. . . . . _ " , . ' 0. . . . . . . . . . . [ : : : f5 r : : : m . Joe Baumont was a busincss caller at this ofiice Monda ) ' . Geo. Houder , of Dunning . , was. . a city visitor Monday. Frank Cozad , of New Helcna , was a social caller -at this oOice Saturday. H. E. nrega , of 'Callaway , was in attendance at the District Court'I'uesday. J. C. Coleman , of the West Table , was a business caller at this office Tuesda.y. John Lyle , of Alliance , came down Monday on a few days visit with his parents. J. W. Scott is building an addition - dition to his house , in the east part ot the city , 20x22 feet. I. tiov. Abbot , of Grand Island , was in the city this week looking after his clients intercsts in court. C. A. Robinson , an attorney of ! { earney , was in the city the iirst of the week looking attcr cO-1rt ! ma tters. Attarney H. C. Martin , of Central - tral City , spent a couple of Jays in the District Court at this place this week. . . Chas. H. Cass , of Arnold , was : . ' . a city visitor Tuesday. He came I "J , over Monday to attend the funeral - . al of Grandpa Cosner at Merna. , Judge J. S. Kirkpatrick , of . Kansas City , formerly of Broken j Bow , is attending court this 1 week and renewing old acquain- tances. P. ' 1' . Walton , of Omaha , was in the city Saturday , the guest ; of his cousin , P. A. Walton. ' 1'his office acknowledges a social - cial call. Mrs. C. K. Bassett and Mrs. C. O. Jones visited with the family of H. H. Burton , 1t1 Custer Center - ter Tuesday They report a very _ pleasant time. , .j W. A. .rooley is remodling his . A liverv . barn , west of the Commer , ' Hotel. When 1inished it will be one of the best arranged barns in the city. , H. A. 'Watts has bought the . . lot on the south of the post office , \ ' on which he will build a store ' / , bmlding , 22x80 in the near fu- , ture. He will build with cement blocks. J. A. Amsb rry , of Mason City , was atrending Court Tuesday , looking after the case in which several of tbe farmers adjacent have sued to be set out of thc corporation. . 0 J. G. Brenizer , the breeder of " thoroughbred Shorthorn cattle , i informs us that he has a bull six ' ; . 1110nths old that weighs O I , pounds. 'fhe sire of this fine calf weighs 2075 pounds. There will be a meeting held at the Court Rouse next Monday o night to complete arrangements 1 , for Young Men's Christian Club. S. All who arc interested in this movement arc urged to be in at- tendance. Thc May Party given by the Young Peoplcs Christian Union . in the Cadwell building last night i reported a grcat succcss. 'rhc attendance was quite large and an interesting program was rendelcl ! as well as a social time cnjoycd by all. " L. E Cole. who was called to IJ Boi c City , 1laho , on the account 1 of tht : sIckness of his parents , ret\1rn d home Monday morning on 41. His mother died while he was there and he reports his father was still very low when he lcft. i Ollie. the little girl of Mr. and ) Mrs. Roy Walker , was quite seriously injured last Saturday eve111ng by falling from the hay ' 1 10ft of their barn. Her injurie's _ . were internal and for several f' 1 days 1t was thought she could . At this wri she , iI not survi ve. ting \ . is better al1d hopes of her recovery - ery is entertained. , On last Thursday forenoon Maudie Rhodes , had her lcft 1 hand ncarly torn off at the wrist .while playing around the separ- ator. In some way the hand was , j caught by the wheel and drawn between the bowl and wheel where the space is not more than a h lf inch wide. Mr. Rhodes .t ' ; A' had to be called from the field before the hand could be removed. and then the task was performed . with much diOiculty. Drs. Hanna and Young were called , ' , ' , but after administering chloro- f rm , and closely examining it , . . found it necessary to take her to . the hospital at Broken Bow. At last reports she was getting along , as well as could be expected - 4 pected , but as yet it is not settled whether the hand will have to be amputated or not.-Happv Hollow - low items 1t1 The Argosy. . . F. M. Marsh , of Anscy ] , was a city visitor ) 'esterday. I JulgeVall , of Loup Cily , is at..tending court this week. District court con\'encd in this ; citr Mo.n ( ay with Judge Hostet- . ler presldmg. 1 G. 1' ' . Chri. tic , of Round Valley - ley , was a busincss caller at this office Monda ) ' . . Attorney J. N. Dryden , of Kearney , was in thc city thc first of the week attending court. Nort Amsberry , of Ansley , was a city visitor Saturday. He remembered - membered this o ice with a social - cial call. Attornev . H. M. Sinclair , of Kearne ) ' , .was in the city the first of the week attending to matters before the district court. Will Brown , the original Singer - er Sewing machine man of Com- stock. has been ill the city several - al days looldng after busincss matters. A game of base ball was played - ed in this citr Monday between Ansley and Broken Bow high school nines. The game resulted - ed in 11 to 8 in favor of the home team. I F. C. Wilson , of Anselmo , was a social caller at this office Satur- day. He reports th 1t his town was troubled with more than the usal amount of water from the recent rains. Dr. ' 1' . L. Farnsworth has been compelled to give up his dental work on account of failing health , from cJose confinement in doors. Mr. Farnsworth will ' eng ge in the dairy business. The new city administration of Alliance takes an advanced position on the controlohaloons. 'fhe occupation tax has been increased - creased to $1,200 a year and all back door entrances as well as side door entrances into other I buildings are to be permanently closed. All slot machines and gambling devices are to be boxed and remo\'cd from the salool1 buildings. Jack McCall died at his home in I-4cxington , Monday df last week. Hc was one of the early pioneers of Dawson county , and was twice a candidate for governor - ernor of Nebraslm. 'fhe first time he was defeated in convention - tion by T. J. Majors. Ten years ago he was the. republican nominee - nee for governor bu't failed of election as Bryanism swept thc state. He bore the reputation of being a courteous get1 tleman , a generous friend. He l.ad accumulated - cumulated largc propel"ly interests - ests , but unless of rcccnt date was ncver marricd. He was a thirty.sccond degree Mason. was a Knight Tempar ! and a mcmber of the Shrine. His funeral was held last 'l'hursday. . William Cosncr , of Merna. died last Saturday night about 11 o'clock from old age. lie had been in poor health f r three wecks prcvious , but at no time suffered pain. He W.lS in his 84th ycar. His funera.l was held Monday in the Baptist church at that place where a Llrge crowd gathered to pay thcir last tribute to Grandpa Cosner , as he was familiarly lmowll. The esteem for him was so great that all the business houses of t he town clos. ed during the hour of his funeral. li'ew men in the private ran ! < s ever enjo.\'ed more un'crsal cs- teem than did Grandpa Cosncr. lIe was a loyal citi el1 , a g'cner- ous neighbor , a faithful hushand , a loving father and devot Chris. tian. lIe leaves his ag-el wifc , children and grand childrcn to mourn his death. Last Friday morning the startling - ling- news reached Mason that Mrs. Morford's two and a half- year old baby was lost. He had strayed away the evening before , and althoug-h the family and the neighbors had been searching - ing all night , he had not been found. As soon as possible a company of men and boys started from town to join the search. 'rhe little fcllow had been traced a short distance from the house by the stick "horse" he was riding' . With J. L. Smith as captain a line of about seventy- five men searched every foot of the ground about the place , and at about 3:00 : in the afternoon the little fellow was found l.ying face downward on the side hill abo"t 1U miles from home. It had becn raining constantly since early in the night and he . was ( Irenched and shaking with cold. He was wrapped up and carricd to his almost frantic mother , alive and able to talk. At present he seems to be none 1 the worse for missing three meals and spending twenty hours in a cold and drizz1 ng rain out in the bills.-Mason City item in 'fhe Argosy. - - - . . - Mesdames Apple , Willing aud Gillings returned Saturda ) ' from Gibbon where the > : attended the con\'ention of tbe Degree of Honor - or of which they were delegates. I The ) ' report having cnjo'ed a pleasant time. Prof. 1-4oren Coruett , of York , was a fricnd ! } ' ca11er at this of- ficc Friday. lIe is here with the view of estabtishing a business co11ege. Prof. M. L. Gollaher will be associated with him in the enterprise , if be concludes to take up the work. Dav Coultcr. of the \Vest Tablc , returned Friday morning froUl Omaha , whcre he and Warren - ren Lang and W. J. 'l'aylor shipped - ped three car loads of fat cattle. Mr. Coulter says they struck a good market and is well satisfied . with th results. W. ' 1Sherr , who spent the winter at San Diego , Californiu , returned to Broken Bow last Thursday. He sa's the weather n southern California , was not so congenial as the former winter - ter he spenl there and that heavy clothing was required all the while. He brought back with him a fine Ican made of a cactu s stock given bim by a fri nd 83 years old on the date of hi : ; 80th , birthday , which he prizes very highly. After visit1l1g here a short time he will return to Sl. Louis. MARRIItD.-Thc home of B. S. Bennctt at Ash Grove , was the scene of a quiet but pleasant wedding on Wednesday , May I 9th , at 3:30 : p. m. The contracting - 1 ing parties were Mr. Geo. Cling- : erman and Miss .Mable. Be nett. two of the most highly esteemed young people of the community. , Those present passed a very enjoyable - ' joyable afternoon. The cercI I mony was performed by H. M. ! Pinckney. Later the assembl d I guests partook of a bountiful repast - past of the good t1llngs which , Custer county housewives know i how to prepare. The young i p ople received from various friends a number of appropriate pre ents both beautiful and useful - ful The bride is a sIster of Miss Emma Bennett of this'city. . The Malonl Will Build A number of the stockholders of the Masonic building craft met at the office of Alpha Morgan - gan last Thursday night and organized by elccting a board of directors. 'l'he board consists of J. ' .T. Wilson , Alpha Morgan , H. J-4otlax : , L. II. Jewett , A. ' R Humphrey , J. C. Bowen , J. S. Squires , J. G. Lcming and E. R Purce11. Over $5,000 has been subscribed for building and it was decided to commence the erection of a two story building , 30xSO , in the near future on the lots recently purchased just west of the Custer Nati nal Bank. ' 1'he upper story will be used ' for a lodge room. and the lower part for a banquet hall and other rooms for social purposes. The board of directors organized - zed by electing J. J. Wilson , pres1dcnt ; Alpha Morg-an , vlce- president ; A. R. Humphrey , secretary , and II. Lomax , treas. 'l'he building committee consists - sists of J. J. Wilson. L. H. Jew- ett , Alpha Morgan and E. R. Purcell. . Notice To the parents of school hoys , Oet al : I have adoptcd a plan of placing - ing signs 011 all properties for sale by me and they are being continually dcfaced and destroyed - ed by school boys. I have the names of several boys who have destroyed my signs an.d unless this is stopped. I. propose to prosecutc the next otTend1ng party to the full extcnt of the law. E. C. HOUSH. Drs. [ . 'arnsworth & Bec1t- Dentists. tf - - - - - - - - "TRIM. " At all times there is something to catch the eye in this big lut of LUMBER. Handsome hard woods for inter- iors. trim of much better quality and finish than the average , and mill work that has none of the roughness of the goods offered . by some dealers. We will tickle you with prices. Dierks Lumber and Coal Co , . II , . " - , _ - - - I . " . DecorAtion Senicu Rev. Jcsse ' 1'eagardeu. will preach the Memorial sermon on Hunday , May 2 , at the M. E. caurch at 2 p. m. Decoration I Day address May 30 , at 1\1. . church at 2 p. m. , by 8imon Camcron. Program later. - - - - - - DAle Ball Ye.terday . Thc Broken now baseball team played a game yesterday , on their new grounds. against the Merna team. Mayor George pitched the first batt of the gme over the plate which suOiced for the instaHation ceremony. ' 1'he gamc was hotly contested , somc brilliantwork : on both sides. 'l'he new grand stand was occupied by about 250 people of Brokcn Bow who went out to witness the sport. ' 1'he result of the game WtlS 10 to 6 in favor of the home tcam. Card of Thank. We hercb.r extcnd our sincere and heartfclt thanlcs to our neighbors and friends for their kind assistancc of our husband and' father during his latc sickness - ness and death , and we especial- lr woul rcmember with ratcful hearts those who furnished the music and Hewers at IllS funeral. Mns. M1NOl { TAYI.OH , AND ClIILDIutN. - - - - - - Pic and Cak Sale. ' 1'he Ladies Exchange of the Baptist church will have a pic and cake sale. at Sheppard & Burk's grocery store aturday afternoon. Parties wantmg r > ithcr pies or akes are solicitcd to favor them with their patron- age. age.Have Have Your Lawn Mower Sharpened. Fred II. Ream , has purchased Llnd put in operation in his wn- gen shop a power lawn mower , harpener. He is prepared to do first class work on short notice. - - - , - . . . . . . . . . . - . BUSINESS POINTERS. m Doctor Leach , Dentist. This office for job work. J. C. Moore , abstracting. 2tf If you havc catarrh see Dr. Warrick , May HI. - Furnished rooms to rent. Bath in connection. l nquire at the RtPUBI.ICAN ollice. 44tf T.4a wn mowers sharpened and made as good as new on short notice. See me at Johnson's old gtand. FnED 1-1. REAM. li'or bargains in real estate see Bowman & Anderson , just west of the Security State Bank. 10tf Fan SAT.H-or tradc for stock , two eig-ht and a four room resi- dence. 'l'erms to suit purchaser. 45tf J. B. BURDICK. Pies and cakes for sale at the store of Sheppard & Burk , Saturday - day afternoon by the T.4a(1ies Exchange of the Baptist church. Dr. Warrick , the specialist , late of New York Eye & Ear Hospital , will meet eye , ear , nose and throat ptients and those needing glasM' ' > properly fitted at the Grand Central Hotel , Wednesday. May 16. 47-48 FOR SAI4g OR EXCHANGE , Good Pcrcheron stallion , six years olet , weight 1700 : tf J. G. T41WNAHD. . - - - - - - - - - W ANTBD-Men , women , boys anet girls to represcnt IcClurc's Ma1.'a : : ' . ne Gooll pay. Adclrcss fI7 gast 23d St. . N. Y. City. 34.tf. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - We always have money to loan on farms. H. G. Moore 1n Apple Block. 35tf Fa I { SAJ.H-I leven and half lots , 50x140 feet. Good frame house , good barn , good well ilnd 100 bearing fruit trees. Bnquire at this ollice. 17tf W AN'l'HD-Strong girl to care for invalid. Apply to Dr. Chris- tensen. LAS' ! ' CAu.-li'or Poll Angus bulls. One cpming two , the ? th er three ) 'cars old. Price fight 1f taken at oncc. J. A. Al\ISIIHltHV. 48-49 Mason City , Neb. - - - - - - - - - Dreumalcing Mrs. Walter Glaze would be pleased to meet her frien s and patrons in the Burlington Block , rooms 1 al1l1 2. Phone 281. 48tf li'oR RHNT-40 acres good corn landS miles south of town. 48-49 J. G. BnHNJZltn. $200,000 to loan on good Custer County farms. 21tf R. G. Moore. R. B. Mullins , M. D : , D. D. S. the Dentist. 37tf - . . , . . - - ' . . , " , . . - - - ' 1r i = = - = r1 . ' \ I' ' I , , . - . . . 0' I . J . . . r . . . . . . . . . I , . ' 0 , , - ' IJiW I t ' I , nlY ! .J..I" " " 'JI' II I , ' 111' . ' " ' . f : 1"1. . 'I i , ' \ . : ' . ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' . If : .I .t : .I'I' ' ' " twWilJl 4 -'I' "w\w. \ t:1 : . : . , " . . I l i I ! I 5' III " ! ! ! ' W ] no ( lNIY ] msrl'-OLAIJIJ WOHK. II V.l Hyrl'I-IING uP-'rO-DAr1. ' ] . _ _ _ c. W. WAHL , Proprietor.l ! > \ ? < r- ? c : . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - New and Second Hand Furniture , Flour and Feed Store , 'tV e wish to notify 0111' many customers that we have added to our stock of Hardwnre all kinds of Nails , Staple : and S.mooth Wire. \Ve also have , Mason Oity mul Iearney Honr , the best that cun be had in the state. vVe always have plenty of feed and baled hay. Goods delivered free to any part of the city. 'N e repair furniture and frame pictureR. J. vv. SCcrr. . . . _ . . . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - CUSTER CANYON HERD OF DUROC JERSEYS . Eight milcs west of Broken Bow. RESSE & MOOREHOUSE , 1I1wliNlMow. ! - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , , . . . . , . . . , , , , ' ! > ' ' ' ' ' . . . ' , ' , ' ' , . ' . " : ' ' : f o 'l'1. . : ' ' ' ' ' : ' ' ' ' , ' ' ' . . . , - ' . , , ' ' ' ' " . : . : " : ' . " \t' \ p ' ' : 'I "i"\ , la . , " ' : . ' 'Ji ! \ . . , .r.r. , . , , " . . . ! tJ l\ / f\ ; . Ja\.ju . . \ ; ; J"iJ.tl , . . ; . ! . : . ' 'kt , , V , , , t 1JUJ ! ; ' 1 ; : .hi II. * : : : : n. ' r"JU& > o:1.n. 1iiri :1JUI < o : " " ' : : > L'n:1J..a : : : ! JL' " : ' n .1JL..1tnl..JL : . t,1I . .r , , r ! : When desiring to figure on a bill r : . . . . of Lumber call on the. . . . . . . . . . / : .r : . 1' " : , : fM C. L. 1 Lumber Co. . . . uroer . I . Wc carry a full stock of T4umuer , : X ! Sash , Doors , Mouldings , etc. : 'i Agents for the Nebraska Central i f : Building & Loan Association. Hi : ; I ; . : . \ : : . I- : : . ; : . : " ' : : J : i : ' ' ' ; r : sr.r.n . : ' . . ; i : . f.f } " 'r:1fo'firi ; ' . : : ' ' : t , ! ; \jii ! ) J/ 1jii ! ; .t'jadJ:1JiJ : : : tuii : ! F.w.:1JJjiJA : : t.ILttJY .1 ! > ' . rAi ! ' : tl ! : ' , r.o:1J ! ! ! ! : ; I . . L. I E. COLE , licensed Embalmer and Funeral Director has JURt reeeived a Im'ge Rtock of undertaking goods. 'rhis is one of the most eomplete stocks of undertn king goods ever brought to Broken H nv. 'ntey :11'e : loeated in the Oadwell building 011 Foul'th avenue. P l1'ties 'wishing anything in this lille arc requested to call and inspr.ct goods and get prices. ] \ ) } ' first-class work in under- ' takillg 01' mnlmlming call and Ree me or phone. Phone Numbers : Oflicp , 7 7 ; Hesidence , 322. . ' . - , , . - . _ . . The Centlflal South The ahoele of Soft W llIls , Persistent Sunshine 01111 Gcntle Rains ; the lam ! of eauty , II popines , Plowers , Contentment and lIealth. The Territory served by the Louisvll1e & Nashville Railroad , stretching from the Ohio River to the Gulf Throughout this wiele area fertile land Is yct to be had at-from a Northern standpoinloVgR \ ' I.OW PRICI S , From some of this 111ml an uverage of $ ,116.95 , net , was made last ) 'ear on Strawherrics. From Cantaloupes , 5o.00. . l'eaches ' Aplcs. . Grapcs. rcturn hundsomcly. Cattle neecl hut' A\ \ e winter Iced. Write me for facts and Plgure . G. A- PARK , Gen'l Immigratiou aud Industrial Agent Louisville & Nashville R. R" LOUISVILLE , KENTUCKY.