Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 24, 1906, Image 6

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    . .
Call Issued for Assembling August
22d-The Supreme Court Soon to
Pass on the Question of School
F1ItJhts-Mlscelianoous Notes.
Republican Call Issued.
UNCOI..N-ChnlrllllUl Warner of the
repuhllcan state commltteo , ncLing
upon hlJjtrucLiolla ( rolll the ( ( ) Illmlttco ,
3mB Issued the followlllg ( 'all for the
fJtn.te convolltloll , to bo hchl In 1..111'
( : oln August 22 :
The ropuhllcnns of the state of Neb.
raslm. 1\.1'0 herolly called to meet In
convonLion Ilt the Auditorium In the
city ot Lincoln , on WellllClIlay , Aug.
\lSt 22 , 10011 , nt 2 o'cloclt In the afternoon -
noon , for the purpOHO 01' placing In
nomination cnnillelatos for the foHow-
Ing olllt'es , vlz. :
Ono United States senator , ono governor -
ernor , OliO lIeutonnnt go\'el'llor , three
railway COIllIIIIRHlonOl'H , ouo secretary
ot state , ono ! UH1\tor \ of IJ\l\lllc \ \ uccounts ,
ono treaRuror , one superintendent ot
pUblic Instrut'tlon , ono attorney gen-
crul , ono commissioner of public mn a
nnd llUlldlngs , nnd for the transllct.lon
ot such other huslness na I11I1.Y lIrop.
t .arly como heforo It.
Court to Pass on School Rights.
LINCOJ..N-At the next session ot
the supreme court the Rchool bpard
ot Uncoln will have an opportunity to
ho v why the state officers who have
children In school should pay tuition.
Some tlmo ago I\ . bill was presented to
each ot the omcers for tuition on the
ground thp-t Lincoln WItR not tholr Ie--
gnl resillenco , nnd hence as non.rosl-
dents their chlldron should lIay I\ . fee
to attend the puhllc schools. 'rho om-
eel'S objected strenuously , hecause It
Is necessary for thorn lo resldo In Lincoln -
coln and becauAo their personal prop.
erty Is I\.ssoosed hero , but the school
board would not IIston to this , doslr-
Ing the cash Instead. Attorney Gen.
eral Brown then filed petition for n.
mandamus to compel the lJOard to allow -
low the children ot Governor Mlcltey
nrud SupOJ'lnlcndent 1\IcBrlen : , who
were named as roll\tor8 , to attend
cchoo1. The court has Sh. ! the ( \aso for
the next term.
UnregIstered Bond Presented.
LINCOLN-A Pennsylvl\.nln. banll
Ilas bought n $1,000 hond Issued by the
city ot Beatrice III 1900 , bel\.rlng 3 per
cent IntorlJat , which has not been reg ,
Istered In the omco ot the I\.udltor ,
The bond was sent to the First Na ,
tional hnnk of this city for reglstm
tlon I\.nd was brought to the auditor's
office. 'rho bond was ono of nn Issue
ot nlnct "l1evll bonds , fift.fivo a !
: which WOI'O for $1,00 eneh , twellty-tw <
$100 each , ono $ D7 ntHI ono $2.18 , ' 11111
fs shown hy the bond. Some of th !
coupons had boon clipped from till
bond and It bore the al1peafl\nco 0
u.vlng been legal1y signed ly lI11
mayor and the clt ) ' clerk at Beatrlc
None of the bonds , llowever , hnd ovo'
. been registered In the office ot till
nudltor and there Is fel\.r that the bonl
Is 0. forgery. 'rhe banlt hl\S talten UII
matter up with the olllcials of lleatrlcc
Freak Mule In Otoc County.
NEBRASKA CITY - Hobert Davl !
who lives I\ . few 1111108 south of thl
city , hIlS mlnlatme mule that I
Iloarb' two months old , but Is enl
thlrty.fivo inches high and weigh
hardly enough to 1)0 counted. It I
perfectly formell , except that Its hln
nnltles am 60 croolted that they have t
be brolton to fQ stralghtenel1. Whe
the mule gets tired It res ! . ' ! by slltln
on Its hauncbes. It Is believed the 1\ . ]
. m1\l will 11ovor be any larger.
Answer to Power's Appeal.
Attorney General BrO\ill filed 0
at.1.5wor to the appeal at tOrInor Shol'l
Power of Douglas county from the d
clslon of Auditor Searlo In rofuslng 1
nUow him railroad tnro from Omal' '
to Lincoln , the trip being nocessltat <
by reason ot the sherIrr bringing
prisoner to the state penitentiary. ' 'I
clahn WlUl for $3.30. The nnswor se
up thnt the sheriff rode on I\ . free pru
nnd therefore his car tl\ro was not r
lowablo as n. claim against the , > tat
Insurance Loss in San Francisco.
Insurance Deputy Pierce , In answ
to letters ot inquiry , hnb received 1
ports from the various Insurance COJ
panles doing Imslness In Nehrasll
ebowlng th'o loss at each by reason
the San F'ranclsco earthqualw and fil of the oompnnles Raid Its 10
would bo full ) ' pall1 and the campa :
'Would not bo Injured. '
A Short < JJe In Sight.
FALLS CI1'Y-Tho evmn1ltteo U
Is Invoatl tlng the city treasurer's
fico 1tns not comllotell Ita labors 1
It 1B now claimed ly these who hnvI
od chn.nco to ImQ\V the facts tI
an npIarent shortn.go of $ In 1
city's funds , $600 In the library fu
nnd moro than $ GOOO In U10 IIch ,
tund 'has been found.
Attack Reb < Jte CharGe.
LINCOLN - Alleging thnt the
bate charges In the antl.trwol ( ; 1'1
cmsos Is proper subject n1llter for I COl11mel'CO commission
Centrl\.l Granerles compl\n ) ' at I
coIn med nn answer In the SUIr ! ]
court. The nnswer 8n's turther t
the defendant comlmny "does not
colvo anll nO\1)r has received t
elO\'t\tlon charge unless the grain . , . , .
through the dofendn.nt'a elovatori t
oald ltA cents wall only lmld In In
lllatO sblpmcnts , tD or be'ond the !
fiI1slIlpJ'll river.
I J f
" .
, ,
Mra. B1Izaheth Urwin I1lell at Plntts-
mouth , Illst weele , nged 00 yoara.
\Yortc Is rnpldly Ilrogr < MiRlng on the
new Hurllngton dellot nt Beatrice.
lo'or the flrst tlI110 In thll town's hlo-
tory , Oxford It ! to have three snloons.
A Lincoln man Is drawlnf : ' IIlnn for
I tJlO Y. 1\1. a A building at I rel11ont.
'Pho Stnto LIquor Doalerfl' n&locln.-
tlon will 11100tln Columhus .Tuno 11th.
It Is Raid Gov. 1\telwy ! has n91tod for
the resIgnation of Dr. Nicholson ot
the Norfolk I\.s'lul11.
'rhe dead man fOllnd floating dOW11
the rlvOl' at Huln , was IdentifIed as J. ,
G. MaRon of IIrownvlllo ,
JiJ. JiJ. Jolojllcle hn just eRwbllphOfl
IIlIIult at IIllrnda. 'rho capltnl stocl'
of the new hank wilt bo $ GGOO.
A Y. 1\1. C. A. IIullellnl { will ho lIut
UII at 1'Ill'hury. ! 'rho strllcturo Is to
cost $ ll , OOO , Ilnd the money Ims all
been rllls d ,
\Y. II. 1\Iann hoeS a time cl\.rd of the
nurllngton for 1881 , which shows that
there were hut two tmlnR a dl\.Y between -
tween Plnttsmouth and T..lncoln.
Mrs. .Tolm O. Buqs , an Ilged 1I\lly and
ono of the pioneers ot otoo county , foil
down IHight of stAirs and hrolo I\ .
numher of rlhs. It Is fem'ed she will
not recover.
'rho Harttngton city council hns
pMsed an ordtJHlnco prohibitIng bal'-
bel' shol1 to bo alIen hereafter on Sundays -
days subject to I\ . fine of $ GO for vlo-
latlOlJ of the ordlnanco.
At a slecllll election In Deavor City ,
the proposition to IHSUO bonds for the
oroctlon of a high school building WI\.S
cl\.rrled by an overwhelming majority ,
there being hut nine vores cast against.
August Groft , cnshler oC the State
hanle of Goehnor , Sewnrd county , received -
ceived $ I1G In sml\11 contrlhutlons for
the San FrancIsco ) Joplo and sent the
money to Dr. Dovlno of the Hell Cro.s. !
The project to re.estllhllsh the
twonty.flvo cent ferry rate for the benefit -
ofit of fanners of the Iowa sldo ot the
river Is agl\.ln being lIushed by the
momhers of the Commercial club ot
or the nlnoty.fivo lots set asldo by
the fair hoard for the Implement I
Boctlon , slxty.threo have already been
talton. ' 1110 railldity with which the
space Is being engl\.ged Is a surprlso to
Secrotl\.ry Mellor.
Property of the George Town Holler
mill and fiour comllllllY situated aov-
oral miles south at Brolton Dow and
principally owned hy Mayor George ot
BroltOn Dow was totally Jostroyed hy
: firo. No Insl1rance.
I : ro. D. Dlust will build a new hotel In
Hl\.vonna. It will bo a brlclt structure
, 32xGO feet and two stories high. A
, now hotel Is IHl.dly noeiloll In Hl\.venna
. slnco the burning of the Durllngton
. hotel I\.nc1 eating houso.
Orlnndo 1i'lsh , a former resident or
Morrlclt county , dlod at the Colum-
hus hospltal from the eITects of a gun-
ahot wound Inlllctoll h ) ' James Nichols
of Nance county. 'rho men hnd quarreled -
reled over Ic/1.s0 / of a farm _
, Tohn Howell , vlco presldont ot the
Danlt of Oxford , will shortly retlro
from 'activo participation In the mau-
l. agement of thllt Institution and will
bo succeeder. hy his hrother , 1\Intthow
Howel1 a capitalist of YOlil , Neb.
Fromontls to vote upon the propesl.
tlon of Issuing bonds 01 $50,000 to.
! . wards the construction of n. now
lighting and water worlcs system , cost.
Ing $83,000. This was dccldM I\.t the
I , close of a long meeting at the city
s council.
s ConI hns been dlscovored on the
y farm ot C. : ro. Morris , three miles SOUU1-
s oaBt ot Diller , I\ml samples hrought
s to Beatrlco sho\v the speclment I to bed
d from ono to thre Inches In thlclmess.
'fho vein crops out In n. cut made by
the Durllngton company In straighten.
Ing Its roadbod.
The Vermont Mnrblo compnny ot
Rutland , Vt. , Ims llrosented Seward
county with n. hlock ot whlto mnrhle
from which I\ . life slzo statuG of Hon.
\VlIllall1 Seward , Cor whom the town
ntHI count ) ' were named will bo
car\'Oi.1. 'I'hls statue will ho Illaced on
n. Iledestal nt the north entrance at the
court hOl1so.
Jansen & Son of JlUlsen , recently
BollI to the commission firm ot Cia ) ' ,
Robinson & Co. , 428 sham wethera and
yearllngR , which averaged nlnoty.twc
1101lt11s IllHl for which they recolvc
$ { j.Hi pOl' 10 pounds. 'I'hls prlco I the
,0. top for the season on shorn weathorl
and the first and only lot to bring lh <
er Rov. P. I. . . Johnson , treasurer of Has
. 'etlngs col1ege , has gene to New Yorl
m. City for the purpose ot comllletlnl ; thl
.n . , $100,000 011l10\\111ent fuml which Is beet
ot Ing collected for that Institution
re. About $80,000 has alrcnd ' tJeen suh
'ss ' scrlbod. Andrew CarnegIe has 01
I1Y ferOlI $20,000 for a new building It Ull
$100,000 Is raised.
Sherlrt nau111an ot Dodge county
arrived at I re111ont from scooll\ . wit ]
lilt l ay DaltOr. Ho was ehargell with Ul' '
at- theft of n tenm amI bugm , from Goorg
IUt 1I0ino ot 1I011el' . Dalcer had 110SSO !
) Islon ot U10 ohtfit that wat ! ml.ssed frol1
JIlt Heino's bnrn. Io clntJnod to hav
, ho bought It Crom IL st1'l\ngor , hut wa
nIl , confused In his stor ) ' . 110 wns cnugl1
001 near Osceola whllo driving throug
the country.
In order to 1)\1811 construction wit
1'0 , the greatest 110sslhle spcoll tI10 Unlo
I\ln Pacific will Install an electric IIgt
Lhe system along the J..l\.no cut.orr , nel
thtl Omaha. worle on this cut-ort Is beln
. .In. pushed IlS fast as pslblo day by do. :
Imo hut thl\t Is not fnst onough.
hat The two-yoar.old daughter ot 1\1
re. nnd Mrs. Jnmos Vnn Aulton of Hal
; hls Ington , died last weelt. The lIttle 01
ent swallowed a llean which 10dgOi.l In hi
lint windpille. Prepnratlons were I1U\.1
torte talto It t.'J Sioux City to } 1I\.VO t
IUS' op Uon porformell but It slrll11ll1
to death on the trnln.
, , .
. . . . . . .
"r t < \ .
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, ? ' "
. . . r
, ,
- , ' ,
, - .
InRurance CommIssIoner of WIsconsin -
sin , on Witness Stand , Says He
Refused to Ch.ange DecIsion.
1\lI1waulwe.-Defore the slwcln ) ' In-
Hurance Investigating committee of the
Wisconsin leglAlature Ins\l1'auce : Commissioner -
missioner IIORt tm tlfied that on June
IG , lJOa ! , the dar on which the hearing
In the case of the state ot Wisconsin
against the Iiqultahle : Life Assurance
socloty of the United States for a
eompulsory dlstrlhutlon of the sllr-
Illus of that comlHlny to Wisconsin
) lollcyholll\rH waa to be held by him.
Secretary of State Walter 1. . . Houser
entered the Insurance commlsslonor's
office and RaId that It Mr. Host would
render a decision In accordance with
a slip handed by Mr. Houser to .1\11' ,
lIost , which would have been a decision -
cision favorable to the Equitable com-
) lany , that the Equltnble Life Assurance -
ance soclet ' would give $2,000 toward
a campaign fund for renomination
of the state officers In the next cam' " ,
Mr. Host lestifIed that he told 1\11' ,
lIouser that ho woulll think the matter -
ter .over. His decision was against the
Equitable 1. , _ 0 Assul'I\nce society.
Secretar . . of Stnto Housor emphatically -
cally denied that IIny montlon wao
made of a campaign contrlbuttlon at
the time of his halH1ing the slip of
llaller on which the Equltablo Ileclslon
was wrltton , to the Insurance t'oml11ls-
- - -
Four Jurors Recommend Susl1ens10n
Until It Is Made Clear Ho Accepts -
cepts Chm'ch Creed.
Rochester , N. Y.-The verdict In the
heresy trial of the Hev. Dl' . Algornon
S. Crapser , Episcopal rector of Da-
tavln , was dellvored to the accused
minister Tuosday. Four of the jurors ,
-W , C. Hoberts , C. H , Doynton , G , S ,
Burrows and John 1\1. Gllllert-state ,
that In their opinion sentence should
lie passed as follows :
"That the respondent shouhl be I
suspe11l1ed from exercising the func.
tlons of the church until such tlmo
ns he shall satisfy the occleslastlcal
authorities of the dloceso that his be ,
Hef nnd teaching conform to the doc.
trines of the apostles' creed and the )
Nlcone creed as this church hath re.
colved tbe S1\1I1e. However , we ox'
press the carnest hope and desire
thnt the respondent may see his waJ
clearly during the thlrt ' days lhai
under the canons of the church mus1
Intervene he fore sentence can be ) Ira
nounced to the full sntlofactlon of th (
ecclesiastical authorities ot such con
Cormlty on his ) lnrt. "
: lIIad Operntor Runs Amuck.
Atlantn , Ga.-Crazed by drlnlt ane :
by dlsnppolntment in a love aITdlr "
James H , Clarlt , a telegrnlh ) operatOl
at Chamblee , In le s than 21 hourI !
Itllled one man. severely w.ltllldel
three others , f.llIghtlr wOIllHled a 11m
and clubbed a sixth ulth a shot.tutl :
set fire to the homo of one of his vlc
tlms , and \\ohon surroundell hy II " , > "SI
. .
ahortlr aHer noon Tuesdny tur:1e : I hli
revolver upon himself nnll plerrl' ! hli
own heart with a bullet.
Five : lInners Dlown to Pieces ,
Shennndoah. Pa-I"lve IIIlnel's wen
lorn to ) lleces and 12 IJI\lII ' burn . , \ b :
an explo'loll of (1)'namlto In tile Shen
andonh Cltr colllor ' of the Ph'lldel i
phln & Heading Coal anll 11'01 [ rom
III\11Y Tuesllny , A box of dyam't :
whtch a worlollnn wail cRrryln fel
f'Om his shoultler and cau ecl the ( IS
ploslon which Ignltell the mln ! ' Ja
All the men Itllled were mutllato I he
yond recognition ,
Reconstruction at Stantord.
San Franclsco-Stanford unlvenlt
will bo reconstructed at once nnd h I
next September evel'y Im\1dlng \ necet
sary to the welfare ot the college wi
lJo In Ilertoct conllltion. 'rho work hn
nlrcady cOllllllonced.
r. - - -
.t. St. Louis Guests D'part
10 St. I.ouls.-CongreslIl11on HnnHdel
or ot l..oulslann , Hainey and 1. I'lmltr , ( :
18 IllinoIs , nml ether memlJOl'1 ! of tha 0 : :
1Il ecutlve committee oC the rlvor8 : HI
! d hnrbors committee , tloparted for tllli
homes Wednesday.
Noted Publicist Paszes Away at His
Home in New York-His
Now Yorlt.-Carl Schurz , widely
Imown ns a puhllclst , and former cabInet -
Inot memhor , died at 4 : 35 a. m. 1\Ion.
, day. Death was due to a complication
lof diseases Col1owln , : ; an attaclt ot
stomnch trouhle , which becnme acute
on Thurst"ty : Inst. In splto of brlet pc.
I rlods ot seeming Improvement , 1\11' .
I Schurz slowly failed and Sunday sanlt
1 Into a stage ot coma. which continued
until the end.
Carl Schurz was born at Llbau.
Prusgln , March ,1820 , lIe was well
I educated , taltlng a course of studies
lit the University of Bonn. l1e toolt
I part In the r volutlon of 1848 , and was
I an adjutant In the army of the Insur.
rectlon , and after the surrender ot the
fortress of Hastadt , where his regl ,
ment had been gnrrlsoned , he escaped
to Switzorland. Schurz then spent some
tlmo In Paris and London , engaged
In writing tor the press and In teach'
lng , and In 1852 he came to the United
States. He lived three years at Phil-
ndelphla , and then went to Watertown.
Wls" to live. During the presidential
campaign of 1S5G he made his first en.
try Into American politics hy malclng
speeches In the German language In
behalt of the Republican party.
- - -
Admirnl Is Stabbed byVorlmml1 ,
\Vhilo Police Captain Is Victim
of Domb Throwcr.
St. Petcniburg.-Vlce Admlml Kuz ,
mlch , commander of the port , who was
extremely unpopular wllh the work.
men , Wl1g assassinated here ? lIon day by
worlm1Cn whose 1\Iay demonstration
ho had attempted to stop , 'I'lio ndmlral
wns ltllled at the now admlrnlty
worls , a government Institution.
I About ! ! : 30 a. m , the admiral was
emerging from a small shop In the
works when a worltman , who had been
concealed around the corner ot the
building , leaped on Kuzmlch from lie.
I hind I\nd drove a dagger Into his tJack
The assassin fied Into a largo forge ,
where he was lost nmong the men em'
ployed there.
Warsaw.-Whlle Police Captain Con.
stantlnort wns slandlng with two po.
lIeemen and four soldiers" a youn ( !
I mn11 threw a homb Into the group ,
The explosion of the bomb IIterally
tore Capt , Constantinof ! to pieces anl1
severely wOllll ed a policeman and sh
other lCrsons. The assassin tried tc
escalle and , firing his revolver , wound
ed a soldier. The other soldiers re
plle with a volley , killing the assas
sin and two other persons.
, Reply of the Porte to Drltlsh Not En.
1 " tit'ely Satisfactory , Dut
Trouble Is Over.
l' _
; Constantlnople.-Tabah hns beer
1 evncuate b ' the Turllsh troops by or.
I del' of the mltan.
'fhe porte's reply on Friday to thj
. DI.ltlsh note ngrc(1 ( to the evacuntlo !
e of ' 1'lIhl1h I1nd to the appointment 0
II ; n commission for the dellmltntlon 0
R ; the bOllndar ' , bllt It was couched It
I slIch terUlS as to make It not accept
able lo Sir Nicholas O'Conor , the Brit
Ish u1llbassallor , 111111 he has Inslste !
'f on cOll\plete Imtlsfnetlon h lng glvel
hEtOl'o the expiration at lhe limit S\
I ) ) ' the British note. It Is fullr expect
thnt this wilt be acrorde .
- I
Illinois : rIlncrs Meet Owners.
Sprlnfleld ; , ilL-The miners anll 011
eratonl of illinois 1IIet In joint sesslOi
'l'hurlldH ! - In thlH city to endeavor t
UdjU8t dtrroreneos.
Rejects La.bol' Dill.
y I I.ol1lon.-The house o ! lords . Thurj
) ' ' d ' , hr 9n to 24 yoteH , rejocte.d the hi :
lnU'(1ucod Into thl ) house of comlDon
II b ) ' Jumoil l olr Hnrllio to prohibit th
18 entrance uf .allen1i to talto the plnco < :
British workmen during trade dh
II , I Cotton Seed CrU herB.
If Atlant.a. Ga.-After eloctlng omcel
: . for tht comlnK yonr , the Interstate Co' '
III tull ticed Crushers' nssoch\tlon al
Ir jOllrnOlI 'l'hUl'Hlay , to meet next In :
Illrollably at the Jamestown exposltiOi
! lI1nIng' Shares Presented to Rnllrond to Secure Detter
Phlladolphla.-BeCore the Interstate
commerce commission GeorgeV. .
Creighton , general fluperhitendent of
the Pennsylvania divIsion at the Ponn-
! I'lvnnla railroad ndmltted that ho
hold stocle In scveral coal companleR
nnd that the stocle hnd hcen presented
to him. John 1\1. Jnl1l\iOn \ ! , of Greens-
hurg , Pa" president of the Jamison
Coal & Colec cOlllpany , testified that
hIs company had presented Pennsyl-
. . . .anla road officials with stock In his
company with the object of securing
hotter treatment ami fllclllties from
the cOflOration. Ho also said that
Hobert Pitcairn , now assistant to
President Cassntt , had declined a
prorter of IItocl < , saying that ho preferred -
; forred the mone . Mr. Jnmlson bought
the stock back frol11 hIm for $5,000.
Phlladelphla.-That the Pennsylvania -
nia Railroad company gllve rebates as
recenU ) ' as 1003 was the charge madc
Thursday by Franl < D. Wigton , head
ot the 1\lorrlsdalo Coal comprCny , be-
for the Interstate commerce cOlllmls.
slon. Mr. Wlgton'r. statement caused
something of a sensutlon because o [
the fact that while the commission was
In session In Daltlmore Vice President
'rhayer , of the Pennsylvania railroad ,
appeared before the body and stnter ]
that the compnny had made no allowances -
ances or concessions since 1809. 1\Ir.
Wigton gave a detailed statement ot
the conditions In the soft coal reglol1
and accused the Pennsylvania Rallroa.1
company ot discriminating In the allotment -
ment of coal cars , citing cases to sub- i
stllntlate his charges.
: lIIormon Leaders to Dispose of Great
Co-Operative Store and Other
Holdings in Utah.
SaIt J..1l1 < e City , Mar 18.-The Mormon -
mon church Is going out of business ,
according to a local paper. Its principal -
cipal holding tn Salt Lnlte City , thl'
Utah Light and H.allway company , Is
to be taken over br a $25,000,000 cor.
poratlon composed of English and
American capitalists ,
It this policy Is completely carried
out , the sale of the traction Interests
'wlll be followed oy the sale of stoclts
in banks , sugar fuctorles , the great
Zion oooperative mercantile Institution -
tion department store , and many small.
er enterprises. It wilt be nothing Jess
than a commercial revolution which
will profoundly affect the political anrl
social 1Ife of the state.
Simultaneously the nnnouncement i ,
made that the Salt Lake & 1..os Angeles
railroad , tanother church property , hns
been sold to a local syndicate for $500-
000. This road Is 13 miles In length ,
und runs from the city to the Inlto.
Presldont Joseph F. Smith , of thp.
Mormon church , Is quoted us sa ' 1ng
that the divorce of rellglQn from bUf1-
ness is 111nde on account of the fact
that the Mormons whom the church
sought to protect : ears ago no longer
need the protection of the church in
business affairs. 'fhe church entered
business , ho says , lo assist converts
and strangers helonglng to the church ,
but as they are now on a firm footing
the church withdraws frdm business
entlrel ) ' .
Ml\.ssachusetts Court Upholds AntiMonopoly -
Monopoly Law , Prohibiting
Exclusive Contracts.
Doston.-The constitutionality of the
state law for the protection ot traders
wns upheld III a decision by the sp-
premo court of Massachusetts rendered
, Thursday I1galnst the Continental TaI -
bacco company. The statute Involved
Is one prohibiting the making of a
contract which would amount to unfaIr
competition agnlnst weak dealers. I 1
. constltutlonnllty was questioned by 1\1
agent ot the tobacoo company who
. had heen found guilty of selling goods
to certain tobacco dealers on more fa.
forablo terms than to' other dealers ,
provided the jobbers would deal exclusively -
clusively with the Continental com.
Garfield Report to CongresR.
Waflhlngton. - Preslrlent Hoosevolt
' 1'hursday tramanltterl to congress th
complete report of .James It. Gnrllelll ,
commissioner of corllorntionH , oC the
Investigation which ho made Into tlll
operations of the alleged 011 trust. 1\
full flynopsis of the report , accompa.
nled h ' Il message Irom the presldoni
dealing with , the facts developed by the
Inquiry , WIlS sent to congress on Fn ,
rlay , the 4th Inst.
Fresbyterlan Moderator.
Des Iolnol-Afler ono of the , most
slllrited contests In recent years , Ho\ '
Dr , Hunter COl'bett , a dlstlngulshe
missionary to China tor ml1ny 'ellrs
WI\.B elected mOllerutor of the Presb ) ' ,
terlan general assembly 'rhursday
Three ballots were neccssar ) ' to deter ,
I- mine the result , the IInnl vote stand
Ing : Dr. Corbett. 329 ; HoDr. . J. M
Darlt1oy , of Detroit , i\lIch , 308 ; Hev
Dr. J. P. Hond ' , of lIssourl , 4.
Amerlcnn Dines Royalty.
Athens-John D. Jackson , America !
minister to Greeco. Thursday night en.
tertalned Ilt dh1l101' I lng George , QUOll !
Olga , Crown PrInce Constantine am
the crown princess and Prince George
Mrs. Jacltson aSlilsted her hushand.
Company Protects Its Clients.
Hartford , Conn.-The Connectlcn
Flro Insurance colllJan ' will moo
1'uosday , May 20. It Is the OIlnlon 0
the olllcars that the San I rancisce
osses oxhmsts : the Iresent surtlus .
\"hlch , III bo reI > laced.
" . - .
. .
- '
- - /1 I1 I
' 1'
- - - -
These Are Ca..t by Senators For < Jker , 'jy' .r" ,
Morga. . , und Pettus-For Twelve -t' : f ! : "
Consecutive Days Bill Was Under "J \ ; , " ; .ft
\ ; , ,
. )
. . ' ' ' " . .
Consltlcrt.on. , . "it. .
' ' "t j
- . . . '
W ASlIINGTON - Arter seventy
dnys ot almost continuous dellbera.
tlon , the senate on Frl ny at 4 : G3 i ) .
rate bill b ' till ) - . , , ' .
m. ) Jnssed the railroad ) ' ' $ I'
} ) ractlcally unanimous vote of 71 to 3 , . '
: , :
'rhe three ncgatlvl' votes werl ) cast by
Senators ForaltCr , r < > publlcan , of Ohio ,
and 1\lorgl1n and Pettus , democrata ,
. .
Alabama. 'I'here was somewhat larger , , -
attendance of senatQrs than usual , but
the attendance In the gallerles was by
no means ubnormal. and there Wf.S no
manifestation of any It/nd / when the
result was announced. There was ,
however , an almost general sigh o
rellet among senators.
The bill has rcr.elved more alten'
tlon trom the senate and from the
country at large than any measure
that hns heen before congress slnco r
. the repeal of the ) Jurchnslng clause 'i
ot the Sherman act , In 1803. It was Ii
reported to the senate on Februnry 26 , .
and was ma o the unfinished business : . . 'f : ! , :
on March 12. From March 12 to : May : ' , ' . ' ; :
4 , the bill was under general discus. . . , ' " .
slon without lImlL'\tlon on the dura. ' . - . :
tlon of spccches , fifty-eight at which
were delivered. Many of these were .
prepared with great care , and two ot
them consumed more than a day's
tlmo In deilvery. Senator LaFollette '
the junior Eenator from 'Wisconsin , ,
spolto for three days , and Senator
Daniel , Virginia , for two days. Senators -
ators Dalley , Foralter , Lodge , Hayner , '
D011lver and others each spolto for ono
entire day.
For twelve days the bill ha\ been
under consideration under a rnle
limiting speeches to fifteen minutes
each. 'rhe debate has at an times
been earnest and animated , but for the
most part devoid of personality as .
between senators , the last few days ;
however , having cnlled out some CI\.US'
tic criticisms of the president and
at some newspaper correspondents by
Senator Dalley.
In addition to passing the bill the
proceedings consisted in concinding
the consideration ot the amendmentfJ
as such and the de1ivery of a number
ot speeches on the bill. The only
nmendment adopted waS the one offer.
ed yesterday by Senator Teller elimi ,
natlng the words "In Its judgment"
from the power Iven to the Inter
stnto commerce ( 'ommlsslon to fix
_ _ _ _ I
Analysis of ProvlslonG of Measure < JS
P < lGse : ! bync Smate. ,
\y ASlITNGTON-The pr nclDal pur.
pose of the railroad rIhJ tJlll passed
tll' 'rtGrstl1te Com.
Frldny Is to Iwrmlt ) ' ! "
m I'0111mlsslon to pn'e rates. The iI7.
prov"lr1 to lIermlt thl < : authorlt ' Is
fupn ! ! : n the fourth : "ctlon 1G of the
bill , which amends section fifteen of
the Iptrrstate commor\ law so as to
acompjh ) : this result 'rrat section dl.
rects tbo commission to Investlgato
comp'-I.I:1ts of unju"t nn' ( unreasonable
chartdS on the prt 1' ' : the common
carriers in the tranf'iol'tatlon of persons -
sons "f property o' of r\gtllatlons or
of pr. . . . tlces ntlec'tw : Iii "h charges. It "
also 'lillhorizes an Inquiry as to -
whothnr the rates ( \1 practices are "un.
justly . ! Iscrlmlnatorv , . ' unduly prefer- ,
entlal or prejudicial or otherwise In
. .
vlolat ! ' ! ! ! of he IlC
A Platform Gvt't ! ; Way.
DES 10INES-Fl"o commlsslonors
to the Presb terhl'\ general I\.ssembly ,
were ' 1jured , none L-e.lously. Friday , . "
after 11cn b ) ' the CO"I ISl' of a tompor-
I ary slz.nd : which hh'1 een erected for \
the ollrtQse of getttn ! : a large group
I phob raph of the , \ < ; Sl mbly. The In. , .
i jured 1110 Dr. C. 1.u.I.t' Roswell , N.
M. , hip bruised ; H v , W. O. David ,
, Monoo1h W. Va" tip hrulsedi George
'Vilis , Bendotn , 111. Injured and . '
rendered unconscious : l'ev. .1. 1\T. lc - . '
Gaug1ler , Chlrlton , Ja" leg strained ;
Hev. W , C. BuoH , Taos. N. 1\1. . bacle . ,
brulsol Nearly iill" commissioners
were ' ) n tllO stand "hIm It collapsed.
"Trust" Officers Indicted.
CLEVET..AND-Tho grand jury 1'0'
turned Indictments against President
IIIll'l' ' Norvcl1 anel thirteen dlrector8
at the City Ice Dollvery company ,
Imown locnlly as the Ice trust. on the
charge ot violating the Valentino anti.
trust law.
Crow Under Arrest.
OMAIIA-Formor postll1aAter .Jo. < ; eph
Crow , Indicted on charge of obstructIng - I
Ing justlco as a federal grnnel jnror ,
was arrested h ) ' Deputy Marshall
l\1nthows. lr. Crow gave $500 bOlHl
. and was relensed ,
. Smoot Vote postponed.
. WASIIINGTON-1'ho Hennto com.
. mlttee ou prh.\lego.s \ anll elections I.'rl.
. day postponed Ill ! meotlnlt for 1yolo .
, on the Senntor Smoot case until 1\Ion. ,
day next.
Berkman Servts His Term.
PITTSUUllG.-Aloxnnllor nerlcman ,
. who mHlo an attempt on the life ot
I lIonr . Cia ) ' I.'rlcl < during the great
I atool str\l\C \ at 1I0mo toad , 1'1\ . , In
IS2 ! ! , wns rolnasell from prison I rl. .
dny. having s01'\'oll thlrtcon ) 'curll In
the \\'ostorn Ilonltontlao' and ono ) 'oar
In the Alloghen ) ' worlthouHo. Berlt.
t man WI\S scntoncol ! to twonty.throo
t .oars' Illlllrisonmont , but oarnud com.
f mutation oC 80ntonco by good hol1avlor
) which reduced his term to fourteen . IJ
, ) 'oars. On being reloaHod bo was told
to leave the city ut onco.
- , . ,