. . There nro no whIte soldIers or po. lIce In DrltlBh New GUlnen , where the nativeB number 300,000. The govern. ment conBIBts of 0. DrlUsh ndmlnls. trator , an executlvo council and the magIstrates stationed at centers neal the coaBt. There nro 600 non-officlal whlto residents. Ga.rfield Tea is NlI.ture's remedy ror Uvcr and kidney dlseascs. Yon don't have to pump the organ to find out 0.11 the church gOB sip. THE BEST COUGH CURE When offered somethIng clso instead of Kemp's Balsam stop and consider : "Am I sure to get something ns good as this best cough cure ? It not sure , what good reason fs there for for tnking chnnces in n. mntter thnt mny have n. direct bearing on my own or my family's health 1" Sold by aU denIers o.t 25C. and 500. t , The Blues Do you have a fit of "the . I blues , " every month ? Suffer - fer from headache , back- I ache , low waist-pains , creep- I ing sensations , nervousness , irritabiJitYJ irregularity , or any disorder of your natural I functions ? Such symptoms show that you suffer from I I one of the diseases pecuJiar . . , to women. Don't procrasti- ; nate. Take 1 , E CARDUI WOMAN'S RELIEf Mrs. Sarah G. Butts , of White Plains , Ya. , writes : HCardui is certainly a panacea - \ cea for suffering women. I , , was sunk in despair. Death is no worse than the pains I suffered periodically. Nothing - ing relieved me , until I took , Cardui. Now the pains \ , ha ve gone , and I am stronger - , . . ger than in 5 years. " T ty it for your troubles. At nIl DruB Stores . C13 , - . . " ' . - 50 % r OHE OREA 1 FROM SAME COWS. Don't accuse yom' cows of being , unprofitable. Give them 0. squnl'e deal and they will pay : rou well. If J'ou arc not using n. centrifugal cream separator from 20 per cent. to GO pel' cent. of J'our cream is thrown nwuJ' with the sldmmlllc -just wastcd-nnd the . cows nceused of not earn- _ ' jng' their feed. In addition - \ tion your own time and 1 ' Inbor are being wasted. . Why not gut 0. DE . , \ , LA VAL cream separator , stop thes'C I \ lealcs , o.nd double your profits. A DE , LA VAL machine mny be boug'ht u on , such liberal terms thntit will more tRnn ' . enrn its cost while yon are paying for " it nnd still be good for 20 ye rs more , of clear profit use. As compared with " , J other sepal'ntors thc superiority of the , ' . ' DELAVAL.isseen in the fact that over "I " , , 700,000 DE LAVAL muchines , ten times " the number of 11.11 others combined , have been sold to date. You may lmve nmplQ trial of n. DE LAVAL frec of 11.11 cost. . Now is tIle time to get 0. DE LAVAL while cows lire mnking the lnrgest product , and savings count biggest. Write to-day for free entalog'uo and full particulnrs. THE DE LAVAL SEPARATOR OOt Randolph & Canal Gis. I 74 Cortlandt Streel CUlCAC O NEW YORK TWENTVFIVE BUSHELS OF WHEAT TO TilE ACRE I ' Means a pro. , . ttN due ti ve ca. 51 Q pacity In dol- " . . . tt iI nN1 ! . ' lars of 0 ve r f } , . : ( i $16 per acre. " 'l'hls on land which has cost the tanner noth. Inl : but the prlco of tlllInl : it. tells its own story. The Canadian Government gives absolutely i , free to every settler 100 acres ot such land. " Lands ndjolnlnc can be purchased nt tram t6 to $10 per acre trom rnllroad nnd other corpor' atlons. Already 1115,000 tanners trom the United States have mnde their homes In Canada. For pamphlet "Twentieth Century Canada" and al1infonn tlon apply to Supt. of Immlgra. tlon , Ottawa , Canada , orto tOllowlpC authorized I Canadlnn Government Agent-V" . V. Dennett , \U \ : 601 New York Lito Dulldlnc , Omaha , Nebraska. , ( Mention this paper. ) Big Interest On Your Money All 1 > rofi ts patti In dlvl < 1ends. Others have made one hundr'd 1 > cr eont. In snme buslnesll. Sure Income tor life-and valuable legacy for faulily. Heal cstate deeded to Philadelphia trust company tor proteotlon of InveAtors , Uenutlfullyl11ustrated booklet and l'Iaper frl'e , Wrlto nt on'o , J. L. and D , Co" Vept , 7':5 : Druxelllulldlnl : , Pblladelphlu , ! ) a. : I ; : : lh } Thompson's Eye Water . . t - , . . , DISASTER ERASES CLASS DISTINCTION EARTHQUAKE.AT SAN FRANCISCO - CO PLACES RICH AND POOR ON SAME LEVEL. SIDELlOHTS ON THE OREAT CATASTROPHE W1lionnJro and Pauper Now FrIends -Duslness Doing Conducted Amid the Ruins-Heir to Wealth Dorn on Sidewalk. _ I San FranciBco , Cal.-'rhls town IB I "on the loveI" In every sense of the I word , writes Richard Barry. You can I ntnnd Tar nnd Telegraph on tlat see I hill with no obstruction but a few 1 skyscraper skeletons. South of Van I NeBs avenue It is noL oven a junk heap. ! No moro ghouls are Bhot becauBo there I is nothing to steal , nnd they will hayo to pay JUen to carry off the smnBhed i brlclts. Husslan , 'I'elegraph and Nab : hills , which formerly made SUCh ! a magnificent metropollt.nn saddle , against the Golden Gate , loolt ns they : do In the prints of ' 4D , when scrubby I bUBhes rnmbled across tnelr bnrren I faces. They haTe been Bcraped of foul I and mlr by a mighty muck ralte. The I homes of threefourths of the people are annlhllateI ( , and ns one walles I through the desolation he slowly real-I Izes that the world cnn never Imow I what has happened ; that 100 Pompells would bo swallowed In theBe ruins and ; that CaUCornla In trugedy , as In all I . else , has shalten her jaunty flst In the face of history and written "finis" to I the , 'olume. Social Distinctions Leveled. Yet these smashed buildings and desolate - elate streets do. not present the slg- olficmt lovollng. The materlnl loss Is great , but it does not Btngger the Imag- Ination. A .few hundred millions w1l1 mend thc hurt and there are mnny people - plo hero to-day who thlnlt the shalee- up Is worth the lovollns. Society IB on the ground , face to fa co. Every artificial barrier Is swept awny. ' 1'he I social distinctions built up In 50 years have been obliterated with the' same , swiftness and finality shown by the fiames toward the property. The loss of life Is small , the lOBS or social position - tion colossal. 'Down to the elements , now nothing counts but human loss. Money has momentarily lost Its purchasing - chasing power. Servants , luxury , habIts - Its , preBtlge-yes , amlt " , fcuds , hatred , jealousy and contempt have disap- peared. Humanity Is In the hut and every ono Is on the lovel. lIero are a few random Incidents piclted from the edge of the cataclysm : Fillmore street , a third-rate metropolitan - politan artery , has become for the moment the business center of the town. Here , In dinky bnlerI s , cheap candy stores , tawdry photograph galleries - leries nnd nslguifiuliuL lodging nouses , are found all that If ! left of the greatest - est business Institutions on the Pacific - cific coast. A sawm1l1 that formerly employed 4,000 men has Its ofIlcc In a hall bedroom that used to runt for one dollar a week. A balwry that employed - ployed 300 carts before the flre Is operating - erating out of a hand laundry that was run by three women. The largest de- pnrtment store In the west Is being resurrected from a sOdn , water stand that has been roughly Imrtltloned , the front 14 by 16 feet space being used foranoffice. Ina rear roomof similar extent - tent the excluslvo heads go for frl- jeles and coffee warmed over an alcohol - cohol lamp. Odd Qunrters for City Officials. You can see the chief of police In ; an Francisco ns easl1y as you could see the sheriff of the most backwoods : ounty In ArIzona. He Bits In the window of a cornel' grocery and as you pass on the sldewallt you glance at his bright face and hear his hearty laugh. The mayor Issues his orders ! rom the lodge room of a secret so- : Iet : ; . The superior court Is being neld In a Jewish synagogue , while the : lty and county records are burled In L tomb In the Masonic cemeter " . The newspapers thr.t on co occupied he principal skyscrapers In the elty are being operated from four little rooms In the sarno blocle , no one of which has moro than a : lO-foot front : lr a 50-foot depth. On one sldo of each room you can see the sign "Sub- , crlptlon Der1\rtment , " on the ether 'Advertising IJepartment , " while on each rear wall Is hung a rough sign , "Edltorlal Department. " One Newsp\per Office 1Bedroom. . One of the most fortuna.e papers , Lfter much maneuvering , has managed to commandeer a second-tloor bedroom - room , the nature of whose previous Dccupants Is attested by the notice still lU\llGlng from the chandelier , which rendB , "Don't DIow Out the Gas. " In thIs tiny room , around two small tables , IB congregated the : our- nallstic tnlent that formerly conducted world-famous organ from a suite of 15 roomB In ono of the most magnificent - cent buildings In the west. 10,000 Acres Burned Over. A well-lmown Oaleianil englneor states that the area dovaBtated by the fire In San Francisco' approximates 10- 000 acres , or about 15 Bquare mllm ! . There nro few clUes In the world where so much valuable property Is contained In an equal territory. Within this 15 square miles were nearly 100 banks , some of the finest buildings In the world , thousandB of mercantllo an ( I manufacturing eltnbllshments , Ilnrl moro thnn 230,000 Inhabltnnts , besides 40,000 tranBlonts , . It further proot wr. . . oeede(1 of the lovellng harncter Ot conditions It might 1110 been Eleon ) "csterdny aClor- 11oon. when "MIIo" D9 Young , of the Ohronlcle , millionaIre and IJollttco.l lender , stood In front of ono of these lIttle offices. Down the street In nn nutomoblle bOlongltg to ex.Mayor Jnmes D. Phelan came Abe Rouf , the triumphant Republlcnn boss. When ho snw Do Young ho wnved hlB hnt and called out IL hearty greotlng , tu whIch De Young reBponded with a gny snlute. For one not intimate" with Snn FrnnclBco to fully r'enllzo what this means he mllst bo told thnt Rouf. Pholan nnd Do Young are the respoc- tlve lenders of the mOBt blttor nnll nntagonlstlc political factions in the west. If ) "Ou still doubt that the ml11cnlum is upon Us go down the street two blocles to where the relief commlttco iB worldng 24 hours a day from the : showroom of a , 'egetnhlo grocer nnd ) 'ou will find Go.vln McNnbb and Abe Reuf with chairs and armB touchln , Inughlng nt the same grim enrthqunke joke : ! and putting the two craftiest hends in San FranclBco together for the Immedlnte relief of the affilcted. A wcelt nGo ns the bosses respectively - ly of the Republlcnn and Domocratlo rnnlts , Amerlcn could hnve afforded no more strlJdng Instnnce of deadly tlvalry : thnn would have been adduced by mention of these two names. Resurrecti g 0. Dry Goods Store. From another clgnr Btand whlto- haired , esthetle Raphael Wen Is resurrecting - recting the mOBt fnshlonablo dry goods store In the city. Ho Is old , wealthy nnd practically retired. He could easily turn his back on San Francisco nnd llve the rest of his days , the ono other plaeo of his delight ; but says he : "I shaH stay here and Bee It all up again JUBt as It was-with porhal)9 one difference , It will be nbout twice ns good. " Up and down all the streets ono can Reo curbstone fireB , wllOre the peo. pIe are cookIng tholr mealB In obedl. ence to the municipal order to light no fires In the hOtises. They being without largo rnnges , small kitchen stoves , Improvised sheet Iron ovens nnd the old brlclt Dutch ovens aroused used nnd from which are turned out some wonderful concoctionB. Most of the servants have elthor run nway or been sent away and the people - ple who get their own meals out of doors are among the beBt In the city. Cooldng their dinners In the streets may be Been girls who hnve been edu. cated nt Stnnford , Berkeley. Vnssar and Bryn Mnwr. Spreckels Hell' Born on Sidewnlk. But or all the nstoundlng leveling feats accomplished by the fire and earthqualee the most remarlmhlo oc. curred In front of the Pacific avenue home of Rudolf Sprecleels , son of the president of the sugar trust. ' 1'hero on the sldewalle , behind some screens , 1\Irs. Spreckels wns safely delivered of a handsome and health - son. It Is a free state , everyone beginning over ngaln , rich and poor allIte. just as the front ranlc brolco from the line the da " Oklahoma territory was opened to settlement. Not Fnir Shake : Stttrt Agnin. Young men who can swing n small capital to-dny wlII be millionaires In a few years. l\lllllonalres who to"day nre walltlng the streets mourning o\'er their Ill"luck will nevOl' agn1n IJC flush. San Francisco , Queen city of chance , born of the gambling fever , bred of tbe gambling energy , dreamed out of a gambler's visions of weal and glory , with a fierce and terrlL grandeur , has smitten all who loved her and said to the half million who had sworn by her : "It's 1\ot a fair shalco ; start again. " ' Rescue Insane People. Many storIes of heroism 110 burled In the rulnB , but some tales that malto the heart tingle are slowly filtering through official sources. 'I'hls Is the story of the noble work performed by Mrs. Kane , matron of the Detention hospital , and Policeman John McLenn , who was d - tailed there the nigh t of the great earth- Qualte. 'fhe Insane patients at the ruined city hall were I < CIJt In loclccd cells , from which only the ltoys of the stewards could free them , At the hour of dawll on that fatal \Vellnesday morning , till } Btructure In which the courts wore housed was the tlrst to fall. The weight tense nervous energeney and the oU1cor the delentlon hospital , which was on the ground floor. Steward Man vllle wa so badly Injured by the Call1n ! ; ruins I that he died two da 'd lator. Mrs. Kane and Policeman McLean , however , managed - aged to rush outsldo to momentary safetJ" . Both of them are welladvunco < 1 In years , but the nurse Is 0. . woman of Intense - tense nervous energy and the oUlcer Is 0. . nan of giant frame. As soon as they reached the Ollen court thor were greeted - ed by the tCl'l'lfied shrleles of the Insane that pierced through the smoltlng ruins around. They refused to leave their helpless charges , and both went bacle Into the chaotic debris. New Buildings Are Plnnned. The work of rebuilding San Fran. cisco will proceed rapidly. Mrs. Herman - man Oelrlchs of New York hns agreed to repair the Rlalto building and to build Ilaln ! on the site of the Cmssley. She and her sister , Mrs. W. K. Vanderbilt - bilt , Jr. , hayo also stated that they will lJUt up Bolld ofIlce structures on their Montgomery street site. To Ask Loun of Congress. Congress may bo asltcd to approprl. ate $100,000,000 to rebuild a new metropolis on the l'aclfic coast on the I site of the devastated city , the money 'I to be loan"d on reat estate security ' tor 25 years ILt two per cent. per an- I num. I ThlB project , It Is said , will ho laid before the president nnd the leaders lof hoth p01lt\cal \ prUes in conress ! by I Herbert Laa San Frnnclsco capital. , after n ( 'onferellce with tbe lead- ling huslneS3 : lHIU 'Jf the city. . , . . ' " , - BUltGljAlt IN llOilEl\lIA \ There were four studios on the tep IIoor-doublo studios In the front and at the back , BIngle studIos in between , rho middle studios had skylights anll no windows. In the firet was the Spanlnrd. In the second was the Ufe glar. glar.At At least thnt wns whnt they cnlled him-tho burglar , NobodY know who ho was or where ho came from , so the other tenants concluded that that was whllt ho was. Ho had had th Btudlo tor months. A few had hnll peeps into It when It was boln cleaned , tor bo was rnther 1\ neat burglar nnd inslstod upon : lenn11n ss. They wore astonished at the luxury of It. at the hangings , the tap strles-there were even tallestrles. It was aBtonlshlng to see 0. burglar with so much taste. " 1I0 mUBt have about $400 worth Ql' BtUn : In there , " ' hlsllerel the Spnn. la\'d In awe , his studio bolng very IJlnln , "Ho stele It , I reclton , " salll the artist who occ'upled the studio In the bac1e. "Wo might decorate oUt's in the snme way If wo would , " he added , wIth Bomo moroseness. It scorned rather IntoreBtlng , Il1l.vlng. . ( \ burglnr under the same roof. The woman artist in the front studto l1s. teneI eagerly to tales of this lll 'Bterl. OUB person told In whlBIcrS In the twi. light or tbo candlelight and hid her diamonds In u dlrteront vlaco every night. She doul.Jle loclted her doors and felt her hnlr rlBo slowly at each footstep. It wns lovely , she told her ! frIends. "I have 'Dovor Seen him , " said the Spaniard , , "but I bear him como In over ) " night nt about three In the morning. " Sure enough , sovernl nights atbout that hour the woman was wl\ttenClI by the stealthy tread of cautious feet. "Tho burglarl" she wblspered. "I have never seen him , " snld the artist In the back room , "but I have heard him cough. Ho Bleeps aU day , :1 : thlnle. Ho never goes out unUl nrter 'dnrlt. " Of course ) 'ou couldll't expect nny. thing else of a real burglar. Yet It seemed strange that he should cnre. lessly give nwuy his whereabouts by a cough. Still , the woman artist con. cluded thnt , c11mblng ever tin roofs and up and down fire escapes , 0. bur. glar was as liable to colds as any. body , and let It go at thnt. And theh one night nfter four weeks pr so of 11vlng under the BaDle roofl she came upon him. It happenell in thts wlBe. SIre was often Invited out to lIttle parties , vhere they whooped It up and stayed nntU all honrB. She had dressed herself - self In her llrottlest atld gone to one of these. It was nenrly three a. m. when she got home. It was alwa's too Into for anybod ' to gaze Ullon her when she came home In a cab , she refiected moocllly as her escort ceremonlousl " helped her out. Nevel' in her society oxlstence in New York whcn Rhe hnd been brought homo In cnb or dc\'ll wagon had there been a soul to stnnd admiringly to see her alight. She let herself In at the front door and IJelan lo ascend the half dark &talrwny. She hnd cllmhed up to the Eecond Inndlng when she heard an. other night latchlwy InBert ItBelf in the front door. "The burglnr ! " she panted , hand to heart. She fell on the top step , plclted herself - self up and hurried nlong the hnll all In her whlto dress nnd slippers. Footsteps sounded back of her , stealthy footsteps thnt she seemed to leno" ' . "Ho Is our own specldl burglar , " she thought to herself. "Maybe ho won't rob a woman who JIves on the sarno floor with him. " Nevertheless she clasped her hand to her only Bunburst , and was very glad that her gloves were on , so he couldn't Bee her rrngB. The last flight of stairs ! The foot. steps following , following ! Coming nearer and nearer nnd nearer ! : The last halt ! She toole to running along thlB hall. She inserted the leey In her door and looked wlIdh' back over her shoulder as slio was about to open It. She forgot to open It , looltlng bacle over hel" Bhoulder. She Btood percct. ly stIlI , 1101' hand on the l.cJ' , tor there coming lulctlJ. ] UIJ the last stairs and advancIng Into the last hall was a man In evC'ning dress who were white gloves. With a smnll white gloved hand ho fitted the leey In the door to the bur. glar's studio. He fiashed a broad ex- panBe of shirt front for a moment , then entered. , "That burlar ! of yours , " she told the others dlsusteilly ! when morning had come , "Is no burglar nt nIl. Ho's only society man.-N. Y. Sun. Commits First Crime In Century. According to a story from Paris , no man Is too old to begin a life of crime. Theft of a pa.lr of wooden shoes was charged agalnBt the prisoner. An In. vestlgatlon revealed that the man wns more than 100 years oJd , having been born In Juno , 1805 , nnd thnt he had never before , through his long life , been accuBed of crime. He was ro- leaBed by the judges nnd a collection was taken up in the courtroom for his benefit. Jailed for College I > rnnk. Vormlllon , S. D.-In the distrIct court hero Elmer Johnson and Richard Drueschweller IJleaded ( ; llllty to the charge of rson and wcru sentenced to five years In the ponltentlary. The ) 'oun ! { men , who were unlverBIt . 8tu- dent , fired three old buildings here laBt summer aud said they did It to Improve the aDDoarbnco of tbo town. , . . , . , . . - - - - " Librarian's Costly Error. r Forty 'enrs after the Dodlelan 11.\ \ brnry at Oxford hnd rccelvOlt 0. copy of th first folio Shapespearo-Ull\t Is to Rny , In 16M-tho lIbrnrlnn of that Institution , clearlnr out Bomo "supor. fluous books , " dumped the first tollo htho lot nmI nCCclJted $120 tor the parcel. Now the Bodleian hns 0. chance of buying It baclt again-tor $16,000. In a Pinch , Use ALLEN'S FOOT.EASe. A powder. It cureB p'\lnful , smart. ing , neryous feet nnd Ingrowing nalts. It's the grea + est comfort tllBcovory of the nce. Mnke ! ' ! It"W RhoOR CMY. A certnhi cure for swoaUn I feot. Sold b . all drumlsts , 25c. TrIal pncltngo , FlUtE. AddreBs A. S. OlmBted , Lo Hay , N. Y. , College Girls nnd Frankfurters. The collega girl Is a lover of that peculiar deloetnblllty , traultfurtor aausnges. Ono ot her favorite moth. ndB of conBumlng them Is to boll thom in her challng dish [ 11111 Bervo thom up nB the piece do reBlstnnco wtth ollvoB nnd cronhlCll potatoes. Another way Is to broil thom on hnt. pins ever the gns. Smottors nppreclnto the quallt } . vnlllo of Lewis' SIIIklo : Hinder cl llr. Your denIer or Lowls' l' uctOl'y , Peorln , Ill. A man never renllzes what ( \ small potato ho Is until his wOlIdlng dny rolls around. 1\11'11. Wlnllow' " I'IIIothlnl ' : A.ro1' . ! for children toetbnlt ! , 10fiODt tbol1l1U1 , rodncol too UammaUon , allaytl'aln , curOI wind ( .ollu. 250 a boWa. DiseaBo alwnys nHnclts the wenle. cst spot , whlclIs porhnps why so mnny ! ; et a cheM In the hend. Thel't ! h mora CAlarrh In tbll eollon ( It the tOuntry than all ether ,1I ea'oll'u togelher , and nn1ll the la.t 1e"ll' yean " , as aUPPoAod to bo tocurable. 1"or II grOit tnany yearl docton Nunouncfdlt " localdl.eaae and prucrlbed local rDllledlc. , ano1 by con.UlIlIy 1alllni to oure "ll'lth locat IreMlllfnt , pronollncfd It Ineurabl . Bctenco baa pronu CAlarrb 10 bo a con.1I1ullonal dll' ule and tberefore requlreaconlUtnllonallrealment. nall" Catarrh Cure manUfactured by 1".J Cheney ' " Co. , Tolfdo , Ohlo./I / tbe ouly COIIAllluUonal cure on tbe market. It II taken Inlfrnanylndolol from ID dropi o II leMl'OlIIful. It acil dlruclIy on tbe blood and mucoul ollrfacu Of Ihe ly.lulII. They offer one hundred dollar. for Any co.e n fan I to cure. Ben. ! tor clrculan IInd leaUmonl"IA. AddruAI } < ' , J. C1mNI \ ' " CO. , Toledo , OWo. Sold by DrulIKhlo , 75c. Taka lIall'l l"amnyl'1II1 for cOOltll'ation. The toper who mixes his beverages belloves that It Is never too'lato ' to blcnd. Garfield Tca the herb laxath'c , is mild , effccti\'c , hcalth.giving-a fRuitless prep. I1rntion. t curcs eOllstil1 tion. Patlenco Is. a lIearl that Is orton found \tIlprollllsll1 wnters. READ AND YOU WilL lEARN That thl' ! Icalllnt ! medlcnl wrltor:1 nnd teachers o { all the so\'el'l\l schools o { practlco ond'Jr o 111111 I'flnmmCJlll , , In the strongest . terms pnsslbl't'al'h 111111 every Ingl.udlent entIJrln Into thu COmloslUon ) o { Dr. Plercn's Gullion h'llll'ni Dlscovcry for the cmu o { weal , : : Ilomnl'll , Ilyspollsln , catarrh o { stOlnal'1l , "lIvcr complnlnt , " torpid liver , or blllonsnp : : J. chronic bowel nffectlons , ntHl all CllllIl'f11lt1 diseases o { whatever rl'JlolI , nnmo 01' nature. It Is also a spccllll' romptly { or 1111 l\ll'h ( 'hronlc or lonl { stullllhll I'IIS"S of calal'1'hlll nlTec- tlons IInd thph' rl'sultllnls , liS llrollchlal , throat anll hlll 11I C1ases ( OXCl'pt consumption - tion ) accompallied wllhU'pru ! cou h8. It Is not so Rood fOl' acute coltls I1nd COURh8 , but for IIngl\"lng , or chl'ollic cases It Is especll1l1y 011lcllclous In prt1lluclng Ilor. fect cures. It contains lilacl , Chorryhark , Golden Seal root , 1IIoO\ll'Oot , Stone root Mnndralo root nml Queon's root-all 0 , which nro hlghlr IJral5ed ns rOll1ellles for all the nbovo montlolled nlJectlons b ) ' such omlnent ml'dlcal writers nnd teachers as Prof. Bartholow , o { .1elTorson 1\Iell. Col- lCfo : ; Prof. 11111'0 , or the Unlv. of } ) I1. ; Prof. 1'lnlor ! Elllnwood ! , t. D. , of ] len- nett l\ted. \ Collee ! , C'lh'aljo ! ; Prof. .10hn KII % J\l. D. , Illto of Cincinnati ; Prof. , John , 1\1. SCml < lerj : \1. U. . late of Cincin- natl ; Prof. Edw n ; \1. lInIn. 1\f. D. , of 11l1hnOllll1l1n 1\led. Collrgn. Chlcugo , nnll ! 'corl's ' or others cllIlIlIy ( IJnlllent In their sovernl schools o { ' . 'rho "Goldon Mel leal Uscoverr" ! Is the only medicine lIut 1111 for 111110 through druggists { or lllto IJl\rposes \ , thllt hns any slIch 1JrofcH81oJlnl On Ol"Sellll1nt - worth moro than nnr nllmhm' o { ordinary tostl. monlnl . Open pllbllcltr o { Its forllluin on the lIottlo wrIlllpcr Is the host posslblo Hual"llntyor Its merits. A glance at this published formula will show that "Golden Medical Dlscoven" " contnlns no polson. ous or hnrmful n ( ! nts anti no I1lcohol- pure , trlplo.roflned ! { Iyccrlno bellllt IISOI hlltcad. Glycnrillo Is entlroly unobjectlonahlo amI heshlos Is a most usoul III retlhmt In the cum o { all StOIll- ach liS well us hrollchllll , throat ami lung nfToctions. ' 1'111'1'0 Is the hlho ! t medlolll authority { or Its use In 1111 such CIIles. ' 1'ho "DI covery" Is IL concelltratpcl glyc- eric extract of nntl\'e , me lclnal roots and Is sarn I1n(1 ( rollllilin. A 1100l < lot o { ox tracts from I'mlnullt , medical authorlllol , endorslll ! ; Its IIIJro- dlent 1II11111J(1 ( fret : on requcst. Address Dr. H. V. I'lerco , ] Iul1'alo , N. Y. PATENTS ior PROFIT mUlt tully protect . nil IlInntloll , Hooklet nn DeAk C:1\1 : 11I1"r I.ltlt : : . Jlhhett rcferullcc , Commun"'ullou8 " conlhlcnllnl. 1'arnblhhCll' ; 1M" ! , I1UOD , Fenwick & : Ll4wrenco , WlllhingtoD , D. U. " ' . N. U. . Omllhll. Net. 18-1000. . THE GREATEST [ 000 The most perfect food that hns ever been prepnred Cor man , woman and child Is DR. PRICE'S WHEAT FLAKE CELERY FOOD It Is absolutely clean , pure nnd wholesome. All thnt is needed to do Is to make n Cnir test of its merits by nctualuse. You will In this way discover for yourself the benefits to be derived. 'fho s'stem's needs are satisfied , ns It contains the Inrgest nmount of nutrients necessnry Cor the malntenallco of health and liCo. No breakfast Coed cnn compare with it. Pnlatablo-Nutritiouo-Ensy of DIJo Uon : md Ready to Eat Can bo served hol. Put In a h t even for n 'ow ' minutes ; or cook In bolllna milk io a mush. i . FO Y m 1 , , t. r : I n. II Juu , ' . , . . oC 1J.utl lootO B ignam SqUS MANY PHYSICIANS PRESCRIBE Lydia E. PlnklJan' s VfllIolab/o Oonporilfd TIle wondertul power of Lydia E. Plnlchnm's VeA'etnl110 Compountl over the ( U8en8es of womnn1dlul is not because - cause it Is n. stimulant , not. beeo.u80 it , is n pn1llnttvo , but simply bccnt160 It is the most wonderful tonlo o.nd fecon- structor ever ( U8covercll to net. directly upon the generntive organs , posltivoly curing dlscuse and rcstoring lleo.lth nnd viA'or. Mnrvolous cures nro reportetl from nIl pl\rls ot the country by women who ll ve been curcd , trnlned nurscs who hnve witnessed curcs nntl physicIans who have ft'coA'nlzcd the vlrtuo of Lydln. E. Pinlthnm's Vcgctnblo Compound - pound , nnd are 11111' cnough to give. cretllt where it Is due. If physicIans dnrc to 110 fro.n1c nud oponhumlretls of them would nclcnowl- cdgo thtLt. they constnnt1 . prcscrlbe. Lytltn. E. Pitllchnm'R VCA'etnhlo Compound - pound in severe cnses ot fcmnle 1118 , oa ther lcuow by experience it. can O ro- Bel upon to effcct 0. cure. The follow- ing' letter proves it. Dr. S. 0 , llrighnm , of 4 Drlgluun lar1c , Fitchburg , Mass. , wrHes : lilt givcs mo rent p1t'Rl\lro to nay tllnt I Ilnve tnulld Lydlu B. I'Jl1l.hnm's Vogolabla COlnp < ? uncl 'Vory cmcnclolls , nnd often ' 8crlho it in Jll ' "rnetll-O tor femnle dl 1cul l'r . " 1.1) . otdost I " nllghtor fonnd It very beno - elnl torn tl1lnulotrollblo Rome time uloJlUldmy youngcost dnughtor Is now tllkln it ror 1to. . mille wenkncss , nnd Is Burely gtUlIJII { ; In hcn1th nnd stroll1th. "I trooly Rllvocnto it ns n most rollnblo fIP.O" ( 'Iflo In nU ItiSCIlSC'1I to which women nro BUb- joct , nnd Slvo it honest CndOl'50111ent. " Women who nro trouble wIth pnin- fu1 or irregulnr periods , bloaLtng ( or flatulenoy ) , wenlmcRB of orgnns , dls- placcmen Ls , inflnmmatlon oruleerntion.l can bo restored to perfeet hco.llh anCi strong'th bytalc1ng Lydia.E. Pinleham' , Veg'otnble Compound. If mlvlco Is noelled write to Mrs. 1'inlchllm , nh Lynn , Mass. She fs ( Inughter-ln-laW' ot Lydln. . 1'lnltha1lnnd for twenty. five years hns been Ildvistng sick women free of chargo. No other livlnlr perSOn 1mB had the bellcfit of . wider experience in trenting fC1D 1 Ills. She has guided thousands t henllh. Every liuffcringwomnn should Rste for ntHl follow her ntlvicu Jf 1 10 wants to be strong nud well. ' That Delightful Aid to Health axt 1tt Toilet Antiseptic Whiten/ ; the teeth-purities month and breath-cures nasal catarrh , flOl'e throat , sore eyes. and by direct ) \ CUres. all inllamcd , n \ cerated and , catarrhal con llions cau5ed by- fcminine ills. Paxtinc pos esses extraordinary cleansing , healing and gertm- cidal qualilies unlike anything- " else. J\t all druggists. So ccnts. LARGE TRIAL PACI AGE FRBR Thp R. Paxton Co. , Boston. Mass. . W Ii l. DOUCLAS $3.50 & $3.00 SHOEStrE ' w. L. Douglas 54,00 Cllt Edge Llno. cannot bo oqualled atony prlco. i\.OOUGLo1s 5HOES ALL PRICES .rO'F 'i .L. o " 'If . 'E"oS' . . . . .o l. ' ; IoS' IoS'oS' oS'l'3 l'3 fSTABUSHED .JULY 6. 1616. CAPITAL $2.500.00 W. L. DOUGL'r. MA/CES & SELLS MORl ! MEN'S $8.fjJ SIIOE.OJ T/MN AI/YOTHER MANUFACTURER TilE. WORLD. $1 0 000 nEWAnD 10 anyone who ean J disprove this statement. tf I COIIIl ! tllke YOllll1to mv three large fuctorle. at Uruckton , II1I1SS" 011I1 show YOII the I"tlnlto care with which every pnlrof shoes Is malle , you wOIIIt realize why W. I. . ! S .l.S0 sl1oeo ceRt morc to milke why they 10111 their shnpe. fit better , wear , onger , unll lire of greater Intrinsic valli. , th. . " IIIIY other $ J.SO I'hoe. W. L. DouD/n. Sirono Ml1.do Shoo. ( ' ) , . . Man , $2. O. $2.00. DoYtJ' So/.ool & I DrcsBShoos$2.60$2$1.7fjI. l , CAUTION.-ll18lat 111'011 huvlnl : W.I..Doug- 11\8 Hho"H. ' ! 'lIku 110 sllhRtltlltO. NOllo Ronulu. without his 111111\0 1I11 < lI.rlco stnlllpoll onl. ottolD. . FaJt Color fyelefs , ed : thel ) will /lot wear brasllj . . Wrlto tor llluHtmtml C"llIlo ! : . \v. : r. . uouor.AS , IIrucldun , 1\11111. . " , r" oS'lgnaturo ' on Or/ 'lOll ; : 90 . . .c.ef Dr. Price , the famous food expert , the creDtor of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder , Delicious I J1lavorlng JxtrDctl , Ice Cream HugDr and Jelly Desserts , has never been compelled. 1I0twlthbtandln etrenuous Food laws to chDIIio : DI1Y of his products. 'Ehey have alway. Icol orm04 to their requirements. Th , s Is DD abllolute cuarantee of their quality IIDd [ lunt7.