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About Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1906)
II " ' - . . ' ' , ; . } I' ; { ' -iN AttO. M U D-Bj\'o \ K N--D-D 'Ii' ' r : , . . . . - . . . . . . . . - - - - - . . . - - . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . - . - ' - " ' . - - . . . . . j An 1- c : . pitome of Personal Affairs and Loca I . It , j Events During the Past Week. H C H , .f ' \V.D. Hatt , of Sargent , was a cit visitor Saturday. W. A. Tooley's new barn.-is . . . . enclosed and is rapidly , nc.arin.g J. . .fA" " completion. : W. F. Hankin sh1pped two car loa of cattlc to the outh Oma- ha'1 1arket 'ruesday. D1stric Court a journed last Friday night , having completed the business before it. I 'r. 'w. Edwar s and , , wifcft , \ 'I'ucsday for Des Moitl a ttend the Presbyteria n Assem- . bly. - Jud. Kay returned' " 'rue'sda.r from ( > maha , wherc hc' shipped' ' H two car load of catle thc latter { . , part of last week. , ! Henry Zimmerman , of Ansle y , ' ; was a city' visitor Saturday.morno : : ing between trains. 'rhis ofiice . aclmowledges a social call. " \ , , ' . " . , 'rhe band will give an open air ( concert-free to everybody in' ' 1 the p rk Saturday evening' of I \ this week , beginning at _ 7:3P' : \ o'clock , weathcr permitting. t Manager Pickett atl'd" Miss \ Lela . Holcomb , of th Central \ Te1ephone company , sp nt" Mon day a't Rav iif , attending to \ company . bLisiness \ I at that PQint. ; .w. S. Southard , of Douglas , . wh'o ' h s been here in charge of the Bro'tk Nursery stock for the pa t. we { , : left , . .fQt.home ? ucs : : . day mormngi.hav11g ! sold the 11fal1t : - - - - - . . . - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . rer ' . , . . - . . W. C. Nixon , our old time 'friend , of 'G.rilnt tq\y1 slip ] ; was a city visitor Friday , having \ In his . report ' : as , d phty assessoJ ; . He remeni.bere this . office with a " social . call. . I J. M. Fodge , . , presi en't of the Coltnt'y SundaY : , : - : hop : ' > nven'- tion , came'd.own 'fuesday , morning , - ing to attend th 'S n'daj' School. Conyentio1. ! He , re.mempered . this office with a social call. J. D. J. Sem1er , .of 'Sargen t , is in the city , h ving come in ud- day night to be in attendance at the l wsuit c sc. of 'Cumming's vs. Abcrnathy. He 'Imide' this office , a business. . . . call yesterday morning. I J. A. Evans ; of Spring Creek , was a social allcr at thi offic , . .Mo day. 'I e s 's , t1i # . 'ih st .of , the people , along the. rUIl te be'- tween his. place a d B "oltcl .soW will complete their corn planting . , this week. . Jesse W11stn has purchascd the building located.Qn he..1pts r : - cently purchased by the Masom Lodge. . Heill : move' th . .uilel ingto Ins property between J. J. Wilson and Alpha Morgan's resi dences , where , he will fit it up for a dwelling. T. ' 1' . Winches cr , of Hayes township , was in the city Mo - day with his re'turi1S as deputy assessor. He informs us' that h'is township h s rge y increased t he last 'year in population by . new settlers locating on .govern- : , ment lanel under the . . Kinkaid Homestead Law. For Reveral weeks the Chief . office ha been in the hand of I the carpenters and masons who , have been making extensions and remodJing the building. The office is now very conveniently arranged for comfort and con- venience. Both th office , composing - posing and pres rooms have been enlarged , . which will greatly help the proprietors in caring for their extens1ve business. The Appointment Divisioa of the Peni-ion ! Office has been < abolished. This was made necessary - essary because of the fact that no new clerks. are needed to carry on the work. Even with thc increasing number of applications - tions for pensio 1s and. for increase - crease in pensions. 'l'he present force of the ofi ce will be able to handlc the busi'ness iorsome time . to come. 'l'he pension list is decreasing - creasing at an alarming rate. If it contiues to faU as rapidly as it did last month , the entire roster \ ( will be wiped out in nineteen . . . I years. , CommissiolleJ'Varler , , in \ talk111g about the'matter with a , corresponclent oJ 'fhc.Hiu'un cAN . ! ; > aid : 'uriqg' ' .the. . l.ast t11irt days taps were sounded' for more than three thousand'vetc.ra ns , I TJ1is is the. largest "dccrease in the number of pensioners in one . month in the I11story f the. office an4 leav s' 71OOO ) 'et on tb 'Joll. t.rhe Commissioner. was proud of . ' { the fact that the work of his dc- . . partmcnt.s' r tty 'Ycl.l date. ' , - . + . . . . . . . . , . B. D. Allen , of Comstock , ' is visiting friends in the city and attending. the Sunday . school onvcnti tl. > " Dr. Wa bslcy , of 'Vest Union was a Broken Bow' visitor yester- . dayatt'nding . mceting of..the a. ' . . . . . , county medical sodety. Valley coun ty is to be among lh first to hold a republican con- vchtidn this year. 'fhe countY' convention w1ll be held at Orch lYJilJ 2 th. Elbridg-e Pigman , . wlJO has c n . visi.ting wi h rclatives. ill the South 140up territory near An leJ , . the' past six weeks , has. r tur 1ed home. . . ' , J R. Dean and family left Tuesday morning , on a visit to Des Moincs , Iowa ; Mr. Dean goes , a Jlelegate to Presbytedan Gencral As embl } ' . Hugh OrmsbJ , who has been 'attcllc1ing college at lIasthigs , I returncd home Monday evening and has taken a position as clerk" .in the B. & M. depot. , Rev. J. R.Voods , of Mason City , came.up Tuesday to attend the County Sunday School Con- vention. He w.ill hold service6 at Bethel Union church SundaJ. ' Dn . Bartholomew . informs us tI1 t Mr. nci Mrs , G. ' W. Hoffman , residing west of the cit ) ' , rejoice in the arrival of a baby girl at the1r home Jester- ' . . . . . . . - ay. , : M-esda mes..J. ' " A. Owcns" and Jer me T ylor left Tuesday morning for Lincp.1 l ! . to attend I the Fifteenth Annual : Convent.ion of the lacHes of the Grand Army . of th Repli 1i' ' . " I . 'F. W. I up , roadma'ster of the Senaca-Havenna division of the . B. & M : ; 'cCo "panie'd' ' by Mrs. Houp , arrived in llroken Bow last' week anel will make this city his ' ' ' . . . . . ' / tr't he' dqu < rs. . ' The l t'e1 iium 'Itst for he fair .Will , e . ready for is ributi n in about ten days. In order to be sure of receiving .a COpj' .early. write your name'on a poStal card I and addr ss I H o , A. J. Van- . Antwerp , Broken Bow , Neb. . John \Vali".of Arcadia , , vas ih the city over nignt Thursday on 1 his Vay from Callaway. . : he had been looking . after po- liti al idhtters : M'r. Wtll 'is re- J g rabd as'fhe' H d rig cancHdate I f.or' I governor from , the central part of the state. ' . ' , . . . ' Prof. R1cliards , princ1pal of I 1.le Sargent 100 was in the city Sa'lurday to attend the annual ' meeting .0J. the , County High School Athletic and Literary Association , which as hdd here on that date. This dlic acknowledges - nowledges a socal call. W.e are glad to announce that ' Dr. T. W. Bass has decided to resume the practice. of , dentis try in this city. IIe has secured the r90ms he formel ) ' occupied , over McComas' drug store , where he will be pleased to meet a11 his old customcrs as well as new oncs. - 'Ja's. H. Co ner , of Swarlara , Minnesota , arrived in the city li'riday. lIe , came from lern whcre he arrived ' 1'lIc tl.tY to see his parcnts , but his father was buried on the Sunday previous. He will remain in the city a few weeks working at his trale before - fore returning home. C. H. Loucks , of Mason , who recently sold his farm near .Ma- son , was a citv visitor 'l'ue3day. ' He informs'us that he has bought property in Bcthany , rsub-burb of Lincoln. lIe tells us that he gcH a ten acre tract , with a new hou e , built last season at a cost of $1,600 , for $2,600. Halph Cox , the sixteen year old , boy of O. B. Cox , after taking "n examination at Alliance lat week was promoted to the position - tion of nig-ht operator at IIa.arl : : where he assumed his dutieR Wedneslav. We saw him at ' .Ha.arcl : : li'rida ) ' evening as wc' were passing' through there. TIe says lie likes the work splendidlJ. The musical given last li'riday evening in'the Opera House under - der the superi'ision of John Davi- son , for the bWGl. ! t , pf thePresby- terian , church , consisted of a very excel1ent program. 'rhe sclcc- tions were fine and each one ac- , qun cd hiillself or herself very crclitably ! , Thoc ! ? who were fortunate to be present expressed ' themselves 'as highly pleased with. the entertainment. 'l'hc p , c d.s. . , ? o"Y _ r s 'buying . . .ap organ tor the cliurch. - - : \ : - - ' -1f'T , ; , Miss Lottie Sims went to li'air.- . , bury 'I'uesday to visit Mrs. Hap- good for several weeks. -Dr-GI-Iol1kcl-was at .Omaha this week buying \ bis st ck of' ' h rniture. lIe returned last I .nlght. . Rev. J. R.'l'cagarden has been electcd t . deliver , tbe i High Scbool address at Orc1 , 1i'riday , May 25. -L. E. Cole has received'the sad .news of tbedeath of lii5 father , W. H. Cole , at Boise Ciy * last Sunday. Will Scha d , of the \Vest 'I'a- hIe , was a city visitor } 'estercla ) ' . I-Ie remembered this o01ce . with a busincss call. , H. A.Vatts is having the CX- cavation made for his store building - ing that he will build on the lot so th of the post ofiice. 'I'he Baptist church' is being treated to a new coat of paper ' aud paint this week. England and Cosner arc doing the'work. Miss Lilas Currie , who recently severly injured her shoulder while playing , has full ) ' recovered and discontinued carr'ing hcr arm in a'sling. . Rev. John Sutton , of Lomax , was in the citj' 'l'ncsday and Wednesday attending the Sunday - day school convention. He was accompanied by Mrs. Sutton. W. P. l-Iiggins , of Sargent , and 1)y ) the way one of the old timers of Custer coun y was a city visitor ycsterday. 'fhis office ac1mowledges a s cal call. D. R. Rockwell , who was called to New York some , three weels ago by the erious illness of his father , rcturne.d home yesterday - terday tllOrnillg. H buricd his father last Friday. . A. L. Clinebell is one of his arms in a sling. Whil currying a horse in Richardson"s LSarti l st Su'r1daj , the horse : , kicked , bre'aking" his arm between - , tween t 1 elbow and wrist. John Reesc , 11. W. George'l Ner Hartley , I40n Hutchinson , and Mr. Albert are among the number of old comrads that are , at 14incoln this week attending' ' the G. A. H. . statc encampmcnt. Mr. and Mrs. l. ' . M. Currie will Ica ve Monday on a plcasure' ' and business trip to Mexico. Mr. ' Currie will look a ftcr several hundred yearling- steers which hel purchased .there last. winter 'Manager Br ) ' says he is in josscssi n of the n'ame of the persori who took a plank from the grand stand on the ball rou 1d and that unlcss lie returns it at once , leg'al steps will be taken against him. , The Ansley baseball swatters Llfe in the , city and will try con- : :1usions with the home te m this J.fternoon. A close. game. and good playing is anticipated by those acquaintc -with , the make. np of the two aggregations. 'rhe Royal Highlanders. at thcir refular meeting last 'I'ues- day , gave a banquet reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. . G. 1-1. Brown , who expect to leave for the west in the near future. A strawberry supper was served and a verv - plcasant time was en- joyed. MAHIU1tD-Mur.T.TNS KONKEI.- At the home of the bric cs par- eilts , Mr. and Mrs. D. C , Konkel , of this city , Saturday eveni1ig , May 12 , Dr. l . 13. Mullins and Miss Edna Konkcl , Judgc A. R Humphrcy , ofi ciating. 'I'he contracting parties lett on the 10:45 : train the same evening on thcir wcdding tour to Omaha , Boston , Portland , Baltimore , ButYaIo and Chicago. On their return they will remain in Chicago several weeks wh re the Dr. will take a post graduate - ate course in dcntistry bef re rc- turning to Brolen Bow. 'l'he Rm'UBrICAN cxtends congratulations - tions t . ' Mr. and Mrs. MUllins and wish them a happy and suc- cesful journey of life. 'he 'l'wenty-Sccond Annual Sunday School Convention was held in the Presbyterian church 'ruesday and Wcdnesday of thifi week. It was pronounced , by the state ofi cerR in attendance , as be111g on of the best they had cver attemlcd. The old ofi cers were all reelected. 'I'hey are , J. M. Fodgc , president ; ] valine Amsberry , , vile-presiden t ; Sad ie \ \ hitehead , secretary ; I amah Hyerson , treasurer. Mrs. II. 140max , superintendcnt of the Home Departmcnt ; Mrs. Drum , superintendent of the Primary Departmen t ; and J. R Woods , superintendent of 'reachers meet- ings. We hope to g'e a detailed - tailed report of the convention next week. ' . J ? ! . II a , of qU.1aha , wjl ) V1&1tDrokcl1. ow.Tuesc1ay , May 22nd. I T e , . . , : : : : . : . : " - ; . L. . . , . . "rhe Jn\erprlae. \ " The Euter.prise . is the name of a. . new paper Just started at An- schno , Neb. No.1. , of Vol. 1 , is heforc us. , ' ] he Entcrprise , is pnblishecl by n. C. mpf e1cl and c lited. by U. G. Campbell. 'rhe paper is a four column , ( } uarto well filled \Vith local news and advertisemcnts. . 'I'lte mc- chanical work ou the paper is u ) - and in every respecl 1S wOJthy : of the patron1ge of An- sehno and vicini ! } . . The RHo. l'UIlLICAN welcomes 'l'he Enterprise - prise to our exchange table and , c.'lteud our bcst wishes for its , success. HIgh School . CIA" of . 1906. 'rhe graduating cla s of the Brolen Bow High School this ) 'ear cOllsists of fen mcmbers , three boys and seven girls. 'l'he members of the class are : Hnemon t Pigman , Guy Arm- stron ! ! , : Jeweft , Iris Dewey , li'aith GuUcrsou , IIa.el : Norcutt , Eva Miller. Edna Hussom , Lynn . Sullivan , Elenor Hichardson. i 'rhc ofiicers of thc class are : l uemont Pigman , presidcnt ; Guy Armstrong , vice-president ; Hazel Jewett , sccretary ; atHl Iris Dewey , tteasurqt : ; ' . 'I'he commencement - mencement exerciscs will be heM n xt 'l'uesdaj' night in the Opera Honse. Sent to the' Inebriate Aaylum li'rank Kol ltsek of tbe South ! Loup country , who was arrested last week for drunkencss , was adjudged a fit subject by the insanity - sanity board , 'for the inebriate assylum.Vhile 'drunk' J1e broke his wift 'sru1 with 'a dub al\lt \ other\vise iualtreatett her. IIe Was taken' to 'Lincol't1 tll' first of the weck. Republican County Ccn'tr"l Committee Meeting. 'I'he Hepublican Connt ) ' Central - tral Committee will meet May 2Mh at 2 p. m. in Alpha Morgan's 'ofi ce. It is desircd' that all 'township ' committmenlie prescnt. . . . ReliefFund , Receipt . The following letter has- . been received here by Camp G y I ivingston : . San Ftapcisco : , Calc. April 28 , 190 ( , . Mr. . C. L. Mullin . ! : ! , . \ . . Com. Camp Guy I41vp1gston , . )3r01en ) Bow , N b . HAl { Sm- : 'l'his will acknowledge rcceipt , of your kind contribution for $21 , account. of our' Relief . . . .F d. . Some has been passed to. our finance committee for most effective - fective application. . . ' On behalf of San Francisco 1. . cxtend sincere gratitude , . Yours1truly , . Hupus P. JHNNINGS , ar.y. .At en\iC ? Co , M. You are hcreby ordcr d , to re- por.t at the Armory at I ) a. m. May.29th , Jor target pra ticc. All who wish to go to , , the state shoot must attend this practice in order to. qualify. Alsoon , May 30 , at ' . ! a. m. to participate , in the exerciscs of Decoration Day , All members should make a spccial effort to get out and make a , .good showing - ing on this occasion. " By order of , . . E. .C. PICKItT'f , Capt. 1st Heg. , N. N. G. . , Commanding Co. M. . . , .cd ; : of' Tha ka , . We here y extend our slUcere thanl to OlJr friend ! ? and neighbors - bors for their kindassistan'ce \ and synll a hy duri g the set9us : ! ill- nc& ! , ? pf our daughter > lhe. , S.he is t10w getting along yefY nicely. MF. & MRs. R. 'I' W ALKH1 { . r1ii , ofJice for joh 'work. J ] - - - . . jff' # : ' .Ceiling and Siding can now be purchased at close figures. We have just rece1ved a car toad of fine g-rain and exc llent qualitj' . 'We consider it as fine a lot 'of Lumber as ever camc into the yard and builders Owho arc looking for something good for a nice job should sec\tre. . somc of this , They witt. nevcr fiQd anything bettcr or cheaper. Dierks Lumber and Coal Co. . . . , J \ . . . . . . ' " . . . _ r , . " , x. . z [ BUSINESS POINTERS. I M M m m , , ' ' . - Doctor Lcach Dcntist. ' _ ' _ _ _ . _ _ h , . _ _ _ _ _ _ , J. C. Moore , . .abstracting. 2U Insurance that insures. 38tf H. G. MOORH. , li'urnished rooms to rent. Bnth in connection. l nquire at the , RIWUllI.ICAN office. , 44tf . . . ' , . . Ii'PH SALH-A new'honse , 24x26 fQur rooms , within two blpcks of the square. Inquire at this office. 42tf FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE , Good Pcrcheron stallion , six Jcars ole1 , weight 1700 : tf J. G. LItONAHD. " ' - Lawh mowcrs sharpencd and made as good as new on short notice. See me at Johnson's old fltantl. . , FHUU H. RltAM. \Ve have in stock all kind of scrcen doors and windows , the best in the city , can and inspect them. 49tf DmHKs Lumum ; & COAl , CO. , . . - . , LOST-A handbag containing glo.ves , handkerchief and a pocket - , et book containing about * 1.00. 'l'hc finder will confer a favor bJ leaving it at the 1 Jt1'um.lcAN , ollice. FOH S'ATH-or trade for stock , two eight and a four room resi- dence. 'l'erms to suit purchaser. 45tf J. B , ' Emm1cK. W ANTDD Mcn , womcn , boys , . and girls to represcnt McClure's ' l\I Jra ne Good pay. Address 'I. 67' Enst 23d St. , N. Y. City. _ _ 34-tf. u ' - - - , . - . . , . . . - . . . ; , Dra. Faruswprth & B c - Dcntists. tf' - - . D . IIeac1tidgiVCS ap , ci 1 t- tcntton to the car , tl SCf threat and catarrh. , . Will , . visit Brokcn Bow , 'fucsday. May 22n at Grand Ccntral Hotcl. ' . . . . - Dr. II adricl's practi j , limo. itcd to chronic clis ases. . 'Cdbsul- tation and examin tion . .fr e. Will visit Dr ken Bow , Tuc day , May 22nd. We always have money to loan on farms. l . G. Moore 111 Apple Block. ' , . . . 35tf FOR SAT.H-Eleven and ht 1f lots , 50x140 feet. Goo l framc house , good barn , good \VeIl and 100 bcaring fruit trees. Enquire' at this office. 17tf For bargains in real estate sce Bowman & Anderson , ' just 'west of the S curity State Bank. ,10tf LAS'I' CAr. " l"or' Poll" ' A gus bulls. One coming two , the . OU1' ethre years oM. . _ P.rjce igh t 1f taken at once. J. A. AMsn'Hlm\l , ' 48-49 Mason City , Neb. , . . ' ' Drcumaldng' " .1 Mrs. Walter Glaze wo tld be pleased' ' to mcet her' fri nilsl ' nd patrons in the. , Burlington Block , rooms 1 amI 2. Phone 281. 48tf . . , li'01 { HUNT-40 acres good corn land , 5 miles soutH of' ' town : \ , 48..49 J. G. BIUmIZItH. , , $200,000 to l nloH 'good Custer County farms. , II 2ltf R. ' Go Moore.1 R. B. Mullins , . M. D. , D. D. S. the Dentist. 3tf - - . , . - - - - - - . and Second Hand Furniture , .Flour and Feed Store.I I , . . ' . , . . , , : I ! , \Ve : wish to notify Olll' many customers that we have a ded to OUI' stock of lnr wure all kinds of. , . Nails' ' , Staple and Smooth .Wire 1 I , , , e also have .Mason : City and l < : cm'noy ' fitm } ' , ' , the best that can be had 'in ' the state. ' . . . . We always have I > lenty of feed und baled hay. I Goods elivered free t.o any V' i.t of th'e city. ' I' ' \Ve repair furniture and fralne pictul'eH. I , II. . / ' J. VV. . SCerr. , . . : , . . 0- , . ' , - = _ _ ' _ _ _ " 1- . . . . . . _ . , ; < ; " . . f - CUSTER CANYON HERD.f , ; , OF ( . ' . . I ; DU'ROC ' JERSEYS' 'Eight- miles west of Brokcn Bow. , . . t , ' , RESSE & MOOREHOUSE UHQK NI'9w ' , . . . ' NF.JII . . . . , 'I . , . . . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - t'tJ . . . , , , , . . ' . . ' . ' ' . " . : : ' ' . . . . . . , . , . . , . tt..OtI""I . . . : . , : . . , . . ! . . : . I . = > . ! . . . . . " ' ' ' 'f. , . , . . , r : : . . : , ' ' . . ; . , . ' ' . : , 'I'1 . ; : { . . : " I' I . .J - : ' : " . } , . . : . 'I"'if' Ii' _ ' ' ; ' ! 'i ] . . . . . ; . I. . . . . . . . . . .tlO.i , , ' 'J .U. _ fJlii. . " ' ' oJ 'i. " : -I-.t , , ; ; : ! , ' ' ' ' ; ; : ' .l ' ' ' 'I' "Ji" : . .of. " " . . ' ' 1 . ; ; : . . 11 " , t' When desiring to figure on _ a bill , : 'dill ' .t " - ' , : : : . 0 f L utn b er ca 11 on tt 1e. . . . . . . . . . ' I , J 11- ' ! , li , + : , ' I " , " t C. . L. 1 urner Lumber . .CO 1 1 / ' : r ' i , iIII' . . , : " . . : :1. : . , . w . . . . " carry a full stock of . Lumber. . . i. . . f : ! . / , , ; , ; , 'h , Doors , Moulcltngs , - 'etc ; u : " ' , " , . { ' . : t' ; i { : : I ' . , .t W" A gens , ! yf.l. ' re b ras 1 m C . .en.ra . 1 : . j . , { BII11chn & "t4.oan ARsocmtton. . tN.i i ' " ; ; ; ! " ; "r"I , , : " : " ' - , " . 'r"IiO . . ! . , , : . . . . . : . . " ; ' . . . " " . . . ' . . . . . . . . . , . , . . . , ! : ' ! : . . : . : , . : . . . : . : ; ; ' . . : , , , . , - ' ; . . . ; . . " . ' . . . : . ; . / j ' < " " ' ' ,1tI'II"1 ' ' , ' . , , , . . . . ; . ; 1.i0-'J1. _ . . . . . . . . . fr" , ' 'tJ.'f. : . ; ; : . . . . ' . . . " . " . , ' _ ' tfi : . . rhit : " . . I. 'JE.r.AIj ! , Ii . . L. E. COLE , licensed Embalmer . and Funeral Dire.ctor hUH jlst received a largo stock of undertaking. goods. 'l'hiH iH one or the most complete stocks ot undertaking' gochvm' ( hl'ought to Broken - ' B w. They : ire loeated in the Uadwell building on , B'Q\1rth \ aven.ue. , . . Parties wishing anything in this . , ' 1.r . . line are requested to citll an inspect goods and g P. pr. ces. . , , - . For fil'st-class work Jlun er" : ' taking 01' pmlmlming call and. . see me 01' phone. lhone Numbers : OffiQp , 7 7 ; Re idence , 322. . ' . . . " . . . . . " . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . # I .