Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 31, 1906, Image 3

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    . .JtIik . . , Iff I , .
1. " . .
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'It ' . - - - - - . , . . ' "
Painful Predicament Which Has Brought Woe to the Heart
I of August Barth , of Brooklyn.
. . . . '
G. " ' \ ;
t Himself Seven Feet Tall , He Insists the Lady Must Be Six
Feet , Seven Inehes-Need Not Be Youn11 ,
Beautiful or Rich.
Young , good looltlng , wcalth ' , and ,
perforce , a bachelor :
Such is the painful position oC Aug-
Ul:1t : Barth , of Brooltlyn.
And the cause- I
He Is seven feet talll '
S mewhat sensitive on the sUbject '
hlmE-elt , Mr. Barth has tound that
mnldens who have won his heart are
i f even more so.
{ Once cngaged to a charming Chl-
cage girl , herself six feet tall , the engagement -
gagement was broltOn because the lady
I1Iserted she looleed so sJDall beside
blm that they attracted attention on
the street.
Dride Must De Tall.
Now he Insists that the companion
of his honeymoon must be at least SiX
feet seven Inches In height. He says :
"She need not be rich , she need not
be beautiful. She need not even be
Quite so young as I am. All I ask II !
that she be at least six feet seven
inches tall ! "
Six feet seven Inches of femininity I
Six feet seven inches clinging lovingly ,
fondly to seven feet at masculinity I
Is it possible that there is no w y of
. effecting this Ideal combination ? It
would seem not.
It must be understood that it Is
through no fault of his Mr. Barth remains -
mains , In the words of Rudyard Klp-
linga "wild ass of the desert. "
Ho has tried hard , He has made a
rersonal canvass of eligible womanhood -
hood , covering many mUes. He l\1tS
III ndvertised , he offcrs a rm-fard of $100
to anyone who will bring about such a
match-and still the right girl has not
A number of the prettiest "show
, tr girls" in current New Yorle musical' '
" , ( " plays were approached and asleed If
they would have any strenuous objections -
tions to marrying a man seven feet
in height. If any demurred she wa3
informed that this giant was proportionately -
tionately rich. This seemed to settle -
tle the matter , and several of these
divinities agreed to meet Mr. Barth.
He saw them , but did not even ask for
a nearer interview.
"They're all very pretty , " said he ,
"but not tall'enough. I'll tell you whr :
I insist on the six feet seven Inch
Ris Lost Happiness.
"I was once engaged to a very pretty
ji , : : Irl. I WItS just out of college and
, enjoyIng myself In ChIcago. I met
t" this young woman , and we fell In
: love. She was tall-nearly six feet ,
\ In fuct-bnt when we went out together -
er she looked so very small alongside
of me that we attracted attention , She
! was sensitive , and could not stand the
'I notorIety , so that , although she loved
me , she asked me to break the engage-
I "Now , I don't want to go through
1 !
! . ' lh&rRTH tf'EHEt"E DIfElll
, . .
. .
. . , . . . . . , " . t r . "t , ' "
" " . . ,
. r" ,
. ,
l" "
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. " , ' ' ' " ' . i , - , . .
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t IA
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, '
' " , , (
- p
I tv
uch an episode again , and am -
Ing to take chances. " unwll1-1
In the hope of cheerIng him Mr.
Barth , was Intormed that Col. GI.'Qrge
Augar , Barnum & Bailey's gIant , who
ia Bt-von Inches taller than the Broole-
) : yn DUln , has 0. loving wife of medium
) t h hL
" -t can't help it. " said he. " 'I am too
. . ,
t ' . .
sensitive about the dlscrepo.ucy my-
self. "
As 0. last resort , arr-angements were
made to Mr. Barth meet the
onlr woman In America who oould
'como up to his standard-Miss Rosa
'Wcdsted , the li'innlsh giantess , o.lso
with the circus.
] ' 1iss Wedsted Is exacU ' seven feet
tall , o.nd while not exo.cUy 0. beauty ,
she has a pleasant face. She is 0. dls-
tfD.t blonde , while Mr. Barth Is the
Miss Weds ted , when approached on
the subject , at first wh.s dlffidonL She
ia , strange to say , extremely sonsltlvo
about Iter height. She feared an ad-
yerUsln ' : s hemo" of some sort , but
was assured that Mr. Barth was not
connected with any circus or side
show , and , in fact , had never yearned
to bo ' 4bllled" as a glanL So finally
the glo.ntess consented to meet him.
Mr. Duth Fled.
The day arrived. George .Auger , who
10 > lts down on lItUe fQllts of seven
feet , was to make the introduction. The
muo group , including Col , Auger ,
"Tody" Hamilton , a New Yorle Sunday
World representative , and Mr. Barth ,
assembled in 0. room at Madison Square
Garden. Across the room Miss Wed-
ted was in'u little ante-chamber arraying -
raying herself for the meeting that
might be bO fraught with importance
to both the Interested parties.
Suddenly Mr. Barth remembered that
he was In a hurry , and , excusing himself -
self , fied IncontinenUy.
Was it bashfulness ? Who knows ?
' 1'he lady was disappointed , anyway.
Wh n Mr. Barth was 21 years of
age lie was as tall as he is to-day.
His father is Maj. Gen , Barth , who
retired from active service 0. quarter I
of a century ago , and who is now I
heavily intercsted In western mines , .
Barth holds enough shares in theso.
mInes to make him independent. He
also owns property In the Bronx , in
Jersey and at Plainfield and Rlvor-
hend , L. I.
After he had his first affair of the
henrt Barth prompUy resigned his position -
sition with an electrIcal concern ,
shook the dust of Chlc.'lgo from his
ffoot , and went to Now York.
Traveled for Three Years.
Then he concluded that he would
go traveling , and set sail for London ,
Three years were spent In wndon ,
Scotland , Ireland and France , Whether -
er or not he was in search of a. wife
he would not say.
TraveUng , to Mr. Barth , means more I
of a sacrlllce than it does to the ordinary -
dinary mortal , His seven feet of
height malee the question of sleepIng
accommodations a serious one. In
tmveUng at night he always has to
cngnge a stateroom and have the par-
Itlon taken out between two berths ,
! W TIJL/J I/flllfT BII/J
LOO..rIh'C. HY III1B/T lI 'f\
Of' llIE 'fJT I1HIJ
n / IJtWT I/lIlJfR-
(1I/r'IIOT . ' CET
C 'c7Tg fl ; -
so that ho can lap over , M It were ,
from one to the other. No hotel pro-
vhles a bed big enough for him , so he
hus had one made that Is long enough
to receive all of hIs elongated statu1e.
Sometimes , when ho cannot carry the
ed along with him , ho has to use
the regular hotel bed , with a chair
added . \0 IL On such casloWJ he
. .
. , . . ' ' . ,
. . . .
Ulles tno bed sidewise , It It Is not so
made he can stick hls\feet through nn
opening In the footboard.
It la most unpleasant for"lr. Darth
to go to thooter for the } " Joople who
It behind him nlwnys object that they
( 'annot see the stnge. lIe hM , therefore -
fore , to take 11 sent In the bnck row ,
nnd , as he Is a trine near-sighted , tllis
makes' It unpleasant.
" 'During all 'our travels did .ou not
find womnn who measured up to 'our
requirements ns far as height was concerned -
corned ? " he was nslted.
Admires Scotch 'Vornen.
"Not in Scotland , Englnnd or France ,
I ot Into a little town in Scotl nd ,
I thinle they call It Peebl08 , where I
met several Inrge women , but when
the ' stood alongside of me they loolted
small. The flnest looltlng women I
met on my travels I met in Peobles.
"I don't thlnle I am pnrtlcularly
'finicky , ' I don't want a beautiful
woman-tlmt Is , I don't Insist on iL I
have seen scores of women who were
wllUng to mnrr ' me , but there was an
Indefinnble something lacking , In etfch
"Perhaps It is my extreme helglIt
that militates against women wlshlm ;
In droves to marry me , but then , ngaln ,
there is Cot. Auger , ulner tllan I am.
Ho got married nn right.
"Maybe 0. womnn would rather marry
a lItUo man. I noticed In the papers ,
the other day , the stor ' of a dwarf
in New York , onlr three feet two
Inches tall , who was arrested for bigamy -
amy ! On that basis I ought to have
had four wives by this time , for I a'll
twice as tan as he , and more !
Confident He wm Find Affinity.
"Some day I am sure I shall find my
affinity-a tall woman , who won't 1001 <
lflco a pigmy beside me. Then I shall II
forget the discomforts of being a
giant in the happiness of being a I
bridegroom. But where shall I tlnd
t o woman ? "
"Don't you think you will be able
to find 0. wife In this country ? "
"I don't Imow. I have been on the
loolcout for some time , but my search
has been unrewarded , As an Indication -
tion of good faith , I am willIng that
the woman who becomes my wife may
first look Into my character ; look Into
my financial responsibility. And while
she Is doing so I wIll give her all the
asslstanco I can. I am sincere ; no .
man was over more so , "
Darth has three brothers , one of
whom Is the same height ; another Is
seven feet t.wo Inches , an still another -
other Is seven feet four Inches , HIs
mother was four feet tcn inches tall ;
his father a giant seven feet flvo inc es
In ht'lght ,
In Raid on Connecticut Town .Ani-
mnls Smash Plnte Glass
Winsted , Conn.-Two deer , both
docs , of a herd of ten seen froUcklng
on the Walecfield boulevard , on tIre
west side of Highland lalec , entered
Wlnste 's business district about six
o'clocle the other morning and , becom.
Ing frightened at an approaching team ,
jumped through the plato glass win.
dow of John S. Mycocle's dry goods
store on Main street. Both emerged ,
one bleeding , a few seconds later and
ran up Main street , a distance of GOO
feet , where they vaulted a low fenc ,
crossed Mad rlyer , and disappeared In
the direction of Highland lalte , where
the lIerd of ten was seen about seven
o'clock , Two , one a buclt , swam across
the first ba ) ' , a distance of nearlr halt
0. mile , and disappeared In the woo
on the opposlto side , The other eight
1 > la 'ed around the entrance to Ifth- ,
land lake farm for some little time
before taking their departure down
the lalee.
'rho brolten glaas was fl\'e-slxteenths
of an Inch In thlclmess and cost $ G5.
The stat will probably bo aalted to
make good the los , inasmuch as tbe
deer dashed through the window glass
o.wakencd people In the vicinity , who
. .
. , - .
. . , t , . ' ,
" " '
thought ttl t burglnrs wore at wor1c.
Mrs. M. B. IInU'nml Wllllnm Bulllvnn
wore the only lorsons who witnessed
the unusunl perfor'l1llnco at the tWeI
a'Icer , they being nonr the corner 01
iU.nln nml Lnlto streets when the nnl-
mals nppenrell.
' \ ,
Little Qlrl Snvcd from Dirds Gnth-
orcU. for Fens'by \ ; n. 800rch- ,
ing' Pnrty.
Anokn , Mlnn.-rows ; fluttering In
the air and consclessl ' calling nnd
croaking directed a searching pnrty
trom t.hls clly nml the surroundlnn
country to the spot where the daugh ,
ter , but 3 'ears old , ! } .t Henry Pehl.
ing , who lI\'es 'near R TtlHl lalte , had
spent the night nnd was l 'lng In n
stupor. ' 1'ho Ill.omened birds Beemed
to be gathering for a feast upon the
dollcl\te Ilosh of the lIttle girl.
The child wnndered away amI the
father conductClI n search ns best he
could until two o'clock in the morn
Ing. Then , feotlng thnt hla child had
probably perl'shed , ho came to AnolttJ
and aroused the omclnls.
The senrch was then tnlten up b ' tht
sherlrr , chleC of police , the county at
torney amI count . auditor , who Imr
rledly droY to the lalee , nnd bright
and early In the morning found the
, wE JlltJ/,1 ( i'ti'Lc5EJ' . ltap TIIIIH
Ht1HOc5'aVE 6'111111
child lyIng on the ground with the
uncanny birds Ilylng about her and
malclng their dismal calls ,
Rain which had como through the
night fell npon the lIttle girl and she
was drenched to the skin. However ,
she soon recovered and called for her
mother , and , after being fed , sanle into
restful sleep. Despite her fearful ex ,
perience it , Is believed she wHl OXIJori ,
enco no harmful orrects ,
Two Husbnnds Ncar Pana , Ill. , Malte
Novel Deal-FamIlies Live
Pana , lB.-Two men who live on 0.
farm near this city have exchanged
wives and children , supposing the
transaction was legal , and the families
have lived together In the same house
since March 2.1. At Christmas li'red
L. .JacltmlUl toole his wife and fivt
chlhlren to visit J. 1\1. Mosby. Jack.
man found tbat Mosby's wife. aged
21 , and her 1mby were more attractive
to him than his older spouse and Tlls
moro numerous brooll. Mosby , fin ling
in Mrs , .Tackman a matured charm
which his own wife laclted , was will ,
ing , So were the wIves. Contracts for
the separaUon and mar.
riages were drawn up , and were signed
by the four parties to the transaction ,
the children being Included In the
"swap , " A lawyer was called In to
prepare the documents In proper form.
Mosby went to the stato's attorney to
maleo sure that the arrangement was
recognized by law , and was arrested.
Jackman Is sUll 'at large ,
Lion Attacks Its Trainer.
Toledo , O.-Wlth ber right breast
nearly torn fr m her bOdY , an ar.
tery In the left arm severed and her
hand chewed almost to a pulp ,
"PrIncess Pauline , " animal trainer ,
whose real name Is not Imown by her
associates , lies at the IJolnt ot death
as tbe result of a savage attacle by alien
lion hybrid cat. The lwast , which Is
a cross between a lion , leolmrd and
jnguar , was bclng caged after 0. nay's
training In the pit at a zoo here , when
It sprang upon "Princess Paulino"
without warning. As she fell aho
Imocltcd II. wooden bench between her.
self and the beast , and this saved her
from Instant death. One paw of th'e
beast tore off her breast , another toro
her arm , while the animal Tlclously
grasped her hand in Its mouth. After
II. terrltlc fight Head Trainer Mac.
Pherson and Col. Ferrari drove the
beast away with bet iron piltcs. The
woman haa smaU cbance of , recovery.
\ :
< . .
. . . . - - -
t rtainE ents
for Social
SocletyHdller , of Iha Chlcalro RoconHtarald.
Orowing Popularity of LU leheon-A
Pcarl Dlrthtlay Luncheon with
'ThUo Mcmu-ClJowcl Story" Cou-
test-Card Pnrty on the Porch-
Place Cal'ds with Renl Flewers.
Juno fll.vOl.s those born within its
wee Its b ) ' giving them the rose for a
flower an the } Jearl for a birthstone.
The combl1H\tlon makcs lJOsslble ono oC
the } Jrettlestof blrthdny lunoheQns. ' 1'ho
luncheon hns grown in IJol1ll1arlly , for In
America , women holl1 the aoclal world I
nnll- the ' have become so tired of the onll-
less teas nnd { 'ecelltlona thnt the luncheon -
eon where II. few congonlal frlonds ma '
gather together nt ml .dar Is greeted
with tervor.
For a June blrtlula ) ' ever .thlng should
bo Iu whlto II.nd with whlto rosebuds to
ropl'esout llearla , the fiower and the
stone of the month may be combined.
'l'he table should be Inid wholly lu white ,
with plain white china for service. For
the centerlJleco use the pure white caito
which will sen'oS II. blrth nr cnlto , al1l1
instead or. placing the candlea on the top
of the cnlte , malte n Inrge wreath of roso-
bulls wired to stnJl1 erect 1I1co Inrge
pearls , ! \11l1 place the candles among the
buds. ' 1'ho wreath should be Inrgo
enough to stand , voll out on the table ,
forming a large circle nbout the caIto.
The place cards mll.Y bo pure whlto
cards with the nnmo nnll an nlllll'oprinto
inscription , a whlto rose having been
run through one corner of t.ho cards.
For such n luncheon , of course , the
menu shoulll be iu white. The first
course mny be a cream bouillon ; the
second white fish ; creamed spnghettl ,
the white part of the chlclton , crenmC1
potatoes ; white aSlll\ragus salnd , anl1
Ice cream with whlto caltes. Ins tend
of corree , the corree frnppo may be
. . . . .
For a contest to foUow the luncheon ,
the following "jewel story" could be
used , the blank spnces to ho fi1lellln with
the nnmes of the jewel whose color has
IJeen described :
When Mrs , Rich went In to bu ) '
Her necklneo at rnro stones ,
The news wns pussed with Bueh II. cry
The noIse o'en wnlted the renes ,
In turn each gem held high Its head ,
As Mrs , RIch drew nigher
The - blllshed n deeper red-
The - flashed IIro.
"She'll pass ) ' 011 nil , " the - crled-
"She wunts It bnbr bluo. "
"A btllO , Ilerhnps , " the - sighed
"nut the spnrltHnlr Idnd , not ) 'ou. "
'l'wns then the - turned green ,
And dIscord IIUed the place
The - 'twns Illnlnl ) ' seen
TurncJd purple In the fnco.
The - amI the - , too ,
In joatous ) ' grew ) 'ellow ,
The - changcd to everr hUe ,
And the - - turncd rIght mellow ,
A stlllod sound came trem the place
'Vhero la ) ' the deep red -
A sound , Idnd trlends-'twas such II. dls.
'Twas very much IIko "darn It. "
Now Mrs , RIch was Innocent
at the tuss she had created ,
And , gazIng as on pleasure bent ,
Vlth cach was quite elated ,
At length she stopped and bowcd her hcad
'Vllh the pleased smile at It girl ,
"Ah , hero's the ono I wunt , " she lullI-
She 1I0lnted to the - .
"It's purll ) ' allllollls , " she erlod ,
"oe al1 Iho meaL se1'ono-
A jO ) ' to wl ow or to 1Irlde-
Among Lhe stones , the IIICen ( , "
rho moral 10 thIs tille , ) 'ou'l1 sce , -
' 1'1Iat at the thlnls ot earth
' ' 1'8 noL just whnttho ) ' seem to bo
Dut what Ihe ) ' uro-slell's worth ,
' 1'110 lwy to this lIttle story Is as fol-
iows : 1 , ruby ; 2 , diamond ; 3 , turquoise ;
4 , sapphire ; Ci , emerald ; G , ameth 'st ;
7 , topaz ; 8 , amber ; ! I , opal ; 10 , moonstone -
stone ; 11 , garnet : 12 , pearl.
For the one whoso guesses are 1Jlost
correct , a small jewel case may be given
as a prizo.
. . . . .
Porch Card Partq.
The time of year now approaches when
porch parties are popular. It is the "In-
betweon" season whenln. oor card playIng -
Ing Is not comfortable an lo.wn affairs
nrQ a bit premature , and the porch
card party Is an Ideal and happy
Nothing is simpler to arrange than
this affair , for the house talees but Ut-
Ue attention , o.nd . with a few rugs laId
about , some comfortable rlfllan chairs
'lnd pretty tables , everything In the way
? f attractiveness Is possible for the
porch Itself.
This Is a gO'Jd entertainment for the
mOrnll ! ; , Invite the guests for ten
o'clocle or even earlier in the smaller
towns and citIes , ' 1'he porch , no dou t ,
will . vines just putting forth leo.ves
Lnd among those roses may be garlanded.
The game should bo progresslve-
euchre or whist or cinch , or even hearts
Cor a guest of honor who Is to be a. futur
'fo find partners for the games , have n
great bouquet of roses In tbe halt. As
tbe guests pass to the porch asle each
to talee a rose. On the very end of the
stem will he found a fioral score card ,
dupllcatell for llartners , every ona bearIng -
Ing the number of the table a.t which the
one who is to plar.
, . . .
, '
. .
When thO gallic Is c10sed and Il comell
tlmo to serve , the hostess may do ono
of two thlllgS. She may spread the cnrEt
tnbles with dnlnty lunch cloths nnd
servo the IJlnyors ns they were sitting
at. the end of the gnmesior she mlhavo'
1\ series of flllJal1 klblea Inlll rend ) ' or
service In thhouRe. . If the latter Ide
Is chosen , every tnblo shoull ! have a cen-
terploce of some spring flower nnd tho. .
1)lnce carda should be decorated with
the Ilowor In which the table Is dono.
li'our ma ' be sented I\t 1tablo. . The
cnrds may bo tloral IJlace cards to b
fouJulln the shOIS or they Inn ) ' be plnln ,
with lite fiowor run through the corn
nnd hearhtg 0. bit of flower verse. r
Servo much the same 111enu ns Is pro-
pnrell for 1luncheon. . A boullloll , n variety -
riety of thin samlwlches , n 81\1nd , tl\lta ,
olives and coffee , with anico nnll wafers
mnltcs a goo II servlco for stich nn nltnlr.
'fho winner of the games mny be given
prize of a flornl fnn.
COll'rlght , b ) ' .1ofl < Jph n , DowleB , )
- - -
Ono 'Vns Correct as to Dotalls as
Mny De Infcl"l'cd fl'Om
This Story.
Il la generally the unu8unl thins
which la the easiest to romombOl.-but
It sohlom halJpOUS that exnctlr the
same olomontl ! in auy situation 0.1'6
most unusunl or most. strlltlnr ; to an )
two onlookors. A 1Jlan who has tmv-
olell many limes UIJ and down the l\lIs.
slsshlpl stpo on the 1eveo at CItP (
Glrardeau , 1\10" one noontime , waiting
Cor the arrlvnl of a downbound } ) ( lcltot.
Another IJrOSllcctivo 1llssongOl' stCllped
up nud I1ccostCll him , snys Youth's
"Pl1rdon mo , suh , " he s ld. "You
I1ml I hnve met bcfo' , but you do not '
remember mo. "
"Doubtless If you will recall the clr.
cumstances I shnH 110 so , " ! ! alll the
other. :
"Welt , suh , It wns at Buhfiehl , Ah-
kansas , ono e\'onlng flvo yeurs ago. "
"I remember BarQohl and the evenIng - .
Ing perfectly , " salll the mnn I1ccosted.
"It was n frIghtfully stormy nhhL
The mud at Barllolll wns 11eolJer than
I hall ever seen bofore. I hall moored
my bent nt the blmle In front ot town :
but the Imnlc was so soft I could not
climb It. I shlnnod UI ) n rope to the
top , wa ed eve ! ' my shoes in mud to 0.
store , bought some groceries nnd returned -
turned to my cabin by sliding down n. .
lumber chute. My wife coolted SUlJon
find we spent II.n evenIng reading aloud
from Mnrlc Twain's 'LUo on the Mls'1
slsslppl. ' A mft oC logs brole ; : loose
nnd went down stream , and ns I hnl\ \
no sIder to follow them with , I shoutet\ \
an alarm anll others went. ' 1'he rain ,
turned to snow before morning , am' '
the next morning , which was SundaY4
the steamer Ford Herold came In CrOll\
Mom phis at dnybrenle , " '
"Yes , suh ; " said the man who rol
membored him. "Yes , suh , I reclton aU
those things nh 80. I do not l'ccal\ \
them , howeveh. Dahfield Is alwfiYIS
mUddywhen It rains , the Ford Hel'OlIl
comes In every weele , logs often bronk
away , and none of these things Is fas1
tened Into my memory.
"But , suh , I was set tin' In the sto'
that ovonln' when you entered. Wheh
you como 'om no ono of us Itnew .
You haught , suh , two IJOItnds of ric
and a can of tomatoes , Now , Buh , ]
neveh ] (1)ew ) a gentleman to bur jusl
that combination of grocorles at. the
slime time befo' , alHI not ono of UI
could imagine , suh , jes' what a mall
who , so fah as wo could see , didn't lIv6
thoh and didn't hnvo any home fob
usln' thom , was goln' to do with two
pounds ot rice nnd only ono can 01
tomntoes ,
"I have remembered you over since
suh , and have nlways wondelied what
you did with them. "
Freak Timoplece Whose Hands Went
Round the Wrong
- Wny.
"Don't hear much ot Dowlo or In.
gersoll or anarchy nowadaya , " reo
mal'lted Capt. Bill. "I suppose they'rd
run down , 1I1co n cloclt I once saw when
I was n boy. gver hear nbout Clos ,
son' ! ! clock ?
"Well , Closson was a watchmnker ,
and one year , when uuslness waa ul ]
he made this clocle I'm tolling you
about. It was a good cloclt In its way ,
with an extra strong niaIlJB1)rlng ; ita
wheel ! ! were sound and healthy , and
you couldn't tell It from a rcula1 ;
clock. But Closson put It together
backward , for he enjoyed his lItUe joke
once In awhile , although lots of people
who clahned to Imow him best would
never admit that he had a sense 01
"So his clock stnrted out in lICe with
a click and a buzz to do great things ,
I suppose ; an Its hands went round
the wrong way. People that had time
to waste would' loaf in front of the
window all day nnd watch the handa
going wroaglnd ; ! l lot of busy folks
set their watches by it till they learned
belter , which they did pretty quick , because -
cause a clock that has only four lucid
moments in 24 hours Isn't going to bo
standard very long. There were a good
many folks , too , who stood up for the
clocle nnd governell their movements
hy It , mnklng n complicated arithmetIcal -
Ical calculation always to find whnt tht
real time was ; but that got to bo n
nuisance , and ono by one they dropped
away aud returned to the old clock
over the church that had served them
pretty stendy before CI01Json's clock appeared -
peared ,
"After thnt the now clocle wo.vcd ita
hands the wrong way nnd chimed revolutions -
lutions 0.11 . the hnrder , and wondered
why Its trnde was tnHlng oIr. And b
and by It ran down , and nobody toole
the trouble to wind n up ngnln.-New1
ark News ,