tUSTfR COUNTY RfPUBLICAA By D. M. AMSBERRY , DROKEN now , . - NEBRASKA. - - , . Onrrying Out the Lnw. Ono hundred nJlll thirty years ere Burke polntell out that the Amorlcan pcoplo wore smatterers In law-that In no other country In the world Wntl the law so general n filtudy. 1'o-day , for gooll r.nd tor Ill , Americans "Ithout legal training hnve sreat confidence In their ability to decille le al qUO lIc.ns. Their confIdence has been largely jus- tified. There are many true stories of country justices who , by comblnlnc their good Benso with Imowlodge or Ignorance of Inw , were able to renller just nnd reasonnblo decisions. On the oUler hand , snys Youth's Companion , many Amorlcans show n too easy ns- tmrnnce in deciding whether n Judge has glvon a good legal decision or whether n prosecullng officer Is rOInlsS In not prosecuting evroyono whom Ihe j > ubllc pronounces n rascal. Courts 'nnd ' district aUornoys got an nbund- nnce of Instruction from the nOWRlm. pera nnd the public which the law would not nllow them to follow. In the sarno way Uw people at home tolel the gonernls In the cIvil wnr to capture - ture RIchmond or capture WashIngton fmmedlately , while the generals themselves - selves were busj. wIth problems 01 whIch theIr civilian frlonds never dreamed. necauso the pUblic officers do not fling Into jail everyone who hJI ! oITended against moral Inw , It docs tot follolY that the omcera Ilre not do g theIr duty , or that justlco Is fetteretJ by "legal tedmlcalltles. " In the long 'run , lho processes of court justice are parallel to the processes of the b ( st , moral justice. The records of AmerIcan court proceedings form 11. history of : lnte11lgent Interpretation of the law. Only by faith In the courts can legls- Jat.ures deteTlnlno how to maIm ' 3tat- utes oITectlve\nnd harmonIous with exIsting - Isting Jaws , and through -tho co 7ts It Jaw-abIding people finds surest protection - tion against those who broale the IW& , thab mon have malle. The Immigrant Problcm. In a recent edltorlnl under the title , "Can We Have Too 1\Inny ? " the Bos tUI\ Herald dlscusscs wbat has been' ' called the ImmIgration problem. It dtes tbo followIng testlmohy : "Re. cently Robert Watchorn , commIssion. er uf Immigration , Bald he Imd no sympathy with those who wlshell to leeep out Immlgrnnts bectluse of nut. eracy or lacle of money. "I cnmo through CasUe Garden 2G years ago with $16 In my pocleets , " snlll the com. missioner , "ami when President Roose- veil. wanted the rIght mnn lor thIs plnce be selected mo out of 80,000 , 000. " Not modest , porhnps , but very much to tIlO point , Dr. John P. Can roy , prlnclpnl of the public school , No 179 , 1\Ianhattnn , the president , of tlIa club , Interrupted to say that he "came through CnsUe Garden without even the trousers. " "We need all the a1\1e. bodIed , willing worleers we can get , " decJared the commIssioner. "We hnv ( no cause lor alarm. Rnther , the perU lieB with tbe European countrIes , lor out of 6,000,000 emlgrnnts who have left theIr shores , -1,200,000 were nble .bodled men and women between the ages or 14 and 4-1 years. " TouchlnE these wbo nre regarded as the least .deslrable closs of Immigrants. tIt ( Slavs nnd Poles. tbe commlssionor said these workers bave supplnnted th. Irish and Welsh miners In the nnthrn cite fields , "and now 635 of their sonl are In our colleges and universities. ' Thlrt.y yenrs from now , he prodlcted tbey would be holding office-and be might have added perhaps be favor Ing the restrIction of Immigration ! The optl sUc vIew or thIs questioI Is sustald d by all our past hlstor and by the wonderful material devel opment or our country , which woule have been Impossible without thl brawn an ho brnln that have coml to us from the mother countrIes. " . The trentmont needed to rid an : community of Judge Lynch Is so slm pIe thnt there Is no excuse for no applying It , says the Now York SUt 'It consists not only of the prompt nnl vIgorous use or the long.cstabllshe WealJOnS with which the state ha armed Its repregentath'es for the pre tootlon or Its citizens. Where a mo Is able for any consIderable length ( time (0 defy the Jaw It wlll be foun that the enforcers at the law are h competent , cowardJy or corrupt. Tb responslbl1lty for these conditloll rests on the citizens themselves , wh get the lelnd of government they al : wnllng to toJerate and who by iasls Ing on good adminIstration by decen capable men enn nlways mnke Impo sible Buch dIsgraceful Incidents as tl Springfield outbreak. The ropaclty of lanulorcJl3 In Ne York city Is drIvIng tenants to 11 suburbs. It Is ImposlJlble to get a smn fiat at a figure reasonably withIn U nverage clerk or worldngmoo's menl & 1nd , such tenants are findIng It e tremely , difficult to meet. exIsting COI dltlons. . , , A now fertl1lzer made In Norwi tram the nitrogen In the atmospbe Js snld to be very nenrly of the san , value to plants as ChIU saltpet ( " .h11e Its cost is 10woJ' . . , " . . . , THE POINT OF THE PROVERB An old proverb ad vis os the shoo- waleer to stick to his lnst. It meano U1Jlt a Innn nJways ( ! ucceoels best at the business he krtows. To the farmer , It means , sllcle to your lJlow : to the , blacksmith , aUcle t6 your' forgo : " to the pllinter , stick to your brush. When we malee experhpents out of our line they nre lIIeely to provo oxpen. slvo failures. It Is nmllslng , however , to remark how eyery one of us secretly thinks JI'O could do Barno other follow'o work better tban the other follow lrlmse1t. The paInter Imagines he cnn mnko pnlnt better thnn the paint manufacturer - turer : the fnrmer thlnles ho can do a job of painting hetter , or at lenst cheaper than the painter , and so on. A fnrm hnnd In one of Octave Thanet.'s storIes tel1s the Wal1e1ng Delegnte of the PaInters' Union , "Any. body enn slnther paInt : " nnd the old lIne painter tel1s the paint salesman ; "None ot your ready mndo mixture. for me : I reclcoll I ought to know flow to mix paint. " The farm hand Is wrong nnd the paInter Is wrong : "Shoemaleer , aUcle to your Inst. " The "fnncy farmer" can farm , of coursu , hut It Is nn ex. pensive nmusement. It It strllees him na plensnnt to grow strawb'errles at fifty c nts nplece , ur to produce eggs that cost him five dollars a dozen , It Is n form of amusement , to be sure , ff he can ntrord It , but It's not farm- Ing. It the fnrmer likes to slosh nrounll with a pnlnt brush and can af. ford the tlmo and the expense of havIng - Ing a prnctlcal paInter do the jo1i rIght pretty Boon afterward , It's 11. harmless form of nmusement. It the , palntqr's customers cnn atrord to oll1.nd for paint that comes ort In baIr , the time it should , they have n perfect rIght to indulge hIs hnrmless vanity 6b'oUt his sklJI In paint makIng. nut In none of these cases docs the shoe- mnker stick to his Jast. There Is just ono class of men In the world thnt. knows how to maleo pnlnt properly and have the faclJltles for doIng It rIght : and that Is tbe paint manufacturers-the makers of the standard brnnds of ready-prepared pa ts. The painter mlxcs paints : the paInt manufacturer grinds tllcm togcthcr. In a good ready.prepared paint every pllrtlclo of one lelnd of pigment Is lorced to join hands with a partlclo of nnother lelnd and every bit ur solid mntter Is forced , as It were , to open Its mouth nnd drink In Its share of linseed oil. That Is tbe only way good paint can be mnde , and ff the pnlnter Imew l10W to do It he hns nothing at hand to do It wltJr. A paInt pot aUll a. paddle are 11. poor substitute for power.mlxers , bubr-ml11s and roller.mms. The ma'll who owns a building and neglects to paInt It as often as It needs paInt Is enl ) " a degree .more short.slghted than the ono WItt trIes to do his own pnintlng or allows tbe painter to mix his paint for hhn.P. : . P. G. At the Dinner Party. Mrs. Henpeck ( to herselt-Look ) al my husbllnd , ever lhere , dIsgracing us with his frightful manners ! It I had that book on tnble etiquette here now I'd throw It In 11Is facet-Family Journnl. Are You Tired , Nervous and Sleeples ? Nervousness nnd slccphsmess ; are 113- ! ! ally due to the tact that the nerves are not ted on properly nourishing blood ; they are starved nen"I.'S , Dr. Pierce's Goldcn . Iedl l Dls o ery ntakes pure , , .ich blood , and there y the nerves are rroperly nourished and all the organJ ! of ho body are run as smoothly as II13chln- cry which runs In all. In this way you feel clean , strong and strenuous-you are toned up and invigorated , and you are good tor a whole lot at physl l or mental .worle. nest ot aU , , the strength and Increase - crease In vitality nnd health are lastinrl. I The trouble with most tonics and moo. cines which have 110 Jarge , booming sale for short time , Is that they are largelj- , coml > osed at alcohol holding the drugs In solution. 'hls alcohol shrinks up the red ] blood corpuscles , nnd In the long run greatly Injure the system. One may feel oxhll rated nOlI better tor the tlmo being , yet In the cnll weakened and with vitality ilecronsed. pro Pierce's Golden Iedleal DlscovQry cent lns no alcohol. Every bottle 1ft It bears upon Its ' ' 'rapper The lJadac olllonl'llty , In 1tull IIs ot nil Its severnllngrodlents , For the drulrtlst { tc oaer you something ho clnlms Is "Just as good" Is to Insult ) 'our Intelllgenco. Every Ingredient entering Into the world.fnmed "Golden Medlcnl Discovery" hns the unW1lmous I\pproval : md cndorsC' meat of th leading medical uuthorltlc9 of nU the sovornl schools of practice. No ether medicine sold through druggists tor 111m purBoses hns nnl sucl endorsement The 'Golden Med.cal Discovery" not only produlles nil the good eaects to obtained tram the use of Golden Se ] root. In nil stomach. liver nnd bowe ] troubles , as In dYlpepsla , bllilousness , con. stlpatlon , ulceration ot stomach and bowels and kindred ailments , but th Golden Seal root used In Its comound. . Ing Is grently enhanced In Its com\ \ vo nc. tlon by other ingredlents\such ns StOll ( rool. , muck Cherr'bark ; , I3loodroot , Man' drake root and chemically pllre triple- refined glycerIne. liThe Common Sense Medical Adviser , ' Is sent tree In paper covers on receipt 0 : 210no-cent stamps to pay the cost of mati Ing only. For 81 stamps the cloth.bounl volume wUllbe sent. Address Dr. R. V Plorco Buanlo N. Y. Dr. Pierce's Pl .1snnt Pellets cure con atlpatlon , bUiousness and headnche. fN T YOUR HEART If you think you have henrt disease - ease : iou are only ono of n countless number thdnrc \ : dcceh ed by indigestion - gestion into believIng the heart is nIT ected. : Lane's Family : Medicine : , the tonic-laxative , will get your . I ) " stomach back into good condition , rr , and then the chances are ten toone : thnt you will hl\ve 110 more symp- , l1e tom of heart disease. , , Sold . . by nIl dtalers at 2So. nnd Soc. ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . , , " I ' . - . IDl1-t ? fljr.aantt nf t11r ( } Dl rttt. tt1t Iff rauttarn IDt.attat t . Dy DR. NEWELL DWIGHT HILLIS. have somctimes bccn ovcrrulcd for the happiness and prospcrity of cities that have s.uffered.Vhcn the great fire devastatcd London nnd left the metropolis - tropolis a pile of cinders and ashcs , it was thought hat all England was ruined. But standing now on the dome of St. Paul's cathcdral , and looking out over the statcly buildings tllat wcrc mnde possible - sible by that cleansing fire , England understands. \Vhcn dcstruction overwhelmcd Chicago , the cit- History tells us also that grcat catastrophes izcns rose up and undertook the impossible. Scarcely wcre the ashcs cool whcn they bcgan to plan for a grcatcr and new Chicago. It , was 11 giant's task , but clrrying the burdcn devclopcd that gcncration into giants. The emcrgency gave thcm great initiative. And the ncws from -San Francisco tells us that thc citizens are made of heroic stuff. Alrcady they are bcginning the work of clearing - ing away thcir ashcs.trhcy have decided to lay their foundations broader nnd deepcr. 'I'hcy are beg-inning to say : "This hour of trouble is an h ur of flaming opportunity , when we can show the. . whole world how strong. mcn and womcn can meet an emergency. " Already the tales of heroism and fortitude are sufficient to make a ncw lliad.trhe loss of material things is nothing whcn manhood is so great and victorious. 'Who knows but that thcse people nre to lift up standards of charactcr and are to cxalt the whole fiftccn hundred millions of the family of men ? Once more the human race must remcmbcr Christ's paradox : "mess cd are they that mourn. " Looking at thc great immortals , we cry outVho : ure thcse in their brig-ht array ? And the answer is : trhis is Lincoln , with his scarred facc ; this is Robert Bruce , with his wanderings and Ihis broken heart ; this Socrates , with his cup of poison ; this is Paul , the exile and the hero ; this is Aeneas flecing from burning Troy ; this is Abraham , drivcn out of Er , going out to wander homelcss midst strangers. 'I'he uttcrmost of disaster overtook - took thcm. But 10 , it is their trouble that wings thcir names with influence and makes thcm g-olden and immortal forevcr. When long time has passed men may begin to understand the mystery. To-day , midst our tears and our bcwildcrment , we will trust. Let us believe that God is in His sky. Perhaps the people of San Francisco will have to save up their hard problems and some day ask their hard qucstion before thc throne of God. In that hour of rcvelation we believe that they will sce that our carth is not a runaway orb , crashing wildly through space and spotted with fire and blood , but that all things have worked together for good. And He who made His own Son pcrfect through suffering has counted the people of thc grcat wcstern city to bc rich in that hcroic stuff that justifies the fire that will put tcmpcr into a sword that shall flash forever in the hand of the spirit of the rcpublic-Libcrty and Civilization. Charitable societics and institutions arc ' iO ' tl' fnt nmn m , ; ; J ntt ; ; .t " " burdcncd by the rc- . . . spo:1sibilitics which deW - 1t1ttt.f' f1' n1.tt.ntt : 4- sert1l1g parents have rc- pudiated. Onc promi- Dy ERNEST P _ ICKNELL , ncnt Chicago socicty Superintendent Chlcallo Dureau of Charltle , . repor t s tl 1a t one- f our tl 1 of the fami1ie which applied for its assistance in 1905 had been deserted by thc husband or wife. Another society found that during the same period on in tcn of the familics asking its help had bccn dcscrted. Rcports of othcr charities show similar facts. It should bc said that the man of the family is thc usual offcnder-that rarcly is a woman g-uilty of this unnatural - natural crime. Much attcntion has been dcvotcd to a study of the causcs of desertion - sertion and the trcatment of deserters in rccent years , but it must be admitted that results have thrown littlc light on the subject. Causcs are too subtle and complcx and varied to yield thcir sccrcts readily to investigation. Onc man will go away from home in good faith ill search oi cmployment , intending to send for his family later , or to send money for its support. Hard luck attends him , he drifts from place to place , gradually becomes alicnatcd" and finally ceascs to com. municate with his w e. Another man will leavc homc in angcr , Il which case thc deciding quarrel is usually the culmination of a long serics of } ) itter wrangles , in which the blame often must be sharcd by thc wife. - . . . - A well-dcfined class of descrters is composed of husbands whe leave homc just before the birth of n baby. The members of this clas ! , usually return after charity has seen the wife saiely through the crisi and has paid all the accompanying expenses. There are men whe have repeatedly bcen guilty of this sort of desertion.trhey know tha charity will come to the rescue , and they shamelessly take advantagl of that knowledge. Unpleasant home conditions , such as sloven 1 ; housekeeping , complaining and nagging wives , and wivcs indiffercn to the husbands' wishes or taste play their part in the sum total 0 causcs of descrtion. \Vithout doubt the intermittCf1t deserter is one of the most per plexing and troublesome. About the time the family has adjusted it . sclf to the conditions caused by his absence , he returns and throws al plans into confusion. : rhe charitable society which has helped th family to a point when it can see sclf-support and normal life aheal finds its programme destroyed and much of its work nullified.trhcl whcn the family's nffairs again are in desperate plight the husbanl once more takes his departure , the charitable ag-ency is compelled tl come in , and the whole discouraging , disastrous round is repeated. Certain European countries havc laws against descrtion whic : appear to bc worthy of trial in the United' Statcs. Under their opern tion a dcserting husband , on conviction , is scntenced to prison at har , labor. 'rhe state or munkipality allows a daily wage for his work , bll instcad of paying it to him pays it to his family. It is said that whe a man once finds that he cannot cscapc the support of his family h prefers to labor outside , rather than inside , the prison walls. ' 1'0 l1 : > ure effectivcness such a law would rCCJuire to be supplcmented by al1 othcr. which would permit of prosecution without tlh ! wife's' participli tion. But the problem is hugc I\m1 many sided , and we shall doubl less wnit long for its solution. " . ' . , , . OIROENTI THE BEAUTIFUL. No pJneo of Ruins In the Whole World Moro DMutiful Thnn 'rbls. Writes WilHam Sharpe In "The Oar. den of the Sun , " In Century : Every one hna benrd of GIrgenti , ns or Syra. CUS ( ! , before coming to Slcll ) ' . Too most beautiful city of antiquity hns left aD. endurhilg name , nnd if the Glr. gentl of to-day be fnr from the Agrt. gentum of Homan splendor , nnd still further from the Acrngas of Oreen beauty nnd magnIficence , It Is still noUly worth seeIng. Even , the least rosponslve Imagination can hnrdly fall to npprehend some Idea of whnt 'thIs town must have been of old , when Acragna , wltb Its vast extent nnd over 200,000 Inlmbltants , looked out across tlta dark.blue wnters of the Greek sen , or l\raro Afrlcano , from a lordly wll- lerness of supreb temples and magnlfi. cent buf1dlngs of a11 lelnds. To.day It Is worth n plJgrhnage from the ends of the earth. There Is perhaps no plnce of ruIn In the whole world more I benutlful than thIs. To see It , ns thoI I present writer Jnst saw It , In a gold. en sunset glow , with the great temples gleafiilng JIlee ye1Jow Ivoty , and the own Itself of a dusley gold , nnd the sell. . beyond , and uplands and mountains - tains behInd , Irrldated with a serene glory of light , Is to see what wll1 be for lIfo an unforgettable ImpressIon , an c r deeply moving reme1Ubrance. To localize the three loveliest vIews in Sicily ( and I fancy thnt most travelers - elers wouJd ngreo with me ) , I. should spoolfy that from the t rrace of the , Hotel Tlmeo at TaormIna , that from he monastery.hostelrr of Madonna del Tlndaro over Tyndarls and the Aeolian Isles , and that from the tel" race ot the Hotel rrelvldere on the south wn1J of Girgenti , looldng out on the lovely temples , the beautiful uplands - lands and slopes , and the blue se washIng Porto Empedocle below. HONESTY OF THE CHINESE That They Possess s Trait n Trnv- eler in Their Country Gives Evidence , The route lay directly through the heart of the "Hung-hutze" count'y , which was at"that. . time In a state of dIsorder. As I had no passport to travel In that Jocallty. writes T. F. : r.nllard , In the Far New East , I was forced to conceal myself In one of those Instruments of torture known aR 11. Pelelng enrt , my luggage occupying another. 'fhe arrangements were made by a Christian friend of mIne 1& Mukden , who committed me to the care of an old carter , with InstructIons for him to get mo across the bor'Jer. We left Mukden just before the dawn one I.11ornlng , and traveled for two days , fInn11y arriving safely In neutraJ territory. Two nights I slept In vII. lages Infested by "Hung-hutzes. " It would have been a slmpJe matter for them to have made away with me and aelzed my effects , and my carters clm1-1 have easlJy betrayed me without tp.ao of detection. nut such was my comt- dence In the Integrity of the Ohlnol'e that I ( lld not feel the slightest uneasiness - easiness , although I was entirely un- .armed. During the entire trip I was compelled to trust absolutely to the old carter , not being able to hold , \n : ' communication with him , as he did J1C t understand a word of English or nlt1' ' other forolgn language , and I cannot speak ChInese. He showed great clev. erness In getting mo across the Line dver. past. the Cossack border guard ! ' ! wlth'J11t. being detected : ' and when w ( arrlvod at Sin-min-tin he scorned on1 ! more pleased than myself , anll refl1'3CC to accept. any romuneratlon In execs ! of the sum agreed upon. CURIOUS HABITS OF FOXES Do 1iot Molest Dlrds or Anim [ oj ' .I'helr Immedlnte Neigh- borhood. The anImals on which the fox usn ally proy.s are orten 10ft untouch l rounel his own home ; nnll It Is ever n.'Jserted that nothing Is lelllod on thl sldo of the hm In which that home Ii made , I1I1YS NaUvo NotcB. \ In a Ifm111 ! patch or nettles wlthlr , 11. few feet of the mouth or the fo c : ! earth a II rtrlllgo plllc1el ! her nest nnl brouJht ort her brood. Hound thlll net tie bell the cuba were cOHIIllWtly Ie ) be scon , Iwd In It tloy ! { Iluyecl hlell anll ncelc. In another case the en trnnco to IUl eal'th WUS urrouncel ! ) hy fIve or six rabbit hell ! , the nant of which were unmolllItlHI ! by the I next.cloor nel hborll. In n thlrll a litter of cubs was plncee In a larJo lilt lIurrollnellel ! by fencing from which there wus no e3cape , 11111 In which lhere were a numher of 1'111 : hits. None of thelle was attacleell b : the cubs , though they would seize i dead rnbblt In full sight of the pel son who hall shot anll thrown It tl - them. Use for Korean WillIs. The wall which runs round Seou serves no useful 11urpose wluHover ; 11 fllCt , by restl'lcting tralIlc lJetween thl city nnd suburbs to a few narro\ ' gate ! ! , It Is n great nutance , Ther' ' are en ugh stones in the wall to re . construct. the grClnter part of th elrulnage In the city , and with a lIttJ leveling the banIs UIJOn whIch th wall Is built would maleo aelmlr lbl building sites , nnd the money obtalnc , from thom would go a long W.1Y to wards thO' cost of city Improyomont ! nSeoul Dally News. c True Philosophy. 1- "How fur Is It ter de land er COl1 ItonU" "It's 'col'lIln' . . . how n1' . ' ( ' Ifaith you got. Ef ) .011 think ) .ou In I t- dnr you Is. En ef ) 'OU don't-wl'l It's ten mile turder on.-AUunta COD iUtuUon. . . . ' < I I , . . . HE WENT. O.N ORUTOHES ) All Modlclnes Felled Until Dr. WI- ! : lIoms' Pink Pills Cured HIIiI Rhoumatlsm. \ . "Somo years ago. " says Mr. W. H. Olark , a printer , living at 012 BuchnnaD street , Topckn , Kans. , "I hnd. Do bad at. tuck of rhoumatislll nnd could nQt seem to Het over It. All sorts of meiUcino fnl1ed to do me any goo 11 aud my tronbl kept getting . . .worse. My feet were so \ swo11en that I could 110t wenr shoes and I hnel to go on crutches. The pain was torrlble. II One day 1 was setting the type of DoD nrtiole for the paper telling whnt Dr. . , J'j . : ' 'j Willlnms' Pink Pills had done for Do maD nffilcted ns IVas amI I wns so impressed with it that I determlued to give the medicine a trinl. Enr n yenr my rheu- f mt\tlsm had been frowil1 ? worse , bull I tcr taking Dr. WJ11inms Pin1e Pills I begnll to Improve. The pt\ill and swell- iug t\ll ellsappoared nIHIl can truthfully say tlmt I ht\VOll't felt better in the pasb twenty years than I do rIght now. I could nt\me , off hand , a hn1f.dozen people - plo who have used Dr. WiUiams'lJink : PiUs at my suggestioll amI , ho hl1.vo received - ceived gOOiI results frOtll them. " . Dr. Williams' Pink PUhl are guaran. teed to bo snfe amI ht\rmle8s to the mosb dellcnto constitution. They contain no morphine , opiate , narcotic , nor anything - thing to cause a drug habit. They do notl net 011 the bowels b\lt they actul1.lly mnk 1 now blood I1.ml strengthen the nerves. Dr.WiUil1.1Us' Pink PiUs cnre rheumn- tism because they make rich , red blood and no man or woman cnn have healthy bloOiI amI rheumntisnl at the same time. ' .mitJy hnvo nlso cured many cases ot anIDmin , nenrnlgl , selnticn , partial p"- ralysls , locomotor atnxin. and other diseases - eases that hl1.vo . not yhlded to ordinnry treatment. All druggists seU Dr. Williams' Pink PiBs or they will bo sent by mnil , postpaid - paid , on receipt of price , 50 cents per box , six boxes for $2.60. by the Dr. Williams - liams MeEllcine 00. , Schenectady , N. Y. If a political candidate wants his campaIgn to bo 11. . humm r , he slrouldn't atart out with a hammer. Important to Mothers. . Exnmlno cnretully every bottle of CASTOnu. G sate nud sure remedy tor lutnnts and chlldren , and Bee thnt It Dmsthe -.I-- Signature ot I : In Ueo For Over 30 Yenrs. The Kind You IlAvo Alwaa noUIht. \ Detiuctlon bjy' Ana.logy. "Mamma , I'so got a omnch ache , ' ta.ld Nelly Bl ' , six years old. " ' ' been without "That's because you've - out lunch. It's because your stomach Is empty. You 'Would feel better It . . you had something In It. " " / , Thnt nfternoon the , pastor called. , . \ Ilnd In the course at conversation , remarked - ( I marked that he hadlbeen sutrerlng all I day with a very severe headache. : "That's because It Is empty , " said Nellle. "You'd feel much better It you had sometblni In 1t.-Am rlcaD Spectator. . Followeq. Instructions. A lady going from home for the day. Sl\Y9 a writer In the New Yorle World. locked everything up carefJllr : , and for the grocer's cenefit left a card ou the back door. "All out. Don't leave I1nythlng , " It rena. On her relurn she found her hem ransacked and nll her choicest pos- I F.esslons gone. To the card on th < door was added : "Thanks. We haven'l \ lert. much. " . Somewhnt of ri. Steerer Hlmse1 ! . ! "Kin ye tell mo where I kIn find . , & bunko steerer ? " nsleed the r tral yls. I "No , I can't , " answered the pol1co- man. "What docs yez . . want wltI a bunko stw-er , anyway ? " " ' all , but "I've done spent my money It I kin find 11. bunko mnn . he'd be coed fer a dinner , b'go.shl"-Louls- , ' vfl10 CourIer.Journal. BREAD DYSPEPSIA. I I The DIgesting Element Left Out. Broad dyspepsIa Is common. It affects - I fects the bowels because white bread IJ ! . nearly a11 starch , and starch Is dIgested I In the Intestines , not in the stomach I proper. ' I Up under the she11 f the wheat berry : J nature has provIded a curIous deposIt which Is turned Into diastase when It Is' t 2ubJected to the saliva and to the pan- , : : reatlc juices in the human Intestines. { ThIs dlastaso Is absolutely necessary , to dIgest starch and turn It Into grape- I sugnr , whIch Is the next form ; but that ( part of the wheat berry makes darlt } flour , and the modern ml11er cannot readily sell dark fiour , so nature's valuable - uable digester Is thrown out and the tlUman system must handle the starch I as best It can , without the help that nature - ture In tended. Smnll wonder that appendIcItis. peritonItis - tonItis , constipation and all sorts or , j I trouble exist when we go so contrary , to nature's Jaw. The food experts that perfected Grape-Nuts Food , knowing . ' thtJso facts , made use In theIr oxperl- o ments of the entire wheat and barley , Including all the pafts , and subjectell thorn to moisture and long contlnuec1 warmth , which allows time nnd th. ) proper conditions for developIng the diastase , outside of the humnn body. In this way the Btarchy pnrt Is transformed - formed Into grape-sugar In a perfectly - ly natuml manner , without the use or - c1iomlcals or any outsldo Ingrodlents. ' . . The Jltt1e sparkling er'stals ; of grape- iW' I . sugar can be aeon on the pIeces or - , Grape-Nuts. This food therefore ll ! naturally pre-dIgested and Its use In place of bread will qulclcIy correct the troubles thnt have been brought about by th too free use of starch In the food , and that. Is yerr common In thl } human race to.dar. _ The eerrct of eatIng Grape-Nuts ten It da's or two weehs anll the dlJconUn. t. \Inure of ordlnury white bread Is very I , Il1:1rled. The user will gnin rapidly In 1 _ strenrth and physical nnd mentnf . j healtl- , " ' " "Thoro's a rellson. f .