Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 17, 1906, Image 1

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L\\t"t l\lI . . l
S ! lte Ubt
, # J'rJJ'o : . : . . . .
"it"1 " Patronizing I
I catalogues is I
8 8
I a bad. habit. . _ I
Wc wouldn't think for a 11I0.
S mentof buyin/ / ! our stock by III ail , 8
S Wc want to SEE what we are buyS -
S mg.
Want to cxaminc it critically.
\ \ ! S Want to judlc .of its worth actunll ) ' ti
u 8 not froUl a picturc in n hook. g
Wc somchow think it would hc S
8 'llore satisfactory for thc public to R
follow that plan , 8
Here is a je\yelry stock all ready
8 for your cX nl1nation , R
Styles are idcntical with what 8
R the lar e city stores are showing , R
ntlll prices are , if anything , lowcr ,
. I B 8
. .r . : oQiQi : : : I" . ' f.r.r..ooQi : : :
Decoration Day
Proc I arnation
Issued by : Mnyor GeOl'ge
Hequests a Cesslltion
of ] abors ,
And an Observance of the
I Dny by Citizens
' Gellernlly.
Not onl' ) ' in accordance with
time.honored custom ! ; , but actu.
1 atcd by patriotic sentimcnt and
profound rCRpect for our national
soldiers , living and daad , the
cith ens of Broken Bow will ob.
serve Decoration Da.r with suit-
. . .ble services and the decoration
of soldiers' graves in the ceme- .
tery. 'fhat the. day may rightly
be obscrvcd and the general public - I.
lic for which it is set apart be
taught to the greatest extent , I
ask that the places of business ,
and amusemcnt in the city be
_ . . . . . .wI ! >
' I
I .
READ Tt.n S ! I
D n't forlZet it !
- . . . . -
s. P. GRO.Arr & co. , are at the otd stand with
. a ! [ lrge stock of
1'J"evv it ]"U.1r : e
an.d. : . ard"'VV
\Ve shalt pursue the same policy which mnde
our former business so successful , viz : sma II
profits , square dealing and strict attention
to business. .
vVe have.three car - ' loads of Furniture and our
- - . IfarHwa1'e stock' wal-soon be complete. ,
\Ve know our old friends will come to us as they
' . liked our profit sharing plan.
Come and see us.
AI Phone 63. S. P. GROAT & . CO.
I 150 chuice building lots for sale
PO' " _ u. _ . . . , _ _ _ - - . . . . . . , . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
- u -
' ; . IF : - "
-t , . Sunshine !
! Have you used it ? You will neyel'
r.if he satisfied till ou do. . . . . . . . . . .
" . \Vhy little \
' not put a :
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111 your I 1011Ie. ?
_ . . cuJl
i L - - _ _ _ _ : J
I \ 'tttt1ttt't'tttt'ttttttft1tt"t1t'tttttttttttt1tt'ttitttttt ' ' ' , ' " ' ' , , ttttttttl ,
" - - _ - -
I -
. . t , : ) . ( - IF YOU ARE -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
'f : GO TO
- , -
- -
- -
. Sheppard ' " Burk't ;
= = Phone No. 1-2-5. : : : :
. ' South Side Square. Brolen Boy , Neb. 3
. fllllllllllllllllll 1111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIES :
, . ; ; \
11 .
> , I. . " 1
t , " " .
closcd on tb t day betwecn the
hours of 12 and 4 p. m.
'rhe laws of our state prohibit :
any and all games and ! 'ports on
that day. 14et the inhabitants ,
old and young , .enter into t 'e
observance of t1lls day and Its
ceremonies to the end that each
and everyone may e.come a
more 10Jal and better cIttzen.
The public , as well as all civic
societies of the city are request-
eflto meet at the south side of
the public square at 10 a. m. on
Decoration Uav to join with the
G. A. R. and W. H. C. in forming -
ing a procession to march to the
Brotcen Bow Cemetery , under escort -
cert of Co. M. 1st Reg. Nebraska
National Guard , to decorate the
graves of our departed heroes.
W. A. GUORG1 , Mayor.
1\ntl\lOIUAJ. DAY.
Memorial services will be held
at the M. E. church on 'Sunday
May 27th , beginning at 2:30 :
o'clock , p. m.
Voluntary. . . . . . . . . . .l\1iss Zuic Holcomb'
I "Amcrica" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Congre ation
Invocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rcv. Hplc ) '
Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rycrson Quartctte
Scripturt : I.esson. . . . . .Rev. Chamberlain
Vocal Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs. F. H. Taylor
Prayer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. I.evack
Vocal Sole. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : \1rs. Stuckey
: : ; crmon. . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. J. R. Teagarden
Anthcnl. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Choir
Ih IIl'liction. . . . . . . . . . . . , . . RcMitchcll
D1iCORA'l'lON , 1 > A V.
Decoration Day services will
be held at the M. E. church at
2:30 : o'clock p. m. , Wednesday ,
Iay 30 : Following is the
Invocation. . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. Xal\llers
Music. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Glce Club
I ecitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1\1rs. pcaks
Vocal olo. . . . . . . . . . . . .J. G. W. I.ewis
Vocal Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . .Abbic Laugston
Oration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sinlon C lncron
Vocal Solo. . . . . . . . . . . . . .John Rockhold
RecitAtion. . . . . . . . . . . . .1\1rs. E. 1\1. Bcan
Bcncdiction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rcv. I.cvnck
- - - - - - -
Court Note. .
District Court convened Monday -
day in this city with Judge Hos
tetler pr siding. The follo\ving
is a list of the cascs considered :
Moore & Brega vs. Faherty.
John Fahertv given 30 days to
answer. Default taken against.
Li'aherty Bros.
Alpha Morgan vs. McNultry.
Parties given leave to refile
pleadings in lower court.
Minn. T. M. Co. vs. Pettit.
Ddendant giyen 30 days to an-
William Samuel J oh nson vs.
.Young. Continucd by agree-
Eastern Bantdng Co. vs. Loye.
joy. Case continued by agree.
J ames Hays vs. Gladis li'uller.
Continued by agreemcnt.
Josef Krbcl Sr. vs. Krble.
Continued by agreement.
'Geo. Flctcher Dodd vs. Dodd.
C. H. Holcomb appointed guar.
dian for Earl Dodd. Default of
John L. Dodd , Sai1da E. Dodd ,
May E. Fields and Chas. Fields.
Tnal had. Partition of prbmises
granted. Armour appointd
referee to make partitiDn. . . .
William E. Jakcway vs. Smith.
Case settled and dismissed.
Alpha Morgan vs. Wright et
al. Contin ed or service on ap.
plication of plaintifT. H. A.
Moore granted lcave to be made
party dcfendant with leave to
IIenrv Wan I Moore vs. Moore.
Frcd ummings substituted as
def ndant by consent. Order
directing referce to make sale of
property vacated aud set aside.
A. G. Bagley vs. Baker et al.
Ddault of al defendants , except
Squires and the Jones' . 'I'rial
had. Court finds due plain tilT
on mortgagc , 57,315 and 10 per
ccnt interest from date. Decree
of forc1osure ordered.
Hutland Savings Bank vs.
Hublee. Continued.
Fannie R. Davis vs. Smith , et
al , Continue .
Benj. II. Hunt vs. Smith , et al.
H. G. Moore vS. Bristol ct aI ,
Application of Edward C. Gib.
bons. Sale confirmcd. C. 14.
Gutterson , guardian , allowed 515.
Estate of Jesse J. Sidwell.
Sale confirmcd. A. P. Johnson. .
appointed guardian ad litem.
Otis E. Williams vs. Williams
J. H. Dean appointed guardiar
for minor , Gee : Williams.
Claud Sidwell V . Sidwell et al. .
I Alpha Morgan appointed guar.
dhn for Grace Sid well and Vina
: : : weet. Geo. Risle.r , Dert Jamcs
and William Andrews , made
par tics defendant upon their own
application. 'l'rial had. Dccree
of forclosure and order of sale.
Due IIomlock $565.88 aud interest -
est and due plainlitT $18.78 amI I
in terest.
Minnie J. 'Veigle's. . Weigle.
'Default takeu against dcfec.dant.
Divorce granted , Custody of
minor children , Jessie and Percy ,
awardcd to plaintiff.
Andrew Petterson . Cal.
la way. Dismissed.
Adeloede Mathews V5. l ost.
Trial had. Decree of forclosure.
Order' ' of sale.
Jas. G. Brenizer Y.s. Duncanson.
Sitl10n Cameron a'P ointed guardian -
dian for Warrcll D. Marcy with
leave to answer.
Application of C. F. Scott
Salisbury. 'l'rial had. Decree.
Estate of Sarah Perkins. Hess
G. Moore , appointed guardian
for minors , Viva S. Pertcins ,
Grace Baker , with leave to ans.
were Godfrey Nansel vs. McCreary.
Papcrs of referees return sale
lost. Copies ordered substituted.
Application of G. R. Russom.
'I'rial had. Application glanted.
J. I Case Co. vs. Holland. At-
tachmcnt dissolved.
Da1cota Loan & 'I"rust CO. VS.
William Kern. Sale confirmed.
Chas. E. Gi bson vs. Drad } " .
I Sale set aside and sheriff ordercd
I to return amount of bid to pur.
'Willis Cadwell vs. County.
Trial had. Court finds alfainst
plaintitT. Case dismissed at cost
of pla ntiff. PlaintifT excepts.
llizabeth ! ; G. Robinson vs. Gus-
ncr. C. 14. Gutterson appointed
guardian for minor Lewis E. ,
Willis A. , and Bcssie 1\1. Gusner.
'l'rial had. Court finds plaintiff
has paid $3,000 to protect mortgage -
gage , and that she is entitled tea
a lean for that amount.
B. S. Hodges vs. Mable .Shupp ,
et al. Court finds due plaintiff
5744. Decree of foreclosure. C.
W. Beal , guardian , allowcd $15.
Otis Williams vs. Geo. E.
Williams. W m. Pursell made
party plaintiff. Courtlinds par-
tics are entitled to partition of
premises. Decree accordingly.
Jas. Ledwich appointed referee.
Minnie B. Myers vs. Daniel
L. Myers. 'I'rial had. Court
finds in fayor ot plaintiff and
further flnds defendant has paid
alimony in full. Divorce grant-
Emma Huxtable vs. Frank
Huxtable. 'l'rial had. Court
finds in favor of plaintiff. Di.
vorce grantcd.
Chas. B. Fcssenden vs. Fannie
C. Fessenden. 'l'rial had. Court
finds in favor of plaintiff. Divorce -
vorce granted and plaintiff gi ven
custody of minor children.
Newton l'aylor vs. Village of
Comstock. 'I'nal begins. Court
finils : petition does not state facts
to constitute an action and that
plaintiff has no legal capacity to
sue. Case dismissed at cost of
Application of Hattie B. Shaf-
fer , guardian , to invest funds of
estate for minors. Court granted
application to invest S2oOO in
land descri bcel.
John Amsberry vs. Village of
Mason Citv. ' 'l'rial had. Court
finds alleg tions true. Decrce as
prayed. Cost taxed to plaintiff.
Spenccr Miller vs. Zumbrulll.
Sale confirmed. Dccd ordered.
[ i'orty days allowed for bill of ex-
Ii' . K. Mohat vs. Hutt. By di.
rection of Suprcme court fit1ll
the issue in favor of defendant.
Case dismissed at cost of plaintilT.
Wm. Hohinson vs. Robinson et
al. Motion to dismiss sustained ,
without pn.judice. Sccurity fet
co t not givcn.
Elmer P. l ohinson vs. J. W.
Snell. Motion to rctax cost
overruled. PlaintilT excepts.
Joshua L. Swopc vs. Wad ing'
ton. Motion to makc more cer.
tain sustained. Plaintiff given
20 days to file amendcd answer.
Application of Gco. O. Stimp'
son. Salc confirmed and deee' '
. ordered.
Applicat ion of Bessie MaJ
'Webster. ' l eport of sale o. .
guardian approved. Propert )
; ordcred read vertised and sold
Terms of sal modified to hal
. cash , half on time not exceedinf
( Conllnued onlaat palc. ,
. r'
Something ew
For Broken Bow
: 'Mnke purchases your at The A D V 0
and you can furnish your homo
We Give Away
Hogel's Bros.I I SilvorwHrc , Hugs
Chairs , Dinner Sets , lirrors ,
Clocks ; Book Cases , Scales ,
Chamber Sets , Sidebourds , China Closets ,
: Musicnllnstrl11nents , Etp. , l tc.
With Every TeI-Cent Purch.ase
you are given a Saying stamp and only a few of
them ure needed to entitle you to one 01' moro of
the aboyo named-and many other-bouutiful
and usetlll articles. Call at the A D V 0 store ,
Broken Bow , and invostignte. 1 will pay you.
is a vcry valuahle agent in the treatment
aud cure of Chronic Discases , especially
rheumatism , nervous eliS01'hrs , general
weakness , etc. 'l'he X-Hay has bcen
found curative in cancer , eczema and
chronic skin diseascs.
Dr. Christensen
& Bartholom.ew ,
Ofi : e in Beatty Block ,
. )
QUAKEI OA'rM ] AT4" " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . per paclmge , 13c
NUDA VINE OA'l't\U AL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 10c
SAXON OA'l'1\II AL-with dishes. . . . . . . . per package , 30c
BANNgl OA'rMEAL-with dishes. . . . . . pcr package , 30c
VIGOI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 10c
EGG.O SEE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' " pcr packagc , 10c
Dn. PRICE'S l OOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per package , 10c
SHREDDED WnIDA'1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pe.r package , 13c
MAT4TA VI1'A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pcr package , 15c
VI'I'OSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , ] 5c
RALSTON BREAKF AS'l' FOOD. . . . . . . . pcr pac1mge , 15c
WHEA'l'OSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 15c
FonCE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . par package , 13c
GHANOSE Ff4AKES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . per package , 15c
PUIU'I'AN INDIAN Ml . # . . . . . . . " . . . . . package , 10c
THA JJl Nurth Side
. -lIre Olel . .t8'r "hlcKnr JlROKgN JlOW , NI J1R.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
, . , , , , . , , , . , , , .
, , . . ,
, " . ' " . : : : IdkH.Iiiw. : : ! : : ! ' " . ' ' " , , , . ' H"i.lJJWIr'dJ' : : : ! ! : : , ' " . . . : : JinJJJ' : . " ! ! : IIJII. JtIIJ . J'l ! ' . . . " ' ' " -
r : " ' IIf" OTI ' , , " mrrr ; ; ; ; ; Jtr.ll1' : , , " " 'I" ' " ' , , ' " "I. " 'I.rpJ"1I".I ' ; ; " " : ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . " : : : ' , ! ! Hi1I'ur. ; : : : ' ' "p..iI' ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I' "j
: ( Harness ! Harness ! . '
, i jii.
; ; \
( I have about 75 sets surplus l arll1 Harness which I ' ; t ,
" .1 desire to scll b } ' May 15th. 1 will sell this harncss at from < j ;
. - - 10 to 15 per cent less than market valucs. It would pay ; ;
. . : ) you wcll to horrow the monc } ' and bu } ' thc e harness. In ; ,
I.f-- ) \
H Farm In1 pe111el1ts '
1 (
we havc evcrything- that is good , such as { >
I\ \ , . 'l'he Good BnoulI"h I idinrr t- Plow , j . " , : -
> 'l'he Good Enough Gang Plow , & : :
J I Rurc.l dge Irop Corn Planter , . ) \ .
j t 'I'he Gr tclJlng Corn Planter , $32.00. See It. 1 {
" ! 14xl ( ' DIsc Harrows , 524.00. _ l
. > All kinds of Cultivators at Lowest Prices yet heard of. < t
/ See thcm as on somc goods wc don't desire to name prices :
< > here. If in doubt of value of goods try us.
. } . . C. W. APPLE. I
\ . ; . . , .
- . ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' , ' 'I , , , ' , . . . . . . . . . II . . _ . ' .a : : : : I'1ii1II. ' ! : ! , . '
. . $ .
/1I1p1 : : " n ' n'I1i'V. : : ; ' ' . . . ' . ' " . " .n"fIf.'IIr.r.M ! : : " 'P' '
, . . . .
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -