING , :
Embalmer and Funeral Director , "
Business phone , 301. Hesidence phone , 227.
. . .
- - - - -
- -I - . - - - - - - , . . . . . - - - - . . . . . . " . . . - . . . - . - . . - _ .se" ,
* * * * * * m
ffl ffl
arc d alers in Heal Estate of al ! kindg.
WE We WIll buy or sell. D.on't fall to see ffl I
us before you buy or sell. We can do I , : ,
you good. Collections made and insur- i : ;
ance written. Farms rented and taxcs paid. See Vf : I
us for farm loans. Come in and sce us. \
i ffl I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1--- ; = = = * ffi1iI
i Before You Build , Consult
. ec > . : Japin..ea"U. : . . , ' I
. Contractor and BuilJer. Estimates
I Furnished free with plans and spccifications.
= - " " ' ; ' = - = - t = t = r = . _ _ .
Bargains in Farm Land and Ra11c11es
Writ" for list with prices and terms of sale. ,
If you have land for sale list it with me. I
Correspondence with nou-resident land owners solicited
JAMES LED WIG I-I , - - Broken 13ov , Neb. \ r
. "
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Now Crocory Finn
Hey 'Valker & Co. ha ve purchased the Ievis ' I
stock of groceries and will conduct the business I .
under the firm name of '
laving [ buught this stock at a bargain we are ;
prepared to sell you groceries as cheap aR the
market will bear.
will be taken in exchange. I
on dry goods houses for gooch ; we do not handle.
Call and see us I
The Walker Grocery Co. ,
East Side of Public Squarc ,
I - - .
, . . .
: . .
If you are 1 00 k. 1I1g f or tl Ie Q ua 1. Ity 0 f
lumber and Building Malerial
I for the Least Monev let us figure on your bill.
I 'Ve always try to please.
1 . . " . ' 1
I South Side Lumber Yard , Brokenllow , Neb. j
. . . " ,
1 . : ) : . . . . . . . , : : . . i . .
. . . I.f\.i. ' . ' " . ,
\ .