Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 17, 1906, Image 4
I , . . - - & hr t uhl ! " 1I QQII a a . Publlihed. o'or ) Th r8d _ , nl thfO nnt ) He D. M.M m ml1. j. , f . \ F 1t4r ADVEHTIijINO nATns. , One cOlama , I r montb , ' 7.00. Ono'l all co.- nmn. er month 81.00 , ( laanor column , per monlh , .oo. Lo811 Ihan qnruwr talamn , W oonl8 per Incb per JIIonlh. monlh Oardt 'otl \ " I\r.1 ' , PaKo , 00 cenlll per Inoh , pnr LoCAlllchcrtlllla 6 cOhIll per linn eReh h"or. lion. . _ , Notleo ot cbarch talr. . IIoclollloll and onlorl"I" . [ njmlJl where mOllOr III chorKcd. ono.holt rlrtoll. lIoolot ) noUeol aDti renloUonll , ono-halt roll ) . . WOdllDg ! , noUoolI troohaU , llrl o to } : ulJUllnIIK ! , lilt at lrolltlnlJl. " ' . Dealb noUOOII tree , hrUt lrlll6 rot po"lIl1hlOIl t ObltDary noUcolI , IInll cllr,11I ot thanke. ( Legal DOUCo at fa\.1.iI Ilruldod hI atatololl a t NebrAaka. \ . , . . , . . ( , I " ' . . ' : r . . . I . ' " 1'hursday , 'May 17 , 190C , . The report , of Commissioner Garfield 0 11 thp' t aUSlprtatio" ! : and freight rates obtaIned by the Standar < : , aI" " Co. , . , fromcQtu , : ' ! , mon cariers , . witn tite presidcnt's r 1 message . . acc . mp , inir , , . i oP I < 1 , .f- the slgmficant events 111 the war I , which 'has been waged by the people against monopolies. Whil9' o her ,11lpnoifolies , likl ; ! .the ' b.eef trust , are 1 m re I oppressl vc , and others , like .the sug-ar trust , , are , guilty , , : : of morc shameful outi'akes upon'Jublic , I ? sentiment , , Standard ; " t Oi\ \ has aroused th.e gre t t 1U Hgi1 tiol1. , ' ! 'his is II partly due to hs being considered "the.lmotlier of , the trusts , " and , parUy o Hs. in reasi g interfer- encel. w.ith , : the , g neral .busincss I system , jof the country. Its I enormous profits 'ha e been used to , ontrol th railroads of the , country ; to dominate Wall street ; I t ' misuse the fuuds of life , ' insurance . . . ' ' . companies amI in other iw ys to extend its power over the interests of the ' ' . , people. 'l'he ' , fight against monopoly has been J more that a contest for the con- . venieuces and comforts of life at i a fair price ; more than a struggle to keep open opportunities for independent business. It has been a warfare in behalf of the popular liberties against monopolistic - listic forces as dangerous as any eyer represented by king of . robber baron. In Standard Oil the people have felt the center : of this hostile power. The i a tack Standard upon Oil is one that 1rou5es the popular enthusiasm - , thusiasm mor than any other event in tlie long contest. I The i rtetat rce commission - : mission has issueci a rcport on , the railroad accidents for the last three months of t e past year , . , nnd It is interesting to note the I large proportion of accidents th ' ' t resulted by falling from cars 40'r't > oengines while ' , or 'getting on or off the same. Of the 44 , passengers killed , 24 recei ved their'injuries' ' way and 538 of those injured out of a total of 1,064 , cfune from the same cause. 178 , tr inmeu were killed and 3,734 Injured. 76 of the ] dlled and 1,201 of the injured are : , c1 ssed in the same cause. Of . 'trainnien in yards , 85 were killed , nnd 1,758 were injured ; 26 of the killed and 626 of the injured are credited to the same' ' cause. This ' is a somewhat remarkable sho'wing , as most of these accidents must have been the result of gross carelessness. The steel range 'peddlers are finding Nebraska a very profit- ab1e fiehl just at the present time , and it would be well for many a farmer-before purchas- i 1g to 'make inquiries of his cal hardware store as to what they charge for these same low grade stoves the peddlar is selling. ' Annual Meeting Alethetic & Uterary Hisb School AllociaUon. The Annual meeting of the Custer County High School Association - I sociation was held in Drocn ] Bow , Saturday , May 12. Owing' to the fact of the President , Russell mith , having left school and resigned his office somc three months since , tht : advent had not been as well ad yertised as it 'should have been , as the vice I president lived in a distant part . of the County.No blame attaches - , taches to anyone for this omission - sion , but it is to be regretted. , The field contests were held at the ball ground in the afternoon , but we have not a full treport of them. We under&tand that the , boners were pretty evenly distributed - tributed among t e various towns represented. l . . ' " I . ) . , " , . . , - - In the ev ning t111 : ' . Dcclama- t ry Contest &t119 \ ( in , tlJc Court room. 'l'lfrce he\\ \ I Sc lOols ' \ werc rcpresel c < l hy' eight co - t stants. ' It ; is1wodhy , of no e t1\f1t \ QY ( ' ( lf the ! cight took patt In the contest last ycar , and that n rst hbnorsl \ re 'a ' warded to the same young la ly who won second. . place at that , tIJ,1 } . . ' , All of the ! cdnteslduts did sucll excellcnt work that it was hard to discriminate among thcm. 'l'he rcsult , which was reachpd y qOln uJiug an 'ay rag'e' of the il1hrk ngsraw r ] dd iby lhe judgies was" apparently satisfactory lin tllat it seemed 'to meet the qp- proval 'of the audiente. 'r'lc ' ofllowing is a list of the contestants - ants and the titles of their selections - tions : 1. "How Jin1tnie tendcd the Bab.n" Vera Atkinson , Merna. ' 2. " 'rhe Story of a 1tar , " 'Mary ' Dumbbell , Brokcn Bow. t 3. "Dill Smith , " Very J ddy , Mcrnh. ! , / j ' 4. "Chargedvith Murder'i Verna l enstermacher , Sargeh t. 5. " 'l'he Polish Boy , " Mry Readc , Merna. ,1 (6. ( " 'rhe Dream of Ug" < ! nc A 'an1 , " Gcorg-ia Stokes , Sarg-ent. i. "l'he Pilot's Story , " Alina Sullivan , llroken Bow. 8. "My l irst Dealt , " Alison Vanden burg , Sargen t. .Judges. co. B. f Mair , Jos , Jigmal1 , II. , M. Pinckney. At tilc dIose of the speaking , and while the judges were fig' lr- ' ing up'their averages , the Glee Club sang two or three selections - - - i - , : tI.m-mnr Jlr..u. . ' 1fr..f : , t-r . . , t , l " 1. , i t J'1f-IaJ ' rJ Y. - . ty t . J ; . . . : J ' ' 1 t. f ' fr : : ) r1aggly" " _ . . DJ _ " " " ' _ _ _ " " _ liDo you1likc ir ? , ifh h'JIJ ! " he contented with it ? Hnv to be p , 011 , no I J list put , on A yer's Hail' Vigor und have long , thick hair ; soft , even hair ; bcautlfu , { haIr , wltholir n .sinrl1e gray 'Jill ! . : in ire Hnve , n little pr.ide. Keep young jusr as long as you con. . . t nm nrt"loven 71'ara old. nnd uulll ro- Null ) m ) ' Illiit Will 'Y r ) "m ) ' . 1I11 In n few wceln Ayer'sllnlr Vllor : rtlture. . the riRturnl I'IIlnr III lilY "alr II ! ! lOW th r I , Ilot n 1:11' ) ' , , , .tr ' " hll toell.J. . W. IIAN/ON , Deuhler Orcc" . Cnl , . -.ta : , . . , . _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ . . " " ' . byJ. C. A.lIr co.r.owtltt. : 141\11. Aho IUIIDuf40turera ot . AMadll , SAI1SAPARlLtJ } . " PilLS. , A. lje "s I CIIEII.RY PICTOI1AL. ! - which , were cnthusiasticaliy applauded - plauded by the , audience ! ' ! 'he awar l of the judges i in icated as { ollows , thc , markmgs lJas d OJ ] a scale of tOO : .No ( i' 1J4 'J ; No.2 , 94 ; No. 3t 94 , N > . 4 , 94 ; No. I , fJ3j3 ; No.8 , 9 , j 'No.7 , 1J27Jj No.5. 90,0. When it is considered that Uierc was not the slightest consultation - sultation on the part of the judges as to the merits of any I spcaer ] until the marking was . , . . , I COl11p't'd ] , it will be secn tlJat it I \'fn1 , \ r ' c ntqst. . - ! lad rlt Jercd II Aft t < Ice 10 I , H Ht. l Jb 1. jewJtt pr < . > tn.t < . . tile ] triz , cup t9 Miss GcorJ.\ tokcs for Ule Stirg'cnt sqhpql. with nl f\trnlg \ } intimation that n ( ' : t year woulil witl1css fI determined effort to bring it "back to Hrok n Db v. , . MClllbers of t he Association tarric ! ] after thc audience wa : ; disl11is ! c < 1 , for a Intsi/1css / session. Vernon 'BaiHier was choscn prcsid nt for the ensuing year. : : ? ome plans werc adoptcd looldng to au Ihcreasc f interest in thcse contests , hopit1g to cnlist the cO-'operalion of those schools which have not yet partici- pa ted in these evenl4. ! Alto- gethc.r the'occasio'n wasa very enjoya ble one , and' well fi ttcd to alTord great encouragement to nil friends of 'the cause , of education. : : , ' ; . . : ' ' A. AHMOUR , J.A. , , Attorney at La\v. , , ' Broken Dow. Nebr. Havhtll' jusl had . cllthl years J'ractlcal expcr lellce' 8 111111 lit ) J\IIlIl'o. wlllltlvc Apeclal allcn lIolI tll'lho drawlllll' allll I'rnbathllt ofvllis allll lhe all 11I111 IIltrallulI of estates of deceased per- SOliS alldl1llllors. Write IIr "hll1" , lIIe. 1111ay a \'e ) ' 1111 " trill. . . . - - - - - - - J. E. WILSON , . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Pracllce III Halc amI Federal Cunrls. Ab. stract IIf tilles exal1lllled. Real .1 'I ale and Mllnlclpal Iaw a IIllcclalty. Dealcr In Real gstatc. Strict attellllunltl\'ell to all bIlSlllc 'I Office III Meyer mock. I'holle O. lIrnkcn 1I0w - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - . - . . . , . . . - iF - 11 l It you have a Farm For Sale I list it with f (1 ( . : R. A. HUNTER & CO. , ' , ' r. REAL EST ATE ( " and Stock Dealers , BROKEN BOW , NEBRASKA. We nov have t } e folloving unpulillleled : bargaiLls t.o offer : ( 10. 36. 520 acrcs of fine Inud. The pestof soil , I 220 ucres untlcr cultivation. 300 acrcs all Ic\'Cl. hulance splcndid pasture and hay Innd , O\'C an ncre in tilllher , two story fmUle house with porch" bnrn for fourteen head of " horses and hay loft , corn crib , grannry , hog housc , fccd yurds with watcr plpe to tunks in cach yar , four ncres fenced llog ti ht. All fcnced nnl ] cross fcnced , wcll , wind- null , ctc. 5 Ulilcs to Mcrnn. Rcntal value of this place Is $1,200 , can he hought If tl\kcn soon for $25 pcr ncrce. Ouc half cash nnd balnncc on timc. A sure good Invcstmcnt. ( 10. 37 1-2. 320 acres of No. I oed Inu1. ! No hetter soil. 130 ncres undcr cultivation. Wcll , wllllllnill , tank. 10 milcs from Sargent. Pricc , $5,200. ' , : , , I ( 10. 38. 120 acres , 12 mites from Oconto , 55 ncrcs under cultivatiou , hous , stable , corn crih , grannry , etc. All fenccd. Well , windmill , ' tank. Pricc , $15 pcr acrc , casl . ( 10. 39. 480 acrcs , 10 milcs from Sarg tm fmmc housc , barn for 24Iorses. \ . All fcnccd. Wcll , wln mill , tank , elc. Pricc , $6,500. $3,500 cash , balnntc ; on tillle. No. 40. 320 ucrcs 6 miles frolll Brokcu Dow. All fiuc , smooth Innll anll rich soil. In a' fine val- Icy. 175 acrCl " ; untlcr culth'ation. Some brolllc gmss , hulnn'c"liu pnsturc autI hn ) ' lund. Pive rOOlifnrm housc , hnrn for 12 hc\d of horscs. Wcll , winll mill , tunk , ctc. This is a splcnditI fnrlll. Price $010 per acrc ; part ou time. ( 10. 43. 200 acres of the best of Inud , 8 mitcs f from Brokcn lIow. 140 acrcs uudcr cultivation ; bnlancc in pasturc. House , batn 11I111 othcr out hulltlings. Pricc , $7,500.00. ( 10. 44. 320 ncrcs 2 } Illites from Brokcu Bow. 200 ucres under cnltlvatlon ; 10 ucrcs In alfalfa , halance pasturc aud hu ) ' land. Two story fmlllc hOllsc with nine rooms. Stahlc for tcn head of horses. Nicc orchnrd. Two well anll winllmills. One rent house nnl ] Imildings. Price $ .Q.500.00. mosU ' ) cash. ( 10. 4S. 320 acrcs 10 miles frolll Broken 110w. , 170 acrcs miller cnHimtion , bnlancc pasture nntI I hny Innd. Price $20 per ncre. No. 47. 160 acrcs 5 mites from Broken Bow , 50 acrcs undcr cultivation , all fcnccil and cross. fcnccil. Price , $3,300. No 48. 520 ncres 4H miles from Brokcu Bow , 120 ncrcs under cultlmtiou ; 10 acres hromc grass , halnncc pasture aud hay Innll , Six-room , framc house , stnhlc , grauar ) ' for 1,600 hushcls of grain , I corn crib anll othcr outbuildings : hen housc , hog honsc. All fenccI ] and cross.fcnccd. Wcll , wind. mill , bcaring chcrry trees nntI othcr orchards , Price , $20 per acre ; half cash. No. 49. 320 acrcs , 10 milcs from Broken Bow. 80 acres uudcr cultimtion. Pricc , $20 per acre. No. 50. 1360 acres 12 milcs from AI\elIllO. ! 7'J0 acrcs decilcil Innll , 60\0 \ acrcs school Inlll ] . 280 acrcs undcr cnlth'ation , 25 acrcs In timbcr. 500 or 600 acrcs cau he culllvntcl. ! { lrame honsc , stable. grannr ) ' , corn crib , well. wind. mill , cistcrn , hcuring orchnnl. All fcnccil 11I111 cross.fencell Into five pastures. PriCll , $15 per acre for dccdcll Innl ] and $15 for school lensc. I1nlf cash , balance on time. No. 51. 320 acres nlcc , choice fnrlll land 2 miles from Brokcn Bow. , , . 20\0 \ acres nnder culth/\ tion. 6 acrcs in nlfalfa and hrome gruss , This farm in 111 a geol ] state of cnlth'ntion. Rcnt sharc of crop goes with place if soltI soon. I.ocntion antI qnhlity of soilmnkcs this n vcry dcslrahle farm. Price only $27.50 per acrc. Wonht he cheap nt $35. No. 52. 160 acrcs of gooll lauII 9 mile1 froul Daoken Bow. 100 acrcs untIer cultivation. Partly fenced. It's a chenp hargnln nt $ t7.50 ptr ! acre. $800 can remain on place. J- I - . . . - - - 1 No. 53. 320 acrcs finc , levcl land , bCEt , of sOIl , I I . all fcnced and cross.fcnccd. 200 acres under cul- tivntion. l 'milcs from Merna. So honsc , frame I stahle , granary , corn cribs , wcll , windmill , Inrge resen'oir , hearing orchard. A fine place. $7,200. I No. 54. 240 ncrcs 10 miles from Brokcn llow. too acres undcr cnltlvation. S ncres in 01 fulfn , balancc in pastur antI ha ) ' lan . All fcncctI nntI I cross.fcnccd. SOil honsc , frame barn , well , wind mill , cistcrn , tanks , R. P. ' D. antI telcphone. II Pricc , $3,000.00. , . No. 55. 160 acrcs 6 mitcs from Brokcn lIow. 80 ncrcs under cultimtion , halancc pasture nntI ha ) ' Innd. SotI honse , stablc. hcn housc , wcll , wlllil mill. .All fcnccl1. Crop goes with farm. Pricc , $32.00 Jlcr acrc ; part on time. No. 56. 160 ncrcs 9 milcs from Brokcn Bow. 65 acrcs under cultivation. 80 or 90 ncrcs in pasture - ture , fcnced with thrcc wircs. Sol ( housc. frame stablc , granary , COrti crib , wcil , wind mill , tank. Pricc , $20.00 pcr acrc. part on time. No. 57. 160 ncrcs 10 milcs from DrokclI Bow. 40 acrcs undcr cultivation. Onc.half fcnccd. 'Sod housc , stablc , fralllc grnnary , wcll , winll mill , tank. Pricc , $1 ,300 cnsh. . No. 58. 160 acres good , rich , hlack soil , IJrairic , Innd , gcntly rolling. 8 milcs to gooll growlll R. . ! ? . town nndmnrkct. Prics.00 pcr acre. This IS n snnp. No. 59. J60 n rcs of finc , rich fnrm land 3H miles from Broken Dow , 80 acrcs in ' All smooth farm Innd hut 10 acrcs. l enced crof' cross. fcnccI ] . Itrame housc , barn , 'grannry. corn crib , hcn house , etc. . wcll , winllmill. This is a bar- gain.lust ! scll soon. Pricc , $25 per acre ; hnlf cash. Stock , feed nllll Implements may bc bought with farm. Possession nt oncc. No. 60. A Rplendid ranch of 1880 acres , sclected dccdctIlnnd. and 800 uc s school Icasc , makiug . 2680 acrcs all In n body-nbout 40 acres in alfalfn. This ranch will run from 800 to 1000 heall of stock summcr alld winter. Cuts ovcr 1000 tons of hay. Four .wells ntul winllmills. Storagc tanks , \told. inH abotit 8,000 gallons of watcr at cach mill. 10 mllcs from gooll railroad to'n ntll ] has side-tracks II and scction house on place. Two story frame house an all other ncccssnry ranch buildings. Ncarl ) ' $4,000 worth of improvcmcnts. Household goods and machincry all go with ranch and possession - session givcnat once for $6.50 per acrc. No. 61. So acres of good , rich soil , 25 acres In cultimlion , bnlnncc in ha ) ' ntul pnsture Innll , 'sollie nlfnlfn. 6 milcs from Brokcn Bow. Pricc , $1,500 ; $1,000 cash. This woultlmnkc It finc homc. No. 62. 320 ncres OIlC milc from Brokcn Bow. 170 ncrcs 1IIucr cnltimtion ; nbout 35 acres in nlfalfa and hromc grass. 6.roolll , ncw fmme housc , harn 32X32 , shell 90 fcct 101lg , hcn houst. , coni house n1ll1 othcr out-buill1ings. Nlcc orchard , wcll , willlt mill. There arc ovcr $3,000 worth of Impro\'cmcnts. About 100 acrcs in pnsturc. Price , $9,000.00 ; pnrt on timc. This Is a splendldllniry ItllIl hog farm whicH , has ) 'ieldell $150 to : j2oo ; pcr month in the dairy busincss. A Hnt' hcnl of 35 hcnd of Brown Swiss cows anll 3 bulls ; can be bought with fnrm. Part of the cattle nre regls. ' tered and othcrs arc hIgh gradcs. This farm nnl ] : Imsincss willmnke a man rich in a few yeurs. r No. 63. 6.10 acres of dccdcll Innd and 6.10 acrcs school land , leuse run9 21 ) 'cars , costs : : ' 67 per ycnr. All black , rich soil. 250 acrcs in crop. All fenccl ] nnd cross.fcnccl1. house , ncw barn 36"34 , grannr } ' for 3,000-lmshcls of grain. hog I1l1d shecp housc. 38"24 , two wclls , wind mills. fecll yards , 17 acres alfalfa fenccl ] hog tight. 17 acres brolllc grass. 7 miles from Brokcn Jlow. GOOI ] roall , R. 11. D. nnd telephonc : Price , for short time , $26 per acrc , selloollnnd lensc throwlI 11110,000.00 \ ; 1 cash , ] . , alnnce on time. I - - : ! I , . . 1 . . f , . . . , . .r' . . , . . . . - 111 _ , . - . ! . _ _ ' , T. . " . " . " : " ; : / : or M JO".M XX" : O-.r : , f FJ'.M" M J" I , wW'f , . f . S t. iI ? , . . : I I1.'f , ' " j , , 8 ' , \J ! . 'U . ) t t" ' 1 > 1\01 1 I RIETOi ' I t V RY"S 13.t , r 6 " LIVERY a. d / j i I I FEED BARN J ; ' ' fi Ii. . . . . . . , . L' AS' ) . ' OF GLOBI ! ) IIQTEJ" . I Heln(1eled ( ahd rcpulrcd thro lgltout. Cioollivcry ] rigs at rcasonablt. totes. . , , _ o Accomollation for catt1t ! I1nd rangc Horscs. 110) ' at noon , 10 ccnts ; , 1111 I1n ) ' , . . R 15 cClltS ; o\'er night , 35 ccnts. , Call a.n lCc Inc. ' ' ' ' : o : . .O"r.M : oor.r : : Q . : oO : : Mo"J.rJ'.r..r.o : . : : _ h. . How n bout Yo l Mower'J D es' it lee A U r an. Shar cIilng ? Having purchased and placed in operation , in my wagon shop , a new Ideal Power awn Mower Sharpencr I am prepared to do first- I class work in the line of sharpening lawn mower knives. ' There is Nothing Like It on the Market. ' . Dy its use each blade is sharpened alikc , the bevel on , tile kn'es being ] { ept at the same dcgree a1J along the knife. All high and low spots arc taken out and any degree of clearance can be given thc blade so a lawn mower will run and cut easier than when new. Morr good lawn mowers arc spoiled by bunglesome sharpening . than by the work they . do. Dring your cranky mower to me. ( , I I : Jii'Ired . Fl.eanl. : : . . . : JOHNSON'S OLD ST'AND. . . _ . . . . . . . of"-r.-- ! IIIr.Il . . . _ ' - - - + f . - I t ( - . _ 1 I HARRY KIMBALL. ! Successor to } ROCKWJ LL & KONKEL t 'and GEO. WILLING , . Embalmer and Funeral Director , ! : NO TH SIDE. BROKEN BOW , NEB. . . . I Businrss 1 > 110111' . 301. I csidence . - - - - " - . _ " . " . _ - _ . " . . phonc , 227. : f 7. - - , , . fe ( : : ; , . , f } " * "I } f } ! 1J BOWMAN & ANDERSON. ' are d alers in Heal Estate of all kindg. i WE We W11l 'buy or sell. Don't fail to see us before you buy or sell. We can do : ; g , you good. Ool1ection made and insurance - ance written. Farms rented and taxes paid. See us for farm loans. Come in and see us. BOWMAN & ANDER , SON. i " ' . frni : r = Jrffiilll ! Before You BUildJ , Consult ! . : eo" : J : ? apin.ea-u. : . , Contractor and BuilJer. Estimates illi . Furnished free with plans and specifications. ' I U : _ _ Bargains in Farm Land and l aI1c.lles Writc > for list with prices and terms of sale. H you have land for sale list it with me. ' Correspo dence with non-resident land owners solicited' rAIvIES LED WIG I-I , - - Broken Ho\v , Neb. Now . Croc rv Finn . Hey 'Valker & Co. ha ve purchased the Ievis stock of groceries and will c nduct the business under the firm name of THE WALKER CROCERY COMPANY Jlaving bought this stock at a bargain we are prepared to sell you groceries as cheap aA the market will bear. ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE will be taken in exchange. WE GIVE ORDERS on dry goods houses for goodA we do not handle. Call and see us II , The alker ctrocery Co. , East Side of Public Square , BHOICl N BOW , NEBRASICA. I l ( " "I II you arc looking for the Quality of , lumber and Building , Malerial . , for the Least Monev let us figure on your bill. I 'Ve always try to please. H. T. BRUCE a. CO. . . 'South Side Lumber Yard , llrok n Bow , Neb. . I .