r TmS IN NEBRASKA " .EVENTS OF IEST ; : OF MORE , : ) an LESS IMPORTANCE. t - THE'YEAR WAS NOT A GOOD OUE I .Burllngton's Net Earnings Show a ' Decrease In Compnrlson With Form. ' 'or Perlod-Democrntlc State Con. , ventlon to Meet In Lincoln Aug. 16. - Burllnton ! Report Flied. UNCOLN - NotwUhstntllllng the 'great prosllorlty In Nobraslm IWrlng Lho In.st 'ear the Burlington rallrorul did not male IlR much money In this stale ns It did the 'ear IJrovlous. This , , year , as shown In Us report flied wUh 1.ho secretary of the State BOlml or I . . Assessment , Its net earnings In No- f braslm amounted to only $6,396,768.12 , or only $2OGG a mlle for over ) ' milo , , main lIne and hranch In the Atate. Last 'year It mule on every mlle It owned i In the slalo the sum of $ : ! ,210 ! a mile. No reason Is gl\'en for this slump in Its earnings. Its gross earnings In , Nehrailcn amount to $ l ,8G3,060.28 , from which arhltrary allowance ot I road east of the rIver on freight huslness , amounting to $ I,776G62.76 II must ho deductcd , ICII.Vlng a tolal gro.3S earnings of on1) ' $14,8G,397.63. The road sIJent In oporatlng expenses 1n tills state the sum of $8,22,1,049.60 , whllo Its t.'LXCS paid and taxes "ten- dowll" amounted to $ HG,1i79.81. The capital stocle of the road Is ' : $110,839,100 , and Us value Is not quoted 011 tllO marlwt , the report Sa8 , nrul has not heen on tllO market for : four ) 'cI1I's. Democratic State Convention. UNCOI.lN-T10 ] domocratlc state onventlon will meet In Lincoln Wednesday , August 16 , to nomlnato 11 full state tlclwt , InchllIng ! three Tnllrmul'commissioners. . The call does not Include the Indorsement of n can. dillato for the United States senat , but UIIs clln come up under the head of "such ether huslness as ma ) ' properly - erly como hoforo the convention. " 'l'ho 1msls of representation was flxcd at Qno delegate for every 100 vo cs or fraction thercof cast for Wl1llam O. Hastings for supreme judg . This will maleo n con7cntlon of 8GG delo- gates. Get Story of Earthquake. PLA'l'TSMOUTH-l\Irs. Isnae C cll is In rocolJt ! of n ] elter from n rela. tlvo residing nt San .Toso , Cal. , which gives some additional details of the recent earthqualto which wrought so much destruction In San Francisco and Qther near.hy towns. The writer re. ] Jorts that the handsome residence of 1\Irs. Joselh Martin qnd family , ! orm. r residents of Plattsmouth , wns torn from Its foundntlon 11Y the force of the shock nnd moved for n dlstanco or nine feet. The occupants had 0. narrow escnpo from death under fall. Ing tlmhers , hut. 'nono of them were seriously Injured. Fruit Prospccts In Richardson. HU1\f \ or.DT-Oplnlon seem to bo hanglng as regards the fruit pros- 1 } ( ct In this vicinity , amI the latost. report comes from 01 Lltlle. who Is n Tecognl ; > : ed OXIJert In horticultural mat. ters. Ho 8a's that after n careful In. vestlgo.tlon nmong the small orchards Qf the city ho finds 0. certain portion , ranging from twenty to forty per cent Qf t110 IJ\1ds arc yet In n healthy con. -dltl m , nnd ho therefore prelllcts a fnlr- sized yield with the qunllt ) ' under con. tlnued favorahlo conditions much Qet- tel' than could bo expected Ir the CrOIJ were full. Assessment Board Meets Mny 7. The Stnto Board of Assessment wJl1 moot. Mondn ) ' , May 7 , to 110gln the consideration ot the "aluo of rnllrond propert ) ' , and not on Mo.y I , nR some members of the hoard suppose1. ! The stntutes fixes the first Monday In May ns the Iay of heglnnlng , and not ! \lay 1 , as has heen frequently publlsh 1. A numher of rands which enter No- brasm over leased IIncs have fnllell to maeo nn ) ' report , though 0. penalty becomes operative after April Hi If re. ports are not In. It Is understood the penalty will not bo enforced. Will Ask Aid f1)r Doctors. LINCOI.N-Tllo homoopathlc physl. clnns of the state wJl1 ask for aid tor tilO doctors who suffered loss In San Francisco. Dr. Erlo D. WOOllwo.rd of Lincoln , president of the state asso. clatlon , wJl1 recelvo gifts. Dr. James C. Wood of UIO national nssoelatlon wlrod Dr , Woodward from ClevehUld nsltlng tor nld. Boy AccldentnJly Kills Brother. S WARD-A tatnl ncchlent oc. curred nt tllO homo of 1\1. \ J. Eicher or . 'N" township all. SUllllny. Mr. and Mrs. Elchor were away from Immo , and the two boys toole the rifle and went out to shoot at n mark. Whllo placing the target , In some unaccount- nblo wa ) ' , the rlfio was discharged and the hey Dennlo wns lt1l1ed. Farmer Suffers by Fire. TEKAMAH-Tho homo of Llewollyn Slovens , a tnrmer living about twelve miles of this place , was destroyo:1 by fire. A sewing mnchlno' wns aU that was snvod. . , Grain Company Objects. The chnelder.Fowler Elevator compau ) ' filed In the Rupremo court 0. petition objecting to the depositions talten In the case some time ngo 111111 also to nonrly all of the qu tlons asltell the witnesses. The petition cov , ers forty or tifty' Pl1gos. NEDRASKA IN BRIEP [ 'l'ho vrlntcrs of Deatrlco have or. , ganlzed 11 union. West Point gave over $500 for San l'ranclsco ufferers. A hlocl , system Is helng Installed ort the mlll'Oall nt Arlington. 1'uhllo Rchools In Nohraslcn ( lulto formall ) ' ohserved Arhor day. 'fhere Is said to ho qullo n'numbel of smalluox CIlHOS In LIncoln. 'l'he democratic state conventloIt will bo hold In ' .llncoln , August 15 , All Nebraslcn. towns did nobly In furnIshing succor to the earthlul to su rCerers. Congressman Hinshaw hns Recured nn Increase In pension fl'om $6 to $12 for Lewis . Wolford ot Yorl , . After so many unfilled vrollllseR ox. tundlng over n. number of yonrs , Bent. rice Is at last going to hava \ new Durllngton depot. Attorney McCandloss of Wymore , was In Dcatrlco nnd purchased 600 trecs to be plllnto1 ! In the varls of Wymoro. Ho selected silver poplars , elms nnd hncltherrles. 'fho I lrst Nntlonal bank of Crofton , haa heen authorlze1 ! to hegln bushleHs with $2,000 : ; cavltal. lIonry LammCl's , president : II. J. Oswald , vice presl. dent : l"ranle Nelson , cashier. L. A. lImhall , who settled In the state of 'Vushlngton In.st yenr , Is hacle In Oxford , atter spending mueh time and money In lool"ng for n better homo ti1an south.central Nebraslm. nev. A. F. Ploetz , who was pastor of the First Presbyterian church In Plnttsmouth for more thau five years , has accepted a call to the pastorate of the First Oerman Preshyterlan church In Lexington. . The state longue of local building nnd lonn I1ssoclatlons will meet In Seward onlay 2,1. neIlrCi'entatlves of lwont ) ' towns will he In attendnnce , and n committee has cC'n appointed to furnish proper entertainment. 'fho normnl quartet will leave Peru Mny 11 , for a tour lasting until May 19. They will sing at Weeping Water , and negotiations are under way for dates at Papllllonlead Vulley , Ellc. horn anll Elmwood , Whllo B. l . Day was tnltlng In corn at Weeping Water , tbo team In the elevator became frightened nnd hack. ed the wagon , nnd caught Mr. Day's right arm between the wagon wheel and the dump door , crushing the arm from elbow to wrist. Dr. Stewnrt , n veterlnnry surgeon of Beatrice , lost n vnlunble horse from strychnine poisoning. It was discovered - ered thnt someone hnd plac d the pol. son In the feed hex In the anlmnl'a atall. The ma.ttor will ho thoroughly Investigated by the authorities. Telmmnh , which voted $10,000 elcc. trlc light honds some monthR ago and which the nudltor reCused to register Iecauso the bonds amounted to 6 per cent of the nssosBed valuation of the town , will after all get the lion lIs rog. Istered nnd he permitted to sell thorn. 'l'he Curtis Darllett com pliny , suc. cessorR to the CurtlsVlln Denberg com. IlI111Y of Clinton , Ia. , has filed Ilrtlcles of Incorporation with the secretnr ) ' of state nl1l1 will do huslness In NebrnsltD. Thu firm Ilcals In lumller and It Is now running an establishment In Lln. coIn nnd In Omahn. Dr. Oeorgo Oanl1y , , a Humboldt sur. geon , cut ono of his hands qulto badly when ho attempted to 1J.l'ush his coat , and struck his hn.nd against an .0P n lance , \vhlch he had thoughtlessly plnced In his ] Jocket. The hand was cut to the bono In severnl places and caused an ugly wounl1. The Yorlt Brick company , owned and ollerated hy home callital , commenced - mencod buslnoss ono ) 'eal' ago , nnd al. though It has p1l1de thousands of brlcl , It was \1I\I1ble to fl1mllh al1 the brick thnt Yorl , hought. 'l'hls year It l\l\s \ adl1el1 to tile ] Jlnnt until It Is one of the lnrtcst In the state. Nine of the Durlington freight cars. which wore on a aldo tracle east. of tilO Missouri rh' r , opposlto PlnUsmouth , were consumed hy firo. The origin of the flro Is belloved to 11I\ve been caused hy spnrlrs 'from passing engine. It Is esthnatod that , the loss w111 not ox- eerd the Hum of $3,000. 1\1. D. Thompson , president of the Albion Nntlonal banle , Who has been confined to his hed for more than n month on account of IJIlralysl.s , started last weele. for hlIan : , the home or ! his relatives. A sloeplng cnr WI\.S : cl1l\rterolt I1nl1 Mr. 'l'hompsol1 Wt18 taltel1 the enUre jom'ne ) ' without change of cars. Jospeh Carsh , a young farmer of nellr Jlmnholdt , 111:1.do nn unusual catch a fm\ days ago when In dlsclng his field ho l1noarthod a nest of Boven young grey wovos , a I'Ipecles that Is ulmont extinct In that secllon. He too ] , the anlmnls to the county clerIc and rocelved thereon bounty of $29. . 6 from the stnte nnd county com. blned. Dulhllngs are now mpldly ( ; ClnglIJ In the now Great Northem town of Loshara. Two lumber ) 'ards , two elevators - vators , 11 hardwnro store and a hutchor shop nrc now oporllllngA oonle hItS been chl11'tered and w111 soon bo doing business. 'fho postoffice hils been established - tablished , though owing to the Irregu. III train servlc.C' , as yet mill ! Is brought from Fremont by rural dollver ' . . F.cars are entertained.b b ) ' his rellY Uves and trlel\ds In Humholdt nnd 'fl. clnlLy , that Dr. Oeorgo Tuclter , wbo I'ocentl ) . left there for Callto1'l1la , to 10. eate permanently , mny have been a "ICtl111 of the San li'ranclsco horror. UIJ to this wriling they hnvve been unnbl.o to henr from him. There Is a great domanl1 for me , chanlcs throughout this soctlon , says a Humholdt ( USIl tch , oxtenslvo 1m. )1rovlmentf ) ! ! R'OlnJ : on both In the city amI surrounding country. All carpon. ters and stone mnsons have their hanlts ful ) 1 , ' . - - , . W . . - - ; ; ; q _ REVOLT FAILS TO DEVELOP - - - - - - - PARIS STltEETB SOENES OF TUMuLT - MuLT ON MAY DAY. , Anarchists and Revolutionists Take Advantage of Lnbol' Agitntlon t.o . Oreate Disorder In Capital. l'arls.-The long-uron ed Iay ay falled to bring th : ) revolution whIch Infiamamtory jou'unls predicted , but It bl'Ought scenes ot extreme violence. 'rho labor districts , whIch thousands or troops cOlltrollt3d with lfficulty an even central portionS" of ParIs hnve tnlten on the appearance of u siege , wlili regiments ot Infantry and cavalry - ry cnlnped about tne Arc de Trlomphe , the bourse , the Bank of France an tbe great railway station , while mlll- tary sentinels pacud before banlts and private e.\Itablishments. ' . The main thoroughfares In the res- Idenllal portIon or Paris rcmaln tran- quil. In the West. end , far remove from rIotous scenCJ , people were dls- posel1 10 treat the events In the la- par q1mrtcrr. us harmless elTervescence. 'It. ' WlIs , however , l11uch more than that. 'fhrollghoul the afternoon dragoons , ropubllcan gUard and cuirassiers charged dlwrderly masses , 8weeplng the Place de ] a Uepubllque and the 1.Jload Boulevard Dc l\lagenta. Toward nightfall cavalry chargtd with drawn "words and many 1.ersons were wounded - ed on both sldos. 'fhe manifestants overturned omnlbtlses and threw UI ) basty barricades. Over 1,000 arrests were made during : 'he day. , At no time did the demonstration rtilch the mngnltude of a revolt , but wns rather a leaderless tumult , In whlrh the serious labor element , strug- gllnJ ; ior a principle , was hopelessly coufused with vlolont ngltalol's , anarchIsts - archIsts , revolulun1sts ! , roughs and a large number of the curious. ' 1'he worltmcn never succeeded In forming a processIon 01' eyen In assembling 1II0re thlln sC\\ttered bands. Their clner acllon WlS reunion of se\'eral thousands In the labor exchange , at which Ii resolution wns ndopted not to return to worlt until the eight-hour dc.r shah have beol1 accorded , TWO BANKS HAVE TROUBLE National and State Institutions , Con- tro11ed by Pitts burg Man Are Closed. PUtaburg , Pa.-Natlonal Banlt Examiner - aminer John D. Cunningham Wednesday - day closed the Delmont National bunk at Delmont , L"a. , of which James Mc- Quaide , of this city , Is preshlent , and almost at the same tlmo the attomey general's delJ1lrtment nt Harrisburg made aIJpllcation to the Dauphin coul1- ty court for a receiver for the Monon- . gnhela Vnliey bnnlt of Duqlleslle , which Is alleged to be Insolvent. Mr. McQuaide Is vice presldont of the Mo- nongahela bank and also has been conducting a chnln of nmusemNlt on- torprlses about the C01111tl' ) ' , which consists mainly of merry-go-rounds. Fire Nearly Ruln Town. Hltrrlsvl.le , W. Vn.-I < 'lre enrly But1llny morning tllreatened to wlpo out the entire town , but was sullllucd nfter causing n. loss of about $25,000. The blnze started In the National hotel - tel , destroyed that building , lIcl\Cd up the ! o'ir8t National b.\nl , hulldlng and .then burned the post office with ull Ita contents. Every available man In the .town wns called UIJon 'to fight the fiames. The only fire fightlnJ ; apparatus - ratus to be obtained wns two hand fire engines with whlrb , supplemented by a bucket hrlgade the fil'e was con- . trolled. Dullding Strike in Oshltosh. Othlwsh , Wls.-All building operations - . tions whore unlol1 mon were om- plo'rd have ceased , nl1 union carpenters - ters of the clly , allout 150 In all , going on strlko. The dtmand 18 for It minImum - Imum wage of 30 cents nn hour. W lls Mn.y De Going Dry. Elgin , Ill.-J.'ears are telt that the artnlan wells Installed In 1904 are g01ng dr ) ' . It Is asserted that at times tile fiow Is not great enough to 8upJly ) the city and that water has to be umDed dlreetly 11' < J11li'ox river. NAMES SUCCESSOR TO WITTE Former Minister of th , Interior Is Selected to FlIl I'osltion of Premier. St. Peteraburg.-Tho otllclal announcement - nouncement that PremIer Witte's resIgnation - Ignation had been accepted , coupled with the statement that former MinIster - Ister of the IntQrlor Goremykln would succeed him , was made Wednesdny COUNT WITTE. ( Emperor Nicholas ot Russia Has Ae- ceptell His Resignation as Premier. ) In view of the pub1Jcatlons of the Inst few days , tno former statement dId not come as a surprise , but M. Oorem- yltln's elevation to the premiershIp created amazement. He Is not only regarded as reactionary , but the genernl opinion Is that he Is not equal to the tasle of facIng the comIng crisis. OPERATORS OUTLINE VIEWS - - Issue Statement Regarding Causes with Led to CnIl1ng of Min- ers' Convention. Now Yorlt.ntlcllatlng the convention - vention of miners at Scranton , Pa. , the anthracite coal operators Issued a statement outUnlng their view of the negotiations In the nnthraclte field UJ to date. The object of the statement , according to Its Introductory paragraph - graph , Is "to prevent mIsunderstandIng - Ing of the situation which has led to the convention of mIners at Scran- ton. " It declares that In tno summer of 1906 the leaders of the United Mlno Worlcers found their organization rapIdly - Idly dwlndHng : that havIng obtained a large wage Increase 11.8 a rcsult of the arbitration award of the commission - sion nJpolnted ) by President Roosevelt In 1902 , tne men apparently saw no reason to continuo to pay unIon dues. It adds that on June 1 Illst. the total - tal union memberbnlIl was 38,810 out of some 170,000 employes. President Mitchell's tour of the districts , whIch , the statement sa's , resulted In In- creuslng the union memborshlp to 80- 487 , Is ro\'lewed and portions of some of the mln rs' leader's addresses are quoted. The operators nccept the commission's decision as having permanent - manent effect , except Insofar as subsequent - , sequent events hnve possibly modified. . IIctu/l.l conditions. These ) Josslblllties the operators agree to submIt to tho. . same Impartial tribunal. Soldiers Remain in Paria. Pal'ls.-The main force of the labor movement as It affects the city and the country appears to have sJent ) Itself on' Tuesday , although - though detnched movements continue - tinue to agltnte various. tra.des , requiring constnnt sl11'velllance by the police and the continued presence - ence In Paris or a conslderablo force of troops. However , the authorities , while prepared to meet any rurther widespread demonstration , no longer trCflt the movement as n serious menace - ace to the community. Amerlcnns Win Most Events. Atehns.-Tho lymplc games com- mltteo published a full Hst of the win- ners. The Americans Won 11 firsts , six seconds and five thirds out of 29 events , In many of which , however , the Amorlcans did not compete. Crossed Wires Cause Fire. Connellsvlllo , Pa.-Tho new slx- story building and stock of the Aaron Furnlturo comIlIlny was dal\laged by fire Wednesday to the extent or $85- 000. Crossed electric wires are sup- Imsed to have caused the blnzo. . ' . . " . . W FEAR OF HARD TIMES 'FRISCO HAS OAPITAL IN BIGHT ' FOR ALL NEEDS. , Work of Olearing Up Durned Section Progressing-Now Yorkers Ready to Advance Money. San Franclsco.-An Investigation , nude Wednesday demonstrated that ho fear thnt Sun Francisco will 3uffer a perIod of hard times as al1 , \ftermath ot the dlsllstrous fire Is Ul1- ounded. Cureful e9tll11ato made b ) ' .1llthorltles competent to spealt , show that within the next year there will Je over $200,000,000 available for the rehabllltlltlon of Sun Francisco. The following figures made clear where this sum Is to originate : Investment of new Geary street municipal - nicipal road , $340,000 : Homo Telephone - phone company expenditures , $1,000- 000 : Insurance losses now due and payable ( njlproxlmately ) , $176,000,000 : Unlled rnllroat1s now constructions , $9,000,000 : city bonds of 1904 , sum stili available , $17,000,000 : Ocean Shore railway , approximated expenditures here , $1,000,000 : restoration of Pacific states 'l'elophone company , $1,000,000 : restoration of governlpent hull dings , $770,000 : buildIng of sea wall , $2,000- 000. Total , $207,110,000. It Is expected that a Inrge part of this money will come from eastern and foreign cnpltallsts. In figuring the two hundred and odd million which will bo available , the Investigators - gators did not talte Into consideration the sums that may be ralsod for the beautification und Improvement of the city. city.Signs Signs of renewal of l'ndustrlnl activIty - Ity were apparent In many parts of the burned dIstricts , nnd the worle of clearing away debrIs preparatory to rebuilding was In progress In u score of places. It was said that plans forever over 30 largo buildings have been drawn , and will bo submitted to the authorities after the new building laws are promnlgated. San. Franclsco-The first definlle pToposlUon for furnIshing money on n large 8cale to Snn FrancIsco for the purpose of rebuildIng some of the burned sections was made publ1c Tnesdl1Y , when It was announced that ; : . syndlcato of No" . York eupHal1sts hat1 IIgrcod to advance $1(10,000,000. ( 'rho news cnmo in 11. telegram received by W. F. Herrin , chief counsel of the Southern Pacific , from United States Senator Newlands , of Nevada , who had a large Interest In the burn ad Palace - ace hotel. Senator Newlands stated that he hnll submitted ilie plan to New York financIers and that they had vir- tunHy consented to supply the money on a bond and II10rtgage bn.sls. The names or the New Yorle people are not given. The otter iF under discussion by the local finance committee. CONSTABLES FIRE ON MOB Foreign Minewol'kers Attack State Pollce with Stones and Receive Shower of Dullets. Mount Carmel , Pa.-The first serious - ous co1Uslon In the anthraclle coal regions since mIning was suspended on April 1 , occurred here Monday between - tween a mob of Idle mlnl' workers and a platoon of the new stnte constabulary - stabulary force , and resulted In the injuring ot probably 20 men , three of them will I1kely die. The dlstrubanco was caused by an attack on a detall of the state pol1ce by several hundred foreigners , who threw stones at the policemen and othorwlse endangered their I1ves to such an extent that they were forced to fire on the crowd. Whlle It Is bel1eved that a score of : persons were injured during the day I only ten are accounted for. Three , it Is thought , w1l1 die. Set Date for Vote. Washlngton.-The senate will begin - gin voting on the amendments to the rallroad rate bill on Friday , MIlY 4. An amendment to that effect 'was reached londay , but It proved impossible - possible to so extend the understandIng - Ing ItS to provide to have It Include the fixing of n date for taking a final vote on the bill as a wholo. Senator Tillman first prol108ell n final vote on May 9 , but Senator Morgan objected. Rockefeller's Aid Is De d. Cleveland , O.-Henry C. Rouse , chairman of the board of directors of the l\l1ssourl , Knnsas & Texas Railway - way company and llresldent of a number - ber of ether western railways , dlod hero Mondny of pneull1onla. Mr. nouso represented Mr. Rocltefel1er on the boards of a number or railway companies. At the time of his death he wns a director In at least 25 transportation - portation companies. Hope for San Francisco. San Franclsco.-An Investigation mnde Wednesda ) ' demonstrated that the fear that San Francisco will suITer n period of hard times as an artermnth of the disastrous fire Is nnt'ounded. Careful ostlmate mnde by authorities competent to speak , show that within the next year there will bo oyer $200- 000,000 available tor the rehnblUtatlon of San Frandsco. Receiver for Dond Company. Chlcago.-Judge Dethea In ilie led- oral court Wednesda ) ' granted an application - plication for the appointment of are- celver for the American Reserve Dond company. The 'Vestern 'frust and Savings bank was named. Fire in IlUnolB Town. Peoria , Ill.-Peorla was appealed to i for help Wednesday morning as the result of n fire whleh destroyed the Verry levator , the Methodist church and several residences at Arlington , In Tazowell Iounty. . . - 4 GOll FOUND GUll TV. - - - - - - - Former Assistant Cashier of First Na- tlonnl of Mllwl\l1kee Is Convicted on Wrty-Four Counts. l\1Ilwnultee.-Henry O. 0011 former assistant cashier ut the First Natlonnl bllnlt of this clly was found guilty by a jury In the United States district court SUl1d y on 19 r.ounts out of M. 'l'ho counts In the Indictments agnlnst thO' defendant on which he was found glillty relate to 1a1so entries and the' . . or funds In bani" misapplication the " n these relating to embezzlement and ' " " -a .t. , - , telegrams bolng thrown out. " 1 The verdIct was reached by the jury after a sesslo ? lasting eight hours. The amount of money which 0011 j was alleged to have misapplied was ' 1 about $250000. Mr. 0011 was unmoved - moved by the verdIct nnd referred all " Interviewers to his attorneys. He was I remanded to the custody of the United States marshal. I Attorney William D. nubln , for Ule detandant , at once made n motion for 11. new trial. 'l'he trial of Henry G. 0011 lasted ex- nctly three wceks , during which tlmo 11' ' large volume of ovldenco was ubmlt- , [ ' ' { ted to the jury. The most Interesting . ' , ' . part of ilie testimony was that offered " by the former llresldent of the banlt , Frank G. Dlgelow , who Is now serving a ten years' sentence at the Fort Leav- ' : enworth prIson , he having pleaded . ' guilty to looting the banlt , wllhout un- . ' , dergolng a trlnl. Dlgelow testhled that ' " . mn.ny of the acts with which Goll was ) ' cl1l1rged were committed under his dl- ' rectlon , but stated that he had no ; knowledge of some of them. Aside ' from Dlgelow's testimony , bank om- clals were subpoenned from severnl outsldo cIties and testified as to varIous , accounts with the 1\1llwaulcce bank. Severnl booklteepers and tellers or the , , bani , ' gave testimony on most of the charges , the busls for which having " been unearthed by the government's expert - . pert accountant. . GoIl WItS Monday denIed his freedom - ' dom on a ball bond pending argu ment for a new trial before United States District Judge Quarles on Sat- urdny next. } i APOSTLE IS NEAR TO DEATH . " Dowie's Followers Are Offering Prayers for the Henling of Zion's Deposed Lender. Chlcago.-John Alexander DowIe , deposed - \ posed lender of the Christian Cailiollc Apostolic church , Is salil to bo near death. In his room at Shiloh house , ZIon CIty , he Is surrounded b ) ' a few of lithe faithful. " Special prayers for , the healing of the "first apostle" have I been substituted for the usual dally business programme In some quarters. Friends and attendants of Dowie denf that his mental or physical condition has caused them to halt In their fight for control of ZIon City , but It Is .lmown by those who are In c10se touch with the dethroned prophet that. his hea1lh is a matter of only n abort time. Chicago.-Zlon' , : ro\"olt withstood the test of John Alexander Dowie'l ! magnetic preseuce Sunda ) ' . Vollv ruled supreme over the hosts 01 enthusiasts - , _ j thusiasts recrenllt to the trust Im posed In them by the rellounced "first I apostle. " Whllo the enf ebed ] founder of Ute ; " ChrIstian Catholic Apostolic church pleaded with tellrs and sobs to a mere handful of the faithful In Shiloh tabernacle - nacle , the thousands who had reo nounced him assembled In the open _ all' on the college campus and therG again renounced their former leadcl 1 and spurned him as though he Weft , the leader of an Invasion by the devll's \ angels. , RECEIVER FOR BOND CO. j I , Application of Investors in merlcan neserve Concern Is Granted. , - \1 \ Chlcago.-Judge Bethea In the federal - ' eral court 'Vednesday granted n.n " application for the appointment of n receiver for the AmerIcan Reserve . Bond company. The Western Trust \ and Savings bank was named and the \ , ' , 'bonds fixed at $20,000. The complaln- \ ants In the bill arc Wlrt E. Humphre ) ' , I who Invcsted $1,011 , and Jake F1llto- I wlLz , who Invested $416. The defendants - ants beslqes the American Reserve . , ; Dond company are alleged subsidiary companies : The Southern Mutual Investment - vestment company , Lexington , Ky. ; , the North American Investment com- pany of the United States , 8t. Louis , 1 und the Coonlal ] Security company , of St. Louis. . , \ f } Mine Swn.llows II. V11lngc. . QUlnnlsec , MIch.-Over an ncre ot ground went down with a grent ronr , carrying a number ot buildings wltl1lt. It WItS thought tor a tlmo that the entire - tire town would go. The ground feU ' 100 teet , and It was fOUIld to be n cave- In over the workIngs of nn nbandonert , mine. Considerable damage was done , ' the city water system being bauly crlp- pled. There Is fear thl1.t the other parttJ or the town may faU. The mlno workIngs - " Ings extend under a good part of It. Confess UJ Eig'ht Murders. y Drcsden , SaxonY.-l\fax Dittrich , a lenthor worker who . , wa.s nrrested recently - cently on ilio susplcloL of murder confessed to ilie police that ho had Itllled eight perSOIlS In the course of seven years. Swedish Lutheran Conference. Joliet , Ill.-'l'he Ilnnua. district conference - ference of the Swedish Luthern church convened Wednes ay 8TCnlng , wlili 230 delegates and 115 pastors , repro- i fJenting Illinois , Inllana , Michigan an I WisconsIn.